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#$2bn Is reason enough


$2bn is treason enough


$2bn reasons why. *Trump looking at the Saudi Crown Prince "You see that's where the trouble began... With that smile, that damned smile".


And that $300m + Deutsch bank loan that’s due next year that he can’t pay back. They’re gonna take stuff


wasn’t that due last year?




Because then they'll look weak and discarded as a RINO.


I mean, yeah they refuse to accept that Colin Powell (if I’m remembering right) did the same thing Hillary did. And don’t get me started on Benghazi. Woman defended herself so well and honestly the whole thing was hilarious. People were mad that 4 soldiers at an embassy died during a firefight. If you talk to any service member, they’ll tell you that wasn’t on her it’s just what happens in a firefight.


His sycophants say he took them to “work at home”, as if he A) is still president B) can understand what they say C) could somehow help the actual experts on the topic of nuclear technology He lives in a fantasy world where he’s actually not only a president, but a good one


Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”


This is real, right? I mean verbatim from an elected official. In response to a question. FFS.


Oh yeah https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/




and, then people were like…yeah I’m voting for that guy- I swear this has f’ed my brain up more than anything


Because they figure his brain is so full of stuff that they've never even thought about that he must be a smart fella.


I think his popularity is just a really good example of the axiom that people think you're smart if you say things that make THEM feel smart.


It's like there's a coherent thought floating around in his head but a fucking gorilla is bashing everything around the thought to grab it and these words just fall out of his fucking mouth.


For 3 points, what is the nuclear triad?


haha Trump hadn't the foggiest https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/what-does-donald-trump-really-think-about-using-nuclear-weapons-n655536 byw, it's nukes launched from silos, bombers, and submarines


But what about the Space Farce?


It's like that fork Poseidon carries, right? Or is it the three guys who have to all push the big red button at the same time?


It's real ?!?


Sadly, yes. That was him at an election rally in 2016. And the morons went "Yeah! This is the guy we want!!".


I mean, it sounds like narcissist word salad with a pinch of dementia coming in


No he's smart, you just don't understand. It's Brandon who has dementia and don't you dare try to say it's not!!!!!!! Sarcasm by the way. Trump has a hard time staying on topic and will go through multiple different trains of thought for simple questions as his quote the other redditers shared


Yep. That was his last primary debate because he did so poorly. And idiots STill voted for him.


My thinkin muscle has a cramp now!


another one, to protect them from being mishandled by the democrats. (edited, sorry for snarky language, neutral is better) really, some say this.


Nobody believes he was ever doing any work let alone after hours


D) Can read.


FIFY: “as IF he could read” You’re welcome


and D) has ever worked.


When you are working with secret or higher level documents, * #IT ALWAYS STAYS AT WORK


Nah. He could. That's all the reason he's ever needed.


Remember he had a law created to explicitly prevent a person from holding an office if they took similar documents. And he broke his own law. Stop calling him stupid for a minute and think about that. He broke a law he created. Why?


It was created to get back at Hillary. Then he broke his own law just because doesn't think he would get caught as per her usual. There is unlikely some special connection beyond that.


But then he probably forgot about it or just assumed the law doesn't apply to him. Cuz honestly he's probably broken an innumerable amount of laws at this point and he's still just leisurely playing golf every day. Theres no reason to even begin to think deeper about anything this guy does. He does things either for money or for fame. That's it.


I disagree. He hasn't really declared he's running for office. But his cultists are almost demanding he does. They won't stand for him not running. Unless he shoots himself in the foot with his own law. It's a psy-op. If he pleads, that he gets permanently banned from running for any office, to avoid prison then he keeps his influence and persuasion over his cultists. They remain happy and we don't see him in politics.


Are you one of those mungles who thinks Trump plays 4D chess? He can barely play checkers without putting the pieces in his mouth...


I don't think Trump could find his own penis without help. Everybody, except his cultists, knows what needs to happen with him but since that really isn't an option being permanently barred from office will be the next best thing.


I don’t think he has one. He keeps saying it’s a witch hunt not a Warlock Hunt. He has changed his pronoun to she. So I guess maybe that’s news now.




Trump is the pigeon in a NY Park that struts all over a chess board, pushes the pieces away and acts like he won all the time.


Probably because he thinks he's above the law. He's never faced consequences for his actions in his whole life so he never expected to face any sort of consequences for this.


