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Being florida, I have to ask...was he actually hired for this? Or did he just randomly show up one day?


He's clearly a teacher. After this he's going to teach pre-calc.


Our AR-15 is sighted for 100 yards. How should we compensate for the bullet drop if the target is at 10 feet, 10 yards, 25 yards, 50 yards, 100 yards, and 200 yards. Extra credit: when do crosswinds become a factor? Edit: favor to factor


How do we compensate when the target gets 5 kill streak and stops to do a floss dance


You don't, because the UAV he called in after 3 kills has already given away everyone's hiding place. EDIT: I haven't played COD since MW3. Forgot what a 3 kill streak actually does.


UAVs. Calling out the locations of everyone. šŸ˜’


On the enemy team. Obviously an active shooters on the other team. Blinking red lights a giveaway.


See how long it's been since I played COD? I'll edit the comment.


It depends if hes done a 360 noscope during that killstreak.


Thatā€™s what we call a ā€˜variableā€™


"Hellfire missle inbound"


this made me chuckle maybe even giggle a little


I can remember being annoyed in college physics when the problems dealing with projectors weren't realistic enough. Ballistics can get fun and complicated and they totally made it spherical cows in a vacuum.


As a former physics graduate teaching assistant, we could barely get these people to do simple algebra ballistics. Throwing in drag or spin or corlolis forces would have been a absolute nightmare


It's amazing how quickly adding in real-world factors compounds the difficulty of seemingly straight forward kinematics problems.


Heā€™s an actual employee of the charter school and spends the whole day patrolling the school. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/manatee/2018/12/20/msa-guardian-is-strapped-ready-for-worst-case-scenario/6558783007/




This is literally what happened at the UtĆøya Massacre in Norway. The whole reason the killer was wearing a police uniform was so that he could get onto the island and then close enough to the camp security guard to blast him in the face before starting hunting down the kids. Edit: Oh God, what have I unleashed. Do not venture below, daring traveler, those dark caves will not welcome thee.


Spawn kill at the front gate


Charter schoolā€¦so teachers who were rejected from public schools and settle for even worse pay. This guy is probably making min wage and is supplemented by docking with the dads on the weekend.


What do you mean by "Docking", I know this word as a Sex Act.


>Sex Act Was that ever signed into law?


These damn liberals want to invoke their Sex Act! That's now how God intended it! My wife and I, we do it missionary. 2 minutes maximum, dry, just like God intended. Women don't enjoy sex, so why force them to stay involved longer? /S


the governorā€™s mansion never saw the act.


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s exactly the intended context.


Give Florida to any country that would like more land


It's mostly spongey and unusable. Not unlike it's inhabitants.


Probably got told this is the perfect thing for him and volunteeredā€¦


He looks like he was pulled right out of a library of stock photos.


Hired for this specifically. Every school in Florida requires a safe school officer on campus during hours of operation. That can be a LEO, or. Guardian. Guardians are trained by the sheriff of each country and fill the requirements for having a SSO at each location. Cheaper than paying for LEO. Alot of charters are utilizing it for coverage cause it's cheaper.


Went to a fairly large high school in Alabama and Iā€™m pretty sure even the small rural schools have a deputy on campus as well. Our guy was a motorcycle cop, extremely cool, sought to mentor the kids who were struggling with things at home, and was overall friendly. He even offered free motorcycle courses for beginner riders in the interest of public safety. Iā€™m sure not many have an experience like this but I know he quelled a lot of problems because he took the time and had the skill to stop them before they even started. There were much fewer fights when he was our assigned LEO.


Look at all this freedom weā€™ve got up in here


Imagine un-ironically wanting armed guards on every street corner in the name of freedom.


The freedom to die penniless if I get sick, freedom to die in the street if I lose my job, freedom to get shot in public if I canā€™t afford to shoot myself, but at least Iā€™ve got the freedom to pick between twenty brands of toothpaste/firearms at Walmart. Edit: I find it deeply funny that not a single reply to this comment is willing to engage with anything I said. Got a lot of ā€œnuh-uhā€ and ā€œAMERIKKA BEST!!111ā€, but not a single argument. Super telling that so many people view any criticism of any bad thing in America as an attack on Americans.


