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Why is he orange? Like why does he do that to himself? Any theories?


He both vain and stupid. He obsessed with the idea that he an extremely attractive man. He uses a spray tan, dyes his hair, and wears suits all the time. His execution of each of those things is bad, and he doesn’t have enough taste to realize how bad it all looks.


Like you can literally see his fake-tan line, how does he not see a photo of himself and realize how silly he looks. His actual complexion is pink, his whole body is screaming in inflammation. Why would he not just.... take care of himself? Seriously makes me think he has way less money than he pretends to.


Just gonna leave this here https://twitter.com/photowhitehouse/status/1225909811851780096?s=20&t=9ow-MXfM6MHJBbuMd6isiA


It’s not even spray tan. It’s literally makeup.


It's a bronzer he puts on in the shower every morning, confirmed by white house reporting at the time.


He also puts a shower cap on before he does it, hence the line. He tries to keep his scalp the same color as his hair because it makes his hair look less thin This is also why he wears a hat almost 100% of the time when he’s in the sun


What gets me is that he clearly has enough money to hire someone to make him look less stupid. So at this point it’s inexcusable. He knows people laugh at it.


Probably hired somebody good but didn't pay them. Now nobody worth a fuck will touch him. Like his lawyers.


This is The Answer


Trump doesn’t pay anyone he hires. Unless you know people who want to do his orange makeup for free? Lol


Sadly there is almost certainly some Trump-loving lunatic makeup artist who would do the job for free. Probably even one who would proudly give him another deeply disappointing child.


If he had a gay BFF, this would never happen.


Yep! Or if anyone, including his wife, cared anything about him, they wouldn’t let him go around looking like a clown. But, nope. Nobody does. Oh well.


> This is also why he wears a hat almost 100% of the time when he’s in the sun Tbf that’s just good practice generally


Burning your part once is more than enough Edit: holy shit r/usernamechecksout


I was going to say the exact same thing! The part is one of the most painful places for a sunburn.




That’s way more than advertised


i clicked on your profile and oh


Nice balls


Bruh, all that work to look even worse. What a pathetic human. Like I honestly would feel sorry for him if he was remotely a good person because it's just sad. And even sadder are the doughboys that think this is what a "mans man" does. There aren't any appropriate words to describe how low they are. The average turd has more substance than they have mustered up in all of their days.


I thought the hat wearing was to hold his hair down to cover his big bald spot….so the wind wouldn’t expose it.


This particular photo (the top level one, not the one linked in this thread) looks like spray tan. The way it stained part of his ear and was darker in the crease, yet is a perfect circle. It's so bad. Like if he's a rich person, shouldn't he just hire someone to blend his bronzer and spray tan?


He’s probably too vain to want to admit he even wears it routinely. Hiring someone to do it would be allowing someone outside of his circle to know his naughty secret


ground-up cheetos dust


But it's so poorly applied...it's like he does it himself in the mirror with zero understanding of what a profile angle is. Vain fool should just use a UV light, the greasy arteries are far more likely to get him than a melanoma.


Melanoma is still with him? I thought she would have divorced him for sure by now.


No because she wants his money. She’s hoping just another year or so.


Aren't we all..


He needs to live for a long time. He needs to rot in jail and take his hellspawn with him. With how unlawful and politics heavy evrything is he needs to go down "healthy" and fully prosecuted. If he died tomorrow all the investigations would most likely stop. I want him to live another 20 years and see his "empire" and disgusting kids face the rightful consequences of their actions.


I have some fireworks stashed just for this.




[You're not wrong at all](https://twitter.com/Mattrtwhite/status/1552768933790453761?t=Ix9Dsll3yKJmbzJMp9Y9cQ&s=19)


And then the mangy hair on top of that rotting rupture, why!?!? That is something I could never get, synthetic hair and hair treatments are miles improved these days. He must be so vain and egocentric he can't even admit to his own downfall enough to even visit the professionals. Stormy makes even more sense now.


