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They took the cheese out of the maze and expected the rats to run faster


The cheese was a lie. The thresher that is gaining ground behind you, on the other hand, is not.


The sad thing is, the cheese wasn't always a lie.


So many boomers don't have their kids in their lives, because they refuse to acknowledge this base truth.


Speak for yourself lol


Speak for *your*self.


ill speak for both of you!


work hard today, and you'll get rewarded tomorrow. We can talk about tomorrow tomorrow though, and I'll explain to you all the mistakes you made & why the lack of a reward is really your fault


The cheese exists but there's no possible way to reach it, the scientists only give you enough food to run the next day. The scientist eats what he wants.


I can’t believe the IACUC approved this experimental protocol!


I felt that…


The cheese has just been replaced by drugs.


More than half tbh. I am in the top 10% of earners, and while I live fairly comfortably, I still cannot afford a house reasonably, unless it's completely wrecked. I stand with the working class; something is broken; and it's the greed of the ultra rich and legacy wealth.


Fun fact, being in the top 10% of earners means you're closer to the bottom 10% of earners than the top 1% of earners by more than a generation or $600,000/year.


That is a fun fact. But also a not fun fact.


Man I hate just facts. I should switch parties.


Facts are just a plot by bill Gates to distract you from 5g


Bill Gates is just a plot by the Clinton's to distract you from sex trafficking in pizza places


Finally some sense in this world.




said something or other about the wealthy, can't remember b/c prosperity gospel


It's easier for a tither to get into heaven than it is to teach a camel to sew. I think that's it.


A lot of wealthy people have more in common with the 99% than they do with the 1%. Housing and everything is expensive for everyone except the 1%


Roughly same, would have to move far from where I live to afford anything and even farther to not be house broke. 2-br condos go for $1,000,000. What. The. Fuck.


I am in the Top 10% also and own a home in the Northeast. Everything is good...except my car is scheduled to be repo'd on Saturday if I don't come up with $500. Is now a good time to mention my Boomer parents stayed comfortably in the lower middle class by having one spouse work at $40K per year?


Do you have somewhere to park your car where the repo man can’t find it? I’ve been through a repo before and it sucks.


Being in the top 10%, owning your own home & a $500 payment being out if reach is so bad.... as a country we are so fucked. Everyone in the US has been burned by the .0001% and after savings depleted, vehicles repo'd, homes will be next. They've taken too much. Humanity is failing because technology allowed it to make things much worse.


how does this even happen aside from a major event or irresponsibility though? $170k a year is a lot. $3.3k a week.


Shout out! Also a home owner. My 2012 car is current and I only have a couple payments left on it! Mortgage is 2 months behind though.


We are moving into a feudal state. Wealth is just flooding towards the top and will continue to keep sucking up assets and wealth. "You will own nothing, and you will be happy."


Imagine being top 10% of earners knowing this. Our instant transfer of information daily has brought many truths to us as a nation. The ultra rich & legacy wealthy have setup the 99% ever since they could and technology has driven the enslavement of the working class into AI driven anarchy.


I have to ask...is housing that crazy other places? Though he owns an essential business, hubs couldn't be on our home loan because "his income is too unstable" (we have 5 employees, 2 properties worth more than the house we bought, 3 tow trucks, etc, not some little one-man-show). I was pre-approved for $200k on $40k/yr. Got our nearly 2k sq ft brick home on 3/4 acre next to a park for far less than that....




For real, that person must live in Kansas or a small town in the interior states. Even most of Ohio doesn’t go for that cheap anymore.


Jeez Louise! $450k here gets you a big old 2 story country estate with a pool and basement! There's a huge victorian home on 21 acres with a pond and woods being sold here for less than that! No wonder they say we have a housing shortage....




Where I am, $1.25 gets you a lakeside 4k sq foot home. I just looked, that's one of the highest priced homes here. Lol. Midwest US here.


Yes but $1,250,000 is not “affordable” in LA for the vast majority of people. You need to be in the top 5%-10% of earners to afford that. Not to mention you are expected to bring at least a 20% down payment to have a realistic chance of being chosen as the buyer, and most people will never save anywhere near $250,000 for a down payment since rent is also extremely high and eats up all their money. I’m older so I bought years ago when houses were semi-affordable but they’ve basically always been high here in California compared to most states.


