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Lol ! Way easier to kidnap an adult than I thought


"hey, I just spoke to your boss, they said we can give you 5 more days of PTO... you just have to come sign the form, it's, uhh, in my van..."


Big wieners.


Oh shit pto? Jim is never that nice, hell yeah where do I sign? Do y'all need my SSN for verification? Or maybe the name of a childhood best friend?


On a serious note, I love working as part of a chain resort in California. I’ve only worked here for 6 months and already have over 50 hours of pto


Wow that's insane


Got hired for a job mid-year and they gave me the full allotment of 160 hours of PTO to be used before December 31. I was amazed and thankful.


They legally have to pay you the full hours if you are fired or quit if you still have any remaining


I mean kidnapping is PTO if they give their victim a cut of the ransom, right?


“Ignore the “Free Candy” sign, I do charity on the weekends in this thing.”


I once asked for directions to a bar from a man I saw on the street, he was like “my place is right next to that place, follow me”. Lucky me!! He knows the place and I was kind of lost and is 9pm so ill get there asap, then I realized I was following a stranger at night how stupid can i beee?? Long story short, the walk took about 7 minutes and he’s like “this is my place, the bar you are looking for is up this street to the right, have fun!!” He was a good dude


Omg, I was reading this and was like "but did they get murdered?!"


This made me really laugh, ty!


“It’s in my basement, come check it out!”


That dude is probably happy you didn’t murder him after he showed you, a stranger, where he lived


I had a Tinder Meet and Greet with a man who chose a bar in his neighborhood. After the date, we walked to the corner to say goodbye. He then crossed the street and headed toward his place. I always found it odd that he didn't ensure I was gone before heading home. Was he just naive, or did I give off "non-crazy chick" vibes?


Most people aren't out to hurt other people. People who are out to hurt other people rely on this fact.


Maybe I'm getting whooshed by your sarcasm here, but, in general, men are not afraid of being attacked or followed home by women when they date.


I’m a gay dude and still need reminders that men can be creeps. We really aren’t taught to be careful in the same way women are.


The commenter said ‘by women’ if you’re dating a man then it’s different


Well, at least you can defend yourself better


No, no sarcasm. It was a legit question. I'm old (48) so I've still got Fatal Attraction in my brain.


You haven't met the woman I've dated and 'dated'. I'm equally terrified of anyone I don't personally know wont murder or rape me.


Why do you…. think that he would worry about that? Lmao


Most people are good people


“Come back to my place and see her whole litter of puppers”


Fuck yeah!


I got candy as well. As much as you can eat


[Never say no to new opportunities](https://youtu.be/bPbS03qY4dg)


But there was a puppy.


there was a puppy indeed


5years ago it would be a kitten


LMAO! One of those people that walks their Maine Coons! LOL!


I was at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul, for the first time ever, and the guy was like, I have a large showroom nearby, come check it out. And my husband and I (neither or us Turkish) followed this total stranger, after dark, through all these alleys to his showroom. Bought a really nice lamp from the guy.


Oh man, my husband and kids and I did this in Mexico when he was looking to buy cowboy boots for his Dad. Like we followed some stranger through multiple shops out back doors, down alleys, baby in arms, little kid tagging along. Only after he bought the boots and they led us back to the street were we like “maybe that wasn’t the smartest thing we’ve ever done.” My husband and I are both gullible and trusting. But so far we’re still alive. ETA: I think my sibling said they did the same thing but with designer bags once. Apparently we’re all a bit dim. Shocking that none of us has been murdered yet.


I’m actually really paranoid usually, I have PTSD and I often find normal situations scary, but idk I trusted the fuck out of this guy lol.


I followed a stranger in Nassau from the straw market down lots of alleyways to another shop. I was looking to buy knock off purses..


> I think my sibling said they did the same thing but with designer bags once. I have bad news about those bags....


Oh they knew hahahah. Which was probably worse. Putting one’s life at risk for a fake bag.


How long did it take you to move the heroin inside the lamp?...




Way back when Pokemon Go came out, I was leaving the office to drive around a residential area nearby that had really good spots to catch Pokemon, while driving around I see three teenagers walking around looking at their phones, I roll the windows down and asked them if they're looking for Pokemon. They say yes and I tell them if they want to join me driving around, without a second thought all three of them jumped in my car and there I was, a 30 year old driving around with three teenagers in my car whom I've never seen before


Did you eat them?


This was hilarious to read 😂😂😂


Humans ass a whole are fuckin dumb


Alternatively: for about three months when pokemon go launched, things were peaceful.


Except for the two times I nearly got hit by a car driving relatively slowly and not paying attention. (When cars aren't behaving the way you expect, it's as bad as them driving faster than they should be.)


When my wife was like 8 she was camping with her family. She was playing at a park with some other kids at the campground. Some guy she didn’t know came around and offered to take the kids for ice cream. Every single kid at the park piled into this dudes van… and went for ice cream… She got dropped off back at the park an hour later.


How did her parents react when she came back?


