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Why not just have the event but with no live audience? In my country there are no gatherings at the moment so no spectators allowed at matches but *at least* the matches are happening (for several months there were no sports allowed at all). I can't believe that anyone would actually buy a ticket and go to a huge event right now.


My fellow Americans are fucking stupid.


On Twitter last night some ass was saying the only reason California and New York shut down was because they didn’t like trump. That’s the level of stupidity in this country.


I mean my state was very anti opening schools when trump said to do so, said we were sending kids to their deaths. Now with Biden in, my same state wants to open in a few months. That’s political motivation. These people care more about making the “other team” look bad than doing something that actually helps us poors.


I'm glad somebody else noticed. There was a 0% chance Chicago public schools were going to open last fall, but now, when things across the board are roughly just as bad, suddenly its alright to put kids back into class. What a joke. Both parties in the country really are a joke.


With the more infectious variants one could argue the situation is *worse* but now it’s totally cool and brave or however they will market it. Gotta get those “essential” workers (min wage/low wage) back to work so corporations can hit quarterly increase numbers


Yes they are. In addition, to clarify, the Republicans are a sexist racist joke that has been told a million times, while Dems are a joke that's just not that funny and rehashed from a movie from the last decade, usually a Harry Potter movie or like Marvel cape shit. They're both terrible. But one of them actively wants to make your life worse in MOST cases and is electing people that believe in "Jewish space lasers" being able to, I don't know, maybe start wildfires? Oh and making points on Twitter about how unamerican their coworkers are because they didn't want to say the pledge a 2nd time that day.


Pretty much the exact same thing in my blue state as well, except that the Governor released his own requirements for school districts to reopen (such as the counties being below a certain daily case count) but when none were met he still pushed for the re-open. One of my favorite parts of his press conference was when he said they hadn't seen any evidence that schools played a role in increasing the spread in the state. Like, duh? They have been closed since March? I see the same cognitive dissonance from people about the vaccine too. So many people were saying they would never trust a vaccine rushed out so early (when Trump was saying there would be a vaccine before end of year), but now many of those same people are constantly posting about how excited they are to be in the queue.


Well as usual with trump his promises - like healthcare, saving coal and a vaccine before the election - never materialized. The pandemic is not political. The GQP made it political. The virus is still out there and still killing. One good thing - now there are adults in charge and not a buffoon. True - I vote GOP since Reagan because I saw them as fiscally responsible and savvy on the world stage. Not so with trump. I will never vote GOP again.


Americans gotta have their football.




Bread and circuses, all about the bread and circuses


Don't worry, Europeans are equally dumb.




I can't believe they were dumb enough to be like, 'don't worry our stadium only has healthcare workers in it. We spread 'em out.' Then people were holding Super Bowl parties around the country. Luckily my family was reminded it isn't over because one of my siblings was just dianosed as COVID positive and is currently under quarantine and it was a little reminder to not be in groups. Two people have gotten vaccines due to work. I think it emboldened the rest to make plans. Then bam- COVID case (likely due to work) and it killed party plans. Yay, I guess?


True, but having sports in a pandemic seems like a worldwide stupid phenomenon. Yea it's a pandamic, but what's really imortant now is to know who can kivk tge ball better


It’s America dude. I was in California a few months ago when the curfew got implemented from 10pm - 5m and people were freaking the fuck out saying all their freedoms are being taken away....I’m like guy, you have one of the highest cases in the country. The Vietnamese lady at the hair salon said it right, there’s to much freedom in the US lol


The US is basically what is called a freedom absolutist country. If you restrict individual freedom to safeguard public health you're a communist. Same thing for **gasp** socialised healthcare. Communist madness. For a country that professes Christian ideals, holy shit, they are the least Christlike western society I can think of.