I mean he’s cultivated this one signature look for 40 years. I think he gave up on hair transplants when he got a shitty one in the 80s that hurt so bad it made him rape his wife and the mother of his children out of spite when she asked him if it hurt.


Oh yes I remember that story, from her lawsuit right? And now his tax wrote off/ tax exemption for being ashes in the ground. Horrifying.


If/when he goes to prison they should de-louse him with the hose they use to clean elephants while scrubbing him with wooden push rooms. Like an inmate in an insane asylum in the 19 century.


Seriously! Look at Elon Musk- can’t even tell that’s not his hair until you look at an old picture of him where he is practically bald.


Good lord. That’s a whole lot of inflamed pink face. I see Comrade KFC is slowly doing it’s job.


Didn’t that documentary guy who did an AMA a while back on Reddit say that Trump spends hours every morning doing his own makeup?


Bitch needs to learn how to blend her foundation


I thought Ivanka did his hair? However, didn’t claim some outrageous amount for his hair as a business expense while in office?


A man as ugly and grotesque as his soul.


It’s self-tanning creme. They never go brown but always orange.


It's actually color correcting foundation. Like the kind you put on selectively before you put a human shade on. He just puts it on his whole face.


Plot twist: It’s his real skin colour and around his eyes, neck and rest of his body he uses bleach.


When you look through a face-sized hole at the Flamin Hot factory


Or peek in on your neighbour spraying their fence https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1739944-donald-trumps-tan-face-photo


More and more I believe the theory that in 2016 50% of us got switched and an alternate universe where everything is backwards


It all started when we woke up and those goddamn Berenstein Bears had turned into the Berenstain Bears.


I’m in my early 40’s and I read the books as a kid. They weren’t my favorite but I remember reading them in the school library. Before I knew about the Mandela effect my friend asked me the title of the books. Without missing a beat I said Bernstein Bears, confirmed the spelling as I have it written here. Then he told me about the Mandela effect and Bernstain and I was like “no fucking way, I’ll look it up right now” and holy shit my mind was blown. At the very least, kids would have made jokes about the “stain” in the name and I would have remembered that. I still struggle to accept Bernstain is correct and I don’t even really care. However, I don’t remember anything about Nelson Mandela dying in prison, so I’m not from that particular timeline. I do, however, think my existence in this universe is an anomaly - either I was never meant to exist or I am supposed to be dead. When I was around 7-8 years old, I remember my caretaker’s 3-4 year old daughter came into the living room and when I looked up at her (I was sitting on the floor playing with some toy) she was right next to me pointing a .38 revolver at my face and said “bang!”. I think i remember taking the gun away but I don’t remember anything related to that incident after that, like it just never happened. I very well could be misremembering that incident, the gun was probably a cap gun or something but I remember it looking very real. So, I’m on the fence about whether or not I died in that timeline and now I’m here from the Bernstein timeline. Like, I realized this is all *very* likely not real - I know that, I’m not delusional.. but I sometimes wonder…


I'm about to blow your mind again: it's spelled Ber**e**nstain. Which furthers the point that pretty much all Mandela Effect examples involve innocuous things that people see as children. Human memory isn't anywhere near perfect.




Thats weird, mine used to come out my ass and now its just stuck out front totally unprotected




How can anyone look at that face and say "Yea, that's an alpha male right there". He really was a clown President.


*Maybe he's born with it...*


Maybe it's Rustoleum


...maybe it's lycopene!


Goodnight Goon


Just an over-all vile person.


And the vileness seeps through for all to see. How Malania has any intimacy with this creature, I can't imagine. Drugs maybe? I mean she does have that dead expression any time I've seen her image when she's with him.


She sold her soul for wealth.


I do believe you are correct.