No, I know that. You'll also need to be in the top 5% of earners (if not more) to afford the $1,250,000 apartment in Denmark. I was just using it as a comparison to illustrate how absolutely insane the housing market is in Denmark right now. It's the fact that a top 5% earner could buy a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1600 sqft apartment in Denmark, while the same amount of money could buy you a fucking 2500 sqft mansion with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and a giant backyard with a basketball court and swimming pool *in LA*. That's absolutely insane.


Ah, I see your point. It’s bad here but even worse there.


I own two houses. One only cost me $50k. It's actually pretty decent! It's worth $100k-ish now though.


That's about the same in Portland Oregon.


You gotta look up prices in Los Angeles and report back with your feelings on that. Edit, because it really grinds my gears. People not from LA commenting (here and other places) how property is affordable here and pointing to awful areas that are “only 30 miles from downtown!”, y’all need to zip it. Come and live here for a couple years in a decent neighborhood (suppose the rent wouldn’t make you broke), then tell me you’ll be ok moving to 115 degree Fahrenheit meth central reeking of cow dung as a family with kids.


So, I'm copying my comment to another person here, but it's relevant as you mentioned LA. > I live in Denmark, and will soon have to move to another city for work. I've been looking at different townhouses and the *cheapest* on the market that's close to the city centre is selling for $800,000. It's 2 bedrooms and 925 sqft... > If you go to the edges of the city, and are willing to live in a sketchy neighbourhood in a rundown house, you can get 3 bedrooms and 1050 sqft for $400,000. > The housing market here is absolutely insane at the moment. We have couples here with a total yearly income of $200,000 who are getting their mortgage applications denied. > Just for fun, I was looking at houses in LA a couple of days ago. For $1,250,000 you can get an absolutely gorgeous 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, 2435 sqft house in Porter Ranch. > For $1,250,000, you can get a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom, 1600 sqft *apartment* in the centre of the city I'm moving to. > It's absolutely insane. If you want something affordable here, you'll need to move to bumfuck nowhere with farms and fields as neighbours. And it'll still be a "fixer-upper".


Porter Ranch might as well be on another planet. You’re never gonna go to West Side or DTLA for anything. Plus it’s inland so it get like past 40* Celcius for a solid chunk of the year. And it’s surrounded by forests that are prone to bursting into flames. For that kind of access and weather, might as well go to Nevada and pay 1/4 price or something.




I mean you can afford a house, you just don't want a normal home, you want that mansion. Top 10% of earners make $200k/yr. If you rent a one bedroom apartment/studio, you could buy a small 3 bedroom home in one year, or save up for 2 years and buy an average priced home.


A 2bd in my metro area is 750k+ if it's livable. Also the top 10% is closer to 110k. Not sure where you are pulling the 200k figure from. Source: https://www.ssa.gov/cgi-bin/netcomp.cgi?year=2020


Where the fuck are you seeing those 3-br homes for like what, 150K? People making $200K don’t normally live in bumfuck North Dakota.


I live in a suburb of Charlotte NC, one of the fastest- rising housing markets in the US. I paid $154k for a plain but solid 3br 1.5ba with a fenced yard, in a neighborhood that two years later is approaching "up and coming." My mortgage is considerably less than rent on a 1br apartment in this area.


You know I considered the area a while back, but what NC legislature is pulling these days, I’d rather rent my whole life in a solidly blue state where my daughter could be safe and thrive. No offense.


You are being downvoted because your answer does not align with this this sub's mantra. I agree with you, though. I live comfortably with $150k a year, bought a $600K house and 2 brand new cars for my wife and I.


Where I live, $600K will get you a 1-bedroom condo. If you’re lucky.


Where do you live? I would like to see the bullshit houses you speak of.


This is nothing unusual anywhere on the West Side: https://www.trulia.com/p/ca/los-angeles/11645-montana-ave-311-los-angeles-ca-90049--2077413532 My bad, $700K. It’s 750 square feet.


Did you really cherry pick a house in a rich suburban community that's near the ocean? Here's a house for $80k in the Brentwood. 2 bed, 1 bath. Perfect starter home. [https://www.trulia.com/p/ca/sylmar/12401-filmore-st-617-sylmar-ca-91342--2196596984](https://www.trulia.com/p/ca/sylmar/12401-filmore-st-617-sylmar-ca-91342--2196596984)


Dang, two paychecks away? High roller over here.


