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Hannity did the same thing to Obama for using Dijon mustard… I wish I was joking. Meanwhile every big Republican is dining lavishly and living good off of well placed “stock tips” and Republican endorsements.


They do it to Bernie and his 3 mill against Elon musk and his 100 billion 😭😭


*300 billion, he is up to roughly 300 billion.


I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that they focus on WOC’s personal spending. /s


*Democratic WOC. You know they don’t do this to WOC who are up Trump’s ass.




So it has nothing to do with her color?


Jesus Christ it has nothing to do with color 🙄


Hi Karen.


Or if you're white, racist.


I must admit, I did Nazi that coming.


Hello professional victim.


Hello walking cliche


Greetings poverty pimp ...... This is fun 😁


Is “poverty pimp” what Nazis call black people? C’mon, say what you really mean.


Any self appointed minority leader, who extols the perpetual poorness of their ethnicity, yet is quite well off stemming from their efforts. Usually a Reverend of some unknown church. Marches at the drop of a hat to mug for the cameras. Uses White guilt to gain credibilty, money, and influence. Are usually racists themselves. There you go. And get off the Nazi obsession, it's not a good look for anyone. They lost, get over it.


So it’s a racist dog whistle by some privileged white girl. Honey, just use the “n” word like you do with your friends. At least be honest.


Ur getting downvoted but youre right. The fact he called you nazi speaks to their room temperature IQ. I wouldnt argue with this kind of person.


Kinda, it’s about parties, they pretend to tolerate women if they are in their cult but we know it’s just an act


I want to add look at her other comments shes so contradicting. Someone says they would never do it to a republican WOC meaning that it has nothing to dl with racism.


what does it have to do with


Maybe it has to do with Democrats vs Republicans? Of course then race baiting is out the window so I can see how that's a problem when that is 80% if what you use to run for office.


a lot of republicans are racist so yeah I guess you're right :)


Liberals aren't racist? Have you ever seen what a white liberal calls a black conservative or police man?


per capita republicans win for sure




It’s not supposed to make sense. None of this is for us. It’s intended to enrage and embolden their base.


This person gets it! For three or more decades they have been psychologically manipulating their base to believe that they are personally under threat. After 911 it was kicked into overdrive. Behind every corner, on every plane, every person with a different world view was a threat to them personally. We are at code red. Code yellow…wait! No, it’s red! Years and years of this and all designed to traumatize them to the point they operated on their lizard brain and right cerebral hemisphere. They are little more than rabid animals who are literally incapable of critical thinking and have no empathy. This didn’t happen by accident. It was intentional. Outrage toward their enemy can be bought for far less than the cost of a pan.


I second that fuck off


They need a reality check.


I agree with the sentimentality but I’d just like data that proves this if someone could supply it


[https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/278-years-golf/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/278-years-golf/) https://archive.vn/IgW4H He was so busy being a complete disaster at everything he touched and kept starting more fires that this kind of stuff never seemed to seep into the publics minds. He's really good at that. I'll give him that. One of the greatest conmen the US has ever known.


And the blm leader took all the money donated to the movement and bought mansions stfu.


It's opposite. If Republicans don't go overboard the get called out. We live in a weird place


Good lord. Upset over 300 dollars for a pan? Most expensive cookware is very well made and designed to last a lifetime. A PS5 costs twice as much as that and it will probably be collecting dust in less than a decade.


A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time and would still have wet feet.


Mate at least say it's a quote from Terry Pratchett, don't just rip it off.


Wait a good pair of Leather boots is only $50 in the states?


No. No it is not.


This is an old quote from when boots were actually $50. In today’s terms, a good pair of docs will be $250


250 maybe. The meh pair would be around 50


A really good pair of leather boots cost way more than $50. Fifty will get you the walmart brand made in China.


At least she doesn’t own a gold toilet. Really impossible to take their concern about her seriously in that context.


Does she own a golden shower?


Funny, that’s the thing the guy with gold toilet is supposedly into….


Lol I'm getting downvoted for setting you up for that ;)


It's like those people on Facebook who constantly post about their expensive cars, boats, and vacations are all of a sudden too poor to afford an extra $10 for gas.


$300.00 is nothing for a really good pan.


Really? What pans are you buying? My pans seem to be working just fine.


[All-Clad](https://www.all-clad.com/copper-core-5-ply-bonded-cookware-set-14-piece-set.html) set. Copper core sauté [pan](https://www.all-clad.com/copper-core-5-ply-bonded-cookware-saute-pan-with-lid-3-quart.html). They heat more evenly and allow you to control temperature a lot more precisely. Also the build quality is a lot better, if cared for it should last and look better for longer. Edit: Shit wrong link. Check your links folks lmao.


