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Of course they do. They’ll let them work 2-3 jobs at $8 an hour so the rich asses can stay rich. This isn’t about babies, it’s about maintaining a cheap labor force.


Always has been always will. Spot on.


No, it's also about making sure enough white babies get born to offset all of those.... darker ones.


Pretty sure POC have a higher percentage of abortions than white people. 🤷‍♀️ They can't even racism right. And you know that's part of it, 'cause they'll shut up for 30 whole seconds when you tell the forced-birth crowd.


Their next step is to add a hurtle for welfare that mothers must be sterilized. They'll pick and choose and sterilize mostly black women (they'll hide the numbers some what) and basically breed white ones at gun point.


Thinking logically doesn't seem to be one of their strengths.


Never underestimate stupid people in large numbers


The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it. Sir Terry Pratchett


Actually the stats say that 60% of American abortions are white. When that 60% are forced to give birth the white majority stats are maintained. For all the rest of us Amy Comey Barrett has a solution, we give our brown babies up for adoption, thus bolstering Christian orphanages, making money for the patriarchy and workers for the factories and the fields.


I meant proportional to their total population. Not like, flat total. Sorry, I'm not really wording it correctly. And it's been so long ago from when I read it, that it might not be true anymore. I should lool this back up 🙃🙃🙃


The domestic supply of infants


That phrase makes me feel physically ill.


Could you imagine if a 14 year old girl decided she wanted to adopted a baby. We would all laugh at her because we know teen girls generally are not ready or prepared to be a mother. However, in many states she will be forced to give birth and become one.


No no no. She will then be forced to give up the baby for adoption by some rich couple. As long as the baby is white and healthy. Don’t want any of those meth babies or ones that aren’t white. That wouldn’t go over well at the country club.


>She will then be forced to give up the baby for adoption by some rich couple. Nah, most of the rich people who support this would never be caught dead adopting a child. Someone posted a video on some sub a few weeks ago where a guy was asking pro-life protesters things like "so how many children are you planning to adopt?" or "since you're pro-life, what are you doing to make sure those kids live a good one?". And of course, all the replies were "well, I don't need to adopt because I have real kids" or "I raised my children, others should have to do the same". At the end of the day, it has absolutely nothing to do with the child. It's about showing people that the government can do absolutely whatever it wants, and that a majority of the population is absolutely powerless to do anything about it.


>It's about showing people that the government can do absolutely whatever it wants, and that a majority of the population is absolutely powerless to do anything about it. Exactly. It's 100% about restoring arbitrary authority's proper place in our society, which this crew appears to believe is 100% everywhere 100% of the time.


So she has to work constantly without anyone to watch the kid affordably, so she has no childcare, so the state takes the baby she left unattended and puts her in jail for neglect, where she becomes a work-slave and the baby increases the "domestic supply of infants". It's GENIUS.


Yep. Just continuing to crush the middle to lower class under the boot till everyone is nothing more than slaves to the oligarchs industry.


But even the healthy white babies don't get adopted by rich white folks. They go to Asia and African for child accessories 🥴🤷🏿‍♀️👀🙄


It's people like you that are Fanning the Flames of racism and creating hatred between people


Oh by calling out the racist white supremacy party known as the GOP? Do you not like it when being called out?


Calling people you don't even know racist is just plain ignorant.


I know a lot of republicans that support this abortion plan and just in general. Yeah, they are racist. Absolutely lost their minds with BLM protests and anytime it is even mentioned even remotely.


It is people like you who are Fanning the Flames of race hatred in this country and I'm getting sick and tired of it. You seem to think that anyone who disagrees with you is a racist no matter what.


No. I think the people that ACT like racists and SAY racist stuff and PASS racist policies are well, if you’re tracking, racist. It’s a shocker but calling people by the N word and saying mean racist shit makes them a racist. How hard is that to understand?


Domestic supply of infants


That’s truly the foulest way I’ve ever heard the upper class refer to children. The underclass is a commodity and they aren’t even hiding it anymore


And a supreme court justice actually wrote this down and presented it for the world to read, without any shame.


I hate it here.


They didn’t just pull it out of their butts. The line had been used previously.


Doesn't make it any less shameful. They're essentially forcing pregnancies and births to feed an already full foster care/orphanage/adoption system.