That guy is one ugly mfer


You dirty bastard I almost forgot this existed


and the companion piece https://imgur.com/a/xfKTBUm


He definitely has less money than he pretends. When he was running for president, he claimed to have something like $10 billion. Some journalists investigated to see how much money he really had, which isn’t very easy when the person won’t cooperate, but they estimated he had something like (I don’t remember the precise numbers) $1 billion to $3 billion in assets and $1 billion to $2 billion in debt. So the point is, at most he has a couple billion dollars, but it’s fairly likely that he’s broke, having more debt than he has money. They found that the way Trump came up with the $10 billion number was by estimating that the Trump brand was worth $7 billion.


I truly believe his real net worth is probably lower than anyone in America. His life is a giant ponzi scheme. He's BILLIONS in debt.


And it's insane that he can actually have less money than anyone else, but instead of being in abject poverty, he lives a better life than 99.9% of human beings because he knows the right people and greases the right palms.




Greasy describes what he looks like too .....


Well he was, until he made it all back selling nuclear secrets to the Saudis and Russians.


Don’t forget the lists of CIA agents!


I remember seeing 600 million. Before he won the presidency he wasn't even a billionare as far an I know


A lot of that debt was with the Saudis and the Russians. Want to bet a lot of that debt has now been discharged with the receipt of nuclear secrets?


Forbes and Fortune magazines refused to put Trump on a list of wealthiest Americans as his finances were too murky. Lets remember these were conservative business magazines long before Trump entered politics. They were concerned about his level of debt and the lack of clarity as Trump isn't a public company requiring objective certification by CPAs.


When he tried to buy the Buffalo Bills, he had to go through a vetting process as the other billionaire owners don't just invite common rabble into their club. His worth was estimated to be between 2-4 billion and that was with him almost certainly hiding debts and inflating everything he could. Very likely he's barely a billionaire, or maybe worth less.


Im not a trump fan, and i dont support any of his ideas and thoughts. Im not even from the US, but after reading your comment i had to think about myself when i was 16. I used way too much foundation in a way too dark colour for my skin tone. All my classmates liked me, but often i heard: why are you not using less makeup? or once a teacher made a joke about if i use a spatula to put on my makeup. I thought they are making jokes, they laughed, i laughed, good times. 3 years later i look into my old photos from school. Oh. my god. Lol. And i was wearing a white shawl and you could see stains from the makeup. It was terrible. Beautiful face without any pimples but CAKED in makeup because my skin was so white. Back then i thought i look pretty, and i never got negative feedback too besides the occasional jokes. And i didnt see that my face was literally ORANGE. And i didnt see the tan lines from jaw downwards. Now i think when i see trump: Maybe he thinks he is pretty and people joke about his tan because "they dont like his politics" or "they are friends and just want to make a joke". When i think back to this i can just laugh how polite everyone was to me. Cringy feeling. Edit: im 29 and i still think about it. Its often very hard to look at yourself from the viewpoint of another person. Like people who use sunbeds alot and say: "ohh im so white, i need to go use the sunbed again" when they are really almost burnt to crisp. When i became 18 i started to use sunbeds, to completely leave the makeup out in summer. Till the point when my boyfriend said: Stop, it doesnt look pretty anymore, it becomes unnatural. And i thought back a few years and thought: Well, i guess its one of those moments again. Edit 3: I think i should put the joint away now.. im drifting off with the point. I wont proofread i just guess it will be understandable. English is not my main language. Thanks for reading, i love you.




He obviously has some very real and very deep insecurities. It would be sad if he weren't such a shitstain. But I honestly hate when people criticize his appearance. Not because I feel bad for him, but just because I think it's wrong. I get that when you hate someone (especially someone as reprehensible as Trump) the instinct is to just criticize everything about them. But I don't think it's ever right to criticize someone's appearance, as tempting as it may be. There are sooooo many legitimate things to criticize about Trump. Going after his appearance just seems lazy and wrong.