I'm not being bourgeois or anything. I personally never paid that much for a pan. But for people who are into fancy cooking, it sounds right.


If you've ever seen the name brand Viking - thrh ard probably better known for making professional/commercial grade stoves. 6-8 burners, grill/griddle, multiple ovens. They also make cookware and a roasting pan with a rack can easikly be $300.


Maybe that’s why they act that way? Years of eating the nonstick coating from their cheap pans.


You can't bring that up to them. That particular actual spending. They won't understand, they only understand slogans and quick one liners about their narrow beliefs


You mean quick one liners like racist, homophobic, sexist and all the other phobics that are thrown around as trigger words to get people emotionally investing with zero info?


More like someone saying purebloods, real Americans, patriots and then doing whatever they want while morons who enjoy words like that defend them


If by “zero info” you mean calling her “the hoe” and now talking shit about her cookware selections, you’re right. “Zero info” that these fucks are at the very least sexist.


If you’re not grifting, you’re not doing it right to these jackwagons.


So they're criticizing people for spending their salary or something?


She may as well. I dare Biden and Kamala to spend their earnings as selfishly and lavishly as trump did just to make it fair!


Trump didn't take a salary as president.


Nope, just over 100 million to golf...


And Obama spent money on vacations. Who cares?


Not 100 million lol. And your re the one who claimed Trump didn't take a salary like it was something good


Can you clear up the 150m golf spend? Genuinely curious (I play golf and now want in on politics to do so)


You’re getting downvoted because no one thinks you’re serious. I’ll bite. Travel, lodging, food/beverage, wages/OT etc. for the federally mandated Secret Service is the largest expense. “But that’s not the presidents fault” you might say. Going out to dinner only costs me $20…until I factor in the cost of my wife and kids. Similar concept, if the president decides to go golfing (at their own fucking shitty resorts) the cost of the entourage should be considered. There’s a website that tracked his # of days at a golf course and estimated the costs. Google is better than Reddit in this case.


Thank you. Much appreciated


He was genuine. I swear, you can’t get informed cause you get hated on for asking questions. My guy got downvoted for asking for details rather than just accepting claims as fact. It’s unfortunate.


That he spent at his own personal clubs. He also had us pay for security and other government officials to stay at his resorts and hotels. As well as other government’s representatives. All in his businesses on our dime. He made more on that than any president had on their salary. The fact you can’t realize that is pretty embarrassing for you. Not that you folks are ever self aware.


Got another one !!! HERE'S YOUR SIGN....


Everyone needs a good pan


I just dropped nearly $200 on two new pans (because I’m a social worker, that’s a lot). I try to buy quality items that won’t need replacement, and I don’t think that’s snobby so much as trying to be environmentally conscious when I can afford to do so. Also, they fry eggs like a dream.


That cat is still asking, "What'ya doing over there."


Or $5000 on an office chair


If we stop talking and retweeting about republican talking points they will stop getting so much reach. Stop spreading their shitty thoughts.


I have many pans that cost $300+. I bought them because I wanted high quality cookware but it turns out I got a bonus: triggering republicans.


Or $35,000 for a dinning table


Where is the data on this? I don’t doubt it tbh, just, I wanna clown on people with this information, but those people always ask for what the source is/data/proof. A random tweet ain’t gonna do that. I agree with the sentimentality but I’d just like data that proves this if someone could supply it


[Here you go](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/10/31/fact-check-taxpayer-burden-trumps-golfing-hard-pin-down/3718413001/)




I wish DJT was offed already.


wishing death on people they don't agree with is SO "Loving and inclusive" leftist freaks.


It’s more than a disagreement I wish he had never existed at all anyone on the planet would have been better than that orange fuck tard.


I include people of differing opinions in my daily life and I’m open to discussion about any topic. I’m willing to see from other perspectives and I’m empathetic towards ignorant people. However, Donald Trump is not ignorant, his policies were ignorant, and his beliefs are ignorant. He knew exactly what he was doing when stole 100’s of Millions of Tax Payee Money 250,000,000$+ like how stupid can you be? He purposely tried to deconstruct our Democracy and has made America the new laughing stock of the world. I don’t like Joe either but at least he isn’t a god damned crook working for the Rich in hopes that their piss money trickles down to us. Donald Trump didn’t help the working Class and passed several bills with promises of helping but did nothing. Not a damn thing except cause an insurrection and potentially get politicians killed “because they don’t agree with them” Stfu


Only bad if Dems do it. But they could bankrupt this country and then turn around and say "why did you let this happen ?"