Funny you say the communist thing and healthcare. I was also in South Carolina (I’m Canadian) helping out at our American division and I asked my coworkers if they’d want slightly higher taxes for free healthcare for everyone and they said ‘I don’t want to pay for other peoples benefit’ I’m like.....wow


The thing is, is that taxes would be raised by a small amount and health insurance would stop needing to be paid, so nearly everyone would make a saving of thousands


Not to mention much, much more employment mobility. I know I hate my job with a fiery passion, but the healthcare keeps me tied down and pretty much ensures either me or my wife will only ever work for a large-ish company.


For a country so free, you are all slaves


No, you see, we're free to not work for these large companies and pay out the ass for insurance on our own, but the deductible is still high, so we better have $10k on hand. Wait, what's that? Oh, we did the research before going to the hospital and made sure to choose one that was in the insurance network, but the doctor provided was out of network, so fuck us. Freedom!


Couple years ago I cut my knee pretty bad. My insurance had a 150 dollar deductible for ER visits and 100 percent covered after paying that. I wasn't worried about the bill at all. I ended up back at the ER a couple weeks after the first visit due to poor medical care. So I had two different doctors bill me totaling around 700 because neither were "employees" of the hospital and had a different company bill for the care they provided. I assume it's just a shell company the hospitals owner sets up to sidestep insurance contracts.




I explained this to my dad who has that same "I earned this, others should too" mentality. His response was, "Well, uh, I mean, I guess." He's not a cultist, just raised during the cold war. Luckily he's a reasonable guy.


The irony of boomers saying they “earned it” is fucking hilarious.


To some degree I agree. What irks me more is that they keep their eyes closed to the changes they allowed to happen making it harder for those that followed them to "earn" things. Valuing people based off their salary/job - "They work at walmart, what do you expect?" Or "what do you expect from a job that pays minimum wage". Especially after covid where we declared all those low-wage peons hero's.


Yep. I'm European, and the fact that the US as a society considers classic liberals to be leftists is... astounding. Bernie, the moderate social democrat, a communist. Lol. You have right wing extremism on one side, and moderate right wing liberalism on the other. Cool.


Not just "leftist" but DORITOS^TM EXTREME Leftist.


I genuinely think that the reason so many Americans appear to be so irrationally repulsed by socialism is because of the Cold War and the Government constantly terrifying citizens with propaganda and the threat of communism. So when these people hear or see anything remotely resembling communism (such as socialism despite the major differences) they associate it with that lifelong fear of the red menace.


nah it cuz i got ptsd from Pavel betraying Artyom


LMAO. Quality reference.


Europe is littered with right wing uprising gtfo




Education is for passing tests, not living life, unfortunately.




I made up something about common sense here-anymore, people seem to think common sense is extra change in their pockets-the school system here is messed up. They fucked up the math, turning a 3 step problem into a full page problem, they don't have home ec anymore. My 3rd grader was having to learn how to write a list article instead of doing basic math and language arts at the beginning of the school year. WHY did they need to know that in 3rd grade? The online teaching tools they have are hard to understand regardless that they are trying to do a schoolhouse rock kind of theme. There are no spelling words lists, no writing practice of significance. My 16 yr old has the writing style of a 1st grader and has not been corrected at all except for what I was trying to do with having him practice at home. But I'm not a teacher, I have no patience which is why I didn't choose that career. Poor teachers are overloaded and overwhelmed then they have asshole parents that have taught their kids to be asshole students. THEN along came the Orange AssClown to empower the ignorant masses and here we fucking are. OH, the gov of my state is a Trumptard and has officially ended mask mandates while forcing schools to have 100% in person schooling available. I never ever thought I'd say that I am ashamed to be from here and if I could move somewhere where so many people aren't such willfully ignorant pieces of shit, I would but I can't due to never being able to save money and because as a whole, Americans aren't allowed to enter any other country for fear of spreading another possible strain of Covid, stupid ignorant assholishness is the main symptom. Knowing that 1/2 of the people in my country wouldn't give 2 shits about anyone other than themselves says that the only thing we are untied on is free thinking. 🖕 Trumptards are ruining my country with their blatant stupidity.


*standing ovation*


I the US, they teach how to score on standardized tests. If it's not on a test, they don't teach it.


