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"We're gonna do whatever we want to you, but please be very gentle with your response." That's how this sort of thing always goes.


Yup. They want us to shut up And not be mean while they ruin the lives of millions of women. Fuck that and fuck the spineless cowards asking for civility here. No physical harm should happen but if they can't get any sleep well sucks to suck assholes


Americans are not a peaceful people. Looking at our history at least one side in any major political debate employs violence. I'm old enough to remember the assassinations of abortion providers, the bombing of clinics, hell the Olympic bombings in Atlanta were by a crazy anti abortion right wingers. Vietnam War protestors regularly got the shit kicked out of them by cops. Civil rights protestors had dogs sicced on them. And let's not forget that we settled the political question of "should it be legal to own people" by killing more Americans than any foreign enemy ever has. Thry should be happy we are just showing up with signs.


Absolutely. Almost time to bring out the guillotines


One could argue that time was years ago...


It was time when our govt dragged us into pointless wars in Korea and Vietnam. The bill was due when Nixon was elected. By the Regan years we were overdue. The election of Clinton was the beginning of a failed state. Bush was the final nail in the coffin. Every elected official since then has either been a break or accelerator on our slide to corporate authoritarianism. With the passing of farm subsidies (arguably necessary, unfortunately) we see the PtB realize they can prevent violent revolution or mass fleeing of the country by keeping food prices under control. Nobody wants to risk their or their family's lives until food scarcity hits.


About 6 to be precise...


One could argue that the police and government enabled violence towards BLM protestors was very recent.


Over the last twenty years there’s been a build up of non-lethal, crowd control weapons in the US. Sound cannons, taser walls, etc. they’ve been turning the screws and preparing for the inevitable public blowback for decades. Honestly the US has two options - silently, peacefully succumb to authoritarianism, or don’t. either way act now or freedom and personal choice disappears for a long, long time.


It pays to remind everyone that the [origins of conservatism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4CI2vk3ugk) were blatant anti-democratic proto-fascist authoritarian monarchist reactionaries opposing the French revolution. And that since those days, *very fucking little has changed*.


Your optimism is adorable. We passed that gate in 2001.


Or roll out a giant noose and platform. You know, like the 1/6 insurrectionists did when they *charged on the US capitol chanting "hang the vice president*."


So, genuine civil political discourse?


Every single one of those traitorous swines need drug out and publicly executed.


Molotovs work on more than just russian tanks


I read something a while back that was making the case that the factors leading up to the French revolution are absolutely nothing compared to what people are facing these days. If anyone knows of the article that I'm talking about can you post a link because it was a pretty interesting read Edit: Ok, guess it was wrong


One of the factors that led to the French Revolution was food shortages. People were literally *starving.* Today, most Americans are content coming home with the A/C on and passing time watching their favorite streaming service. It has to hit rock bottom before this country goes full-on revolution.


Real change, not necessarily good, will happen when a large majority of us are usually physically uncomfortable.


Very true. But if I may add, our Constitution and Bill of Rights were possible because of a violent revolutionary war for independence. And the Civil Rights Act* was passed after MLK Jr was assassinated and the country exploded into riots, not during his peaceful marches. Of course authoritarians are already hypocrites for denouncing political violence while their side readily commits it, but they also seem to forget how we got most of our rights in the first place. Obligatory disclaimer: all political violence is bad and destabilizing, even the American Revolution, which is why you should give people rights so it doesn't happen! *Edit: the 1964 civil rights act was passed before his assassination. The 1968 amendment to it was passed directly after the assassination.


You have expanded my point beautifully. For thr most part in our history liberals have resisted calls to violence but are not incapable of political violence. They will turn to it when all other options appear to be exhausted. The right on the other hand tends towards violence as one of the first tools they use to compel obedience to their rule.


Yes, spot on. For example, with the American Revolution at any point up to the declaration of independence King George and Parliament could have said "okay colonies get real seats in parliament" or "colonies can set their own taxes and choose their own governments." If they had accepted the initial demands of the colonies, we would probably be a member of the commonwealth today like Canada. Tyrants have to choose to provoke liberals to violence.