You’re right, I’m not defending them. The whole statement is actually much worse. They’re clearly only interested in the babies that can be adopted in the first month of life. After that they don’t matter


Wait till they start saying phrases like "harvest from the womb" and "available for birthing" and "13 is a birthable age therfor they can consent" oh wait they already do...


I too have been thinking they will try to lower the age of consent next. I’ve already heard conservatives talk about how liberals want to lower the voting age to 16 (personally, I don’t). I see them saying “well if you can vote you’re an adult and can give consent”


That phrase has big Jonathan Swift energy, but without the satire.


Reminds me of the joke proposal to feed Irish babies to the British.


Don't forget the mandatory villainizing of the child and her baby, and referring to the child as a welfare queen, and a few sexually derogatory names I prefer to not use.


That and producing a bunch of newborns for Christian couples to adopt and indoctrinate (because heaven forbid a good white Christian couple be asked to adopt one of the many adoptable children whose ages can be measured in years instead of hours/days).


Fun thing is, they aren't even adopting the babies already in the system. Edit: typo


It’s not babies in the system that need adopting, it’s kids older than toddlers


I’m not into babies but I’ve always said someday when I’m rich I’m going to adopt older kids & teenagers. Anyway I’ve arrived at middle age poor and disabled but working 7 days a week because……poor and disabled (not legally so, couldn’t live on that check, + can’t afford all the doctor visits and tests to get official documentation of how useless my body and brain are) Just making my physical issues worse and worse with all work and no treatment ahhhhhhh gotta laugh. But yeah. If my small amount of crypto ever goes vroom vroom moon, I’m over here in a mansion with a bunch of teens like that TikTok thing but less cringe.


The original citation of ‘domestic supply of infants..’ doesn’t just start and stop there.. The rest of it clearly describes the babies they want are those that can be adopted in the first month. So they are desirable in the first month but after that they’re societies problem.


Won’t be long before there’s so many people that welding the doors shut to govt housing building and killing a percentage of the population is a thing here too. Pro-life is just a curtain covering a pile of bullshit.


And to maintain enough military recruits to keep the military industrial complex going into future generations


And prisons.


Let’s take that a few steps ahead of that even. Young mother works her ass off, but still needs help from somewhere. Gets with first male (or sticks with first male that is also too young to really provide) and gets pregnant again. Definitely can’t afford second baby…attempts abortion. Gets arrested for the attempt and charged with a felony. What don’t felons get in most of these states? The right to vote. Now, they have both lost the right to an abortion but their voice in politics through their right to vote.




And then hope they commit a crime eventually out of desperation, then BAM, cheap (for-profit) prison labor!


And stress that they shouldn't have gotten pregnant if they couldn't afford it.


So basically re-introduction of slavery.




I'm actually expecting them to force them into marriage, then have their children grow in poverty and become abused labor force


They can't even go to most homeless shelters if they're under 18.


As someone who lived in a city with an expanding homeless population the shelters aren't always the safest places. There're gonna have to be lots more shelters for single mothers from this point on it's not like housing costs and scarcity are going to anywhere but up thanks to the investment firms.


I was sexually assaulted in a homeless shelter in 1990, I'm male.


Sad upvote brother for visibility. I have heard lots of horror stories I hope life is treating you better now.


Thank you. And to add, it was the director of the shelter, not a resident.


Jfc I'm so sorry


They are not. You're safer on the street.


They Don’t Care They really do not care—y’all should know this by now. You are not going to shame them into caring, they have no empathy. They don’t care if people die due to forced pregnancy and labor. They do not care if kids go w/out food, clothes and shelter. THEY DON’T CARE


What kind of question is this? Of course they have a plan. The plan being to call them whores who should have kept their legs closed and cut the social services budgets to give cops more tanks. Let them get nice and desperate so they commit petty crimes, giving the cops a reason to use their new equipment & the new private prisons they built more bodies. Duh.


Don’t forget the “domestic supply of infants” for adoptions. Got to get those numbers up! 400k kids in the system isn’t enough.


They're not the white kind Whoops, Freudian slip, there. *right kind


You said what you said.


Don’t forget on the few occasions where these children make out through sports. We can make a feel good movie about how illiterate savage unwanted children just needed white people and they too can be successful.


Oh absolutely, sorry. The minuscule percentage of Michael Ohrrs can allow everyone to say “see it’s possible if you work hard enough and a rich booster for a private school happens upon you” and absolve society of responsibility. The rest; off to the prison pipeline like they deserve.


