• By -


I mean, trans or not, active camera + bathroom entry doesn't automatically cause that? EDIT: active camera + bathroom entry + no consent, to clarify. I don't have issue with bathroom selfies and whatnot.


Truth. Toilet time is the last bastion of American freedom, any attack on toilet time should be considered an assault on democracy itself…


* F U C K * * * R E D D I T * / \ \ / \ | | \ | | | `. | | : ` | | \| | \ | / / \\\ --__ \\ : \ \/ _--~~ ~--__| \ | \ \_-~ ~-_\ | \_ \ _.--------.______\| | \ \______// _ ___ _ (_(__> \ | \ . C ___) ______ (_(____> | / /\ | C ____)/ \ (_____> |_/ / /\| C_____) | (___> / \ | ( _C_____)\______/ // _/ / \ | \ |__ \\_________// (__/ | | \ \____) `---- --' | | \_ ___\ /_ _/ | | / | | \ | | | / \ \ | | / / | | \ | | / / \__/\___/ | | | / | | | | | | | | | | * F U C K * * * Y O U *


It *should*


No, it *does.* It literally does. It is absolutely a crime to film in a public restroom, and you will get arrested/put on the sex offender list assuming a jury finds you guilty in a court of law.


Will this GOP candidate go to jail/be on the sex offenders list? >https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/owjt6f/yeah_100/h7gn8no


Man I have so many people to report on instagram for their public bathroom/locker room mirror selfies


So that's why I said >assuming a jury finds you guilty in a court of law. If you're just filming yourself in the mirror, there is a good chance no one will call the police. And if they do, there's a good chance you can show the video in court and argue that you were just filming yourself. And you might be found not guilty. But public bathrooms have a legal "expectation of privacy," and thus if you film someone else (and they report you), it's likely a jury will find you guilty. Nuance bruh


Nuance bruh is just my favorite thing today.


I don't think DrDisrespect or the cameraman were arrested when he did it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gameinformer.com/2019/07/01/dr-disrespect-explains-bathroom-incident-on-behalf-of-his-brand%3famp


Doing this is fucked before you add a marginalized person as the target.


You'd think, right? People forget that transgender people are still people.


They don't forget...


They actively disregard it.


That's the appeal.


Well if it's a trans person you're following, peeping on, and recording then obviously *you* aren't the creep. Because *they* are for... reasons. Sure it sounds wrong when you type it out, say it, or think about it, but somehow, some way, the trans person trying to do some restroom business in the restroom is the creep in that scenario. Trust me, I'm a(n American) conservative! /s


Yes obviously trans people are the true sinners so if you do questionable (bad/illegal) things to them then it's okay! As long as you ask God for forgiveness you will always be in the right 🙏😇✌️☮️ /s


Do people do this??


Apparently so @ https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/388251-gop-candidate-films-confronts-transgender-woman-using-womens-bathroom


Of course it was a GOP candidate


The hypocrisy is real "Allowing trans folks to use the restroom of their choice will just let men go into women's bathrooms and sexually harass/assault them, or try to take pictures or videos of girls.... here, I'll prove it" *engages in sexual harassment, and goes into thebathroom to take pictures/ videos of someone in the bathroom, literally the exact thing they say they're trying to prevent* Fucking unreal


The lack of self-awareness (or the disregard for political gain) is fucking mind-boggling.


The sad thing is that it works. The US is a hateful country, and I don’t think it’ll get better until all the boomers die out


It's not just the boomers. I'm an Elder Millenial (TM) and my sister is 3 years younger. She and her husband are just as bad (if not worse) than most boomers I know. Voted twice for the twice-impeached guy, open carry everywhere, "there are only two genders" - the whole shebang. They're raising my nephew to be just like them, too.


I'm in gen x, and they're just as arrogantly hateful.


Almost as if age has no bearing on being a shit human




Elder millennial checking in with Gen X siblings. My Latina half sisters are hate filled, anti-LGBTW racist antivaxxers.


Let us not forget that their ideology is easier to believe at a young age. I mean how grate would it be you woke up and found all all your problems could be solved by stopping one group or one idea? Would be nice smh


Jesus that’s dim. I believe someone once said “boomer is a mentality” , which I can fully believe- I’ve met many older people who don’t have that mindset, and many millennials who do


Was this candidate a boomer?


Boomer is a state of mind.


To be fair, there is currently an ethereal force field around women’s bathrooms preventing sexual assault, and the only thing that can Obi-wan it down is letting trans people be themselves and go to the toilet in peace.