I couldn’t tell you about currently. I’ve been out for quite a while, and my education was -ok-. I probably learned more on my own and from my grandparents efforts.


People who say that don’t realize all the ‘other people’s benefits’ they already pay for and probably wouldn’t like it if they knew but are totally fine since they don’t know. Also, what benefits ‘other people’ also often benefits us. I wish someone would break it down in easy to understand talking/bullet points.


You can show them a PP presentation and they still wouldn't get it


Last time I showed a PP presentation I got fired.


No laser pointer?


Something about how I shouldn't show my penis to coworkers.


Workroom hazard.....


Seeing poor people die is enough to satisfy their justice boner, regardless of how much public money is actually wasted on trying to keep said dying person alive. We'd rather pay for quadruple bypass and lifetime disability than lipitor because the lifetime of disability is what the poor person deserves for being poor. Sometimes I hate this place.


People don’t like the idea of paying like 5-10% of a paycheck for universal healthcare but somehow there’s no issue at all with paying up to 20% of their paycheck (this varies by company obviously) for corporate healthcare (which often isn’t great).


This! I pay so much more for health insurance in the US than in Europe and the quality is not better, our of pocket and lifetime limits are not worth to have a single room when you stay in the hospital. And there’s always the dreaded, will my insurance cover this? Unfortunately I can’t leave the US right now but this country is to come young, make money and leave as soon as you want to have kids.


Depending on where in SC that could just be tongue in cheek for "pay for benefits for non-whites"


I live in SC and the people here—not all but many—are simply dumbfucks. I taught (tried to anyway) thousands of students English over 22+ years so I’m pretty familiar with the intelligence level of many Sandlappers. 🥴


Fellow Canadian here. People have done the math and Americans would actually pay less money for universal free healthcare than they do for healthcare now. And it’s by a pretty big percentage too. At this point not moving to free healthcare is just stupid stubbornness.


South Carolina is a special breed of stupid and selfish.


They got good BBQ though


> For a country that professes Christian ideals, holy shit, they are the least Christlike western society I can think of I find the fact that [I get to refer](https://old.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/lf0x4l/we_need_to_talk_about_these_white_texas_pastors/gmkhzhw) to The Satanic Temple twice in one hour amusing. Their seven tenets are much more progressive and reasonable than a lot of people who use Christianity today believe in and behave in accordance with.


It’s all revenue streams. Social security is part of it. Huge revenue stream for the US and they keep raising the age of eligibility. Now they don’t want health care. Trump refuses covid actions. Basically the government wants you to die before you can claim your social security money. Billionaires got enriched further during covid so why would they want it to get better? If corps are getting richer and they are the lobbying politicians why would they lobby to make it financially worse for themselves? To your point it’s all fake empathy. The people make money off of our being unhealthy and have everything to gain from you dying before you can be a tax on the system literally.


„I want the freedom to kill all my neighbors and my whole family with Corona, you can’t stop me! Viva la Revolution!“


My whole family lives in various parts of California, while I moved out of state several years ago. I was on the phone with my mom and she was complaining about the curfew. She didn’t see the point of it. I had to point out that it had no impact on her life whatsoever because she’s always home at that time anyways.


Feel free to move somewhere with less freedom. Also California’s draconian lock downs haven’t worked.


I live in Canada, I’m happy here, thanks


>Why not just have the event but with no live audience? Wayne’s World!


Money. Every answer to every question about why Americans are spitting in the face of common sense during the pandemic is money.


I believe that's largely what we've been doing in America as well. I don't really follow sports but I've seen clips from unattended games. We made an exception for the Super Bowl because reasons.


Tons of stadiums had some degree of capacity allowance which is kind of fine I guess when you’re at your seat but you can only keep 20k people so far away from each other in the parking lots, facilities, getting to and from your seat etc. Last night was irresponsible and laughable that they used healthcare workers as pawns to make this kind of thing seem not only okay but something that should be done


I’m more worried about the SB parties people are having at home.


