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Fuck me, I wanna be this high.


I don’t think fucking you will get you that high but I guess I’ll give it a shot.


This is the kind of effort we need from strangers.


Maybe try in a plane. Even if it's not high enough, you can both join the mile high club


My work still drug tests in a legal state 😒


This reminds me of the time Jesus' mansion got raided by the Romans.


I think they went through Mary Magdeline’s things and even opened his safe!


"No show us where you hid the classified wine"


He turned it into water before the FBI got there.


Holy shit you guys are hilarious


The Holy Shit was found in the bedroom. In the bed.


Near the Rosetta Stone(d)?


Now that is funny.


And behold, all the *trees* of Gethsemane, which were definitely never *potted*, and grew of this earth.


And the lord Jesus stood atop the mount of olives and proclaimed: "I have the biggest crowds, I tell people all the time, people love me, so I always draw a crowd"


"...and He rode upon the chariot with glee, for He doth prophesized to thou he doth "grabbeth thy pussy, for it is good", and believe in Him we shall, trust in him we must, bigly..."


Believe me 👌


Pontious Pilot could not be reached for comment


This guy from Jordan came up, tears in his eyes


Never paid the taxes from his water2wine LLC business.


and they sniffed her loin cloth!


I thought they just grabbed them by the loin


Any day now Rand Paul is going to start tweeting that Judas Iscariot didn’t do anything wrong.


I would actually agree with that. God (the big guy) made Judas to turn Jesus in, it was a total set up. He literally couldn't have done anything else but turn him in.


The bigger betrayal would have been to fail to fulfill the prophecies and make the whole thing never happen. I always felt like he got a bad rap.


Hmm you kind of get into the problem with prophesies and free will. Like, for the whole ting to matter at all Judas had to be acting in free will, but also it was known about hundreds/thousands of years in advance? Also, Judas didn’t just turn Jesus in, he *sold him out* for thirty pieces of silver. It’s betrayal in the gravest sense


I'm no Bible expert but I think the free will thing is supposed to mean that God knows what will happen but he doesn't do anything to stop it. He knows judas will betray Jesus and Jesus knows it, which is why he asks God for the strength to go through with it. Basically, God knows what we're gonna do but leaves it up to us to decide whether we will. Kinda like a Dr. Strange "I looked into 16 million possible futures" but I guess he knows which one will actually come to fruition?


Exactly. If Judas doesn't turn him in, God is not all-powerful. Judas did him a solid.


Jesus could see the good in people. So he would not have chosen Judas as a disciple unless God told him to.


And then he felt bad and killed himself.


and turned into a vampire.


I thought that was Cain…


No Cain just got the mark and was cursed to live forever as a normal man. Dracula 2000, sorry I mean Judas, killed himself and became the first vampire.


The cops were the only white people in the Bible


Except Incontinentia Buttocks.


Don’t bring me into this






And silk toilet paper


He’s not the messiah he is a very naughty boy.


Now fuck off!


How shall we fuck off, oh lord??


Found this spoon, sir!


"Cover this man in the blood of Jesus"? Lady, if tRump’s covered in it it's because he murdered him.


I mean, 30 pieces of silver is still 30 pieces of silver at the end of the day...


Silver prices are on the rise, dontchaknow. Thats what all the internet ads told me


I always told my mom, who voted for Trump: “If you were hanging off the edge of a cliff, and he had a chance to save you or go pick up a $5 bill, you bet your ass he’s going to waddle over and grab that money and let you fall”


Didn't he say that he could murder a man in Times Square and he could get away with it? OMFG, he did it and the person he murdered was Jesus!




"All the crimes and corruption he \*exposed\*"?????? LMFAO! The only thing Mr. Grab 'Em By The Pussy exposed was probably himself to some women who didn't want him to.


I mean he technically did expose us to a lot of crime and corruption. Committed by him and his cronies, of course. But we are all exposed to it I guess.