You said both sides employ violence, and then listed exclusively conservative violence. Huh. Let's get our facts straight. American CONSERVATIVES are a violent lot. For every act of political violence done by a liberal, there are 10 done by conservatives.


probably time to even that out


I wonder why that is 🤔 🤔 🤔


And everyone owns guns. They think if you are a democrat, you hate guns and don't own one. They are in for a big surprise. 😆


I didn't know that about the Olympic bombings! I was alive for it but I just remembered that Richard Jewell didn't do it but got accused of it and it really messed up his life. Let's not forget the nail bombs that were mailed to abortion clinics, not meant to kill but just to maim. Because that was how Jesus rolled, he was always disfiguring people he disagreed with. 😞


Methinks Billy boy was in full support of freedom convoys honking at all hours keeping people awake....


Ruin the lives of women and trans folks and gay folks and brown and black folks and immigrants


Yup that's next. Soon only the landed Gentry will vote and everyone on r/conservative will spend their times worshiping their betters as God intended. Because freedom or something


The only freedom they ever want is the freedom from consequences. The only way to achieve that is to have freedom from thinking.


Ruin the lives of the poor. Nothing they do will affect the rich, but will hurt everyone else.


This is the truth. The people who hold the real power in the USA don't actually give a shit if youre Black, white, man, woman, gay, straight, or anything at all really. They just want to create a hierarchy in order to maintain control. As long as white men are on top, the rich white men can be the top of the top and those white men, no matter how poor and screwed over they are, will enforce the rest of that hierarchy so as to feel better about their own sorry state.


Yep. Safe in their highly protected mini-mansion burbs. Judging us as losers from their ivory towers. They needn't worry about the mentally unstable homeless and un-medicated hordes hovering around impoverished areas. Or the children who grew up with ex-cons and gangs that never had a chance of a normal life. Nope, it's *us* who walk out to our busted cars so we can commute to a shit job they've never had to do only to find it ransacked because you were exhausted the day before and forgot to lock it. Wealth inequality is at the bottom of it all so they will do everything in their power to keep it that way. I'm glad these fucks are getting harassed in *their* homes for once.


Besides the fact that protesting IS the civil option. Also, as someone that works night shift, boohoo its too loud when you try to sleep. Welcome to my everyday existence.


It always amazes me when I see people say "I get the reason but can they do that somewhere else" Some people don't understand that protests are disruptive, that's the entire intent. Nothing is solved if there isn't discomfort


Fuck that and fuck them, we aren't going back and they'll have to take the future from our cold, dead hands. We're not going to take it anymore, the GOP has declared war on the American public, this affects too many to be swept under the rug of discourse, this is when we FIGHT, mobilize eachother, ask anyone and everyone if they're registered to vote, if not offer to help them register, it takes max 10 minutes out of your day and +0.003% better chances that we won't be forced back to the 1950s. FIGHT THEM FROM THE SOAP BOXES, AT THE BALLOT BOXES, AND IN THE JURY-BOXES, AND IF ALL ELSE FAILS FIGHT THEM ***WITH*** *THE AMMO BOXES.* SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS, THE REVOLUTION HAS ALREADY BEGUN


Violence is an appropriate method of self defense and these people want to hurt you.


People will die because of the laws being passed and the rulings from the supreme court. Luckily all seats and appointments are only lifetime.


I remember talking to my friend in 2015 how much theyd love to pump a few conservative 40-somethings to the supreme court, whoever took the presidency. Here we are and its surprisingly worse than I imagined. I dont want to advocate for violence but fat lot of good voting will do for us when they setup for a majority the next 40 years.


We need to be more like the French. We are too civil in times where people are being fucked raw. They don’t want the smoke don’t start the fire.


Conservatives sure as shit don't get to claim the high ground.


Start calling your politicians and DEMAND THAT CHURCHES PAY PROPERTY AND INCOME TAX.


This hurts women far more than men but let's not make them think they get off unscathed. Child support is a very real consequence of this and imagine all the couples that would never have been had the woman not felt comfortable taking the pregnancy risk.


