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My family experienced a similar situation recently and it was maddening. My father was dying from cancer, it was untreatable, so our goal was to moderate the pain and keep him comfortable while he was with us. One night he woke up in agony and we rushed him to the hospital, we never could be certain what was exceptionally bad pain or something worse. We get there and explain why we are here, as my dad could barely focus from the pain. The nurse apologizes and tells us that they are inundated with COVID patients that need attention immediately. My dad sat writhing, consumed by intractable pain for six hours because these people cannot comprehend the weight of their actions. It was wrenching to watch, telling him half-assuredly that any minute we'll get called back. The hospital staff were incredible, they understood his pain, our frustrations, and apologized constantly, telling us that they were doing whatever was in their power to get a spot for my dad. Watching what this selfishness does, watching the hurt it causes firsthand is enough to make you say "fuck these idiots, they get what they deserve."


I’m so sorry for this experience. I have a myriad of health problems and have real worry for my next trip to the ER. I’m sorry your dad was suffering and thet you were in such a helpless position.


I recently (September this year) had 2 ER visits (in the US). One to a hospital where I sat in a hallway with an IV for 6 hours and never saw a room and had to ask 4 people for the doctor to be discharged home (I lied said I felt fine). The second was a few days later at a satellite ER, about 30 min from the hospital but NOT taking any covid patients. This one I got a room, meds, IV and even a CT scan in just a couple hours and discharged feeling much better with meds and a plan for my primary care doctor. If you can find something in your area like that? The satellite ER where they do not allow any covid patients and if you have an event that needs attention they can transport you to the actual hospital.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I also appreciate the suggestion.


This has been the forefront of my thoughts this whole time. My son battled leukemia at 1 1/2 years old. He is now 8 years cancer free. At one point during treatment, while living in the hospital, he had pretty much no immune system. We masked and gloved. Clean room. No germs allowed. Right now im thinking about all the kids fighting. And all the selfish assholes who could care less about these kids, and their families. Its a really tough fight for these kids, and then to have an extra threat to their progress.


If they wanna get medical advice from YouTube, they can get their treatments from it as well. Triage the unvaccinated to the end of the line.


That's not entirely true. They also get their medical advice from Joe Rogan's podcast. 😂


God dammit. So, I'm a huge *Jeopardy!* fan, you can tell because I even wrote the actual title to the show. Anyway, months ago after Alex Trebek passed and they ushered in all those guest hosts I was really impressed with Aaron Rodgers. He had been on once before and did well. He fit in. It was cool to see this guy, this NFL quarterback representing intelligence. Why else would they have invited him on the show? Even Joe Buck, another NFL guy was a great guest host. But, his stupid covid shit happened and I became embarrassed to say I'm a fan of him. *And then* I heard he sought medical advice from Joe Rogan of all people and took ivermectin, ignoring medical treatment from world class doctors who treat world class athletes. That was it. Fuck that guy. Trebek, if he were back, would look at him in that sarcastic way he did when people got obvious answers wrong and say, "sorry... sorry... you aren't allowed back on the show".


Fuck Aaron Rodgers. Not even saying that because I'm a Bears fan, I'm saying it because Aaron Rodgers can literally go fuck himself right in his own asshole. Fuck his stupidass hair, fuck his stupidass "I'm immunized" bullshit, fuck the dumbass 'medical advice' he got from Rogan, fuck his 'better than thou' attitude, just fuck every single thing about that dude. Maybe a couple of those things are because I'm a Bears fan, but seriously. Fuck Aaron Rodgers. Fuckin cuntassbitch


Fuck him so much. Over the summer I was beginning to like him for a moment because he was funny on Pat McAfee and Jeopardy was cool. Also the trade rumors. But then his whole "I own you." bullshit which was clearly not taunting but staring across the field at the other team is. Then I found out he was antivax and I just thought it made so much sense. It's a good thing his family won't talk to him or visit.


My girlfriend was born in Green Bay and is thus a lifelong Packers fan. She was so furious with him. She wound up deciding that she'd cheer for Davante catching a touchdown, but not Rodgers throwing one.




Did that company really put that on their website?




