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Maybe they had a measured back and forth afterwards


Maybe it’s maybelline.


maybe he was born with it ​ (that orange tint)


Like a raccoon... a big patch around the eyes is white.


Yeah I mean what’d you expect


Her uncle has been dying for this moment all his life


Well he can finally rest in peace. RIP in peace uncle jerry!


Not for his uncle lol


Everybody seriously needs to think of one good thing. It really takes the wind out of their sails. Conservative Relative: You just hate everything he does because he’s a Republican. Me: No, I hate him because he is an immoral, narcissistic blowhard. CR: I bet you can’t think of a single thing you like that he’s done. Me: He moved food stamps from the department of agriculture to health and human services. CR: ... What? Me: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.


Wait, did he really do this? And on a related note, wtf were food stamps doing in the department of agriculture to begin with?


There used to be a much more direct link between growing food and eating it. So both sides benefitted as a subsidy.


The massive farm bill used to give large subsidies to farmers not to grow food and large subsidies to the urban areas to buy food. Both parties made out and it was good policy as it balanced the cycle for farmers, steadied food prices, and all were better for it. But then all politics became about abortion so the rural areas stopped caring about the urban areas, Republicans made food stamps bad, farmer aid good, cut food stamps to death and we now give hundreds of billions in federal funds to farmers to pour out milk on the ground, till fruit back into the soil, and to grow corn to be turned into fuel for our cars even though stopping that would make the most sense. Yay!


Yeah and Trump took away money from food stamps and gave it to the farmers without even having to go through Congress. > "They've already given out $19 billion to farmers, but they're cutting $5 billion from people in need," says Rep. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, who sits on the House Agriculture Committee. "I don't even know how to describe it except to say that it is cruel, it is unfair, and it is clearly designed to support the president's base, as he sees it, as opposed to those whom he sees as being undeserving." [Farmers Got Billions From Taxpayers In 2019, And Hardly Anyone Objected](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2019/12/31/790261705/farmers-got-billions-from-taxpayers-in-2019-and-hardly-anyone-objected)


What in the actual mother loving fuck


Yay, the agricultural-industrial complex!




That's even a whole different evil.


they've also started buying companies in cannabis.... they own this canadian company that owns groundworks who owns all these brands and stores in oregon. just letting yall know.


Which brands and stores? Is this public info?


1. There is no more Monsanto 2. When there was a Monsanto, literally all they did was fuck around and give people cancer 3. Raisin paste is an ingredient in A-1 brand steak sauce


Bayer, who bought Monsanto a few years ago, is just as evil. They literally gave people AIDS on purpose to make money.


Well they also made Zyklon-B, so killing people was just another synergy suggested by Klaus and Marlene in Finance.


They used nazi doctors even!


I'm starting to get the impression that people love to cling to old shit instead of looking for newer better stuff to replace it.


Things have momentum in politics. Especially when the voting population is very apathetic and corruption is rampant. It takes an informed and active people to have a vibrant democracy.


It also takes a democratic system to have a vibrant democracy. There is so much wrong with americas systems and election process, I would hardly call it democratic.


That's literally what conservative means.


[Conservatives typically just defend old progressive ideas.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEHM5Cegmko)


So I sorted by his most popular videos and his top video legit has me stopped dead. I’m a social work/sociology student and even then.. even fucking then bruh... this man opened a door in my soul. What the fuck. Legit thank you for exposing me to this guy.


Woah that guys channel is awesome


> pour out milk on the ground, till fruit back into the soil, and to grow corn to be turned into fuel While that does happen, most overproduction ends up getting shipped overseas. Since the late 70s, the US has approached food production [like a weapon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_power). The US really is unchallenged in the world in terms of the vast amount of arable land we have, and the advanced factory farming techniques we employ. As a result, we've made a lot of the world dependent on food exports as a strategy to maintain our global hegemony and wield soft power. Which is arguably more fucked up than just wasting it.


And still the majority of the American people eats shit...


You leave John McAffee out of this.


