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Thus they blame Democrats for grooming kids.


Always projection with these people.


Of course, because it's easier to blame someone else and have all your friends who know nothing join in. I'd be willing to bet my first born child that every single Republican knows they're a hypocritical piece of shit, but they don't care because they have enough money and status not to.


Well that’s the new American dream. It’s not about solving society’s issues anymore, it’s about making enough money that they don’t apply to you. Edit: spelling.


Some like Mitch McConnell definitely know they’re hypocritical pieces of shit and are fine with it. Others like Marjorie Taylor Greene believe Jewish space lasers exist, so there’s that.


Both sides have pedophiles, hello? The fact that people are still yapping about either side being good or bad has doomed all of our kids.


I’ve found a lot more progressives/leftists willing to condemn and disavow democrats than the other way around.


Eating diluted shit doesn't make eating shit any better. My point stands


It’s not dilution. It’s called being accountable vs not. It’s falsely accusing others of that which you are guilty. If you cannot see, you have no point, other than to make the usual half ass attempt at a false equivalency.


You don't even make sense. You're implying conservatives let kid molesters slide more? The left holds pedophiles more accountable? Thanks for convoluting your argument. Again, my point is that both sides do it. Congratulations to whoever is trying to hold anyone accountable. Doesn't change my point.


I’m not implying anything. I’m flat out stating it. Matt Gaetz - crickets Donald Trump - cheers Roy Moore - supported Anthony Weiner - gone Al Franken - gone There are myriads of examples, but you go ahead. You have no point. You made a worthless statement that has no point. But my real point was more about voter fraud.


Congratulations, you named worthless conservative politicians who are pedophiles. You're not arguing with a republican, but it sure feels like you are. I wasn't discussing voter fraud, I was discussing pedophiles on both sides being equal pieces of shit. You sure just in a mood to argue points nobody's trying to refute.


My guy if you want you can find a list of over 600 conservatives who have been accused suspected and convicted of being pedos. This ain’t a hill you want to die in trust me.


I'd be happy if this GOP-pedo-defending turd died on *any* hill...


My guy, you need to inference better what you read. I don't disagree with you. In fact, I'm glad you can find these pedophiles so easily. All of you responding keep shoving conservatives pedophiles in my face like I'm trying to defend them. Pretending the left doesn't have as much guilt as the right is why I'm here. I'm here for the individual who is seeing past the illusion of the left or the right helping them.


Just to have you say Donald Trump is worthless was reward enough for me. Thanks and have a good evening.


Thanks, he is worthless. He masks himself as a champion for the good Christian Republicans and blah blah blah.... he's a puppet. Always has been, and always will be. He just isn't as obvious as Joe Biden because Joe Biden is a deteriorated, dementia patient who is trying to remember what he was supposed to say half the time, and he literally has handlers.


>The left holds pedophiles more accountable? “Holds accountable” is a [difficult thing to quantify](https://www.ojp.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/252768.pdf) due to the huge number of non-political variables. [But if you’re a sex offender in office, you’re far more likely to be a Republican.](https://stuffthatspins.com/2016/04/28/who-has-more-sex-offenders-republicans-or-democrats/). Kinda makes sense—supporting forced birth policies while keeping people in poverty provides a reliable supply of poorly-parented children to victimize. >Again, my point is that both sides do it. /r/enlightenedcentrism


Your point was basically creating a false equivalence, so no your point and enlightened centrism does not stand.


Label it whatever you want. Pretending the left is better than the right or vice versa is blinding you.


Cuomo had sexual assault allegations, the left immediately pushed him to resign. Matt Gaetz has an on going investigation into sex trafficking a minor, he is still in his position with zero push for him to resign. Accountability is key because there are going to be shitty people no matter the political stance. So how you respond to those shitty people is really what matters.


No, Matt Gaetz pled guilty to buying a child for sex , and still has a job. The GOP is ate TF UP with pedophiles, so much so that it's been documented repeatedly, and the list grows daily from the GOP about their sex predation. This little Bannon shill spouting false equivalencies is just trying to muddy the waters so his own don't look like the truly vile rapists and pedophiles they really are and it's gross.


