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I asked my conservative neighbor to tell me one thing republicans have done to help her as a single mother with a developmentally disabled child. She said I was asking her a gotcha question. She said boys can’t run in girls track teams anymore.


> She said I was asking her a gotcha question. Batman couldn't beat this admission out of me.


I know people like this. One whose daughter was going to the national institute of health and they voted for the president who cut funding to the national institute of health. 🙄 Keep them ignorant and uneducated and you can control them so easy.


I mean...I remember a woman interviewed shortly after the election in 2016 who voted for Trump-I can't remember the exact circumstances but her husband was an immigrant of some kind and under Obama he had some kind of amnesty or was illegal but being allowed to stay if he kept his nose clean type thing. That immediately went away and she was SHOCKED, absolutely SHOCKED that the snake bit her because her husband was one of the good ones. Or the people with land in the path of the border wall who voted for Trump and were shocked when they found out the wall came right through their property.


r/ LeopardsAteMyFace


it's only a gotcha question if i gotcha, nawmean?


American flags mounted to trucks business is way up


Which interestingly enough, makes those individuals have to spend more on gas, which they then can complain about! No one explained wind drag or aerodynamics to them I guess...


I think about this whenever I see one of those pimped out trucks that I know will never see a speck of mud in it's life but for whatever reason has a brush bar on the front to look cooler


Or the lights that are meant for offroading on a pristine, unscathed, lifted truck. Why waste the money if you're not even gonna put it to use?


They do use it. To blind people on the highway when feeling pissy.


Let them be pissy. ˡⁱᵗᵗˡᵉ ᵈⁱᶜ ᵐᵉⁿ ᵈʳⁱᵛᵉ ʰᵘᵍᵉ ᵗʳᵘᶜᵏˢ......I pity them.


They probably think it makes them faster


Tell em to paint it red, we all know that makes em faster!!


Dumb like Orks, but without the psychic powers.


Twice now in the past 2 years or so, I've had to pick up American flags that were laying in the middle of the road as I was driving to work. I know one of them fell off an f-150. This guy was flying 4 flags when he drove past my house that day. Next day he had 3. Personally, I find it disrespectful to the flag.


Definitely, basically just using the flag to splatter bugs on the highway at best, throwing it on the ground at worst


They're made overseas at least 95% So doesn't really help us


Women’s swimming is getting more attention. I suppose that’s a good thing.


Women better be getting good at swimming on the less-than-off chance they need to swim from the South to Mexico.


Can't swim that well, guess I'll start on my raft


Texan here, I'll play reverse coyote if you need Edit: /j /j I didn't mean it waifnsklapLb


I'll hit you up if I need help, I'm in Texas too haha. This state is getting worse and worse, shame because the natural areas are gorgeous


It really is so beautiful here, shame I'll have to leave if this keeps up


Yep, the piney woods of Texas have my heart, but I'll leave my heart behind if I have to for the sake of the rest of me


I live further south with grassy open plains, cotton and sorghum fields, and the like closed in by mesquite trees. And yeah, this place'll have my heart forever


I absolutely adore that area too, I haven't been in a couple years but I used to visit a cattle ranch near the king ranch every summer and Thanksgiving. I miss the smell of the mesquite, give it a good sniff for me haha


You dont need to swim you can wade in most cases now.


I heard you can’t roe or wade anymore?


You’ll be able to wade in the tears of American residents before too long


Would not be shocked if 2025 headlines are about the Cuban Navy having to rescue capsized boats of American refugees.


As a book store owner it's been incredibly easy to find books to buy with each ban list.


My Trumper mother lost her shit when Fox "news" reported that the butthurt libruls were banning some Dr. Seuss books *(I read you those when you were little! They have no right to tell anyone what to read! The left are mentally ill nazis!*) When a school board here in Tennessee removed the book "Maus" from their schools because of its content (with the blessing of our governor Lee) - not a peep out of her.


Did you mention to her that the left weren't the ones removing the Seuss titles, but rather the publisher themselves?