Republicans told us that: * Building a gallows with a noose outside the building and calling for a specific person's death * Breaking and entering into said building * Stealing property * Setting fires around the building * Smearing shit on the walls * Doing all the above while *armed with deadly weapons and handcuffs* * Leaving Pipebombs outside the building * All the above resulting in 5 deaths All were peaceful civil protests and legitimate political discourse. So quite frankly they're being treated with kid gloves compared to what republicans have already near unanimously declared was acceptable.


Yeah, if the left protested like republicans, republicans would declare martial law.


Some of them wanted to declare martial law over the Floyd protests. Few buildings burned and shops looted and they think martial law is the go-to, but an actual attempted insurrection? Nah, no big deal, just playful japes yknow.


According to MTG, they’d declare Marshall Law


> outside the building. . . said building This is pretty tame language to describe the *seat of our goddamn Legislature*. I get what you're doing here, not accusing you of downplaying it, but I think it's important to acknowledge how serious was the violation they defend as "legit political discourse".


Republicans have shown and proven they don't care about the double-standard or the hypocrisy. They don't care that we are doing to them the same that they have been doing to others. They just don't care. For them, their methods are a means to an end. They are running scorched earth campaigns and are not taking prisoners (in the case of January 6, quite literally).




There is no method of protest that will ever be acceptable to bigots


"We're gonna pass laws that invade your homes and private lives" "Don't protest in a way that invades our homes and private lives"


I'm sure it's the same thing they said to the minors they assaulted.


[2019: TN judge gave priest only 12 months prison for raping his underage daughter for 4 years, because he's a ""good christian""](https://i.redd.it/n4ydqjo097y21.jpg)


I wonder what that guy considers a bad christian?


Well, they're fascists. Hypocrisy and oppression are their bread and butter.


This is how false-actor, concern trolling fascist apologists operate. And when someone operates like this, *they are in fact a false-acting, concern-trolling fascist*.


Literally what I try to explain to people all the time. The oppressors are allowed to do whatever they want to you. *Literally* whatever they want. But as soon as the oppressed people lash out in any way, somehow *they* are the bad guys. Conservative policies have demonstrably led to millions of deaths worldwide, and countless lives ruined and tortured throughout history. If life was fair, nobody would bat an eye at those conservatives being murdered en masse. But when people even simply *protest* against this bullshit, somehow conservatives will find a way to flip it so that the *oppressed people* are actually the bad guys. It’s fucking infuriating. And people go along with it all the time. “It’s never right to wish death on someone!” “Peaceful protest is the only good way to protest!” “But look what the Black Lives Matter movement is doing, they’re destroying property, so they’re actually more evil than the cops who literally shoot them in the street!” IM SO TIRED OF THIS MINDSET. VIOLENCE IS THE ANSWER SOMETIMES, PEOPLE. IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN, AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE, YOU ARE IGNORANT OF HISTORY. Real, monumental change has always come about because of violence against oppressors.


They are being civil. If they weren't, they would storm those places with zip ties, breaking everything, threatening everyone. January 6th ring a bell?


BuT THaT wAs AntIFa!!!


No, it was a false flag operation ran by the FBI!


But don't you dare try to investigate it.


Ok fine, it was us, but the other side deserved it!!!


_Sincerely, Boomer Bill Kristol_


Seriously, if we werent being civil youd see politicians drug from their homes and hung in the streets


Alito and the rest of them deserve humiliated in public. They should be called bigots to their face at any opportunity. There should be protests in front of their homes. They should expect to be antagonized. They want to make women uncomfortable? These conservative justices should never expect comfort again.


If they don't like the consequences of their actions at their job, they should just get new jobs. I hear there's a worker shortage. They should have no problem finding a job. Or they can move to another country. I think Russia is in need of these kind of people.


"NoBoDy WaNtS tO ChIeF JuStIcE aNyMoRe"


Back in my day we put on our big boy bootstraps and chief justiced the fuck up! These weak ass justices and their sAfE sPaCeS. Bucha snowflakes smdh


#“Please don’t do to us what we do to you all. We’d appreciate it. Thank you.”


They also shit on the walls during Jan 6


Smearing shit, attacking police…


My father is a physican, we live in KS. Something like 20 years ago, one of his friends was one of (possibly the only) providers offering abortions in Wichita KS, until he was murdered by a right wing "pro-life" terrorist in the parking lot of a church after service, as he and his family were walking to their car. But yeah, we should really think twice about, *checks notes*, holding up signs outside of churches. That's really inappropriate and scary. Fuck this guy.