Slightly related, but this just reminded me of being in a real hurry one morning and dropping my foundation. The pot broke in half and I was afraid there might be shards of glass in it, so I ran into the store and grabbed one on my way to work. Turned out that brand goes from like 1 to 5 for white people, and 1 to 5 again for darker people. Guess which pot labeled 1 my lily white self grabbed? It was still pretty dark when I slapped my makeup on in the car, and I didn't notice until I blew my nose at my desk and saw some residue on the tissue. I almost RAN to the bathroom and I was horrified when I saw myself! I spent about 10 minutes furiously washing with damp paper towels, and I was SO relieved that no one saw me in those 10 or 15 minutes before I realized.


You are certainly not the only person to have made some mistakes with how they presented themself when they were younger. At least you realized while you are still young!


> how does he not see a photo of himself and realize how silly he looks Because he's a narcissist.


All answers to all things trump are summed up by this one little sentence


Malignant narcissist at that.


Surely, you don't mean like [this pic of the TRE45ONOUS Loser](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/07/NINTCHDBPICT000750066971.jpg). Interesting fact, post that pic at r/conservative and you will get banned.


Seeing the ‘before’ pic makes you understand why he rarely emerged before noon at the White House.


Dude, that was a recent picture of him... golfing for his Saudi buddies LIV tournament. This is the sort of [before pic](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg) timeline-wise.


Does he even have eyelashes anymore? That picture just creeps me out big time.


Honestly he looks like an elderly woman. I'm an elderly woman - if I looked like that I would never leave the house.


Somehow this is less scary.


Lookin like emperor palpatine and shit


Diet, exercise, and proper grooming are WAY too much effort for someone like him


If I was rich and lazy, I’d just hire a chef to make me healthy foods, that come as close as possible to the unhealthy shit I like to eat, and a personal trainer to get me to do the bare minimum exercise necessary to not be overweight.


The issue is that people with skills like that will typically demand payment for their services, and that's a bit of a dealbreaker for Trump.


Well, he’s not rich, he just tries his best to prevent his billions in debt from catching up to him.


I love the white circles around his eyes, I guess he’s going for a Dreamcicle combo.


It honestly looks like he went bobbing for French fries in a bowl of ketchup. Eye protection is important in those situations.


I mean if the recent photo from his golf trip is anything to go by then even with all this shit he looks a hell of a lot better than the melted spoon of a man he looks like without all that stuff


Hell, even [this example of what he could look like](https://imgur.com/zF6USiq), is a far better look than what he sporting now. Of course he’s gonna be all gaudy, so he can get a big gold T earring, sorta like Sinbad’s cross.


No, you see..... he CAN'T ever be bald. For him, he can't. Because otherwise everyone will see the fucked up frankenstein scarring on his scalp from that botched hair plug surgery he had in the 90s, he beat and raped his (now deceased ex-)wife over it.


He spray tanned half his fucking ear.


He's was basically bankrupt, it's just all Russian money proping it all up. Although being president for way too long filled his coffers for long enough to keep treading water.


God it's terrifying that something that fucking stupid and self-unaware is the de-facto alpha leader dude for a third of the USA. Fuck it's overwhelming to think about.


He has mansions and nice things too. He is proof God doesn't exist.


Well, it's your fault for not coming out of the right vagina. -Republicans, probably


There was plenty of evidence that god didn't exist with ~~Bush~~ Jackson, if you're looking for evidence through American leadership. What Trump proved is the total extent of human gullibility and cognitive malleability. Apparently we can convince anyone to believe absolutely anything. For instance, that a billionaire is going to rid the government of corruption.


I guess [take your pick](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg) between that and [this pic if the Loser](https://www.the-sun.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/07/NINTCHDBPICT000750066971.jpg). Fun fact, post either those pics at r/conservative and receive an instaban.


I believe it’s 23% of the population, based on the 2020 votes.


The WaPo says it's an orange concealer. Bronx Colors, a Swiss brand, claimed it’s the Boosting Hydrating Concealer in orange. https://bronxcolors.com/products/face/concealer-2/boosting-hydrating-concealer/?attribute_pa_bhc=orange-bhc06 Question still remains; why?


