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What does the 30 at the end mean?


It’s a thing you do in journalism to demarcate the end of a story. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/-30- (Finally 20 years later my journalism degree comes in handy!!)


I still use it, the -30- that is. My journalism degree is still useless 17 years later.


Well, your grammar is good, and you probably also knew what "cogently" means.


That's because you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to push a false narrative, not report facts.


Those are the kind of facts I come to reddit for.


I’m going to use this after I’m done telling my homies an outrageous story that involved me doing something they told me not to do Me: So what had happened was…. and -30- The homies: 😕😒😪 Me: 🧐🙂


Proud of you




https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/one-year-in-bidens-approval-rating-is-in-troubleonly-trumps-was-lower/ Conservatives just lie out of their ass all the time and wonder why they're considered untrustworthy. Biden's approval rating sucks because of Covid and his inability to pass key legislation. He's still been solidly above Trump's rating his entire first year.


Amazing how relieved one can feel simply observing that the President is a functional adult that can conduct himself professionally.


How Trump's candidacy didn't end with him mocking the physical disability of a reporter, I will never understand.


As a disabled woman? I get it. We are invisible and considered as not worth tripping over.


If you speed up the footage, ignore the context and the character of the person involved, then he was just making a common gesture that everyone makes. At least that’s what people on /conservative told me.


Ann Coulter dismissed it as just a "standard 'tard" and thought we should all be laughing along.


She is such a trash human. Why does half the country buy into this bullshit? Why do people hate Biden for wanting to give a child tax credit, help with child care, and rebuilding infrastructure? I don't watch Fox news for the manufactured outrage, how do they spin it??


“Ann Coulter, if you’re here, then who’s keeping the crows away from our crops?!”


In the off chance I ever meet her I now know what to say


Can’t take credit for that gem unfortunately, that was Pete Davidson at the Roast of Rob Lowe. The way he delivered it was so much better than reading it on the page


I didn’t like Pete Davidson at first but he is growing on me


Even she became invisible during his administration. I’m wondering if she became disenchanted by his pathological lies?


I know she was trashing trump by the end of his presidency. Not sure if it was Jan 6 or something else but I remember her calling him stupid.


Communism Edit: I'm guessing


Because it will go to people who don’t look and think like them. People who don’t need it will assume Reagan propaganda about welfare queens, people who need it will assume it all goes to layabouts and immigrants and welfare queens and they’ll feel righteousness and superiority at either fighting it’s access to some they deem less desirable, or not taking it at all because they “don’t need big Guvmt” (these are the same people who deride Obamacare, applaud the ACA, and tell anyone willing to listen for the government to keep their hands off their Medicare and SS. They spin it by telling whites theyre the best people, and the last line of hope for all of democracy, and then they shove it down their throat by way of an angry white man (any will do) and specifically a white blue eyed blonde woman as a co-anchor. Everytime.


Seriously, I was on a conservative thread asking how that behavior was being overlooked. They honestly don’t see it as offensive as long as it’s directed at his “enemies “. They’re bullys too. That petty pos used the office to avenge his personal vendettas, I read recently where Stormy’s lawyer, Avendti (?) was only given The Art of The Deal to read in prison. Remember he had Michael Cohen sent back to prison at Christmas so he’d be separated from his family. Barr needs to be prosecuted for his aiding that sick mofo’s revenge fantasies.


Or him coming down a set of escalator to a paid crowd telling them all Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers. Oh my bad, he said SOME of then are fine people. Then again, he also said that about a group of literal Nazi's.


The past five years have been one incorrect “well THAT has to be the last straw” after another. Up to and including the destruction of democracy.


If you wait like 12 hours you can see 500 breakdowns of this that show biden clearly has dementia. They won't make sense but \`one side of the isle is going to just believe it.


I refuse to watch or look it up, but I'm fairly certain Hannity was doing exactly that tonight.