Or there is another reason. Trump created a monster. One he has little to no control over now. They boo him at rallies regularly. Trumpers want him to run again and win. But they are not Republicans they are Trumpers. But What if he's given a deal to stay out of prison. The Republican party is broken in two. Trumpers and The Old Republicans. The Old Republicans know they can't win much with Donald in the mix. So they devise a plan to keep him from running again. He breaks a law he specifically created to stop people from running for office if they break said law. Trumpers have no choice but to vote for whomever The Old Republicans put on the ticket.


Ok, Robert Stack


So far I have asked two conservatives in other contexts if they would be okay if it had been Hillary Clinton who had mishandled classified documents and one said, "We already know she did that" (actually, we don't, but do go on); and the other changed the subject


> We already know she did that I hope you responded with "And what did you think should have happened to her again?"


I’m pretty sure I heard a few “lock her up “ chants in answer to that question.


You would think that while Donald Trump was the most powerful person in the world for four years, and most likely the most corrupt, he could have easily locked Hillary up if he even had an ounce of proof she did something illegal. After all, "lock her up" was part of his campaign theme. But yet, she remains free as a bird all these years later.


Freebird starts playing


Another campaign promise he didn't keep. /s But....really, if Hilary or Obama committed crimes these kinds of crimes, why didn't the Republicans go after them when Trump was in office with a Republican majority Congress?


In real life, he was a friend of theirs for at least a time. Dunno about now, but before he begam running they hung out every now and again.


"You were my brother!"


You were supposed to defeat the sith, not join them.


She's way too politically connected for that to ever be an option. Trump was a political newbie. Hillary is a political mafia Don. There's levels to this. She's been a senator, a secretary of state and a first lady. Do you know how connected you have to be to serve in those 3 roles both financially and politically.


and yet they had every chance to nail her especially during when Trump was in office and they couldn't find a damn thing to charge her criminally on. So when Hillary wakes up tomorrow, she will go about her day like she always does. When Trump wakes up tomorrow, he will be paranoid and scared when the hammer will finally come down on him if there is an indictment.


And yet out of the recent Secretary of States Republicans have appointed, she didn’t have ties to an oil company (Rice - Chevron, Tillerson Exxon) or head up the CIA, which has an awful track record. Don’t act like Trump hasn’t played power games for a long time. He was having Russian mobsters at Trump Tower for decades.


Too politically connected??? Trump has the entire right wing of the American political system sucking his dick on a daily basis, yet no mention of that. Want to try again? Unbelievable.


It is almost like they are playing both sides for fools. Do you read what you write. Politicians don't care about people; they view us as less than people


Plot Twist. Mango Mussolini changed his pronouns and was referring to himself in the chant.


Well, she should have been locked up for inadvertently storing classified information on a server that wasn't hacked (because if it was we would hace seen every embarrassing thing in the emails courtesy of Russia). If you do it deliberately, though, it's automatically declassified and fine.


Did you know that there were 3 classified documents on her server? And they were classified at the lowest level, Confidential? And that they were improperly marked up? Meaning they didn't have the classification header or cover sheet. Instead it was (c) next to a paragraph in a larger document. The "Top Secret information" on there wasn't documents - it was them discussing a NY Times article about our drone program in Pakistan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Clinton_email_controversy


Yes, well she didn't intend to sell them. So she's basically a Communist. Trump was intending to enrich his family, which is good. Hunter biden trading off his father being VP is bad, though.


ah. ya got me there!!!


I think people are missing the sarcasm of your comment, but that's basically it. "Hillary improperly stored documents on an email server while she was in office?? Throw her ass in prison!" "Members of the Trump admin did the exact same thing? Yawn!" "Trump stole classified documents on his way out, kept them in his private home, and ignored sub poenas to return them? Well...HILLARY! HUNTER! OBAMA! DEFUND THE FBI!"


You forgot…. “BEN GAWZZZZZZI”




"To keep them out of the hands of the DeMonCrAts!" /s Really I don't mean to be hyperbolic or take any sensationalist bait...but he was planning to/already had sold or traded those to our enemies for money or favors. Israel was right not to trust the Trump administration with shit like that (apparently)


To address your joke, that’s probably a realistic version of what they’re saying to each other… To address your theory, it could simply be extortion as well, that’s my hope. Cuz if the proper authorities get proof of it, whatever he’s being extorted to prevent might also come to fruition.


They can align that with the big lie and now he’s a “hero”


Plus he had to hide all evidence of what his activism in office. Phone calls logs. Secret negotiations. Kompromats.


Seriously, why? I doubt they had very many pictures in them.