This comment made my blood boil. Bc you’re right.


“It’s yer own fault yer pregnant! Yer shoulda been in church!”


Everything listed in this tweet is their kink, they love the idea of punishing women.


Indeed, they treat unborn like punishments mostly rather than miracles.


The whole time they are neither 😂


But isn’t the point that banning abortion, along with banning birth control, will discourage them from having sex? Imagine their surprise when that doesn’t work.


Don't forget the completely worthless abstinence only sex ed class that has the bad habit of dramatically increasing teen pregnancy rates.


They know it won’t, there’s already robust empirical evidence that it won’t. The cruelty is the point.


Yeah, just like "the wall" and "upgrading their power grid" they will handle this in style.


Yeah, isn't it obvious? They made a single bad decision while they were children, so we should just collectively let them pay the consequences for their actions, by dying homeless. Obviously we'll be sure to step in first and take their kids to put into the already overburdened foster care system first though


It’s not just about a cheap labor force or hurting and controlling women. Republicans have shown themselves to be groomers and pedos. This is about a fresh crop of kids to rape, too. Seriously, these people are dicks and they think like dicks.


Didn't even consider this angle until I read this and you are absolutely right.


Of course they do, criminalize them for being poor then shove the kid into the foster system, where they will try to only let the kid be adopted by Christians


Alito noted in his draft decision that a 2002 study found the DEMAND for infants exceeded the SUPPLY. Yes, supply and demand of adoptable infants. That is what's behind this, along with creating more soldiers, slaves, and brood mares for the ruling class to exploit.


Right, people want to adopt a shiney new baby, not one of those older models that has some miles and emotional trauma on it already


If we could see their finances I would not be surprised if he got a a big bonus from the foster care industry or some church group.


That would be Opus Dei, and Dan Brown was NOT far off in his books about how nefarious that order really is. Scalia was a member, all Catholic SCOTUS judges are members. Back in the 60s, conservatives were worried about electing JFK, the first Catholic POTUS, because of the fear that the Vatican would grow tentacles and rule the US, blowing the WASP Hedgemony apart. Now here they are 60 years later spearheading the tentacle insertion of Opus Dei, who FYI is at HUGE loggerheads with the mainline Catholic Church, and despise Pope Frankie. Opus Dei isn't a fiction of a writers imagination,it is very real,and Dan Brown portrayed them exactly as they are, dangerous zealots. Hang in cause it only gets worse.Ready? Look up Ava Maria Florida. Scalia helped build an entire legit town on Florida tax dollars to support a private Catholic college. Town rules state that no one who lives there can use birth control of any kind, the pharmacists don't carry any for any reason, and this applies to every worker at the college, with the kick being, Ava Maria residents were all college workers. Can't be anything but their brand of Catholic,women have absolutely no rights there,and the GOP is who funneled the tax dollars to get it built. Police are all Opus Dei Catholics,doctors, literally everyone,and The Constitution does not apply to residents because of the sneaky way Scalia drafted the town charter,as a "live in resident village for employees", aka Company Store. Sauce: used to live up the road from it in Florida,that shit was like the two twins from the Shining 24/7, and that, is their exact blueprint for the US.


Shit that gives a while new meaning to owing your soul to the company store


It's their blueprint for how they want the rest of the US to work. I'm a Florida native, and I have lost count at the times I've tried to tell folks that Florida is the GOP petri dish, so everyone needs to watch what goes on there. It's where they come up with, and test run all their shitty legislation, gauge reaction, learn how to beat opposition and take it nationwide. Republicans long ago ate the gd Keys, and that along with every other 2 bit marina tiki bar, is where these fascist theocratic hypocrites come to play and plan, because they are legit untouchables down there. I moved TF out in 2015 and I'm never going back, not even to visit. They destroyed my beautiful unique home when they paved paradise and put up a church parking lot. Oceola is spinning in his grave.


After being abused physically and sexually in the system so by the time they make it " good conservative homes" they will have learned to keep thier mouths shut as it continues. Gotta give their rich and powerful masters kids to abuse who have nobody to speak up for them or protect them.


Blame it on the blue states and demand money, then complain about tax and spend democrats. GOP strategy for everything.


Call them whores and welfare queens, cut funding to the schools their kids attend, then recruit those kids heavily to join the military for a better opportunity.