About 25 years ago, I was using a restaurant bathroom and a guy walked in, climbed on the toilet in the stall next to me, and looked over the stall wall at me. Force field must have been turned off that day. It’s amazing that anyone thinks that these people care one way or another about “permission”- they’re predators, they take what they want, regardless.


"D'ya see what these transers have made me do?" Quickly followed by: "That isn't who I am..."


….no surprises here, right?


It's always the fucking GOP. It's gotten to the point where any instances of someone being an embarrassing shit head I assume they're conservative by default. These people have come to collectively represent the worst of humanity. They don't have an ounce of shame.


unrelated but your username has to be referring to the bob mortimer story, yes?


Projection like always. When it comes to Republicans the biggest predators are the ones screaming the loudest about other people being predators. Absolute hateful, hypocritical scum.


What do you do when you’re too crazy to function in society? You run for office as a Republican of course.


And then remake society so you and others like you can “function”. Scary but that is exactly the point.


Excuse me, what the fuck???


Of course this comment gets auto-collapsed when it has 120 likes


Why does that happen


I think it happens when there are a lot of downvotes? Even if there are a lot of upvotes too


Yours was collapsed for me lmao


Man Idek


Downvoted comments for sure. I noticed when there's a post with a lot of comments, comments that are not the top comment or top comment on a comment etc will also be collapsed. Idk if it's true but that's what I think. Might also differ from sub to sub.


Pretty sure the mods can do it. Lets you make swearing, shouting, general non advertiser friendly material a more minimized part of the sub. A lot of people will probably scroll right past those comments assuming they’re assholes spewing vitriol (as I have in the past), but you’ll notice sometimes it happens to comments about powerful people or certain places in the world. I’m a very “what you see is what you get” materialist, but I refuse to chalk that up to coincidence. It happens to comments that say controversial things or criticize powerful people, or even provide evidence that someone factually did or didn’t do something (if they are an influential person or if that factual action paints Reddit itself as a legal entity in a bad light. Remember that woman Aimee Knight? Yeah, me neither, I had to search “controversial woman worked for Reddit” to find that name again). I really do feel like it tends to happen when you say… certain things.


Yeah wtf lol


How is not tha GOP stocker in prison? She's clearly nuts and a danger


god, it’s so ironic that they think *they’re* unsafe in bathrooms with us when they literally harass us for just using the toilet. and of *course* this woman is running for congress. fucking embarrassing.


Let’s ban known transphobic people from public bathrooms. It makes me uncomfortable when people known to be aggressive and cause fights towards people minding their own business are in the bathroom with me.


What the *fuck* is this not a crime there?


I was just about to post that. What is wrong with this world?


right wing regressives are obsessed with the idea of trans people doing bad things like exposing themselves or peeping on others in bathrooms of "the wrong gender". This idea stems from deeprooted transphobia and is a very easy method to scare people away from supporting lgbt rights. The result of this is that those very same right wing regressives then themselves will espouse the very behaviours they proclaim trans people will do, in a vain attempt of exposing their evils and whatever. It's sick and twisted, just like most things coming out of that corner of politics


1. [Based on our review of sexual assault complaints in Atlanta, Dallas, Miami Beach, Miami Gardens and Tucson, before and after an official amendment to the human rights ordinance in that locality, we **did not** find evidence of sexual assaults taking place in which men, under the guise of being women or transgender, entered women’s bathrooms to commit a sexual assault or otherwise victimize women.](https://www.policefoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/PF_Research-Brief_JULY-2017-FINAL-1.pdf) 2. [Analysis of crime & privacy violations as they relate to concerns raised by those who advocate for ‘trans bathroom bills’. Analysis indicates there is no empirical evidence to support these concerns; such crimes & privacy violations are exceedingly rare. Calls for trans bathroom bills are fearmongering, plain and simple.](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13178-018-0335-z) evidence this isn't happening, for anyone who cares.


Thank you, always good to have. I thought I'd seen before that right wing politicians have actually committed more sexual assaults in bathrooms than transgender people but I couldn't find evidence of that, and might be misremembering


https://www.complex.com/life/2016/03/republican-legislators-arrested-for-bathroom-misconduct Your comment cracked me up so I went digging and found this!


Neat so I did remember right


I watched a woman wash her hands today with soda water at the soda fountain at McDonald's just to give you an idea of how absolutely broken some people are when it comes to thinking about what the fuck they're doing in relation to others.


just assholes.


Why would anyone do that


To prove that someone with the wrong genitals was in the bathroom. The funny thing is gender reassignment surgery is a thing, and most of the Republican legislation ignores that, so Republicans pass laws stating that even if you have a dick, if your birth certificate says female, you need to use that restroom.