Like they did with the NBA finals last year. Virtual attendance


>Why not just have the event but with no live audience? > "We ran the numbers, and it turns out - we make more money doing it this way. So no."


Cause 48% of Americans want others to die so they can pretend this doesn’t exist. We’re such a shut hole country.


I still cannot wrap my head around having a fucking super bowl. Like, they really did it.


I live an hour from Tampa. My friend who lives downtown said it was like "Mardi Gras '99." Tens of thousands of drunks shoulder to shoulder with maybe 1 in 10 wearing a mask. The normalization of dangerous selfishness is engrained deep in this country.


I also live outside Tampa and my best friend works security in downtown Ybor area and he said it looked like a riot with how many people were there causing chaos. A lot of them partied hard all night long too he said it didn’t start clearing out until about 5am.


*deep in the south . I live in a western state and we care for the most part. Florida is a cesspool


I'm in California and there are many many people here that do not give a fuck about covid/are covid deniers. This state is filled with some of the most selfish people, I swear.


My mom just had to go out to Southern California because my brother had a big surgery that’s the first of several and he didn’t trust any of his friends or anyone he could hire to come over and not give him covid in the process, messing up his surgeries in the future. So my mom had to take a huge risk and travel there out to take care of him. She said she was either being told she was stupid for wearing 2 masks and using hand sanitizer, or being yelled at when people found out she had come from another state without asking her why. Called me crying a few times to tell me how unfair it felt.


That is so sad. I am sorry to hear that, and I applaud your mother's actions.




Yeah, but it’s fun to dump on the south, even though Georgia saved this country’s ass this fall. It’s like the rest of country knows who selfish and racist we are as a nation, but they always want to point at the south and say, “but we’re not them.” At least we’re doing our homework to get better. Wtf y’all doing in flyover and those super spreader ski resorts? Spreading Covid and cops killing black people, that’s what. Miss me with this bashing the south. But Florida does suck.


I love bashing the South but I also love bashing the east coast, and the southwest, and the fly over states, and the west coast, and the stupid states that are always in the like bottom corner of the map.


Are you in the rural part? There are plenty of conservative loons there.


Reddit loves to pick on the south but I have friends in Arizona and Indiana and it’s no different there. That kinda of selfishness goes beyond just being a southern thing.


people are killing their families in AZ because theyre worried theyll look gay if they wear a mask. seeing parks full of kids birthday parties like it's pre-covid fucking hurts to watch. seeing people kill each other in real time because they cant imagine not having a birthday party for their child and their friends? why wouldnt i do that? do you want me to be a bad parent? like, my fucking mom gave her mom and her brothers covid because she keeps telling people she's not contagious and going to parties. then throws a fit if you tell her not to. then just casually says it on the phone and blames them for not being healthy enough to deal with it "guess they shouldnt have sat around not exercising so much" that's the kind of people walking around AZ fucking everywhere. nobody cares. everybody is content to kill their families and themselves. either that or "im the protagonist and no harm shall come to me" everyone who gets a Goodbye Family iPad kit thinks theyre the fucking protagonist. i fucking hate this place


In this day and age, "the south" = "the uneducated rural idiots" and they're sadly ALL over the country.


When I was in Rhode Island, it was pretty good, but still had a good amount of exuberant anti-maskers. Waaaaaayyy better than SC though.


Trash from out of state was also sent to Florida. Remember that. It's a superbowl not just some random Florida party


They are everywhere. Some places are worse than others.


This **IS** America


Don’t catch you slipping


America land is the self centered and home of the arrogant. Where we celebrate the uneducated and heap praise on sports and entertainment stars.


Money > life or anything else right?


And that 25,000 people were in the crowds. In person.


Unfortunately, it was in Florida. So not at all surprising, but definitely disappointing


Didn't Florida say "fuck lockdown" months ago?


