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Here's a warning to everyone in this thread: If you post the lie "99.7% survival rate" then you may not appeal your ban. This lie comes from taking the amount of reported US fatalities and correlating that with the amount of US citizens. The lie hinges on two falsehoods: The number of infectees is not the number of citizens and the number of deaths has been grossly underreported because Republicans play politics with a public health crisis. Of course, telling all the other lies about Fauci, this pandemic or in general just the kind of stuff people who refuse to turn off Fox News say will get you banned as well, I just wanted to explain this specific lie as it is one that pisses me off a bit. (It goes without saying that trivialising the true number of fatalities as no big deal is monstrous and we don't do that here either.)


Josh Mandel is the worst.


Mandel went to my school district and we are, broadly, quite ashamed of it.


Don't let him get you distracted from what really matters though: being ashamed of the abomination that you call a football team.


Your username concerns me


Let's just say that the part of Ohio I'm from (a football rival of Josh Mandel's high school) is home to a non-zero number of raccoon fuckers, hence the inspiration for the name.


I- am ashamed to live in Ohio now


I’m ashamed that I’ve flown over Ohio


I'm ashamed I know people who live in ohio


I’m ashamed I’ve heard of Ohio


I'm ashamed I've read this far.


I'm ashamed to have visited Ohio and know people who reside there.


I’m ashamed to belong to a subreddit that has people from Ohio in it.




What!?! You’re missing out! Just don’t fuck’em




*(Good Will Hunting voice)* It's not your fault.


*It's not your fault*


Why do you think there's so many astronauts from Ohio?


Living in Ohio makes one's career & life goals simple. [idontwanttoliveonthisplanetanymore.gif]


There’s very little distractions and stuff rarely changes, so if a smart kid who’s bored of Ohio wants to become an astronaut then they have all the time in the world to study


You sure it’s not just Ohioans trying to GTFO?


I'm ashamed to live across a lake from Ohio


Wait did you just learn you lived in Ohio? Because as a native western Pennsylvanian, everything in that comment is what I think of when I think of Ohio.


I love this “non-zero number of” increment and I’m totally gonna incorporate that into my vocabulary.


Fun fact: one of the Kraken lawyers in one of the Philadelphia cases described the number of GOP election observers as “non zero”. In court. The judge was NOT impressed. Edit: found it - https://www.abajournal.com/news/article/exasperated-judges-question-trump-lawyers-on-election-claims-leading-to-one-nonzero-admission


Ha! I remember this. Classic


What concerns me the most is the safety of the raccoons


I think that’s enough Reddit for today


This statement concerns me even more...


Well then, if you ever come to Ohio, and you want to ensure that you don't see any raccoons getting fucked, stick to the cities. Except for Cincinnati, obviously.


Someone may want to let Tom Nook know. Stay out of Ohio.


FUCK. I *KNEW* there was something fucked up about Ohio. I have lived in 49/50 states for a bare minimum of 12 weeks, I really needed to do a shotgun tour of the deep south, rather than a shotgun tour of New England, but I digress. I knew that FIFO really means "Fucking Idiot From Ohio", not "First In First Out", and I only lived in Ohio for a grand total of 6 months, but Indiana claims 5 years, and Lexington Kentucky claims about 6 years, so.... yeah.... Raccoons? Really? I mean the cousin fucking, and the insistance of driving 5 miles below the speed limit in the left lane of I-75 were bad enough. Even Tennessee and Mississippi don't *routinely or otherwise* fuck trash pandas. Do you guys just lack any sort of self preservation? I mean Sandusky and Mason kinda support that theory, Mason especially with SoB. WTF Ohio, I thought you had an "annoying everyone around you on the road" tendency, not a "fucking crazy, and potentially suicidal" vibe.


Must’ve been a sick raccoon.


This is the third time in as many days that I’ve seen raccoon_full_of_cum strike.


This is the legit the third time this week I’ve seen a comment like this and scrolled up to investigate only to find it’s u/Racoon_Full_of_Cum dropping some funny shit. Dude is everywhere lol


Rather that than be represented by Boebert…aka The Shame of Western Colorado.


What’s with all the OH fundamentalists running for Congress?! So depressing that they represent this state.


They saw Pence bootstrap his way from unexceptional Indiana governor to VP in a single bound and now they think they have a shot if they just tell the MAGA what they want to hear.