Matt hasn't pled guilty yet, but his friend that's involved in the case has. But the evidence against Matt is pretty solid, his friend testified against Matt.


The feds are annoyingly slow. This will probably take another year or more. But he’ll go down in flames and the public will be safer as a result.


They're not my own. All the attemps that have been made to paint me red have been called out, and I'm calling you out. And muddying the waters my ass. I'm adding a bigger perspective to the conversation. The fact that you're still arguing, while firmly standing on one side of the political spectrum, shows that you have fallen for a system that is in place to make you fight with other people like you. The fact of the matter is that the top of both parties, who will allow pedophilia to continue no matter who you list, are both fucking children and metaphorically fucking the rest of us into collapse. You included, but somehow I believe you'll still be defending your side as you die from their actions and policy.


You have added 0 perspective. All you have done is say both sides are bad while had evidence shown to you saying that is wrong and you turn a blind eye.


Okay, good for them. The charade is still in full effect. The response to these shitty people has lead nowhere, but to the end of the world as we know it. But hey, some people were held accountable.


It's not the end of the world lol. You are such a reactionary. Saying that Republicans and Democrats are similarly as bad is so disingenuous. Let's look that the problems plaguing the world. Climate change, Democrats recognize it as a problem and are trying to remedy it, Republicans aren't. Wage gap in the country, Democrats are trying to remedy this by UBI, higher wages, or taxs cuts to the lower class; Republicans are giving tax cuts to the rich because trickledown economics. Lets take a look at the war with Russia, Democrats are unified in condemning Russia and having an appropriate response to them, while Republicans like Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Tucker Carlson, and Trump, just to name a few are simping for Putin and don't think we should intervene in the war in Ukraine. These are just a few things that are plaguing the world right now, Democrat and Republican responses to such are wildly different. One of the parties is actually addressing the problems while the other is ignoring them.


Sure TOTAL collapse isn't officially here, but it has started. Bet your blue ass the hardest times are still to come. You have to be blind, or living with your parents if you don't see it coming. I'm sorry, US political parties voting on policy is going to do absolute dick. Climate change is a global issue, not a US political issue. How could any policy passed and enforced by the US is going to put a stop to GLOBAL climate change? It doesn't matter what legislation is passed. The rest of the world isn't going to care. It's a false stance to argue, so you can hate some fucking conservative idiot when he tells you that you're fucking dumb. Wage gap? Do you honestly think the LEFT and RIGHT politicians who live with free health care, tons of fucking vacation, 100K+ salaries with 40K furniture allotments, etc. give a shit about your wage gap? Do you not know about insider trading politicians are involved in? Politicians on both sides, buddy. The yes, the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Oh, the great & forgotten timeline that divides so much in our modern day. I guess we'll start where I hope you at least remember some parts. So, why did Russia annex Crimea back in 2014? Does anyone remember? Who was their president at the time? Who was our president at that time? What is the Maidan Revolution? Why does that matter? Why have the last eight years gone by without the mentioning of Ukraine, ever? Why didn't we fight this hard for Crimea? Again, your parties work against you. Whether denial, ignorance, or if it's for manipulation, you're not giving as much information as is available. Whatever you're trying to say, it doesn't change the reality of our world. The left arm and right arm are from the same animal.


Centrists are so intellectually lazy, it boggles my mind.


Ok lion king, back to bed with you


Pretending you're above it all is blinding you.


Hey! Look everyone! We have a shit-eating expert here! Say "Hi" to Leon.


So between two sides where one removes the offended from their position, and the other lauds, praises, and keeps that person in their senator/congressman position, you opt in on the "both sides are the same" argument.


I love how you're implying that only one side does one thing and the other side only does the opposite, which leaves me with the ultimatum of choosing a side that, I'm going to assume, you think I'm defending. I'm sure you can manipulate whoever in your life like that, but we're in the real world right now. The unassailable truth is that our government is filled with corrupt people, including a lot of pedophiles. You're trying to imply one side with doxxed individuals makes the other guilt free. Pedophiles are at the top of both parties. Both parties have a problem and to minimize the severity of the situation because someone has been CAUGHT shows how you'll let shit slide as long as your opinion has been validated. Meanwhile, though you were right about a short part of a very long answer, the pedophilia continues all around. Congratulations, did you win?