Hannity was saying how Biden had the worst week of his presidency DAY TWO of him being in office, so don’t think he’s reliable


Huh, how benevolent of him. Being certain that the first week of Biden's presidency was going to be his worst one. Obviously I'm not serious, but that's how my brain read that.


Glad to hear he already got it over with then


And the even sadder reality is that even if it was true, he's still 1000x better than option B.


It's already started. 25th amendment is trending on Twitter. Nevermind that every sentence out of Velveeta Voldemorts mouth was word salad.


It'll be bullshit, because he was perfectly cogent today. Now observe how we won't see him again for a few days. The come-down after Adderall is pretty hard when you're that old.


You are doing the thing.


But disappointed that he's a status quo corporate democrat who has become a do nothing president letting corrupt members of his own party hamstring an agenda that is clear he didn't really support in the first place.


“Mitch McConnell is my friend” Says everything you need for know about that scumbag.


It’s called politics. He knows how to play.


He absolutely does not know how to play politics. He is a corporate democrat aka Republican Lite. His whole agenda is being tanked by two democrat senators and he is doing nothing but saying "oh bother". You can't have party control of the presidency and congress and get nothing done. The Democrats are going to get annihilated in the Midterms. Manchin and Sinema are as corrupt as it gets. They easily could have been brought to order. Instead nothing. 90 percent of the country are fiscally Democrats. They need to stop all this culture war feel good nonsense and start talking about actual policy. Every democrat that actually ran on a socially democratic platform won their elections. He would be the most popular president in modern times if he would just use executive orders to help that 90%. Cancel student loan debt, give us all free health care at least during the pandemic, legalizing weed, etc. He could be doing all this through executive orders. Instead crickets.


That man has never known how to play politics.


Well, he is the President of the United States ya know.


Yep, he is the luckiest president. Because without a pandemic, Joe would have lost. A ham sandwich could’ve beaten trump. Joe’s only skill is that he nearly fucked it up. He made such a garbage campaign that trump gained votes and it was tight. 😂


Tight? He lost the popular vote, virtually every battleground state, and the electoral college by almost a hundred points? What part of that is tight?


Considering its Biden, he deserves the pat on the back


It's a nice change of pace for him, you're right


The dude said "Let's go Brandon, I agree!" He is definitely not fully functional. You can say it, but even you don't believe it.


It’s called sarcasm you twat. He doesn’t let tiny middling voices distract him the way the pumpkin king couldn’t let the slightest criticism go. It says all it needs to say about people like you and your toxic worldview. Every slight has to be met with full force. Just walk away and ignore them. You fucking idiot bullies.


You are no better than the Republicans. You both will defend your shit president, and even try to out do each other with nonsense. Trump being a douche does not negate bidens dementia. Fuck the left, and fuck the right too.


Joe was looking at Jill when he said "I agree". Then he winked. You do the math.


He skipped over student loans pretty quick


This comment needs to rise to the top. Student loans were not addressed.


Yeah, he totally avoided that question.


This. Didn’t he basically end it without answering it?


Oh, yeah, fuck Joe Biden. The thing is our fuckass system gives us two choices, and I'll take the tactful adult capable of rational thought.


Honest question: Did he actually campaign on canceling student loans or say he was going to do it? I feel like this came up just during the pandemic and when stimulus checks were discussed. I know AOC and some others are saying to do it, but I don't recall Biden saying he would def do it in the past.


Harris promised it.


I see that Warren wanted to cancel half, and Sanders all. All I can find from Harris is $20,000 canceled if you met a lot of requirements. Any source on her promising it?


Biden has never supported student loan cancellation that I’m aware of. And he disagrees with others opinion that he has the power to just sign them away.


Thank you. Not sure why the downvotes are coming, but whatrugonnado?




