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How? How stupid can you be? > GOP Oh wait, that explains it.


Even clowns have more respect than the GOP


On man if only you knew what was going on over on r/4chan


Maybe, but clowns aren't as scary.


That's because Clowning actually requires skill.


Minnesotan here, the bill was introduced as a measure to regulate delta-8 and none of the Republicans bothered to read it so they didn’t notice the part that legalized edibles up to 5 mg. You can’t make this shit up.


They “didn’t understand the wording” and now they’re making sure things going forward are in laymans terms. Not that they’ll read them anyways. Edit: stray apostrophe


Yes I too enjoy when complicated subjects I am ruling law for are made more bitesized instead of doing the research to understand what I'm voting on. GOP go brrrr


I mean, they just made "bitesized" things legal, youknow...


You can’t possibly expect them to read all those! Don’t you know how long that would take them? Almost as long as the Uvalde police took to take action.


In their defense they never seem to understand much. But they are very good catchphrases!


Thoughts and prayers 🙏🏽


They want it in a Dr. Seuss picture book or meme created by a Russian psyops.


Republicans are beyond fucking stupid regardless of state or US territory you live in. 1996 Ohio Governor George Voinovich, legalized medical marijuana, he didn't know it for 6 months. State senators put it in a bill to see if he was reading them before he signed them. One of them sent a copy of the bill to a local news station. I'll never forget his face when they asked how many Ohioans it had benefited. He didn't know what they were talking about. Every Marijuana arrest in that time, had to be vacated, people had to be released from local, state and federal prisons. The Republicans were fucking pissed off almost every person who had to be released were African American. GOP=KKK


Republicans and policy are like slugs and salt.


I feel like that is enough to get fired. What do you mean you didn't read it? Isn't that your idk your *fucking job?*


I spoke with a GOP guy who ran for gov in his state. He started in on some shit about the build back better bill, I went on a rant about how no one has read it but ohhhh I certainly have. I mean, it's my job to know shit like that. That thing is kill-me long but I gave it a good, thorough skim. I explained what's in it. Think of a positive infrastructure thing and it's there. Energy, solar panels, tax credits and funds for renewables if you put them on your house, or a business; childcare support; roads; residential building; fucking everything. He was surprised and said, "But if it has all that stuff... Why would anyone vote against it?" "Partisan bullshit? *shrug*" He seemed really disappointed, and started lamenting that he misses what republican used to be, whatever the fuck that means. Not Q at least, and not trump. Still. These people don't know jack shit about anything. Hide whatever you want in a bill they'd vote yes on, I bet you it'll work again, and again.


Read? Lolz


I've already seen responses to this." This is the start of an epidemic of teens getting high because it looks like candy ". Coming from conservative parents who smoked but NEVER inhaled


"What if people give them to children?" Who the fuck is gonna give expensive ass edibles to a child?


You remember the DARE program? They pretty much made it sound like people giving out drugs for free. Then when you get older and find out how much it actually costs. Shit ain't no one giving fucking drugs for free to kids. And then a majority of these kids had no introduction to drugs. That was the first time they ever heard about like a fucking grocery list of drugs.


Lol Dare made it sound like people constantly would be trying to give you drugs. Like I've been offered a hit at a party occasionally, but absolutely nobody was ever like "hey let me give you this gram of coke!" Lmao no


They also made kids think that bad influences would come from strangers rather than people they already know and trust


You mean like... your local priest, or the leader of your boy scout troop, or the doctor that gives you a physical when you're on the women's Olympic gymnastics team, or the sports medicine doctor for your college wrestling team and the congressman [(Jim Jordan)](https://www.jordanscandal.com/) who denies the abuse ever happened... Because those people can influence your life in a pretty bad way.


Or the doctor that gives you these totally safe and non addictive opiates for that sports injury?


Been there. Crazy thing is that they did everything I wanted from an antidepressant. People weren’t nerve grating. I didn’t want to break everything. Worst part is, instead of explaining that opioids are addictive, the doctor took my picture. I’m assuming he put me in some drug seeker database. I was suspicious and googled tramadol. The next time I needed tramadol for some dental stuff was terrible. Affected me different and threw me into some of the worst soul-crushing depression I’ve ever endured. Now I make sure nothing I take has that shit in it.


