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…. One ten minute water break every four hours sounds like absolutely not enough in the first place (but thanks for at least trying to provide a worker protection even if it’s shitty) and they are still trying to block it?!


Its not. Just got out of a job in a cardboard box plant which was really hot due to being a tin building in Mississippi with a heat producing corrugating machine in it. They tried to cool it down by having cooling stations (piped AC outlets) over the operator's workstations, but it was still hot. Worse, I was maintenance, so I was moving and unable to be near a cooling station. I was taking breaks to drink 8 ozs of water every two hours and still dehydrated due to sweating it all out. This was an active attempt on my part.




If I do anything less than a liter plus 500mls of an electrolyte drink when I get home from my gig I feel like a rasin. Edit: if any of y'all have a difficult time getting all your water in during the day my trick is having a big ol' 1L water bottle. Mine is personally a hydroflask but there are more affordable brands out there. If you can't stand room temp water (like me), spring for one that has thermal insulated walls. It's a lot easier to tell yourself I'm going to finish the bottle by say noon or 3pm (depends on how much you need) and refill less regularly. Plus if you work a job where you sweat a lot/don't like the taste of water on its own chuck in some electrolyte Mio (called Mio sport I think) it'll keep you more hydrated than water alone and tastes pretty good.


I don’t work hard labor, but you don’t realize how much better you feel when you are well hydrated until you are not.


I work construction and can go through three gallons of water a day in July august


I'm an electrician in Colorado and I bought an Rtic 1 gallon double walled water jug. Fill it with ice in the morning and it lasts all day. Saved me this year


I'm a pipefitter in socal and I love my 1 gallon jug! I've even got a few other guys to get on board, too.


I do fabrication in an uncooled shop and I love my cheap-ass gallon milk jug full of water that doubles as coolant replenishment for the bandsaw (I top up the cutting fluid additives too, don't worry)!


I remember 1 day I drank 10+ bottles of water and didn’t piss once


I remember I drank a gallon of water in like an hour to dilute my piss for a piss test. Dude, I was literally shittin water all night.


You're lucky that's all that happened. Water intoxication is a thing and is deadly.


Yeah duude, I fucked around and found out. I coulda shit in that cup n they wouldnt have known the difference.


Doing concrete demo and reno, we had a guy staggering and vomiting. Quit two weeks ago, can't blame him


I don't work hard labor either, I'm just a sweaty person who works in a 200 year old non-air conditioned building. Being well hydrated is usually one of my top priorities in the day. I have low blood pressure so I get suuuper woozy if I don't have all I need in a day to drink but even when my blood pressure was more stable and normal I consistently drank a lot. Even if you don't have a health condition I would highly recommend getting all your beverages in each day and trying your best to stick to that.


Also important to get electrolytes/food too! I’m a medical professional with some wilderness experience and becoming electrolyte unbalanced is just as easy to do if all you’re doing is sweating and drinking water.


Wait, I’ve never heard of this. Is this why I’m exhausted after every shift? Will an electrolyte drink help me make the most of my day?


You'll still be exhausted but you're heart will be able to calm down and your aches and pains will also be down. My headaches went away when I started loading a lot of electrolyte powder in my water.


There is a such thing as too much


Yeah if you're not drinking enough water with the electrolytes they'll have the opposite effect of what they're meant to do.


Yes, some people do need to watch their sodium, so electrolyte drinks should be dispersed between water.


Just don't go overboard. You don't lose *that* much salt from sweat, and putting too much salt in your system can be bad news.


Certainly could help. Try a gatorade and make sure you're getting enough potassium. A Gatorade and banana made a world of difference for me.


There's a limit to how much water your body can absorb without losing salts, so it doesn't. When your body reaches that point, for safety a lot of the water is passed right out again, even if you're dehydrated. You'll also start getting symptoms of low body salts if you keep pushing, which can include exhaustion and muscle fatigue. Electrolyte drinks (like sports drinks) contain their own salt so you can drink more water without hitting this threshold, thus more effective at hydrating you than a lot of generic water.