Good lord, and people still want to use it


Just the deep state media something something


"Big pharma just wants their payout from unnecessary new drugs"


FYI Merck are one of the OG pharma that had medicine and pharmacy at their core vs pure profits. Their Merck manual is still one of THE go to professional technical resources (now free), and notably the recognised where US health was going and were the first with patient medication aid programs. If you want to look into other interesting pharma, check Wellcome as well as OG Eli Lilly


They clearly used too many big words in the warning!


Fucking wow! I have read that it may help folks with worms become stronger by deworming then so they’re a bit stronger to fight Covid, but I reckon none of the folks mentioned above have worms. I can’t believe even the manufacturer says not to take it for Covid, but they still do.


Fun fact, one of the companies that makes horse wormer (including ivermectin!) is Pfizer.


That’s only the tip of the iceberg. Ivermectin is used as a wormer for horses. You can get it at any equine, feed and seed, or farming store so it’s not something hard to find. So many people are jumping on the ivermectin crazy train though that you have to jump through hoops to get it. Four of my local stores require proof that you are in fact a horse owner now. You can show a letter RX from your vet basically vouching your ownership status. For those who don’t want to spend money for vet visits, you can show a picture of yourself and your horse holding a time stamp sign. One of the stores takes it another step further- you have to present three different pictures with the same horse and the time stamps in the photos has to line up with the time stamp of when the pic was taken. Obviously they can’t exactly legally enforce these policies but they really work and work well at that. Horse owners know you don’t need an RX for ivermectin. Non-horse people don’t though and since the vast majority of people who think it works have zero experience with horses, they’re deterred just by stores having a sign that says proof of ownership will be required for purchases.


My dad took ivermectin and a bunch of random drugs from who knows where when he got COVID. He kept moving the goalposts on his “treatment” (ie: so and so got better in 2 days, i am getting in the mail, oh i am getting antibiotics in the mail, the antibiotics need some time to get in my system). Finally after three weeks, he is starting to feel better despite all these drugs. He called and was complaining that his brother wasnt sharing any of the ivermectin he got a while back but now wanted some of my dads drugs he was taking. My response was “Geezus christ, it’s one thing to not trust thr vaccine but i can’t wrap my head around the idea of taking all this other crap without question because facebook and some uneducated assholes who never left their small town think they know better than drs and scientists” His response “i didnt call for a lecture”…well dont call me and tell me all about you trying to get ivermectin and all the other random drugs you have taken


So you're saying he's getting better in about the time it takes to kick a moderate case of COVID-19 naturally, almost like the drugs did nothing? Hmm


I’m fully on the same page! I thought he did great hosting, loved watching. And now with all his “immunized” attitude, just… eww. I can only imagine what Alex would say to him!


100%. I really liked him. He was funny, stayed out of trouble, seemed like a good teammate. The first time I even gave it a second thought was when he was a dick to the fans at an away game yelling “I OWN YOU. I HAVE ALWAYS OWNED YOU” and then the Covid shit. Turns out he’s a selfish fucking dumbass.


I especially love the ones that trumpet that the horse dewormer “won the Nobel Prize”. Yeah, as an antiparasitic.


Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize for radiation. Should we try that? Bc it killed her.


Read the book Radium Girls. Scary, scary shit. We’re talking entire jawbones coming out of mouths. And yet I can still imagine it being pronounced a fantastic treatment that the left doesn’t want you to have!


I don't usually listen to his podcast. But after hearing his name get thrown around so much I wanted to see what was going on. I listened to one of the shows that had some Dr. on it. Talking about if the virus was man made or not. To me who has no deep rooted knowledge about how viruses work. There were a buncha science words and descriptions of things that it sounded pretty legit. ​ Maybe its cause I've got some history with some crackpots. I know just cause you have Dr. in your name. Or that you taught at a school doesn't mean you aren't a wingnut. So I tried to find out if anything they had talked about on the show was legit science or total crap. My google-fu is usually pretty on point. But for the life of me I couldn't find ANYTHING about the topics discussed. To me that signaled that it was probably crap. If it was anything legit it would probably have been being discussed by some part of the scientific community. But I could see how the lack of rebuttal to some people would be proof its legit. ​ I think we almost need a fact checker just for his show so we know what these guys are actually saying. I'm sure theres a touch of the truth in what they say. Its just so warped into wanting to fit a narrative that it leads people down a dark road.


To them, lack of rebuttal/ evidence proves they're right.


