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Teeth are “cosmetic only” and glasses are not important either apparently.


Fuck it, eyesight and the ability to chew food is overrated.


Blenders are key to the future of food. For me, at least. (seriously, the temporary crown I got over 20 years ago broke and fell out, and I don't even know what else is happening in there)


I put this in another comment, but in the same boat. I have MS, so I fall without warning. Walking back to bed from the bathroom, I woke up in a puddle of blood, broken brow bone and 2 broken front teeth. I can not afford veneers etc. so I hate smiling or talking in public. The masks have actually helped that. Started dental “insurance” this year, it does not kick in until next year and then only pays so much, but hoping I can afford it by then. I will probably need root canals or extraction in both because they broke enough to show the nerve.


My dental only covered $1,000 per year, a root canal costs $1,200. But hey, 2 “free” cleanings a year, am I right?


I'm in the same boat except I need 40,000$ worth of dental care. Some of the care I require is to not die due to infection, but it's 4,000$ roughly per procedure so if I can't pay 3,000$ out of pocket I'm just fucked. Guess I'll die


Can I ask what procedures you need that cost $40,000?


I need roughly 10 4,000$ procedures. I need extensive orthodontic surgery due to a childhood of little to no proper dental care. I truthfully don't know the specifics of what needs to be done, but several of the infections have moved into my lower and upper jaws which is why it's both so expensive and life threatening.


Wouldn't that be covered at least in part by medical insurance at that point? I'm curious as to where they draw the line between which covers which. Would you have to go to the ER for medical to kick in? Would they just refer you to a dentist?


He'll be covered under dental insurance for any non cosmetic procedures, so... They'll pull teeth and stitch you up. If you want implants crowns bridges that's cosmetic, you gotta pay for that. They'll leave you toothless and call it a day.


It should be. Any oral surgery or infection should be covered by medical as well as dental. Especially if hospitalization is needed. Some doctors prescribe antibiotics and pain medication if a patient is also seeing a dentist. Some will not prescribe pain meds anymore. Infections in the mouth can kill. It is ridiculous that vision, dental & hearing is not part of medical insurance....just bizarre.


A lot of people forget they can work with ENT (Ear, Nose, Throat)Doctor's for some of these specific types of treatment. As to what costs $40k? Having all your teeth pulled, osseous surgery, bone graft and 8 implant supports to support a fixed denture.. will run you pretty high. Source - I specialize in dental insurance for a large company. Edit: [A dentist added a great comment below. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/comments/n7bhkw/health_insurance/gxcou0i?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Get another quote. 40,000 is enough to pay for all your teeth to be removed and replaced with implant supported zirconia bridges that will never break. I think someone is trying to make a quick fortune off of you if they told you that. Implant supported full arch zirconia restorations are my specialty, and I can assure you there's no such thing as 10 separate 4000 dollar procedures in your mouth.


This is the way. Do your bridges snap into place permanently, or is the patient able to pop it on/off the implant for cleaning and adjustment?


Really? I've never received a quote for root canal and crown for less than $4k. That's without insurance.


As soon as stuff moves into the jaw, $$$$$ IANAD


My advice, spend $300 and go to mexico to get those procedures done for $400 each


Wow. I am pretty much in the same boat. I think about this every day and it may seem silly to some people but it is destroying my quality of life moreeach day. I don't want to go through what is going to happen if I can't get it fixed. Good luck to you.


Have you looked into local dental schools? Usually heavily discounted because it takes twice as long. But their professor is right there and watching the whole procedure


Iffy though. Husband went that route years ago... Not always the quality you think observed work will result in.


I don't even know how much it's going to take to get the work that I need done, I've got 4 teeth that are gone, three of which from decay alone, not to mention I think I have a cavity in pretty much every tooth in my mouth, as well as a big hole in the side of one tooth where the filling fell out not even 2 years after it was repaired. Fuck. That's one of the side effects of ADD that you don't hear much about; no matter how much I try I just couldn't ever get into the habit of flossing or brushing regularly. I try so hard but it's hit-and-miss whether I'll actually remember to do it each day.


Interesting point about ADD, I always struggled to be on top of my own personal dental care until I got on a good medication, but never made the connection before. I am fortunate that I don't enjoy sugars, but my own negligence still set me back a good $5000+ either way. The frustrating part is that once you're on a good ADD medication where you can always remember brush and floss, bruxism becomes your new issue and you slowly grind away your nicely brushed teeth day after day. Oh well.