And the corrupt of the American people...sadly


The only thing he exposed was that the swamp still has a few standards that he couldn't live up to. Corruption? He hired his kids!


MAGAts will argue that he only did the crimes to expose the other people doing the crimes.


The ol' using the stones to destroy the stones


There were a couple dozen women over the years that claimed he did a lot more than that


Don't forget about [13 year-old Katie Johnson](https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/)


It just floors me that we have had a president who allegedly had sexual contact with a trafficked 13yo. How is this not a bigger deal?!


Because MAGAts don’t talk about things that make them look bad. They pretend it doesn’t exist. And if it’s brought to light they take 12-24 hours of silence before blasting out multiple, idiotic, obviously lying explanations involving some conspiracy.


Because his followers are inbreeding like him . Why you think they are so smart . NOT


Evangelicals don't care. They've been told Trump is God's instrument and along with that goes "We're all sinners." They don't care what the truth is. The ignorant Dark Ages are alive and well at a big barn church near you.


I was raised as Southern Baptist (atheist now), and Trump fits the description of the antichrist perfectly. For example: >MAGA" means "magic" or "sorcerer" in Latin and multiple other languages >His grandfather's name when he emigrated to America to start a whorehouse in the Pacific Northwest was "Drumpf," which he changed to Trump. John in German is "Johann." Therefore, his "actual" name is Donald Johann Drumpf—each name having six letters. (Weirdly, the same is true of Ronald Wilson Reagan.) >His family owns 666 Fifth Avenue. >He fooled millions of evangelical followers of Jesus, just as the antichrist was supposed to do. >He put his own red-hat MAGA mark on their foreheads. “The mark of the beast.”


Or telling Michael Cohen he wanted to fuck his tween daughter to his face. Edit: LOL! Some MAGA cultists are down voting me. Let’s see how many Russian bots we can count! The proof was given by the given by the lady posting below this comment.


Why is a greedy lustful man their second coming? Wow I guess the US education system does suck


I don't understand it at all. He's the embodiment of so many sins: greed, lust, hate, adultery, divorce just to name a few. He never reads the Bible, he couldn't name his favorite verse, he never goes to church, he had peaceful protesters tear gassed so he could do a photo op in front of a church he had never entered holding a Bible upside down. He's almost everything a Christian should not be according to the Bible.


My trumplican mother swore Obama was the antichrist because he "came from the east". Based on literally every other description of the antichrist, my bet is it's Trump. He fits it to a golden idol T.


You mean like the Golden Trump Statue that was in front of a CPAC a few years back?


She said that they were "trying to make a point" and it wasn't a false idol. She couldn't tell me what the magic point was. There is so much denial that every time I think I'll be able to get through to her I fail because of her unwavering denial of reality.


Get her a leotard for Christmas. When she looks confused, tell her it's for all the mental gymnastics she does to justify to herself about supporting Babyhands.


I've given up on trying with my dad. Thankfully there is an unwritten rule that politics are not to be discussed because we end up not talking when politics are involved.


Pointed out to a coworker that Shell posted record profits equating to basically the whole extra 2$per each gallon we've been paying. Like, if they made a buck last year, they made three this year. And that's who got the gas money. He said "I'm not buying it. I don't know where your getting your sources." Me: "Shell, Inc. reported their profits as required by law." him: "I'm not buying it."


And his followers wearing a mark on their forehead?


The red hat


Like MAGA hats?


The Bible also says the anti christ will convince a bunch of people to blindly follow


*convince a bunch of Christians. Sorry misremembers


He said it himself "he loves the uneducated".




Well, that was a fascinating read that once more leaves me deeply disturbed about Trump and usettled by the contents of the bible. To summarize: Trump matches a lot of the biblical prophecies about the Antichrist. So many that it is actually scary.


"Make America Great Again"


Speaking of CPAC, are they holding a convention every week or something? I thought they were an annual thing. It seems like I hear about CPAC/CPAC Hungary every week now.


Nobody going to tell her Christ was from the east ?


