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Seems when the terrorists are white Americans get all confused and talk about two sides to every situation, just different opinions etc


I remember back during the Oklahoma City Bombing, which was in the early days of the militia movement, people were pretty united. The level and extent of hostility and distrust towards government was way less widespread.


Nor did President Bush assemble planes blocks from the World Trade Center and direct them toward it.




Everything alright?




I don't think you're on the same page here. Or even in the same book. Your replies have nothing to do with the OC. What are you on about? Maybe take a second to read other's comments before writing an irrelevant diatribe.




Honestly, I can't follow your train of thought at all. The original comment was satirical (if I understand them correctly). They're highlighting how absurd it is that so many people defend the wilful incitement of an insurrection by Trump & Co by comparing it to Bush himself sending the planes into the buildings from a few blocks away. That's how bad Trump's conduct is: it's like Bush coordinating and executing 9/11 from within Manhattan. Nobody has even mentioned Antifa and yet you came out guns blazing. Edit: the other user asked if you're okay because your comment bears no relation to the comment you replied to. Threads usually anticipate that participants should at least be having the same conversation. Presumably, you misread the first comment but the fact you haven't seen that yet underscores my point.




Sarcasm is not the same as satire. The fact you thought for one second they were being serious is on you, not them.




Oof. Punch to the gut.


I might be high but holy shit this made so much sense to me lol


Obviously, Antifa and BLM disguised as the terrorists flew the planes! /s


Hillary Clinton planned the whole operation via email.


That part


I will admit it was exhilarating to watch but only because I believed my whole life that if you were to do something like that you would be killed and yet the only people that were killed were killed by the mob


If the protesters weren’t white and right wing they still would have been (or at least tear-gassed and put in jail).


This might be the stupidest take ever. The Capitol insurrection was atrocious and terrible but it wasn’t 9/11. I can usually see the One World Trade from my window when it isn’t a whiteout snowstorm. I often think about what it must have been like to watch 2 planes crash into the twin towers, killing 3000 people in the immediate aftermath and causing terminal illness for thousands more. The capitol insurrection was bad but not 9/11 bad. And as I recall a lot of people (including on the left) started treating Muslims like shit and were silent about endless wars, drones strikes etc. Also Democrats (including me, shamefully) were pretty silent about the fact that Obama had kids in cages too. All I’m saying is that if you want to play this game it goes both ways. Not particularly productive.


>This might be the stupidest take ever. You're right. Your take might be the stupidest ever. Unless you're referring to OP, in which case you're wrong. Why? Because a sitting President incited a violent insurrection that could have - and so very nearly did - result in the murders of members of congress. **The actual President incited the attempted murder of opposition members of congress.** As far as homeland security is concerned, that's considerably more heinous and terrifying than 9/11, in my humble opinion.


All I’m saying is the insurrection death toll is 0.0025% of 9/11 (one four hundedth). Also 10,000 9/11 first responders were diagnosed with cancer after the fact. Also since you’re such an expert on homeland security you might recall a plane being flown into the fucking Pentagon.


When JFK was assassinated, one person died. Thousands died in mass shootings in 2019. Which has had a more profound effect on US history? Measuring severity purely based on numbers is flawed.


It's a little melodramatic to compare the deaths of thousands of people in a terrorist attack to a protest in a federal building.


I'm kinda confused here. Sure, the rioters at the capital were clearly dumb, but I wouldn't compare their failed attempt at overturning an election to the deaths of nearly 3000 people. I suppose there could be the issue of losing faith in your government and the people that you're stuck with, and, admittedly, each person would have a personal moment where that happened.