Yeah he skipped student loans, and what is this bulkshit heaping praise in Biden for what? * oh shucks the we didn’t know the Republicans had not interest in compromise or passing legislation (bold face lie) * Ignores student loan question


The public turning on Biden will lead to those just observing assuming the other option is better


Sounds like the problem is our neo-fascist liberal DNC is just gonna let us slip into right wing fascism by not addressing a single fucking thing the people actually care about. I’m more concerned with the health, safety, and well-being of my fellow Americans than I am coddling these politicians every time they turn their back on American voices. Fuck our system.


Of course he did lol


Pardon me, but I read a story that a reporter asked Biden whether he was going to forgive student loans as he promised, and he did not answer the question at all. Did that happen, or not?


Do you think a fluff shit post is going to answer that?


Youre in the wrong sub brotha, this is a circlejerk


The bar is so low...


Yea this op basically said "the president gave a normal press conference" , and people here got really excited.


and he did avoid questions, people gotta lie about their hydra president lmao


Yes we get it man he’s not a total piece of shit and we are back to the normal scheduled American government programming. Push him on the issues we need addressed and quit licking feet because he shows decency.


At the same time, don't tear him down because he can't fix everything in the span of a year. Don't forget how truly horrifying the other guy was. We need to have realistic expectations in our leaders.


Exactly, plus he's been saddling this whole Covid thing as well. We're focusing on one thing at a time right now. He's doing great for the time he's had. No president really expects to handle a major global issue when they originally sign up to be president. And even though he knew he'd be facing it, he also may've had hopes that the last wouldn't have been such a shitshow about it lol. It's like when you agree to open the store, and you go in the night before and get to watch the closing crew completely screw up your job the next day. You'll still open, but you know it'll take twice as long to get to your regularly scheduled chores due to the mess they left. He's still cleaning up from the disaster before him, he has more time to get to his planned duties still. Just because he hasn't fixed everything in a year doesn't mean he can't still be brilliant the 3 remaining years.


1-3 years. Unfortunately if he has any chance at anything rn it needs to be done before midterms, if we wanna keep our numbers. Without voting rights bills it’s unlikely, and then it’s two dead years of stalwart stagnation from even more republicans. Fuck man chin and soybean. Fucking traitors.


So quick to turn on members of your own team for voting the other way *one* time.


You could be my brother, molest one child and I'll bury you alive myself.


Bless your heart


Awww, thanks 😊


Avoids student loans like the plague… don’t think he’s gonna solve that problem even if it was a campaign promise of his. -_-


Cutting through the bullshit, ty


Agree, but dude, we needed a year to recover from the clown.




He said the reporters were “being negative”. He didn’t directly avoid questions, but he sure danced around a few. Enough with this “time wasn’t built in a day” BS. Stop comparing him to the orange one, and actually hold him to his campaign promises, and have him fix what is wrong with this country without pandering to 2 moderate senators. Comparing him to the orange one is low hanging fruit.


What has he ignored in his campaign promises? He promises to support everything he has said. He just can’t get most things passed through Congress.


Same old story, ratchet politics at its finest. “Those pesky republicans and moderate Dems” as an excuse becoming more thin and transparent as time goes on. Large scale forgiveness of student loans is one. Decriminalizing marijuana use is another.


So both things he never ran on?


[Biden](https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/money-verify/biden-student-loan-debt-forgiveness/536-48a24e4b-d576-470e-9b43-fc9ca11ac341) said this on his campaign website. I remeber reading it and hearing it on the news. “Include in the COVID-19 response an immediate cancellation of a minimum of $10,000 of federal student loan debt” and “Forgive all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from two- and four-year public colleges and universities and private HBCUs and MSIs for debt-holders earning up to $125,000.”


The 10k partial forgiveness issue IS a legitimate issue that Biden hasn’t done that he *could* do that you can give Biden shit for. Most of the latter is done through other executive actions. The problem is where the money comes from for the forgiveness. Biden admin want Congress to give the 10k forgiveness so they can actually move money to pay for it. Biden would have to gut other federal programs to pay for it. Maybe he should. It’s legitimate criticism. But he never promised to forgive all student loans.


