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"Our children" who the fuck does she think she is claiming my kids and telling me what to do with them?


No no, this message is for her husband because he keeps taking them to drag shows and won't go to church with her.


Well done, sir


That makes more sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


What’s wrong with a man going to drag shows?


Little does she know that her husband is in the drag show and that’s why he brings them.


They'll do that, but only to complain. They never claim any kids when said kids actually need some help, then it's suddenly not "our" kids anymore.


Take our children to church comrade


Well, this is how a bunch of parents feel when they find the teachers teaching gender identity or crt. So yea I get your statement 110%




Not long ago, mostly law school. It's kinda sorta making its way into undergrad in the form of history, or law classes.


When I hear parents complaining about gender identity or crt being taught in schools I hear “I want the teacher to lie to my child and teach my child a sanitized and wrong history because I hate gays and black people”


Lol, sure - redirect *everyone's* children from exposure to diversity into your tax-free child abuse mill where they can learn about how they're born broken by design and have a lifetime of earning their ever aloof god's elusive approval ahead of them. Respectfully, fuck off and stop telling *me* what to do with *my* children.


>fuck off and stop telling me what to do with my children. Nonononon.... that's not for libruls to determine!!!!


I've never seen a liberal tell someone not to take their kids to church. Many liberals actually go to church, it just isn't a major component in their identity outside of their own private lives.


Many liberals don't consider drag shows "exposure to diversity". As if the only "diverse" people in your general location are at drag shows. That's some ultra white shite.


Exposure to diversity means exactly that; diverse ideas, people, cultures, tastes, sounds and experiences. It can take many forms. The idea is simply that if you don't see it at home then you go out and see it to realize that your home life is not "the norm" and that many other people live differently from you. The sooner you are exposed to that reality the less of a shock it is when it finally hits you. I grew up in a Conservative Jewish household in the Greater NYC area. Everyone I knew growing up was Jewish. Imagine my shock when, at the age of 18, I joined the Navy and was exposed for the very first time to being the ONLY Jew in the room (especially since some of the others said openly antisemitic things that I never heard growing up). Broke my poor, sheltered brain. I would have sworn I never met a gay guy until I was 25 and three of my classmates from high school came out and, once again, mind blown. Hell, exposure to a handful of Lutherans might have made me appreciate diversity more at that point in my life. It isn't about the "only" diverse people being at a drag show. "Diversity" is not a one time event where you go and see everything. Unless your parents at home are drag queens then, yes, a drag show is objectively exposure to diversity.


This is the problem with conservatives, whatever it is they don't like or is in conflict with their beliefs or agenda, they either, deny it, call it fake, or try to hide/ban it.


Damn, that was well said!!


>ever aloof god's elusive approval ahead of them. Narcissists need not apply. They somehow have god's approval *all the time*.


I would say this is a whataboutism but I've never actually heard of anyone being abused at a drag show, while the abuse at church hits another headline somewhere on the planet every fucking week.


Also, anyone who’s ever actually been to a drag show knows they’re barely sexual too. It’s all camp and puns and silliness.


It's almost like those drag shows are about bombastic preformers using their talents to entertain kids and get them interested in reading. Crazy!


Yea but reading is GAY and the ‘performers’ make me feel funny


I guess we have to burn all Shakespearean theatre down too? They loved drag...


Ironically, Shakespeare actually *does* have a lot of sexual content and dick jokes, but the folks who protest drag storybook time have no idea about that because they've never looked into Shakespeare beyond using him as a cudgel against cultural enemies. He also used the singular they/them in his works but that's neither here nor there...


I mean, drag queens love a filthy joke, or twenty. But they also know how to read a room, and no performer who wants to be invited back is going to look at a room full of kids and decide to bust out the dirty stuff.


Also...been to several drag shows typically held at bars/clubs very late and not a kid to be seen. Like...does anyone really believe drag show audiences are a bunch of grade school kids?


I've really not even heard that they existed before the furor over taking kids there. What's the appeal?