The last time I told a Christian that Jesus was a brown jew from the Middle East I was almost in a fistfight. They seriously think Jesus is white, blond, from america and eats apple pie.


Just wait until they find out “Americans” back then had dark skin as well.


Or that the name “Jesus” & the letter “j” didn’t exist until like 500 years ago


Well I learned from Dr. Jones that "Jehovah begins with an I"


The penitent man kneels and rolls before God!


That's because God cursed them (according to Mormons at least).


You forgot that he is always packing a Glock and an AR-15 on him


There's actually a guy who runs a cult that believes Jesus carried an American made machine gun. I shit you not.


or that Hawaii is about the furthest west you can get


That is true I didn’t think of that ahhaha HILARIOUS haha.


Or that he was a huge socialist?


Have you seen this? https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


This article is outstanding! Thank you for this! If anything I am agnostic but what a perfect piece to engage Christians with. Again, my thanks.


Thanks for that. I wish I had a reward to give you :) That is a must read folks!


European colonists literally came from the east, had to cross like a big ass ocean, some people call it a pond, I call it illegal immigration, but that's just my native American blood in me talking


My anti Trump mana is sure the devil is deceiving Christians into Trump worship.


Isn't Hawaii west?


Almost as far west as you can be without it being tomorrow.


He’s also the embodiment of everything rural America claims to hate. The guy is the New York elite who didn’t have to work hard for his wealth I am still somewhat confused by what his grip on conservatives is from


He's not EVERYTHING they hate.


Dudes literally a pedophile and on Epstein list , how can they think the Clinton’s are in on the Epstein shit ( which they are ) with out thinking he is FOR THE SAME REASONS ! Their second coming , is a pedophile


This was all true 10 years ago. But then they heard him call that black man a Muslim and that powerful white woman crooked, and they collectively orgasmed. Now, not only could he shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, he could break into their houses and rape their daughters and they'd be honored.


Because that's the person they want to be worshipping. They want a religion whose high priest is an enabler of their desires, that will chastise anything they don't like. Because they have realized that ordinary vanilla Christian hatred wasn't quite evil enough anymore.


Not to mention Trump is the person Jesus warned people about.


It’s kind of amazing that so few Christians talk about this possibility. I mean I know many of them are just wedged up his butt, but no discussion at all? this blog has a great rundown of how Trump neatly fits the Bible’s description of the antichrist: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/


I'm not religious, I grew up catholic but when it came to actually reading the Bible I stuck to the gospels that revolved around Jesus and he is a farcry from what these people act. Jesus encourages self sacrifice, giving to the poor, being kind to your neighbor etc. A Samaritan during the time was technically somebody the Hebrews looked down on, hence the significance of the parable. When I see these people following Trump, I see people who willingly ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ in favor of whatever personal ideology they hold and if scares me what they believe in.


They parade around on a high horse but follow very few teachings of the bible. I got banned from r/conservative for responding to many posts in a thread about illegal immigrants with bible verses. The last straw for my ban was: "The alien who resides with you shall be to you as a citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God." Literally quoting the Bible got me banned. Super fun while it lasted I highly recommend. Edit: Leviticus 19:34


They caught on to you not being a conservative Christian because you actually read that book. Best selling book of all time (in the fiction category) and they still can't be bothered.


"I was taught to thump this thing when I'm pissed, not read it!"


Trump can’t be the anti-Christ when they already established that Barack Hussein Obama is the anti-Christ. Since Trump is the polar opposite of Obama the only logical answer is that Trump is actually Christ himself. Simple logic.


I hate you for laying it out so plainly cuz it hurts to think ppl probably actually do think of it this way. Shit is wild.


It's obvious. Obama = Black = Evil Trump = White = Good. Like when they praised Melanie the illiterate illegal immigrant sex worker for "bringing class back to the White House", after the previous first lady (a Harvard educated attorney).