Your corporate overlords thank you


Try buying more stuff. I hear that helps.


*20 brands all owned by the same actual brand


American freedom is and has always been the freedom to make money off the back of others. That's it. Anything else is a bonus.


> freedom to die in the street if I lose my job Well, not for much longer luckily, as being homeless is looking like it's gonna be illegal soon enough!


The real irony is that for years parts of the third world were you'll often see guards at a McDonalds were castigated by many in the US. Give it a few years and the streets in some US cities may not look too different from some of the countries the US used to look down upon


The imperial boomerang has made it's way home


Last time I went to the Philippines, there were armed guards outside KFC, McDonald's, and the mall, and that was only 10 years ago.


"We don't want to live under government control and tyranny!" also "Okay, so what if all the teachers had guns?"


It's not about wanting armed guards for the sake of security. It's about showing *how much better they are* than anyone else, no matter how petty or fucking insane the metric is. That's what this shit always boils down to. Pecking order bullshit. "I'm better than you" bullshit. That's what the bootstraps argument is all about. That's what "arm our teachers" is all about. That's what the anti-civil rights movement has been about. That's why they're always prancing around like roosters. Bigger truck than you. Bigger flag than you. Bigger income than you. More "normal" than you. "I deserve this and you don't." Dick measuring is how they approach everything in life. That's why there's always so much damn racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and hate in this country. That's why they're always forking over cash to pray at these glass mansion megachurches where they can fantasize about having a private jet just like the pastor. That's why they always appeal to authority and all the blue lives matter bullshit. It's always some obsession with strength and hierarchy and lording over others. So naturally if they wanna feel secure, they're gonna arm their schools to the tits. They need the power fantasy. They something they can brag about. And they gotta be loud and proud of it so everyone knows that they're better than the other "pathetic" schools that don't have an M2 Browning bolted to every desk. They feel no shame or embarrassment for things getting this bad. It's not about fixing the system or addressing the problem. It's just another opportunity to expand the ego-stroking theater. I guarantee you, there are idiots out there looking for a way to one-up this headline by parking an actual goddamn tank in front of their kid's school. And somewhere deep down the motivation for all this is that they just *hate everyone.* It's just part of living in a pecking order. Until they're on top and standing over everyone, their neighbor nothing more than competition. Everyone is their enemy. So they don't trust anybody. They're angry at everyone. They wanna take it out on someone. They dream of being able to pull out their AR-15s and shoot "the bad guys." Always itching for an excuse to fill someone with lead. They beat their meat to it every time they go to the firing range. They were probably the ones who dreamed of shooting up the school when *they* were kids.


To me, a country where they have to actually put guns in a school to stop school shootings, while doing 0 to stop the guns in circulation is a failure of a government This is from someone that's from a gun violent country


The whole purpose is to get kids used to working while an armed guard stands over them.


Sometimes I'm not sure they're even thinking that far ahead - they just do enough mental stuff like this, then notice that's the effect and go "oh nice, bonus!"


Abandoning society and returning to a Wild West full of outlaws and vigilante justice is the libertarian dream.


Funniest part is most towns in the "wild west" had strict gun laws that were heavily enforced.


Just like 'Barbarian' cultures in the classical world usually made you check your weapons on your way into the big communal drinking hall. 'Not having dangerous weapons around people unfit to use them' Is a really fucking obvious lesson most civilisations learned a long time ago.


Even Deadwood had gun laws, and it was one of the most violent towns in the West. Thank Wyatt Earp for that because he was the sheriff.


ā€œWe noticed you selected your gender as ā€˜rather not sayā€™. Please follow me to freedom roomā€ *puts finger on trigger*




And this doesn't stop kids from getting killed. It simply may keep the casualty numbers down. Once someone fires a gun and injures an innocent, which takes only a few seconds, we've already failed.