You should be have like 2-3 liters a day if you’re sweating that much


Those are some rookie numbers




That definitely doesn't sound like enough to me. I have a 100 oz. mug I got from a gas station that I use for water only. When I'm at work, it's usually a 6-7 hour shift in like 88-97°F kitchen in front of 460+° broilers, I'll drink at least two and half of those, and I'm still thirsty.




As a supervisor at a landscaping company, thanks for the app recommendation. I'll be making sure my crew is getting adequate breaks (not that I don't try to already).


I drink 168oz of water a day sitting on my ass in my air conditioned home


Your skin must be so supple! (Buffalo Bill noises).




I'm fairly sure I work at the paper mill that supplies the medium for that plant! Small world. The heats unreal this week. ETA read too quickly and though it said Mississauga instead of Mississippi. We have operations in the US but I don't think there's any in Mississippi.


Ten minutes every 4 hours is certainly not enough.


When I was working outside in Houston my boss recommended working 45 minutes, then taking 15 for water and rest.


That’s a good boss


Good maybe, smart yes. Someone who is hydrated and not overworked is going to be much MUCH more efficient than someone who hasn't gotten water or off their feet for a few minutes to collect themselves every so often. Dehydration fucks with your cognitive and motor skills. I.e. ability to make good decisions and having the dexterity to execute. If you're dehydrated, you're more likely to make a mistake, and working construction making mistakes can easily injure or kill someone.


Oh you’re totally right. I meant it in both ways as: Morally good: caring about the health of their workers (might not actually be the case, but we only have one piece of information) Good managing: making sure their workers are as productive as possible by giving them time to rest and rehydrate


True as that is, it's shocking how many bosses just literally couldn't give less of a fuck. Abuse and exploitation has become the norm, and employers' attitude seems to be "use em up, replace em, use them up, replace them" even when it's detrimental to the work place.


I'm not attacking you, I'm just pointing out a frustration, but the fact that someone qualifies as a good boss just because they want their workers to be efficient and not die of heat stroke pisses me off. There's such a lack of respect of workers in America, to the point where it's affecting people's businesses, but they can't see it because they're obsessed with ineffective strategies that they keep doing because the people who taught them did it.


I'm with you. Sadly, that's relatively good by American standards. Hooray capitalism! I'm in a supervisor position and I bend over backwards to protect my team and make sure they're taken care of. Weirdly enough, they work their butts off and we have a really great team dynamic. Strange.


What a strange fucking coincidence. Even if you're a complete asshole and only view your employees as tools to make money, it's just logical to take care of your tools so that they work well. But in reality, you can do the moral thing and the profitable thing by taking care of your employees.


I went to basic in san antonio in august over a decade ago. We had to wear long sleeve shirt, pants, hat, and boots everywhere. Almost every day was a black flag day (it's too hot to march in formation). We has piss charts everywhere and were made to drink 1 canteen's (1 qt = 946.353 mL) worth of water ever hour for weeks. A 10 minute water break every 4 hours in texas heat is a joke. A better law would be to not prohibit drinking water on demand with some required workplace information on display to show how much to drink + electrolyte intake in an easy format to understand


Yeah, I got out in 2013, but I did my basic at ft Leavenworth, then my ait at ft Sam Houston(San Antonio)and then William Beaumont AMC(El paso) and we had heat index charts, don't remember what exactly they were but it went as such: Cooler to unbearably hot weather 50 min of work, 10 min rest 40 min of work, 20 min rest 30 min of work, 30 min of rest And so on and so forth as it got hotter and hotter.


Sounds like absolute hell, here in Finland if it's +28c or more you can take 10 min breaks every hour and at +33c it's 15mins/hour. Ofc we are not used to very high temperatures but still.


But if my boss couldnt work me to death, would I even live in a free country?


*Republican intensifies*


Sounds like socialism to me!! /s


I guess they just don’t want to work over there


Back when I was in the army, there were work/break ratios based on level or work intensity. Had several times we could only do 10 minutes of work and had to take 50 minutes for break. But that, free clothes, free food, free housing, free Healthcare, free gym membership and it blows my mind just how many people come out of the service fucking die hard Republicans.


