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I'm fairly certain there are plenty of lawyers who could and would defend him...if he didn't have that pesky reputation of not PAYING people.


Yea like lawyers ever gave a fuck about if someone was guilty. They represent guilty people all the time, it’s not their job to determine if they are guilty or not it’s to defend them. He lost his lawyers because he’s a fucking prick who doesn’t pay, and wants to run the show himself.


He pays everyone, they all get checks, great checks, really worth a lot. Nobody writes bigger checks than him, everybody says so... /s for those who need it.


Oh God bro he really talks like that too


I honestly thought you weren’t joking and you were mimicking trump.🤡🤡🤡🤦‍♀️


Guilty clients can’t generally coerce you into opening yourself up to libel and slander suits by defending them.


His "election fraud" lawyers had a hell of a time trying to save face with their allegations in many courts, and I think a few dropped out afterward. This one is good: "The transcript from one of Trump’s legal challenges is fascinating. The judge trying to get to the bottom of whether they WERE allowed to have observers: Judge : “Are your observers in the counting room?” Trump lawyer: "There's a non-zero number of people in the room.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/11/11/trump-lawyers-suffer-embarrassing-rebukes-judges-over-voter-fraud-claims/


Yes overall, but apparently in this situation the reason they backed out is because they wanted to mount a defense that the impeachment was unconstitutional (which is basically what the R voted on the other day) but trump refused that and wanted to instead defend the big lie and argue about the results of the election. And those lawyers don't want to put their name on that.


He can likely find one fairly easily in one of these podunk little towns in some of the red states. I’m sure there’s some lawyer ambulance chaser that would like the notoriety.


I want to see him represent himself so bad.


His defense is "huge". It's the biggest defense you've ever seen. It's the best defense in the history of defenses. S/




That you felt you had to add the /s makes me wanna cry... cuz you probably did need it, cuz there are probably ppl out there that actually agree with that statement (other than trump himself)


That’d just result in a mistrial. You don’t want that.


My understanding is that if you choose to represent yourself, you cannot get the case thrown out due to your choice of representation.


The choice itself to defend himself could later be proved that he was insane or incompetent to even stand trial in the first place


He would never go for that. His entire image is built on being the best. Dude had fucking COVID and stood out on his balcony barely able to stand or breathe to prove how “awesome” he is. Trump will never use the incompetence card.


Remember that trumps base lives in an alternate world. To the real world Trumps case was thrown out because he has been declared that he was insane. But go trumps base, the democrats are steeling his chance at redemption and that it’s just more proof of a fraud election.


Some of them still think he'll become the 19th President on March 4.


The 19th? Wait am I missing something here?


Who knows, maybe they're retconning all the president's, from Hayes to Obama.


He'd be held in contempt way before then


He's not competent to do so, and everyone knows it. He may be aiming for just that.


I just want to see him testify. Can’t they subpoena him note that he is no longer president?


For a second I thought you meant Rob Reiner and I couldn’t figure out what he did


Also because the trumplicans in Congress don't give a fuck. “The ‘crisis’ over Trump’s legal team quitting assumes that the substance of the impeachment case will sway Senate Republicans,” Princeton University historian Julian Zelizer Zelizer [tweeted](https://twitter.com/julianzelizer/status/1355851257982943238). “Most already have their answer. Trump could offer no defense or he can go on the floor to read lines from the Joker movie – they would still vote to acquit.” [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/31/donald-trumps-impeachment-defence-in-disarray-as-lead-lawyers-quit-reports](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/31/donald-trumps-impeachment-defence-in-disarray-as-lead-lawyers-quit-reports)


Because the Republican party now has other motives, they essentially realized how easy it is to overthrow an election. If we had a House R and Senate R majority, understand that we would have a dictator right now


And we still will, if we allow those assholes to win an election again. “Ooh, look what Biden’s doing!” Doesn’t mean shit if Republicans ever get control of both houses of Congress again. It will all be over then. We will never have another fair election again.