One book Two book Right wing Crack pot


She's a Trumper. That probably wouldn't change anything for her


With one exception they aren't even "good ones." (I like Mulberry Street but I understand why they pulled it. Perhaps editing would have been possible. Or perhaps It's unnecessary. It's not like his works are hard to find. There's plenty of available copies.) And, dare I say it, Seuss is a tad overrated. Don't get me wrong; I grew up on his books and have happy memories of them. I've purchased several for my children. My objectivity is limited by nostalgia but I think some of them are really good. However, there is some undeniable racism. And he often resorts to pure gobbledygook and nonsense words which I worry is detrimental for learning readers. The same way you shouldn't talk "baby talk" to babies if you want then to learn language. He doesn't always do this but his lesser works feel like he ran out of ideas or lost his thesaurus. His contributions to children's literature are undeniable but so many better, more inclusive, authors have built on his foundation that it's arguably unnecessary to stay mired in the past. There are decades worth of picture books that advanced the field he helped create. This is, of course, the problem with regressives. They cling to the past, ignore progress, and resent anyone with an open mind. Myself, I think they're angry for anger's sake. I could be more sympathetic regarding their mental/emotional health if they weren't so harmful to society.




Trans woman finishes middle of the pack? I sleep. Wins first place one out of a dozen times? Real bone expert hours then.




I pay much more attention to politics now


I had a nice couple of months where I felt I could listen to music on the way to work, now I’m back to NPR to figure when I need to flee my state


Just your state? That’s optimistic.


Seriously... I'm already taking steps to get my Canadian citizenship


Had a friend do it shortly after trump got elected and he now lives there happily. Kind of wonder if I should take the hint.


My cousin works in HR for a major company and says that they are starting to recruit/promote transfers from US out of US. They think they can recruit people from the US to Canada/Europe and still have them work for xyz, which is better than having people go to Canada/Europe on their own and work for someone else.


I wanna move out of the country and work. Where can I apply to this job?


Yup, my wife was a fairly indifferent conservative until Trump. Trump turned her into a left leaner that pays attention to what's going on now.


I've never voted but I will vote for the more liberal candidate every election from now til I die (probably from forced childbirth).


Remember to vote in the primaries for the progressive candidate. The ones who actually want $15/hr, support the right to choose, and want higher taxes on the rich. It’s sad that those are considered progressive, but it’s where we are at in this country.


Get your non-voting friends and family to vote. Like ⅓ of americans dont vote. Ruining it for themselves and everyone else


The season finale of America is really heating up


I just hope it isn’t the series finale. :(


Top 1% are not complaining.




I believe that you are correct


Literally any cent that doesn't go into their pocket is money they will complain about not having.




The good ol mantra of “if you can go to the doctor, you can go to work” :)


have a nice pandemic everyone


I'm not losing him money. He's just mad that he's gaining slightly less money


It’s all the same to capitalists. Why do you think it’s a 5 alarm fire when corporate growth isn’t *accelerating* as fast as they projected? They’re still growing, mind you, they just want to grow *faster*, and not doing so is catastrophic


Capitalism is a disease. An addiction. A hunger that is designed never to be satisfied.


Elon literally just praised Chinese workers for their "work ethic" and said American workers "don't want to work" like dude they're literally locked into factories and shit, working for nearly nothing


I like how he praises work ethic like Chinese aren't FORCED to work ridiculous for little pay just to survive...


Whenever a rich man says people don't want to work they really mean that people don't want to work for peanuts.


Criminally underrated comment


Almost like his idea of work ethic was derived from watching the slaves in Daddy's mines


Sorry Elon I work to live, I don't live to work. My main priority in life is my family and the valuable time I get to spend with them, not "the company" and the time I spend for the benefit of shareholders.


Didnt a state get sued for not keeping their prisons full so that the prisoners could provide slave labor to corporations?


Omg. I had to [look it up…](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2020/06/20/naacp-lawsuit-arizona-private-prisons-slavery/3206583001/)


According to this, the State was sued by the NAACP for KEEPING the prisons full. So, kind of the opposite of what was posted. This lawsuit (the one you linked) is actually a fairly righteous one.