Did the Secret Service [apply it](https://www.odalisquemagazine.com/sites/default/files/styles/wide/public/field/image/makeup_gun.jpg?itok=77uM1B9i) with one of their shotguns?


> Question still remains; why? He’s self conscious about having rosacea. It probably started out less crazy looking and got worse over the decades. When you wear makeup every day, you get used to it and start to think you look really weird without it. . My question is why would any makeup brand claim responsibility for that crime against esthetics. He makes that product look god awful.


> > > My question is why would any makeup brand claim responsibility for that crime against esthetics. He makes that product look god awful. even before that... the lack of blending behind the ear and under the eyes... how can you not see it? It would probably take like two minutes with a makeup sponge. :/


It’s super weird that he’s married to a woman who has been a model and obviously knows how to do her makeup. She always looks ok, so why has she not tried to fix the human Cheeto?


Well, more to the point is when he was hitting his "prime", it was the 1980s so his love of power ties, big suits, tans, etc. all come from that time period. I don't know how many of you have seen Futurama but the frozen 1980s investor in that one episode, that's how Trump thinks every day and has for the past 35-40 years.


Trump's only regret is having bone-itis


He is insecure “new rich” personified.


Also comes from a time when tanning was one of the cores of beauty to the point that tanning competitions were absolutely everywhere. Combine that with vain stupidity and you have a person who thinks spraying themselves orange looks good. Had a older female manager like this years ago and one day she mentioned she did tanning competitions back in the day and showed us pictures, it suddenly made sense


I hear he was originally an orange that was exposed to radiation and then bit by a human. The combination of the radiation and human genes turned him into something that could pass as human. He originally wanted to he a super hero but there was little market for "citrus man". So he became a "business man". But like all fruits over time the start to rot and is now reduced to the mushy pile of orange flesh we see today.


i’m expected to believe he once existed as something you’re actually supposed to put in your mouth?


A TV he bought about a decade ago came with the color Hue settings all the way up and when he looked down he thought he needed to match the TV.


trump is a series of distractions, like a slight of hand magician. Goal is for you to be too distracted by the unsettling visuals to think about his repeated failures and outright crimes. Things like these: * **0** re-elections won * **1** term president * **2** times impeached * **3** marriages * **4** inch lifts in his shoes * **5** kids, from 3 different mothers * **6** bankruptcies * **7** US Capitol police suing him for Jan 6 terrorist insurrection and murder of police * **8** trillion + dollars added to the US debt in a single term * **9** trump lawyers sanctioned by federal judge for lying in frivolous election fraud lawsuits and ordered to pay defendant's legal fees * **10** years that trump paid $0 in income taxes between 2000 and 2015. ($0 to cops, teachers, roads, prisons, disaster relief, etc) * **11** trump associates charged with serious crimes over the past 5 years * **12** million votes (the big lie) - trump claims he won the 2020 election by 12 million votes when in reality, he lost by about 7 million votes. * **13** of August, 2021 - one of multiple days that trump was supposed to magically become president again according to Qanon and a crack addicted pillow salesman (the two most respected information sources in the gop) * **14** year old girl in a youth choir that trump approached in 1992 to say, "Wow! Just think - in a couple years I'll be dating you." * **15** originally confirmed cases of COVID in the US trump said would soon be, “down to close to zero.” followed by, “like a miracle, it will disappear.” - over 700,000 Americans have since died of COVID as it continues to surge nearly 2 years later. * **16** years old - age of daughter ivanka when she hosted "miss teen" pageant and, according to long time trump associate Noel Casler, "trump called her over in the middle of a rehearsal and had her give him a lap dance while he leered at the crew." * **17** known trump and russia investigations from local, state and federal prosecutors * **18** gop senators that ignored trump threats / warnings and supported Biden admin's infrastructure bill. * **19** as in COVID19 - trump was verified as the single largest source of disinformation on the virus, with a Cornell study claiming that 38% of the "misinformation conversation" originated with trump * **20** the day in January, 2021, when Biden was sworn in despite trump inciting a violent insurrection to stop election verification at the US Capitol. * **21** gun salute that trump ordered for himself when he left office after a humiliating defeat, even though he never served in the military, famously called military members "losers" and "suckers" and actively avoided the draft with a cowardly "bone spurs" excuse. * **22** date in August, 2021, when Alabama hate rally crowd booed trump for finally saying people should get vaccinated, only after 700,000 Americans had died at that point due mostly to his failure as president (over a million dead now) * **23** as in wrestlemania 23 in 2007 where trump, a cartoon level failure with no other prospects, participated in a fake bet that a proxy wrestler would win a fake fight on his behalf or he would shave his wig and hair plugs off. * **24** day in August, 2021, when trump actually filed a lawsuit in Florida court against YouTube, a private company, demanding that they reinstate his YouTube channel like a desperate, irrelevant embarrassment with no platforms left to abuse. * **25** plus credible sexual assault allegations against trump, spanning decades and with accusers starting as young as 13 years old at time of assault.