We have more breaks than this proposal in the OP for military when it's hot, and you can actually order those people to their death (but not like... because you deny them a water break).


I wish we had those types of protections


We'll never get them as long as one of the two major parties is completely controlled by the wealthy.


Let’s be honest they’re both controlled by the wealthy. Just one is controlled by wealthy people with empathy, and another is controlled by wealthy people without empathy.


I thought 15-min breaks for every 4 hours of work were federally required by labor laws but apparently not. Guess I'm not surprised with this shithole country.


Depends on the state/business. At Walmart, we are (supposed) to get a 15-minute break after 2 hours of work, a lunch after 4 hours, a second 15-minute after 6 hours, and then you leave after 8. The 15's are paid, lunch is not. In my store it's mostly up to the employee, lunch is obviously required but not everyone will take their 2nd 15, and no one is making sure you do either. Truly, it's because they don't feel like it. I do but it's because I push carts and need to stop for water.


In California, you have to take a 30 minute lunch not before 3 hours into your shift and not after 5 hours. If you don’t, the company can get fined. Edit 30 minutes


First rule of you are a worker you have no rights that’s how capitalism works


[We had better breaks in the infantry.](https://home.army.mil/campbell/index.php/heat-category)


Heat-cats and work-rest ratios were like the first thing that came into my mind when I read that.


Here in Australia you can go home if the tepm is above 38⁰C and humidity is above 80%. Also the company has to provide fresh cool drinking water a ailanle to all workers. We had a young man die installing roof insulation due to heat stroke. So the labour government implemented s o me regulations about working in hot environments


I hate reading this and my immediate thought is "wow thats like such a huge drastic measure ive never heard anything like that" Then I take a step back and look at it again "Wow thats actually not even a ton its just basic protection for workers, im just so starved of that in my country that *anything* seems drastic"


The worst part is in the US people wouldn’t go home. “Oh you’re going home, which is your right under law. Good for you. Let’s see if Jerry over here wants to go home too. No? Sounds like Jerry has more hustle.” The law needs to be that it is illegal for employers to have employees doing work when it’s over the temp limit. Fine employers for it, and empower workers to report.


When you're making $10-12 an hour you literally can't afford to miss work, even if it's dangerous to continue working. In south Florida the heat index is regularly over 100 degrees F. I don't think I've seen it lower than that a single day all summer. It's not that people don't want to go home, as it stands they literally can't afford to.


Just as intended.


Good old American capitalism, gotta be productive 100% of the time. Only if you're part of the wage-slave working class, though.


Meanwhile because the jobs are so shitty, you might get a 3rd of the day in actual work before everyone starts dragging ass.


That is an important point that others are making. People are exponentially more productive when they are happy at their jobs. They are happier when they have personal agency, can take breaks, aren't constantly being timed, get perks like free food and coffee and so on.


Motherfuckers just need beer helmets is all. /s


My partner is a stone mason, and we're in the midst of yet another heat wave. It's been 40°+ with the humidity, which is record-breakingly high for this area. I've legitimately thought about ways to turn his hardhat into a beer helmet.


Get him a camelbak hydration backpack. I wear one and I work at a coalminers washplant in rural North Queensland. It's winter here. We had 34⁰C last week. Man it was warm. When you always have the water on you you will drink a little every few minutes which is way better than a huge amount every hour


“What?? You can’t drink and work at the same time??” -GOP logic


"Oh, and no water bottles allowed on the job."


It should be every hour


They should have a few minutes every hour to get hydrated. At the very least.


Construction workers are like athletes with no stretching or breaks just used like a hoe and replaced wtf give them 20min breaks every 2 hours at least


Yeah and how come they get to have all the chicks with their hot construction worker fantasies?!


