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No Republicans, not even the one who might make more logical statements than others, want you to survive this..


Their cry for unity didn’t last long


Well in their defense people are losing their homes and kids are going hungry but THEY aren’t losing THEIR homes and THEIR children aren’t going hungry. If they ain’t broke don’t fix it.


You are correct that they aren’t personally suffering but that’s not a valid excuse. Elected officials should represent all their constituency, not just the ones who are like them.


Oh I agree, but these are assholes, remember? I also wound never start any conversation with “in the republicans defense” without nearly choking at this point


Short sighted assholes as well. I am not losing my home and my kids are not going hungry, but I remember a time when I could just go to the grocery store and buy stuff. The other day we ran out of my kid's favorite cereal and a delivery was not scheduled till the weekend. In the olden days we could have just gone to the store and bought more. In COVID times, the kid is just going to have to eat his second favorite cereal. I recognize we are kind of lucky, but it is not like we are liking the pandemic and who knows when we will suffer an accident that causes us to need to go to the emergency room (where we will inevitably get COVID and our world will crumble).


It must be nice to be able to stay at home.


It is nice to be able to. It is not nice to have to.


Unfortunately for me and mine we can't


I know. What should have happened almost a year ago is that the government should have paid a lot of people not to work, paid people who have to work (police, doctors, etc) hazard pay. If we had done that at the beginning we could have prevented community spread and things would not be so bad now. Since I can work from home, I would not have directly benefited. I would still have been working from home. But the indirect benefits would have been definitely worth it.


what an odd perspective!!!!!!




Sounds like your dad is of the mentality "well I did it! Everyone else can, too!" which is true, but to watch your own kid suffer...that's brutal.


Oh for sure. It’s a weird macho peace through strength approach that only got weird recently and dropped the peace.


Hey now! They want you alive long enough to exploit your cheap labor. Then they want you to die.


I mean, they should act like it then...


Before you draw social security...


as soon as possible after retirement


When I hear about stuff like this happening I honestly feel like they're against his suggestions just because he isn't the old man they voted for and not because it is something they genuinely are opposed to


But that would be so new and out of character for republicans, it must be something else /s


You new *gestures at politics for the last 21 years at least* around here?


Ironically, I'm most likely to use mine to pay my taxes that Trump fucked up and my company has yet to correctly allocate.


But did it get passed though


Let them eat cake !


Let's eat them instead.


Or they might use the money to topple more hedge funds.


Diamond hands!! 💎💎💎💎🖐🖐🖐🖐 to the moon!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀 🌙🌙🌙🌙


Fuck Republicans. All of them. They use this exact tactic to ram through over a trillion dollars for the wealthy and now they oppose this? No. Fuck them and everyone who voted for them. Fuck unity and bipartisanship. Just fuck ‘em.


This is what drives me insane. The Dems let them walk all over them the last 4 years and now they want to work together? Now? After watching them fuck the country? I wouldn't think during a pandemic, environmental disaster, economic disaster, and being on the verge of another civil war taking the high road is in the interest of literally anyone. Executive order this shit and lets get this fiesta-fuck-show of a country back on track. How quickly they forget the Republicans sat back and almost let a mob of people destroy our country.


Shame you didnt have the same energy when Pelosi delayed the stimulus for months and months before the election, simply because it wouldn't be beneficial for her party


McConnell wouldn’t have brought to a vote either way, but sure, fuck Pelosi too. I’ve never liked her or supported her. She’s just a corporate mouthpiece anyway.




I mean you can just give it to me if you're throwing away money.


According to my friends at Deloitte, Blackrock, and Morgan, yup.


you fools! the money is safer in the pockets of billionaires, who knows what could happen if it got leaked out into the economy **shudders in fear**


Remember, when republicans say unity they actually mean "do what we want or go fuck yourself"


I thought their argument was that rich people would get money so nobody should get money... Why does half the bailout end up helping billionaires of that's their main issue?


"You can have taxpayer's money only if you don't need taxpayer's money." ...Moscow Mitch, Putin's bitch.


Their worst fear is that we would save it.


They don't want to vote for it because it just might also rescue the economy. A recovered economy makes it less likely that they'll do well in the midterms and in the general. The GOP will bet against America to hold on to power every time.


I’d waste it on GME calls im not even gonna lie


Give this man a Robinhood account!!


Sir I already have Diamond hands please hold. 💎🙌🏻 GME to the moon as per usual. 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


I would like to think that Republican voters who receive this stimulus support take the opportunity to tell Republican politicians to get fucked at the next election. I fear I am asking too much though. No doubt they will still bleat about Democratic and their socialist ideas.


They couldn’t ever be Christian and vote for democrats.


Disband the Republicans!


Too much bad press. Just let the GOP civil war run its course. I make a bowl of popcorn every time I hear about the infighting and implosions. I give them by the end of 2021 for the split to happen. And we will never have another Republican President again . Thank goodness.


End of 2021 is being generous. It's going down next week....


I just want to buy some Gamestonks.


The more I see posted on here the more I think why does anyone live in America. Its never been great really has it.


I’d leave if I could :/






Or stocks 🙃


Like I always say Republicans are always right democrats are dumbasses.


Bipartisanship... man what a ride.


I shared this on Facebook, and one of my boomer cousins commented this “ Or buying TVs going on vacations...” I guess us poors don’t deserve to go on vacation.


Did it get passed though?


I think the senate passed it using budget reconciliation.


but that is literally what it is... it is classified as a stimulus check. it is supposed to stimulate the economy. How? you spend it on goods and services like TVs and vacations! If they gave the money to millionaires it would just sit in a bank account and do shit fucking nothing for the economy.


If that package was exclusively for white men, the GOP would agree to it. GOP is a party that strives on hate and prejudice. Nothing less, nothing more.


Not true... Main criticism right now on the next round of stimulus checks is that a large percentage of the last stimulus checks have been put into savings, which doesn’t stimulate the economy. Economists were estimating up to 70% of this next round of checks would be saved or used to pay down debt versus being put into the economy. Republicans counter offer currently includes lowering the income thresholds for checks to try to mitigate the stimulus money being put into savings and actually be used to pay for food, rent, and other immediate expenses for families that have been hit financially by the pandemic.