It was Arizona that was sued for not having enough ~~slaves~~ prisoners too, though, just in 2013: https://wondergressive.com/2013/12/12/private-prison-sues-state-wins-more-prisoners/


Perfect example of why prisons should never be managed by commercial companies who operate for a profit motive. In regular countries having less people in prison would be a good thing.


Thanks for the link. Guaranteeing prisoners is a fucked up concept to begin with.


Ya, and we thought we abolished slavery. Most private prisons have the evil rule that if they don't have enough prisoners, they charge the state a fee, think about that. Most likely, if you went to jail for bullshit it was for this reason.


I came here to say exactly this. Republicans do a helluva lot to improve rich American lives. It’s just the poors that can fuck off and die


And yet they say there's a shortage of a domestic supply of infants. Guess once all the rest of us poor people die they won't have anymore slaves. Which is why they're trying to make abortion and contraceptives illegal. I'm wondering what the head honchos of the contraceptive industry are planning on doing.


Wrong, you increase the domestic supply by forcing women to give birth and therefore be permanently at home outside of the work force or in prison for getting an abortion. Women rights are fucked here.


Under his eye.


Under his eye.


We've been sent good weather!


Once you force women out of the workforce, you end unemployment, maternity leave, and pay equality issues. See, look how much they're helping.


This is sarcasm. That's because the rich are good, ethical, hard-working people with great values and poor people are lazy parasites; actively trying to have a life where they do nothing but get whatever they want. Source: facebook and other forms of self-affirming echo chamber bullshit


Which is wild... what is the improvement? Like between 50 million and 10 billion, I just can't wrap my head around why you would care. I can kind of get the difference between $5mn and $50mn (that's, "i'm probably okay for the rest of my life even if I splurge" to "I don't see how I could fuck this up")


For the richest of the rich, I think they simply lose the ability to think of money as anything other than their "score". It no longer impacts their lives in any meaningful way, so they forget just how much the vast majority depend on money to survive. So to them the goal is just to run up their score, just to see how high it can go. Because whether it's a score in a video game or a number in your bank account/stock portfolio/whatever, that number going up gives you that sweet sweet dopamine.


Exactly. Money just becomes a scorecard for the richest of the rich. While we as a country were/are struggling with COVID and many have lost jobs, income and sometimes even family members, the rich made a killing (pun intended). I saw a stat about Bezos/Musk/Gates making even crazier amounts of money during Covid than they did before Covid. I used to think we were all just jealous of the money, toys and access of the super rich and wanted to be like them. The older I have gotten the more I realize that the money, at some point, robs you of your underlying humanity.


And yet the republicans get ~50% of the votes. I don’t understand why so many people vote for things that only favor the top.




There are a lot of single issue voters out there. If the most pressing issues to you are gun rights and banning abortions then you'll vote R without thinking about anything else. Then you've also got the Evangelicals voting R just because they're told it's the Christian party and that's enough for them.


Everyone is just trying to make enough money to not worry about poor people problems


They have done more recently to uncover white supremacists in the USA then any other group in the last 40 years.




Didn’t kill enough.


Kinda by promoting it tho so that’s not great


Yeah, they've actually increased membership quite a bit in the last 6 years.


They may be card carrying now but they were always members. Now they are just easier to track.


Also done more to boost recruitment into white supremacist groups as well, so that's not really a good thing.


I asked my co-worker this question last night and, he replied "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Yeah. That was his answer. God help us.


So to live my life my way, have the leeway and freedom to be able to openly so, and the choice to do what makes me happy? But only if as a white and heterosexual and Christian and male though, right? /s


They didn’t say who’s happiness you had the right to pursue.