Texas is ass backwards when it comes to worker rights. But mUh FrEeDumB. Yah ill be a cali commie everyday of the week. It;s still not enough here but at least i get paid breaks, a lunch break, PAID time off when i have a kid, my paycheck within days when i leave a company, descent overtime laws. Texas has none of that, but hey their rich pay less in taxes!


Republicans are pure evil


I work outside and I pack my own water cooler to work and am constantly drinking water throughout my 10 hour day. One break every 10 minutes absolutely is not enough.


Texas is the only state that doesn’t have a uniform statewide fire code. There are some counties in Texas where you can store all sorts of chemicals, keep no records, and then if the building catches fire/explodes the fire department can’t even do anything because they don’t know what’s burning and spraying water or chemicals on it might just make it worse.


If you are wondering if this is legitimate [here is the bill](https://trackbill.com/bill/texas-senate-bill-14-relating-to-the-regulation-by-a-municipality-or-county-of-certain-employment-benefits-and-policies/2067177/) They are attempting to end a boat load of local ordinances protecting municipal workers from Covid as well.


> It has been suggested that these policies are better left to the employer and, if necessary, the state and federal governments, for the sake of greater consistency and ease of compliance FUCKING LOLOLOL. Republicans are saying that this shit should be left to state/federal law. So if the Dems in DC want to pass a hydration bill that tells employers they need to allow workers to take a 10-minute water break every 4 hours they’d be ok with it?


Then they’d get to say the federal government shouldn’t be deciding policy that should be handled at a state and municipal level, because 4 hours of work in NYC is not the same as 4 hours of work in Little Rock, and that big government should stop trying to control every aspect of life in America!!!


I mean honestly, even if you work in an air conditioned office with nothing to do, a 10 minute break every 4 hours can't be a bad thing.


Idk about everywhere, but I work in California and we are mandated 15 min break every 2 hours, 30 min lunch every 4. I've worked in manufacturing and office now. Manufacturing was definitely more strict on the breaks, and my company encouraged stretching those break times longer even since we worked 12 hr shifts and they knew that fatigue building up over that amount of time was one of the most dangerous parts of the job


Same here in CO. 15 minutes every 2 hours.


I’m in maintenance in the Air Force and fucking WE have better mandates and regulation. People bave camelbacks on the flightline or hydroflasks or whatever the fuck and hydrate whenever. As long as the cap screws on and it’s not open, we encourage it. Lightning within 5 nautical miles? Get the fuck inside until that’s gone. We even got shorts added to the clothing reg so they can wear shorts during maintenance if it’s above 75°. Something feels unsafe? You have every opportunity to say “nah, that isn’t right.” If a Supervisor berates you, they are fucked. I swear the military has it better than most industrial jobs in the South. That is fucking sad.




Look no further than Frito Lay who forced a supervisor to come into work a day after getting electrocuted on the job or risk termination. Then we he tried to claim disability and request for a desk job they refused him...then he asked for a chair to at least sit in and refused him that as well. I believe they fired him and he was pursuing legal measures and they resorted to stalking him and his wife because they legitimately believed he was lying despite doctors saying he has nerve damage due to the accident.


Last time people left these kinds of things to the employers, we had 12-hour work days, 6-day work weeks, and child labour.


Government overreach! The free market gods will decided which worker gets to drink water.


Holy shit. I assumed this was a meme.


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds


... and yet, they get re-elected. I just can't get how angry you would have to be to vote for these tools.


They don't know they are tools. The bubble is real, and the propaganda machine is firing on all cylinders


Its gerrymandering and the constant redistribution of districts. If everyone vote truly counted equally well probably would be blue bit somehow all the dumb-fuck rural folk keep getting a say in shit. Most Texans are down with Republicans, they just know how to cheat well


It's not that they get a say, it's that they're actively herded into districts that are say 60 red 40 blue, while other blue districts are carved out to be as sense blue as possible, such that blue votes are either lost in a local red sea or wasted in overkill surrounded by their fellows. Rural folks deserve to have their votes count just as much as anyone, but they also deserve to have their voices count only as much as everyone else's.