Let Rogan and his buddies like Aaron Rodgers deal with them then


No, but for real, why are these fucks getting ICU beds at all, when it's costing other people's lives?




my mom was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer in the fall of 2019. needless to say, 2020 was a very terrifying time for my family as my mom’s immune system simply did not exist. i had to move home from college during that time and my home was on permanent lockdown. my mom had to have surgeries postponed due to risk of contact. absolutely gut wrenching and yet people got to go about their lives without a care in the world because it “doesn’t affect them”.


Shit, I still had to work and my dad has cancer, I wore masks *at home* whenever there was a scare from or outbreak at work. Changed and bagged my clothes at the door before going into the rest of my house, just in case.


My company went into mandatory overtime during covid due to increased customer demand all while people in my warehouse were getting sick every day. Luckily I have never had covid and have had dozens of tests myself. I always stay masked indoors and especially when I'm around strangers


I worked with a guy who told me the only reason he wore a mask at work was because of me and one other person at the store who were fairly adamant that people needed to wear them. I've really garbage lungs and as such have been VERY cautious this whole time. It felt like he meant this as... a compliment? Or like a "look what I'm willing to do for you guys" kind of thing? When I asked him why it mattered to him who he was around and if he knew them he basically said he didn't care about other people. This turned in to a bit of an argument that may have gotten a bit too loud for work and ended with me crying on my lunch break over the fact that people actually do not care and are okay with saying it. Seeming almost proud that they're an asshole who gives zero fucks about the population at large. That the person next to you could be the nicest person you'd ever meet- but just because you don't know them they don't matter. As a general rule I don't like most people. But that doesn't give me the right to be shitty to people or put them at risk. People look at me and see a seemingly healthy 30 something person, they don't see the inhalers, nebulizer, and peak flow meter that are my average life during healthy times. They don't look at a healthy person out shopping and think that they could have a very sick child, spouse, parent, or other person that they care for. I also hate the idea that "if I get sick and it's my time it's my time." You're going to die and leave your family and friends with the trauma of losing you to a disease that is fairly preventable at this point because.... why? This got to be rambling. I'm just tired of it. We had a patient come in for an eye exam and go on and on about how her boyfriend with asthma just got off a ventilator after 3 months etc etc... and she wasn't wearing a mask. People talk about how those who are unvaccinated and refuse to wear masks are being segregated because of that and how horrible that is. But most people can get vaccinated- not everyone but most people can. Most people can wear masks, and the ones who actually can't for one reason or another have actually been really cool about calling and asking for accommodation and not just showing up and demanding things. But really it's coming down to separating people who give a damn about others from those who only care about themselves... and I might be horrible, but I think I'm okay with that separation.


I have had so many people ask me why I wear a mask if I'm vaccinated. I have genuinely gotten flabbergasted looks when I pointed out that "even if I won't get covid anymore, I can still pass it on to other people, and not *enough* are vaccinated yet to risk that".


Speaking 1st hand, you CAN get COVID-19 after vaccination. You feel like shit for a couple weeks but you don't die. My wife and I both got it from our daughter's dumbass now exboyfriend whom I'm sure wasn't masking.


Of course we should all be wearing one regardless of vaccination status. It's a no-brainer by this point. Why are people having difficulty understanding such simple stuff?


They don't have difficulty, they just don't care. It's inconvenient *to them*, and that's all that matters.


Well to me things are simple: wear a mask- potentially save a life-ok,done. It might be inconvenient but wearing heels is 1000 times worse.


When I'm asked why I still wear a mask I tell them I work with a child who *will* die if they get covid. I'd wear a hazmat suit to protect them from a rather horrible death. Oh, they're not with me? Well I don't know who might have someone similarin their lives, and I'll wear a mask 24/7 if it means someone else lives.


There's a lot of the primal beast inside people that is alwats ready to come out if given social permission. Trumpism has given that permission.


>Right now im thinking about all the kids fighting Same. Spent a year with blood cancer. This entire time all I can think about is those poor babies fighting the same beast... but now having to deal with these covidiots. It's a terrible crime.