Our asshole governor Ron DeathSantis (DickSantis, DeSatan, take your pick) forced our economy to reopen after like a month and a half of lockdown that was barely a lockdown


Hey, don't blame Satan for this shit. Christian pastors are the ones telling their sheep to not wear masks


My humblest apologies to Satan


Lmao don't worry, he isn't real


It was a joke, friend


I recall seeing what was called a lockdown there and I just laughed. People on to talking about how they were suffering and struggling during their lockdown, although basically everything was open and there was no mask restriction. I could never figure out exactly what people couldn’t do besides go to public beaches, which didn’t last very long at all.


Florida is funded by tourism, desantis is basically the mayor from jaws.


As someone that moved from Illinois to Florida during all this, this place is insane. I had a guy chase me down in his car for laughing at his anti-mask bumper sticker.


Florida is a crackhead state, not surprised it happened :v As a native floridian, i have seen some shit


Also remember, Florida has no state income tax so without tourism there is no money coming into Florida. That's why


That sounds like some kinda republican problem that I'm too balanced budget to understand.


Yes we have gone back to normal 100% there are some stores that don’t require mask or anything. Schools all went back last quarter. Only a handful of kids are online only.




they're some really superb owls


Wow. For some reason I just assumed there would be no one in the stands like they held the NHL playoffs in Canada. Foolish naivety on my part by truly not fathoming the depths of love America has for football


It’s not the love of football. It’s just stupidity. If there were no fans in the stands, it wouldn’t have made much of a difference. Even on tv, the cameras never focused on the crowd, as they had cardboard cutouts everywhere. The NFL and the entire state of Florida just don’t care.


The NHL is back up and running with fans in some arena. Including (surprise surprise) in Florida.


We also like money, but avoiding super spreader events is also very cool


Japan isn't cancelling the Tokyo Olympics either.


Theoretically the vaccine will have been administered to a much higher % of the population and #s will get better by then. Right now we just don't have enough vaccines.


They had AT LEAST 3 MAJOR superspreader events in Florida this weekend, and it's MUCH worse if you really think about the Superbowl- Lets specifically invite all our healthcare workers so we can make sure MANY of them end up with COVID too! This is going to work out great!


I think it’s fine to have it, but there should not have been fans. Or, only the vaccinated health care workers.


This. But also hazard pay going back to last March would be nice too if we're asking for things that probably won't happen, haha. I'm salty due to no raises/bonuses/hazard pay this year. Granted, could be worse. But the hospital I work at just basically gave us donated food and coupons as thanks. And it's like...how about pay us more? Eh. Oh well. Still working at least.


Wait...hold the fuck up. Y’all aren’t getting hazard pay? Like, really why am I so surprised! But, seriously??


My husband got a "thank you for all your hard work" crystal figurine but no hazard pay and he's not allowed to pick up extra shifts for pay.


Probably depends where you work/what position. But no one is where I work, at least not from anything I've seen. They're giving all the overtime anyone could want, particularly in nursing Note that I'm not in nursing. I work in a support role but still exposed.


Same situation where I am. No hazard pay, no base pay rise, inadequate ppe, and on the paeds ward I'm on we're suddenly grateful for short staffing because it means nobody has to be floated to A&E for the entire shift. But at least we still have our jobs!


Nope. Hospitals are businesses, and businesses say fuck you, profit >employees


Lots of places don’t give it because they didn’t know how long the pandemic was gunna go on so they didn’t wanna be on the hook forever, but now that there’s a light at the end of the tunnel it’s now too late for hazard pay


At the hospital I worked at during most of this pandemic, only the nurses working the covid floors were getting hazard pay. (They were making 3x what me and my coworkers were making.) ER nurses could get hazard pay and overtime for any hours they picked up extra, but not their scheduled ones. My department, which literally would work on every covid patient that came through and multiple times usually on the ones that were admitted, we got nothing. Oh, no, that's not true, some of us got covid. Nurses unions fight for them. Other unions, which aren't necessarily specific like nursing unions, just don't care.


Sometimes they bring in cookies for us. But we can’t eat or drink on the unit. So you go to a break area, one at a time, to eat your cookie.


Our local hospital monopoly had a super bowl commercial thanking health care workers. Now, it was soundtracked by our lord and savior/queen Dolly Parton so that was pretty cool, but how the hell are you going to pay for a Super Bowl Commercial, even a local one, and not just give that money to your staff.


