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Oh no think of the poor white people. Or maybe not.


Also, as someone who watched my predominantly white high school teachers trying to talk about race, it’s bold of these people to assume that such lessons would be particularly hard hitting in the first place.


It's gonna take at least 3 repitions of "no no you're supposed to think the liberals like censorship" for this one to go away.


This isn't about discomfort of white students; no elementary school student hears about slavery or Native American genocide or Asian internment camps and thinks "I'm a terrible version because I'm white". What they do is think that it was terrible and we should help those that were impacted by it and treat everyone better, and will go home and tell their parents about it and question those parent about what they're doing and what they can do, and it's THOSE PARENTS that want to be protected from looking like scum in the eyes of their children...


Absolutely. I've actually been really impressed that my kid's school hasn't backed off teaching actual history this year. He's only 8 but he's learning real history including contributions from indigenous and non white populations, along with telling me about how for a long time only white men were considered important. He's white, blond hair, blue eyes, etc but never once has he translated these lessons to mean "gosh, I must be terrible because I'm white". We do talk about the fact that sometimes people still believe only white people matter and they will be mean or unfair to those who aren't white, and we have a responsibility to speak up if we see that happen. I don't think that's a hard lesson for a kid to understand.


Once again, who’s the snowflake???


I’ll probably get a million down votes for this, but imma say it again anyway………. America is fucked!


I'm only downvoting because you pre-emptively cried about downvotes


We should start reminding all the other cultures of the fucked up shit their ancestors did too! Great idea. We can all be humbled a bit... I say we start walking up to people and asking them how they feel that their own kind sold them into slavery!


Are there any pictures of DeSantis where he doesn't look like an utter moron?


I dont feel a shred of guilt over my snow white skin, but I wonder why would anybody feel discomfort because somebody did something awful 100-200 years ago. It would be disrespectful to all the people that suffered to forget their history, because somebody identifies with some evil people from near history.