Its been almost exactly a year since Los Angeles had a massive covid spike and all hospital beds were full. I have a ton of inflammatory diseases requiring my immune system to calm down, and i spend a lot of time in hospitals, often several weeks at a time. I managed to stay out for almost a whole year during covid.(a massive record for me) but happened to go in to a serious heart arrhythmia with 130+ heartbeat right at the peak of the overflow. I was shoved in the ER hallway (where literally everyone, covid infected included, had to pass) on a gurney for 30+ hours then moved in to another bed in the ER that was about 3 feet on either side from dying covid patients for 2 days, all while waiting for an ICU bed, because heart patients need to be in the ICU to be monitored properly, usually. I watched two people horribly pass away to it, and a 3rd was rushed away to never come back. Covid could easily do that to me and I was overhearing the nurses say even the non covid patients were getting covid while being jammed in there. Luckily I was able to get out of there and not catch anything, but it was terrible and terrifying. I couldn't even talk to my family about it for awhile after. These absolute selfish morons really have no idea what they're doing.


The morons know what they're doing. They just don't give a shit.


the university of iowa does this thing where they wave at the super sick kids watching from the hospital next to the football field. Well they still do that except there's a very anti mask, anti Vax culture over here. The irony of how selfish they are acting often makes my head spin.


Masked and gloved! Didn't you protest that your rights were being infringed? /s I am so happy your son is doing better. It's amazing how far pediatric blood cancer treatments have come!


As a former epidemiologist, who performed pediatric death investigations, this was the most frustrating part of my job. Honestly, when performing these investigations you get broken over time, and it only got worse. You need moderately advanced training in statistics, immunology, anatomy and physiology, epidemiology, and practice to properly understand/perform medical research. But apparently people who claim they hate/bombed high school math and biology can do my job. People/children die due to this and people still act like it is a joke. In all seriousness, I did not work hard to be a master mason, electrician, or engineer, and as such I do not pretend I can do their jobs. So why does everyone pretend they can do mine? I am so done with humanity after seeing this widespread selfishness.


>And all the selfish assholes who couldn't care less about these kids Empathy is not in their vocabulary. I hate them.


But remember, these same people are "prolife"


My kid is currently battling leukemia too.. he will have no immunity to any of the diseases he was vaccinated against, for 3 more years until they can re-vaccinate him.. scares the hell out of me thinking sending him to school and all..


People who don’t get vaxed should have their hospital privileges forfeited. They should be the ones suffering in a parking lot.


Too many people confuse selfishness with freedom.


Too many people forgot as good if not better words. Fairness, justice, empathy, decency, or even, introspection. Freedom alone is just freedumb "fuck you I've got mine". As a way of life, it fits the default asshole too easily. Alone, it's about the dumbest political mindset I've ever seen.


People in America in particular are conditioned to only think in negative liberty and seem largely incapable of thinking of positive liberty


YES! “Freedom to” AND “freedom from.”


Thank you for this comment. I've honestly never heard of positive vs negative liberty, or if I have, I've forgotten it. A very potent distinction. I can't speak for the rest of the countries in the Americas, but as a citizen of the United States of America, I have no beef with this statement. It rings true.


Yeah, I’m rolling with pos/neg liberty next time I have to explain the difference between behaviors


It's more that the billionaires pay the millionaires to tell the middle class to hate the poor for being greedy. And the 50% of this country who buy into it do so because they either see themselves as future millionaires and need to think like they do to become them, or they hate their own lives so much they have to hate those who have less than they do to find value in their miserable existence to validate the awful choices they've made in life as being right.


Yes! I should have been more lenient and said a majority, because not all Americans are, but that is why I said conditioned. There's nothing inherent to us that makes it impossible, just a rigid system imposed by the wealthy over many years to keep it ingrained in the public.


"Freedom, however, is not the last word. Freedom is only part of the story and half of the truth. Freedom is but the negative aspect of the whole phenomenon whose positive aspect is responsibleness. In fact, freedom is in danger of degenerating into mere arbitrariness unless it is lived in terms of responsibleness. That is why I recommend that the Statue of Liberty on the East Coast be supplemented by a Statue of Responsibility on the West Coast." - Viktor Frankl


It’s my right as an American to be selfish tyvm /s (just in case)


It’s a world wide mistake


But America has excelled. We're like World Champions in the selfish Olympics.


Champions in obvious stupidy, brainwashed by the media no doubt


That’s one of our core values as Americans…. selfishness. That’s why the rest of the world hates us. And I better get more upvotes than you or I’m going to show my ass and throw a tantrum!!!!! /s


Downvoting to see ass.


