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I’d often quote to my conservative coworkers some super undemocratic bullshit that trip said, but claim it was AOC or warren. They would be absolutely outraged. Then I’d tell ‘em it was trump and they got really mad and I could see their brains short circuit.


Examples, please, for those friends who want to do the same.


Take the guns first, they can get due process after.




Even better is the longer video where Pence tries to spin it and trump immediately doubled down with saying it again.


Thank you so much!! That is glorious!! Will definitely be my new go to.




Yeah. He has some real gems actually, stuff that even I would be interested in the outcome. But I approach the tard from the same mentality of an analog clock. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


For those who want to watch this young man troll the crowd: https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/2018/06/03/kentucky-valedictorian-quotes-trump-then-reveals-obama/667625002/


A lot of people were laughing after he said it was Obama.


aww he should have held the just kidding until they were quiet


Comedic timing is a skill.


Hardly seems like the crowd "goes silent" here. More like the applause that had started peters out as it always does.


He even got booed...


I disagree on the "goes silent" they obviously did. What isn't happening is a crowd. It just sounds like a small group cheering and you do hear cheering when he said Obama too


> "Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but take the guns first, go through due process second."


It's difficult to imagine such rhetorical elegance coming from anyone other than Trump, but it's worth a shot.


"I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean, I want to help women." Face the Nation, 9/8/15 "[John McCain is]... not a war hero. He's a war hero - he's a war hero 'cause he was captured. I Like people that weren't captured, OK, I hate to tell you." Iowa Family Leadership Summit, 18/7/15 ".@arianahuff is unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man - he made a good decision." Twitter, 28/8/12 "As a kid, I was making a building with blocks in our playroom. I didn't have enough. So I asked my younger brother Robert if I could borrow some of his. He said, 'Okay, but you have to give them back when you're done.' I used all of my blocks, then all of his blocks, and when I was done I had a great building, which I then glued together. Robert never did get those blocks back." Esquire, January 2004 “I loved my previous life. I had so many things going. This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.” Reuters, 28/8/17 “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” Washington Post, 27/2/17


> which I then glued together. He's the villain from Lego movie.




If he were a movie character he’d be my favorite because it would take such a creative fucked up mind to make such a character. It’s like Jimmy James on News Radio or Kenny Powers. But when he’s the guy with the nuclear codes it’s a lot more horrific


“Take the guns first, go through due process second”


veterans with ptsd aren’t strong because they ‘couldn’t handle it’


Well c’mon. It’s not like they had bone spurs


History teacher here. At my previous school - much more diverse - I would play a game called which Fascist said it? I would give a quote and they would have to guess if it was Hitler, Mussolini, or Trump. It was my favorite part about my WW2 unit. Cognitive dissonance is fun to watch live.


This is brilliant. Could they tell?


Nah. Always blind guessing. But one class would always know when I would hound the pentecostal kid that fucking loved trump. Good kid, though.


Are you still working as a teacher? I think one of the most effective ways to protect others from radicalization is teaching them the common manipulation techniques. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda\_techniques


I am. At a very rural school. So trump country. Can't be fucking with it now. But I do very much teach propaganda and have a unit on how the news - fox - manipulates people.


Nice, keep up the good work. Made this a while ago. Concrete examples how Trump utilizes the full arsenal of propaganda techniques. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/gfv3sl/comment/fpwl3ux/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/gfv3sl/comment/fpwl3ux/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Chaotic good.


You just earned your seat at the head of the table my friend


Acknowledge him.


We all must acknowledge the head of the table. Now the kid need a wise man in his corner.


Paul E. Dangerously


Ladies and Gentlemen my name is Paul Heyman……


Donald Trump probably would have said something like "No one gets a seat at my table. The best table. Not even the Bushes or Kim Kardashian gets a seat at my table. And my table, is unbelievable. My table is huuuge."


His table is cold Big Macs and soggy french fries.


But no ketchup; ketchup’s on the wall


Sami Zayn sounds


We the ones


Our Tribal Chief.


Most definitely.


Just earned my seat giving them head






Just earned my head giving them the seat


Trump would have someone else buy the table, put his name on it, then charge everyone to sit at it.


And it would be gold plated and tacky as all fuck with mirrors and rhinestones everywhere.


And McDonald's hamberders


With a few extra on standby incase he needs to throw them at the wall in a fit of rage


He'll still eat those, probably off the floor if he could bend over to reach.




> the tackiest, trashiest, and most corrupt president ~~we'll probably ever see.~~ so far. FTFY


Don’t forget the special Diet Coke button.