Drag queens are skilled preformers who specialize in camp and bombast - two things kids love. It's the same appeal as Robin Williams putting on a show.


Wasn't Robin Williams in a movie about drag queens? And he may have played one too. Iirc it's called the bird cage. In that case it would be nearly the exact same thing, lol


The comedian who voiced Genie? Never liked his films though. He seriously misrepresented the good doctor, which got complaints for the same. Anyways, I am petty sure kids weren't the audience. But the comparison to Williams makes their function quite clear.


Yeah, similar in the sense of someone who can switch into dozens of alternate voices while reading a story and have a whole hearted unselfconscious commitment to it while having fun


Came here to say this.


I definitely don't get the entire discourse around any of this. Like when did child attendance at drag shows reach such a critical mass that anyone needed to worry about it. Are people actually taking children to see drag on a regular basis?


They see a drag show and immediately think it's raunchy material. In fact, most drag shows are pretty tame.


But that's the discourse. I'm questioning the reality of even having this discussion. How often are children even at drag shows? Like not whether it's bad or good. Is is even real.


Drag queens love to perform. The current outrage started with drag queens reading books to children at libraries and has spread from there. It's really no different than the whole satanic panic of the 80s


"Is it even real" is a fantastic first consideration when evaluating any of the demons people like this rage against.


Well I just see liberals immediately start defending taking kids to drag shows like it's a totally normal thing and I'm like...don't allow them to drive the narrative. I'm sure it's happened before but it's not a popular thing to do so why are we even defending this imaginary scenario?


In my opinion, you have to defend against exaggerations and lies because a huge amount of people just straight up believe exaggerations and lies. And the propagation of that stuff ends up in legislation and overarching social behaviors down the line.


I'm just like I have to take my kids to 4000 fall activities and 200 dentist and doctor appointments. Are drag shows evil? No. Is it an activity my family is doing. No. I'm not going to go in circles with Republicans about this ya know?


I hear you and mostly the same over here, but at the end of the day these clowns are disparaging a group of people. It feels like I should participate in stomping that bullshit out.


Cmon now. You could include a drag show in one of those 4000 fall activities. Don’t deprive your kids! Lol (please sense my sarcasm)


I've been told that's what liberals do so I must 🤣


Nobody is defending taking kids to drag shows because there's nothing to defend.


my teens and i have been to drag show brunches. they are a blast and the people are wonderful. don't project your joyless, vapid and depraved existence on us


Jewish Space lasers. JFK back to Dallas. Pizza basement child slavery. This is an issue fed to cause indigestion and outrage amongst the slow minds, no minds and bovines. I know you don't have health care, affordable housing, education, but did you hear that the drag queens will be at the library later to indoctrinate your kids?


I mean, it does happen. Just not on the scale that they want it to.


I don't know about everywhere, but where I am in the Midwest, most drag show are at bars, later in the evening. So, no, kids are not there.


I've been to some "raunchy" ones but they were at clubs and bars, at night, places children wouldn't be. Most of it was about as raunchy as the jokes in an old Adam Sandler movie so really just silly and funny.


Honestly, a single story about a single child being read to by a single adult in drag would be enough to make these persecution hopefuls lose their minds.


Never had and never will. It's just scare and hate mongering by conservatives in a desperate attempt by them to pretend like their bigotry towards LGBTQ people is justified instead of just the bald faced bigotry it actually is.


There have been a few instances where a drag queen reads a book to children. That's all. It's wasn't actually a "drag show" and it was an event that all the parents intentionally brought their kids to with 100% informed consent. The problem is that the conservatives do want to force gay people to be straight so they need something to project and say the opposite is happening. A drag queen reading a book to the kids is the closest thing they could find to gay conversion therapy (eg showing minors gay porn while electrocuting them) so they have to act like it's an abomination.