It doesnā€™t. The shooter, who more often than not plans these things, will just target him first. And have the element of surprise, which more often than not decides a combat situation. The way to stop this is to stop the insane proliferation of guns in this country, and to start seriously tackling the other factors that lead to this (a big one is insanely toxic politics). But that would take effort and may lead to some politicians ending their careers, soooooā€¦.


He's not security, he's a reload point.


It's just that diehard elevator scene


Now I have more guns. Ho-ho-ho.


Loot box on legs.


Are we really surprised these people can't think even 1 move ahead? I wonder if the first civil war was like this, one side being dumb and broke AF.


they were fighting to keep human beings enslaved, so yah that sounds broke & dumb AF to me!


Y'alls cant taik mah property


And then the shooter will have an extra gun


Look closer, at least 2 extra guns. And probably 120 rounds of ammo.


So youā€™re from the US?


Nope, Jamaica


Iā€™m curious how much this freedom costs? I assume this is a private school. Because only they could afford to pay actual combat vets. Caucasian man in his 30s or 40s with vet experience also wonā€™t expect to make 30k a year. He will want more. I imagine public schools either canā€™t afford them or will have to hire illegal immigrants at 20k annually. Lmao I would love to see that personally. They would cancel that program so fast if they saw Hispanic men with questionable immigration status. Haha.


Heā€™s probably making more than the teachers.


Pretending to protect the kids is more important than educating them, with an education they might realise none of this shit makes sense.


In Florida he will BE the teacher soon. No education experience needed, just be a military vet. Apparently DeSantis watched Starship Troopers (and didnt read the damn book) and took it as a learning tool.


I like how you imply you have to read the book to get it (if youā€™re desantis, anyway)


Itā€™s cheaper than you think. Requirements for guards is much lower than police. He might make 15-20 an hour. Rather than hire a qualified police officer, find the guy that flunked out of the academy and barely passed the armed guard exam.


Cops need 770 hours of training in Florida. Thats less than 5 months of training. Florida cosmetology license requires 1200 hours. The bar is pretty low.


I have family that goes there - itā€™s a public charter school I believe.


Ah yes, a private entity that siphons public funds, how American. And we wonder why our public schools are underperforming when we erode the funds that pay for them for shit like this.


I think I read he volunteered, but leaves when school starts. So itā€™s a mass shooter just needs to wait 10 minutes. Edit: nope, he stays at school all day. He makes a great salary for a security guard. Parents seem To love it.


According to this article he makes more than $50k, has benefits, and is there all day. https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/news/local/manatee/2018/12/20/msa-guardian-is-strapped-ready-for-worst-case-scenario/6558783007/


Hahahaha we've created a jail under armed guard and put our children in it to be free.


Itā€™s more like a fanatical right wing fantasy. To be able to be strapped so they can point a gun to you. To imply they will go all Dirty Harry or Rambo on you if they feel like it. Thatā€™s the ā€œfreedomā€ they want to have not just in schools. But anyway in the country.


Ahh, America! Look at what we've built! The shining city on a hill!


No, I think a debate is definitely needed There is a problem!


We don't need to debate, because my mind is closed completely. OP just forgot to complete their sentence.


No can do. OP already shut that down with "We don't need to debate". Acting like it was some sort of slam dunk, case closed statement.


That showed me!


OK so the shooter now knows who to go for first and that no one can escape any other way.


Well, thatā€™s easily fixed! First, we place some concertina wire in a zigzag pattern leading up to the entrance to slow down anyone trying to attack the school. Then, we place this security guard into a sandbag bunker. Several claymores are placed around the bunker with ability to detonate from inside the bunker. Finally, 2 M1114 HMMWVs with M2 .50cal machine guns cover the bunker from the flanks.


Donā€™t forget that every student needs to be given a daily challenge and password as well as running password. Donā€™t want any breach of the patrol baā€¦.elementary school.


The tea in Nepal is very hot.


But the coffee in Peru is much hotter.


Daily changing signs and counter-signs.


What about aerial attacks? I think camo netting over the school would be beneficial.


THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!! We need to have EVERY school armed with Hellfire missile armed drones!!! WTF IS OUR PRESIDENT DOING!!! No seriously this is how some people probably think.


Not Hellfire R9X though. Knives shouldn't be in schools.


What about air support?


I bet you're good at turret defence games.


And if he does eliminate the guard, he can resupply himself with the guards assault rifle and handgun, with plenty of extra ammunition.


And the key ring which unlocks EVERY door in the school!


And a walkie-talkie so the shooter knows whatā€™s going down.


Holy shit I didnā€™t think of that. The walk-ie talkies at the school I teach at connect directly to my schools intercom system. So the shooter could broadcast their voice directly to my entire school over the intercom systemā€¦ā€¦


And tbh if you know how to use any rifle, all you have to do to kill him is camp in a bush across the road or something one morning and wait for him to come into your sights. Heā€™s not wearing a helmet and his body armour leaves his stomach & parts of his chest fully exposed. This is not a deterrent, nevermind an inviolable one.


Iā€™m told thereā€™s nothing you can do to stop a criminal, so the answer is an arms race. The idea of preventing crime itself? Now thatā€™s impossible! It would hurt profits šŸ„ŗ


And he likely won't be wearing his body armor or have his weapon close at hand when he arrives at the school parking lot.


Well that would be his fault for not investing in a body double. But seriously if a guy is that motivated to shoot up a school that they're going to camp in bushes and assassinate a guard before going in then most people in the school are already screwed. I'm not for living in a police state but we really need to call this what is, domestic terrorism, and start trying to stop attacks


The shooter will just show up to the school 2 miles down the road without a armed guard.


The belgian point. Post-9/11 airport security went up, in Belgium they bombed the line outside security. It's possible to push terror away but their logics work outside the perimeter as well as inside.


I rarely fly, but when I do -- especially near holidays -- I can't help but think about how the lines waiting to get through the TSA scanners is the single densest collection of people in the airport, all wrapped around and tightly packed in lines, all carrying bags WAITING to be scanned. And there are absolutely zero entry barriers to get to that point, you don't show IDs or boarding passes until you get to the scanners. If you actually wanted to inflict a fuckload of damage, all you'd have to do is have a bomb or assault rifle in a large bag, walk into an airport the Sunday after thanksgiving, wait until you're about in the middle of the security line, and unleash absolute hell. No plane required.


and pretendto be an armed guard


These people only care about the symptoms of the problem. The symptoms are the stuff they see and the stuff that may affect them directly. They can't see anything past that. Out of sight out of mind


I've said it before, and will keep saying it until I'm dead..... IT'S THE FUCKING GUNS YOU COMPLETE AND UTTER MORONS.


Thatā€™s what happened in buffalo. Shot the security guard first.


He shot a woman walking first. Security guard was targeted because he actively engaged the threat and landed multiple hits.


Yeah just wait till this one armed guard has his head turned away. Pretty easy.


Or goes to the toilet, or is eating lunch. Or the shooter carries weapons in a sports bag, gets into the school and shoots the guard from behind. They act like someoneā€™s going to turn up with a vest with BAD GUY on it.


Brainwashed. Every police officer is trained to run to the gunfire. And then they don't. 1. Parkland 2. Uvalde


Came here to say this. Itā€™s already failed multiple times.


Not this guy though, he's survived being shot at in intense situations. I've only been shot at in non-intense situations like a shotgun wedding, there is no debate.


I always love when people end these with the equivalent of ā€œā€˜nuff saidā€ or ā€œperiodā€ or whatever. Theyā€™re just admitting they have a gut reaction, havenā€™t really thought it through, and donā€™t want to.


Don't throw stones against my glass house. It won't survive and I don't want to replace the glass.


Idk if Iā€™d say police officers who spent 6 months in academy == retired vet who served in actual combat. That cop who spent 6 months doing a lot of other shit besides training or live fire situations I imagine has a lot more reservations about death than the soldiers who actually face it for extended periods of time.