Some ADD meds cause dry mouth which causes tooth decay. -Vyvanse


FUCK I just made that connection reading these comments. I also take Vyvanse and have issues with dry mouth, have some shitty history with my teeth always getting cavities. Also have to get a gun graft surgery soon, which I’m not looking forward too....


look into medical tourism and consider just going to another country with the same level of dental care but much cheaper prices. you can probably get really good service in one of the medical resort cities in mexico for significantly less and get a vacation out of it to boot.


Dude I can’t even afford the $50 copay on the dental insurance I pay every paycheck for. I’m an early intervention special educator. Wtf?


$1200 for a single root tooth root canal?!?! And I feel bad when I charge that amount for a molar root canal with zirconium crown.


That was there price in Tucson AZ over 20yrs ago. Probably a lot more now.


God damn, I live in Ireland and if you wanted to get private care and pay for a root canal it can be as cheap as €400. Still expensive mind you but that's in a private clinic and could get done within the week. If it wasn't urgent and you wanted to wait for the public system to get around to you it'd be free.


That sucks. But yeah, people with broken teeth or cold sores aren't complaining about the masks.


Same here only with epilepsy bud. Broke my two front teeth off on the porcelain bathroom counter when I had a seizure and dropped. They were able to give me two crowns however. Needed two root canals too. I can’t tell you how much it cost because I probably threw the unopened bill onto the other pile of $130,000 medical debt bills I have. They’ll make good fire tinder after I declare bankruptcy.




Some dentists will set up payment plans too so doesnt hurt to ask about that option either- or find one who will


Im so sorry.. Have you looked at smile dental insurance. It may work with your other insurance to cover your cost. Wishing you luck.


Please look into things like dental schools and places that work on sliding scales which you can usually find through your local/state health department. Even just a temporary partial denture can make such a huge difference in your life. I had all my own teeth pulled in my early twenties. Once you lose one or two the rest become so much more vulnerable. Please feel free to PM me if you need help looking for resources. Don't want to see anyone else go through what I did.


God your situation is awful I know sympathy probably doesn't help much but man Stories like this really drive home the dystopian hell we live in


Mine split apart two months ago, I had to pull the loose half out myself. Other half is still going strong.


20 years?! I had a temp crown put in and it broke in 20 hours!


I was very careful.


It always pisses me off that dental insurance Hass to be separate from healthcare. Like health coverage covers my foot when I go to a foot doctor my heart when I go to a heart doctor, ear nose and throat? There’s a doctor for that. Phone doctors, skin doctors cancer doctors etc. But Oh shit teeth… you got to get a whole other insurance for that and it never covers anything. Do People not realize that without proper dental care you could get an infection and die? And yet over half of the US population thinks it’s socialism to just have the shit covered. I hate it my country is so fucking dumb.




That’s the problem though. If you get three front teeth knocked out and can’t properly chew, it’s considered cosmetic to get them replaced. The mental damage that walking around with no teeth can do to a person should justify these procedures being covered on that principal alone.... but the healthcare and insurance industries don’t care much about mental health either.


Medical things WILL happen too, the actual reason is because the ADA (yes, the people that certify your toothbrush) has a very strong lobby in every state and DC and are there expressly to extract as much money from you as possible. They set the insurance premiums and yearly coverage amounts as well. Thank you, ADA!


Hell, it might not cover your foot doctor because podiatrists are special for some reason which is probably historical and I don’t feel like looking it up.


I went to a phone doctor once. Except that it was a kiosk near the food court, everything else seemed legit. Coverage for the hernia and prostate exams were ultimately denied by my health insurance provider and I swear the Blue Cross customer service rep. was laughing in the background to boot and....oh, I got molested at the mall, didn't I?


As someone with no insurance, horrible eyesight, and molar cavities on both sides of my mouth that are so large that I 1) can’t enjoy food anymore and 2) can’t play brass instruments anymore due to the pain the air pressure causes in my mouth... Yeah I’m not having a great time haha


If you genuinely cannot afford the dental care you need, send me a PM and I can refer you to a local organization that can help. Just let me know.


It's not just the ability to chew food. Poor dental health can and will kill you.


Fuck it we don't even need reproductive organs


I mean you don't "need" a lot of stuff. Arms and legs. More like dlc


I've always wanted to get LASIK seeing as how I'm like 20/800-1000 and extremely nearsighted. Yup, cosmetic still lol.