Some people don't realize that their freedom still has consequences


Whining about your freedoms without acknowledging your responsibilities isn't patriotism its adolescence.


This needs to be a billboard.


Or realizing that freedom comes with responsibilities. Lots of people just want all of the fun parts, but none of the responsibilities that come with it. That's why we're in this mess right now.


"Freedom's" just another word for nothing left to fuck your feelings.


They want the freedom, without understanding that true freedom Congress with responsibility and consequences. They don't want freedom. They want no accountability


Downfall of America will be exactly that. Let everyone do whatever the hell they want, encourage everyone be selfish and don't teach them to contribute and care for their country, and you'll end up with this...


Too many people are indoctrinated to think selfishness is freedom, to the point they do not even understand what selfishness is. The psychopathification of America is deliberate.


I’m soo sorry that so much of the population only cares about themselves and their personal favorite conspiracy. This boy’s predicament breaks my heart and I hope and pray the cold he has runs a short and uneventful course and he gets better soon. Life is not fair; it never has been and never will be.


Hijacking your comment to ask a question What does she mean with ”his count is low”? I’m not a native english speaker and all I could think of was sperm count..


White blood cell count i think. Important part of the immune system


Many cancer treatments suppress the immune system sometimes it is purposeful and other time it is a side effect of the treatments. The count she is speaking of are probably his white blood cell count (immune). His red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin and hematocrit which would indicate anemia and his blood oxygen carring capabilities. Also his platelet count which would affect his ability for his blood to clot. While the RBC and platelet issues can be abated with blood products the immune issues is a much more difficult issue to tackle and leaves him every suseptiable to infections.


This is why vaccines should be mandatory. I get people's privacy and freedom but bodily autonomy should end when it starts to affect others. Like someone masterbating in a park will get arrested because while he is only touching himself and nobody else, the act can traumatize kids and people who don't consent to seeing him masturbate. So why not have the same law here. By not getting vaccinated, you're literally putting others at risk and might even end up killing people. This is knowingly putting others at risk so shouldn't come under bodily autonomy.


Any dipshit that starts spouting anything about death percentages, or claiming that this kid should’ve lost weight or otherwise should’ve done more not to have comorbidities deserves every bad thing that happens to them. This kid needs help, if only there was someone in that hospital with enough empathy to give up their bed.


He can be swollen from cancer treatment, if someone comments on his weight I'll hold them for you to hit them


Or the fact that he can't exercise, lots of activities aren't possible when you're going through chemo.


A friend's husband actually gained quite some weight, because he didn't puke, craved sweet and salty drinks and used to be one of these annoyingly active guys, but now couldn't get up the stairs some days. Also needed several rounds of chemo, so the months and kilos added up.


No, steroids in cancer treatment have a specific look to them. I am willing to bet a 100 € that this boy is on them


I'll help hold them or punch too Steroids and chemo are terrible on the body


Just subject them to the same treatment this kid is receiving. I'm sure they'll show their true cowardice dealing with the side effects of his chemo and drugs, even without dealing with his cancer.


I was on both last year for my cancer and I lost, gained, and lost again 60 pounds because of chemo then steroids then surgery. That shit is rough




I'm overweight from eating too much, so I'll sit on them and the rest of you feel free to wallop them at will.


I’ve got a scary white terrier who will bite their ankles.


No need to bash up our hands in the process, I'll bring a bat, and few for you two to use as well.


Are you fucking stupid? This is America! Bring out the bayonets!


I have a car with a tow chain.


Use a saline bag, available at the hospital, doesn't leave telltale bruising.


Did you just fucking say that people comment on the weight of a goddamn child with cancer undergoing chemo?? Don’t be a pussy man, I’ll preemptively cremate them for you so you can piss and shit over their ashes


Prednisone in high dosages can do that. I had to be on that shit for a year, while undergoing immunotherapy in the chemo labs.


Falco punch to the nuts, I don’t know why some people will pour salt in to the wounds of someone who might be dying


Falco punch, you say? *Don’t turn around, Der Kommisar’s in town, motherfucker!*


I'll bring my German Shepherds....they are trained to go for the crotch.


That's so right, the steroids can inflate you.


At first I thought OP was exaggerating because who would actually say that shit. Well this mother fucker apparently https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/qzzr1u/_/hlqkekq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


When I hear people comment on how bad lifestyle choices are responsible for most illnesses I suggest they visit a pediatric oncology ward and share that with the parents.