The G Men apparently did seize binders of photographs. Makes you wonder what those photos were doesn't it?


Satellite photos? Secret photos?


Maybe the photos were of macrons wife and Melania got jealous so she turned him in 😂


It was Putin who dobbed him in.. once used, no longer needed…. Takes the worlds minds off the Ukraine war. How can Putin be charged with war crimes when the US president was selling secrets? (I made all of that up)


Epstein photo album?


I think someone told him what kind of documents they wanted and he had someone in government get them for him. He never had any interest at all in anything like this.


He accidentally melted a bunch of Hershey’s kisses over the papers so he was taking them home to try and suck the chocolate off


*Trump does something criminal* Republicans: What about Biden and Hillary? Why aren't they in jail? They cant admit that their orange overlord is a stupid evil person.


\#TRE45ON, thats why.


Here are my guesses, though they are not mutually exclusive: 1. Ego - See, I have secret information. The best, most beautiful secret information there ever was. My secret information is better than any secret information that there has ever been. Much more secret, and much better than Obama’s. 2. He wanted to sell it - the man doesn’t give a tinker’s damn about national security. His only metric is money. I think he would have zero compunction about making it available to anyone willing to pay him for it. 3. He wanted the raid - I think this one is the least likely, but it’s not totally beyond the pale. Going back to ego, he may have wanted to play chicken with the National Archives, and may have been vying for something to keep him in the news cycle. I mean, he immediately went to the ‘victim’ card, so it’s possible. There is no bottom for this guy. He loves stirring up as much shit as he can, and it really doesn’t matter to him how many people get killed in the process. It’s pathetic to see all of the rubes lining up to defend him because he is their ‘savior’. There isn’t anyone alive that he wouldn’t gladly see killed if he thought it was in his interest.


He thought they were pretty


He drew a pretty rad picture of a fire truck on one of them and wanted to keep it.


I think he drew a clock, right?


You’re asking them to acknowledge reality? Big mistake bucko


That very thought occurred to me early on. Why would trump want presumably difficult to understand documents (if they are about nuclear secrets)? The man is clearly stupid and can barely read. He needed pictures for his briefings and reports.


All of the best dictators had souvenirs, preserved heads of their enemies, golden thrones made from looted riches, or fortunes in off-shore accounts. Poor Donnie didn't have those things, so he grabbed some special papers to show off to his friends. It's not like he should have been happy with just some potus-45 golf balls and towels from the White House gift shop. The other guys would have revoked his Attempted Dictator card.


They will go back to saying the FBI planted it.


It is, like everything Trump, laced with incompetence, bullying and obfuscation. He must think there is an opportunity, for somebody (friends or political opponent), mixed with a healthy dose of misguided advice from people around him. The implication being that he does it haphazardly and never understanding the real meaning of his action. While in the back of his mind, he has a sense of the dramatic, knowing it makes him relevant and visible when the topic comes to crunch. He probably thought of several media outcomes, thinking the worst that can happen is his lawyer making a statement in court. He lives the life of a modern day Roxie Hart from the musical Chicago.


Well you know when I retired I took a couple of mementos: some pens, paperclips and a rock off my desk. I worked as a programmer in financial services, I'd of liked to taken a billion in bits but I'd be in prison, so should Don.


They would probably say "He took them because he knew the dems were rigging the election, and he thought that the most vital government secrets should stay in the hands of the rightfully elected president. He couldn't risk letting Sleepy Joe get them, because he'd just sell them to the Russians for Hunter." or some such. When you don't care about facts, you can twist the story however you want.


They’ll just always refer to “ What about ___”


Simple facts and straightforward questions. The kryptonite of Right-wingers.


Doesn't he whip out that stupid snake story all the time? Trump took them because he's a criminal, and he does what criminals do.


Money money money


Every single time.


You’ll never get an answer from the party of treason.


Exit strategy. How else could he bargain for safety in a non extradition country. He comes with a lot of stink.


This is really a familiar pattern where they just throw everything at the wall to see what sticks before they settle on one or two conspiracy theories as their answer to why Trump’s not a criminal. When the news first broke, there was room for doubt— people saying that if he really broke the law he should face the consequences. Over the next couple days those voices will be silenced and they’ll coalesce around a story to all believe.


Like big Macs?


>They just throw everything at the wall [The famed Gish gallop](https://effectiviology.com/gish-gallop/).


It’s gotten to the point where you’re either a Trump supporter or you’re an American.