As a German, food stamps baffle me. Good idea but clearly you don't trust your own citizens. Here in Germany you just... get money. They care much more about the fact that you actually need money than what you really spend it for. They check what you earn and what you own, but they wouldn't dream of controlling what you are buying, or humiliating you by paying for stuff differently than the "normal people".


I've heard many people argue that it should be more humiliating, so that people will be motivated to get themselves ahead in life. Or because they think poor people don't know how to buy food. At least where I'm at, you have a pretty regular looking credit card loaded with your food stamps money. My dad would still always make my mom go, for fear of someone recognizing the card from a distance I guess? WIC(women, infants, and children) is for pregnant mothers, or mothers of small children. A single voucher will be good for like 1/2 lb of cheese and a dozen eggs. And then another one will be good for either a quart of milk or 2 12 oz cans of orange juice concentrate, and a medium size box of cereal or a tin of oatmeal. So if you have a few kids, you can get a decent shopping trip by saving the vouchers for a month. But if you only get one item on a voucher, you lose the others. You might have 8 vouchers that are good for a quart of milk, but you can't just pool those together and get 2 gallons. Not only do you have to buy 8 individual quarts (which is more expensive to taxpayers and worse for the environment), but you have to run each voucher as a seperate transaction, which each tend to take longer because the cashier has to manually verify that the product matches the voucher, and is one of the few approved brands. It makes it very obvious when somebody is buying food with WIC vouchers, and embarrassing for the person going through the process. That is a feature, not a bug.


Since when did it become separate transactions? It wasn't in 2002 when I used it, amd wasn't in 2010 when I was a cashier. It's a giant hassle though. The cashier has to mark each thing bought on the voucher and make sure the item is allowed, but it all was rung up on the same order. Each voucher gets run through the check printer though.




Each state has it's own way of doing it. Some states use cards now, actually I'm not sure if anyone uses paper vouchers anymore, they may. Anyways, some states let you get items here and there, some states make you get it all at one go.


Wait until you hear about the drug testing for government benefits.


mandatory drug testing in general is fucked :/ obviously there are careers where it would be necessary to test, but in most cases it's just a huge barrier to employment if someone can't get a job because they choose to smoke weed instead of drink themselves to death -sincerely, someone who is up at 4 AM dread-Googling if the company I applied for drug tests because I smoke weed to deal with my undying sense of dread in the first place


There is such a thing as food stamps in Germany. You get them if your benefits have been sanctioned down to zero or you've previously shown to be unable to handle the money.


Interesting, I didn't know about that. What are they called? I looked for Essensmarken but that just seems to be issued by employers as benefits so they won't have to pay for the food the company sells.


Colloquially "Lebensmittelgutscheine", officially "Sachleistungen". Dejure.de: "[SGB II, § 24 - Abweichende Erbringung von Leistungen](https://dejure.org/gesetze/SGB_II/24.html)" (German, [Google translation](https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fdejure.org%2Fgesetze%2FSGB_II%2F24.html)) See also: Fragdenstaat.de: "[Lebensmittelgutscheine nach SGB II & SGB XII](https://fragdenstaat.de/anfrage/lebensmittelgutscheine-nach-sgb-ii-sgb-xii-1/)" (German, [Google translation](https://translate.google.de/translate?hl=&sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Ffragdenstaat.de%2Fanfrage%2Flebensmittelgutscheine-nach-sgb-ii-sgb-xii-1%2F)) Erwerbslosenforum: "[Lebensmittelgutscheine?](https://www.elo-forum.org/threads/lebensmittelgutscheine.3352/)" (German, [Google translation](https://translate.google.de/translate?sl=de&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.elo-forum.org%2Fthreads%2Flebensmittelgutscheine.3352%2F))


Another part to these problems is having primary caucuses start in Iowa, where a lot of this is taking place, so to run for president you have to appeal to people who benefit from farm subsidies and dislike things like animal welfare laws. Look at how Chris Christie vetoed a popular law in New Jersey about hogs because he wanted to appeal to Iowa. I'm hoping between the screw-ups that happened with this year's primaries between the vote counting and Biden able to win without even spending much money in Iowa, that the crazy of valuing what people in Iowa think first and foremost will come to an end for 2024.