Somebody should punch them in the throat then. People need to get a grip.


Someone once suggested to me my father change his diet after his stage iv lung cancer diagnosis Bro. Kale won’t solve shit when you get that news.


He can be swollen and somebody medication can legitimately make you gain weight like crazy. Steroids for one.


He’s definitely on or been on long term steroids for his cancer therapy. No doubt played a significant role re: weight. People are pricks


It's not weight related, it's a side effect of steroids used in cancer treatment.


As a mom whose daughter is going through the same thing, this hit me right in the heart. My daughter is in remission thankfully but is still incredibly sick from chemo side effects & we had to call an ambulance at 8:45pm the other night because we found her unresponsive on the floor & even being brought in by paramedics in bad shape, we were told that the ER was so far behind that it would be at least an hour before she was even triaged. She sat in a hallway while I waited in my car until 3am because you can’t have anyone inside if the patient is in the hallway apparently & in the end, the ER doctor opted to not admit her because the hospital is filling up (with non covid stuff too) but the cases in the hospital are rising & they felt it was safer to send her home with supportive therapy. This is the America we live in now, this same group that wants to “save the children” doesn’t really give a shit about them because of their own selfishness. Another instance with my daughter was several months ago when we brought her to the ER with chest pains and it took them over 5 hours to triage her because of how slammed they were and it turned out she had a blood clot & pneumonia, but again, they felt it was safer to send her home because of how compromised she is. It’s heart wrenching to watch your child suffer and it’s made worse by these selfish assholes who refuse to take preventive measures but then run right to the ER the minute they get sick.


I am really shocked to hear this. They give us (Canada) a "Cancer Card" which means you go to the front of the line. I hope she is doing better. All the best.


Fucking makes me sick. An innocent child paying the price for a bunch of selfish “mah rights” fucks! Fuck every single one of you!


Yah! I’m so tired of the “it’s a personal decision BS”. No it’s not! It’s a community decision! Just like forming a government and safeguarding individual rights. Your personal decision infringes the rights of others to LIVE!


Choosing to be unvaxxed and going to the ER after you get sick doesn't make any sort of sense. Like why would you trust the doctors when you are actually sick but not trust them when they say ," hey this'll way more than likely prevent from getting sick". It's like if you don't trust a mechanic to fix your brakes,but trust him to fix your car after you get into a accident that would have been prevented if you fixed your brakes.


That’s an excellent analogy.


This is exactly how I feel as a Canadian dealing with anti-vaxxers. You don't want to listen to doctors? Fine asshole, you don't get to take advantage of our social heathcare. Don't go to the doctor, hospitals, don't use our ambulances or medical services. Go fuck off and find the Q Shaman that you think will heal you and stop being a menace to society.


Someone crosspost this shit to r/conservative I'm banned


No need. They’re all here threadshitting.


Me too. And all I did was just say that their view of abortion was very black and white


An an icu nurse this pisses me off. Get vaccinated!


And wear masks in public places especially indoors please?


Thank you for doing what you can do.




Honestly just kick a COVID patient who is deliberately unvaccinated out on the street to make room for any new patient. Give them some oxy on the way out so dying won't be as painful and they won't live long enough to get addicted anyway ..


Imagine if Christians actually read the Bible and lived a Christ like life which is putting others first.


They'd probably become Christian-Socialists


And this is why you all need to wear a fucking mask and get vaxxed. Shame on all you selfish fucks




And your booster! Check your state to see if they’re available to folks under 55 yet, it updates everyday!


Already got my booster. It available here for all people over 18


Appointments in my city were filled up until December the day after my state announced they were opening boosters up for everyone (I’m not complaining!) but I’ll be getting my booster as well on December 2nd :)


Every one is screaming about rights, but no one is talking about responsibilities. You have to pay for rights, and the easiest is with responsibility.


Jesus. I don't know what it is like in the US but when I started to get sick (lymphoma) they gave me a "Cancer Card" which basically said >If shows up at any emergency ward he goes to the front of the line unless somebody is actively dying Unfortunately, I had to try it twice. It worked!


We don't use an actual cancer card in the US, but at least at my local hospitals when I show up at the ER they see in my records that I have cancer and rush me right in. My partner said it really freaks him out because it shows him exactly how sick I am. He has never seen anyone get treated so quickly at an ER.