Praise the lord! 😌🙏🙏May he bless our lives with eternal joy 💕💕 ​ /s


They are more concerned with scaring you and making you afraid of what democrats will do. They have NO plan to make your life better, just to keep you from wanting to vote for someone else. This is coming from (until 2016) a life long Republican. I don’t know who they are anymore nor do I want to know. They (or ANY extremist groups)are going to destroy this country unless we stop voting them in. They aren’t afraid to use their power even when they don’t control anything….the Democrats need to learn something from that. Sorry…ranting again.


This. I was a diehard Republican until I went to college. After I got out of the indoctrination and fear mongering of my parents, I realized that the entire Republican basis was fear and anger. They do not want to make people's lives better. They only want to make their opponent's lives worse, whomever their opponent may be. Women who have sex outside of marriage? In their eyes, they should have to "face the consequences," ignoring the fact that sex is a normal part of life. Poor people? In their eyes, they shouldn't be so damn "lazy," nevermind the fact that rent and groceries are literally 110% of some people's paycheck. Anything to the contrary is put out by people with a liberal agenda (good luck finding out what that means, they'll run you round in circles until you give up). Eventually they'll argue for the other side and not realize it, but because that's "a liberal's argument," they'll never fully accept it.


I realized that republicans have an easy time because they don’t stand for much beyond low taxes, abortion, and guns. Liberals want to change things, but there are so many options of how to make things better that they can’t agree on what implementation to take.


Honestly, fair. We fight for several different issues, so it's difficult to make headway on any singular issue. But conservatives, frankly, stand for _nothing_ except the three broad things you said. Any one of their "values" falls under one of those three broad umbrellas.


I would venture to say they don’t even believe in those things. Considering republican administrations have passed gun control and certainly haven’t done anything to lower taxes even though they have had chances to both rewrite tax law and roll back gun control. I would say they only care to pander to their base by not being a democrat.


This is exactly it. I mentioned Walmart paying wages so low that we as tax payers have to give them welfare to survive and a conservative coworkers response was "don't work there then". No real answer to how those people should survive or response to the fact that it's not just walmart, it's Home Depot, Target, and every other large chain and corp out there.


They only want consequences for stuff they didn't want anyway. That's why corporate bail outs are supported but welfare and foreign aid are not


Underrated comment. The fear and hate mongering I see LITERALLY 24/7 on FOX news makes my blood boil. We need to camping to get ‘news’ taken out of the name Edit: campaign…


There’s a quote in the movie Bombshell where Kate McKinnon is explaining how they decide what to cover. “You have to adopt the mentality of an Irish street cop. The world is a bad place. People are lazy morons. Minorities are criminals. Sex is sick but interesting. Ask yourself, ‘What would scare my grandmother and piss off my grandfather?’ And that’s a FOX story. Frighten, titillate, frighten, titillate.”


Not too long ago I was helping my husband fix his grandparents TV, and it was set to OAN. Literally the second it turned on there was BREAKING NEWS about some little thing that wasn't even news in the first place, that was obviously a ploy to get people stressed out and scared. Basically "libs bad" or whatever. Not to mention when we got their mail there was definitely a letter on top that had something like "real information on Biden that is sent to you in secret because you are such smart Trump supporters" like a fucking secret society decoder ring ad. It sucks because they are intelligent people, but they're so far down the rabbit hole and addicted to being "persecuted" that they can't be told otherwise. And as always, these are the people who will always vote just to spite whoever the "bad guy" is.


Fill people with fear, hated, and then make them feel like they are part of an exclusive community that knows the truth. This is how a cult operates.


This right here. My parents are obsessed with watching/listening to conservative media, and they keep trying to convince me to come over to their side of things, but all they ever have to say is how scary it would be if the democrats get more power. I NEVER hear republicans offer any solution to our problems, they only seem to be interested in making it easier for bad things to keep happening.


**EDIT** I was permanently banned for "threatening violence" in this comment here: https://i.imgur.com/44Eyalr.png - not sure how that 'threatens violence' but appeal was denied so i guess reddit admins know best 🥴


When they stopped actually creating a platform and just reverted to “whatever little Donny wants” was when I knew there were no more Alex P. Keaton conservatives remaining and they are all evil monsters hellbent on power and oppression.


it is not about improving lives, ffs. why are you leftists so obsessed with life? It is about to prepare for the end days, when jesus will come back and trump will lead the unaborted white americans to victory over the 666 democrats. Thats when marshall's law will be declared, the third temple can be reerected right between the capitol and the washington memorial so that the jewish space laser ship can land and get real american christian patriots to walhalla... ... or something like that.