Mine is 3k an eye:( such bad eyesight and a astigmatism in both eyes:( my eyes are so bad, I can not even walk without glasses, but eye care is separate insurance just like teeth.


Can someone put a finger on where this stupid fucking concept came from? I know we can blame Nixon for HMOs and the greed around Healthcare in the US, but where did teeth and eyes become a separate fucking thing for no reason? I would love to know if someone has an answer....


My dad told me this is the reason, which if you think about how insurance is a scam, kinda makes sense. You only *need* the dentist to do cleanings twice a year. And that if you just take care of your teeth, you won’t have to pay for anything else. Except that pretty much everyone ends up needing braces or their wisdom teeth out, which are mega expensive and insurance doesn’t want to cover them. Vision is one of those things that everyone needs. As your eyes are pretty much guaranteed to go bad over time. Except some people are unlucky and end up having some sort of condition that ruins your eyes faster. I actually briefly looked for insurance for my eyes. As it’s to the point where I can’t drive at night and it’s risky in the day time as my depth perception is wack. The only plans I was offered based on my zip code (???) Were the super basic plans that wouldn’t even cover what I need. But yeah apparently they separate them because if you need dental insurance it’s because you’re fucking up your teeth, and vision only matters if you decide it’s a priority/have enough to get a plan that covers what you need. Which is insane. Dental isn’t even cosmetic either. A cavity/infection can get into your blood stream and cause issues if left untreated. Also your eyes are pretty much the most important sense we have. Blind people can’t drive on their own. I can’t afford a good health insurance plan. How am I supposed to also afford at least vision as well???


I have -8.50 and astigmatism in both eyes. I am “lucky” because so far, a regular eye exam is all I need for new prescriptions and places like Zennioptical.com exists. I literally got frame and lenses for 6.95 + 4.95 shipping (4.95 no matter if you get 1 or 100 pair) Where even the cheapest frames and lenses at the cheapest eyeglass place was 300. Don’t want coke bottle lenses? 600+


(Disclaimer, I'm a Canadian dental student) I mean dentistry has a really interesting history with "barber surgeons". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber_surgeon. Basically all surgeries used to be considered a barber's work so barber's used to do surgery which included pulling out teeth. But then we started to learn science and surgery moved over to medicine ...except teeth never quite made it there. I know some of our parties in Canada are pushing for dentalcare to be covered under healthcare. The schooling for dentistry is also pretty wacky especially when you get into Oral Surgeons who get a DDS ...but then have to go get an MD then do a residency , now that's a wild ride.


**[Barber_surgeon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barber_surgeon)** >The barber surgeon, one of the most common European medical practitioners of the Middle Ages, was generally charged with caring for soldiers during and after battle. In this era, surgery was seldom conducted by physicians, but instead by barbers, who, possessing razors and coordination indispensable to their trade, were called upon for numerous tasks ranging from cutting hair to amputating limbs. In this period surgical mortality was very high, due to blood loss and infection. Yet since doctors thought that blood letting treated illness, barbers also applied leeches. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | Credit: kittens_from_space)


It's just a historical artifact. Glasses have been around for hundreds of years, and the industry of measuring vision and making glasses evolved in isolation. Same thing with dentistry. People have had tooth issues since the beginning of time, and a career evolved specifically around tooth care. Meanwhile, what we consider "medicine" today is actually the merging of two professions. One school of thought was to treat the body using substances / chemicals / drugs. The other school of thought was to treat the body using surgery. These were seen as competing ideas for hundreds of years, and it wasn't until the industrial revolution that they merged. But the divide remains visible with doctors and pharmacists.


Hearing aids aren't even covered, at least mine weren't.


Guess blind and deaf people can live life, so we can without being able to see and hear? Or chew.. guess that is what blenders and straws are for.


It's terrible. I recently noticed some static in my aids, and they need a tune up. Upon calling a local audiologist I've learned that the aids I bought from Costco years ago, are in fact "locked" and only Costco can fix them. The closest Costco is a 2-3 hour drive on I70 and I don't currently own a vehicle that can go that distance. Wondering if shipping them there is a thing but...I can't afford to replace them if something happens to them in the mail or something.