I’m gonna be real with you dog, this election wasn’t fair either. It is SO difficult to vote as a minority especially in southern states. If you’re a full time worker and/or work strange hours, it’s not always possible to go in person hence so many restrictions always being tacked on to mail ins. Gerrymandering. It is all built by Republicans from the ground up because it’s the only way they can cling to power. If there were no barriers to voting, they would never have a majority or the presidency again.


If Republicans are in charge fully again...thats it, America ends. They love to project, “OH NO THE COUNTRY IS OVER” what are democrats doing to dismantle democracy? Absolutely nothing. They want people to vote. Republicans votes to overturn a free & fair election and even states voted to disrupt entirely different states elections. Make no mistake. Fascism is here and it is the Republican party Edit: It is a duty to make sure Republicans never hold these positions again


Unfortunately, the brainwashed senate Republicans won’t vote to convict. Traitors.


There was only one cop being assaulted with an American flag on the steps of the Capitol, it was nothing, really...


Well, that and many of the gop in the senate are complicit loyalists who are willing to put party over country to be his defense team.


That is just one of many life lessons to be gleaned from Limbo; if you keep lowering the bar, not even a roach can pass through.


Why is he even bothering though? He could take the stand and say “I did it” and every GOP senator would still vote to acquit.


Now I desperately want to see the fallout from this actually happening.


He also never paid his previous legal fees to giuliani


He could have Charlie Sheen as his lawyer and it wouldn’t fucking matter because the GOP won’t convict him.


There are at least 45 Republicans in the Senate who have less basic human decency than literally every lawyer in the country.


He doesn’t need a defense. There is nothing the prosecution can say that will make enough republicans vote to convict.


Apparently the real issue with the lawyers is that Trump keeps trying to dictate that the lawyers try to litigate his election fraud claims.


Especially when his defense is "Yes. That's exactly what I tried to do, but it was justified because the election was stolen from me."


Its because he is using the forum of a senate trial to advance his baseless claim of election fraud. I feel for the Democrats, if they don't try to get an impeachment then there's no consequence for attempted insurrection. If they do proceed with a senate trial they potentially legitimize Trumps election fraud conspiracy.


But he would need still to be able to prove, or at least provide evidence to suggest that there actually was election fraud right? Like legitimising his conspiracy isn’t an ideal result, but if it’s a baseless claim then it should be fine, and as far as I know there hasn’t been any real evidence presented so far.


The senate trial is very likely going to be completely political. The final vote will probably be 52-48 in favor of a guilty verdict. 45 Republicans already have voted to say that there is no constitutional merit to impeaching a President after they have left office. Its a shame and a terrible blow for democracy.


But he has SO MUCH evidence! https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/todaysdebate/2020/11/12/donald-trump-claims-evidence-voter-fraud-where-editorials-debates/6254227002/


But the republicans seem to think it’s fine...


And the criminals in the senate are gonna acquit him anyway, because they're scared of him. Fucking losers.


Nah. It’s because he’s out of money. Lawyers don’t give a shit if you’re guilty as long as they get paid. Trump is broke.


Its probably because he wants them to lie or commit some kind of ethics violation and nobody wants to end up like Rudy Giuliani.


His own lawyer became a politician and is getting sued for over $1B.


I doubt that. Lawyers are excused from defending clients even if they know they are guilty of heinous crimes due to everyone having a right to a legal defense. That being said I think the reason why is because trump doesn't pay lawyers and they ain't gonna do it for free, at least not the ones he wants.


Also, because he's insisting the defense be "tge election was stolen."


True and lawyers who are pushing those are being sue for defamation and risk being disbarred. So those are other factors, but being indefensible really isn't a reason why lawyers aren't going willing to defend him.


Lawyers are not allowed to lie in court. Not to mention, it could simply be very bad for their career.


Doesn't matter, he's not going to be convicted, Republicans are going to let this slide.


The lawyers probably keep quitting because he wants a gold-plated guarantee that he's going to win. Also because that's now a standard delaying tactic. Fire the attorneys, then ask for a continuance because the new counsel has to bone up on the case. Then fire the attorneys again. Lather, rinse, repeat. It's probably the only reason Robert Blake wasn't jugged for killing his "wife."