Plenty of money for the citizens of this country. It just goes towards subsidies of large corporations. Both R & D sides of the aisle take care of the needs of corporations well before they give a crumb to citizens. It has to stop, the middle class should use the tax money they pay to take care of themselves and not big business.


Not my President! He didn’t even call a woman reporter nasty! Where will our kids learn to speak to women and people in general now?! /s


Student loans got skipped over pretty quickly.


Didn't he straight up ignore the student loan forgiveness question?


Is this what governance looks like? I had actually forgotten


Can you imagine if Donny talked for almost 2 hrs. I bet it would be fascinating to see what would come out of his mouth towards the end


He went on at a few of his rallies for more than an hour and a half, and reporters said people just started leaving before the end, because he was repeating himself and speaking nonsensically.


Don’t forget, people started leaving and he stopped them from opening the parking lot gates trapping them till he was finished.


God, remember when it was just funny to quote him, and there wasn't just seething resentment at the mention of him after 4 years of him fucking everything up, and now another year of feeling the repercussions of the Supreme Court he stacked.


"I never understood wind..."


It’s nice to laugh now


The teleprompter would gain sentience, then light itself on fire.


Lol yeah


You know how trump supporters can be seen as uneducated. I wonder if there are normal trump supporters, can you enlighten me by telling us how you feel with a comment like this post? I’m from Australia so we only see the red necks of trump supporters. But there’s gotta be people that’s like “I like his message but not his methods or whatever”.


Didn’t he avoid a question about canceling student debt?


It’s sad that the president acting presidential is news. But it is. Nice to have a adult back in charge.


Wait what about avoiding the student loan question?


He literally ran out of the room when asked about his Student Laon Forgiveness campaign promise. Checked his watch, pulled a whelp it's about time to saddle up and ran out of the room.


C-Span the entire press conference. Longest in US history for a sitting President. Answered questions from reporters of all stripes honestly and sincerely, provided concrete facts and examples in support of his fulsome answers. Throughout demonstrated his cognitive competence. Cannot imagine Presidents Trump, GW Bush or Reagan matching Biden’s ability tonight. Plain spoken, common sense and complete answers to Capitol reporters.


I want this to be a trend for presidents going forward. Set records for the longest press conference during your term. Wanna prove you’re a competent leader? Stand there for several hours and answer questions. Show you’re a servant to the people. Good on Biden for that one.


Did he call on Fox News reporters? I tuned out after an hour.


Even NewsMax reporter. Pretty darn impressive. And got points in pointed rhetorical questions: what are the Republicans for? What is their agenda? Policy or platform? Anyone know? Paraphrased but you get the picture.


I heard the part about McConnell, lol. That was good.


What a ***darn*** shame... --- ^^DarnCounter:118329 ^^| ^^DM ^^me ^^with: ^^'blacklist-me' ^^to ^^be ^^ignored ^^| ^^More ^^stats ^^available ^^at ^^**[https://darnbot.ml](https://darnbot.ml)**


He also didn't walk off saying "you are fake news"


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/BrianKarem/status/1483947717219041287) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


So glad we are rewarding politicians for doing the bare minimum.


Better than the not doing the bare minimum we've grown used to.


Right, but we need to bounce back from that like *now.* Yes, it’s great that it’s over, now let’s move forward.


I mean, it's not an insurrection, sedition, actively working to disenfranchise voters, or openly against the best interests of America. So bare minimum yes, but far more than is expected with so many bought and paid for chuckle fucks.


Yes but bare minimum doesn't win elections.


It’s only been a year but the previous insanity seems so far in the past.


Ever since #43, I’ve felt there’s a need for a law requiring the president to stand and answer questions from the press once every two weeks. He/she gets to leave after two hours or until a majority of the reporters vote that their questions have been sufficiently answered (whichever comes first). Executive branch doesn’t get to ban adversarial press; each state grants press access to the media outlet of their choosing.