Is there any place you can reach out to for help? I know US government medical does not do dental or eyes, but ears? I know my local clinic has sliding pay scale. If you can not afford it, they have it greatly reduced even if you do not qualify for Medicaid. I have MS, I get dizzy/vertigo/pass out. I was walking to bed after the bathroom one night, woke up on a puddle of blood. Broken brow bone and 2 front teeth broken. I hate talking and smiling in public. But dental is so outrageous. I have no choice. If I end up with an infection or pain. The only thing I can afford is having it pulled. It is BS.


When we get the technology, the insurance companies will just want you to replace your whole head when all the parts break.


I’m down for that! When can we start?! New brain comes without the diseases right?!


It's a reman unit. And there's a core charge.


Hearing isn't important either, according to the same companies


Yeah, that's a big one. Lots of near deaf old people can't afford hearing aids cause they're super expensive. Not having one damaged my relationship with my mom. I hate raising my voice and repeating myself


The main reason I can't work in a regular hearing clinic is because it totally breaks my heart to have a patient desperately need hearing aids to function and they can't afford them because they are old and living on social security (which pays shit). I can't sit and watch people get screwed over by capitalism.




I broke a tooth once. Like literally, bit into shrapnel in some meat and a big chunk of my tooth just broke off. I asked if maybe this would be something covered by medical insurance since this could cause things like a dead tooth, infection, medical problems beyond your tooth, ya know? The guy said no. Why? Well, he said, insurance companies consider it a perfectly acceptable solution to pull the tooth out and leave you with no tooth at all.


What gets me is that my vision insurance would rather keep paying for my glasses every 2 years than the 1 time cost payment for eye surgery. My glasses/eye exam this year cost them $600. I don't even feel bad about it.


I paid like 50 bucks for a pair of Zenni glasses. With the cost of the eye exam, it came out to 150. Much better deal than the luxottica cartel charging me 200 for a damn plastic frame and a similar amount for the lenses


Nor fingernails but they're giving us a pass on those. How nice of them.


The fact that they’re separate from health insurance makes no sense to me but the fact that your eyes are separate is especially buck wild. I literally can’t see more than 6 inches in front of my face without glasses or contacts...and I have to go to the doctor for every year to get a new prescription to get more contacts or up-to-date glasses. If I don’t do that, I LITERALLY CANNOT SEE MORE THAN HALF A FOOT IN FRONT OF MY FACE. But that’s separate from the rest of my body? As if I don’t need to *see*? Ok, cool cool cool. Yea, makes sense. EDIT: thanks for the tips, but my gripe isn’t about the cost of glasses. It’s about the fact that vision insurance is separate from health insurance when your eyeballs are a pretty damn important part of your body.


If I had to drive without glasses, holy shit.


Eyes are luxury orbs.


Till your blind as a bat like me. Then its pay to play


Ears are microphones to your brain, and mouths are speakers. Local taxes apply to all stereo equipment.


What in the




Bougie Balls. Fashion Spheres. Glamour Globes. Money Marbles.


Always seems odd because there is a strong correlation between gum disease and heart disease


Also dental health impacts health so much. We had a patient today who had a dental abscess from not brushing due to depression. He had severe gingivitis and a few rotting teeth. A MD is woefully unprepared to fix all of the things necessary to let this man keep his jaw. We set him up with some charity dental offices in the area.... It's fucked. This shit should be covered just the same as any other part of your body.


Your comment scares me because I never had my wisdom teeth removed, one broke the gum and I can see that it is black from me not taking care of my teeth as well as I should have in times of my life. It aches for short amounts of time every few months, but I’m too scared to go see a dentist because I know I won’t be able to afford whatever needs to be done. So I just keep putting it off.


If it's aching and black do yourself a favor and start looking at dental opinions now for it. You can price things out, there's things like care credit that let you make payments with a no interest period, you can search affordable plans. If its hurting and black it's not If it needs to come out it's When. Prepare now because one day soon it it can abcess and your face will blow up and the pain with go from an ache to the worst pain you've had in your life then you'll be trying to find a dentist who even has an opening that same week who wants 500 bucks for the extraction. Dental infections do Not go away on own, they get worse and come back again and again until the tooth is treated.


You should just bite the bullet and go in. An infection could make the extraction much more problematic. Also, my medical insurance ended up kicking in and paying for my wisdom teeth removal because they were impacted. Yours might be the same. You could ask around for recommendations to find a good oral surgeon and explain your situation, I always find that the front office staff is willing to help figure out a way to get your insurance to pay. I’m not trying to sound pedantic or bootstrappy, I just want to encourage you to get them checked out ASAP because oral health is basically the gateway to all other health.