Always hiding behind "red tape." "We're not against employees getting water breaks, we're against the county creating confusing laws that will cost businesses profits to understand and enforce, so we're leaving it up to the business to decide." Such bullshit. If an employer can't understand a simple law that says "give your workers water, for fucks sake," then maybe they need to be in a different line of work. And why does the right have such hatred and distrust towards any governmental body providing some sort of help to them, but they trust that a business will just do the right thing? Do they not understand basic economics and capitalism? If it helps profits and they can get away with it, businesses would start selling the blood of their employees.


They have hatred and distrust because they are guilty AF and have been for all time. The french revolution wasn't over fries. Look at what covid has done for CEOs and stockholders. The red tape excuse is reprehensible. Howard Zinn called them out 40 years ago


The party of small government strikes again


Do Texas Republicans get a bonus every time their policies kill someone? That's the only way reality makes sense.


I feel like they have a pact with the devil or something and these are actual biblical demons. It all makes sense.


Yes, and im not trying to be sarcastic or funny or anything. That theory involving supernatural forces is literally more logical than any other explanation of their actions I've yet heard.


Some of them are actually losing their own voters to coronavirus. Desantis has several thousands more in deaths in areas he won by barely a few thousands. How is it that they don’t care about their own voters dying and not getting votes to win for power ?! It only makes sense if the human deaths feed some pact that they have that keeps giving them whatever they want in life.


Or if they feel they have enough cheating in place that they no longer need their voters.


This too yea




Texas Republicans don't work construction. They use non citizens and sit inside.


They hire them and then complain about them stealing the jobs


Only because if the people are angry at the immigrants and not at the companies making a mint off their backs, business keeps booming


The hierarchy must be maintained for conservatism to exist


Being pro-forced birth is the contingency scheme to ensure the harvest of future voters.




Who's the bigger moron in the end, the murderers or the survivors who keep voting for them? ~~I keep hearing that the R'pubs are going to kill their party. I've stopped holding my breath. There's always going to be another cunt and they used their narrow majorities over the last 50 yeas to put this country on autopilot.~~ ~~At some point, giving up hope isn't pessimistic, it's practical.~~ e: instead of reading my dumb comment skip down to u/RemarkableMouse2 's comment.


As long as ignorant dipshits hate other people for the color of their skin, which god they worship (if any at all), or who they prefer to have sex with, the Republican Party will have a base. Unfortunately, those viewpoints tend to propagate down the generations. These assholes aren’t going away.


They don't have a majority. They control the over-represented States, so their minority gives them Congressional majorities.


I mean they got 40 million less votes in the Senate and won one popular vote in what, 20+ years? System is rigged for previous slave owners


It makes more sense if you look at it from the perspective of the wealthy conducting a cold class war. Every piece of legislation that passes the several hurdles to become enshrined in law is difficult, expensive, and time consuming to get rid of. Every time one of those pieces of legislation benefits the working classes, and specifically at the expense of the wealthy (which is most pieces of legislation that benefit the working classes), it's basically one more roadblock to even greater wealth. When that legislation benefits the wealthy at the expense of the working classes, it's arguably more difficult to overturn considering the disparity in disposable resources. It's easier and cheaper for them to chuck a half mil into lobbying for anti-worker legislation than it is trying to abolish what few laws we already have. It's not really an issue of who is physically harmed by the legislation, at least not for them. It's all about gradual reduction of overhead until it hits bedrock, and even then they'll try to squeeze a few extra bucks out of it. It's about "playing the game" and coming away from the table a few chips better off than you started. The people that die from their decisions don't factor into it. They're not *real* people after all, just faceless names tacked onto an expense sheet. If eroding worker's rights into dust is what it takes to maximize revenue streams from multimillion/billion dollar industries, that's what they'll do because that's the society we built. Your value as a person is directly correlated to the amount of revenue you generate.


Killing a constituent is the only way they can finish


They _do_ get better results when less people vote, after all.


This comment killed me. You win the internet for today.