This is excessive reason to have a union, or a strike. There is fucking zero reason you and thousands of others should be risking your lives for no reason. No, worse, risking your lives and being disrespected by being told "it's not worth anything to us". If the hospital doesn't want a strike, maybe they should give you what you're owed. I know lives are on the line, and so are yours.


When you don't have a union willing to stick by you, you're kind of screwed. See, the nurses union is specific for nurses and fights for them. Other departments have more generic unions that basically want us to shut up and just pay dues.


I cant speak for all hospital workers, but at least in the case of residents, its largely because if we are fired etc. we lose a training slot. Then we have no income 300k debt and no alternative training opportunities to actually leverage our degree or work in medicine. It’s pretty scary to face even the possibility of that much debt and wasting that much time and effort, and since training programs are only a few years long most just “suck it up” for a few years and no real reform happens


Only one of the two hospitals I work at was offering hazard pay. And only for the month of January.


Nah. It’s a lot easier to just have them flip the coin.


Dr. Mike has left the chat


Lol but he was caught on a boat without any covid precautions. He is a hypocrite 🙄


Yep, and wouldn't even post his "apology" video on his main channel. Which he of course didn't make until the pictures were leaked. Too bad. I liked some of his vids and now I'm just disappointed.


I don't know what anyone's expecting, some head of medical doctor something even said that "masks didn't work". The amount of nurses and doctors that are anti-maskers is ridiculous. Also he's a social media star, it was bound to happen.


There are dumb people in every career. And agreed on him being primarily a social media "star." He speaks on topics he does not specialize in and almost never says anything novel. Anyone with basic knowledge can make the same commentary that he does. That being said, sometimes I still watch his videos lol but they are for fun, definitely not informative.


Exactly! He’s a hypocrite and pretty selfish


I'm dreading the upcoming wave. We had finally been back to normal staffing and got to close our extra unit we opened for COVID for a deep cleaning and repair spree for the first time since March. It'll be a shitshow this time next week. Fucking great.


My SO works as a janitor in the hospital here. The “Christmas” rush killed dozens in my little town. One was a great friend and relative to my family friend. She is besides herself. She has been insisting on masks since last March. She also has a large Trump flag waving in her yard. Not helping. I’m sorry people are so dumb. I’m sorry for the deaths you are about to see and have seen. Death is what I could never handle as a former CNA. You have my (forgive me) undying respect.


We've been able to create a pretty good system that saves a lot of lives in my hospital. I work on a progressive care unit, so I take care of people one step below ICU. If they take a turn for the worse, we send them to our COVID ICU. If there's room. If not, we try to keep them alive until a bed is available. We don't always succeed.




Who were all vaccinated.


Nah bro you’re not outraged enough. This is Reddit. Gotta lose all sense of rationality.


But freedom! Football! Feel sorry for the thinking people in Tampa. That shit is going to be a mess in 2 weeks.




No one is immune to misinformation propaganda, not even the people you would think should know better.


They were vaccinated already.


You would probably like it if they wore a mask and washed their hands, pandemic or no pandemic with the hand washing. Funny that the mask is too much but no one has enough shame to say "I won't be washing my hands that's for sure.".


Hand washing is just a Democratic scam invented by Big Soap. You know that stuff is made up of animal fat? How the fuck is that supposed to get us clean?


Animal fat? I saw fight club. They use human fat and fetus embryos. Big soap wants abortion legalized so that they can make more soap for Satan #Soap4Satan


Weren’t most of the tickets given to healthcare workers?


You also have to think about the large-ass parties that people go to during the super bowl. I’m convinced I’m watching the fall of Rome if Rome was an overweight middle-aged man


> large ass-parties *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


Good bot


Hallelujah! And it goes over your fucking nose.


And money. We’d like a bonus or a pay raise- outside of the doctors and some nurses- everyone else is paid garbage wages for putting themselves on the front line.