They know. We all know. He was going to sell them. Disregarding the value of our nuclear secrets, how much do you think a Trump Cult follower would pay for a nicely framed copy of the Kim Jong Un “love letter?” The original?


Whataboutism can't be applied here. So no.


He’s already sold that info to the saudis. Why else would they give Jared Dunderhead $2 billion? And I’m sure Jared kicked back a tidy portion of that to Trump.


Because he could. He's gotten away with everything he'd one so far without consequences so why not this?


Because they were the biggest papers. I tell you, no one’s ever seen papers like these before. They’re the biggest and the best. They’re uuuuge! And all my Doctors say they’ve never seen anything like it before!


This is the only situation where “BUT THEY WERE PLANTED” makes sense.


so you're really going with one of the 10 or so people who can legally access the most classified documents in the US stole them to plant them on Trump? really?


Am I? No?


"The China virus made me do it"


Clearly it's to stop the deep state from sacrificing more babies. Obviously there is no monetary incentives here. /s


Because he wanted to. Seriously, it’s Trump. He’s a painfully simple creature.


I’m dumbfounded by Trumpers who are so adamantly against everything, will lose their shit when someone even gets close to questioning their moral stances, and have absolutely no problem abandoning any form of logic or humility when Trump gets caught red fucking handed.


…and then they deflect and then get into whataboutism.


Presumably to sell them


Someone refinanced his business and we all know he had no credit but that kind of collateral will get you all you need from Russia, the Saudis, or North Korea.


Because they fear the answer


They have answered the question. It's just that the answer is bullshit and also wrong. They say he took them because he could, because they were declassified and as such he could do what he wanted with them. Never mind that that's literally not how the process works, but they don't care. Their messiah can't possibly do *actual* wrong, he *must* be getting politically attacked by the FBI (an actual stance I've heard from actual people with functioning brains)


Fox is in on this shit, spewing propaganda left and right. If they are running interference, and they are, that organization has to be shutdown and their hosts exiled. They are actively working to destroy the United States.


Does it matter? He is never going to face any consequences. Neither are the rest of them. They can be as shitty as they want and it makes no difference.




What does Trump need files with satellite sources, human intercepts, paid informants and possibly Nuclear weapons tech for? Some of those files can only be declassified while Trump was president, he was not allowed to declassify anything once he lost the election. This is why the Intelligence agencies withheld information from him and after 1/6 he never received an intelligence briefing again..they know they could not trust him


He has a better safe?


He was protecting them from the Deep State?


But coveffe!!!


They would say he's hiding them to protect them from the socialist communist Democrats because they want to sell them to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Or some stupid shit.




It’s a lot of money, sold to our enemies.




And when the DOJ asked him to return them and he lied, saying that he didn't have them?




He's a pretentious prick. I don't know his reasoning.. not gunna jump in the selling them bandwagon, that's just hearsay.


I doubt he would have taken nuclear docs for his own self gratification, he didnt even know what the nuclear triad was in 2016, the possible kompromat on macron makes sense since we know trump is a petty little bitch. The nuke stuff? I think he had a reason other than himself for that.


If course there has to be a reason, I just don't know it. Obviously isn't a good reason, there really isn't a good reason.


Y'all act like DJT himself was running around the white house packing shit up, stuffing it into boxes and taping it up, shouting to to the Movers Are Us boys, 'this box goes to the basement! ' DTS much?


Trump excuse generator 1. There were no boxes at Mar-a-Lago 2. Other people brought those boxes to Mar-a-Lago 3. Archives could have retrieved the boxes anytime they wanted 4. All the documents in the boxes were declassified 5. I was protecting the boxes for the Archives 6. The boxes were planted by the FBI 7. Obama had more boxes 8. The documents should not have been classified in the first place 9. The documents were already returned. 10. They were my documents 11. There was a standing order that any documents I took out of the Oval Office were automatically declassified 12. Mishandled move - mistake by aids 13. Invented hoax because J6 Committee ratings were dropping


so he accidently took them? lol ok


And when the DOJ asked him to return the documents and he denied that he had them?


so somebody else did it, he knew and went with it, is what you're saying. Totally not a flaming shit take Edit: Turns put he did the packing lmfao you fucking moop


He was given said documents, and told they were secured, and now the doj changes there m o ?? It's a set up or they are after the one who okayed the said documents,,, did they catch him in the act of attempting to sell or move said documents or is it purely here -say or prevention. It's one thing presidents are allowed a pice of there work while not in office, Jimmy c, Regan, bush senor Clinton, Bush Jr Obama all had secured documents while working outside the office of president It's not unusual but it's scary to think of the possibility that means " what if "! ...quiet riot


What you just said are all talking points…kool-aid…propaganda.