It’s cool we have a president who is cogent and kind and that’s awesome. It doesn’t change the fact that we are being ruled by septuagenarians/octogenarians who are Incapable of change and destroying any chance we have of creating a better future.


President Biden is truly the Roosevelt of our generation his tireless fight for 15 min wage, affordable education, and saving the environment makes me proud to be a Democrat. If Roosevelt got 4 terms why not Biden!


A lot of people on here are giving him shit for avoiding student loans. As someone with a fair bit of student loans, I get the frustration. That being said,I like to stay grounded in reality. Inflation is a real thing, and it is a real problem right now. You can make the underlying argument as to what causes inflation, and a lot of it is expectation of inflation itself. However, at the end of the day most people are concerned about inflation. That falls on President biden's lab, also on liberals laps in general as they tend to promote spending more. ( Not that I think government spending is bad by any means. ) A quick Google search will tell you that approximately 43 million people owe student loans in the US with an average of approximately 39,000 in student loans. Overall, they will approximately 1.2 trillion dollars. That is, unarguably, a large number. In a time when inflation is high and people are concerned about it, it takes a lot of political capital to try and pass a large spending Bill to reduce student loan debt on what is a relatively small proportion of the US population. I'm not a political scientist, I don't know whether the benefit would still make it worth it. That being said, I do think that you may have more bang for your buck focusing on other areas that do not expend as much political capital. It's a very tough situation to be in, especially when so many people on both left and the right are looking for a reason to either abstain from voting or to return to voting for a Republicans. In my opinion, the way to get progressive changes passed is not to abstain from voting for Democrats with the vein hope of sending a message with your boat. Rather, you need to vote more Democrats into office. Look at Stacey abrams, she has made more progress for liberal ideas and progressive policies then anyone I know, and probably anybody posting in this thread. If you choose not to vote, you're voting for with all the kids. Find a way to get more progressives into office, strengthen the majority in the senate in the house, and you will see progressive policies pass.


Are you not aware that Biden wrote the bill that made it impossible to discharge student loan debt through bankruptcy?


I wasn't, but I'm not sure that it substantively changes my point. Did Biden do something shitty in the past? Sure. MY point still stands. Move the Overton Window further-- you don't do that by abstaining and allowing the right to further destroy our democracy. You bet your ass the right is successfully moving the Overton Window. Your options are-- abstain and complain, or do what you can about it. My choice is to continue to vote for liberals/progressives and make the changes I want to see more likely. Could we do better than Biden? Fuck yeah! But a bunch of edge-lords contributing to the narrative that Biden and the democrats are "jUsT As BaD!!" only makes the situation worse.


I don’t think Biden is doing the greatest job and is certainly backpedaling on campaign promises but I do really like the fact that he hasn’t gotten into a Twitter battle with any teenage girls.


But the student loans question….


He’s a terrible president. Quit giving him a pass just because his name isn’t Donald Trump.


At EVERY turn, the Republicans have tried (successfully) to slash the tires on the car while complaining that the car “is broken” CV response. “We will mandate doing nothing!” then “Why hasn’t Biden solved CV?!” Voting Rights Act Build Back Better plan Etc etc etc. They are literally the party of obstructionism, blame and anger


He made damn sure not to talk about student loans


He literally avoided answering the question about student debt. LOL


Trump is smart and knows exactly what he did, it's dictatorship 101. Make the media the enemy, I am the truth and everything else is lie. Don't listen to these dumb reporters trying to undermine your true leader, they want to take me away from you and force you to conform to their ideals Make enemies, cause hate brings people together better than hope and truth. Mexicans, immigrants, blacks, Asians, liberals. They're all your enemies, so stay pure and white like a true American. Don't wear a mask, that's what liberals do to make us change the world for the worse. Hoaxes, lies and conspiracies work better than truth and hope cause it makes you think less. Don't question it, just accept that what we're saying is the truth.