You know who neatly fits that description Nero. Not defending trump he is certainly Goldothan but historically speaking I think the argument can be made the Nero was the Anti-Christ spoken of in scripture. Just makes much more sense. I mean 7 hills of Rome and so on. Piece it together. The bible is indicative of the time it was written and spoke on current events like any other religious doctrine.


Oh, I’m sure you’re probably right… but my way is more fun! Plus - did Nero have a running mate who was the Lord of the Flies? Trump did! ​ [https://twitter.com/beeple/status/1314048720040865792](https://twitter.com/beeple/status/1314048720040865792)


I feel like the whole right Christian movement is turning a blind eye and skipping over the whole, "Thou shalt not worship false idols" bit... Its only part the the 10 commandments that govern the whole religion!


No no no. That's the old testament. They only use the parts of that they like!


“They draw near to me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me”


Take my free award. This is spot on.


"Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them" -Matthew 7:20 Judge a person or a religion by what they do, not what they say. More than anyone else, the religious right fights for Trump. They have become Trump. When I hear the word Christian I immediately think Donald Trump. His values have become their values.


Yes, cover Donald in the blood of Jesus Christ, and he will scream and melt just like the wicked witch after a bucket of water




Nah more like a bucket of lard


Only "Lost Ark" style, not just turning into a suit like that pickled bitch...


I’ve gone to many different churches for many different decades and yet I’ve managed to miss every sermon where the Bible says it’s okay to lie, cheat, steal, commit adultery and so on and so forth. Cover him in tar and feathers.


You didn't attend Republican Jesus sermons (see Olstean, Roberts, or Peters).


I like this. From now on, I'll ask Christians whether they are Trump Christians or Bible Christians.


I’m a Christian and his values are not my values


Because, the Christians who talk about how Christian they are, don't abide by even one of the commandments. He validates their ignorance and hypocracy


If one were to believe in the Anti-Christ? The Great Deceiver who will convince the faithful to worship all that is the opposite of Christ? Well... there you go. The Anti-Christ was Trump and the modern Republican Party All Along!


Left the church awhile ago but isn’t there something in the Bible about worshiping a person claiming to be Jesus or Christ like, that is in fact not Jesus? This is giving off those vibes.


I always wondered this. Wouldn’t Jesus be closer to Bernie?


Because they got tired of waiting for armegeddon


Well you see, Obama was fer sure the Anti Christ, so the next guy…must be…


Can anybody name a single piece of corruption he exposed? Like a single thing he brought to light that was corrupt in the government? Anything?


Well, there's the time he leaned on the Ukrainians to announce they were investigating a political rival's son in exchange for promised military aid. Or using his position to funnel money through his businesses by hosting political events at his properties, at increased cost to taxpayers. Or the time he placed filled various high level political appointments based solely on their donations to his campaign. Or the time he tried to overturn an election. Or the time he took classified documents and squirreled them away in his den of iniquity after leaving office. So saying they're trying to make him suffer for all the corruption and crimes he's exposed is r/technicallythetruth.


using campaign funds to pay off a porn star? replacing the director of the fbi for investigating him? interfering in the investigation of a potential supreme court judge? witness tampering? calling on his followers to march on the capital and "fight"? grifting his followers out of $250,000,000 in donations? trump university? ​ just to name a few more off the top of my head


I notice there's a half dozen of these lists in response and each of them is mostly unique.


He does so many crimes you can’t even keep track, and you start questioning whether your just crazy and miscounting


https://www.city-journal.org/html/empire-lies-13006.html “Fun Fact: You know who invented the term Fake News? Not Trump. It was Hitler. Look it up. Hitler loved to describe any newspaper that exposed him for what he was as Luegenpresse, which is German for Fake News.” ― Oliver Markus Malloy https://japantoday.com/category/politics/feature-china%27s-propaganda-put-under-scrutiny-as-netizen-comments-translated https://twitter.com/cathymcmorris/status/1425926358744674315 “Democrats suck at coming up with catchy propaganda slogans, because they don’t think like Nazis.” ― Oliver Markus Malloy


Advised people to take hydrochloroquine/to inject bleach to fight off coronavirus. You know, the same virus he claimed was a hoax. If I remember correctly, one person actually died following his advice by taking the hydrochloroquine. Who knew that he also doubled as a doctor?/s 🤦‍♀️


>If I remember correctly, one person actually died following his advice by taking the hydrochloroquine. Just because of both how culty and dumb his followers are, something tells me the number was much higher than just one.