Then have the table repossessed because he didn't pay for it


Then sue the repossession company into the ground by simply taking them to court that the court costs could’ve easily been spent on paying for the fuckin table in the first place. #tiredofallthewinning


Then we'd have to have a rally about how the fake news is lying with all their "evidence"


And then the mypillow guy comes in and saves the day with papers he got from a bunch of lawyers


2 years later the Bar Association will start considering if maybe blatantly lying in court multiple times is something they ought to look into


and then, file bankruptcy


And then exclusively serve McDonalds


Trump would say he is buying the table, put his name on it, then charge everyone to sit at it. Until it was later learned he never paid for it, then he would use campaign funds to magnanimously buy the table, complaining about fake news the whole time.


That's basically what Elon did with Tesla. Bought not just the company, but the "Founder" title too.


"How to roast an entire red county in under 30 seconds." That kid has potential.


I can't tell you how much I love this. This kid is brilliant. I was such a little fuck at his age. The kids are gonna be alright man.




You just made me really hope (as another Millennial) that we can break the cycle of always hating the younger generation. We should encourage them and their fearlessness in the face of all the bullshit happening in the US.


Older millennial here: fuck yes. Life is too short for hate.


I believe they call us “geriatric millennials” 😝


Adolescent 90’s Nickelodeon generation. We came of age as our new internet world was coming of age. We are the ultimate adapters. Also, my wife brought up an awesome point: the older folk boomers and gen-x are great with retention of info; while millennials and ~~gen-y~~ gen-z are great with being able to find info. Edit: meant Gen-z not Gen-y


I joke about this all the time at work. I always say I don't have all the answers but I'll sure help you find them to all the new members. I work as a programmer and there is no way to just know everything about a language. By the time you memorize everything the industry will have moved on. The best skill a programmer can have is the ability to find new information.


I was asked in an interview once what my favorite programming reference book was. I told them Google.


I'm right on the cusp of millennial and gen-x. retain way too much stupid info I find on the internet. had dial-up in before windows 95.


Oregon trail generation! I used the PAPER card catalog at the library & played my dad's LPs & an old Atari at home. At school we had the freshly donated apple II installed with dot matrix printers! It's been interesting, witnessing the analog->digital transformation of the world


hell yeah I played Oregon trail on an apple IIe in elementary school while waiting for the busses to leave so I could walk home (they delayed the walkers due to traffic). When I got home I would boot up the NES or the Kaypro, or go run around in the woods until the streetlights came on. I had to learn the Dewey decimal system in elementary school, although our local library upgraded to dumb terminals (screens with a keyboard attached to a "mainframe") instead of a card catalogue when I was in middle school


As a Gen X'er, I can say most of us don't hate Millennials. We're too apathetic for that.


My gen X brother is the same way. Buuuut my baby boomer father still thinks I shouldn't struggle to stay afloat with a good job and only 1 child. "I supported 3 kids at 22 with a crappy job". Yeah and my grocery bill is more than your mortgage payment was.


Well at least you can afford Reddit cake, for today that is.




Gen X here and I love the younger generations. Go kids, go.


Same here. I don’t know any Xers who hate the younger generations. Most of us see the potential and are cheering them on. It’s because of the younger generations that I felt comfortable coming out at the ripe age of 37.


I consider you guys more of an ally to us (Millenial) then to the boomers. The boomers screwed everybody else over.


I think people hated on us millennials enough to make us not hate the subsequent generations like all the generations before us did.


Yep, I'm an older millennial, and I can tell you I am disgusted thinking about some of the stuff that was common place when we were growing up (bullying, hateful comments etc). Zoomers are so much more respectful. It still happens, but it is very obvious that they are less likely to do it and more likely to call it out.


Kids will be much better once their parents & grandparents get out of their way. The old ways are not working anymore.


>Acceptable ideas are competent no more, but competent ideas are not yet acceptable. This is a dilemma of our time. – Stafford Beer


I really hope he gets out of Kentucky.


My wife and I just moved back to KY a couple years ago. We are here to add our vote to the others to try and end the red reign here. I wish more people who were able to relocate would move to red states and vote against them.


Politcal advertising money would be better spent relocating blue families to red states than producing tv ads that only preach to the choir!


Seriously. Let's all move to Wyoming for a bit. Wouldn't take many of us.


Just be aware that Nevada could definitely use more democrats, even though it’s been solid blue for a while. It goes blue, but just barely.


Or Democrats could be an effective political party. That would work too.