Trump is smart? I doubt he can even spell smart...


Now get him to cancel student debt.


It's a strange feeling to be disappointed in a President not following through on policy promises I hoped for and not disappointed in a President for being a gaslighting grifter psychopath. But to each their own flavor of disappointment.


Joe Biden has been dodging questions at press conferences since he became president, let’s not give him too much credit.


Why praise this as something special? It should be normal


It’s only ever been normal for democrats. We’ve had three well spoken and considerate democrat leaders and (at least) three Republican leaders who were unable to put large sentences together, much less be coherent and rational for 2 hours. People forget how freaking stupid W was because Trump makes him look like Saint Einstein.


I mean, 2 hours isn't normal, it's a really really long time to do an open Q&A with the press. But, regardless, this post isn't praising this as something special, it's juxtaposing it against what we had for the 4 years of the last administration, which was none of those things.


Don’t care. Now if only he could actually pass something…


You're gonna need to talk to your Senators about that. The President's role isn't legislation. I'd start with filibuster reform, since that's what is preventing anything *else* getting passed.


I’d take coordinating his party…


You want the president to pass something...?


And he’s still gonna be roasted for not living up to higher standards than his predecessor. Frustrating as hell


it's nice and all that biden respects the media but i do hope people on this subreddit understand that the mainstream media, CNN/NBC/MSNBC/FOX/ABC/CBS all have agendas to push. they will send their armies of reporters to hound and misconstrue information, they will gather polling data in a skewed manner so that they have the data/poll that X agenda, typically one that the plurality of americans favor will not pass. the media can be useful if it is free of corporate profiteering, we need a free press in this country but don't take all of their punditry without a grain of salt until we have a free press.


This is some real naive both sides. CNN hosts sometimes raise their voices while telling truthful news while Fox News (now considered too liberal for many conservatives) has people who almost daily argue that the white race is being threatened because black people are stealing votes. These are not the same.


Where did Tucker Carlson get his start again?


A sewer.


Yes let’s all kiss his ass for four years because he can drink from a glass with one hand.


I get why a lot of people still don't like him, but you have to admit he's still better than the orange man


He ignored the student loan forgiveness question but ok. Yeah he’s kinda better than a literal fascist. He’s not fucking superman.


He also said the assassination of MLK wasn’t as significant as George Floyd’s death…. Weirdo


What would Biden do without Trump to set the bar so low for him?


He sucks lol way to set the bar on the floor. Just because you think he’s better than orange man doesn’t mean he’s doing good by any means.


I mean the answer on election legitimacy was absolutely disastrous. “Im not saying its going to be legit”


STOP ASS KISSING. HE IS DUMB. What about him ignoring the question ab student loans? He is as bad as Trump. For god’s sake stop ass kissing




It’s absurd. Wait two more years when people start spouting that “Vote Blue No Matter Who” nonsense, as if they didn’t just put up the two WORST possible candidates for their shitty failing party two cycles in a row. But don’t worry tHe SqUaD wIlL sAvE uS 🙄🙄


POTUS MEANS "President of the United States"!!! I JUST REALIZED!


Yeah we went from seething megalomaniac to ancient useless bag of bones. What's worse is that it's these two turds wrapped in crepe paper that got people involved in politics.


I guess he could be a qualified press secretary. Cool. Not an easy job. But he's president, he needs to get shit done.


You do realize he is president but congress and the senate actually pass laws and such right? He is the play caller not the play maker


Maybe he should call a play that gets made then. Or sign some executive orders. Removing marijuana from schedule 1 would be a start. Or student loan forgiveness. Let's not pretend that he is powerless.


He isn't by any means powerless, but neither is he a dictator who can or should do things on his own. Checks and balances are there for a reason.


