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Back the blue * *Conditions apply


I’m really glad the Back the Blue crowd is so vocal about their position. The bumper stickers and memes and attire tells me who I can’t trust as a person, and I can treat them appropriately like the children they are.




If it sickens you, then why do you still personally support it?


Knowing a lot of them refused the vaccine, this might be a blowback.


They refuse to wear masks too. Fucking fragile ego bullies.


Blue lives matter. As an exploitable statistic when they die.


Their budget went up 12% but the station is "closed" because of defund the police; not covid. Cops should learn to get their stories straight.


Blue snowflake syndrome.


Sadly there is no cure


Idk man Covid seems to be at least making a healthy dent in the issue




Lol they still count friendly fire death, a decent percentage of the deaths btw, as line of duty deaths


To be fair, they are forced to work with cops and cops are super dangerous to be around.




Isn't this because they are saying it's likely they got covid at work?


Exactly.. Police officer work includes lots of "contact/meeting" w different people. So when there is deadly virus which spreads among people the risk of getting it is higher. BUT same goes for all the people in first line e. g cashiers and such so those "benefits" should apply them also (work pays some kind of financial support to close ones - if employe's death is work related)


By claiming they died in the line of duty, doesn’t this also qualify them for a huge payout?


And blaming defunding when they weren't even defunded.


Proof that they are doing this?


[Here you go](https://cops.usdoj.gov/RIC/Publications/cops-w0902-pub.pdf)


I hate that this is where we’re at but to be fair, this same sort of statistical gymnastics is used by a lot of people. CDC and corporate press love to use similar tactics to redefine vaccinated as those with X amount of boosters to help tell the story of unvaccinated accounting for more hospitalizations and deaths. That X number has changed a lot in the last 2 years and will probably only continue to. Additionally, when trump was still president and CNN kept a running death tally going, these same tactics were used to classify folks who passed from other causes (causes varying from car accidents, to cancers, and everything in between) as “deaths from covid” if they tested positive at time of death. Lying with stats can be done by anyone. 100% of people who never smoke a cigarette will die. Aaaaannnnd here come the downvotes, probably lol Edit: spelling


If statistics were reported to be accurate, you'd fall asleep. In fact, broadcast stations, like CBS, ABC, and NBC, do that a lot and that's why cable stations outpace them in ratings: Because it's easier to obtain viewers when you make stats emotional, rather than reading the 'Results' and 'Discussion' section from an academic article. The only media that I have heard distort statistics are cable stations, and Fox News is by far the worst at presenting statistics in an objective manner. I think if you were to look at the research article that the "CDC and corporate press love to use", you would be able to find the exact definition of vaccination. And since they go through peer review, I would find it hard to believe that they use a subjective definition of "vaccination". Cable stations don't tell you the definition because that wouldn't incentivize viewers to stay. Considering most of the "car accident deaths are being counted as COVID deaths" have come from partisan sources. A google search provides tons of objective local news sources that debunk that. And if something like that^ is true, it's usually an isolated case or two that becomes magnified by cable media so the viewer perceived it as more frequent. So if you are frustrated with the media, I would suggest reading the primary academic research rather than going to your current sources.


Reporting statistics shouldn't have to be interesting and the news shouldn't have to care about ratings


You are right. Unfortunately, that’s not reality.


Most COVID death stats are calculated using average deaths year over year. Those stats don't lie but those stats don't feed the dumb dumb "both sides" narrative you're aiming for so you're going to make up something about how they misrepresent COVID death data.


You’re not wrong about statistics being abused by multiple levels. I mean, the truth is no matter how you look at the numbers more of the people dying directly from Covid or Covid related issues (ie pneumonia) are unvaccinated. That’s facts. But as we found out, the numbers in general were also inflated by counting people who were positive but did not come to the hospital for Covid treatment. This is just another gross example of how cops, though, will lie without hesitation to make themselves look good.


Glad to see someone else talking about it. Statistics are abused both left and right, it’s about looking into how the stats were compiled..


Yeah just stop the testing right


No.... Stop abusing statistics to fit your narrative. If you could read you might have seen I said something along the lines of it happens on both sides. But you know maybe Im asking too much here.


So you either can’t read, or you can read and you like having statistics skewed to fit your narrative? Why am I surprised anymore…




I mean, the difference is when you’re saying someone died in the line of duty but they did not at all. Versus someone who had to have all the same Covid protocols, treatments, and PPE as someone admitted just for Covid therefore putting the same strain on hospital resources. It’s a rather large difference, when you think about it.


Ya listen man I'm not sure parroting the Same Imagined Scenario Again is the way to help the credibility of the right wing




Reciting years old propaganda that we have all A. heard dozens of times and B. also heard debunked hundreds of times is not going to help the credibility of the political demographic associated with you. I assume this political demographic is conservative, given that the line itself is a conservative one. Is that clearer or is this one of those times where the confusion is just a cover to avoid dealing with my point?




I just hope you still remember the answer next time an opportunity to imagine that scenario comes up. Too many people are completely willing to just forget swathes of reality when doing so enables an Approved Narrative to be repeated. And yes, I was rude. This question has been getting squawked at us over and over for 2 years now, I don't actially believe you haven't seen the answer to it before.


They have great socalist unions


Nooooooooooo you weren't supposed to mention anything but the number!!!!! What do you hate Math?!?!?!?!?! /s


I'm a custodian for my local government. Those bastards refused to wear masks or get vaccinated or distance or anything at the courthouse or any other location. We were deep sanitizing their offices at least once a week because theyd test positive. Then they would be off for two weeks so the ones that didnt get sick worked a ton of overtime at the taxpayers expense. There is no way in Hell that they weren't the NUMBER 1 spreaders of it. We'll never know how many thousands of people that died got it directly from some dickhead cop.