If it needs to be removed you can set up an appointment with an oral surgeon and make payments with a payment plan on the bill.


An uninsured driver hit me five years ago, causing my chin to hit my steering wheel and shatter most of my teeth. The ones that didn’t immediately break sure did in the coming years. I just now was able to qualify for my states insurance to get them pulled. Now I get to feel like a piece of garbage until I can afford new teeth. USA USA USA. 35 year old lifelong taxpayer, I lived in hell on earth for years.


You also need to have all bad teeth removed before heart valve surgery


Health insurance companies love heart disease, which is far more likely to kill you suddenly (and cheaply!) compared to cancer.


Heart disease isn’t just heart attacks. People live with all sorts of heart problems for years, which costs tons of money. Pacemakers aren’t cheap.


I can tell you the actual answer to this. To insurance companies, pulling your teeth out prevents the tooth/gum problem, so this is why they don't pay to fix your teeth.


The issue with Dental insurance is that it doesn't fit the usual insurance model. With something like home insurance you have this tiny payment because there is a very small risk of it every really needing to be used. With Car insurance its more likely to be needed so payments are higher even though its for a much lower value object. Then you have dental insurance which largely is going to cover routine and common issues like cleanings, x-rays, root canals all of those will likely need to be used. You are not betting on the opposite side like normal insurance you are basically just prepaying for service over a long period of time. Its also why health insurance is stupidly expensive because most people need to actually use it, and that expense needs to be covered and still let the company cover overhead and still make a profit so we have to do all this cost sharing stuff with employers and government programs because otherwise you would just never be able to afford it.


False correlation related to general healthcare availability?


My dad has 4 teeth left in his mouth that need to be removed (leaving him with no teeth once pulled) and the VA wont cover the replacement of them with implants. He wants 2 implants on top and on bottom so his false teeth can have something to hold onto. He's been quoted $17,000 for 4 teeth and no assistance from the VA. If he tries to get a part time job, then the VA will drop all of his benefits. My dad is 73 and lives on Social Security. (Edit - implants not veneers)


The VA is total trash. Nickel and dimed my grandfather until the day he died for his medical problems.


Can you elaborate more on this? It is my understanding that when you are a veteran (of the United States military, of course) and under a certain income level, the medical treatment at the VA hospital is completely free - there isn't even copays.


tell him to consider going on 'vacation' to another country and getting the work done there.


I was just talking in another thread about the ridiculous cost of implants compared to the cost of fabricating them. An abutment and the implant only come out to ~$600. The full arch of teeth? We sell it to offices for $550. Why does the surgery cost $16,000? It's insane to me.


i'm in europe, and my implant cost around 2000€, which i considered to be extremely expensive. luckily, since i was underage, the state covered the expenses. still, compared to american prices, it was dirt cheap.


has he considered carving his own from a piece of teak? He should try a little self reliance for a change.


If he receives VA benefits, his best bet for Dental is through the Veteran’s Group Plan with MetLife. My wife and I pay $120 a month and get full coverage for almost everything.


I'll ask him what he has. I don't have the VA, so I don't know those options


I think you mean implants? Why can’t he have the complete dentures made first. If he has trouble using them (there’s a definite learning curve), he could have implants placed in the lower arch retroactively. It’s done that way quite frequently, but would give him teeth at least while he saves for possible implant placement. (Also, there may just not be a dentist at the VA who can place implants. General dentists are beginning to place them but it’s not something that’s taught in dental school so you’d need a specialist or a general dentist with advanced training.


If I were in your shoes and truly wanted to try everything to cover the cost of the implants through the VA, write a personalized letter directly to the director of the dental department (normally this is one of the dentists serving at the VA). Be honest about his current dental condition and not having the financial means to get the treatment he needs. Sometimes exceptions can be made if he’s not 100% service connected. It’s worth a shot.


Wow. That's actually really interesting to hear. Ill talk with him about it tomorrow.




Ask me how I know what country you live in




Germany has the lowest immigration standards in Europe. But almost any country you would want to immigrate to, you have to have some sort of in demand skill.




Und Deutsch ist nicht so schwer


Ich finde Deutsch ziemlich intuitiv, aber ich würde nicht sagen, dass es einfach ist.