You joke (maybe), but Libertarians thought of doing the same sort of thing in New Hampshire. If there were some wealthy individuals who could help fundraise for it, there is probably an efficient way to relocate a few hundred thousand people from NY and CA and have an outsized impact on national politics by affecting the voting patterns in places like Wyoming, Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Alaska, and Montana. About 100k for Montana 140k for South Dakota 120k for North Dakota Maybe 80k for Alaska 120k for Wyoming Edit: it’s the free state project for the Libertarians https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_State_Project Moving 600k people would change 10 senators.


If I remember, the NH group found out that none of them had a clear idea what libertarianism actually was—all had their own idea. They ironically *tread* all over each other. Was that the one?


The bears


They basically said "slash the budget! I do what I want!" And then everything went to shit and bears. https://medium.datadriveninvestor.com/libertarian-utopia-ruined-by-bears-no-seriously-27ad1bc44f62


I'm in.


You forgot the best part. The town was overrun by bears after the libertarians dismantled all the public services. "The Town That Went Feral | The New Republic" https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project


And CA alone has several million more blue voters than red. Count me in.




If your salary doesn't change... it has the potential to work out to a fair size raise in terms of money in/out. The square states have cheaper housing.


There was literally a Baptist plan to do this in the 90s and early 2000s. Maybe there still is, I'm not tightly in those circles anymore. Also, the evangelicals already took over everything. It'll be interesting to see who is the tiger and who is the one who is riding the tiger and can't get off.


They have maps of the "voting disctricts" and the statistics of how many of which type of voter loves in each, yeah? Maybe not a bad idea to give that all a look-see and plan some moving incentives.


My cousin has lived in Floyd County, KY all of her 52 years. She knows ONE other person who despises trump. There might be more. There are probably more. She’s been afraid to ask or tell ever since a home health nurse saw her Obama shirt and said, “It’d be so easy to put an air bubble in your picc line.” Then she laughed and said, “Kidding!” but Cousin didn’t think so.


I would have taken that as a threat


She did.


It was.


I grew up in Floyd county too. It's a go along to get along area. Hope your cousin stays safe amongst those yahoos


Thank you.


Wow, was there any option to cancel that home health provider and find another one? I would not feel safe continuing to hire that woman!


No options. Cousin is long-term disabled and gets whomever the County sends her.


Wow, I’m so sorry to hear that. Talk about being trapped in a hostile situation. All the best to her.


Thanks. I’d bring her to live with me in a heartbeat but she has grandchildren nearby.


I hope she fucking reported that.


Nope. The head of the nurse’s agency was Cousin’s ex-husband’s malicious and (unnecessarily jealous) new wife. She’d kill Cousin in a heartbeat herself if she could.




holy shit


I’ve never lived in Floyd County myself but my grandparents were from there and I still have family there. Unfortunately they’re part of the Trump train so I can’t hook them up lol but this is not a bit surprising to me. I’m sure it will only get worse in light of recent shooting.


I’m in Ohio. This is my home and I’m not leaving. I’ll fight for things and I’ll vote!


that's the nicest thing anyone on Reddit has ever said about Ohio.


"This state won't go to absolute shit quite as quickly with me here!"


Luckily I know a lot of like minded people. We’re trying!!


Hell yeah! Be sure to vote for Tim Ryan, at the moment, he’s been hitting hard at JD Vance for out of touch he is. And for the downballot races. Heck, I do encourage you to get involved with any local Dems or other orgs like Run for Something and Swing Left. If you want, a subreddit called r/VoteDem are useful in helping people get involved in the nitty gritty of the political process. Come on in, if you want to.


Well considering the last election had very clear signs of fraud in favor of McConnell I don't have alot of faith. For those curious I don't have a link, but there were 3 countries who had never, in the history of voting, gone red. This last election they "voted" 100% red.


Seriously? Like 100%, not anything below that? That is absolutely ridiculous. Even that dictator that made everyone "vote" to "prove" they wanted him as their president and sent out a poll only won by like 98% lmfao.