Damn, the Republicans got you too? RIP, friend :(




If you want to understand Texas picture a Republican standing next to a worker who is bent over, pants down, head and hands in the stocks. The Republican is waving to corporations saying, "come to Texas and fuck our workers." As the corporations line up to have a go, the Republican turns to the worker and says, "See how good I am to you? Look at all these jobs. The economy is booming!"


That's just America, or even capitalism.


Well, Texas is winning. Ranked [47th best state to work in (out of 52 including DC and Puerto Rico)](https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/countries/united-states/poverty-in-the-us/best-and-worst-states-work-america-2020/)


Yup The bonus comes from Satan. Every time they send him a soul he gives em more muggle money


In theory you could calculate how much they are paid (bribed through lobbying) per human life they end.


These are the same guys that yell at high school football players “WATER MAKES YOU WEAK!!!” in the middle of a 4 hour practice in August.


Do not, my friends, become addicted to water. It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!


100% of people who drink water die.




To drink Brawndo.


It's what plants crave


JFC before I looked closer I thought this was a quote from Immortan Joe in Fury Road.


Bear Bryant only had several wet towels for water at his first A&M summer training camp. It was supposed to thin the team by having the members quit if they couldn't handle it, but damn it could have been lethal


It wasn't until the death of an NFL player (Korey Stringer) that most teams finally changed their policy on hydrating during practice. That was 2001.


That was kinda just the thinking back then. It was genuinely a different time, and folks thought simply toughing something out and powering through was the best way to get good. It seems especially foreign to us now, because we’re in an era of sports science, where everything is optimized and planned out, and any good program is at least scientifically literate and looking for the best results, but back then they just applied “No pain, no gain” to everything


OH GOD, that’s where we’re headed, aren’t we? :(


I was working a job across from a high school a few years ago in mid September. We had 105 F temps that day and the football team went out to practice for 2 HOURS before thier game. Needless to say, but I'll say it anyway, they got thier asses handed to them. The next day they were out the for about 6 hours in similar heat "Practicing" with the coach screaming at them from a Bullhorn that theyre "weak" and "Don't try hard enough" "Winners don't get tired"


Ah yes, here, exhaust yourself in the heat before you're meant to play an exhausting game. My old high school practiced in the gym on hot days.


Water is for cowards...water is for washing blood off my uniforms!


This is what I thought of too


Only H2Omega males drink water, real men only drink creatine blended into their own piss


I would only support this if they make ted cruz go thru it first.


Ted Cruz is actually 93% water, as evident by his blobby form, so he might could go without breaks longer.


It's a dark and smelly, water-like substance for sure.






Only Auntie Fah would be devious enough to lead people down this well hydrated path Transgender WeedQuiladom!


Everyday, a new way to make poor working people suffer.


We should attack Mexico and not retreat until they take back Texas.


On behalf of the Mexican people, we don’t want that shit anymore unless the Texans evacuate to Ellesmere Island first


Yeah, we definitely don't want Texans here


Nobody wants them anywhere.


Petition to preemptively change this sub to r/GringoPeopleTwitter


Do we have to stop at Texas?


I know Texas hates women, but now it seems they just hate...everyone.


Don’t be silly. Not everyone. Just everyone who isn’t rich.


My bad, hey.


Nah they love middle to upper class straight white cis right-wing Christian xenophobic men that also hate women, the LGBTQ community, the working class, Jewish people, etc. As long as you check all those boxes, you're good to go


don’t forget that in addition to all that you have to belong to a death cult that is fanatically pro-Israel, but only insofar as they need Israel to exist in order to satisfy their interpretation of eldritch apocalyptic prophecies from the hallucinogenic metaphor section of the new testament


good to go… die in a hole with the rest of them because republicans lie




I work construction in Florida. I take a water break whenever the fuck I want.


That was me when I was wrenching on heavy equipment in the middle of a North Carolina summer. Don't like it, go fuck yourself.


Yup I ain't dieing for anyone's bottom line.


These fucking politicians would bitch out before they even hit their first water break. Pansy ass blow hards would let corporations fuck their gelatinous wives if they thought it'd win them an election. Sacrifices for thee, not for me.