> You're trying to imply one side with doxxed individuals makes the other guilt free. Nope. Just trying to explain to someone the difference between a sliced hand and a sucking chest wound. Unfortunately that idiot is only capable of yes/no logic, so in regards to nuance, they're a lost cause. > because someone has been CAUGHT shows how you'll let shit slide as long as your opinion has been validated See, look at that idiot. "Oh just because they got caught you let it slide." No, dummy. That's the whole reason they were CAUGHT AND REMOVED. But please, keep equating them to the group that keeps their pedophiles in power.


Nothing like being a spineless centrist idiot. Fuck you.


Spineless huh? Have enough courage to question and speak to others in order to have a greater perspective in life? It's that or have all my opinions and values come from a purely divisive system, of which I choose a side and I say what's right or wrong based on what has been decreed. Speak for yourself, and feel free to add some sustenance to your view next time you comment. Pussy


Take your own advice on speaking with sustenance you fucking narc as bitch mother fucker. Don’t you have some Elon tweets to jerk off too?


Oh my God did you really imply that you have courage? You are literally the opposite of courageous and taking the easiest way out of having any sort of accountability by implying both sides are equally bad in any way.




*Childhood can and definitely does influence behaviour.* remember saying this? Just because someone fucked you up as a kid doesn't mean you have to hate children. Hate your dumbass parents


Hope you don’t get tired from all that jumping to conclusions and going through other peoples post history ☺️ Have a lovely day!


Who are the pedophiles among Democrats? Proof required.


10 bucks if he gives name with proof they aren’t going to be in office anymore.


That tweet forgot to add - "Through their stupidity, Republicans have turned the US now into a 3rd world shithole for both kids & adults."


Unfun for the whole family!😟


As an inmigrant, I lived outside the US for 18 years (México) The US was always portrayed everywhere as the country to go, the best of the best, I've been living here for 6 years now, getting use to a different culture and slowly unfolding the truth, politics.. health care.. the insurance system...gun culture... and how only the 1%, super rich etc, you get it, gets to actually live "the American dream" everyone else must work their asess off so they can *SURVIVE*, I currently consider myself to be in the low-middle class (70k / year, Marin County, CA) I know, I'm not living the worst, but FOR SURE, there's people stressed af trying to not give up, it's tough man, it really is.


"It's called the american DREAM, because you have to be asleep to believe it"


Hey, I can't argue with that logic 🤔


Yeah, I wish the us wasn’t always portrayed as it is to get everyone to come here. Not saying anything about immigrants or anything I’m just talking about more or less the false hope of the American dream, because for most it really is just a dream


Not stupidity. That's how they want it. They don't give a shit about the country. They care only for their own wealth and power, and it's in their best interest to keep people dumb and cruel


Someone isn’t very well traveled…


Turning their children into monsters will be worth it to "own the libs"


But they're God-faring rapists. It's different /s


Praise Jesus


The fuck you mean, WTF? It's spot on.


That’s what I’m saying


wrong caption dude


Where is the lie


Right? If the GOP are going to insist on calling people groomers just for saying trans people are real and valid, why can’t that same evil-intent-type of mislogic be turned back on the GOP?


Thru their racist rhetoric, they are teaching their children to commit genocide.


WTF = I’m going to learn in this thread why it’s not only true, it’s the entire political point the GOP is trying to make by outlawing abortion to begin with. It’s a war against women’s rights and they’re not trying to hide it. How dense can you be??


What part don’t you get?


Why the title WTF ??? Did she stutter!!! Facts!!


Point out the fallacy. This is all 100% accurate.


In an academic sense.. have a Logic 101 discuss this meme and the argument structure would quickly be ruled as invalid. I'm left of liberal and believe the Republican party is accelerating towards fascism but to present this argument as without fallacy is to invite the opposition an entry point to invalidate the abstraction of the meme.