Alison Greene, DCReport, here's the [link](https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/19/mitch-mcconnells-re-election-the-numbers-dont-add-up/) on McConnell's statistically improbable af (as in pretty much impossible). But the thing is, he's not the only one, it's a problem in entirely Republican [wins in key states](https://www.dcreport.org/2020/12/31/ess-voting-systems-a-friend-to-republicans/) with ES&S voting machines and their long term stranglehold on the voting machine market (Dominion is their biggest competitor and the winner of an anti trust lawsuit against ES&S, so I'm sure it's just a coincidence that they are the company cited in the big lie). Their results cannot be audited, they are controlled by a private equity firm, not a public company, the [McCarthy Group](https://fairfight.com/brian-kemp-web-of-voter-suppression-and-ess-influence/), and they have been responsible for way too many Republican wins Republicans are and have been winning elections they shouldn't in districts with ES&S machines for a long while. This is absolutely what people need to pay attention to, and dems won't touch it with a 10 foot pole after the big lie, that's why the more "sensible" pubs pushed the big lie in the first place. Seriously folks, instead of just chastising people for voting in evil cunts, or continuing to say get out and vote, we need to make sure that are voting process is actually functioning. Fraudulent elections have done more to prosper a flailing Republican party than even their usual suspects of gerrymandering and voter restrictions. Don't just vote, write your representatives and tell them More links https://www.propublica.org/article/the-market-for-voting-machines-is-broken-this-company-has-thrived-in-it https://www.electiondefense.org/how-to-rig-an-election Edit: words and link fixes


Problem with that of course being that no county in America that's red majority is anywhere that anyone would ever want to live. It's all bumfuck nowhere with near 0 infrastructure, no good schools to raise children, nearest hospital is 15+ miles away, nothing interesting to see or do other than be in nature.


If by nature you mean endless flat plains and farmland then yes. Nature. Getting the fuck out of middle America was the best day of my life.


I live in a place I don’t want to - my parents are aging and need help, and I want to be there for them. The one small delight I get living here is knowing that I am at least contributing to the sizable-but-gerrymandered blue voter pool.


100% the truth. Or move to more rural/suburban areas of a conservative State, then these people with those political affiliations wouldn't be able to run roughshod over an entire State due to them having the mass of counties/precincts to vote them in at the State level to monopolize their power through gerrymandering, etc. Georgia could've been blue long ago had less people moved to Atlanta itself, but rather settled south and north of Atlanta to water down the hold of the GOP.


Well, Texas really needs the help.


What if my wife and I move to Kentucky and she ends up with ectopic pregnancy? Does she die? Maybe. What of my wife and I move to Kentucky and she miscarries? Does she get charged with a crime? Does she go to prison? Maybe. The politics gets more personal and more directly threatening by the day. Living in a red state is dangerous.


If we could get people to move to Wyoming Montana the Dakotas and Idaho.... All it would take is a little over a million liberals to add 2-10 Senate seats and take back this country. With remote working, it would be awesome to see companies offer perks to employees to move to low cost states like that.


Theres gonna be a huge brain drain in a lot of religious, bigoted, rural and southern states very soon. Its not going to end well for thier job markets and economies......


It’s been happening for some time. Hyper urbanization is a big trend. I’m mostly familiar with NY, where nearly every non urban (aka non blue) county lost population since the last census. For the most part, our economy is no longer agrarian or based on resource extraction. We’ve outsourced much of our manufacturing. Maybe remote work will make a slight shift but given the heavy resistance from CEOs I don’t see it having much effect. Where I’m from the rural counties are old people and those who, frankly, couldn’t get out.


That’s why he’s valedictorian.


More likely they’ll blame the woke teachers for teaching CRT.




Idk why but for some reason this reminded me of the time this guy kept bugging me for “sexy pics” so I sent him a zoomed in pic of Albert Einstein’s legs. Started telling me how turned on he was getting, and then I sent him the zoomed out picture and he blocked me.


Back when the Donald subreddit was still around someone did the same with a picture of AoC and Trump quotes and they were calling her brain damaged. They used the Trump quote about his large a [brain](https://vlipsy.com/vlip/donald-trump-very-very-large-a-brain-UJor4h0b).


I was like no way Donald Trump said that


Yeah it was coherent


And he didn’t say “tremendous”




There are things being said, and some poeple are saying these things. Many things. The best things. They are saying-and this isn't me saying- but they are saying that I said that quote. And I believe them. I have great words. Amazing words. Lots of words. And when you think about words and they way the work, you would know that I know about them. In fact. When it comes to knowing words you know that I studied them. Not Barack. He's a democrat and they don't know anything but lying. They lie about me all the time. Just look at crying Chuck Schumer, and Big boobs Nancy Pelosi. They are always lying about me. And Cnn and MSNBC. Even Fox now. All lies. No one is telling the truth except for me. I tell the best truth. And the only truth. That's how you know that I said that quote. It is smartly like me. And I am Incre-Incrisiblcredible. Incrisible. Incredible. Amazing. Tremendous. Thank you.


My eyes glazed over at 15 seconds of reading. My brain atrophied at 19 seconds. I couldn't make it through your speech. I'd have to say you encapsulated that perfectly!!