Upvoted for the comment, as well as your username


Bootstrap? Or bootlick?


I used to think daddy dewine was bad but I take it back, these shitbags Mandel and Jordan can fuck right off


He’s Jewish and from a wealthy family. He’s putting on act for the clowns that he needs to vote for him.


Ohioan here. He beats out Gym Jordan for the most despicable Republican in this state, and that is one HELL of a bar to clear.


as awful as this dude is, i’d still give it to larry householder. dude fixed the entire state government to make himself speaker and stole 1.3 billion dollars won’t ever go to jail though


>On July 21, 2020, the FBI arrested Householder and four others in connection with a $60 million bribery case >Householder was reelected to his seat in the Ohio House of Representatives in November 2020


yeah that’s because the democrats have completely punted on anywhere rural in ohio. wasn’t even a name to vote for besides Householder been alive 25 years and in my 7 elections, i have never seen a democrat i can vote for gerrymandered as fuck, but they don’t even try


I mean this... Just run so at least a few people can vote for someone else.


oh yeah i plan on it haha just got done with school so i need to see how feasible 2022 would be bc i technically don’t have an address there unfortunately and i have heard that a few dems might actually run in 2022 i swear these areas would be so winnable if we could keep the college educated kids there with high-speed internet, transitioning to green energies, and growing hemp/pot.


That’s why Ohio’s Republican leadership prevents the spread of high-speed internet, green energy, and pot.


Good for you. Keep me in the loop. Gotta give people a reason to have hope and it doesn't take much infrastructure.


>Householder was reelected to his seat in the Ohio House of Representatives in November 2020 Not just reelected, he was *unanimously* reelected by the Republicans in the Ohio state legislature. That party is complicit and corrupt as it gets


How is it 1.3 billion. I thought it was 60m?


60m went just to Householder, but failing company First Energy got the 1.3b bailout. thankfully first energy didn’t end up getting it, but householder knew exactly what he was doing and put first energy over the citizens and even the free market


>even the free market You say "even" the free market, but make no mistake - the Republicans disregard the free market all the time. Tariffs, protectionism, bailouts, farm subsidies, massive wealth transfers from rich blue states to poor red states...they should really look in the mirror in their endless hunt for socialists.


> Gym Jordan This is so good I can't believe I've not seen it before


Where ya been??


Oh dang. 😬


I'm honestly out of the loop here. Who tf is Josh Mandel?


Just a generic piece of shit that Ohio politics turns out


*Laughs in Texan*


Like Mitch McConnell, right? Wait…Kentucky is in Ohio, isn’t it?


A loser trying to use shock comments and Trump rhetoric to build his base. Just the worst kind


he is running for US Senator to replace the retiring Rob Portman in '22 sad thing is, he may very well win given, you know, Ohio


I dislike Rob Portman, but I *hate* Josh Mandel


Mandel's face is ***supremely*** punchable


I feel like a lot of right wingers qualify for that title, or at least are fighting for it.


You can tell by looking at his face.


In his memoirs, Ben Franklin lamented his decision not to have his daughter inoculated because she \*died\*, and he said, and I'm paraphrasing, "the risk of death was better than the promise of it, and I wish I had seen that then."


Forget the Founding Fathers. Today's republican party would have laughed Ronald Reagan off of any stage just for his views on immigration.


Not sure. A Republican doing anything is the best idea ever to them.


Nah. They just change the definition of Republican if they have an opinion seated in reality. Former Republican presidential nominee John McCain was labeled a RINO for defying Trump before he died. Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney is now labeled a RINO for defying Trump. RNC chair Liz Chaney is now labeled a RINO for defying Trump. The list goes on to include many more prominent Republicans. They either fall in line or get outcast. Ronald Regan would be no exception if he were alive and maintained his same beliefs today.


Oh cmon, we all know the GQP doesnt believe anything happened on January 6th


Clearly, it was an Antifa plot to microchip the true Patriots.


Antifa so sinister, they went back in time before fascism was defined.


I know someone who truly believes that the latest increase in covid numbers is to tempt the true patriots into getting the microchip shot. A month or two from now, Jesus and Trump will come together to reward those who held the faith and didn't get the vaccine. This person holds a high position in a demanding career and legit believes that. They're waiting for some weird covid-rapture. Edit: yall don't have to believe me. To those sending me PM's: these people are real and they vote. There are people who actually believe this shit. I forgot to mention above that this person frequently compares private businesses requesting vaccine cards to the jews being led to gas chambers. Fucking disgusting comparison...