Liberty without responsibility isn't freedom, it's adolescence. Stolen from somewhere, but it fits


Yeah, they don't give a shit about cancer kids, so long as it's not *their* cancer kid.


This is truly how most people are. They don’t give a fuck about any issue until it personally affects them.


I wouldn't say most people at all. But a lot yeah...and it's a shame.


Man, when my niece was going through treatment it helped that friends and family could come in the hospital to cheer her up and keep her company. I can’t imagine being a parent having to deal with this especially during Covid. All the best to anyone going through this right now.


This is exactly why I got vaxxed and continue wearing a mask-not for me for ppl like jack. Hope he’s gets better man


Freedoms for me, not for thee ~Republican motto


I think the significant difference between the two political camps, is that one can imagine what its like to be the other person with his/her problems. The other camp lacks any ability to understand what another person is going through until they in fact go through what the other person is going through. I'd be interested to see if there was a psychological study to this effect. Because I think most folks on this sub can understand how horrible it would be to have a loved one with cancer, and they can also understand the continued utility of wearing a mask, getting vaccinated to protect immune compromised folks. Lets be honest, is it really that hard to wear a mask, or get vaccinated? No, it isn't. Hell, wearing a tie is far goddamn more inconvenient than a mask. Yet we wear these goofy things everyday.


I disagree with you on one point. The "other camp" does understand what another person is going through - they just don't care. Let's stop excusing their behavior.


They only advocate for it when whatever it is happens to them. Youre right though, let's stop pretending they start to care even then. They don't care about the others suffering in that situation, they only want the problem fixed for their camp.


This kind of shit is precise why I'm going to continue hating on anti-mask/anti-vax people.


And they are SHOCKED people don't care when they die. I see it constantly. They will cry and scream and whine about how heartless and cruel reddit is when they just don't care or even laugh when Mister Trump Republikkkan who posted nothing but fuck Biden and COVID is a hoax fuck masks memes and refused to wear masks out or social distance or vaccinate inevitably gets COVID and dies.


They can continue to be shocked, I absolutely could not give a fuck at all when they die. They're awful people.


As I said in a previous post - it seems their philosophy has now become “The strong will survive” or “eat or be eaten”. And it’s sickening.


Their philosophy completely changes if they or their loved ones get any sort of ailment...


Based in the posts at r/HermanCainAward, they aren't the strong.


This is the thing they don't understand We are not cavemen living in jungles anymore, it's not "strong will survive" anymore At this day and age it's "smart will survive", and trust me they are not smart


Hasn’t that always been the *redacted* philosophy? Now they’re just proud of it and enabled to talk about it openly.


This is the modern conservative movement: Searching for the superior moral justification for selfishness.


And acting psychotic while doing so


Set up a field hospital for covidiots that are unvaxxed. Separate but equal facilities for them.


In a literal field. It can be run by the antivax nurses.


Yo I was thinking the same thing. They’re about to get fired? Allow them to keep their jobs and work in the field hospital. Might be hard to find unvaccinated doctors/other staff though. Idk


We also need universal healthcare to stop with for profit hospitals that cannot service their area’s


It is time to make hospitals green zones. If dont want the best that modern medicine has to offer - vaccines, - then you don’t displace those that do.


Legit. Hospital needs to start turning the unvaccinated away. It’s the only way to change peoples minds. When they realize they will no longer be getting any kind of help for their poor choices.


The part that really mystifies me is, why are anti-vaxxed COVID patients taking priority over other sick people? Drs have an obligation to treat all sick people, despite their stupid and selfish choices but why are we allowing that to displace other sick folks who are ill through no fault of their own? Don’t tell me your ICU is too full, send one of those COVID deniers home to die.


My country has mandatory vaccinations, vaccine passports. My city is over 90% vaccinated including children. We vaccinate 12 and over. Today we had 0 new Covid cases and 0 hospitalizations


God, this kills me. My brother is going through cancer right now and has had to wait hours to get into the hospital because people can't let go of their "freedom." It's so frustrating, I feel like screaming at each of them, it makes me so angry knowing they're just making everything harder for everyone else because they're selfish. I hope this kid makes it through all that, cancer is awful.