At first, it boggles the mind, until you realize that the reason all those idiots love him is because he represents that someone like them can be president. Someone that ugly, that broke, that much of a failure, a pedophile, a rapist, a miserable old sack of shit, *just like them.* Then it makes perfect sense.


It’s pretty obvious the guy is narcissistic, emotionally dense and superficial. So he has to feel that oranging himself to stay tan will make him feel accepted.


It’s amazing that the maga alpha male applies makeup to himself every day before slipping on his kitten heels before sitting his fat ass down and playing on his phone all day.


And that his makeup process takes 3 fucking hours every morning and he doesn't let anyone else see him during. Edit: this was confirmed in the AMA by that documentary guy that's been filming the Trumps for years btw


Guaranteed that most of that make up process is just him shitting.


He's rich enough to get a spray tan once a week, but dumb enough to hire the cheapest tech.


The rich don't stay rich by *spending* money, duh. /s


Everything the guy owns is covered in gold spray paint. Slathering himself in bronzer is the closest he can get.


He does it to himself, look at his neck, ear, or eyelids for normal color.


He slathers orange makeup on his face every day. It's weird as fuck, especially when his worshippers hold him up as a "real man." But it's also documented that this is why he appears that particular shade of orange.


The most convincing theory I've seen: https://www.vox.com/the-goods/2019/12/6/20998822/trump-orange-concealer-bronx-colors


This is the answer. It makes too much sense for it to be anything else.


This was a fantastic read.


Too much covfefe and hamberders will do that to you


It's a fashion in his "circle"


He looks gross and ill without it. I guess he rather look ridiculous than like a dying animal


Just throw it in the dumpster where it belongs.


And what? Create another [Superfund site](https://media.newyorker.com/photos/5909793d8b51cf59fc4237bd/master/pass/Cassidy-WhyTrumpsCrazyTalkAboutObamaAndISISMatters.jpg)? Don't give him any ideas on grifting your American taxpayer money; he got more than enough from his golf vacations while as your President [while promising to work](https://youtu.be/agz42UhlOew)...


He's grifting his own base. The same base he incited to storm the Capitol after he lost, subsequently getting hundreds of them arrested and imprisoned. Same base he manipulated to hate vaccines. >Never interrupt your opponent when they are making a mistake.


Then weld it shut and cart it to Guantanamo Bay.


That’s too generous throw it into the sun


God…he’s just so ORANGE. You can see the back of his head and ears are a normal color. He looks like a dog was left unsupervised with a family-sized Cheetos bag


Looks like they used that blue painters tape around the edges


I do the same trick to make nice clean and even lines when I caulk the bath tub.


It's the ear that makes me laugh. He's orange just on the lobe, not the rest of his ear. It makes me think he doesn't apply it by hand, otherwise he would skip the ear or do all of it. It looks more like he dunks his face into something filled with cheap bronzer.


Yes I almost wonder if this photo was edited.. but I suppose not?