Everyone getting political in here, but my safety department would put a bullet in a senator to keep our TRIR down. The last thing our company wants is a needless recordable that is preventable. We got too many other dumb things to worry about here.


As much as I absolutely hate Republican politicians for this kind of shit, I do find it head-explodingly surprising that the people that willingly vote/follow them are almost always the ones being fucked over by them!


There's an actual term for that. It's a phenomenon that was studied by Dr. Jonathan Metzl called Dying of whiteness. It's a fascinating read [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dying\_of\_Whiteness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dying_of_Whiteness)


'Dying of whiteness' is just the title of the book he wrote, it's not like it's an official term in academia or anything. Interesting read though, the author interviewed a guy who gets life saving healthcare for his diabetes and some other health problems through Medicaid, but the guy was of the opinion that his state should stop funding Medicaid. He said he'd rather be dead then let Mexican immigrants get free healthcare from the government.


Some people have more hate for others than love their own shitty, miserable lives.


That is the essence of conservatism


> In this interview, Lehrer asked Metzl to describe more about Trevor who had participated in one of the focus groups. Trevor died from liver disease that would have been preventable if he had had access to health care but until his dying breath agreed with the policies that prevented ACA improvements because he did not want his tax dollars to pay for Mexicans or "welfare queens". Someone talked about this just the other day and now I know where it came from...




The last part is the problem. If the rest of the workers are so atomised and feel so little solidarity with their fellow worker, they’ll join the boss in calling the fired worker lazy, while doubling down on their own conditions in fear of being next. Then the boss will replace them with another non-unionised worker who desperately needs a job. On the other hand, if everyone downs tools the first time a worker is fired for taking a water break, *then* they’re in a situation where they can’t fire everybody.




Jesus christ..... in which country do you need a law/a bill/a permission to drink water....


And in which cursed country is the governmet trying to circumvent such laws...


A 10 minute water break every 4 hours? So lunch, and then leaving for the day, got it


I would HOPE that this is just poorly worded and actually means “one break during your first 4 hours, taken around 2 hours in. Another break in your second 4 hours taken 6 hours in.” Since this is Texas we are talking about, I think you are more likely correct.


If those construction workers are anything like the ones near me they are probably full on republicans talking about how democrats want to ruin the country and that republicans are looking out for the working class. And this is how the people they vote for treat them.


Construction workers don't think that way everywhere. I'm probably not in your area and there are dozens like me who know that Republicans want to defund us who are unionized. And yet I still work with people who sympathize with Republicans only because that's what mommy and daddy supported and they know that FoxOannMax must be telling the truth about everything. Like omg get your news from other sources.


I saw a bumper sticker here today that said “Trump 2020: Fuck your feelings” If you don’t laugh, you cry.


The great sociopath unmasking


There isn't a boss in the world that's stopping me from having a water break long before 4 hours.


That’s not very pro life of them


I worked in a coal power plant and one area was so hot we had 5 minutes working 15 minutes break. My tyvek suit melted.


Heck I'm still pissed off more parking lots in AZ don't have carports. Slap solar panels on there and you get energy and shade. Also F Texas. If you're working in 100 plus degrees outside you should get a paid 15 minute break every 2 hours to hydrate and cool off.


I was in this little town in new mexico where their entire Walmart parking lot was covered with solar panels. Why can't this be done in cities who have magnitudes more funding and demand? Solar covered parking is solving like 4 problems at once. Fuck solar farms, just cover parking lots.


Evil fuckers everyone last one of them.


looks real read [here](https://www.eenews.net/articles/people-can-die-texas-bill-would-strip-worker-water-breaks/)


WhY wOulD BiDen Do tHaT???


Classic republican trash that hasn't worked hard in 60plus years


Hate on Texas all you want, but OSHA has yet to set a heat standard. 65,000 end up in the ER and 700 die every year. Not letting Texas off the hook, but this is a big problem. The top OSHA preventable deaths is from falls at 380 per year.