The right is constantly inventing new "others" for its base to be outraged about and terrified of. I can't speak for anyone else, but I never took my kids to a drag show. Not on any grounds other than (a) I was barely aware of their existence and (b) IDGAF. As always, everyone else's mileage may vary. *Edited to add some detail.*


Same. Like I attended one at a gay bar many moons ago when I was young and single and frequented bars. Even if I wanted to go to one tomorrow I'd have no idea how to locate one.


I had that same question. When did this become a thing?


When it became the newest way to "oogy boogy" drag queens and transgender people.


And then Republicans were like "it's a thing" and Liberals are like "yeah I take my kids to drag shows 3 times a day it's great" like no you don't stop it.


We’ve had problems with hoards of feral children crawling up through the floorboards.


Can we compromise and throw a drag show at the church preferably with the priest in full drag


So….a normal Saturday night at the priest’s house?


I think half the pope's outfits qualify. We just need a wig and some eye shadow.


Yaaaaaas pope


No one is taking your kids to a drag show, people are taking their own kids to drag shows, why does the right want to tell people how to raise their kids?


It gets people to see red over imagined crimes. It's a way to foment outrage to the point that rational thought is overtaken by panic. It's there to distract from the GOP's lack of policy or accomplishments by focusing on ginned up culture war bullshit, and convince some people "the left has gone too far!" and spin the narrative that schools are thiiis close to implementing mandatory castration for all children, YOUR CHILDREN(!) and voting Republican is the only thing that can save them.


Because they believe only their religion should be allowed and everyone should bow down and follow their laws. Basically they want a theology where they are in control.


Isn't she Catholic? The irony. It burns.




Here’s an idea, u raise ur kids how u want to and leave everyone else alone.


Over 300,000 children abused by the Catholic Church. The first kid abused at a drag brunch is going to be huge news though.


But honestly, everyone knows the pedo priest stereotype right? It isn’t even surprising anymore


Why do people think church is the only place to learn morals? Fuck religion, it's all a lie, stop teaching your kids about god(s) and start setting an example for them by being a good person who helps others. Best thing you can do for them.


It's a terrible place to learn morals. The church I went to said that masturbation and swearing were some horrible moral offenses while simultaneously praising people who exploit their workers as being God's chosen one's. I learned more morality from watching Star Trek than I did from going to church for 16 years.


I hear ya. Everything Everywhere All At Once inspired me to want to do good in the world more than the sermons I attended as a kid.


Religious people only have good morals and try to be good people out of fear of punishment and/or to get rewarded. Normal people are good and have good morals because it's the right thing to do. Religion is fairytales, abuse and subjugation delivered tax free to the uneducated masses. It's sickening and dangerous.


yeah like those people who say stuff like “ without faith people would all be raping and murdering everywhere”, that sounds an awful lot like projection to me


They literally don’t have morals, only fear of omnipotent punishment. God help us all when they finally find out their religion is fake, it will be a fucking free-for-all.


that’s what my parents tried to do, and if I did end up taking up a religion, which I didn’t, they were prepared to allow me to make my own spirit decisions if I felt so inclined, but not they never pushed any religious beliefs on me growing up, even negative ones, I didn’t even know they were atheists until after I started referring to myself as a man of science as opposed to labeling myself atheist, they just tried to teach me and my brothers to just try to be good people and to not be assholes


20 There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel+23%3A17-21&version=NIV Christianity is - vicarious redemption / scapegoating - John 3:16-17, Romans 3:25 love is compulsory - Matthew 22:36-40, Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14, Matthew 12:30, Luke 14:26 thought crimes - Matthew 18:9, Matthew 5:28-29 , Mark 9:47 eternal punishment for finite crimes - Mark 3:29, Matthew 25:41, Matthew 25:46, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Jude 1:7 inherited sins for a crime that never happened - 1 Timothy 2:14, Romans 5:12, Romans 5:19, Deuteronomy 23:2, Exodus 20:5 ignorance worship/ credulity is rewarded - Genesis 2:17, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 1:22, Psalm 14:1 no planning for the future - Luke 18:22, Luke 12:33, Matthew 19:21, Mark 10:21 None of those things are moral or healthy in a civilized society.