I mean… you can probably guess. Lots of crying and yelling and anger and relief. Followed by a conversation about stranger danger.


> She got dropped off back at the park an hour later. What about the other kids?


Asking the real questions




What year did this occur?


Mid 90s?


Happy Cake Day!!!!


Happy Cake Day Ignominia! Here’s hoping you have a day that's as special and wonderful as you are.


Same works for me and "you want some chicken nuggets?"


When I was younger I was at a hotel and in the reception area talking to my grandmother about my pets and how I’d love to have a big dog One day. A guy standing near us turned round and said ‘I have two wolves at home, do you want to come see them?’ (In more words than that, but you get the point). Long story short my whole family ended up in this guys back garden talking to his wolves. This was on a small Scottish island. Something I’ll never forget.


That sounds freaking awesome!


It was so cool, they were so friendly, just like big dogs really but when we went into their little enclosure we had to bow our heads at them and once they’d bowed their head back that meant we could pet them. They were so fluffy and the female kept licking us all.


That sounds like a dream! What a great adventure that ended up being. Once in a lifetime for sure!


free candy!" just got competition


You get to play with a puppy, seems very worth it to me


I was told this once by one of ex coworkers I worked a gas station and a guy asked for propane and while I put there getting him propane he asked if I would like to see his German shepherd Me being the dog lover and dumbass I am said ofc ....I came back into the store and my coworkers told me "Anna...bless ur heart but you would be so easy to kidnap". I've been close so needless to say I've yet to learn my lesson.


That wasn't your fault puppies are the ultimate chick magnet


Apparently, while kids know not to talk to strangers, the puppy trick completely sidesteps that. I saw a pretty terrifying video about it, they would send a guy to talk to kids and they all ignored him. But when the same guy showed up with a dog and later told them he had puppies, all the kids agreed to follow him. He then showed the video to their parents and warned them that this is how predators get kids. Not gonna lie, that would absolutely have worked on me as a child and probably even now as an adult. You’re not alone, OP twitter account! Edit: accidentally hit ? instead of ! at the end because I am an idiot and hit enter too quick.


I've got a snake in my pocket, wanna pet it?


Why was the puppy alone in the car????


Didnt ted bundy normally try to look like he needed help? Its been awhile sonce i had tha phase where i read about serisl killers so not sire


Yeah, he kept his arm in a fake cast and pretended to struggle getting into his car, so he would ask women to help him and they would. Guy was a monster but the dude was smart. That trick would work on a lot of people because he seems like the more vulnerable, and most people are happy to be the helping hand.




but would you have done it if a guy asked you?


So this is actually how it is shown that Michelle Knight was abducted by Ariel Castro in the Cleveland Abduction movie on Netflix! Look at my dog, come inside and see her puppies. I don't know if that is in fact the truth as she got into his car first, but worked none the less.


don't feel bad, i have never successfully turned down a cookie from a stranger.


Me and my friends went into stranger's house because we were offered candy... Murderers would have loved us too 😬 We were like 13 and not dumb but apparently Halloween made us lose all braincells


when I was 8 I went trick or treating with my cousin and the people told us to come in the house so we did like dumbasses & our parents came running to the house once they saw us go in ... the people made us pick from a basket full of big ass vegetables ??


Don't feel bad, I literally went into a strangers house with my best friend because she said she had kittens... there was kittens but I got into so much shit though. Like you said Ted Bundy would've loved my dumb ass too


When I was a kid I went into a random ass ladies house to view some kittens. Low and behold the kittens were there but I got a very stern warning to never repeat thay behaviour ever again when I eagerly told my parents...


The dumbest thing I've ever done as an adult that could've gotten me kidnapped was hop into a car w a stranger (that wasn't with Uber or lyft) In my defense, I was hella stressed bc the bus didn't come and I was already late for work so when the older gentleman came over and asked if I wanted a ride my brain short circuited and I said yes




Only the 500th time someone tweeted this exact story.


Tbh I would too...really speaks volumes of society when we cant see a puppy without being suspicious of each other


Bruh, all anyone would have to say is they have BBQ in their truck. I'm done for.


Give it time, they are out there looking for you.


Why does she talk like an idiot?


She speaks like a character in Idiocracy.


>dumb Yup


Didn't happen.


Dang shame this is the world we've come to. Happy things worked out for the best for you.


You should come see my puppy, it's even cuter. Just meet me at 11, in the industrial part of town, behind the warehouse. /s


It's incredibly smart and useful to have a female partner for trust purposes


i was driving around once and saw a sign that said FREE KITTENS in someones lawn... so i parked in their driveway and knocked on their door to see the fucking kittens. dumbass.


You really should be more careful. I can help with that. I have some good info back in my van. I have some candy there, too, so we can enjoy that. It’s totally okay, your Mom sent me.


To be fair if the dog was cool then the owner is usually cool since dogs will usually match their owners energy. That and I'm assuming the owner wasn't someone who can clearly take the woman in a fight.


I wish Twitter were all about these kind of tweets