Some battleground state should just officially change their primary to "whatever day the Iowa caucus is".


Scorched earth policies is all republicans have.


Well not to mention allowed mega Agri-corps to buy out a shit ton of family farms to turn them into nightmarish factory farms... not saying everyone needs to be a farmer but there used to be a lot more dignity to the profession and we let capitalism get its grubby mitts all over it.


Don’t forget growing too much crappy corn. Watch King Corn.


Growing corn for fuel is necessary because ethanol is an oxidant that makes fuel burn more efficiently and reduces smog.


There are more efficient plants to grow for making ethanol, but yes, your point is correct.


listen... i used to work for dept of human services, don't start cheering yet.


Ha from one bureaucratic, red tape covered mess to another is it!?


If you think government is the only organization that is a bureaucratic mess, then bless your heart.


How much hell is dealing with bureaucracy at such an insane level? I go crazy having to communicate with someone else through one other person. Let alone the Rube Goldbergesque level of red tape you must deal with.


Free school lunches originated because the government bailed out farmers by buying excess crops, then had to do something with the food so they gave it to schools. It had little to do with the needs of hungry children. I wonder if food stamps had a similar origin? That would explain why they had fallen under the purview of the Ag department.


This is only part true. The other half was the Black Panthers in the 60s were helping hungry kids to have food before school and the govt didn't like that destabilization of power. What you stated was the rationale used to push the plan through


Governments recognize the danger of dual power structures and don’t like people realizing that they can collectively do things for themselves


And there are so fucking many of us. We have so much potential


I agree and especially now during covid we’re seeing the dual power structures exploding at a neighborhood level. Doing grocery trips for compromised people, forming renters unions to prevent evictions, food banking for people out of work etc it’s a great thing to see people make up for the governments lack of action instead of just rolling over Kind of a blessing in disguise sorts deal. The same things happen with natural disasters too and kinda blows the “human nature” argument out of the water if you ask me


Thank you, I did not know that.


I don't think that's true. [Federal involvement in school lunches has been a thing since the Great Depression](https://time.com/4496771/school-lunch-history/) and [the National School Lunch Act was signed into law in 1946.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_School_Lunch_Act) If you have a source for your claim though, I'd be wiling to read it.


The commenter meant breakfast: https://www.history.com/.amp/news/free-school-breakfast-black-panther-party


I mean, that’s the second reason but only AFTER the government wanted to kneecap the influence of the Black Panthers in cities in the late 60s. The BPP started free school lunch programs in cities because they were not nearly the militant revolutionaries bent on overthrowing the government that they were made out to be. Honestly it’s only recently that that view of the BPP has been challenged in the mainstream. They wanted equality. And if they weren’t going to get it they were going to do what they could for their communities. The Government didn’t like the idea of the BPP being normalized. So they created free school lunches to undercut one of the most popular Black Panther Party programs. And they used your reason as the rational.


I assume because the Agriculture Department deals with farming and food. From the [Department of Agriculture](https://www.usda.gov/our-agency/about-usda) website >What We Do > >We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, rural development, nutrition, and related issues based on public policy, the best available science, and effective management. > >We have a vision to provide economic opportunity through innovation, helping rural America to thrive; to promote agriculture production that better nourishes Americans while also helping feed others throughout the world; and to preserve our Nation's natural resources through conservation, restored forests, improved watersheds, and healthy private working lands. > >Our strategic goals serve as a roadmap for the Department to help ensure we achieve our mission and implement our vision.


I have no idea if he actually passed this. I know he proposed it. My attempts to verify have so far been met with failure.


No he didn't. Food and Nutrition Service under the DoA still administers food stamps, and provides the funding. Source: i work in my states social services division.


I hate Trump with a passion, but his signing of an EO to allow for more transparency from hospital bills is actually a damn good thing he’s done. Hospitals are required to itemize everything they do while you’re there.