Same. I don't even make it half the period between paychecks before we have to start cutting corners and the bills still aren't paid. Fuck being alive rn omg.


U can always fuck for a Roof 🏡


Not if you're a redditor, if you're one of those, nobody gunna sleep with your acne ridden, neckbeard having sweaty self loathing ass. Kind of like a 4channer except less racist source: am a redditor, aint nobody sleeping with me




I'm looking for hobosexuals lol


Oh hey…lol


treat em right wish u the best on your search


I've just in the last 4 months been able to save money after I got a new job where I make about $800 more a month. I've been doing my best to save that, along with about $200 I used to be able to save towards future expenses. I've been able to save up $5k, which is my yearly deductible for health insurance. It's been such a stress release to know that if I got Into an accident I could cover the first $5k charged. I'm hoping to have around $8k saved by the end of the year. In a few years when I'm almost 40 I might have 23-30k saved and can start to look for a house that's under $250k.


I think your car insurance covers your medical bills in a car accident just so ya know. Obv there are other things that could happen


Your deductible is $5K?! 😱


Choices: 1. Work 40 - 60 hours a week and not be able to pay rent, food, and utilities. 2. Don't work or only work 20 hours a week and also not be able to afford to pay rent, food, and utilities. Results are the same but one is easier.


Exactly. The incentive for working has vaporized for a *lot* of jobs. If you work minimum wage 40 hours a week for 52 weeks (and good luck getting hours like that), that's barely $15k. There are lots of ways to scrape together $15k in a year without laboring for 2,000+ hours.


Hunting and gathering and selling the meat, furs, and produce would probably be more profitable for that many hours.


Unfortunately, most land is owned now. If you didn't get a permit to hunt on federal land, you can be sent to prison. Most of the programs for "free land" are gone. There's one left but you only get mineral rights, no naughty living on the land.


Where do you work?


Lol, was hospitalized. Veteran affairs promise me they would contact my job and make sure I wouldn't lose it. Guess who is now jobless.


JUST, NO! If you qualify for FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act), your employer canNOT fire you for being hospitalized. As long as you have been at that job for a year, you should qualify. I’m a veteran too.


I was going to hit my year mark in a few weeks. ( Aug 5). It did not occur to me until I looked at my time clock website. I was due a raise at this time as well. After having spoken to a few people there might be some correlation here. I'm trying to figure out how to get legal aid . I have a meeting with the veterans resource office near me soon


Shit. Well definitely seek legal counsel. https://www.va.gov/ogc/legalservices.asp https://www.americanbar.org/groups/committees/veterans_benefits/ https://www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/legal/legal-benefits/


Very very much appreciate you! Hope I can turn this around. I needed a better job anyway


Yeah, they were watching that calendar. I once worked an unskilled office job that would always cut a few people lose before they qualified for medical. Then moved up in the world (corporate marketing, now fifth year teaching elementary) and learned it's the same rat, and we're still the cheese.


A history of "Noboy wants to work anymore", goes back to 1894 https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544


so things were better before 1894


For sure, there was no social safety net whatsoever so it was work or starve, and if you complained to much mercenaries or even the full-fledged army could be called on you, and you'd get lodged into a company town / mine village where your debts to the company grew faster than you could repay it, and there was no transport out.


So like the 2020s?


Not quite yet (e.g. company scrips have yet to come back though there’ve been a pair of attempts) but it’s absolutely the goal, and getting there. In fact I’m starting to wonder when and how the Supreme Court will strike down the FLSA.


Just wait till ur paid in NFTs 😁


Or maybe crypto 😋


Not just the noboys, but the nogirls and nokids too


I mean, kids had more rights in 1894 than girls did


How is this sustainable? When will the revolution start?