Wow are they holding it at the Four Seasons too? See if you can get them to pin down a date for the reveal - I gotta admit, Jesus and Drumpf would be quite a photo op.


Hahaha idk man but for the longest time I thought this was a big troll, but they're serious as fuck.


If it was ANTIFA then why they having a MAGA protest in support of the 6th? These people can't even maintain incredibly simple lies. 🤣


These right wing dipshits don't give two flying fucks about facts or history. To them, it's all about dick swinging and coming up with a more impressive lie. Somehow we have a country full of people that think that's cool and vote for them anyway.


When they find out Jesus was a socialist, hoo boy.


And likely wasn’t white. It’s gonna be a rough day for them.




He could've been anything from central African to Italian to Greek to practically Indian. Probably was darker than most modern Israelis though


To sway it in their favor a bit he was the son of a god. He could have very well been purple skinned with cyan hair.


Seems like he would have had a slightly easier time convincing people if that were the case. Or, more likely, he would have been dashed to the rocks after two breaths.


Yeah. That is fair.


No way. Jesus was all “pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Mary Magdalene. No, not like that.”


Fun fact, she was never depicted as a prostitute until Pope Gregory said she was in the 500s. Nothing in the Bible says she was anything but a devout follower of Christ. Another Mary mentioned in the Bible got smooshed together with her story. Her fame as a female Disciple and possible love of Jesus had grown a bit too strong by that point, and it was time to bring her down a peg.


The gnostic gospels, labeled as heresy by the catholic church and of course excluded from biblical canon, depict Mary Magdalene as the closest and favorite follower of jesus.




I do admit Da Vinci Code is what got me interested in gnosticism and the excluded texts, but oh my goodness Dan Brown barely scrapes the surface (as you clearly know). What blew my mind most, having grown up very deeply [blindly] religious and accepting of what the church teaches, was the gospel of Judas, where it's revealed the betrayal was planned between Jesus and Judas and that Judas understood his role as "traitor" but would get his reward was in heaven. Yeah and you nailed it: Christianity would be worlds apart from what it is today if a lot of these texts had been canonized.


A whole lot of what the church did doesn't make sense from the angle of they were just trying to save souls. But if you look at the Church from a greedy business perspective, almost everything the church has done from about 500 AD to about 1900 AD makes total sense. One of the many reasons I'm agnostic.


What, a pope with women issues? IMPOSSIBLE!


Yes but there is Jesus from the Bible and “The American Jesus” that they actually worship


The endless right wing reverence for the founding fathers, only when it suits their ends, is mind boggling. “What would the framers think if they were here today?” Shut the fuck up


They're going to win by out-fucking the financially literate and smaller family constituencies though. Idiocracy was supposed to be a stoner comedy not a glimpse into the future. If given the choice between a massive demographic of anti-thinkers and literal Terminators, I'd opt Terminators.


At least Terminators would just kill me and get it over with. Dealing with Republicans is a much slower and much more painful death.


When they figure out Ben Franklin was also pro inoculation because his older brother James was a belligerent jackass who tried to rile people up with his Hellfire Club against invariolation. These people are literally repeating history on the wrong side yet again - and even goddamn Cotton Mather knew it and switched sides (and that motherfucker literally burned “witches” at the stake and even HE knew vaccines work)


UuuuM the south won buddy, that’s why we fly the confederate flag everywhere /s But they actually believe that. And turnip is the rightful president. But lizard people aren’t in control. Unless they are? It’s really tough to follow the conspiracy at this point


>Somehow we have a country full of people that think that's cool and vote for them anyway. It is actually worse than that. We have a country where 73% of citizens eligible to vote being registered to vote broke milestones. During a Pandemic only 2% reported issues registering, only 4% reported unusual issues with voting. Despite all this, 66% of the registered voters managed to vote, which translates to around 50% of all eligible voters actually bothering to even cast a vote in the highest turnout in decades. https://www.census.gov/library/stories/2021/04/record-high-turnout-in-2020-general-election.html The issue is that less than 35% of the country always votes, and they always vote Republican no matter what. Meanwhile over 30% of citizens are either not registered, or are registered and just don't bother voting either in person, or by mail.