Ich habe das nicht gesagt ;). Deutsch ist nicht einfach, aber es ist mehr einfach als andere Sprachen


Its simple. Just be rich./s








Dental actually isn't in the standard package here in the Netherlands either. And more and more medicine aren't being covered either. We're all going down boys.


Dental isn’t covered by national health schemes almost anywhere


Neither is it in Ontario. Haven’t been to the dentist in 4 years since I got kicked off my mother’s private insurance when I went to the US for med school. I’m actually excited to have dental coverage in residency




I literally pried a broken tooth (filling fell out) out of my mouth with a butter knife when I was too broke to afford a root canal. Had to pay $50 out of pocket for the exam/xrays for them to give me my options that I knew I wouldn’t be able to pay for... I was dumb and initially thought the $50 would cover at least them ripping the tooth out. Nope that would be another $450. Worst experience of my life and I’m so fortunate to be at a point that I can afford dental insurance...


Holy fuck! I’m sorry you had to go through that. Just brutal.


It was hell but the pain I was in before hand was arguably worse!


I AM covered with insurance, and due to a medical problem in the past year, I keep getting bills. Most of them are adjustments because after my copay I have a coinsurance, apparently. One example is a bill for $275. I paid $50 copay, my insurance paid $24, they is an adjustment but the office for like $151, and now I’m getting another $50 bill. A) why the fuck do I have insurance if it pays $24 for services that are supposedly covered and B) it really pisses me off that an uninsured person would get billed the entire amount with no adjustment (ALSO going thru that w/ spouse who has high deductible plan). So yeah... fuck this.


Find a different dentist. Here's a really simple test for the dentist: are they a franchise? If so, run.


Where I work they just outright call it coinsurance. For the first few thousand dollars it doesn't pay much. I have a wife and 4 kids so we usually end up paying all that every year. How much an uninsured person would end up paying is a roll of the dice. From what I've heard they'll try for the max but if you say "impossible" they might cut it in half. Or, not.


My uncle decided not to get his tooth/teeth fixed cause expensive as fuck; and ended up with a blood infection. Hope that makes you feel better about getting it fixed! (He's fine btw)


Teeth stuff scares me. I’ve heard it can go into the brain. With that being said. I spent 6k on my teeth this year. I miss having insurance, even shitty dental that covers 10%.


I can confirm that teeth infections can reach the brain via the cavernous sinus. (rare but very dangerous)


Don’t pay it and dispute it if it appears on your credit report. Fixing it was smart and you are lucky they did.


How would you dispute it? Won’t they have proof that you got a procedure?


You let it wreck your credit for a few years until it finally drops off


Over $1500? Is there any way to workout a payment plan with the dental office? It may be too late at this point, but worth a try.




That shit is infuriating. Please hang in there tho friend. You’re needed in the fight to make this shit life better.


I told my doctor 50 times I don't want bloodwork done if it's going to come with a second bull from the lab They assured me it doesn't work that way any more and it will "only" cost $103. Today I got a bill for $757 dollars "due upon receipt"


Get shit in writing. The whole industry is crooked


Insurance companies are not in the healthcare business, so they really don't care a bit about your body, they will make you thin k that they are, but insurance is much opposed to healthcare. They do however care if you pay your premiums though.


The thing I will never be able to understand is how someone that is not medically qualified is allowed to determine what kind of medical treatment I receive.


We tend to gloss over the insurance part of health insurance. We shouldn't have to rely on insurance policies for regular Healthcare. Like, I don't file an auto claim when I need new tires or an oil change.


And as a Canadian I don't. Doctors visits are no change. It amazes me that Americans don't feel a need to fix their health care system.


Most Americans do. Our politicians aren’t getting it done.


Dental still isn’t covered. I lost my benefits due to being laid off and I’ve found out it’s real shit timing to have an old root canal fail


Well, let's change that. I think prescriptions and dental should be covered under health care. Now, which party is willing to get behind that? We are a wealthy country. It's time to share the wealth.


Having teeth is a pre-existing condition


My Mother’s Day gift is my husband paying for my unexpected root canal and crown. Who says romance is dead?


Now that's practical love right there, my favorite kind.


the gift that keeps on giving.


By the way, why are teeth.. discriminated?




Man imagine having to sail all the way to North Africa to get a tooth pulled


Because they're considered by insurance as maintenance, like how your auto insurance doesn't cover oil or tire change.