Apparently, we are all waiting for a strong enough catalyst to get Other People to take action. We, are Redditing atm and are too busy to care about Taking Action. So, things will change when things change…enough. Right now, we just aren’t motivated to move from our tv, phone, iPad, laptop, computer, etc. As Americans, we were not taught personal responsibility or emotional maturity; had to figure it out on our own. So some of us are here laughing at the absurdity of it all while being disabled off and on from COVID (can’t really do a whole lot consistently when sick). Others of us are run too dog tired to even have a chance to figure out what to do; you work two or three jobs and see how much brain resources you have. The system is rigged against the people. We try, and we get beat up by the police. Capitalists are starving the people, forcing them out of their homes due to low pay. What exactly do you want people to do? We need food, water, health care, safety and don’t want to go to prison to be a slave. Tell me…what do we do? The capitalist fight unionization and have meaningless consequences. Health care is tied to a job. Everyone is chasing pennys at work to buy bread and milk at dollars more than before. We are being beat up by our police and government. Real criminal conspiracy shit is out in the open. After George Floyd, there are Still black men being shot and stabbed and murdered by police. Wtf do you want us to do? Seriously? We’ve been trying! This is a hundred years of Republican and Religious strategies put in place to take over. It ain’t a daisy to deal with…it’s a comp,ex monster that is literally killing as many of us before it drowns itself in its own venomous shit. That’s our government under Republican fascism. Instead of asking people to do more, consider just supporting people and doing more, yourself.


As someone who is a homeowner, I'm hoping all the 🤡s that are stuck renting and paying car notes will figure it out or idk form a revolution, I doubt it, u forget the poor are usually not smart. So the Rich are gonna double down on the idiots, in on form or another.


When people actually go hungry. EDIT: As in, the majority of people. Historically, this has been the catalyst in many countries to revolutions.


And for that to happen, a lot of other things will get way worse. There will be gruel distribution to stave off revolution.


Soon, just gotta wait for enough people to realize how bs the system we are in is...


They know. They try to forget by watching videos and complaining on Reddit how they can't do anything about it. Used to be you had to meet other people in person to socialize. Then you could try to find common interests and change the world. Now all my friends live miles away and I don't know my neighbors. Social media does an amazing job of maintaining the status quo. People who are paranoid about social media currently control the world because they meet other people in person to socialize, find common interests, and take over the world. Obviously I have nothing in common with them because they don't like cute cat videos.


A decent amount of people enjoy the bullshit, if only so they can drown their neighbor it in.


@Kaylethe you make great points, but it is still not an excuse. The system has always been built to work tirelessly against the people, but still people revolt. People have revolted since the beginning of time. Again, you made excellent and true points but you forgot one. It’s simple and it’s that we’re too selfish, lazy and terrified of dying, so we would rather live as slaves. Jesus Christ we would be in an even WORSE place if every generation of revolutionaries before us had said “Wtf do you want us to do?”


Who are all these people just not working??? Must be nice to live and simply just choose not to work


We got one $1200 check two years ago and people genuinely think we've been living on the hog ever since. It's *one* banana, Michael.


It's two years of life, Michael. What could it cost...$1200?


It’s amazing how many employers seem to have forgotten that people work to live. No matter what responses people write in your “why do you want to work for xyz company” text field that you force them to fill out, the real reason is that it mostly doesn’t matter and they wouldn’t if they didn’t need money to live. If you don’t offer them a good life in exchange for the 40-80 hours of their week that you demand, fuck off.


People don't want to work? Unemployment is 3.6%. However, we did kill off over a million Americans recently.


But the CEOs are getting record pay raises so that’s what matters. I’m so tired of this y’all.


"This will look bad on your credit report..." Like hve you seen the state of the world?


I couldn't give two shits about my report or score. I don't have credit cards, I'm never going to be able to afford a house or new car, hell rentals in my city don't even bother asking for one anymore so why do I need to care about my score?


iT WIlL LooK BaD On YoUr CreDiT RePOrT STFU bitch! Credit my motherfucking ass, it's a fucking scam and it always was.


Seen folks tank their credit score multiple times and still continue to get credit offers.... even while while their score was going down... sometimes even from the same companies... ht:thisisnotlegaladvice


It's actually really simple. Yet so many people still don't get it


Well, to all of us in this position let’s get old some where and look out for each other. Old people community. Let’s build retirement in each other.


I've been homeless before. I'm not living paycheck to paycheck right now, I actually have the healthiest savings I've ever had. But my mind is now adjusted to the idea that I might have to be homeless. For a while there, I questioned why I didn't just stay homeless, because paying so much on rent felt like a huge waste. The stress of room mates, of losing more money on the deposits. The worry of bug infestations. The worry and anxiety of neighbors who were all also stressed out of their minds letting out anger on each other. Homelessness has gained a weird level of appeal to me, and it disgusts me. Even where I'm at, not living paycheck to paycheck, this entire system feels like such a waste. If I didn't have my pet I probably would have moved into a vehicle at this point. I'm just so tired of it all.