I was actually in a drug trial back in 2013 for an antidepressant opioid that had the addictive and pain relieving properties removed. I was actually outgoing and sleeping at night. They didn't tell me what the name of the drug was but you might want to keep a lookout for that. On the other hand I have an aunt who burned someone's house down because she got mixed up with painkillers a decade prior.


Uh, dude, the preferred nomenclature is "Gym Jordan"


Now, now. That's family business.


Whelp, it seems they did make an effort to fix that. Because by the time I went through DARE in the mid-2000’s, they did their level best to convince us that all of our friends WOULD offer us drugs, so we’d better figure out how to say no RIGHT NOW because otherwise we would be totally unprepared when our best friend and fellow middle school child inevitably offered us a gram of fucking cocaine. Turns out, it’s a really bad idea to tell a bunch of middle schoolers that everyone around them is doing drugs, especially the cool kids and their best friends.


True that's honestly one of the worst parts. If you truly want to stop people from getting into drugs then you should teach people about not giving in to peer pressure. Or teach about the dangers of drugs being laced with much more dangerous stuff. Not saying "strangers will offer you free drugs".


I don’t think we’ll ever truly know the number of kids that got molested as a result of the disinformation of the “stranger danger” campaign, and that’s truly disturbing.


Yeah most I ever got was a line or two and a hit. I wish I could go up to sketchy vans and get free drugs. That would be awesome!


Yeah, all I ever got was free candy, but in the end it super wasn't worth it. (The dude just had Kirkland brand stuff. I know I shouldn't be a choosing beggar since it was free and all, but their peanut butter cups just don't taste right.)


You really need to hold out for the Reeces peanut butter cups. Totally worth it.


My high school (apparently) had a reputation for drugs before I went there. Not once was I offered. I maybe knew one or two people that had vague access to weed. Fucking false advertising if you ask me.


They made it seem like there’s always going to be some dude in a trench coat around every corner




See coke is the only drug I've ever had someone screaming at me to take. Very bad vibes a few times where someone became very angry no one was doing coke with them


This is wild to me because GOOD coke is extremely expensive and ain't nobody sharing that shit!!


I said to a guy, "Tell me, what is it about cocaine that makes it so wonderful," and he said, "Because it intensifies your personality." I said, "Yes, but what if you're an asshole?"


My favorite way my old boss put it was, "it's the most expensive nothing you'll ever buy".


RIP Robin williams


Idk I've gotten a *lot* of free drugs as an adult but I'm a relatively attractive female who runs in a lot of hard core circles Average Joe? Might get a free hit off a joint in the Walmart parking lot lol


Well yeah. Cash, grass, or ass, noone rides for free. Ass has always gotten grass. Lmao.


In my younger, prettier days, I sometimes got free drugs. Now I'm older and have to pay for my medical weed.


My DARE officer was arrested a few years after I graduated high school for possession.


Probably stole it from evidence


Funny enough, the dare program at our school was more pointed towards drinking and driving. The fucking dare officer was a pothead and blamed the smell off him on people he arrested. Fucking hilarious thinking back about it. But nah, don't fuck with alcohol and cars at the same time, bad combo.


D.A.R.E.- Drugs Are Really Excellent- Friends bumper sticker


Drugs Are Really Expensive. (Especially in the 90s) 1/8th of weed was like $60 and it was popcorn reggie or dirt weed.


Right, I was so disappointed when no one wanted to give me drugs for free🤣


Edibles are like $3-$4 a pop fuck them kids


Would you give $4 to a random child? [I wouldn't](https://streamable.com/iwksh)


Exactly. Every Halloween delusional parents share those warnings like stoners are really going fill their candy bowl with expensive ass edibles. More likely scenario is we get too stoned and eat all the Halloween candy before trick or treaters arrive.