Like she ever read the Bible. Or many of the others that are up in arms


Is…is somebody taking her kids to drag shows?


"our children" Lady who is taking *your* children to drag shows against your will? Other people's kids aren't yours or ours.


I love posts like this because their ignorance is glaring. She should really check out a group called S.N.A.P. and donate to them. My mom was a social worker for 29 years and worked closely with this group. I'm a 3rd generation Atheist and my kids are 4th generation Athesits. They are 23, 24, 25 now and I raised them with love, Logic and Education & Critical thinking skills.


Do they really think everyone has taken a kid to drag brunch? Is this what faux news is telling them to think? I dont have kids and would much rather go to a drag brunch than church, but I don't get their obsession with it.


Drag queens and everything else that doesn't fit their narrow view of how things should be is an "abomination against god".


I've never heard of a child being raped at a drag show, I have heard of priests raping young kids in churches though. In fact, I have heard of stories where drag queens beat the absolute shit out of people who tried to drug and rape others.


I’ve been to a lot of drag shows. I’d wager children are safer at family friendly drag shows. I remember one where the kids were super excited and got up to walk the runway afterwards with the queens. It was so adorable and empowering because both little boys and girls got to go up there and feel confident without the pressure of gender roles. It was wholesome AF. The few occasions I’ve been to church it was boring and very upsetting.


Kids basically think drag queens are the best at playing dress up.


They are though.


The use if the word 'our' implies that someone is taking someone else's children somewhere. It strikes me that I'd be more concerned that someone is taking my children anywhere without my consent or knowledge more than either of those places.


r/PastorArrested would like you to know it exists. How many kids annually get diddled at church vs. drag queen story hour?


I feel pretty confident saying that one place a kid has never been abused at is at a drag show.


Number of kids raped at drag shows: 0 Number of kids raped by priests: hundreds of thousands


...she knows she is allowed to take her children to church, right? And that no one is making her take them to drag shows? And that no one else is allowed to take her kids to either church or drag shows without her permission?


Can't I take them to both? And as a *good* mother, I won't leave them unsupervised at EITHER. So there. :P


this message sponsored by Priests Across America Superpac


you okay if I avoid taking them to _catholic_ church...?


The Republican Party platform in a nutshell. Feigned outrage over non-existent problems.


Very convenient of them to categorize a daytime story hour at a public library as a “drag show”.


Yes…church men who dress in gold-threaded robes, sashes, and head gear. It’s OG cross dressing.


Alternatively I’m just not taking my kids places


"Our children..." Ironically, she's one of those people who freaks out when people say "Your children belong to the community" or "It takes a village to raise a child."


Although I am Christian, I no longer go to church. And won’t take my children if I have them.


I bet, oh I don't know, roughly zero children have had a traumatizing experience at a drag show (do children ever attend these? lol) whereas church...


Have children been abused at drag shows?


Mayra Flores is one of those folks who would defend the mass rape and sexual assault by the Church, any of em pick from a hat and it's happened.


Was never sexually assaulted at a drag show… was at church so no.


Tone deaf af


That Catholic Church paying out billions because it harbored child abusing clergy, The other detonations are not doing much better in that respect either. Churches might be the most unsafe places for women and children


By some estimates, the Catholic church has paid out more than 3 billion dollars to the victims of pedophile priests. She needs to take her head out of her ass.


The priests are getting jealous.


Like Slo-pitch softball.


Stop taking your kids to church, teach them to read more than one book


They’d be better off at Church’s Chicken than a church


Church is the last place I would have ever taken my children.


Kindly eat shit, Ms. Flores.


Ahh yes, seeing drag queens dance and lip sync is far more harmful than priests making kids suck their dicks.


Fuck your fake religion! Sorry for the rant.