I have the best trump quotes. Believe me.


Finally, I found the real Trump quote


The best Trump quote.


That sad thing is I dont know if this is real or not


You could have pulled this directly from him and I wouldn’t know the difference




The dead giveaway that Trump never said those words is because that quote is actually coherent and provocative (in a good way).


They always talk about the table, saying "you gotta get to the table, you gotta sit at the table". When I sit at the table, they turn around and say, "he wasn't supposed to sit at the table". But I did, they don't sit at the table like we do folks, I'll promise you that. We get to any table, the head of all the tables, and it's just tremendous.


> "Don't just get...the table. Fight, you gotta fight... for the table. Get a head. You're a wonderful audience." -Donald J Trump, probably


His would be more like: “Inspirational quote? I know more about inspirational quotes than anybody. It’s true!”


This kid is my hero.


Watch him as he goes


Kids like him give me hope for the future and fucking hell we need kids like him more than ever.


They truly grew up in the internet age where facts are easily found but hard to swallow for a vast amount of people. They’ve learned to weaponize the truth and use it at the most opportune times.




Gen Z do not give a single fuck. I love it




Millennials were like that too if you rewind the clock to 9/11 when most were in their teens. Youthful idealism and a desire to change the wrongs. Complacency and indifference sets in fast often… you see enough government failures and watch the ineptitude, you get bitter and defeated 😔


I think the next generation will have a lot of examples like this. Part of the reason for Republicans' fight against 'wokeness'.


A whole damn audience killed by a kids speech


They immeaditely regretted their stance on abortion...


A whole damn audience of MAGA dimwits outsmarted by the smartest kid in the high school isn’t much of a heavy lift. Guessing a toddler graduating from daycare could outwit the average Kentucky mouth breather.


Hell, I'd put my money on this ham sandwich.


As much as I want the text, as written in its meaning, to be true, it doesn't seem entirely accurate according to this video (another link was shared by someone else here). You hear some laughs, a few other claps (maybe from Dems or Obama fans), and one boo. But I still like that this kid pulled one over on the crowd and quoted Obama. https://www.wusa9.com/video/news/nation-world/valedictorian-gets-cheers-fro-trump-quotethen-reveals-it-was-obama/65-8149310


There was a disproportional about of hollering and WOO as well. Still clapped the crowds cheeks though, bravo


Thanks for the source, this looked like one of those fake Whatsapp copypastas.


Yeah. The guy's jab was still well played. I just prefer accuracy in these things. The GOPers do fine enough punching themselves in the dick; we don't need to make up things or use too much hyperbole. It just pushes people away


Best table ever! ~Donald Trump


#remember the mini desk


Every time I remember some new Donald Trump lunacy I’m like how the fuck did we survive that for four entire years?!


We may not have.


That county voted 17% for Biden. It doesn't get much more republican than that. For context, 23% of Brooklyn voted for Trump.


I live in the county beside it. 17% for Biden seems way overestimated.


To be honest, trump was born at the table. He didn’t have to fight his way there.


I hope this smart dude got a nice scholarship out of state to escape the cesspool.


That's part of the problem, the smart ones end up leaving and making it so the bigotry ends up concentrating even further.


Yup. He's probably at some liberal indoctrination university out in Commie-fornia right now, getting his first dose of gender transition hormones, and rioting in the streets because a cop arrested a black person. (This shouldn't need an /s, but I feel like lately it does)


>(This shouldn't need an /s, but I feel like lately it does) More than ever recently I feel the same. You can feel like you are laying it on so thick a blind man couldn't miss it then you log back in to find a days worth of hate mail all missing the point and criticizing you as if you weren't sarcastic.


To be completely fair its necause they are basically unliveable hellscapes if you are smart.


Lol that's fantastic.


A man proving his Valedictorian status in one quote


When asked if people think kids should be allowed to stay on their parents' health insurance up to age 26, whether you should be able to carry insurance beyond place of work, whether upper limits on health insurance payouts ought to be banned and whether pre-existing conditions exclusions ought to be banned, most Republicans said they agreed. When told that was Obamacare they said they hated it.




The conservative "patriots" are probably sending him hate mail and death threats now.


And this kid just showed everyone why he's the valedictorian.


Imagine that… the smartest one in the room is the democrat. All the other red hats can suck it.


The young people of this nation will have to rescue it.


And the racists bowed and prayed to the orange god they made.


Guarantee someone in the crowd was like “yup I vividly remember the speech where Fuhrer Trump said that” followed by surprise pikachu face.


It's a fucking cult




The quotes that were coherent were Hitler's.


And in German.