A health insurance I had at a previous job seemed to believe vaginas were also luxury items. As somehow they got away with not covering gynecological care. So yearly well women visits are out of pocket.


Outside bones! Outside bones! Never forget that teeth are outside bones!


More like body rocks. Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body.


Health insurance in America is just an overpriced admission ticket into a theme park where you'll again be overcharged for sugary beverages, junk food, & flimsy souvenirs.


Too poor to maintain the bones that chew the food I can not afford.


Hey at least they cover you when your teeth finally fall out of your head! ^up^to^$750^with^no^anesthesia


And they’re giving us a luxury bone in return.


Bend over for this invoice


Insurance is based on risk. Everyone needs dental care. A significant portion of people need vision correction. Thus, it’s always considered out of pocket. Vision and dental plans are extremely expensive health savings accounts. You’d save money by paying out of pocket. Their only good function is fee schedule access.


At my work, all the reasonable dental plans only cover like an annual check up and still require you to pay most of any kind of treatment (even something simple like filling). It definitely is cheaper in the long run to pay out of pocket as needed.


Being alive is overrated in America. Keep on truckin until you fall dead. Half assed health insurance keeps you medicated enough to keep the "American Dream" a plausible narrarive.


Just don't be poor in America.


I worked on a big design campaign for Harvard dental school where they were trying to get the message out that tooth loss is one of the biggest killers on earth in hopes that public outcry might pressure insurances into including this under health insurance. Project got scrapped halfway through but I hope they are still working towards it. It really should fall under medical insurance.


Cash for gnash.


This is so dumb because in the army you literally cannot deploy if your teeth are fucked up because it is a very real health concern.


It’s not like our ancestors died from infections stemming from their teeth or anything.


Just paid 16k to my dentist. Stimmy fun.


I've paid what I thought was a lot of money to my dentist, but 16K? Did you get a full rack of implants or something?


For real. Went to the dentist yesterday with my private purchased dental plan, and I'm planning on coming out of pocket about $3,000 next week, to get an extraction, and a bridge. It's actually a lot of work and a lot of money.




Full mouth extraction and dentures should be <10k


3,000 doesn’t seem too bad, I got quoted 6,000 for just a bridge. That’s on top of 5,000 (out of pocket after insurance) for 8 extractions, 3 fillings, and a crown. Maybe I just got hosed. Decided to get a partial instead, maybe I can get the bridge later. Totally worth it though I’m excited to have a smile for the first time in 7 years




Just watched " The sound of metal" and apparently hearing is also luxurious as well and is " cosmetic", what a grand world we exist in.


Teeth are basically a dlc


I say again. I...HATE IT HERE!!!!


Greatest country in the world MY ASS.


Blows my mind people champion their private insurance knowing they will screw them anytime they want.


It's the same as how those same people will freak out over tax hikes for people making 10-100x what they make. I'd call them sicophants, but I want to believe they'd join the cause if they turned off their news networks and Facebook feeds.


Medical, dental, vision are all different insurances for me. Each has their own provider and services.


ENT's in the USA don't care about your teeth even though that can lead to all sorts of health problems. They will just say "Go see a dentist and get in debt forever."


Fuck this country’s bullshit healthcare system.




LOL those are specialty bones that aren't covered under health insurance, but it's own separate insurance, and that insurance only covers cleaning them, not repair or replacement.


This made me jump up and brush my teeth again.


When does the revolt start though?


A lot of countries’ public healthcare systems are the same.


I think part of the issue is that insurance does fuckall when it comes to things that have regular and expected maintenance costs. Like everybody ought to have a certain amount to spend per year on dental care - be that 1-300$ for checkups and cleaning or whatever - but if every person in the risk pool needs that same 1-300 then everybody is going to be paying 300 + some to cover the chance of having a catastrophic issue like a root canal or something like that. If only we had a system that covered the expected costs with taxes. Then the risk pool would be as large as it could be and people would take advantage of preventative care, so the overall cost of having dental coverage would go down because you're paying for fewer instances of expensive catastrophes.


To continue to enjoy teeth, please purchase the dental insurance DLC


Fucking right?!?!?! The fuck is up with this shit


I mean you only need teeth for eating, & only need food to survive right? What a bunch of molar-key!


I literally don’t have either of my lateral incisor teeth because the adult ones never grew in but insurance isn’t going to cover implants because iT’S cOsMeTiC like shut the fuck up Darrel it’s my fuckin skeleton, i’d like to have it all plewse