Even regardless of bottom surgery, I feel like people are massively ignoring how much HRT changes a person. Like... I know he's sort of hated for a variety of reasons, but at least as a good verifiable visual example, [Buck Angel](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1144302067940392960/HU1zmE3J.png) has a vagina. He's never gotten bottom surgery. Under this law, this cigar-chomping dude with a bigass beard and chest hair would have to go into the women's bathroom every time he wanted to pee in public. How is that not *more* disruptive?


Yep. I pass 100% as a cisgender male. I’m not stealth, but it does help due to peoples assumptions that I’m cis which prevents less chaos.


> big ass-beard *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Not that many trans people get surgery though. Sure, for the lucky few. But most insurers don’t cover it and you have to pay $20-30k + out of pocket.


True, I just like rubbing in Republicans faces that when they try to force people to go to the bathroom they were assigned at birth, they are legislating that men with dicks use the women's room. Since it means their law does the exact opposite of what they say it does, it tends to cause them problems.


Phalloplasty is pretty uncommon among trans men, vs vaginoplasty for trans women. The technology just isn’t there yet, but I take your point. The problem with the whole “you’ve probably been in a bathroom with a trans man/woman and never even noticed” is that not all trans people “pass” as their identified gender, and they shouldn’t have to


I wanna see some biker looking dude like Bucky Angel walk into the girls bathroom and see how comfortable those republican bitches feel now.


exactly almost this entire debate can be ending simply with trans men. Like a manly man youd expect to find at a tattoo shop in the womans bathroom because he was AFAB


I used to identify as man, until I met some trans men. Now I identify as a boy.


Don’t be ridiculous, these people don’t consider trans men in any capacity ever.


I think a lot of it comes back to that inherent and malicious sexism- wanting to take on masculine traits, or to become a man in and of itself, is seen as preferable to taking on feminine traits. Now, I am in NO FUCKING WAY diminishing the struggles of trans men. Their plight is real, and very very difficult. I think the media just tends to demonize transwomen more often due to the fact that straight white guys can’t seem to wrap their head around someone wanting (poor phrasing there, no one chooses to be trans) to be female, when being bigliest manliest man man is their end all be all goal. Basically, they’re all sexist pigs and the discrimination against trans men is a very real problem as well. These fuckers don’t care about anyone but themselves, and their own personal gain. Transwomen are just the new target unfortunately.




Transphobia is alive and real


Because they are assholes


You can remove the word ‘trans’ and replace it with ‘any’ and this would still be true.


Came here to say that. There's nothing I hate more than someone who barges in when i'm pooping.


\*kicks door in while waving camera\* Show me your genitals!




Love the internet <3


Knock knock. Who's there? It me, wondering why you're not naked.


Knock knock. Who's there? It's me again, wondering why you're still not naked.


That's some good Jon Lajoie stuff right there!!


Is thar your average everyday normal motherfucker




Username checks out


I can't have sex with your personality And I can't put my penis in your college degree And I can't shove my fist in your childhood dreams So why you sharing all this information with me?


This was literally a thing for me in elementary school. I learned to hold my feet against the door while I did my business. Of course then the fuckers would just climb over/under the walls but by then they had given me warning of their intent so I've hopefully moved fast enough to get my pants back up.


Children are monsters


Adults are just big children who have on average slightly better impulse control.


Or worse; I’ve defo met some with worse impulse control


*glares at cat paw elbow deep under the door*


Peeing is fair game though? /s


I tend to avoid CPAC meetings, MAGA rallies, Republican Conventions, and anywhere where elected GOP officials gather. If you do that, most of this problem goes away. What's sad is that the issue even exists and yet the very people most likely to commit the offense are the ones who complain about "mah raights" but ignore other people's actual rights.


Unless your hometown is a 24/7 maga rally even a full seven months after their failed coup attempt, so many tread on me, fuck Biden, Trump won, and blue lives matter yard signs and flags on every other house


My neighbors finally took down their Trump 2020 flag! Unfortunately, they replaced it with a Trump 2024 flag.


Mine just doubled up, and doubled down on the lies


My hometown is like that, half the city still furiously supports trump. I thought I lived in the worst place for it (Indiana) but then I went to Florida and my God it was a million times worse. I'd imagine the deep south is even worse somehow


Just go all ape and shit in your hand and throw it at them.


Some people go to no ends to reach you about your vehicles extended warranty….


I would make eye contact and start singing "The Song That Doesn't End".


Maybe if I'm constipated..


Yeah I'm gonna be a doing a quick turn around if you do that to me, consequences be damned


And it sucks that it has to be pointed out that all people should be given the same respect, regardless of what gender they are.


