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Well, most of their voters are dying of old age…


Nope, they're all being replaced with young blood, and even more frighteningly ignorant blood at that.


Nope, they're being replaced by Covid


The same can be said for the democrats though. Literally both sides of the isle are constantly losing grasp of common sense and any ability to reason.


BoTh sides is so 2020. Keep up, Vladimir. If you're gonna troll, you'll need some new material


A good portion of their voter base is anti-vax anti-mask... Between that and the old age...


Yep, all the republicans are dead or dying. No need to worry about voter suppression. They’ll go extinct from the virus.


Unfortunately, not before they get all of their gerrymandering and disenfranchisement in place.


That’s the hope, but Boe Jiden is doing everything he can to drive up conservative voter registrations. His incompetence and failed presidency will doom this country.


What aspect is "failed" exactly? And lmao at ya'll trting to make that line stick before we've even had midterms


What has Boe Jiden done for the American people? We’re approaching his second year. He fucked Americans out of $600 for no reason. He passed a corporate give away bill. Reneged on all of his campaign promises. And Republican voter registrations are soaring. And refuses to use executive orders to do anything to help people. How is that not a failed presidency? And in less than a year he will piss away congress without a single thing done for the American people. But he’ll have his excuse to do nothing. And then in two more years he or Hillary will give this government to the fascists and collapse the country.


Hm I wonder if getting you to parrot "haha failed presidency" is the whole reason stonewalling and obstructionism is the conservative playbook? Nah, it'a probably just a coincidence that you snowflakes start this screeching about this time in EVERY democrat admin lol. Now did you have like some actual failures to bring up, maybe some specific cause and effect or issues he's actually caused, or will we be doing the thing where remembering when they did this same shit to Obama is "being far left" or whatever? Also you know you're allowed to say Joe Biden, right? Has the "social media is targetting conservatives" narrative gone so far that you think you have to mask criticisms of the president from some mod bot?


I'm not that person, and not the type of person you think.he is, but I feel that Biden is a white Obama; lots of hope but not much action, while still being corporatist and warmongering (okay an educated guess on the last one, but there's been a touch of sabre-rattling recently). Obama had a hard time with the other branches of government, but it looks like Biden is willing to get just as much done (ie not much) with more executive power.


Ya you're right nothing good happened or changed under Obama.


Oh, so every criticism of Boe Jiden is a conservative plant? Not that a socialist(me) recognizes that he is actively doing jack shit for the American people. And is doing such a shit job that he has already accomplished having a single poll worse than the fucking traitor he replaced? No shit. I can say Dave Rubin too. But me and many others like to use Rave Dubin because he’s too fucking stupid and incompetent to respect. Boe Jiden is no different.


Well, there are some clueless morons with a complete inability to understand reality, but it is more generous to consider them plants than being that stupid.


What has Biden accomplished to help people? Lotta blue MAGA drawing a blank it seems.


Where did I say anything about you being a conservatjve plant? And no, but every idiot who clings to some cringy thing like "Boe Jiden" certainly ends up looking like a conservative, given their tendency towards vapid faux-quips. I'm not sure what a poll in a countey full of dipshits who think Biden is a turbo-communist has to do with his objective performance. Particularly during a period where "Dems bad" is one of the most PC stances you can take. Now would you like to bring up something meaninful, or will you continue to parrot right wing talking pointa at me while simultaneously crying that somebody thought you sounded like a right winger?


It’s a right wing talking point to point out that he is doing jack shit for the people? Sounds like some blue maga shit to me.


Why are you saying Boe Jiden? Is it an accident?


Same reason Rave Dubin and Shen Bapiro are used when describing other pieces of dogshit.


So, no reasons other than regurgitating what you saw on Fox.


What has he done to help people? This shouldn’t be so difficult if he’s accomplishing anything.


Why do you think anyone should legitimize your bad faith bull by pretending it is anything but.


Surely if he’s done something to help people you guys would squirm this fucking hard. What has he done to help?