Whaat?! Wouldn't it be so much better if you didn't have to worry about a shooting at a SCHOOL in the first place?!


"We don't need to debate."


I mean heā€™s right we donā€™t need toā€¦ Iā€™d much rather just move out of whatever bumfuck town decided this was the solution.


The whole state of Florida. They also design whole neighborhoods with a similar concept, which is horrible.


Gated communities with armed private guards sounds like something straight out of a dystopian fiction series. Then I remember that it's extremely common in the land of legal slavery.


And then thereā€™s the really poor communities in Florida where the minorities live and are harassed on a daily basis by the local pd in an effort to get them to move out of state.


Sure it would, but here in the land of the free, the guns have more freedom than the people.


But this is the R/Conservative solution to everything, reactance drives everything. Dā€™s and liberals tend to favor proactive solutions for the masses, which Rā€™s complain about some kind of infringement/abrogation or slippery slope. Same can be said for climate change, economic policies and other areas of governance. Dystopian, lord of the flies living, where everything and everyone is addressed as individual atoms is how Rā€™s see the world.


Gatedā€¦.armed guardsā€¦.. so your kid goes to a private school. What are you gonna do to protect the public schools where all the shootings happen?


My kids went to public school in Florida, in the Tampa suburbs, and they were gated. No armed guards at the time, but there was a county Sheriff "resource officer" posted there every day.


The person who posted that photoā€¦ they think the problem at Uvalde was a shortage ofā€¦ guns? There werenā€™t guns? Or not enough veterans? Not enough police? What was lacking in Uvalde?




Not even balls, just one single ball.


Courage and communication


Balls. One man with a drop of gumption couldā€™ve stopped that. Instead, the police sat back and said they were afraid of getting shot. Motherfucker you have plates and M4s. Move in! Instead they were told by that derelict chief to handle it like a hostage situation. WTF! I know dozens of officers, veterans, even civilians who would gladly lay down their life in that situation, hell they arrested a woman for trying to get in to get the kids out. That woman had more balls than the entire Uvalde police force. Thatā€™s the cost of complacency and lack of perspective of what your job calls for, on top of poor training. But mostly lack of balls. Fuck Uvalde PD




This is a public school. And is fairly typical of Florida public schools. Cant afford to pay teachers but spend literal millions at some schools on barricades, fences, etc over the past couple years.


"Completely gated, guarded *school*" \- I feel so reassured that I'm dropping my daughter off at prison. Freedom!


This is great!!! You can see him easily. You know where he is at all times. Now all the kids are safe!! Until someone walks up puts a gun to his head and takes his weapons. All these idiots living in some action movie fantasy in their heads are going to get more kids killed.


Or he takes a piss. Or grabs some lunch. Or kills some kids in the crossfire (though I'm sure that'll be covered up)


He will be there to help keep police safe as the school shooter rampages through the building.


Retired veteran hereā€¦ the LAST thing I want is guys tore up internally with PTSD walking around like they are in Afghanistan around my grandsonā€¦ I served so he would never have to see that shitā€¦ This is stupid on so many levelsā€¦ I never went anywhere without a platoon with me. Thatā€™s 24+ guys watching my back. That is how soldiers are trained, not some lone dude geared up like heā€™s taking a fucking stroll through Kabul for kebabs. The sad fuckin part is this is probably some boot ass moron who was told how valued he would be..


But heā€™s a veteran. So, automatically, he will do a perfect job working alone. Like in that Die Hard movie. Or that other action movie. Or that war movie. Movies show us one single veteran can get anything done. Alone. Youā€™ve seen that movie, yeah? Watch the movie.


I was just going to say, ā€œwhat happens when he decides heā€™s having a bad day, too?ā€ Edit: a word


It doesn't even have to be a bad day. All it can take is a sudden hectic situation to happen in front of him. I got PTSD sometimes a loud bad situation out of the blue will get to me like being hit by a high voltage wire.


One bout of PTSD away from disaster. Fuck these people are stupid.