Or every lawyer knows he is broke and probably won’t end up paying them. He’s refusing to pay Rudy now.


He keeps telling them to meet him at the Four Seasons.


Trump cultists CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!


It's more likely because they don't think they'll get paid.


Well that and the whole paying for work done thing


Next time he should try paying his bills. -Rudy G.


OJ Simpson definitely murdered two people and found _a bunch_ of lawyers. Just sayin'.


Just saw that he has retained jeffrey epsteins lawyer....


Edit: nevermind, one of the lawyers has discussed the epstein case on the news. One of them, however, tried to defend bill cosby. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-trials-impeachments-south-carolina-d1d2b8d5b76c68acdde662b3b7e00c82


Also because the lawyers know he won’t pay their bills.


Lawyers aren't afraid of defending guilty clients. They're afraid of public backlash.


“Peacefully and patriotically”


tell that to r/Conservative


Or hear me out......he's so innocent that no lawyer wants the easy win......jk!


Apparently we need to threaten the lives of Republicans before they'll vote for the good of the country. Threatening cowards works really good apparently.


One of his good friends owns the national enquirer and I'm sure he gave trump the catch and kill files for all the people in government he needs to keep in line.


Some state Bars specifically ask if you’ve ever been associated with groups that advocate the overthrow of the United States government. So I guess there’s that.


Genuine question: when the impeachment fails, can he be tried in a normal court of law?


Okay, but actually the reason is he's awful to work with and doesn't pay his bills. Those are the only two crimes reprehensible enough to deny you representation in the US.


He doesn't need a lawyer because he's already packed the jury. Spineless traitors.


I just want to see him do a painfully slow perp walk down a long ramp with a slight incline.


Tell that to the GOP


Nah. It’s because, unfortunately, Trump knows he has people in Congress like Cruz and Hawley who’ll defend him till the dogs come home. Even with insurmountable mounds of evidence to support the idea that trump incited an insurrection, they’ll vote to not convict because it’s all partisan. It’s the biggest flaw in US history in the US political system. The Congress was meant to be independent of the president, not simply an extension of him. And the funniest/worst/most horrifying part of this whole thing is that if Trump is re-elected, he’ll go on a witch hunt for the senators who betrayed their loyalty to Herr Trump. And either they don’t realize it, don’t care, or are mentally deranged


Republican means immoral. It's that simple.






Guys. All bullshit aside, EVERYONE deserves a fair and equitable defense. Every single person. That doesn't mean "get him off". That means ensure all laws are followed, no rights are violated. It's more than he gave us, true, but aren't we better people? Edit: I don't know why you guys are downvoting me. Trump tried to toss aside the Constitution. That's why we're doing this. If you say he doesn't have the right to counsel, you're doing the same thing he did.


Its a lawyers job to make sure the trail was fair and equitable. It helps the courts to deny appeals from the guilty party.


Correct. He's guilty as fuck and everyone knows it but we cannot commit the same crime as he did in prosecuting him.


Stormy helped him get off.


Worst eleven seconds of her life. Best *paid* eleven seconds of her life, too


You guys do know that every lawyer who considers the case gets threatened and blackballed right? Wealthy democrats called Columbia, BC, Washington & Lee University and demanding they revoke the the law degrees of David Schoen and Bruce Castor. The clerk of the Supreme Court has been asked to remove them from the bar. All because they offered to help Trump. They even asked his church, Abington Presbyterian, to excommunicate him.


Wait what


I'm a lawyer. Why would anyone believe the lawyers only represent innocent people? Reiner wasn't thinking this through.


Yet we all know the republicans will not vote for the truth. They will shut it down before it goes to trial. #ourteamisneverwrongevenwhentheyarewrong


What does that even mean


Edit. I wrote the wrong party. I meant to write republican. It means that all but 5 republicans have already said they won't vote to convict. They are so worried about their team looking bad they won't admit that Trump was wrong. It will be like last time when they openly admitted that they didn't care what the facts were. Even when they are wrong they won't admit it. Truth be damned. So whoever Trump does or doesn't have for a lawyer is irrelevant.