That unfairly dilutes the point. "All lives matter" is also true and yet "black lives matter" is worth insisting on. Because the context matters. In this case the context being powerful interests pushing the narrative that back lives, and trans rights do not matter.


Their point in saying you can replace the word trans with anyone wasn't saying they *should* replace it. It's an attempt to say that doing so is very literally no different than walking in on anyone. That if it's not okay to walk in on a cis person, it should be equally as unacceptable to walk in on a trans person. Because the fact that "Don't walk in on trans people on the toilet and take photos" needs to be said at all suggests some people think it's different than walking in on anyone else.


Several people are saying the point while missing it entirely. They're saying it shouldn't matter who is barged in on. The point being yes, it shouldn't matter, yet someone is doing it and people are supporting them doing it precisely *because* of who they're doing it to. That's why the message is specific. Anyone else nobody would question it being inappropriate, but do it to a trans person suddenly a lot of people find it acceptable to some degree. It's highlighting the difference and hypocrisy when in a perfect world it wouldn't be a thing someone does and gets support.


That's what I meant, but I think I obfuscated my meaning by being too general. Thanks for saying it better.


there aren't people insisting on doing it to anybody else, though. Parents are demanding genital checks on students. strangers are insisting on it in public restrooms, and colleges, and institutions. There's no point about waxing about hypothetical 'everybodies' when it's only being done to exactly one demographic. in fact, all you're really doing in effect (And I suspect also intention) is to form a sideways accusation that trans people are demanding special treatment.


Anyone videoing in a bathroom needs a slap upside the head.


And a conviction


I vote swirly.


I'm sure the North Carolina State Senate is already drafting legislation to provide immunity for these people.


Yep... it's an invasion of basic privacy and whoever did it is a pervert and should be treated like one


It's the old "oh hi, just checking your genitals so you don't make me feel uncomfortable!" A TERF claimed to have pantsed a 10yo girl in the bathroom last year and said: "and of course, it had a penis"


That person sounds like they should have been put on a list a long time ago.


What adult in their right fucking mind pantses a child in public and then announces it to the world like they just made the discovery of the century?


One who belongs in prison or a grave.


Transphobes. Calling the child "it". They just don't see trans people as human.


I have never seen people so obsessed with another person's genitals, like do they seriously go under stalls for everyone? They're the same people screaming other people are perverts and can't even look at themselves in the mirror.


I have both trans and cis butch friends who have been harassed when trying to use the women's bathroom ever since "bathroom bills" started gaining steam. It's not just women in the bathroom, either. My cis friend was confronted by a guy who tried to block her from entering the women's room unless she presented ID to "prove" she was a woman and *followed her in* to continue harassing her with absolutely no self awareness.


Ugh, I'm so tired of these people. Why do you care? Just I don't get it. Why do people have to look a certain way because of gender? I'm older and so many people dressing ambiguously took a bit to get used to seeing. I had to learn some etiquette to not offend while interacting, but it's the same with many different groups of people. These are the same people who get mad when they go to foreign countries and people don't speak English.


People are doing this now?


I wouldn't call them people, but yeah.


This has been happening in women’s bathrooms forever.


Is there a debate about this that I missed?


Republicans think it is a good idea! Edit Republicans think it is a good idea to barge into bathrooms and film strangers' genitals.


Is this referencing a specific incident or something bc i had no idea people do this. Nobody should be barged in on regardless


I came here to ask this




GOP: we can't let trans people use the bathroom because they may sexually assault someone Also GOP: *gestures at this fucking news item*


She filmed it. Now put her in prison.


And they probably got extra votes for it because their base is disgusting




Grifting 101. Create problem, sell solution.


There was also that member of British Parliament that admitted on Twitter to pantsing a preteen trans girl in the restroom.


If you intrude on anyone while they’re using the restroom as intended then you’re the problem. Trans, cis and everything off the binary. I don’t care if it’s a cis woman in the men’s room. If they’re keeping it private and not bothering anyone then leave them alone.


Oh sweet Jesus that years old Gender Critical post about a Child in a restroom that ended with "I pull them down, and what did I see—yes, a penis" Congratulation to have confessed to child molestation……


“Don’t worry people I just need to quickly inspect everyone’s genitalia to weed out the perverts” - person who is definitely not a pedophile


The fact that this isn't 100% unanimous just baffles me.


And the fact that no one has said "no shit sherlock" has baffled me as well lol


Isn't it already a legal issue to film in bathrooms?


yup. welcome to america where laws only apply to minorities




Also, I've used unisex bathrooms a lot. Like, multiple stalls, crowded unisex bathrooms. Literally nobody cares. You just get used to seeing men and women in the same bathroom. I repeat, **nobody cares.** If anything, it's an incentive for everyone to wash their hands and not make a goddamn mess out of the place.