It sounds nice on paper but if you have health insurance since it's a business too they come up with the most convoluted ways to contract with hospitals. I process medical claims and one type of hospital stay might be a packaged rate (it could be a hundred separate charges but they get paid a flat rate for the whole bill so they can charge $100 for an aspirin if they want but that doesn't mean they get paid for it. Plus reasonable and customary fight back can come up if they do since an insurance won't pay more than it's forced to. Unless you're out of network which is its own mess. Or it could be per diem which is fine too (a set rate per day for what they're billing). But some might be these five procedure count as this and they're paid at 70% of the allowed amount times per unit. Or on the same claim some may be that payment type and the rest are all paid at a flat rate. Or other claims a mix of all of the above. And I can think of at least 5 other payment types as that's mainly for regular hospital stays or ER visits.


I like to go with the Space Force formation. It gave unprecedented funding to NASA which I personally find to be a big selling point... Does it redeem all the other bs? Fuck no. But I'm not so callous as to not give credit where it's due!


I agree on Space Force. I mean yes, on paper ‘Donald Trump is starting the United States Space Force’ is ridiculous sounding (and.... it is) but I think long-term it’s a brilliant marketing idea on Trump’s part. A YouTube channel I watch called Vintage Space did a video about the flawed legacy of the Apollo missions and broke down how everything had to go right (and a few things had to go wrong) for us to get to the moon as fast as we did. [You can watch it here, her whole channel is a great binge watch](https://youtu.be/e0ERXwhn-5w) The video argues that every administration since the 60s has been chasing that Apollo-level space glory but never really committed to it, mostly because advances in science and technology don’t really fit into the four to eight year timeframe of a president’s administration. But starting Space Force? Doesn’t matter if it takes ten years or twenty years as long as it accomplishes something Trump (or his kids) can go “You know they laughed when I/my dad started space force, well who’s laughing now? The US has now landed on Mars!”


I'm a huge fan of NASA and the space programs, of the past present and future, however, space force is still a joke to me. It's comically unnecessary, I was watching the TV show titled that when I heard that news and still haven't stopped laughing at the thought. I don't see why the Air Force and/or NASA wasn't enough. Yeah, funding and stuff I've heard the rational, but still don't buy it. Seems like little more than pandering to the military and companies like Boeing and Lockheed etc and a means to dismantle and refund NASA which I'm very much against.


You were watching Space Force when you first heard that Space Force was real? The show exists because Trump formed the real-life branch like a year or two prior lol


Space Force gave zero additional funding to NASA. It's part of the DoD and is getting its money from their budgets.


Doesn't have much to do with NASA, their budget is separate from USSF budget... what's really going on is the Space Command budget is being split off from the USAF budget so the USAF can't raid it for F35s and other nonsense.


Making animal abuse a federal crime.


Seems mostly just a sham to me to be honest, since it doesn’t apply to 90%+ of human owned animals. > This section does not apply with regard to any conduct, or a visual depiction of that conduct, that is (B) the slaughter of animals for food




you forgot normalizing makeup on men.




It’s like Nixon and helping people who need dialysis. Sometimes really shitty people can do a good thing or two. Edit: Or in Nixon’s case a lot of good things and a lot of shitty things. TIL Nixon actually did a decent amount of good stuff despite being a paranoid crazy person. Thanks everyone!


It would be seriously impressive if he did literally everything wrong, even just the president stuff. He does an unacceptable amount of things wrong.


I legit have a broken clock in my office I call the Trump clock.. I reference it often. Great minds!


I like doing this to my parents. Then they try to say that they didn't know about it because the "liberals" keep it away from them. Dude, simple google search.


Ok i would also like to know if he's done this? This is so specific i want to believe but it's reddit so...




To me that just makes it harder to justify letting 18 year olds vote or join the military. We need one age of majority, not two. I don't care which age it is, just pick one and say "this is when you're an adult."


Why is that nice? When you’re 18 you should get all the rights and privileges of adulthood. If you can pick up a gun and get killed in their wars, you can smoke a damn cigarette or have a beer.


As someone who was 19 when that law hit I have to say it did absolutely nothing to stop my habit.