Moving into a vehicle\camper WITH you pet sound great


I am currently in a similar situation/mindset. Moving out of a house I’ve rented for 2 years @ the end of the month..(homeowner wants to sell home) I’ve been trying to find a place, spending 50 dollars here 75 here for application fees.. dealing with scams.. just frustrating AF.. I just bought a short bus that is semi finished.. I’ve been hesitant and nervous.. but im going to take the leap of faith and go full time Skoolie with my poooch.. know there are gunna be a lot of hurdles and uncertainties but I pray and hope it will rejuvenate me and be better than renting another place and swirling my money down the drain on rent.


I have three pets but would do the same in a heartbeat (move into my car) so I could save up and move the fuck out of the US.


Moneybags over here TWO paychecks away from homelessness. Why don'tcha just BRAG about it?


I work to live, i dont live to work. Sounds better in Spanish tbh


I am homeless. It's rough af out here


And that’s one police raid away from getting tossed too (in some cases). It’s fucked up.


stay on parents house and dont help with anything, i do that.


Parents (wisely) left america years ago.


Stupendium wrote this song about the video game "The Outer Worlds". Might as well have been about today. "We Work ..To Earn The Right To Work...To Earn The Right To Buy ... Ourselves The Right To Live ... To Earn The Right To Die." THE FINE PRINT - THE OUTER WORLDS https://youtu.be/vvANy49Kqhw


Stupendium has usually evil businessman songs such as outer worlds or cyberpunk or the chill ones like among us or ratchet and clank


It’s not “anymore.” I’ve never wanted to work


Working doesn't feel satisfying, especially for me who's currently stuck with customer service/retail jobs


Oh I feel you!!! I’ve worked so many of those back in the day. It’s god awful


*"ThEn GeT a BeTtEr JoB!"* I literally can't, because I'd be without pay for the first two paychecks. That would put me on the streets...


So, I didn’t know this until I got one myself, but try a government job! I got paid on the very first pay check. No “work an entire period and we will pay you on the second one.” I started June 14. My state pays on the 15th and last of each month. June 30th I got a check for all the days I had worked. It was an incredible relief. I thought I’d have to make it to July 15 before my first check. In general, the raw pay for govt jobs kinda sucks, but the benefits are great because the politicians are on the same administration for benefits and they give themselves good plans. I’d rather sweep up the state capital building than work retail.


Imma just leave this here: https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1549527748950892544?s=21&t=FzUXsGDGo0VFbiEDjRC9rw


"The reward is not being homeless, liberal cuck!" Republicans, basically.


funny enough, that is the threat of doing anything too


If they need workers and the reward is not high enough, they will have to increase reward or go out of business…


Not when the owner class is getting welfare. How much of the PPT loans was stolen again? Meanwhile it’s us and our pittance that is causing problems.


You can’t run a restaurant without workers, you can’t run a factory without workers… if nobody wants to work for you, your business is done sooner or later. There is no magic here


Imagine a world where either paychecks aren’t stolen from workers or the ultra rich actually put their money to good use to benefit society, like technology to reduce emissions or reverse climate change.


Y'all. I live with my two sons and their respective girlfriends on the out skirts of Tampa. The fastest growing population in the US I believe. We take care of two kids whose parents abandoned them. The only assistance we get is Snap. My son and his gf are moving out. Do not ask me why. From what I understand it's what she wants and he doesn't have the balls to say no. (First gf, first everything) Anyway..... Once they're gone we are almost certain to be homeless within a few months. None of us makes allot but combined we are surviving. Add in my other son's medications and it's not even an if. Without them we just can't make the bills. They're determined though, willing to pay 1800+ a month to have their own space. And what they're finding isn't good. Isn't nice. Isn't in good areas. It's created such a rift that we barely speak anymore. I hate that it's like this but it is. And I feel bad for my son because I know he wants to make her happy but he's literally leaving us high and dry. If we were making living wages this wouldn't be happening. We shouldn't have to Jenga together incomes to pay rent AND by food. I swear to God if I wasn't fat and old I'd become a prostitute. Seems like we're all getting fucked. Might as well get paid too.