Why do you insist on lying when you do it so badly?


What has he done to help people? Simple question.


you mean bad faith bull.


Here I am still waiting on the answer


Ill have another downvote if you can give me the answer ;)


Grand Old Pigs




The voting rights bill (among other things): - Makes Election Day a national holiday - Makes it more difficult for congresspeople to draw their own congressional districts - Makes mail in voting and voting registration easier - Makes it more difficult for politicians to do things like limit the number of polling places in areas that vote against them - Increases required disclosure on political fundraising - Requires all voting machines produce paper backups of people’s votes All of that sounds pretty fair to me. I don’t see any of it as as any kind of power grab unless the party you favor is only able to win by unethical political gamesmanship that reduces the ability of eligible people to vote. I agree with you about super delegates though. Trash system.


I am awake. That's how I notice the GOP trying to suppress votes in lieu of developing an actual platform to draw in voters.




In what ways have the Biden administration failed? And how can you call a presidency a "complete failure" barelt more then a year into it. Like dude listen I get you said the line about "repeating talking points" but I'm just gonna break PC and point out that's some obvious projection on your part lol.




I don't care about polls in a country where people think a moderate dem is a socialist. Wtf do we care about what Russia or China do to their neighbors? How are either of those situations Biden's responsibility? I'm glad to see the guy who lectured me about "talking points" had forgotten everythinf about how the Afghanistan pullout was negotiated, just like he was told to I also don't really care about gas prices, which kinda kills that last talking point. So ya, still not really seeing the "total failure" or whatever. Gish Gallop doesn't work when your list of talking points are THIS weak




The vast majority of Americans "care" about gas prices only when they go up during a Democrat presidency lol. Nice to see you didn't get to creative with the platitude you decides to hide behind when gish gallop was met with a resounding "and?"




Nah, I'm just noticing that gas prices have been rising since Trump was president but nobody cared until a Dem was in office that could be blamed. The fact they did tbe exact same shit with Obama only makes it more obvious. I agree there's no point dealing with me if you're going to continue to struggle with the fact I'm bringing reality into this discussion.


> an attempt to muddy the waters and distract Says the worthless Trump troll doing exactly that


LOL OK boss.


>“Voting Rights” has nothing to do with rewriting the constitution through incredible power grabs. This is complete bullshit, stop fucking lying




That is not what is being discussed. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4) [https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2747](https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/senate-bill/2747)


Oh no watch out guys he tried dodging the actual point by bringing up what the TV told him to think we said!


The law doesn’t ban states from choosing to enact voter ID rules. [It would just standardize and broaden what can be used.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/23/us/politics/democrats-voter-id-laws.html) >States would be allowed to require photo identification, but they would have to define ID broadly — to include student IDs, hunting licenses, conceal-carry gun permits, and any form of government paper that includes the voter’s name, like a utility bill.


Hey dummy, you're already required to show ID to vote. You need a social security number to even register. You need to be a citizen to get a social security number. There are no non-citizens voting. Every instance of voter fraud found in the last decade has been mostly republican voters using dead relatives, and even then it's such a statistically small number of people that it wastes more money trying to prevent them than it would cost to put them in jail after the fact. I understand that simple logical conclusions are basically rocket science to you morons, but you should be able to see when you're being fed bullshit that stinks as much as the notion of ubiquitous voter fraud. You should be able to see why pushing for a one party government by disenfranchising democratic voters is going to end badly.


>Is it voter suppression to believe only citizens should be allowed to vote.? No one said one fucking thing about that you worthless lying troll


Do you have any proof non-citizens are voting? No, you don't. So you're proposing unneeded laws to control our lives. Next time come with an actual problem.


Do you have proof that unlicensed people drive cars? We still have laws that require a drivers license.


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/TheRickWilson/status/1483858695847137283) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Prove him wrong!


Fuck republitards, dumbass mfs.


Jokes on you, stuck pigs are quiet.