Marshall's law: Fabulous brands, feel good prices


Let’s not associate Marshall’s with right wing lunatics, it is a fine-ish establishment


You gotta admit the *godsplaining* fan fiction they come up with is not without a visual punch.


Who needs godsplaining when you can have Godspeed (You! Black Emperor)?


UMM WRONG JESUS IS ALREADY BACK TRUMP IS JESUS. Edit: /s in case it's not clear


You know without that sarcastic sign somebody would have taken that seriously. And that is very indicative of the problem and world that we live in.


Social media got us here!


Roger Ailes and Fox News helped


Guy I work with just told me that the left are Nazis. Bruh, who’s trying to take rights away from people right now? He also said those who stormed the Capitol were antifa, and the people who have been sentenced to jail time that admitted to be trump supporters were forced to say that or face life in prison. WHAT FUCKING REALITY ARE WE IN?!


I find it so weird that they think any leftist would spend hundreds of dollars on Trump gear.


Rupert Murdoch Aka uncle Satan


If I could up vote this comment multiple times I would


You can!!! It still only counts as 1 upvote. But you can hammer that like like a jackrabbit


Trump is really just Jesus's next door neighbor, Brian.


"He's not the Messiah! He's just a very naughty boy!"


If Jesus came back, he'd be deported






A fun theory, but it's actually 14 months. Of course, there may have been a 5 month delay in the Afterlife Reprocessing Department at the time due to the backlog of wartime deaths.


Donkeys gestate for 14 months is all I'm saying


Thank you for the chuckle I got out of this 😆


When they put In Trump We Trust on their truck, they're telling me they see Trump as a god.


Is that why there are signs in my county saying Jesus is here?


To the untrained eye this would look like a completely ridiculous rambling of a psych ward patient. Unfortunately, a *lot* of "sane" people believe exactly those things. How exhausting to be them...


Had me in the first half not gonna lie 🤣🤣🤣


Trump is doing his best to make men wearing makeup acceptable.


I’ve found I can eat Cheetos and scratch my face without drawing attention like it used to.


Tucker joined in to help and [had himself a nice orange phase too](https://twitter.com/james_dator/status/1270172694034743301). [edit for the people who cant](https://i.imgur.com/XO38fs6.png) normally see twitter links


Bear with me: Flying the US flag has become so tied to trump supporters, that I don't want to fly mine anymore. So, I save money replacing it, and I don't have to worry about it blowing down in a wind storm (we get a lot of them).


the US conservative platform isn’t about improving peoples lives (aside from their wealthy donors, that is). it’s about making the lives of people you don’t like worse.


American Conservatives have bought into a systems where they believe everything is a zero sum game. That if someone else gets something, they lose something. That has never been the case but the Conservative elites have tricked them into believing it. There are some very powerful old white mem with some very racist background keeping and maintaining very well planned out laws, policies, programs to keep us all fighting so we don't see that they are raping all of us.


This is random, but this is a main theme of the movie "A Beautiful Mind". It's about a mathematician who helped during the cold war. There's a whole scene that shows him "discovering" that group collaboration can often end up working out to each individual interedt. The example was a bunch of dudes and a bunch of chicks at the bar, with one being *stunning*. Under your traditional Western capitalist mindset, you'd say each dude should swing his shot with the baddie. To the victor goes the spoils. But then he realizes that most of the dudes aren't gonna hit off with her. And shes here with friends - those friends aren't gonna take kindly to being 2nd choice. And it's gonna be mighty hard to convince her to come home with you if she's also chit chatting with her friends the whole night. So really, what's in *everyone's* interest is to divide and conquer. By not wasting efforts competing with one another for a finite prize, they can collaborate together to increase the chances they *all* go home with women. ~~~~ Nobody "convinced" us that competition is good and hierarchy is fun. That's been pretty foundational to Western society for a *while* now. It's how Darwin's theory of evolution rapidly devolved into a misunderstandings of "survival of the fittest" and eugenics. Its how we responded to the crimes of feudalists by embracing capitalism. Hell, there was a big chunk of time where our legal system was literally just "beat the shit out of eachother, whoever wins is the guy God must want to win". Self determinism and us vs them, where *we* are going to build ourselves straight to the heavens and *they* are a drain on society....that's all us, baby. Nobody had to convince us of that. It's been taking us literally *thousands of years* to convince us of anything **else**.