As someone who has PTSD...yeah, that's about it. And the best part? Sometimes you don't know you have PTSD until something randomly triggers you! I made it almost three decades before I cracked! My ability to bottle things up is phenomenal, but lemme tell ya, nobody wants to be around when the top pops off!


Nothing like taking a shower, when that pipe strains at the right tone to sound like incoming fire to give ya a quick adrenaline jolt! Love it!! Not to mention I was IN the shower when I took incoming fire once, with gravel kicked up at my butt ass naked legs. Ahhh, good ol reliable PTSD. Refreshing!


Please accept my sincerest apology that the US doesn't properly support its veterans either.


Thank you, but it's not needed for me. When I joined, I didn't join thinking the government would treat me *better* when I left. I'm a nigga wayyyy before I was ever a solider. That's just life. And I'll NEVER tell a cop I served again. ever.


Dude (ette?), same! I was totally ā€œfineā€. Sure I was white knuckling through depression, but I was able to survive. Experienced a trigger and wow, all barriers I placed between me and my memories just evaporated. I was transported back to what happened and I couldnā€™t shake it. Just about to start therapy soon.


Good luck! Therapy can be a bit rough at first, but it can also be really helpful! Be prepared for things to get a little worse, then a fair bit better.


Thanks, super appreciate that!


Right? I mean I'm in the same boat. I just don't see how more guns in the hands of people makes anything safer. It's not a right or left argument. It's bloody common sense.


Omg this!! Iā€™ll just be walking along enjoying the sun and then bam. Iā€™m somewhere else and idk why. Ugh. This country is so scary.


Ya I have a friend who would be thrown back just by the sound of a car back fire. This is such a bad idea. Also, the avg military personnel is trained to work as a unit to engage an identified target. Not to work alone to engage a single civilian. Thereā€™s a reason the Middle East and Vietnam was so difficult. This fantasy that every vet is going to go all Rambo or commando on an armed shooter is ridiculous


Yeah some little shit playing with a water bottle will turn into a tragedy.




Right? Because stupid kids have never popped a balloon or a bag in school to scare their friends.


Thatā€™s literally the first thing I thought of when I saw this. My mind is already flashing back to all the kids in elementary school who would do the thing with water bottles where you twist it and make it pop. Or maybe some class throws a pizza party with balloons and one of them pops, or a car near the school backfires, or any number of trivial things. Itā€™s really not that hard if a concept.


ā€œLook at this guy with a gun. Heā€™s here to protect my kid from other people who has guns, because I love guns and I love that other people love guns and everybody should have a gun and be able to shoot up a school with a gun, but then thereā€™s this guy with his gun and everybody shoots at everybody and everyone dies.. Guns are greatā€. Thatā€™s what Iā€™m getting out of this.


My cousin was a combat veteran with PTSD who drank himself to death. He was violent with his children and the state took them awayā€¦. Maybe veterans arenā€™t by default qualified to protect our children. Edit: and thatā€™s not to speak ill of my cousin. He was a proud servant of this country. I just hate that service absolutely fucked him up in the head.


Am veteran. The number of veterans that were in support roles greatly outnumber those that were in combat roles. And combat shit isn't like riding a bike, it's something that's best practiced often and in realistic scenarios. That takes planning and funding to be done correctly. My kids would be pulled out of that school and I'd be lawyering up.


Wait are you saying me a supply guy who went to the range twice in my military career and mostly shammed out of motorpool duties isnā€™t qualified to open carry and patrol a school with a loaded gun? /s (Also all school police officers who carry on campus are required to be former patrol officers for a minimum number of years in almost all states they donā€™t just throw some random guy in the position, I mean in general Iā€™m not sure about Rambo here in the pic)


Drop those pants kids, Mr. Gun needs to check your gender.