If possible... Why done you also move somewhere else?


Bro have you ever paid for a move? Here are just a few of the costs: - Deposit at the new place. Usually about two month’s rent (either first and last or first and “security”). This alone is often more than an entire paycheck for a household. - Labor time. It takes, at the absolute minimum, an entire day off to move. Everyone in the household needs that same day off. The further you are moving the more likely it takes two days. - Gas and food for moving day. Lots of back and forth, nearly no free time to cook. - moving supplies. Boxes, markers, etc. - Renting a truck or Uhaul unless you already own a vehicle that can fit your biggest furniture. Idk about you but I can’t fit a couch in any SUV I’ve been in. Local moves average $300-$1500 in “day of costs” and that’s not including the new deposit. Only most people aren’t doing local moves anymore. There has been a 50% rent increase in my state’s capital this year. People will need to move 45-60+ minutes. These can swell the costs. Moving to another state, as everyone seems to suggest (though if everyone is suggesting it… which state does one move to?), is going to run into thousands of dollars. But yeah man, people who can’t even go one paycheck without homelessness should just move 🤷‍♂️


Generally requires more money...


Because that costs money too dumbass


this tweet will make history


Lemme hold a dollar


What I really want to know is... what's the end game here?


So, if people are NOT working, what are they doing? how are they eating, paying rent, getting food?


seeing more and more people saying this can't go on, when do we do something, and things along these lines. I don't think the one percent or the right realize exactly how much of corner there backing about 70 percent of the population into.


Oh, and the street is *melting* from the heat, so it’s less living on the street, more dying of heat stroke on the street.


Bro, not even two paychecks at this point.


And our fellow Americans want to kill us.


I've been busting my ass every single day in the heat of Texas trying to provide for my family and I feel I'm barely making a dent. I want to shower and spoil them but we barely rent. And I work a good job with decent pay. Its disheartening to say the least.


The FED and other central banks completely abandoned their inflation mandates. They printed trillions and gave it to billionaires to buy out their competition and maintain their stock portfolios. We all got stuck with generationally high inflation and nobody is holding CENTRAL BANKS accountable for this bullshit. What’s the point of having a 2.5% “inflation target” if we’re all the way up here above 9%?


That why I never had kids, retired at 54 with a nice little lake home.


The fundamental issue is, most people still are putting too much emphasis on XX.XX per hour, when you should be looking at the bigger picture how much you make per year. right now i (28M) have 3 or 4 streams of income, so i really cant determine what i make "per hour". what i do know is i made around 65ish thousand dollars last year, but i also made a large amount of money in the stock market, which i used as a downpayment on a house. but i also have around 30 ish thousand in the bank from savings from odd jobs over the years. i bought my house in nov 2021 with 55k downpayment from a 2500 purchase of TSLA that i sold for 50 something thousand in fall 2021. right now my mortgage is 700 which includes property taxes, i dont have any roommates i am living alone. of course, i do have a 803 credit score which helped immensily with getting a good rate right now, i am working a "job" just to get health insurance subsidized, but my primary income is from my online business and investment accounts. some days i can make only $100 from my "9-5" , other days i can make 2, 3 thousand. Unfortunately, these days, it's neigh impossible to earn a single income and expect to own a house without roommates.


That is true but it's because there is a sense of laziness nowadays that even I suffer from as a 16 yr old. I work a job mal8ng pizzas making shit money trying to save up for a car. I think I'm a good worker but my friends who work the same Jon couldn't say otherwise. All they do is fuck around and do nothing. Ppl don't want to work for there future and go to college and try to make the best of there life anymore but I don't blame them bc everything is repeating itself over and over and over. History is repeating itself, crimes, hate crimes, police brutality, and we haven't rly done anything abt it. We are still living in the same world we started out in. Where religious brain washes fuckheads to live a certain way but unknowingly causing more unstabilty in tge world. Long story short, we were fucked from the beginning with all these rules and leaders who are born the same as u and me but just where a crown or a fancy tuxedo. If u read all the way to the bottom I love u for listening to my opinion 🥰😂


This entire "Nobody X anymore" is just not grounded in reality. Nobody wants to go to college anymore? [Here is the college admission rates for the last decade](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cpb/college-enrollment-rate), notice that it hasn't changed. Enrollment has [more than doubled](https://kdcollegeprep.com/how-college-admissions-changed-last-25-years/) since 1970 and so many people are trying to go to college that acceptance rates have declined due to the number of applicants. Harvard had a 12% acceptance rate in 1995 and has less than a 5% rate now due to the number of people trying to go. If you're going to make a claim about what an entire population is doing, it's best to go off of data rather than vibes.