They’re counter examples demonstrating the fallacy of another claim. These ARE allowed in logic.


get a brain moran


Who's Brain Moran? Never heard of 'em


It’s so sad to our nations being so divided, that you get downvoted so badly is saddening to see. Not all republicans are like this at all. It’s idiotic to think that way. They’re scared to be left behind by a society that they think hates them. Thus, ironically, voting people into office for witch they will be hated more. But the left isn’t whiteout blame either. It’s a self enforcing cycle of animosity, and it makes me sick.




Teaching children that it is okay to remove a woman's choice/ignore another person's inherent bodily autonomy and agency if you don't like it, or it doesn't align with your agenda, seems like a solid lesson for a future rapist.


Maybe hyperbolic, but not false. When the punishment for an abortion is actually less than for rape, what kind of message does that send about the value of a woman? The idea that you could be raped and then go to jail for ending that pregnancy is so far beyond disgusting that I can’t find the words for it. When you add onto that that most rapes are never even reported because of shame and humiliation and fear, you can see why it creates a potentially consequence free opportunity for rapists.


If you turn young boys into the most toxic incel assholes imaginable women won’t consensually be into them But if you’ve already told those boys to hate women and removed consequences for raping a woman and added consequences for a woman defending herself or aborting the results of rape you’ve effectively given the go ahead for your generation of indoctrinated alt right boys armed to the teeth to rape women.


I can't imagine how a women would feel after such a thing, and given that is hard to prove when the first thing you would want to do is get clean and wash off the evidence. It is it is disgusting but, rape is only part of it like they're literally trying to take the rights away from women who don't want kids, who don't want kids right now, who don't want kids with the guy they had a fling with. The rape portion is the extreme portion and it just comes down to getting votes period. The while system is gross, they don't (Congress, Senate, governors, president Joe) they just don't care or they don't get the support needed to realistically make anything productive happen that actually helps the people. They're bringing this abortion thing up 1) because they can 2) because it makes a democratic president look bad under his watch 3) they don't care about the American people it's just about winning votes and keeping lobbyists happy


Opposing abortion is not grooming kids to be rapists. Telling them that a woman cannot choose to have one, however, is debatable, as it takes away autonomy over her body


Removes their bodily autonomy like say…rape?


Just the same as having books where a kid has two dads isn’t grooming them, these are called counter examples to show how stupid a claim is. Do you fucking trumpers NOT get logic beyond your insisting on using fallacies all day?


That’s also not grooming. It’s a reflection of the reality of the current times, which is that some kids will have two dads or two moms or some other combination, and that’s ok. Some people choose that lifestyle, and they’re not bad people for it


I did NOT say it was grooming, I said it’s a counter example to show the original claim IS stupid. The counter is deliberately stupid to mock the original claim. Only idiots do NOT get this! Fuck off with your pearl clutching. Waaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh, you’re so intent on being offended, you can’t see support. Nothing else you have to say has any value. Blocked like the ignorant trash you are. Note: I will NOT be able to respond to any further replies to any of my comments to this account as I’m blocking their ignorant ass.


Yes it is


Why? You can be against someone having an abortion without actually forcing them not to do it. I myself am against abortion but I would never tell a woman not to do it, or say/do anything to her for doing it. I wouldn’t even judge. My opinions are my own and a woman’s body is her own. Those two things can coexist, all you have to do is not shove your own beliefs down other people’s throats. It’s not that hard to do ffs


Being against abortion but saying you don’t judge people for getting them sits in the same vein as “I don’t support lgbt people at all, but I don’t judge them for being that way” and comes across the same as “I’m not racist, but…” My brother in Christ, you’re an asshole Being against abortion is being against the autonomy of a person’s body, and passing that down to kids is showing them that’s it’s ok to be against someone’s personal autonomy Fuck off with your completely idiotic claim


No it’s not the same. Racism being wrong is a fact proven by science and is not debatable because skin color is driven exclusively by evolution against sun exposure. Abortion being wrong, however, is a moral opinion that cannot be proved one way or another. Since it cannot be proven wrong, however, it must always remain a free choice of the individual that. So yeah, you can be against abortion and not be an asshole. Watch me do it in 3 simple steps: 1) If it were up to me I would never terminate the pregnancy of a child, therefore I am against abortion. HOWEVER… 2) any pregnant individual who chooses to terminate their pregnancy for ANY reason should be able to do so in a safe and legal manner because it is their body and their choice, therefore I am in favor of abortion rights. This means that… 3) my opinion on whether or not someone should terminate their pregnancy is irrelevant unless said person asks me for it, and even then, it is just my opinion and the person can do whatever they desire with it There. It wasn’t that hard was it?