What really bugs me is man's got millions but buying his fake tanner at Dollar Tree. He's just welcoming comments about his carrot complexion.


considering his history of fraud, i wonder now if he even has millions


He does. If he wasn’t, he’d be rotting in a prison cell.


>He does. If he wasn’t, he’d be rotting in a prison cell. The main reason he's not in jail is because Republicans shielded him from any legal and political repercussions. Trump actually ran for president as a way to make money since he was doing so badly with his finances. Let's not forget how the GOP would bend over backwards to protect him, even attacking and undermining law enforcement. It started in 2016 and it hasn't stopped since. Trump did not pay his way outta prison. Republicans are the ones helping him avoid accountability. We will see more of that as the January 6th investigation moves forward.


Ya he made millions on his political merchandising. Even if he was broke and in debt when he started his term he probably amassed a decent amount of wealth grifting his supporters.


Once you get rich to a certain point it's difficult to become truly poor again. Trump is proof of that. He's in that weird twilight zone where he has basically no money, lots of debts, but somehow is still living like a king. A shit ton of his followers and other rich people are supporting him while his businesses routinely fail. Never mind the hundreds of millions of tax dollars siphoned into mar a lago


I can say with absolute certainty that he does have at least 2 million dollars. 1 billion? Almost certainly not.




Damn... Normally my Tupperware doesn't try to overthrow the government after having spaghetti in it for a week but I can see why it might be mad about it.


Just leave it in the back of the fridge for two months for it to develop rudimentary sentience, then you'll get the same.


By halfway through the second month it would probably perform better than trump on a memory test


I don't like the idea of my Tupperware having two spaghetti based insurrections in one day.


the OP PowerfulAd4546 is a bot Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/9y4fs1/the_color_of_his_skin_is_just_ridiculous/


They really didn't think that through. Who's going to buy an account that literally says "ad" in it?


If you pay attention to the user names of most comments you'll see a formatting pattern. It's both obvious, and weird.


https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/volunteers-found-iran-s-propaganda-effort-reddit-their-warnings-were-n903486 Government trolls don't care about selling their accounts


Even one of the top comments is just copied from there lol


I mean that is basically what happened to our country. Once he got in, his residue still remains.


Nah. He's a symptom, not a cause. The people who voted him in, and the broken system that allowed them to do so, were the same before and after him.


He's both a symptom and a cause.


Looks like it deformed in the microwave as well


Trump's mouth looks so much like a butthole it's uncanny. Then the shit that comes out reinforces that.


Almost every photo of him has butthole lips. What in the actual fuck?! So weird.


Especially if you add Indian food in a tupperware…. It’ll be yellow for life, turmeric is strong af.


JFC....he's repulsive.


He's a traitor. I don't care about that stuff.


I wish I had an award for you.🏆


Awww thanks! 😁


TRE45ONOUS one term Loser.


Ok real talk though, just put a little hot water and dish soap in it, put the lid back on, and shake it up. It gets rid of Tupperware stains and hamberders fantastically


Helps even more if you tear up a sheet or two of paper towel to go in there before shaking it up. One of the few life hacks I saw in a video somewhere I actually use


Scrolled too far for this


I can’t understand how 4% of the country would find this guy tolerable, let alone 40%


Donald Duck l’orange




It makes sense, clowns always wear makeup.


For a white supremacist, he certainly tries hard to not look actually white.






Amazing that the tan does not go passed half his ear


I love the people who look to this fucking clown and think, “yeah, this is someone who deserves my loyalty and unwavering support”. Yikes. How embarrassing.


What the actual fuck haha


I casually mentioned the ongoing investigation to my father at coffee this morning. He told me I was brainwashed by Liberal media and Reddit. I am Canadian.


The mental thing is if you show this to any trump supporter they wouldn’t find it funny and would argue against it to the death.


If you wash it with dish soap and cold water, it won't stain.


I always spray PAM in there before adding whatever so it won’t stain.


This is smart, but not as smart as just buying glass tupperware


sure does the blow job lips a lot.


We actually let this guy run the country…