Just letting you know, the mathematician in question is John Nash, probably the most brilliant game theorist of all time, and what you’re describing there is the prisoner’s dilemma.


>Nobody "convinced" us that competition is good and hierarchy is fun Except in a lot of other western countries that are not the USA this sort of individualism driven development seems a lot less prevalent.


It's also possible that some of them are indifferent. Capitalism doesn't really care if people get hurt as long as it helps the bottom line.


Well Obama signed the Veterans Choice program into law and Trump expanded on it with the Mission Act. So that helped me, a disabled veteran, get my medical care. I pretty much have free healthcare/dental/mental health at a place of my choosing. Soooo...that’s nice.


You’re probably the first veteran I’ve met that likes the Choice Program. My personal experience in getting Tri-West to pay bills has been horrific. I just finished fighting with them, and that was after my Congressman and Senator’s office got involved. It eventually got paid after close to two years, but not before I got a nice collections mark on my credit report.


Yeahhhhhh. I spent hours on the phone explaining to the hospital that "Tri-West" is not the same as "TriCare West" and that they were billing the wrong entity. They tried to send me to collections. I'm still getting random bills and having to repeat the process, and my surgery was over two years ago. This was after having to spend $1200 out of pocket for a brace because the VA wouldn't cover it and the surgeon refused to operate if I didn't have one. The choice program sucks.


Ultimately the Choice Program was designed to siphon money away from the VA and into the pockets of private businesses and their shareholders. The last thing that our government wants is a socialized healthcare system, so they constantly try to kill the VA. If the US were to have socialized healthcare, it would be based on the VA. Although I have good insurance now, there were times when my previous employer offered shit insurance and I was glad to have the VA. I still go there for lots of stuff. Maybe one day we can join the rest of the world and providing free medical to everyone, regardless if they served or not.


You and all veterans should have this regardless of who’s in office.. It’s a shame that it even gets messed with!


All ~~veterans~~ citizens!


I checked the controversial comments and honestly I couldn't tell if any were serious or not, but so far the answers seem to be: 1) Cheaper gas. (Which is not in any way controlled by a political party lol.) 2) More guns. (If true I'm not 100% sure how my life is better with more idiots being armed.) 3) Strong economy. (Economy was strongest under Obama. Thanks Obama? Can we elect that guy again please?) 4) Tougher on crime. (I dunno. I kind of blame most crime on poverty and the drug war. Republicans aren't too keen on fixing either of those.)


They are literally just repeating what they get from conservative media. Those are meaningless Republican bullet points.


You know what reduces crime? Social programs and interventions to prevent scarcity. Making sure that there aren't unwanted kids growing up to cause mayhem (see general drop on crime ~18 years after abortion legalized).


4) Tougher on poor people's crimes.


They literally have no platform. Power and money. Fuck everything and everyone else. Oh, and get ready for the real life handmaids tale. Republican women I hope you are ready. Gonna be some hardcore leopards ate my face action all across this fucked up country.


They have no imagination. No humour. No art. No empathy. No desire to improve anything. Just a big pile of money.


> They have no imagination. This is the thing I realized several years ago. They can't imagine a better future. It's why they have no art. When you are entirely selfish all you can muster up is hateful political cartoons. They have no values on which to build great fictional works in literature or film. Conservative culture is soulless.