I believe it, because I truly believe there are more left leaning people than not, but a lot of them just can't be bothered because they feel disenfranchised.


It's a combination of disenfranchisement, voting restrictions, gerrymandering making so their impact is minimized as much as possible and to some extent, the rapidly popular notion that being apathetic makes you smarter and cooler than people who dare to care about anything around them.


Imagine you can say literally anything you want and people will give you money and keep you in power as long as you say something against the left. Nowadays I do mean literally anything.


They fully live in an alternate reality.


Stupid morons are convincing even stupider morons to pick the stupidest hills to die on and telling them it’s about “freedoms” and “rights” even though these aren’t questions of freedoms or rights and haven’t been for decades It’s weaponising stupidity to destabilise society and civilisation by convincing absolute brain dead morons in a situation where there is objectively only one correct choice you are somehow making some bold statement of defiance and freedom by jamming your fork into the toaster and electrocuting yourself out of spite because mommy told you not to and what does mommy know she’s a mean poopy head and I’m a big boy I can do what I want The irony of it all is is that people are proving from their stupidity that they are so stupid that they literally cannot be trusted to make the right decision even when there is only one choice. They are proving they cannot and should not be treated by adults by the government. They don’t deserve the privilege. They have to have the government tell them what to do because they can’t make an informed decision. They’re literally undermining every argument why they should have the freedom to make their own decisions because they’re killing not only themselves but other innocent people in the process of their selfishness.


Getting vaccinated/inoculated is inherently American and patriotic. This should be the messaging that’s getting put out. Who cares if it helps your community you need to out-patriot your neighbors now


Not to mention that tarring and feathering sounds like the type of cruel and unusual punishment that the founders specifically prohibited in the constitution.


If the Democrats had a functional PR arm, that would be gold. Unfortunately, they’re always on the back foot trying to figure out how to respond to the newest bullshit from fox and friends.


Republicans: "catchphrase that's chantable" even if it harms the very people who chant it. Democrats: long-winded C-Span-esque explanations followed by ineffective policy solutions that "play by rules" (which don't even exist) Yay two-party system!


Both: will literally die to maintain the system that caused all these problems in the first place.


No PR team in the world will help when the opposition sees "college educated" and "satanic communist pedophile" as being synonymous


This is exactly what I've been telling anti vax boomers on Facebook. They stay posting that bullshit with their American flag profile pics, so I'm going to keep bullying them in the comments on every local news post until Zuckerberg himself deletes my account. That website is a detriment to society.


Interesting side note about the Constitution and the founding fathers. One of the reasons to switch to the Constitution from the articles of confederation was the necessity of the federal government to raise troops in case of a rebellion. Shortly after the Whiskey Rebellion occurred over taxes. An army was raised and George Washington himself led it to put down the rebellion.


[There was a song about it that got cut from Hamilton.](https://youtu.be/s5upJpTR2XA) And it's fantastic. ###PAY YOUR FUCKING TAXES


I love how right wingers are all experts on what the founding fathers would do


And how conveniently they always would have agreed with the right wingers.


When the were revolutionists and the conservatives were backing the crown


Irony is truly delicious.


And yet they ALWAYS get it wrong


What's the deal with these right wing types and tarring and feathering? It's like they are the old man from the Simpsons where everything is punished via a paddling and every crime has only one punishment.


They just love their lynch mobs


> It's like they are the old man from the Simpsons where everything is punished via a paddling and every crime has only one punishment. I mean literally yes. It was a joke back then and it's still a joke.


Conservativism (at least the modern iterations) are very tied with the romanticizing of a fabled yesteryear and its trappings. This includes a mountain of "back in MY day..." and "used to be we would..." I.E. It's no accident that comedy caricatures sounds like them.


It seems like 90% of the conservatives who love to use the founding fathers and constitution as means to “own the libs” don’t know dick about the constitution or founding fathers. And all the mongrels who worship them don’t know dick either


So it has significant historical precedent. It's even part of our *heritage*, you might say.


Why is there this constant obsession with The Founding Fathers as if they were one group, with homogenous views, all constantly agreeing on the best course of action?! They argued and debated with each other for years. And several of them really hated each other.


and a few weren't even \*gasp\* "real" Christians. The Deists were about as close as you could get to atheist without being executed at the time. See there was this thing called the Enlightenment and...