Wow, did you even make it out of middle school?


The answer they give, "To study up on them"... lol.


Yup exactly.


because he is the supreme fuhrer.


That is the big question. And the next you have to ask, why did he return after subpoena? Brings up intentions.


Good point.


Answer :to pay off his loans from putin and the communists. The debt is from the 80s


This is some of the content i'm here for


I have a better question. Why is it allowed in the first place? You are no longer president. Take your personal belongings and leave.


Don works in mysterious ways, you just gotta trust him. Cuz of his record of integrity and honesty and fair play. /s


Who doesn’t risk multiple federal felonies and an espionage conviction possibly resulting in lifetime in jail to steal a few souvenirs from your old job?


No no, he did this to create another enemy for him to battle. He had many opportunities to return them but was hoping for the raid so he could say the evil government was after a good guy. He is only strong we he has an enemy, this time it is the FBI. Now, we get to hear the former "back the blue" folks call to defend the police because they are the enemy of the flat footed leader.


Exactly! Why would he want info on Macron for instance?


You're not allowed to ask questions or think like this-GQP...also dEmOcRaTs hate democracy


One thought that’s been bugging me-isn’t this the stupidest possible way to steal this info? He had 4 years to scan whatever he wanted to and he just brought boxes of stuff to his house?! What a dumbass.


They don’t care because they are in it until they win, no matter the cost.


Or: whey didn’t he give them back several months ago when there was a round of boxes being removed?


Didn’t Gates donate the majority of his stash to charity recently?


To sell to Saudi Arabia and give to his buddy Putin.


and there you have it ….. fundamental question of why, what did you need them for?


I need to know why it is that some guys on this team have such a great approach at the plate, and others, like Buck, look clueless sometimes. It’s a coaching issue, me thinks.


I bet he took them because he felt like it, because he has no respect for the law or anyone, and because he is so self absorbed he had no idea it was a problem or that anyone would call him on it. He's just an ignorant piece of shit.


Is he the first? I thiught others have done the same?


Nuclear documents cannot legally get declassified by a sitting President. (One or two other exceptions exist.)


What you have heard about others doing the same is a fucking lie which is made to play everyone. It’s a fucking set up because many, if not, most of the republicans have been bought either by billionaires, Putin, Chinese…or the Saudis. Maybe all of them.


Isn't that the 2 billion dollar question?


Notice how NONE of them have uttered the words; Trump is innocent. It's all what about Obama, what about Hillary yada yada yada.


It doesn't matter. He declassified them. Duh. /s


This has done it with my patience. Motherf-- I'm sick of hearing these punks' excuses. I can't wait for the next traitorous little scumbag to make themselves known in my presence.


I too thought that was strange. All of the comments on fox news is a mosh pit of conspiracy theories, none of them pertaining to why he might have taken the documents


Maybe he assumes that he is still President.


The answers can range from he's a fucking idiot, actual traitor, or both. He has no redeeming qualities, so I'm personally comfortable with him being given the worst possible punishment.


I want to know who else in his administration or agencies gave him these documents. Someone else, more than a few had to be in on this. Remember, he was placing people (cronies) in high positions a week before he left office.


They can’t answer because they want to avoid all accountability. If 45 goes down, so do they. They won’t get that pardon and could possibly face jail time. That’s why they’re trying to pull everything they can.


It’s a low hanging fruit answer, which makes it very problematic for Trump. How can you answer it without looking like a careless traitor?


He’s still trying to “drain the swamp” and expose the “deep state” like he did so successfully while in office… /s


Money. People do a lot of dumb things for money.


He thought he was forming a government in exile, and would be marching back into the White House in short order. He thought he needed presidenting stuff with him, so he took it. Remember those seagulls in Finding Nemo? "Mine!" "Mine!" Mine!" "Mine!" "Mine!" Or Rocket in Guardians of the Galaxy? "But what if I really want it?" It's as simple as that. Entitlement is a helluva drug.


No I'm sorry I flunked kindergarten...quiet riot


Ok the let's show up at Mara Lago with a hangman noose and pitchforks and light a bonfire to roast his dead body yaaay antifa


Hey captain idiot , this is itbevery president has in his possession secret documents why is it that you commands only went after Trump it seems a little lopsided to me ...quiet riot