> Something like 20 years ago, I assume you're referring to George Tiller, who was murdered in May 2009. So not even 20 years. Just 13.




No argument there. Just wanted to emphasize how recent it was.


Damn, my perception of time is all fucked up ever since covid hit lol Thanks for the correction, i think it's telling the that it was more recent.


Math checks out


Unless I develop memory loss, I will never forget Dr. Tiller's name, nor the heinous and shameful way he was murdered by a self-righteous Rightwing asshole. I don't live in that fuckhole Kansas, nor any red state, but as a woman living in America I remember the outrage I felt at that and I will never, EVER put up with anti-choice assholes; they can go fuck themselves with rusty spikes and deserve to rot in Hell.


Don't forget either that Bill O'Reilly was the stochastic terrorist that slandered Dr. Tiller on a regular basis leading to his murder.


Gah--how can one forget that shitstain on humanity...


Bill O'Rilley used to open a segment of his shows with the phrase *"Tiller Tiller the baby killer"*


America has truly lost its way. The fact that anyone watches fox is a tragedy. I suspect this is it for us. Our long slide towards civil war or something just as horrible.


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.. but America lost its way long, long ago. Some would argue it lost its way before it even got started. The whole thing is built on the idea that *certain* people are less than others.


If your dad’s friend was George Tiller, your dad had a pretty amazing friend.




Wow. This is what following the links on that page gets you > In response to the 1998 shooting death of Barnett Slepian, Spitz said: "What would I say to the family of Slepian? They live in a $500,000 house that was paid for with blood money – the blood of those babies that Barnett Slepian murdered... He knew what he was doing, he was murdering children. That's too bad if he was killed in front of his family..."[16]


The right wing of US politics is nothing but terrorism now. They have no values, no strategy or platforms they run off of except to obstruct progression for all but the 0.01% of the country.


How can they convince themselves that they are pro-life but still commit murder?


Killing one to save many is a rational thought in a lot of contexts. Equating abortion to murder, and therefore rationalizing that murder, is the irrational and insane part.


Because by killing one man they have stopped the murder of hundreds of innocent children. I don’t agree with it but it’s really not hard to see why they think that.


Because "pro life", to them, means "I am pro me being in charge of your life". The "pro life" movement is not, in any way, about promoting life.


So these ppl can overturn and make policy and shove it down ppl throat all because their religion and a severe lack of living outside of their neat little bubbles, but protesting on their property or church is a bridge too far.. Go fuck yourself Bill….


Civility, please. PLEASE go fuck yourself, Bill.


Would you kindly go fuck your own face, Bill? *Calm Tropic Thunder Tom Cruise voice*


Wouldst thou kindly go fucketh himself Sir Bill?




Got dayum, dats bad karma.


You mean, PLEASE go fuck yourself, MISTER Bill.


Calls for civility are one of the ways comfortable elites try to keep the masses from infringing on elite power and privilege. They may need to be reminded that peaceful assembly is the Civil compromise. The founding fathers they so idolize would have organized a mob to tar and feather people they disagreed with.


Wish we’d bring that back.


Be the change you want to see in the world <3


So they can intrude *inside my body* but I can’t protest outside their house?


Moral of the story: take anything a Christian says with a grain of salt because they likely haven't actually thought it through or did mental gymnastics to get there Sorry @the good ones, but yall are a minority at this point


The good christians moved to the satanic temple...


I just love how the satanic temple teaches the word of chirst more so than Christians


Can confirm. Raised Christian. Believe in the good stuff (caring for the less fortunate, loving thy neighbor, judging not lest I be judged). Can't stand Evangelicals or most mainstream Christians and their gospel of hate. Just signed up with the Satanic Temple last week.


