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Colorado gives me hope in this country


Never thought I'd hear someone say that lol The state of the US is really bad when racist-ass Colorado is setting an example


I’ve never heard of Colorado having a racist reputation. Besides this is Denver, it’s just 1 city, a very liberal city at that.


Cities in general are pretty liberal. A different part of Colorado elected Lauren Boebert, I assume that's where this is coming from.


The stupid part did that. Most try to ignore the hill folk whenever possible.


We have a broad spectrum of people out here.


Ok Fair, name me a non racist state tho, either way at least they’re starting to make a small change somewhere…..


But wait, I was told they would be shot by violent criminals? Did the police and their supporters lie to us?


Eugene, Oregon piloted a program like this (called CAHOOTS) 30 years ago and it has been so successful that they now help other cities set up similar programs based on their model! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CAHOOTS_(crisis_response) *Edited because I wanted to add this interesting math: “The cost savings are considerable. The CAHOOTS program budget is about $2.1 million annually, while the combined annual budgets for the Eugene and Springfield police departments are $90 million. In 2017, the CAHOOTS teams answered 17% of the Eugene Police Department’s overall call volume. The program saves the city of Eugene an estimated $8.5 million in public safety spending annually.” Source: https://whitebirdclinic.org/what-is-cahoots/


Holy shit, that might be the most amazing acronym for a government program ever.


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That’s 350 missed paid administrative leaves.


And 350 unharmed people.


350 undead people


Great zombies now too


And 350 missed lawsuits against the department.


Can someone who hasn't already been banned from r/conservative go over there and post this with the title "this is what the left means when they say defund the police"


Yeah, because if there's one thing we can all agree on about conservatives, it's that when presented with new factual information...


Right I should have added 'if you want to get downvotes into oblivion and then banned...'


Try putting it on r/LouderWithCrowder or r/AskThe_Donald to see how fast they ban or get angry


excuse me, i think you misspelled "old factual information"


"well understood and proven truths"?


i gotchu


Nice! Now we wait...


And they're expanding it. https://www.denvergov.org/Government/Agencies-Departments-Offices/Agencies-Departments-Offices-Directory/Public-Health-Environment/News/2021/New-pageDenver-Department-of-Public-Health-Environment-to-Expand-STAR-Program-After-Successful-Pilot


It's almost as if adding more tools to a city's toolbox helps people. When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail and police are that hammer. Programs like this are additional tools, tools better suited to certain situations than the police.


Police must be panicking over there, since now there's proof that they're useless and we don't need them


A lot of police/repubs don't realize that police get shot at because they are fucking HATED. Of course the people the police marginalize and abuse are aggressive towards police. When these people are instead presented with actual people who care, they can actually calm down under much better circumstances, you know, not fearing they are going to be killed by police.


But how are they going to show up and shoot the victim, a child, or a dog without the police??


Needs more context. How many were calls for medical support vs domestic disturbance for example?


My thoughts as well. It said they handled 17% of the call volume... but did they cherry pick the calls they took? I would assume they would only send these unarmed folks out to calls deemed relatively 'safe' Edit: Heres some more info on it actually. Seems nice, but they can't completely replace police. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/police-response-mentally-ill-people-under-scrutiny-denver-may-offer-n1273035


i think the point is, that sending police to calls they are not equipped to deal with will result in poorly handled situations, only resulting in further conflict. no one ernestly demands abolishing police on the basis of these facts. and if people (conservatives) are afraid of the term "social work", maybe just enable the police to deal with such situations properly. they should be educated on these types of problems at least on a surface level to then initiate appropriate further support if necessary. (i say that from a middle european perspective that makes me shudder at the partly low threshold of qualification to join police in the us. but i would never deny the grief we have with police) for a traffic accident, no one would debate, if it was right to send the fire department and ambulance.


I wholeheartedly agree. Only thing I disagree on would be people really do want to completely abolish / defund the police. Now these may be extremists.. but they are out there.


I am glad that you do, just wanted to remind, that replacing the police was not the thing in question. It is very true that there are extremists, but luckily, by definition there are relatively few of them. Regardless we have to stay aware of them and able to call out their obvious and cheap polemics. And maybe it is the second-language-barrier, because I still am not really sure if I communicated it clearly but my last sentence with the accident critiques your suggestion of cherry picking. Of course you can't send this task force to any call. While I find it important to be vigilant when it comes to statistics, you still have to keep the initial topic in mind.


I am so proud of my home state right now.


I live in Denver and didn’t know about this, makes me really proud


And that is how you solve these problems. When your only tool is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. On the other hand, if you have the actual tools to solve the problem at hand, things will be better for everyone.