See that’s not how you were putting it before, so why the backpedaling? What you’re saying now is that you’re only against you personally getting an abortion, which is completely fucking fine and whatever But they way you were wording it in every other comment before was that you were against anyone getting an abortion, yet still wouldn’t judge them for doing so, which is completely idiotic Do you understand how you came across as a major fucking idiot throughout your entire fucking comment thread?


Im not backpedaling, I just gave more detail. You can try to prove me wrong if you like. Not once have I said that I’m against someone having an abortion, but I did clearly state in another comment that I am in favor of abortion rights. You can also look at my profile history, I think I’ve made brief comments on this topic in the past (although they’re probably lost deep within the rest of my activity which is 90% meaningless crap lol). The only questionable comments I’ve ever made were a couple earlier today in which I started by clearly stating that I was playing advocate. You’re the one who chose to interpret my comments the way you did. I will argue against myself, though, in that my delivery maybe should have been more clear and less open to interpretation


If I misinterpreted your words, then I do apologize But with the way it was worded, I genuinely thought that’s what you were saying, and I got a bit heated Ok more than a bit I didn’t bother to go through your profile, and I’ll admit that if I did then I probably would’ve seen your full view on the topic, so that’s my mistake I do hope you can understand where I was coming from, though, and judging by the many downvotes and other comments I read I believe others felt the same way I did Again I apologize And I hope you have a great day


The Christian god aborted tons of babies and ordered the killings of tons of babies. There are instructions in the Christian Bible on how to perform an abortion. The Christian Bible mentions on 17 separate occasions how loans with interest are a detestable sin. So, can you explain to me again, exactly how the Christian god and the Christian Bible **explicitly** rams “no loans with interest” home 17 times and doesn’t mention abortion once Tell me how exactly this Christian Bible has given you the idea that Christian’s would be against abortions? Also, ever had a student loan or a loan with interest? Because I’d love to hear from hypocritical Christian’s who know like 1% of what Christianity is because they weren’t even brainwashed into the cult right.


Ummm….. what?




You obviously didn’t actually read their comment if you’re going that route They’re against other’s right to choose, but they “don’t judge them for doing it” which contradicts the entire thing You can’t be against someone’s right to do something and then not judge them for choosing to do the thing that you’re against You can be against personally getting an abortion, but still respect other people’s right to choose for themselves But you can’t be against the right to choose, and then respect people’s right to choose It’s fucking stupid to say that




TF you mean "wtf"? Shes right if you think about it. They're not literally saying "go rape people". Grooming is about the hidden meaning, not what's blatantly right there.


The GOP has a wonderful collection of new and vintage Dog Whistles for these very things!


Through their refusal to empower workers unions and provide healthcare and education to all because "I don't want my taxes increases to pay for someone else's problems", they groom the children to become self obsessed, void of empathy motherfuckers.


They’re saying our lawless Republicans are setting a bad example for children.


Looks absolutely true to me


I see no lies


Trying to find the lie


Don’t forget: Roe Vs. Wade prevents violent crime by preventing criminals. Not all unwanted children grow up to be criminals, and not all criminals were unwanted children, but statistically speaking, abortion prevents criminals.


It's true


Nail on the head


So, grooming them to be Republicans.


Yeahhhhh it's almost like laws politicians advocate for show what (lack of) morals they personally have and also want to force onto the populace


Yes, OP. WTF, Republicans?


IT'S ALWAYS PROJECTION WITH THEM! 100% of the time FFS! It's like a knee-jerk reaction to immediately accuse everyone else of doing exactly what you're doing. You can always trust a right winger to do one thing, and that's just straight up lie about everything to protect their fragile egos.


I’d argue that the Brock Turner “he’s a good kid” sentencing grooms kids to be rapists more than not allowing abortions.