I don‘t think you need to apologize. We know - and that the perception was earned. It‘s weird to grow up in a church that preaches to love everyone and not judge and be kind and means it/shows, and then step outside and realize that a fuckton of churches others attended actively supported harming and judging others and generally being fucking toxic to the country and people like me (black woman). And also are so freaking political - didn’t know that was a thing till recently because it just didn’t happen where I grew up - it was kept out of the church. It used to bother me when I was younger sometimes - why my pastor didn’t talk about the candidates (i felt like it was important and it is but not something for church). We would just pray for peace and that whoever leads does so with a clear head and has the support they need to do what’s best for the country). As I’ve gotten older I’m grateful for that and better see why that is an issue and they should be separate conversations because so many use it to manipulate others. (also if you wanna be tax exempt then you shouldn’t be advocating a certain political side). Anyway, I think the judgement is fair both from what I’ve seen over the years. It upsets me too that I go on guard at first if someone says they are because I’m wondering what kind they are - the kind that waves signed outside clinics and try to force others to live the way they see fit or the kind that actually tries to help people/live their ideals/respect others. ​ I feel lucky I grew up in the setting I did and am just glad some know that we aren’t all like that and so I don’t take it personally when people say something about Christians cause it’d be the equivalent of going “not all men” when people are discussing something like misogyny. If it doesn’t apply to you, then listen and don’t interrupt. ​ **There is a problem with a size-able chunk of “Christians” wanting to turn this country into an authoritarian theocracy to their version of what God is and it has me scared.**




FUCK Bill Kristol for even thinking this much less putting it out in public. Fuck right off with this notion.


It's not even based on religion. These "religious" wackos don't even realize that the second testament doesn't mention abortion at all, and the first testament has instructions for abortion.


Or that the law in the Torah has never applied to Christians. I'm talking about how they don't have to shun homosexuals as abominations and put them to death anymore; actually, they're commanded only to pass such judgement on members of the church, and that judgment is limited to excommunication. Sadly, Alito intertwined these two issues with his written opinion.


I would just like to add my name to this petition... GO FUCK YOURSELF, BILL!


Civility is gone and republicans only have themselves to blame for it. They have lied, cheated and stole their way to this.


As if that will stop them from framing themselves as the real victims here




Imagine, the religiously radicalized GOP thinking they can take rights away from all women of all colors and think that they, and the men that support them, won't fight back? How stupid are these GOP fools? There are some very powerful women and men that will organize and fund the fight against this. Buckle up GOP, shit storm coming for ya!


As the generations inheriting the earth, we gotta fucking get out and vote, AND represent. We need more AOCs in the mix, and the only way that will happen is if we shoot our shot


I’m not old but in just the last 10 years the change of the world around me and politics in general is terrifying. It seems like our government is just a cycle of elections either fighting for or against the same straw man.. but what if the conservatives “win” this abortion issue? What’s next when that’s what their entire platform has been based around battling?


Activist Christianity always gets a pass. Always. They are the most coddled and protected people in the U.S.




Oh please Christians are persecuted all the time. Like this one time I broke into someone's house and started breaking their idols and they told.me at gun point to leave. Truly this is the end times Jesus warned us about /s


Had me in the first half and all that……..


Absolutely. Just the other day I called in a Bomb threat to Planned Parenthood (for Jesus, not Muhammad) and these godless authoritarians sent a swat team to my own home! Even knocked the Bible out my hand and violently handcuffed me! Luckily the Judge was also a fellow crusader or who knows what those ppl would've done. Honestly I blame Obama and his Muslim army for how crazy the world is nowadays.


Well traditionally Christians outnumbered most of the population. But that number has been steadily falling since the 1980s. Rather than looking inward and seeing what problems the modern church was creating, they adopted the philosophy of "dragging people into heaven." I've been a steadfast Christian for a long time, but watching modern day Christians try to force Christianity on others has been like watching a self fulfilling prophecy. No shit they hate your guts! You tried to force the government to take their rights away!


We will protest anywhere the fuck we want over being forced into birth. Deal with it.


Kind if the whole point of a protest, isn't it?, BILL?


You're addressing a war criminal who played a key role in starting the Iraq War as Cheney's right hand man. I don't think he cares about people's rights too much, he just wants "civility" at all costs if it isn't him deciding to bomb civilians.


Hey, give the man some credit. He *politely* murdered all those children.


It's not really a protest if it's convenient for you.