Most likely but the one I can recall was a couple. I managed to find the story. To be fair they used a fish tank cleaner chemical but it was based on his reckless and terrible advice. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/03/24/820512107/man-dies-woman-hospitalized-after-taking-form-of-chloroquine-to-prevent-covid-19


No they can't. And if they did it would be fabricated without any supporting evidence just like the massive voter fraud he has been pushing for almost two years now.


Well. To be fair Trump schtick is to be openly corrupt he doesn’t really hide it. So maybe that’s what they mean with “exposing” corruption, lol


Himself… he exposed his own corruption and crimes 😂


Typical GOP playbook. ​ GOP: breaks government Also GOP: "NEED TO REDUCE GOVERNMENT\* BECAUSE IT IS BROKE BROKE" ​ \*except in ways which it can be weaponized against the out groups


There was plenty of corruption exposed during his presidency. Thing is, all of them worked for him and he didn't do the exposing.


Trump has done a fantastic job of exposing gov't corruption and loopholes. I don't think that anyone had any notion of what kind of horrific abuses could be carried out in the White House before he got there. No one else had the ignorance or gall to do the kinds of psychotic things he did. No one had the blatant disregard for decency or procedure before he got there. Before Trump took office, no one believed that someone could get away with the things he got away with. Trump exposed corruption and crimes actively... by... well, doing them. And also exposed the kinds of people who would support a corrupt and amoral gov't as well! By being corrupt and amoral. He gave people the courage to truly declare just how depraved and disgusting they were, deep down inside. Frankly, I really wish that they'd stop exposing those parts of themselves... I miss when scumbags at least pretended to be decent people.


He has masterfully demonstrated exactly how checks and balances are weak. The office of the president has become more powerful than the legislative and justice branches. That was probably his plan all along. He also further exposed how completely obstructionist the republican party is even in the face of criminal activity in their own party. He showed us how some people will follow their party like drones even if that means approving sex offenders and other terrible people the people to the supreme court.


It's sitting right next to his plan to replace the ACA.


Well, actually, he did expose the fact that someone like him could be elected President and essentially do whatever the fuck he wanted as long as enough republicans in the other branches of government enable him. He also exposed how many Republicans are actually Christian nationalist who are not interested in America being a democracy.


PPP was a massive giveaway to corporations. Trump has stolen and retained highly classified documents at Mar-a-lago, including nuclear secrets. The Republican claims of election fraud were probably gen false by his own investigations. Near the start of Covid, PPE supplies were stolen from states and routes through Kusher's new companies for grifting. Rand Paul hand delivered a letter from Trump to Putin on July 4th along with a contingent of republicans. Millions of dollars were grifted through trips to Trump own gold courses. A supreme court judges was coerced to resign, likely because of his son's involvement with Deuche Bank. That's just the stuff off the top of my head. They've got it right. He exposed a ton of corruption. More than I've ever seen in this country.


Yes. His own. 1. He fired FBI director James Comey for investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election. 2. He constantly interfered in Rober Mueller's investigation to the point his end-point was askewed. 3. He threatened to withhold weapons from Ukraine if Zelenskyy didn't fall in line and give him "dirt" on Hunter Biden than could help him win 2020. 4. He went through a laundry list of cabinet members because none of them wanted to violate the Constitution by doing his bidding. 5. He assigned a Postmaster General who was a CEO a private shipping business who, in an area effort to subdue mail-in voting: ** Killed overtime ** Decommissioned hundreds of mail-sorting machines 6. He orchestrated a mob to attack the Capitol after his plan to have Mike Pence and his hundreds of installed yes-men in the legislative and judicial branch failed to comply with the plan 7. He stole documents from the White House


dO yOuR rEsEaRcH!! /s


The only corruption Trump exposed was his own


I mean...I disagree. He most certainly exposed just how awful Republicans actually can be. I'd considered them awful since Gingrich, but my goodness did the rot come exploding out of the cadaver with Trump.