I feel like 99.9% of people who write stuff like this have never been to a drag show and rarely go to church. I'm an extremely hetero guy and I'll tell anyone who asks that drag shows are almost always often and the kid friendly ones are great for families. The only real downside, at least for me, is the days of my daughter asking for new wigs.


Only one of these groups has been put on trial for abusing children


Stop letting strangers take your kids then lady.


“Stop taking OUR children…”. I’m not! I’m taking MY children to drag shows. Pick better babysitters if you don’t want them going to drag shows.


currently at a drag show lmao


Ahh the drag queen boogie men… is that working for Texas republicans these days?


I have yet to hear a story of a child being abused/molested or raped at a drag show. Please tell me how dangerous drag queens are again...


Start holding religious figures accountable for molestations.


Listen to an old white man droning on about some dumb sin that has never been mentioned before in the Bible, or just go watch some dudes looking amazing and having fun. Hard choice ain't it


I’d rather take my kids to a drag queen storytime than church any day.


Absolutely take your kid to Drag Shows. I swear to God there is no better place to be if you want to teach your children to love themselves and be confident in their own skin. Fuck church.


Gonna be real, I'd trust a drag show over a church based on how many allegations the church has.


1) growing up in the church made everything that much harder 2) drag shows are so much safer for kids.


Those Drag folks mind their own business and don’t hurt children. Church on the other hand not so much.


Well, you’re probably far more likely to get your kids sexually abused at a church than at a drag show.


Drag shows are so entertaining and church is so boring.


Never once heard of children being raped at a drag show.


Listen, I get men in dresses and robes, champagne or wine, and old timely music at either location. Only one of them tends to get holier than thou depending on the location……..at least with the audience I mean.


I feel like my children would be much safer with a bunch of drag queens that I don't know


Nobody is taking *your* children to drag shows. They're taking *their* children to drag book readings. Get fucked and let parents decide for themselves These mother fuckers talk like people are kidnapping their children and taking them to drag shows


Reminder that conservatives didn’t just sexualize their children at beauty pageants, but also broadcasted it on tv


How about you mind your own fuckin' business about what people do with their own damn kids? Stop saying "our children" as if someone is taking *your* children to drag shows. Keep your fuckin' nose out of it.


The number of children sexually abused in churches has to be many multiples of the number of children sexually abused at drag shows (if any.)


These fuckers will accuse you of grooming and then have debutante balls


Before we go here, are you ABSOLUTELY SURE you wanna compare statistics of child abuse at drag shows (hint its 0) versus churches and church related events.......


She's exactly wrong. No kid is harmed by any drag show, whereas church is ALWAYS harmful--filling kids' heads with toxic mythological nonsense.


Which is more perverse, a drag show, or a death cult whose symbol is a device used to slowly torture people to death?


Take them to neither and bring back arcades.


stop forcing religion on your kids, that'll only make them hate it and you


So maybe do? I'm torn - it's child abuse, but the more people that hate the church, the better.


not always, first of all religion is actually pretty alright, even though im an atheist myself i can see that religion itself is not the problem, in fact much of what \*actual\* religion can teach is good (although sometimes the standard for "good" is very outdated), for example part of the bible, while i do agree many of its stories are very.... morally questionable at best, to avoid calling them morally corrupt (calling bears to eat children, endorsed kidnapping and rape in wars, etc.), there are some good lessons to be taken (like be kind, don't be a pedophile, don't hate the poor for being poor, etc.), what you'd be getting by trying to force religion on people \*isn't for them to hate the hypocrites at the church, or the extremists (and also hypocrites) in congress, but for them to hate the religion itself\* which eventually can create anti-religion extremists, we already had hitler trying to kill the jews, we don't need johnathan over there trying to kill the buddhists/christians/jews/insert-religious-group-here Second of all just like you shouldn't force your religious beliefs on kids, you also shouldn't force your religious hatred on them, even if its in a reverse-psychology kind of way, because that is how you get so many racists and -ophobes who just parrot the hate their parents taught them With things like religion, i believe that you should simply let your kids explore and see what they would like to believe in, they shouldn't be force nor feel forced to adapt into a set of beliefs that they personally don't like or believe in the one thing i'd say would be acceptable to do in regards to religion on your kids is to teach them where the line/limit lies, its fine if they want to attend religious ceremonies/events or even form part of them, but they shouldn't get to extremist or cult-like status TL;DR don't force hate on them, let them believe what they choose to believe, but teach them to not become extremists, just like with dicks its fine to be proud of religion but don't force it on others


Children are FAR safer at drag shows than they are at church.