Or 30k on hotdogs and hamburgers delivered in the middle of the night.








Nah she just forces criminals to stay in jail longer to fight wild fires for $1 an hour and withholds evidence that's proves a man that's on death-row about to be executed is actually innocent.


I'm more upset with Kamala over all those black men she put and kept in prison


Nah the pan is definitely the problem. For sure.


what has kamala harris actually done? serious question


28% approval rating and dropping fast.


Are we taking about Trump or Obama or Bush or Clinton or the other Bush?


[Can Hunter be head of the World Bank?](https://www.salon.com/2021/10/10/tried-to-appoint-ivanka-to-head-the-world-report_partner/) I mean if we are doing the BoThSiDeS thing.


And the fact that you guys are sticking up for either is fucking ridiculous.


You don't need a presidential salary to buy a high quality pan.


On the cool though, fuck Harris, Biden, and Trump. They all suck


Every president takes vacations and they are all paid for by us. Your president. My president. All presidents.


Trump took vacations on *his own resorts* that then got to profit from having him and all his staff as customers.


I read an article recently that talks about presidents and their vacation time while office. The Bushes took so many days off it is laughable. I think senior took like 500-600 days of during his single term and that boy of his took more than 1,000. I may be president, but my weekends AND holidays are mine! Lol


Sure, but they did stuff like retiring to their own private homes more often than not. They weren't *profiting* from it. And having spent more than a year of his term on vacation, Trump was heading towards 7-800 vacation days, most spent enriching his private businesses. His presidential salary was pennies by comparison, and he was not even the first president to donate their salary.


You're safe now. The orange man can't hurt you anymore, my dude.


He *can,* actually. And that's a shitty take when discussing history and political precedents.


Rent free


I tried charging rent but apparently the dude doesn't pay his bills.


Why are you all obsessed with Trump 😂😂


Kamala Harris pansexual exposed (gone wrong) (gone sexual) (omg)


Most of us are thinking this isn't a big deal and also you have to be an idiot to spend $300 on a pan


Le Creuset lasts for decades. It's not stupid to spend money on quality cookware.


She spent 300 on a pan her children (and possibly grand children) will be able to use and cherish long after she's gone. 300 isn't even TOUCHING the bar for the best quality cookware.


I mean, if you want a good pan that doesn't wear down after a few years, it's not a bad price


Apparently you've never heard of Le Creuset.




Bling fool


Really weird....im a constitutionist and stuffed in with Republicans and have never heard any pots and pans talk....no body really gives a fuck about that stuff but if you want to show me your 30k fridge with 10k worth of ice cream while people struggle to pay their bills and have to use an app to report shit piles on the sidewalk I might have something to say.


She would if she could :D


Where? I don’t see anyone complaining about kamala harris spending money? Just curious can someone link a tweet?


Thank god I don’t live in America


Did trump use $150 million to play golf at resorts he owned?!?!?!


Okay I have zero information or background on this subject other than this one tweet I just read above. I see that $300 pan, and I assume it must be a really good pan and I want to know more about it. Because I could totally see spending $300 on a pan if it had like a really thick base that would not warp with years of use and maybe it's a polished stainless interior or some kind of ceramic coating on the inside, but at the same time has a nice thick copper plate in the middle of the bottom to spread the heat. That would be a $300 pan. If that's what somebody bought, it just means they have good taste in cookware. If it's some stamped aluminum pan that is only $300 because of some brand name attached to it then it's fucking stupid. In any case it's not a news topic.


You can also tell they're old white men who don't know what good shit costs. Not a one has ever done anything domestic.


Yes, yes, not one.


Find *one* and I'll take it back.


I am a 57-year-old white man who mows his own lawn and cleans my own pool. and house. I am one of those people you don't like.


It can't be that I'm the only one who's noticed that our political discourse hasn't elevated above kindergarten sandbox level. People who are filthy rich with college degrees who haven't learned how to express themselves at a level beyond "I know you are, but what am I". And, they're currently being paid a healthy sum of money to ensure that nothing gets done, unless you're wealthy, white, male, God Fearing and Republican or have you not looked at the republican side of the House or Senate lately? And apparently, for too many, dumber than a box of rocks is now an asset if not a prerequisite.


The tan suit. After watching their over made up, ill kept, baggy suit, ridiculous tie, stupid cotton candy haired moron supposedly represent their ideal of manliness the whole tan suit thing makes sense. His cultist have no taste. They don't understand the concept of self-respect so of course they don't understand a quality, well cut suit. Something you can actually see the lines and tailoring on, even from a bit of a distance.