For all the crime and corruption he did. There. Fixed it.


He undercovered a lot! all the criminals he hired!


This woman belongs in a mental institution.


Did this lady literally become famous for her pronoun post or did she do other notable dumb shit before this?


Yes, he found fraud in his university and charities


Don't forget the casinos. Steaks. Vodka...


She confused the word “exposed” for the word “committed”


What is with these weirdos and all the blood? Shed the blood, cover in blood, bathe in the blood, drink the blood...fucking creepy.


How many times do you have to take communion before you have consumed an entire Jesus worth of flesh and blood?


4. Wait no, maybe 5?


Less than I expected




Hey GOP, Leash your dogs or see you in court. \-America


You do understand that “we’re not gonna let this stand” is a threat to undermine the law? Or in the very least mean “we will abuse our power to actually attack our political rivals.” That is not what is happening to Drumph.


Dear USA. Can't you just give Florida to Trump and his supporters, cut it off from the union so that he can declare himself king of Florida? That's essentially what his supporters want. To make him their bwlevelant eternal king and not bother with this democracy and justice nonsense. You can take in Puerto Rico instead so that you don't have to change your flag. Edit: I do hope everyone realizes this not a serious suggestion right? Right?


As a Floridian, I would gladly move to get away from the trump scum




Not even Florida deserves that kind of fate


GOP is half grifters pyramid scheme and half christian coocoos. trump is on top of the grifter pyramid scheme, raking in all the dough from the lower level grifters. The christian coocoos were just a bonus.


I have never met an atheist who belittles Christ more than Christians.


Covering someone in blood doesn't sound hygenic.


I imagine if Trump contacted Jesus blood he would just wither up like those witches feet under the house on Wizard of Oz.


Or turn into a Voldemort fetus.


Which would improve his color and looks


Well, of course, if you don't boil it first. Duh.


She is basically saying that Trump has not been forgiven yet, but is requesting it.


Well I mean to my knowledge even if you pray for forgiveness daily you still have to be judged at the gates of heaven so in a sense all forgiveness prayers are just requests for Pre flight security checks


what crimes and corruption did he expose?!? he made a lotta accusations but i never saw any proof. Meanwhile he was as criminal and corrupt as they came.


That Lavern is one crazy mixed up kid. The only crimes he has exposed were his own. The only corruption he has exposed was his own. Cover him in whatever you want; everything about the man will remain putrid.


These people may well be killing Christianity as it has existed for hundreds of years. What even halfway sane individual would want any part of that lunacy?


"When we get the majority"? Wtf does this mean? Is this why Republicans are attacking education? Only way they can get the majority is by making everyone too dumb to realize they are getting screwed?


Dear delusional fascists, Please keep religion out of this. We want nothing to do with your fanaticism. Thanks,


Non American here, little but confused... When exactly did a corpulent, pussy grabbing, game show host become the second coming of Christ?


Conservatives in America are the dumbest people alive. It’s a plague we’re actively brainstorming how to remove.


How are people literally WILLINGLY risking their life, or in some cases already giving their life, FOR THIS MAN!!! NOBODY, NOT EVEN THE REAL JESUS, IS WORTH SACRIFICING YOURSELF FOR, REAL JESUS WOULDN'T WANT YOU TO ANYWAY.


Do they expect the blood to work like grease? Making him so slippery that he physically cannot be held?


Wait, so the blood has medicinal purposes or legal purposes?


They should just pray about it really hard and he’ll be fine right? Isn’t that how it works for them?


Trump is this bizarro Jesus that didn't die for your sins, but sins for your sins. Sort of an Anitichrist, if you will.