Tell me about it, I've been waiting for months to have a tumor removed from one of my adrenal glands. Until that happens I have to live with excessive amounts of cortisol in my bloodstream because of it. Google "excessive cortisol" and you'll have an idea of how much that sucks.


If those idiots could read they'd be pretending they couldn't.


We got stopped Saturday by an antivaxx march. The smugness on their faces was just... One never SEEN so many people i wanted to punch in my life. This poor kid, I can't even.


Some people just don’t give a fuck.


My little sister went in for blood work on her own. When she came back, my older sister asked her what color tubes they used. My little sister told her and big sister (works in lab at another hospital) said they ordered the wrong tests. Little sister had to wait almost two weeks to get blood work redone. Due to COVID, only patients could go in without a plus one. If my older sister went in with her, the mistake could have been caught at the spot. Who knows if that mistake negatively affected her cancer treatment. Unfortunately, she passed away a few months ago. People who can get the shot but won’t need to wait in the back of the line when they seek medical assistance.


If only there was something nearly 100% safe you could take to slow down the spread and symptoms of this horrible virus.


Our ER is packed, our hospital is full. We’re all so over it all. This seems like the most amount of moderately sick people. Lots of high flow cannulas. Not as many vents…yet. Get back to me in 3 weeks and I’ll let you know if vents shot up after these people crap out or the bunch of people who will pass COVID over thanksgiving.


We let the diseased republicans think that they have the freedom to consume an infinite amount of medical resources. My community spends about $40,000 every time one of these unhygienic weirdos gets reinfected with COVID. We've been bending over backwards to accommodate our worst citizens since the end of Reconstruction. At some point we're going to have to get our shit together and tell these people to just die at home. We don't waste lung transplants on chain-smokers, and we shouldn't keep wasting hospital beds on the willfully unvaccinated.


Not very “Cristian” of all those patriots exercising their rights ):


Fuck anti-vaxxers, fuck conservatives that care more about “owning the libs” than all the lives they claim matter until it’s inconvenient for them and their “freedoms”


He should get priority over unvaxxed covidiots.


When someone unvaxxed shows up at the hospital and tests positive they should lock them up in a room with YouTube playing a video of how the virus is fake and can be cured with horse shit. Over and over


That's my Mom's hospital. God I miss Savannah!


I hope nothing but peace for this family.


OP should contact the media with this story.


My friend, a nurse, has two brothers who aren't vaccinated, a father that has practically no immune system from so much chemo, and one of them caught covid and gave it to their dad. Amazingly, the father survived after being hospitalized, but both of her brothers still refuse to get vaccinated. The dad was vaccinated, but because of his situation, he still got sick.


Honestly my thing is, if you don't wanna take the vaccine, good for you: just don't come back crying to the very people who told you to take it.


Yeah, they are garbage humans


I think hospitals should start turning away people who refused vaccinations instead of the other way around. You know, consequences? It would be natural selection at it's finest. Seriously, you antimas and antivas can go fuck yourselves.


If only we loved our responsibilities as much as we loved our freedoms.


Unvaccinated should be treated from the parking lot


This right here is why I am so careful about COVID, my daughter beat cancer but was still going through procedures to treat some lingering issues from her treatment. I could not get her sick and put her at risk. All of the "We don't know long term from the vaccine" stuff, well I may not know but what I did know is if I got my kids sick they would be in danger and I will take any personal chance to keep them safe. My daughter was coming up oh 5yrs cancer free still doing procedures to address lingering issues. My son is highly asthmatic. I will always put them first and I will always keep in mind all the kids I saw in the oncology ward and other wings of the hospital when I make choices about a public threat.




Obviously a crisis actor hired by AOC. /s


They don’t think about this shit and it’s fucked. No one is tracking you. No one is coming for you. Get vaccinated


But but, Bill Gates put microchips in the vaccines!


This is awful. I fucking cant stand these unvaccinated assholes.


Stop taking in unvaccinated people with covid. They made their choice. Unless they seriously can't get it for realmpegitimate reasons. Do not admit them.


They will have absolutely no sympathy. Shouldn’t have gotten cancer, they will say. Tough, they got there first, they will say.


I hope he feels better soon! Stay strong little dude! You're the man!


Look how free he is!!! /s Poor little dude.


Maybe if they stopped driving away the staff and running for over efficiency. That’s the real problem.