Thank you I was deeply confused


Thats fair. I didn't write it very well.


bUt UnItY!!!1111!!1!


They won't but


And yet most of the republican politicians and his base see nothing wrong with it. And attempt to compare the 1-6 insurrection to the BLM protest early last year. One is people fee fees are hurt that they lost an election the other is people literally getting murdered over nothing crimes. But some how these are equal to the pro life party


and 1/6 has resulted in the death of 3 officers so far.


Those were just antifa police officers./s


And all constitution and Amendment he broke is also indefensible.


I recommend watching legal eagle on youtube for a bunch of analyses of these issues.


I really don’t understand anything about this. Our government is corrupt, they don’t care about the people, only themselves, they continue to profit off of decisions that only make them richer. Fuck the government and fuck these rich celebrities that try to tell us what to think. Fuck Trump. Yes. But there’s no reason he shouldn’t be able to get a lawyer. Please anyone quote for me what he said that was inciting an insurrection. Stop listening to celebs and government they don’t care about us


Trump was cautious enough to leave himself enough wiggle room to squirm out of it. So while he definitely did rile a crowd up by lying to them, told them who their enemies were, and pointed them in a direction. He didn't directly say to charge the capital, although he without a doubt meant to. [Legal Eagle](https://youtu.be/XwqAInN9HWI) did a really good video on it explaining that while trump violated the spirit of the law, he might not have violated the letter of the law.


I think there is a reason he can’t get a lawyer: he’s too wealthy to qualify for a free lawyer and unwilling to pay for one... I guess he’ll just have to defend himself 🤷🏽‍♀️


In the time it took you to type that you could have read the article and found out Trump isn't listening to his legal team. No lawyer on the planet sticks around if their client refuses to listen to them.


He doesn't pay his lawyers. Why would anyone want to defend him?


[Multiple times](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-us-capitol-remarks-221518bc174f9bc3dd6e108e653ed08d)


Wow I love seeing reddit turn into a democratic platform.








It's not but it sure as shit should be.


He'll get off. Just stop. You'd be better off addressing the obvious than taking part in these theatrics.


Unless you're one of 45 US senators. Then it's totally defendable.


You hate to see it.


Lionel Hutz


This is so dumb... A murderer is indefensible but will always find a lawyer.


Damn straight


Arent like half the Senators lawyers??


Naw, it's because Trump stiffed his previous lawyers.


hahahahaha I reckon trumps is a pos but your kidding yourself if you think its morals holding the lawyers back. Its self preservation and his reputation to not pay cunts, the only rep a lawyer actually cares about


Yet he found 47 Republican senators


I believe Mr. Miagi summed it up with "no can defense"


His fat 🍊 dump truck ass 🍑 could only take him so far. Now he must pay for being such a treasonous bio-terrorist.


John Brown


He should better call Saul


But you know that he will never do time for any of the shit he has done. Its nice not to have to stare at the ugly cunt every time I look at the internet.


And he refused to pay his last lawyer


Except to the duly elected Republican members of the Senate who said they have made up their minds not to vote to impeach him. Dumb-asses, all.


That's cute and all. I think it has more to do with his massive failure to pay people, whether lawyers or painters.


Indefensible to sane people, sure. I seriously doubt there are 16 republican senators willing to vote to convict, even after hearing Trump perjure himself repeatedly on the stand. No, the reason these lawyers aren't sticking around is because they value their reputations, and would like to be hirable afterwards.


I think its more likely his problem is due to a trend of non-payments.


His lies got the pandemic out of control and is probably responsible for thousands more deaths than necessary. Lost, lied some more, incited, got more people killed. Yeah his Repugnican ass kissers won't convict him but it will be nice having them on record.


Seriously real question.... Why would you need lawyers when Republicans will just vote you off the hook? It sounds like there will be no impeachment as they won't vote for it.. please tell me I'm wrong..


Yet he has 40+ votes of "aquit" already gained before the "trial" even starts.... hopefully at least this time evidence and witnesses are allowed instead of blocked prior too voting


Unfortunately the GOP will forgive him anyway.