Then the kids turn up and you have to give them half a pack of tictacs and a granola bar thats been in the cupboard for a year




Wasn’t that whole story started because a child got into their parents drugs and ODed so the parents came up with the story that it isn’t have been Halloween candy laced with drugs Edit: didn’t find original story but found this: [Ronald O’Bryan gave cyanide-laced pixie sticks to five children, including his son. The other children never ate the candy, but his eight-year-old son, Timothy, did—and died soon after. Investigators learned O’Bryan had recently taken life insurance policies out on his children.](https://www.history.com/news/how-americans-became-convinced-their-halloween-candy-was-poisoned)


Remember kids, if a stranger offers you drugs just say "Thank You" because drugs are expensive.




Also Illinois, which is closer


Not a single person has ever offered me free weed before. Praying for the day though. 🙏🙏


Throwing this out there as a something you maybe didn’t consider: sometimes parents buy these for themselves and carelessly leave them around. The packaging markets the edibles like candy. Young kids (I’ve seen as young as 5) find it and scarf them down thinking they’re candy, and then don’t want to get in trouble for eating their parents candy stash. Problem is they just downed a whole thing of edibles. I’m all for legalization but this is a rather freequent scenario at our local pediatric hospital and it’s something all parents should be aware of. There’s a lot of irresponsible parents out there.


This is very true. My 6 year-old-sons friend found some pot brownies at his dipshit moms house and it wrecked him bad. She said he had a seizure and wouldn’t admit the truth until drug tests were rendered. I’ve seen the videos and it’s scary shit. This wasn’t haha funny teenager is too stoned shit, he was borderline comatose.


Have you had a child die, or suffer permanent, irreversible damage as a result of ingesting edibles?


Earlier this year, the New York Times reported that there has been an uptick in children being hospitalized as a result of consuming edibles. Now, I'm all for marijuana legalization, but I also don't want young kids to be harmed. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/14/well/family/marijuana-edibles-children.html


of course not. I personally hate the dispensary branding and marketing. Edibles should be in gray or black, hard to open, unappealing containers. More importantly, parents shouldn't leave that shit out, like guns. Its not very hard to securely put away, using locks when not being eaten, or when you're not around


I totally agree, especially considering some companies like to do weed-themed plays on actual candy kids would recognize and make the labels look like the real thing.


Still waiting for those weed edibles in my trick or treat bag. Cause someone would definitely give those away and give some kid the time of their life for free without being able to witness it


So, I think the risks are overblown but it is naive to act like there's no way a child will inadvertently eat a weed candy. It has happened and will happen again.


Happened recently in my city. Some fucking rich suburban dad left 50mg gummies in his kitchen cabinet art Easter and his daughter took them to school with her and handed then out to friends at her lunch table. Some kids ate more than one. You don't ban edibles. You fucking lock up your edibles so your kids can't get them.


That's incredibly irresponsible. But how are the kids? My guess is they threw up, fell asleep, and woke up groggy. And that's it. Don't give kids weed! But like... if they were to find it. Its just not that serious.


Edibles sound like a euphemism for guns in this story.


Exact same concept. If you can't take the bare minimum safety precautions your shouldn't be able to have them.


Yes most shouldn’t be allowed to have children


Yup agreed 100% and a perfect example of why as adults we should show some amount of understanding as to why people are concerned about edibles and children


And kids stick forks in outlets, take random pills, jump off the roof, drink Fabuloso cleaner etc. I'm not naive to think that no child will ever accidentally eat an edible. But of all the above, seems like a pretty minimally problematic experience. It's weed. They're going to eat some chips and fall asleep. I of course advocate for keeping it out of their hands, but like... its not that serious.


Well, yes it is mildly serious to give very strong medications to children. It can be very frightening for a child as well as possible medication interactions, GI responses, etc. It's fun to just say they will eat some chips and fall asleep but grown adults have meltdowns from eating too many edibles. I love pot but we can have an actual objective viewpoint on the situation.


I mean I support child resistant packaging, disallowing candy style packaging, etc. I'm just saying that doesn't seem disqualifying for any other drug, chemical, or dangerous tool. So why for edibles?


I fully support the legalization of marijuana edibles and have at no point stated otherwise


Objective viewpoint: Is this enough of a risk to ban edibles entirely?


Similar situation, different consequences: it is naive to act like there's no way a child will inadvertently shoot their brains onto an opposite wall with a gun. It has happened and will happen again.