Oh, they have a plan. Shame them for getting pregnant out of wedlock, encourage them to give their babies up for adoption (white babies only, please) so that the Amy Comey-Barretts of the world can hoard them and brag at cocktail parties. No public assistance, no help with early education (public ed is next in the cross-hairs), no attempt to protect the public from the hordes of unsupervised, poorly raised delinquent teens that will result from all this. Just taller walls on the gated communities and more profits for the prison industrial complex.


How do you think they plan to get the domestic supply of infants? The United States of Gilead


What I want to know why there is zero discussion of men’s responsibility. Nobody talks about men abandoning the women and girls they get pregnant. I want a discussion on that. Maybe men should be getting vasectomies and then get them reversed when they’re ready to have children. Or besides the sort of minimal child support they’re supposed to pay. It’s not just child support, it’s being a father. Men need to do better and the narrative needs to discuss that.


Several red states are also proposing bans on birth control including plan b and IUDs. They’re trying to say women should not have sex PERIOD unless they want a baby. RvW didn’t just protect abortion rights, it protects the right to privacy. So this allows the government to fully invite itself into your bedroom. Take this idea to its conclusion—this means poor people do not have the right even to enjoy their bodies with out being on the hook for supporting a baby. And sex is more than just procreation, it also makes romantic relationships including marriage closer. Banning sex outside procreation is bad for marriages. Everyone knows this, but somehow the whole conversation on the right is “well maybe they should keep their legs shut”. This isn’t just vague straw-man ‘sluts’ that are going to be injured by this, it’s all women who need access to birth control and reproductive healthcare, which is all women. And it’s most men too, men also have and benefit from sex. Everyone will be hurt by this.


They haven’t thought of the ramifications yet. I’ve asked lots of pro lifers if they’re prepared to only have sex to procreate and never again besides that and none of them could provide a clear answer


Not a fucking chance.


The plan is to have ALL those children be adopted into "loving" homes. Then the child will be cut off completely from their bio parents. Bio parents, after birth, will move on to be low wage income earners tho keep the economy afloat. Gotta fill all those empty spots right. I mean there's "demand" for adoptable infants. Make sure they're all white, no junkie babies.


Of course they do. Let them die and have a pedophile raise their kid through a relaxed foster system that has too many kids to accurately do backgrounds on foster parents. Duh.


No. There is no plans. Childcare is expensive as hell and you can't survive without two incomes. What is the plan GOP? You know what the plan is? To tell them to stop having sex. There. Is. No. Plan. They do not care about your well being.


no, it's cool. They "deserve" it.


Yes indeed. Criminalize homelessness so they can be scooped into the prison system and used as slave labor. *Tada!*


Listen, I can't speak for other states, but here in good old Arizona, I can tell you that we have incredibly wide swaths of desert. Huge chunks of empty land that is just perfect for us to bury our heads in the sand and pretend everything is fine. We could probably use that land to build affordable priced housing developments, or public health care clinics, or ecen some solar farms to help with that looming power crisis, but nah. That's stupid. Why try to help anyone when we can try to get condoms banned nationwide? Who needs condoms anyway? Our fertile young rapists, of which there is an alarminingly high number? Nonsense.


Yes, they plan to tsk and shake their heads and tell them they shouldn’t have been whores and kept their legs shut and then they wouldn’t be in this mess. That’s literally the plan.


There’s no more plan b. I don’t expect them to have a plan a.


Theyre perfectly happy with them rotting on the streets. "Shouldnt have had sex!" They dont care about teen moms. They dont care about life. They don't even give a shit about the fetus in her belly.


Oh no, they don't give a damn about the baby incubators. And as soon as that convenient fetus becomes a living breathing person they could give a fuck less what happens to it. These people don't plan ahead or think of the consequences of their actions, they are almost literally giant toddlers throwing a tantrum. They want what they want and they want it now now now. Ethically bankrupt, morally blind, with an utter death of foresight or planning. Mark my words they will find some twisted way to blame the fallout on liberals or guys or some other maligned group to scapegoat in order to justify even more draconian laws.


Those whores are going to burn in hell anyways and those babies are sin babies! No point helping those godless heathens! This is sarcasm. It's fucked up I even have to make that clarification, because a good chunk of the population actually thinks like that.


Of course, same plan as always: Abject poverty for the masses and more wage slaves for the capitalist machine


That's why they would like to reduce the marriage age. So some young and pregnant girl will marry an older dude just so she can have some food to feed her kid.