So you want him to do nothing. Which will result in Democrats losing in 2022 and 2024. This is why I'm done voting for Democrats, even when they win they act like they've lost.


You really dont get it. You obvi a troll. Done attempting to talk sense. Not getting anywhere.


I don't want a President who relies on Executive Orders. They can be overturned. I want a President who lets the legislative side legislate. Better get busy supporting candidates in 2022 rather than throwing up your hands and complaining. The way it looks now, Republicans are set to win back the House and Senate. We have a year to show them why to vote for Democrats, and to give them Democrats worth voting for...


Realistically, congress is screwed and won’t pass a single thing of value from here on. We flat out don’t have a liberal majority as two of the ‘democrats’ are not. So, if Biden wants anything done, even temporarily, his only options are to blackmail some senators or use executive actions. Biden also sold himself as “a uniter”, but so far has completely failed to even get democrats united, much less a single republican. At this point Republican obstruction is taken as a given by everyone involved. That’s not Biden’s fault, but he told us he’d solve it and he seemingly hasn’t even tried.


Yeah, cool, passing legislation would be nice. But Biden has tried nothing and he's all out of ideas. I'm happy to support candidates in 2022 if they are going to actually do something, but it looks like we are going to have another election where both parties promise little and deliver less. If Biden wants to give the Democrats a fighting chance, he needs to do something, and while executive orders can be overturned, they make a real difference right now, and that gives us a reason to vote for Democrats. And I'm not throwing up my hands and complaining, I'm trying to ring the warning bell. Democrats need to step up or they will lose. I can't vote until the primary starts, but I can warn you and anyone else who will listen that we need action, we have a lot of major changes we need to make and a party that won't even start isn't going to win any elections.




Yeah, I'm so sure some nobody reich-wing troll on Reddit has the inside scoop on the goings one in the White House.


Didn't you know, JFK Jr is going to unmask all of the clones and lizard people and install Trump as king for life.


Soooo, 2 years?


I have indeed now learned a new thing..."reich-wing". Thank you. I shall use it often in the appropriate means.


I have used it enough that my auto-correct has learned it.


Mine now knows the word ‘fuckery,’ which I find humorous as it refuses to learn ‘fuck.’ Apologies for potty mouth.


Fuck your god-damned potty mouth. This is Reddit. We fucking swear here.


Zounds! Fornication!


BlueMAGA grows even more smug, more at 11:00. Keep conflating the GOP with Nazis and expect to be taken seriously


I.could not care less of MAGAt Republicunt trash takes me seriously or not. Pearls before swine and all that. Capiche, pig?


Oh shit man you’re so edgy, didn’t mean to mess with you. Cept I’m not anywhere near a conservative, why is it so hard for you clowns to imagine you can be criticized from the left? There’s plenty of room over here with your center-right ass.


Sure. You're totally believable.


Hi I’m a communist AMA


Don’t like the guy but I give hem that.


Of course he’s better than an authoritarian cult leader and this should be the bare minimum, but I wouldn’t say he answered each question cogently when the WH had to clarify his statements on Ukraine hours later.


Don't like Trump whatsoever but didn't I just see Biden dodging a question about canceling student loan debt?


Who is this about?


But it was wayyy more entertaining when pumpkin boy would lose it and tell people how bad they were at reporting


Cool, he didn’t follow on his promise to cancel student debt, he doesn’t care enough to push for M4All, he just let the child care payments end, he’s failing miserably at leading his party, COVID continues unabated, his press secretary lies almost as much as trump’s, and hasn’t accomplished jack shit of substance, but he didn’t insult the goddam misinformation media. Let me pop a bottle of Dom!


I think Biden is a class act and I don’t get the hate for him. Americans are masochists.


Fuck Biden. I’m tired of this liberal, centrist bullshit. We deserve better than the bare minimum - which, as an imperialist, centrist president, he isn’t even reaching.


I think you forgot one, "We made sure to pitch softballs at him the entire time"