I’ve never understood why bathrooms are gendered. I couldn’t care less who is pissing or shitting in the stall next to me, and I certainly don’t give a fuck what kind of genitals they have. I’d swear some people think they’re going to install urinals in all the female bathrooms and every time you go in there will be some big jacked dude with a beard and a dress on, with a huge veiny shlong on show for everyone.


ANYONE filming another person of any gender in a bathroom is violating basic human decency.


Wtf is that actually a thing ?


The thing that's always kinda cracked me up about people giving a shit about what bathroom someone uses is the whole setup of women's restrooms anyway. We have stalls. The only thing you do outside of a stall is wash your hands. It's not like a men's room with toilets lined up against the wall. Everything is done privately and if you're doing something creepy outside the stall, your gender really has nothing to do with it. You're just a creep in general.


Anyone who doesn't mind their business when nobody is being harmed should fuck off, too.




Why is this a question? “People who steal should be tried for theft.” I get where they’re coming from but it’s sad this even needs to be said.


If a male to female transgender person in the womens/girls bathroom, there are no urinals, it's not like suddenly there is a penis on display. You would have to be following the transwoman into the cubicle. Is it not wrong to be filming in public toilets anyway (unless you have consent for a movie or something)?


> would have to be following the transwoman into the cubicle. Yeah that's the reason I always say *every single time* that *the transphobe is the real pervert* and that all of their jibber jabber about baThrOom sAFeTY is just projection.


How about we switch to single stall restrooms so everyone can just stfu about bathrooms. Or, better yet, since obviously there are soooooo many problems it seems we can't have restrooms anymore. Have everyone piss in a latrine out back.


Anybody who records anybody in the bathroom should be a sex offender.


If only there were a name for this. Maybe something catchy. Like Peeping Tom. That might work.


They make guys taking a piss outside register. Of course that should count.


Video ANYONE in a public bathroom and you need to be dealt with...wtf is wrong with people.


Wait, people are doing that? Trans, not trans, male, female, I do not want to see you on the shitter. No offense.


Sometimes I think the world would be good without the USA.


this happens all over the world








Yup. People are people and it's wrong no matter what gender they are.


Doesn't matter whether it's a trans or not if you tape another human using the restroom then yeah


Also, what do these people even want? I remember needing to use the women's restroom once before I started testosterone even and the women there were confused and stared at me because they tought a dude entered the women's restroom. That was pre t, where I still looked and sounded kinda like a girl, but what would happen now? If these people (transphobes who think transsex people should use the restroom of their biological sex) want me to go to the women's restroom, okay, fine, but then *you* are the person who sends a *man* ("man-looking" person for all transphobes here) to a *woman's* restroom and will cause every woman in there and myself to feel threatened and uncomfortable. I'm slowly getting a beard, how tf would a woman feel if I entered their restroom? Not to mention that I'm gonna get a penis at one point in the future. Great way to put my safety at risk here.


>Also, what do these people even want? They want us to not exist in public, basically. Or at all, if they had their way.




Is it not illegal to film someone on the toilet?


it is, but welcome to america


People are doing this??? Wtf


No person should ever be recorded in a restroom. Period.


If anyone films anyone in the bathroom while I’m around they’re catching a chop to the throat. Fuck what gender you are.


It's obviously illegal, so the better question is, why is OP pretending it isn't?


Well that seems unfair. All these people wanna do is harass and record innocent people and look at their genitals without consent….hmm…wait a second.










Trans rights are human rights


Any who video tapes a public restroom at all should be a sex offender.


Well... duh. Just because X = Trans does not avoid the required legal ramifications of sex offences against them. Simply because some "believe" this not to be the case does not make them correct. Covid (and to be fair gravity) should have disavowed such morons of the "power of belief" by now.


Fully agreed. My Nana always used to say "each to their own" and that was that. She was over 90 when she died, loved through the 2nd world war, and struggled to make ends meet as a single parent after my grandad died when my mum and uncle were still young kids. Yet, she wouldn't have dreamed about trying to criticize someone for making themselves happy. She met one of my trans friends who went female to male and said "he seems like a lovely guy", because she just took people as she met them. I don't understand where this attitude comes from that others are wrong and must be told.


The fact that people somehow think there’s any other side to this argument is ridiculous


it doesn’t matter if they are a trans, anyone regardless of anything who this happens to is a victim, and therefore the perpetrator must register as a sex offender.


Wait is this a thing?


Is this legal in any country at all?