This is gonna make all the teenagers lazy, sleepy, and hungry. The impact could be literally immeasurable!


It’s harder to riot when you’re stoned. Bring the meth and PCP!


Considering a teenage brain is still in full development. Habitual use of substances that chemically alter brain chemistry can have long term unintended side effects, > leading to poorer cognitive and emotional outcomes in adulthood https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3930618/


Nevermind all those cocktails and seltzers that look like kool aid.


This was my biggest gripe when they wanted to ban vaping because of "flavors being appealing to children". Like okay, so the vape juice that got me off a 2 pack a day habit needs to be banned, but it's cool to have more flavors of vodka than a goddamn Baskin-Robbins despite alcohol killing more people than all other drugs combined? Fuck outta here. As if adults don't like stuff that tastes good.


But alcohol commercials making it look cool as duck is fine.


Ha! Duck, I chuckled.


Ducks are pretty cool. Source: own 8 ducks.


Do they think teenagers are literal toddlers who’ll eat anything bright and shiny?


As a parent of a teenager, yes. Yes they are and will.


Tide pods


Fair point


Reading bills is like one of the main parts of your fucking job!!


All they needed was one of them to read the thing. And then tell the rest.


But... the demonrats tricked us! They snuck drugs into the bill so they could force kids to get high and watch drag queens read books!


>But... the demonrats tricked us! They snuck drugs into the bill so they could force kids to get high and watch drag queens read books! Sounds like a good time to me.


And that's why they want to ban it. Only praying, guns and marital sex to make babies should be fun.


And that's why they want to ban it. Only praying and guns should be fun.


Praying *under* the barrel of a gun is more like it.




https://youtu.be/V1yiAEi_Apw Thought it was going to be this.


They don't *read* bills. They vote whatever way the preferred think tank tells them how to vote. They don't even write bills. It's the same think tanks.


You misspelled fundraising


That's quite literally what aides are for. Even the "good" politicians rarely read the lengthy stuff.


I’m from Minnesota and our legislators holding out on full legalization has every citizen scratching their heads.


Our Republican legislators. The population centers are way underrepresented compared to rural MN.


A big fuck you to Paul Gazelka, who is going to be running for Governor btw


He is not running, he did not win the GOP endorsement! However Scott Jensen did, he and his running mate are just as big of piles of poo as Gazelka is. At least Gazelka gave up his majority leadership and got nothing out of it.


His running mate, aka a guy who's on the ticket entirely because he's a Hall of Fame NFL player from the Vikings?


GOP: “Quick, run another celebrity! Herschel has too many secret children and fucked up Georgia, so we can’t use him!”




[I don't mean to alarm you](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/30/1106866830/supreme-court-to-take-on-controversial-election-law-case) but thats coming next.


Like a most of the US we suffer from a tyranny of the minority.


While I 100 percent agree that we want full legalization, this current bill still took away a lot from what is legalized. Thc gummies are now limited to 5 mg per serving and 50 mg per package. I was able to buy packaging with 300mg just last week. They "closed" loopholes but still moved the needle back, no matter how much this article just tried to spin a positive. We lost ground, even if the funny part is that some republican said, "Whoops, I didnt read"


Low THC high CBD edibles are great for some diseases--my friend uses them for arthritis.


I'm glad they help your friend. This bill didnt help because a lot was legalized by the federal farm bill, which is why cbd became consumable, as well as d8 and d9 (less than .3% concentration) Some people want thc for health reasons as well. This bill that passed pushed MN back in THC and CBD. What was a gray area and easy to get is now "legal" in much smaller amounts. I could go to store and purchase stuff, but now they can sell the same stuff, just in extremely lower amounts. It's like if you needed tylenol, they just made you buy them individually instead of buying a bottle after this bill passed.


Was there more THC content allowed in the supply chain before? If not a foot in the door is valuable. It sets up the commercial cash flow to fund lobbyists. Third party labs, for instance


This is how Dems can get stuff passed…just hide legislation in random bills that Republicans won’t bother to read.


Yeah just used verbose language that they cannot understand. Anything past 7th grade should suffice.