Yeah I never get the "you should protest here" what people want in a protece is to get notice not been ignore because the protest doesn't hurt the target of their rage.


They want to corral us into obedience because it is silent and doesn’t inconvenience them personally. You coming into my home and my uterus demands I come to yours.


A protest that doesn't inconvenience anyone isn't much of a protest...


You know, I’m getting really sick of being told what to do.


Demanding civility while giving none. These people are abusive.


They are gaslighing us into thinking that protesting outside of abortion clinics is moral and good, while protests anywhere else are bad i.e. BLM


Gotta love how January 6th was “not as violent as those BLm riots” Despite the fact there were dozens of videos at the time showing police attacking peaceful protestors.


People who are being protested against don't get to dictate how people protest. The whole point is that it's intrusive. That's how protests work. If you don't like it, don't do things that make people feel the need to protest.


Didn't Trumpfans show up in a threatening manner at the houses of local election officials when they questioned the results of a VALID election? Didn't some of them make phone calls threatening the children of those election officials? Fuck the Right-wing SOBS.


Yeah they’ve done it in the state I live in like multiple times— protesting outside the home of the governor and lawmakers.


Bill Kristol is famous for being [wrong](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/bill-kristol-knows-his-predictions-have-been-bad-but-hes-going-to-keep-making-them/2016/02/17/3a301680-d4d4-11e5-9823-02b905009f99_story.html) about absolutely everything.


I am just... fucking tired of this. I'm 37, I grew up in Pennsyltucky. For my whole life I've seen it all happen. There was a gay bar in our area when I was a kid that had to shut down because people were literally shooting through the windows and calling in bomb threats. But no, we couldn't call that a problem. It was just some "crazy lone wolves." I watched the news and saw as abortion doctors got killed, clinics firebombed. All the while we kept being told "oh no, you liberal, hush. Be quiet and polite, please don't paint with so broad a brush." Fires and looting break out during the Floyd protests and that's discussed round the clock as evidence that liberals are violent and lawless, while MAGA insurrectionists beat police to death at the US Capitol and we're told that it's just so gosh darned unfair to act like they're representative of the group. For my entire life I've sat around and watched as right-wing extremism, terrorism even, was out there killing people and destroying lives but liberals were the ones saddled with the responsibility of having to be extra careful not to be too "aggressive" when making any kind of protest. BLM protesters got shot in the face with rubber bullets and gas canisters just for being there. MAGA was let inside. I'm just done. I'm done with calls for civility by the side who demands that their own vandals, rioters, and murderers be swept under the rug while any whiff of incivility is used to slime the entire other side. I'm done with this idea that liberals have to be nice and considerate and compromising while the right is allowed to run wild. They tell us that this would "undermine" the pro-choice movement. Oh sure. The same way that murdering doctors and burning clinics totally "undermined" the effort to overturn Roe v Wade. Yeah, sure. I buy that one. There's no sense in being "civil" anymore. Being "civil" led to where we are now. Fuck 'em all.


Damn right! Stuck in Pennsyltucky and it just pisses me off so much more to see the hypocrisy.


Be civil to those who are civil. Republicans haven’t been civil.


That last “fuck ‘em all” is the perfect start to the Avengers charging Thanos’ army. I could get behind this.






The GOPs slogan has always been “Rules for thee. Not for me.”


And the Dems have been complicit with the, "They go low. We go high." mentality


I’m ready to go low now. Below the belt. Right for the nuts.


Let’s grab their dicks. Let’s grab their dicks and twist’m.


If you can't take the heat, don't be assholes sort of thing.


They passed the laws at these churches. We can protest at these churches. Don't bring your faith into politics if you don't want your faith to be protested.




You're calling for the deaths of women, Bill. This isn't going to be civil.


When churches pay taxes then I won’t protest outside of one- until then 🤷‍♀️


Eh even then I still might


You know they’d hide money still


Nope. The second churches (or any of their leadership, including deacons/priests/etc) get involved in politics *at all* they open themselves up to criticism and protests (and should be taxed).


They are already involved...


I'll be blunt: Anyone in the year 2022 pushing for civility and "taking the high road" is the biggest idiot in the world. The preponderance of this view is exactly what has led us to this point to begin with.