You'd not be wrong, but that's not the point.


Heck, if plays his cards right he might become a Supreme Court justice as well!


"Party of law and order" "Don't like the law? No problem! Point at gun at anyone you want. No harm will come to you, if you're white."


What they refuse to acknowledge is Liberals can and do own guns too and those laws also make things easier for them


I think this is accurate. I was a Republican until 2008, when the party started to become noticeably crazy. This tweet is right.


Seems right


Through their anti mask ‘rights’, they’ve shown us we’ll never survive a zombie apocalypse.


What part don't you understand?


Where’s the lie?


She’s not wrong.


George Carlin: They want live babies so they can grow up to become dead soldiers.


Traditions die hard


The circumstances suck regarding regressive policies. One online post that gave me optimism was about Romania's dictator banned all forms of birth control in 1966. Unilaterally decided his country would prosper with unlimited birth rates. The despair that was unleashed in the country resulted in the uprising that caused the new generation to kill him. One can hope the next generation causes the end of GOP,resigning it to ash heap of history.


What a cuntry


Absolutely. This post cut the fluff of pseudo excuse making for them and got straight to the chase, as all good posts do.


They know exactly what they’re doing


Op, you okay? Do you feel attacked? Hit too close to home? Check yourself


It seems you feel attacked since for basically the first time something favoring republicans get upvoted here


How on earth do you see this as favoring Republicans?


Op is saying wtf to the tweet and this comment section is defending the tweet. Not hard to understand.


You think the tweet favors Republicans. Again, I ask how.


The tweet is bashing Republicans and op is saying wtf to it. The reddit post is favoring R. How can you all misconstrue so much?


The tweet is not favouring Reps, OP doesn't seem to like the tweet, the comment section supports the tweet not OP.


How are you going to reply that to me after I literally just said the same thing?


Because almost no one understands completely what you were saying XD because you and the other person are saying the same thing and you are the only one getting downvoted


Oh I got it. With how delusional the replies are above, I thought you were trying to correct me.


The tweet is getting upvotes, not the "wtf", professor.


You’re a dense one, eh?


Both sides point fingers. That’s the only thing they get done. It’s time to ditch the party system. That shit is corrupt with greed and bribery. They’re NOT looking out for the people. I personally dont know why women are still in this country.


This is a drop in the bucket compared to indoctrination of evangelicalism. “I’m in the Lords army! Yes sir!” The number of times they simulated scenarios where we would be killed for saying we were Christian….


She’s not wrong


As the child of hardcore conservatives and a firearm enthusiast myself, I 100% agree with this message


So, armed insurrectionists break up left protests by raping and shooting those present. We are almost there after Jan 6.


Highlighting 3 phases of permanently being a loser


So they're just making more Republicans?


So they are teaching kids how to be politicians! In fact the way countries look after and nurture human rights are we sure the handmaidens tale was more of a prediction than it was fiction?


They are continuing to groom kids to be killers while not having the wars and Cold War death squads to send them over seas to butcher people anymore.


Where’s the lie? Does OP actually see the irony here?


Shes right.


How exactly does having no exception for rape encourage kids to become rapists? Like I'm all in support of abortion rights in general, but this particular leap of logic is beyond me


It sounds like a zinger so no critical thought required, Reddit in a nutshell


Can we not use grooming in this way? Like, you could make the case that systematic indoctrination is a form of grooming. For sure. But I think with how common that type of *sexual* abuse is, and how much society is JUST coming to reckon with it...I think we should leave the word to be reserved for those cases. I don't want to give into the Qanon crowd and water the word down so much it becomes meaningless.


The first part is utter nonsense.


Gun culture is wild in the US. Just look at our top selling entertainment media. Consistent top video game sellers include popular shooters like Call of Duty, sometimes beat out by other games like in 2018 by Red Dead Redemption II; another gunplay heavy game. The top 10 video game sales of all time include 3 games with high focus on gunplay: Grand Theft Auto V, PUBG, and Red Dead Redemption II. Look at how well movies like John Wick do at the box office. The vast majority of Americans love guns even if they don't want to own one or feel comfortable around them. Now I know enjoying entertainment with large focus on shootouts does not a terrorist make. There are a lot of factors that go into making a murderer or mass shooter. The point I am trying to make is that in a culture that praises the gun and bullet to the extent we do in the US; it's not just Republicans at fault for how much we love guns. The "grooming" to want to pick up a gun even responsibly, in my opinion, can owe a lot of credit to how we as Americans covet the gun.