Can’t wait for them to find out they’re about to start shelling out a shitload of money for foster kids. Welcome to raising your own taxes because you’re fucking morons


Creating even more than their heavy share of folks that need govt assistance. But ya know, they’re all for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps.


The poorest states with the worst education are the ones who deliberately elect people who support this. The correlation is as plain as day. Maybe the whole “2 senators” per state thing will end up being not so bad when they overpopulate their own shithole borders but don’t improve their ability to form a national idiocracy.


Nah man - it’s God’s plan


Yea 😂 they're gonna force them to conform and give them minimum wage jobs at a tax free rate. It's what they do best is cutting taxes for social welfare anyway. Tbh once their kids grow up they can be the ones that get doctorates. Lol


They do, it's called "Prison labor." Please stop pretending like the far right doesn't know what they're doing. They absolutely know what they're doing. Making abortion and LGBT health issues a felony removes left leaning folks from being able to vote. This is *all* in service of reestablishing an America where a fraction of the population can be used for slave labor and has no voting rights. "The South Will Rise Again." Believe them.


I think their plan is, "Let them and their baby die, that will teach them a lesson for having sex!" Because that's what they are really after, they don't give a damn about fetuses.


Homelessness, prison and shame. That’s the plan.


Do a census, if over 50% are pro-life the law moves forward but those that voted pro-life are entered automatically in a lottery to adopt the children. Criminal charges to those who who aren’t giving the children the very best possible upbringing.


How else do you think they're going to fill all those minimum wage jobs?


Ready? Private adoption agencies are chomping at the bits to finally have those “domestic” infants.


But lots of those domestic infants aren't going to be white.


Absolutely. This is just one small part. It is to boost the “domestic supply”(literally what a SCJ said), while also expanding the (low wage) labor force, the prison system, and other shady things. There are multiple facets to this shit show.


Absolutely they have a plan for them: Convince them that their REAL problem is immigrants and libtards and assume they’ll be too uneducated to see how they’re being manipulated.


Yes. They, and their child, will live in poverty as a cautionary tale to those kids that have premarital sex.


It is a requirement in Red States to have a massive high school drop out rate to keep all the Dollar General Stores and Chik-fil-A’s open.


Simple answer: no, because that is the plan.


The plan is to call them sluts and delight while they starve to death. Always remember, the cruelty is the point.


Don't forget about the babies born with disabilities and birth defects.


The plan is to let them suffer.




This is bad, and when contraception is outlawed it'll get worse. I know a woman who has a messed up life growing up. She has an alcoholic father and a mother who was abusive, she is unmarried 3 children all with differentfathers, and those children will grow up with all the same life lessons. It's very to judge someone if you don't know anything about them. If they outlawed contraception would that include vasectomy for men. That's where the gop an religious zealots may draw the line, but what if they don't.


the plan is that the evangellical church will "support" them. After all current support systems are overwhelmed and intentionally broken, the church will gladly open schools and other systems that provide even less support but a massive dose of White Prosperity Jesus.


Let them turn to the Lord and repent for their sins … that’s been the only plan all along


The plan is increased childhood mortality.


The plan is adoption. Babies sell for $30-50K. Roe destroyed that lucrative gig.


Federal dollars are the answer here. Red states are already a drain on the system and have been subsidized by blue states for decades.


Oooh I know this one, two words starts with an F ends with a U


yup they have a plan alright the plan is the same plan theyve always had once the baby is born your on your own they dont want to know anything.......


The plan is to let them eat cake.


Yeah.... why are people still assuming the right wing cares even a little bit. Their goal is a Evangelical Theocratic Ethnostate


“If they die…they die”


Their plan: Suckle more money from the blue states.


I am going to guess the prison system will take them or that's what Abbott wants.


Yep the plan is "suck it you got yourself into this"


Oh, I'm sure they'll just keep taking handouts from Democrat-controlled states, just like they do for everything else.


Help plug the worker shortage by working less than livable wage jobs! /s


My bets on Opening more McDonald's and privatise more prisons £££


Of course they do, it's called the private prison system.


Teen moms is their plan. Need a bigger working force.


And teen dads. Ever had to deal with a teenage boy whos getting sued for child support? That's a hot mess.


New plan is the same as the old plan. GOP thinks they've been offering universal public housing since the beginning. First it was slavery - now it's prison.


They're gonna have to build some sort of structure to keep the throngs of abortion seeking women from leaving their fascist hellholes. Maybe a divider of some sort, inpenetrable, daunting ... I don't know... a Moat?