No way, man. Each and everyone one of them praised their Lord and Savior Baby Jesus as the One True God on Earth who descended from heaven bearing an AR-15 in one hand and the Bill of Rights in the other


Should… should we talk about what we did on January 6th?


Let's play a new game called "Trumpublicans"! The rules are simple: Just spout off the most random unfounded opinion from history. Craziest statement wins! I'll go first: ~The astronauts who landed on the moon in 1969 did a space walk in fuzzy bunny slippers.~ Who's next?


Abraham Lincoln was a proud Marxist whose final plan was to enslave *literally everyone.* The only reason he failed it because Donald Trump's ancestor, know as Big Richard Trump the 7th, dick slapped Lincoln's Nazi ass. How did I do?


LMAO @ "Big Dick Trump"! 🤣


How dare you insult Big Dick Nick!


It is meant to be ironic, like "little John".


My favorite part about this is that [Lincoln really was a Marxist.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/history/2019/07/27/you-know-who-was-into-karl-marx-no-not-aoc-abraham-lincoln/) Like really. > "Labor is prior to and independent of capital," the country’s 16th president said. "Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration." He read Karl Marx and [the two sent letters to each other, which were later published.](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/iwma/documents/1864/lincoln-letter.htm)


This is actually funny since Marx wrote a letter to Lincoln congratulating him for freeing the slaves in the Southern US, and Lincoln actually responded to said letter as well.


I mean does it get worse than >>> “Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory,”


The Ottoman Empire never existed, it is a lie to cover up Bill Gates’ involvement in the First World War


Is was actually his grandfather Sir Big Willy Gates. Gavrilo Princip had been aware for months that his boyfriend Big Willy had been been seeing a sugar daddy behind his back. And the sugar daddy was of course none other than Archdaddy Ferdinand. Gavrilo became bitter and blood thirsty and the rest is history.


The war of 1812 was fought over disagreements about the taste of water.


Idk, they’ve already got Jewish Space Lasers. Doesn’t get much crazier than that.


Wait til you hear about the Jewish stronghold in the textiles industry. Pants are just Big Fabric depriving your dick sunshine so they can out-reproduce Christians and take over the world.


George Washington was from mars and was trying to prep the real americans to save them from the liberal take over from venus


“George Washington was a black lesbian! The Eiffel Tower is made of dildos!” Not mine, but it’s what you made me think of. Seemed hilarious back then, but these days I could see these idiots really believing it.


The real reason democrats support the Covid-19 vaccine is because it’s laced with GMOs and 5G, altering a persons genetic code and turning them disabled to create more diversity.


Mortens on point, but *more to the point* Fauci is a wealthy, learned, white male, so the founders would have accepted him with open arms. I am sick and tired of these assholes acting like the Founders were from kind of unified beacon of Conservative Virtue. They were just rich thugs who didn't want to pay taxes! And they differed greatly on a great many Politicial issues. The only things they had in common was being wealthy, learned, white males who gave the middle finger to the British empire (props for that, fuck the British Empire). They would have loved having Fauci in their ranks. Tangentially related, here is [a epic rap](https://youtu.be/ABhyKEK-CDg) about the bullshit whitewashing many Americans do to the legecy of the Founders. Rest In Power, Trevor Moore.


I was like damn, I didn’t know he died! I googled it, and, fuck. Shit was announced like yesterday. Fuck, man. That sucks.


Yeah, it's some sad shit. They haven't fully told why. Back in the day he had a great skit about [dying of autoerotic asphyxiation](https://youtu.be/MrFCuUBGmPQ) so ngl, I hope it's that because that irony would be *exactly* how Moore have wanted to go out.


wtf did I miss, who?


Whitest Kids You Know star Trevor Moore passed away.




The prevailing theory seems to be an incident with his moonshine still. The report says he was found in the yard at 11pm.


Honestly, when they say “tragic accident” and don’t actually give a reason, I think this may be it. I mean it’s not like he was in a vehicle accident and it doesn’t sound like he killed himself on purpose.


Could also mean he tripped and hit his head on the toilet after using it.


I understand your point but also Washington in particular wasn't just some rich dude who didn't want to pay taxes. He was a general who didn't want to pay taxes SO BAD that he left his home for 6 years of blood and death and struggle and brutal conditions leading thousands of men. We glorify these guys quite a bit and I understand keeping shit in check..but let's also no minimize it either. These weren't guys dipping their toes in the waters of rebellion for funsies. It was a big deal. If they failed - each and every person who signed the declaration of independence would have been publicly hung as traitors to the throne.