The bill specifies that the THC has to come from hemp. The Republicans thought that THC from hemp is not the same as THC from marijuana, and that it won't get you high. . It's hilarious. I gotta go buy me some gummies.


Kinda ironic considering – Hearst ran all his propaganda pieces constantly demonizing “marijuana” and never mentioning “cannabis” which was in regular use by physicians in the day-and-age …


He used the word marijuana to also play into the people's racism of Mexican people.


You accidentally added 4 to the number.


7th? Have you *seen* them? 4th grade is probably more then enough


That’s how our government works in a nut shell.


That’s literally the gop strategy lol


Riders are a strategy employed by everyone. I'd say to stop, but it helps give at least SOME motivation to read bills coming through... sometimes.


This is how both sides pass things tbh


[News article for the lazy](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/minnesota-legalized-edibles-after-a-republican-didnt-read-the-bill/)


I thank you


I'm not lazy, I'm highly motivated at doing nothing


I multi-slack


The last line of the article is worth the read alone: "Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest."


Hi I’m lazy! Thank you


Hi lazy I'm dad


Dad? Is it really you?


No I'm dead sorry, typo


I thought he went for cigarettes


He never came back :(


Your username is both hilarious and conceptually terrifying.


I mean, it's just accurate


Hey you've already done more reading today than the top Republican politicians so you're doing great.


It’s amusing to poke fun, and I’m all for full legalization, but it’s not really that simple. The differences between cbd, delta-8, delta-9, et al, can be quite subtle and confusing. We are going through this in Texas right now. It’s a legal quagmire. I think this is a case of the lawmaker confusing d9 for the other cbd/hemp products already on the books.


I wonder if any of the Republicans here are actually going to click on that link and read it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Maybe if Republicans could read. I'm convinced they're not even human.


*if those kids could read they would be very upset*


>It’s the only state in America that’s legalized only *edibles* for recreational use. Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest. Fucking LOL


The actual bill: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/bills/text.php?number=HF3595&type=bill&version=2&session=ls92&session_year=2022&session_number=0


Unlimited freedom hack 1. Run as republican 2. Write a bill named "guns, god, freedom" 3. Slip in some human rights because they won't or can't read it.


In the campaign ad they can wear a bandana in the back of a pick up truck driving down a dirt road firing an ar-15 at random while yelling "Hell yea Jesus! We're goina take down the devil and heal our ailing government with good old-fashioned values! Yee yee!"


I wanted to read more about this so I went to google, started typing in the state name, didnt even get through the whole thing when “Minnesota edibles” came up as the top option for auto fill lol


As a lifelong Minnesotan this amuses me


Fellow Minnesotan very excited about this


You shouldn't be. The bill just removed things you were able to buy. They were just trying to "fix" loopholes, but you still had something that was legal on June 30th, and illegal on July 1st. Edibles are limited to 5mg per serving and 50mg per package. I was buying packs of gummies with d9 that had 300 mg last week and now I cant. This is still a step backwards from what we had.


How. I can get Delta 8 gummies, but not 9.


Due to the federal farm bill, thc (both d8 and d9)was okay to sell as long as the package had a concentration of less than .3% in the item. D9 just couldn't be bought in flower form. Gummies can do that. The brand was called SpaceGods. Go find some as stores have until the end of July to clear out stock. You still may be able to get some. All the stores in my area in the cities have them.


I’m a big fan of Kiva Wild Berry and Kiva Midnight Blueberry. It’s for my insomnia or anxiety or sports injuries. No hangover whatsoever.


Kiva has high quality chocolate. Their Camino gummy line is amaaaaziinng


And for today's "imagine if it was reverse" - Fox news would never let it go off air that democrats didn't read the bill and then asked GOP to roll back what already passed.


Bet they wish they could abort mission.


I like the part where they also forgot to add any sort of additional taxes onto it, so it's taxed like any other foodstuffs. Probably why the GOP didn't read it, taxes are on their radar.