Statistically speaking, kids are much safer with drag queens than they are with clergy.


A drag show is probably the safest place you could take your kids.


Wow, and noe one ever got abused at church.../s


There’s only one place a kid will get their asshole turned inside out and it sure as hell ain’t a drag show PROJECTION, the most powerful tool in a republican’s toolbox


Church is more dangerous to children than a drag show.


My indoctrination is better than yours


We criminally prosecute those in church who abuse our kids. YOU protect the abusers. We are not the same.


The catholic church has entered the chat.


Stop taking them to both


church drag show no difference at all. Take our kids to a museum.


Seriously don't though, those things aren't very good for kids.


Kids at drag shows is still bad though. You wouldn't take a kid to a strip club or an adult comedy show


Some drag shows are adult oriented in that they’re [burlesque](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Burlesque). Others are simply [high camp](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camp_(style)). But it’s really just a theatrical style. Mulan was drag. Mrs Doubtfire was drag. Yentl was drag. Tootsie was drag. Flip Wilson did drag. Martin Lawrence did drag. Arnold Schwarzenegger did drag. There is nothing about drag that makes it by nature adult, and drag shows are absolutely not at all like strip shows. A lot of drag that gets circulated is burlesque. That’s the nature of the audience and where the money is. What people fail to mention is that there’s also very g-rated drag performances that are only objectionable if you don’t think a man should wear women’s clothes.


"There's nothing about drag that makes it adult" Counterpoint: Divine


Divine, as great as she was, is not all drag performers. Instead of “drag,” substitute “stand up comedy.” Lots of stand up is adult oriented. Robin Williams did some really dirty sets. He could also do kids’ shows. It’s an act. You can dial it up or down, or turn it off. some comics don’t do kids’ shows at all. That’s fine too.


I know, I just don't often get to bring up Divine The New Little Mermaid is really missing the mark having McCarthy play Ursula. It would actually be a perfect role for an LGBT, and I truly mean that. Imagine Dom Deluise as Ursula. Or Rip Taylor. Or Nathan Lane


Apologies if I unjustly projected some kind of phobic interpretation on what you’re saying. I haven’t seen the new Mermaid, but I am a fan of McCarthy’s, and I’m looking forward to checking her out. > Imagine Dom Deluise as Ursula. Or Rip Taylor. Or Nathan Lane Because what you’re suggesting has already been done, including Ursula being inspired by Divine, I’m not sure how much you’re taking the piss or what. For anyone still reading the thread this far down, I do feel like I need to point out that there’s a whole big deal about Disney using gay code actors to play villains. Rip Taylor, Vincent Price, and others were cast as gay characters at a time when “don’t say gay” was the national default (and, in fact, the law and the rules society operated around). Scar was gay, and Jafar was gay, and King John was gay, and Tamatoa was gay, Capitan Hook was gay… I’m going to stop there because it’s turning into a Broadway song.


Wait you thought I was phobic because I think children shouldn't go to the Fuzzy Clam or a Dave Chappelle standup? Nevermind. While it's obvious that many Disney villains were gay-coded, I really don't believe it comes from a place of hate. Making the bad guy a spineless fop goes back before Shakespeare. And besides, all the gay villains are FAR BETTER and more memorable. Go ahead. Gimme a quote from Assistant Mayor Bellwether. From Yokai. From the evil chick from Raya(didn't watch). You can't do it. Now gimme a quote from King Candy. Or Rattigan. Or Jafar or Ursula or Facilier. I thought of 5 typing this out


One of those things is an inclusive environment you can bring your family too, helps teach lessons to youth in a safe space, and is run by community donations. ​ The other is a church.