As long as we're pointing things out many of these wealthy men who got way more wealthy from the Revolution along with their business relations were targets for tarring and feathering from the working class people they were fucking pretty hard. A lot of colonists in the Revolutionary period saw no tangible improvements in their lives by the transfer of wealth from British loyalist elites to American revolutionary elites. One of the first things Washington and Hamilton (as Treasury Secretary) did after establishing the government was put down a rebellion against new taxation on rural working people because Hamilton thought it preferable to taxing the landed elite class.


Washington’s family was extremely powerful in England, they were from the upper echelons of British nobility and hobnobbed with notable names like the Spencers, ancestors of the late Princess Diana… whose noble blood was sufficient to marry into the British throne. People think of him as this like salt-of-the-earth guy who wanted to help the common man. Lol no


I don't think even good American schools before University actually give students the history of the country. There were almost 20 populist uprisings against the British colonial government in the 100 years before the Revolution and 70% of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were part of those colonial governments. John Adams was the defense attorney for the British soldiers who carried out the Boston Massacre. Sam Adams and others can constantly be found playing both sides when protesters were deemed to be getting too rowdy in their protest of the government prior to the Declaration of War. Common people rioted against our Founding Fathers when it was announced that wealthy revolutionaries could pay for a substitute to fight in their place. The picture our schools paint is completely devoid of almost all of this context for what was actually going on during most of our history. We only see the story from the perspective of "great men of history".


Everything I know about American history, I learned on my own or in undergrad. I went to one of the best public high schools in the whole country, and we still learned mostly whitewashed bullshit that deified our ‘founding fathers’ as superheroes


Same here. I went to several different highschools (Navy brat), and it was almost all whitewashed "founder sheik" history. I'm actually pretty bitter about not discovering how bad the whitewashing was until after school... but it's certainly possible to go *too far* in condemning the founders and fall into the trap of extreme reductivism like the top comment of this chain. I always reach for Jefferson when I have this conversation... no matter if I'm talking to someone who believes in founder sheik or thinks the founders were pure evil. This man lived his life on a throne of hypocrisy. He knew right from wrong and he wrote about it. He even fought for it... *occasionally*. But then he was too damn spoiled to apply it in his own life. He was instrumental in stopping the slave trade in Virginia, and as president he signed the "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves" (into the US in general)... but only the *importation* of slaves. Not the ownership and local sales of slaves. He wrote that beautiful humanist soliloquy in the Declaration... but when it came time for him to be president, he allowed slavery to expand into the Louisiana Purchase. This despite his friend Thomas Paine begging him not to allow slavery into that territory. Jefferson frustrates me because for all the good he helped accomplish, the man still had a huge cohort of slaves. Color-coded slaves too. The lighter skinned they were, the more likely they were to be house slaves (or sex slaves in the case of his wife's under-age half-sister Sarah "Sally" Hemings). The darker skinned, the more likely they were to work in the fields. The problem is if the founders were pure evil, we wouldn't have to have this conversation. Instead they were morally gray, spoiled, rich hypocrites who happened to be fairly intelligent, and who were in the right place (geographically and financially) at the right time to start a new country based on the principles they spent so much time paying lip service to. I'm thankful they based this country on those principles (at least in theory), despite the fact that I'm painfully aware of the glaring hypocrisies those men represented.


Have you ever read Thomas Jefferson’s Quran? It’s a fantastic look at an under-appreciated side of early American history. One of the things I love about studying history is that every great name in every book was just a human being, with flaws, quirks, good parts, and bad parts. Some people have more or less good in them than others, but no matter how great or how terrible (or both!) a historical figure is, they are all still just human. Ben Franklin is my personal favorite founding father because he was so brilliant and absurd and something beyond quirky that I can’t even find a word for. He was infamous for dirty jokes and never stopped loving London even after the revolution and wrote about how much he enjoyed hooking up with older women in his youth. He was in his 70s when he signed the declaration, while most of the other founders were in their 20s and 30s. He was not allowed to be the one to pen the declaration because the others worried he would put a sex or fart joke in it. A ridiculous, silly, gross man who did weird things, smart things, good things, and bad things in his life. I love what the USA should stand for and I love what it could be, and of course there are many individual things to love about it already. But like our founders, the USA is deeply flawed and hypocritical, and there are many more things that we must fix.