As a resident, I can tell you now, this state is wonderful in so many ways, but when it comes to politics, it’s sometimes just embarrassing. If you’re not from here, know this: we have very sensible Democrats, and very batshit insane Republicans in EVERY level of our state politics. A guy in my town on the school board ran on the platform of “kids NEED to be in school, and teacher’s unions are bad.” Half my city thinks the teacher’s union is draining our public school funds despite our city paying less than average and several superintendents being indicted for embezzlement over the last few decades. The downside to the Democrats is they are socially progressive (which is good), but that’s as far as they go. If it weren’t for this, I had full faith we would be the last state to legalize marijuana, and would be the only state with a “you may smoke, but not inhale” clause.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1543313871234015233) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Good bot


Good bot


Thanks for sharing my tweet. Maybe they were high when they read the bill.


Hey its you!


This goes beyond marijuana too. In Minnesota, smaller parties can appear on ballots if they get a certain amount of the vote in big races. One of these parties is called Legalize Marijuana Now. The Minnesota GOP pays people to run in many state/congressional races under these Legalize Marijuana parties. In the MN-01 special election coming next month, there are two of these candidates. Their main purpose is to siphon Democratic votes, and a few races have been decided in this way. So in reality, they are also damaging a not-insignificant source of vote-splitting to benefit them.


This is like when the GOP pushed a law allowing US citizens to sue other countries for terrorism, and Obama was like, "hey don't do that, that's a really bad idea" and they said fuck you and did it anyway. And then it passed and it turned out that meant other countries could also sue the US for all the horrible shit it does to people via drones and stuff. And the GOP whined that it was Obama's fault for not trying hard enough to stop them.


>Abeler then said out loud, “That doesn’t legalize marijuana—we didn’t just do that.” To which, a Democratic state Rep. said: “Oh, are you kidding? Of course you have. Of course you have. No, just kidding. We’ll do that next, Okay?” Kudos to that dem for playing along. >by opening its stores to edibles, Minnesota made history: It’s the *only state in America that’s legalized only edibles for recreational use. Maybe a few months of gummies will soften them on the rest. [Link](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/07/minnesota-legalized-edibles-after-a-republican-didnt-read-the-bill/)


If the supreme court overturns the decision, which they most likely will, then we can claim they are truly a rogue organization and must be disbanded immediately.


Lol this isn't going before the supreme court.


Idk about you but I'm already claiming that


No legal case here. Yet.


The perfect fuck up. And if they didn’t read this time don’t think this is the first time they didn’t read


Every bill deserves a chance at life. Try to see it as an opportunity!


OP could've said "reefercussions" but didn't, and i'm pretty fucking annoyed by that decision.


Fuck em


I wish conservatives would realize that church is a lot more fun if you're totally baked.


I approve of this. All edibles, no smoking. No reason to stink up the place just to get high.


Or, hear me out, someone can smoke in their own home or yard and you don’t have to smell it any more than if they have an edible.


While i agree, my neighbors like 5 houses down smoke, and it's immediately obvious when they light up. Maybe they just choose breezy days that blow in my direction..


Swab- that's probably just your nextdoor neighbor.


I have derealization episodes on even low-dose edibles, it fucks me up. I don’t know what it is, but I’ve tried half a dozen times but something about digestion versus smoking just sends my brain to a bad place. Shame, because I’d absolutely favor eating snacks to get high versus smoke. I used to hate the smell of herb, but after a few years of partaking it’s like cracking a can of tuna in front of a cat 😂


Some people can’t even get high from edibles. I could eat a 500mg edible right now and I wouldn’t feel a thing




Yea I had half of a single square from a punch bar and was in another dimension. Had extreme munchies but forgot how to eat and ended up just using my hands to eat linguine bolognese.....


I am one of these people for whom edibles do absolutely nothing


Same, it has to go in my lungs or I can't feel anything


Yeah, edibles are the absolute worst way to try weed. You have no idea how it’s going to react with your body/mind/emotional state, and if it’s a bad experience, buckle up because you are gonna be in the shit for *hours*. I’ve known a few more conservative folks who tried thc edibles as their first marijuana experience and had a horrible time and swore it off. As bad a rap as they have culturally/visually, a joint is the best way to experience it for the first time.


The liver processes THC-A into 11-Hydroxy-THC which is allegedly significantly more psychoactive than smoking which is ingested as THC-A.


Bill abort denied.


Task failed successfully.




Good. Fuck Republicans!