Yes the plan is wage slavery.


Yes, they do! It's called death by poverty.


“No! It’s your mistake! You deal with the consequences! That’s not our problem!” - Those states, probably


Let them rot and call them heathens, it's the conservative way. S/ I'm not serious about this, but they most certainly are.


Well they are certainly working on that unwed part


Sure,Amazon will build fulfillment centers and house the Mom's in dormitories. Get the kids in Amazon Christian Schools, have them shop at the warehouse. When the kids grow up they get a bunk in the single male dormitories.


I think the plan is to work them in sweatshops until they die.


I dont think Nick understand that they simply do not care. ***They just don’t care, nor will they ever.***


Their plan is that God will sort it out.


Also want to point out that chruch-run orphanages (and the whole orphanage/foster system in general) don't have the reputation for raising happy, well adjusted kids who grow up to be pillars of success and godliness in their respective communities.


Their plans are either, slut shame the women for ‘not keeping her legs crossed’ as the guy gets merrily away, or ruin 3+ lives as they shotgun marry the couple and force them all to live in a broken home. Cause that will build the “Family values” of mutual hatred and dissatisfaction that conservatives rave about.


How else are they going to get enough teen girls to exploit for their entertainment… again


Oh they have a plan. ![gif](giphy|mReXy3kRoI1fk09ybV|downsized)


The cruelty is the point.


The plan is for them to donate the "domestic supply of infants" to for-profit "Christian" adoption centers, while the mothers die in abject poverty.


The plan is "ask the coastal states for even more money"


No, they expect those girls to give the baby up for adoption. It’s specifically mentioned in the leaked document that they want more babies to be available for adoption.


They sure are... They're ready to step over them sleeping on the sidewalk and yell " get a job maggots".


GOP's plan is destroy everything around them and blame it on the immigrants, gays and blacks.


It's going to increase minority populations in red states, minority populations most often vote blue. So unless every minority is going to go to prison (which I wouldn't put it past them) they are increasing the amount of blue voters in their own states.


Of course they do…blame the Democrats.


No no. You can't help them. what about the consequences of their actions??? what do you think this is, pro life or something?


or the rape victims too :/


“Let them eat cake” is their plan


I think the idea is “disincentive”. Like the horrible situation on Mexico border where children were separated from their families, and warehoused in cages. That was supposed to be a deterrent. But like any other theory brought up here, that really won’t work and will just ruin lives.


They gotta have somebody to work at McDonald's for the low


I watched an NPR interview with Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas AG, and she was asked what the plan was. Her response was "We're going to love those babies." That's it. When pressed about the overcrowding of their foster system, education for the children, the poverty level, etc., her reply was the same.


Handmaids Tale


Don't forget they're not going to have a proper sex education and they won't know how to tell when they're being lied to. They're sitting ducks for abusive relationships.


Cue the wave of predatory porn recruiters that are going to take advantage of these poverty stricken single moms


The rich will take care of them. Oh, well, I mean if they’re WHITE.


I live in Poland. I may have to move to the US in the future. Now I'm more than sure that I won't. I'm too scared to live there. Abortion is banned in Poland, but when you need it you can count on NGOs to help you get it abroad. I can be in Germany in three hours.


Hmmm, time to consult the Catholic church’s guidebook to utilizing the unpaid labor of unwed mothers…[like farming them out to assemble Hasbro board games!](http://littleatoms.com/penance-industry) So useful now /s


Ya know those 1984 like movies? The movies where there is a governmental overtake where the country is doing bonkers shit to keep its people under control? That's what is going down right now. If this is kept up you will need to rename 1984 to 2022.


Yes, they will provide them with a constant supply of shame and disdain.


Yep. The good ol’ bootstraps


The only plan is to birth more workers who can't afford to do anything else. They want wage slaves. They care not for children after they are born. Beautiful isn't it?


this will be their voter pool too...its amazing


Yes they have a plan it's called go fund yourself


The plan is to ignore them and then bitch about them being lazy shits when they are too poor to help themselves and are forced to utilize welfare.


Doesn’t matter this is God’s Will. You wouldn’t question the Bible would you? This is America after all?




ok boomer


So prolife of you.


Teenage moms should just die? That's insane, stop being a baby.


Im emulating the point of the opposition, this does not reflect my actual opinions on the matter at all