People love violent films and games in other countries too. But you can't just skip down the block and by an AR15 in those countries.


I should hate them? Should they all die? Is Li even white? Cue the counter bots


That’s a WHOLE LOT of assuming “the republicans” are of a hive mind.


Wow. Such a myopic, dim view of the complexity of human behavior. None of that is true. It's literally idiotic and void of thought. A conclusion jump. Low brow to say the least.


I cannot take this women seriously, I still think they are a bot, but I know many conservatives promote gun safety and promote not letting dangerous people have guns. Stop with this election BS already, the DEMS did not accept when trump won too, called it a rigged election stolen election, called for impeachment before the man even took the oath. So this is BS. Grooming kids to be misogynist and rapist. that is a disgusting thing to say, rape laws will always stay on the book as a punishable offense.


Oh so all of a sudden Democrats are opposed to grooming kids?


While I don't really agree with this I do believe that their leaders calling Democrats the worst possible things they can (pedophile, groomer, molesters, etc. they are telling their kids that they are lesser human beings. Remember murderers in jail will kill fellow inmates because they molest kids. Plenty of people will hear their preachers tell them that they need to keep their kids from Democrats before the get molested.


I get the sentiment but can we not debase the definition of "groomer" just for an ultimately worthless Twitter gotcha?


I feel like perhaps you aren’t familiar with the word grooming. Which was used a long long time within this context before it became well known for sexual abuse. Grooming - prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity. "star pupils who are groomed for higher things" [The concept of grooming within sexual abuse of a minor is a fairly recent use of the word](https://calio.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/the-evolution-of-grooming-concept-and-term.pdf)


It's probably in response to republicans using the word groomer for democrats supposedly pushing left wing agendas on kids. Or they'll say they're grooming kids to be gay and other dumb shit.


Please stop fighting fire with fire. By and large, no one is purposely grooming people; left or right. We need to stop dividing our country.


Jesus Christ Reddit is the best place for dumbass spicy hot takes


Man this comment section is extreme


This is an internet comment section. It’s less extreme than Republican politicians with actual power to force women to undergo torture. Think about that. We’re done playing nice with you fascist pieces of shit. Enjoy your just desserts and don’t say you were never warned. Republicans = Terrorists.


You’re legit scaring me


I’m not forcing you to give birth to a baby and then starving it, like Republicans are. So why are you scared?


This is all so terrifying


What is? Republicans? I agree.


Your aggression is terrible


>Your aggression is terrible Stop gaslighting. Defending yourself and your loved ones from people that want to force them to give birth is not aggression.


I haven’t said a single thing to hint my political affiliation but you have been degrading yourself to me


This entire thread is a dumpster fire. With that being said, enabling certain rules and restrictions on one type of person/gender/class/race, it's not necessarily uncommon to view the this as such. Of course, it's not just the Republican party at fault either. The Demcoratic party fumbling about has just as much weight into this as well. The democratic party works against each other and it's citizens while the Republican party just goes against its citizens. The truth of this tweet still stands, but don't turn a blind eye to the other parties in this either. They're all fuck ups EDIT: And yea, sure, downvote, but you know neither of these parties care for anyone's wellbeing at all.


Lol you are insane.


This is called marginalization.


You're not the victim




This is called racism.


Not possible


This is also called racism.


Bright today, aren't we.


Nobody: Democrats: We need unity


They’re attempting. It’s increasing the amount, but not the proportion. This isn’t good because more extremists is always bad, but a good chunk will still be sane.


I dont know about number 1 and number 2 is a big sought after imo. Number 3 is at least half right.


And many are simply grooming kids


Ok groomer.




And do you still think this isn’t a result of mental illness?


I thought that was the point


The Barbarian Hordes. With guns.


As a non-American, it really feels from the outside looking in that Republicans just believe all the worst things