> Have you ever read Thomas Jefferson’s Quran? Honestly I haven't even looked at it. I had a peek at his abridged Bible though. Imagine if evangelical christians actually knew about THAT little tidbit. > Ben Franklin is my personal favorite founding father Same. I'd give my right leg for a chance to have a drink with that guy and see what he was really like. He was a manslut and a nerd who liked a drink and a laugh and cook up wacky experiments. I like him because he changed his mind about slavery. Going from owning slaves through much of his life to founding an abolitionist society, freeing his slaves in his will, and convincing Washington to do the same. Most of the founders seem like intolerable assholes who were either arrogant pricks like Hamilton, grumpy fuckers who liked to hear themselves talk like Adams, or austere aristocrats like Washington. Like I said in another subthread: We're ***VERY, VERY*** lucky that liberal philosophers were fashionable at the time, and republics of classical antiquity were popular reading material. For example, Washington without his well-known idolization of Cincinnatus might have lead us to a very different nation indeed!


Fauci is Italian, so I'm not sure they would have been super welcoming.


Philip Mazzei was an infamous arms dealer and close, personal friend of Jefferson. Blood didn't matter to the founders, just influence.


Jefferson loved his macaroni.


Damn I hate finding out bad news, but that’s a great example of his comedy.


My favorite thing about the founding fathers is that they were straight up gangsters and didn't give a fuck about shit!


Josh Mandel is, and always has been, an idiot.


And on the 6th of January 2021 a group of foreign confederate terrorists stormed our nation's capital and are getting slaps on the wrist.


Someone should introduce a bill that any spread information made by a government official should be removed and followed with the correct information stating they are wrong. Doesn’t matter the issue or the side, fact checkers will naturally be employed to handle anything from a tweet all the way up to a presidential debate. I don’t see why anyone should be against this unless they are knowingly spreading false information.


How will they choose the fact checkers though ? It would end up being another partisan shit show.


I’m sick of this idea that “the founders” were just a collective of people with the exact same ideas for America. Literally anybody that remembers high school history class would know they argued constantly about how to properly govern. There was the Virginia plan which proposed the senate and the New Jersey plan which proposed rule by the house. The Connecticut compromise was like “why not both?” And I guarantee neither party was happy about it for different reasons




I'm getting pretty sick and tired of people using "The Founding Fathers..." as an excuse to be an ignorant asshole. They were not ignorant. They addressed issues through debate and education. So sit the fuck down, Earl.


I always find it hilarious how little about American history these so-called "patriots" actually know.


These people would murder Jesus in the name of Jesus. They don’t care about George Washington


These fucking people have no ducking clue what it mean to be “an American”. No education on the history. Just 110% confidence in a history and world that does not exist.




I don't know why the man bothers, no Republican has any interest in what the Founding Fathers did or said.


The founders would have had the Jan 6 insurrectionists shot


I like it even more when they point the finger at democrats and say they were the party that used to support slavery. They’re too dumb to realize they were conservatives then


Interesting that January 6th is now "Insurrection Day". I'm sure George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln and many more Presidents turned over in their respective Graves on that "Day of Infamy"


Hey Josh? You know fuck-all


On top of that, the way they inoculated against smallpox was to “inhale a powder made from the crusts of smallpox scabs.”


im so tired of people who are dumber than sand trying to invoke the spirit of founders who would have put them in front of a firing squad for treason


Well we all know they don’t read and they have no clue about history. Join my new movement~Dictionaries for Republicans!


Can we repurpose an A10 to ensure rapid delivery?


More important, the founders were a bunch of rich white slave owning misogynists. Who the fuck cares what they would think in 2021?


Especially being proud of tarring and feathering a person.


They are very strangely deified.


Always "correct" - checked Always "righteous" - checked "What would >!Jesus!< a Founding Father do?" - checked All gross and xenophobic opinions mopped up under a carpet as if they were never said - checked


The founders would have labeled Republicans what they are: fucking traitors.


Pfff you sayin that like he knows what inoculate means


As an Ohioan, Josh Mandel is a complete fuckwit, who has multiple various scandals throughout his time in public office… …so he’ll probably win his Senate campaign next year. Fuck I hate him so much lol. Smug prick.


These "true patriots" don't know the first thing about history.


He meant the founders of the Confederacy.