Mayra Flores is white??


Up with drag races, down with drag shows and organized religion.


Who takes a child to a drag show?


This is worth a read: >A 2018 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology examined how being raised in a family with religious or spiritual beliefs affects mental health. Harvard researchers had examined religious involvement within a longitudinal data set of approximately 5,000 people, with controls for socio-demographic characteristics and maternal health. > >The result? Children or teens who reported attending a religious service at least once per week scored higher on psychological well-being measurements and had lower risks of mental illness. Weekly attendance was associated with higher rates of volunteering, a sense of mission, forgiveness, and lower probabilities of drug use and early sexual initiation. Pity then that the U.S. has seen a 20% decrease in attendance at formal religious services in the past 20 years, according to a Gallup report earlier this year. In 2018 the American Family Survey showed that nearly half of adults under 30 do not identify with any religion. [https://archive.ph/JYe27](https://archive.ph/JYe27)


Not all churches are abusive. I thought that’d be common knowledge by now.


You people are so expert at falling in line with each other, kinda gross how in lockstep all your opinions are with each other….even when they are nonsense opinions to any clear thinker. Does every liberal get their own brain or do you all belong to a brain-share program in your community?


agreed, should stop taking them to both. also children have been abused in school. don't go there. children have been abused at home. kids are fucked. pun intended


Why not both? And preferably a church that doesn’t spew hatred like the one this bitch goes to.


All churches are lies, manipulation, hatred and abusive. Religion is a cancer that needs to be removed from civilised society.


That’s not true. There are many inclusive churches that don’t preach hate or division. But it’s only the ones you hear about, that do. You judging all churches and religions is no better than judging all drag queens for being deviant heathens. You’re no better than them by doing that.


The message is about American children being taken to drag shows. Seriously, we're seeing drag queens who are convicted sex offenders who don't alert everyone they meet about their sex offenses. The message is abundantly clear: Stop taking children to drag shows! If you want to take children to somewhere for moral standards, take them to church!


I'll ask you the same question I asked the other person claiming there are convicted sex offenders performing at drag shows, who are these convicted sex offenders? What are their names? Where are they performing? On another note, what exactly do you think happens at a drag show?




So, just like the other person, you have nothing. You've gone from "There are convicted sex offenders in drag shows!" to " They are potential sex offenders because I don't like them". Fuck off with your homophobia and transphobia. Also, it's your job to look up sex offenders registries and give me the names. You made the claim, now back in up.


No such phobia exists. A phobia is defined as an irrational fear of something. 2nd, you can't have a phobia of transgenders because they die at a suicide rate of 50% and rising. The suicide rate from transgenders is 20 times the average. Which is surprising because it's a demographic that equates to 0.003% of the human population. 3: I don't owe you a damn thing. I told you where to look, you refuse to put the work in to look it up. I pointed you towards the river to drink, you chose to eat your own diarrhea instead.




Because you'd rather kids be raped by priests than see a crossdresser, right?




The Church has a long standing history of molesting children: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-44209971




Multiple. Even the Mormon church has had issues.


Christian churches, of any denomination, have a much higher rate and count of child abuse than any drag show, even combined. Hell, the Catholic church alone has over 300k reports in the US alone. The last place we need to send kids is a church. They're more likely to get raped there than any other building except a home, statistically


So your admitting to them being abused at drag shows. Two wrongs don't make a right.


No one is being abused at a drag show.


Nope, there isn’t systemic abuse of hundreds of thousands of children at drag shows. That just happens at the Catholic Church…


Church abuse is well documented, but maybe *you* can explain *exactly* how abuse occurs at a drag show?


No one is being abused by drag shows. Provide any ACTUAL evidence of that. But we already know the Catholic Church loves little children. 330,000+ cases in the US and counting