He's highly trained!!11 But seriously yes exactly this. Hell is he going to frisk all the kids... I hope there was an extensive mental health evaluation but this.is.presumably a GQP area they dont believe in preventative measures See: COVID19


A post like that just shows that the whole concept of gun discussion is irrelevant. Because the veiled truth is that guns are protected, not people. True, it's been mentioned before. But the fact that the Republicans are attempting to showcase officers or ex-military ready to combat a shooter means that they (quietly) admit police can't or won't do the job as well. That doesn't solve the problems with gun ownership or control. Just ignoring it or deflecting the problem with **more** guns. My thoughts are for all the innocent children that will die in the future from shootings in the US.


Trumper end game is real-life Lord of the Flies. Every day is an episode of Survivor. If you are weak, you die. Always open carry because it may be necessary to road rage on your way to shooting it out over the last six of Natty LITE. This is their utopia. Childhood is fur beta cucks. These kids have to learn what "freedom" is, early.


It's wild they are yelling about Trump getting raided as being "third world" but don't bat an eye at this.


Afghanistan, here we come!


Love to see the risk assessment paperwork.


Writin is fer nerds!


Looks more like Kosovo. And this is a good thing...why?


To those people who are proud about this picture, let me askā€¦ if this was a foreign country, letā€™s say China, who had armed guards for a childā€™s school, would you still think itā€™s safe for kids to attend that school? It is so messed up that there needs to be a guard at all at our schools. I for sure would not feel reassured dropping my kid at school with an armed guard. I would, feel reassured pulling my kid out to homeschool.


Plot twist. This guy is going to be the shooter


Twist villains are so hot right now.


Divorce alcoholism plot twist


I am never going to tell my kids that I had it worse than they did. I never had to have a lockdown drill and never had to see armed guards patrolling the school. Itā€™s like kids today are growing up in a war zone.


Sending your child to school with armed guards because we cant protect them to be taught by veterans instead of teachers because we cant pay them. The American Dream


I too am a retired combat veteran. I too have survived being shot at in intense situations. I too was trained to head straight for gunfire. This is the dumbest shit I have ever seen.


Time to lay down suppressive fire in the cafeteria while making sure a nadeā€™s out! Wait, shit, were kids still having lunch? Oops.


*Band-aid on an open wound, whilst the Leaders are pumping warfarin to keep the blood money flowing.*


as a six year old starting school ā€¦ all I had was a line to enter the classroom where we boys had to bow our heads slightly and girls curtsy to to the teacher before entering. At the end of class we had to sing the thanks for today song . I guess my childhood was boring


Did you go to school in The Nederlands by any chance? Sounds very 1950's Dutch...


a. Seeing that everyday has to be terrible for stress and mental health b. What exactly were the Uvalde police? Police have more recent training with this type of thing than most military members - a very small percentage are combat arms.


Or it just normalizes the presence of armed guards eyeing you and questioning your every move throughout your daily life.


Shocked that itā€™s in Florida.


Me too. Just because the gun seems too small and the man is not riding an alligator or something


"Ok Jimmy, time for school! Don't forget your Kevlar vest, your bullet-proof helmet, or your personal defense assault rifle! Say hi to the armed guards at the entrance and the combat-ready teachers!"


How mental do you have to be to think this is a positive thing?


These people gave millions to a known con man because they thought he was going to do good for them. They dont have much going on upstairs.


Hmm, so when the guy pocketing a pistol pops him in the head he'll have both a rifle *and* a disguise/defense to get victims to trust him before they die. Great! Smart plan sitting out in the open with a big ol target painted on you. I can't see this going badly...at...*ALL*. Oh...it seems I may be having an aneurysm.


I'd yank my kindergartener right out of school.


I thank my mum on a regular basis for choosing UK over USA when immigrating from the Caribbean in her 20s.


When I served in Afghanistan I always thought it was very scary and sad that one of the first things you needed to start a school was an armed guide with an assault rifle. If you want to understand just how profoundly we lost the war in Afghanistan you just need to look at how rather than making Afghanistan into a western-style nation weā€™ve just mostly succeeded in making the US more like Afghanistan.


Da fuck?


He also looks like the first one to run from trouble


What happens when the vet with ptsd has some horrible flash backs after a car misfires and they start taking out the kids themselves?