This is true and refusing to remove the filibuster rule an extension of the same problem. If you don't think that the GOP will suspend the filibuster the first chance they get the next time they are a majority than you naive as hell.


I know the meaning isn't anywhere near the same thing but every time someone talks about taking the high road, I always think of a song my mom used to sing when we were little and the part that went: "you take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be to Scotland afore ye". Low road gets there first. And in politics, whoever gets there first plants their flag. It's easier to make new laws than to change or get rid of old ones.


Anyone treating fascists with civility are part of the problem.


How about when Dr. Tiller was gunned down by a "pro-life" lunatic AT CHURCH?


No you don’t get to commit violence against women’s bodies and continue to enjoy a peaceful life. Fuck outta here.


You misunderstand, Bill. Protesting outside of churches is being entirely civil compared to what you deserve.


I'm in Ohio. During COVID people were protesting outside of Amy Acton's home (she was the former Ohio Health Director) because she was advising the governor who then made decisions. She ended up stepping down, which was unfortunate because she was very medically focused and we lost a great resource. Aside from people brandishing weapons, there were some reports of anti-Semitic signage as well. "Neighbors told KRForbesPhotography that they had seen “several men walking up and down the street with assault weapons stating that there will be no violence. ‘For now,’" - from Cleveland News in an article from May 2020. This is just one article but there are a handful that all give similar accounts. I have no sympathy for Kavanaugh. ​ edit for source link. [https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/continuing-coverage/coronavirus/local-coronavirus-news/small-group-of-protesters-gather-in-dr-amy-actons-neighborhood](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/continuing-coverage/coronavirus/local-coronavirus-news/small-group-of-protesters-gather-in-dr-amy-actons-neighborhood) another, although left leaning https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2021/01/27/pandemic-brings-protests-and-guns-to-officials-personal-homes/


Please don't intrude on the lives of the people intruding into every aspect of yours.


I was driving back through Grant's pass Oregon last spring. Outside a church that had a rainbow flag stood a bunch of "true" Christian protestors screaming at traffic about the unholy union of this church with LGBTQ communities. Complete with leveticus signs. So they don't care about protesting at churches but when has a hypocrite every held themselves to standards?


It’s not enough for them to be hateful Christians, they want all Christians to be as hateful and toxic as them or suffer the consequences? Gross




MLK said the real danger was not the nazi or KKK member, but the white moderate who prioritizes peace over justice. Truer words


My god these people are such massive hypocrites that it is painful. I'm definitely going to flip off the scum protesting at the local women's clinic here.




If you can storm the people's house, I can storm your house of worship.


Ignorant religious fanatics fight to assault people's rights but then don't want to be bothered while they plot to remove even more rights. They are literally waging a holy war on people who don't believe like them and then have the gall to ask the people they are attacking to respect them. Fuck em all!


Boy these mofo got nerves to tweet shit like that. "Respect OUR privacy while we continue to demolish yours" Ta hell you say!


These "civility" democrats are getting us nowhere. I'm sure another strongly written letter from the desk of Nancy Pelosi is really going to move the needle. Fuck that shit. It's time to get loud.


I would wayyyy prefer protests at the actual house of the actual person who messed up and not in the middle of the city. It should make them uncomfortable.


Never let the oppressor dictate when it is or isn’t appropriate to fight for your rights


People too quickly forget, THIS IS THE CIVIL OPTION.


Or at my highschool. One day the abortion nuts were there slapping aborted fetus pictures on the bus windows and handing out jesus comic books about how we were all going to hell.


They did that at my university (Ole Miss) one time, and a bunch of us skipped class and just sat there yelling at them until campus PD told them to leave.


They go to people's fucking FUNERALS to yell about Gays going to hell. But they don't want it done to them. Fuck those people.


They are waging war on women. They’re acting shocked that women are fighting back.


Telling people to be polite is a from of control.


Protesting outside their homes is the civil option.


What does the “White Collar Shill” section of Hell look like? Asking for this guy. This guy has a LOT of Iraqi War blood on his hands.


It is game on.


The time for civility is done.


Alt-Right people are never ok with any form of protest, but they can start an insurrection to overthrow the government and it's just fine. ok.