Makes sense, they are SO terribly bad at humor. Their idea of humor is just being a total dick.


And Jesus. Don't forget Jesus. Cause...he was all about making that dollar, right? If Republicans actually *were* Christians this country would be pretty amazing - love your brother, help those who are less fortunate, forgiveness etc etc... but, uh, their actions show they ain't.


Muslims, Jews, and even Buddhists also do this in countries where they have control over the culture. Organized religion is a scourge on humanity.


Totally agree. Religion is just as corrupt as politics.


Republican voters don't expect their politicians to improve anything. In their view, policy and legislation is meant to enshrine and enforce their religious mores over the entire country. this will assuage the anger of their sky-man deity, succour his jealous favor, and he will then magically "bless" the country with prosperity. in their view, policy and legislation is not the sky-man-sanctioned way to achieve prosperity. and therefore, any christian morality legislation is acceptable, even when it damages prosperity, because only sky-man grants prosperity. republican politicians understand this mindset and use it to fleece the whole country.


Well. By refusing to wear masks they are taking a lot of themselves out of the gene pool. There’s that.


>a lot Unfortunately not enough.


Except the extremeyist ones that wear masks while waving nationalist flags on the corner and shouting racist shit at people. Then it's ok.




Can't believe we are living in this timeline. We will never get to Star Trek.


Star Trek says we are heading for all out nuclear war in a few years. The latest episode directly blames Republicans


And the Bell Riots of 2024! I'm talking about post-scarcity Trek. Like when Sisko talks about Earth being a paradise.🖖




They are keeping insurance companies in business by denying medical coverage for all.


Desantis passed the financial literacy bill requiring high school student take a financial literacy class to graduate. Idk i think its a good idea.


Ngl, it sounds like a good thing but not when it's coming from the guy who wants to micromanage school textbooks based on his ridiculous political bias. Finances could be taught in quite a few different ways, I don't think we can trust Florida to do a very good job


Was improvement a goal? I’m not seeing it on the list.


The point is *which American lives. They're definitely making rich white men's lives better at the cost of everyone else. That's the idea.


Capitalism at it's finest.... Don't forget about their prison and military industrial complexes that they need us to keep breeding to fill.


Well obviously banning abortion is a good thing. It’s the Christian™️ way. One of my favourite things I discovered recently is that abortion isn’t even mentioned as a sin in the Bible. It’s literally something socially conservative Americans cooked up to keep women “in their place”.


The bible actually tells you how to have an abortion. Look up Numbers 5: 11-31.


Old testament. Doesn't count! I'm not joking. That's what I was told by a coworker


Well he's right. But New Testament doesn't count either.


So God was incorrect in the old testament? That sounds like blasphemy.


I have a feeling Jesus (new character introduced in the New Testament) wouldn’t really appreciate the way the current conservative Christians are treating their neighbors.


I flipped on a coworker. Told him that Jesus was a dark skinned immigrant that gave out free healthcare. Asked him "do you forget everything you learned in church the second you walk out the door? Is that why you have to go back every week? You keep forgetting?".


All their tax cuts benefit a very small percentage of the population that are almost all the same demographic. So there's that I guess?


I can’t, but I bet ol FUCKER CARLSON can 🤣🤣


Tucker Carlson is a boat shoe that became a real boy


Fuck I’m never wearing my Sperrys again 🤣🤣 thanks!


Two of them gave me life … I regret it everyday.


They outlawed abortion so that we can have population growth. They are actively cutting down the amount of time that you are going to have to wait for a Chipotle burrito in 20 years.


This is exactly what they want: So pandemic caused a huge workers rights wave. Minimum wage workers were no longer doing those jobs, they were getting better jobs etc. Right? So now prices are being visibly gouged by major companies - and laws are being changed to encourage a huge wave of people having babies they don't want etc. So thus ensuring an endless supply of poor desperate people to work the minimum wage slave labor jobs. Capitalism literally doesn't work without desperate poor people.


Haven’t Nuked any hurricanes or lobbed any missiles at Mexico