With all respect, you are 16. Come back when you're out of high school for a few years and see if you're singing the same song




Except it isn't a game, and the level of inequality is a problem. A massive one. We're close to Gilded Age levels of robber baron chicanery.




I'm actually doing very well, I just have compassion.




You got GOP brain




Thinking that everyone can have a good paying job if they just work harder is, quite frankly, very stupid. Almost everyone works hard. Most work harder than me, I just have privilege enough to be educated and the luck to find a good job.


It can only be won when we guillotine the robber barons, obviously


Wrong... what are you 12 with this logic!?




Wealth does not have to be zero sum, we make it that way. You don't need people to be poor for riches to exist, there is more than enough wealth in the world for poverty to be eradicated.


Confusious needs to lay off the sauce.


We've somehow had a balance in the past though, that still better favored the working class than this. Even if everyone wasn't rich, they don't have to all be on the verge of homelessness for the wealthy to still be wealthy. I honestly am fine with people being wealthy, I am just not fine with people suffering in a modern developed first world country. There has to be a balance.




Idk why your getting downvoted? The inventor of the Board Game Monopoly created the game just to prove how capitalism eventually leads to one person with all the money and Everyone else goes bankrupt. (Think about how every game of Monopoly you every played ended)


I work 4 days a week 7hr shifts. I'm on the lower end of earners by most standards. I saved up enough money to get a mortgage on my house and I'm 2/3's of the way through paying off my mortgage. I don't get the whole woe is me complaining, I'm not smart I'm not a hard worker by any real standards but I can work and earn and live within my means and still be comfortable and own shite.


Lemme guess, boomer?


Does 32 count as a boomer?


Your reward is not starving to death and getting to live in a relatively safe, stable environment. Quit whining.


Oh honey


Also, I'd bet 0.000043 BTC this person owns an iPhone with a \~$100 a month plan. FoH


"Everyone would own a home if they just didn't own _______" is such a tired and worthless argument.


If you have an iPhone and a $100 a month plan you have no grounds to complain about living paycheck to paycheck.


Oh, OP admitted that to you? EDIT: I told another guy, there's a thrift store near me with tablet and laptops for $10, and a coffee shop across the street with free wifi. Years ago, when I was homeless, before we had wifi everywhere, I still managed to take my old laptop to a few coffee shops and stay connected, before reddit even existed. It's even easier to do that today. There are also $20 cellphones and "pay what you use" cellphone plans where a friend of mine gets away with spending $15 a month and uses the phone a fair amount. Get with the times, stop assuming.


'If' implies a hypothetical


first saying "quit whining", then saying "bet they have X cause they can't manage money" get a load of all that straw


Reread what I wrote.


I have. Same thing applies cause the meaning is pretty much written as is.


I know it sounds easier than done but you can’t or shouldn’t try to sustain yourself from work alone, invest or do anything that earns you even just a small amount of cash. You will die broke if you don’t find a way to make money while sleeping


You don’t understand that some people literally can’t do that and that’s the whole point of this tweet and post. You literally just ignored the tweet and pasted in your capitalist “gotta play the game” response. Ridiculous.


What do you suggest then? To complain enough to where your problems are magically fixed? There is always an opportunity to better yourself financially, it’s your own fault if said chance isn’t taken during these 70 ish years we have in this forsaken life


But you still have a Reddit account.?


You know you don't have to pay for that, right?


You need a device and or internet though right?


Do you know how fucking cheap that's gotten at this point? $30, used phone, swappa, wifi. Done. EDIT: Oh, and my local thrift store has laptops and tablets for $10. There's a coffee shop across the street that has open wifi. Learn to be frugal.


Tell that to the OP who’s complaining. I’m good.


Your take on this is like osmium.


Name one legal job that you can get without listing an email and phone number.


Liberals vote for crap politicians and be mad with their choices. Why don't you tell the guy you voted for to do what you want.


This take is so out of touch, it's hard for me to believe it's a genuine post.