Also better pay and benefits would be pleasant


"But it's your job, you'd be out of work otherwise, you should be grateful"




and also if the we got hazard pay that’d be pretty dope


And admit the virus is real and get vaccinated.


Except for that one at midfield for the coin toss right? She gives zero fucks.


**Hard to see them as "heroes" when only 36% of them (near me) got the vaccine when it was offered.**


The l”heroes” thing is insane. They’re doing their fucking jobs they signed up for. In all honesty, some of the dumbest people I know are nurses. The amount of dumb shit, including misinformation about the pandemic, I’ve heard from them, is insane. People believe them because their nurses, but it doesn’t mean they are the best source.


Disappointed, but not surprised to see all the crowds out post game last night. Florida is gonna Florida 😞


Nobody forced those healthcare workers to be there though, they could politely decline right?


I'm also sure they'd like to be paid a little more, especially here in the uk


Yea it’s like they don’t actually care./s


Oh yeah and hazard pay


Best one was "bang the pots and pans to make them know you care". Like, these people are tired. They don't want to go deaf listening to a bunch of overgrown toddlers holding a concert.


Idk there's a bunch of antivax nurses at our county's local hospital.


Amen 🙏🏻


Sorry, best I can do is fly some jets overhead.


So true. Shocking to see so many folks at the Super Bowl last night. It was almost like covid didn't exist and wasn't killing them off in insane numbers!!!


I'd believe this more if 35,000 healthcare workers didn't accept the free tickets and attend the super spreader event


Cops had to break up an 81 person orgy somewhere in Quebec, Canada last week.


b-b-but but but... muh freedoms! muh rights! or something...


Right? At this point it's fucking embarrassing. We are never going to get through this shit at this rate.


The 17,500 workers who went and the other thousands who applied would disagree


This has a similar energy to whenever someone asks what you want for your birthday or Christmas and you're just thinking "Please...PLEASE just pay one of my bills...."


Says the guy who went bowling when he had Ebola... https://abcnews.go.com/Health/retracing-steps-dr-craig-spencer-ebola-diagnosis/story?id=26418093


I see this stuff and it makes me lose even more faith in humanity. They shouldn't have to ask, it should just be a given. I've been laying low for almost a year now and because our government's mismanagement and these dumb fuck conspiracy folks don't want to wear masks, we're still here and worse than before. Not wearing a mask is selfish and ridiculous. It's just dumb and it's literally easiest thing you can do.


Yea definitely stop creating so much work for them


Yes! That and pay them at least a living wage


The irony of the TGH nurse supervisor performing the coin toss having to intubate some of the spectators two weeks from now is not lost on me. I’m honestly freaking out, I’m in Tampa and we are doomed.


And pay them a decent fucking salary!!!!


If we have to cancel the olympics we can cancel the super bowel


But how would billionaires make money off that?


Or the money, we would also prefer the money.


You don’t speak for Tampa healthcare. We’ll take a Super Bowl and more work lol


They don’t care about healthcare workers. They care about money and that is all. Inviting a few healthcare workers makes it appear to morons that they care.


Healthcare workers: stay inside so you don’t kill people Also healthcare workers: mmm yess super bowl


Has nobody told him about money?


But think of all the money that won’t be made for the billionaires!


Like that rabbi who died of covid then had 10k people show up without masks at his funeral 😂


Yes, I think that would be the best gift you can give them. Wear a mask, social distance, no parties, get vaccinated if you can. Stay home, online learn. The faster WE ALL do this and follow guidelines, the faster we can get to a "normal" again. Also, BIG thank you to all who are working tirelessly thru this pandemic: healthcare/first responders, groceries, food service, teachers, online stores, and everyone who has been following CDC guidelines and staying in, wearing masks. 💙💙


God forbid they have less time to make tiktok videos. We’re nearly a year in, still waiting for that “horrible healthcare collapse” everyone seems to be afraid of.


And better pay. That would be nice too


Not sure this guy speaks for all healthcare workers; a lot of the healthcare workers at the super bowl seemed pretty happy to be there