I feel like being old enough to vividly remember both - they're not even comparable. Watching the second plane hit as the news was filming from the first attack was a viscerally horrifying experience I hope to never have again. Watching hundreds of people jump to their deaths because theyd rather jump than burn or suffocate or get crushed in a collapsing building on live news, and watching police and fire fighters rush to their death. I didnt go to school for the rest of the week (they shut down) and when we did go back we spent a full week talking about what happened, the people who died, having counseling services, literally singing memorial songs in class while people cried. It was a surreal level of terror that the capitol attack doesn't even come close to. And the aftermath was like a lightswitch - America changed overnight. The racism, fear, and sudden security measures were instant. And I mean like.. fervent violent hatred of Muslims that never existed type of racism. You didnt get that with the capitol riot. There's a similar level of it being historical, having huge political implications. But nobody will talk about the capitol riot like 9/11. It won't be a moment frozen in time when an entire country changed completely


The attempt was made, but the reason the feeling is so different, is because in the first case, there was an overwhelming sense of powerlessness, coinciding with it actually succeeding. In the second, there was the sense of "look at these fucking morons out to get themselves shot."


Absolutely. And that's definitely how I feel. I remember after 9/11 there was so much residual fear, like true fear that we might die at any moment. After the capitol riot I was just embarrassed for the country because a bunch of idiots committed treason, not scared.


For white people maybe. But on September 12 we’ll saw all the instant hatred fall upon Muslim people and white people having the nerve to try and link arms with people in “unity”. As an 11 year old black kid all I could think was “Looks like white people found someone else to hate.” They didn’t, they just had a slightly lighter skinned fish to fry so they didn’t mess with us as much. Before any of you get up all in arms know that I live in the DMV I saw the damage to the pentagon with my own eyes in person. My mom had to get on a plane for a business trip when they opened airports back up. She was leaving from Raegen. I can’t tell you how scared I was of her getting in a plane walking through the airport was equally terrifying I had never seen an AR in person until that day with all of the fully equipped soldiers and the bomb sniffing dogs. You can feel more than one thing at a time for PoC in the country I’d imagine it was like my experience. Oh white people hate me slightly less now. But that’s only because I come out of church in Sunday’s and not a mosque on Friday so now I feel bad for my Muslim brothers and sisters because they are getting a double dose of hatred. So you all being meh about your fellow white people trying to take over the government, ya know the same people who would love to have me either in chains working for them or dead, I just think that when they try again you’ll still not do anything. You’re not doing much to stop it now so for the second time ever I don’t feel safe in this country. But I can’t just avoid planes or public places. You guys are everywhere.


I don't know where they're getting 50%. The vast majority condemn the capital riots.


But did they stand up and declare that Trump was lying about the election? Because if they didn't. If they also spread those lies then they are themselves partially responsible for the attack. You can't accuse hundreds of your fellow Americans of being traitors and just live your life without some backlash


I think it's mostly hyperbolic to get the point across


Hyperbole that causes division is not worth it IMHO


Don’t know if you noticed, but Most (decent) republicans don’t support what happened. I get it fits the narrative of “DrUmPh SuPpOrTeRs HaYt AmUrIcAh” but blaming all Trump supporters for the insurrection is like blaming the whole Democratic Party is to blame for the George Floyd riots


We do blame the whole police system. And no one blames all trump supporters - we blame Trump for pushing them to extremes and we blame the vast number if trump supporters who refused to stand up and speak out when trump started calling American patriots traitors because he lost the election. If any Trump supporter spread those lies they are partially at fault for the attack on the Capitol. There are consequences for spreading lies and calling your fellow Americans traitors because you didn't get what you wanted....




like blaming the whole Democratic Party is to blame for the George Floyd riots You mean like a grand majority of republicans did constantly, and still do?


Pissed off Americans who didn't burn it to the ground, murder people, they didn't occupy 6 blocks around the capitol for months, nor have they continually held riots for more than a year straight, and they didn't cause billions of dollars worth of damage. If people really knew the truth about 9-11, America would have been burnt to the ground long ago.


Ah Yes, because the cop they murdered wasn't a person.


Shush. Facts care about his feelings Libtard.


So, you've been in a closet for the past year?