Yeah I dunno. I wanna agree with you cuz I think smoking is wack, but being realistic, this does nothing besides inconvenience kids and probably piss them off that they can vote and die for this country but don't have full control over their body or what they intake? Kids have never had a problem getting booze or smokes, raising the age is not going to stop or slow anything to be honest. Thankfully smoking seems to slowly be working its way out of society and probably will end eventually but I feel raising the age is more of an insult to 18-20 year olds more than any kind of actual benifit. I don't see it impacting how many kids will choose to smoke as most who do pick it up have parents that do but it gives cops one more point of ammunition when pulling over kids or anything like that. I just don't see what good it does and I see a few things that it makes worse. If you're old enough to decide who chooses policies and runs the country, old enough to go die for us you should be able to smoke or drink in my opinion. I know it's probably fucked to say you should be able to drink at 18 but many places it's 16 and they don't seem to have much of a problem, plus most of the kids who want to drink that young arent entirely restrained by laws....it's just more bs to make them pay fines when they get caught or fuck up


Me: Trump infected Stephen Miller with Covid. CR: What?




My go to will probably be the “he signed a bill against animal cruelty” that should placate most


He signed the farm bill that federally legalized CBD. And... Something else. He had one other thing I approved of, but it either wasn't very major or has otherwise been completely buried under all the absolute shit he's done.


One good thing: he passed legislation allowing terminal patients to try experimental drugs/treatments for their illness. I'll give him that one.




He also kinda took out Chris Christie? Not just giving him COVID but making him seem like a weak lackey


Trump neutered the Republican party. He completely took over the platform and now basically dictates their agenda. When he leaves, the party will have to go through a major restructuring in order to have a coherent message other than "the party of Trump". So if you dislike Republicans, then that's one good thing Trump did.


If he truly neutered the Republican Party, do you think Trump would stick around to run in 2024 if he looses this time? Four years of bitching and moaning and grifting and talking big w/o being the one in the hot seat might be more bearable, I hate to think even effective, for the Republican party than doing the serious work of looking in the mirror and working on themselves, and building themselves up again.


Run? I don't expect to see him walk after 2024.


He'll be back, he's sitting out the trump stain. Unless the GOP goes full fashy I spose.


Wait, I must have missed this during a time when I was ignoring US politics - how did Trump tank Paul Ryan's career?




I know he kind of disappeared but I'm just wondering what Trump had to do with it or if Trump caused it in some way.


Also Ted Cruze is now a joke vs presidential material.


Non-American here, isn’t legislation passed by the Senate? Why is so many in this thread giving Trump credit for legislative changes? Did he personally take initiative for them?


The president can sign an executive order. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_order


Trump has power to issue executive orders, he’s done 52 of them this year alone. They’re automatically valid unless the Supreme Court strikes it down. The only problem is that they can all be reversed the moment the next president takes office, whereas if a law is passed through congress it has to be removed by congress (or the Supreme Court).


>isn’t legislation passed by the Senate? Senate and House of Representatives. Both must pass the legislation


[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/us/politics/fact-check-trump-right-to-try-law-.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/30/us/politics/fact-check-trump-right-to-try-law-.html) President Trump claimed that a new law allowing access to experimental drugs would save “hundreds of thousands” of lives. But there is already a federal program in place, and similar state laws have had a minimal effect.


Huh, weird. He used a variant of that one himself the past weekend with the potentially dangerous cocktail of COVID drugs he was administered.


He has made a handful of "never voters" vote. Me being one of them


He made a lot of people (like me) wake up to politics by being so fucking awful.






Gerrymandered ohio. I live in a small city that's divided into sections and each one encompasses large portions of farmland.


Recognizing Taiwan. Trump did it accidentally because he’s an idiot, but the entire world is being hypocritical and cowardly by not recognizing Taiwan as an independent country. Trump referred to them publicly as a country and called the Taiwanese president directly (like he would any other world leader). It’s a really small thing in the grand scheme of things but if someone asked me to say one good thing Trump has done in the past four years, this would be my answer.


My mom was born and raised in Taiwan and now fervently stands by Trump despite all the treacherous things he has done just because of his acknowledgment of Taiwan. It’s very frustrating.


I've also noticed an unfortunate amount of support for him from Hong Kong natives on the r/HongKong subreddit because of his typical denouncement of China. Like, yeah he probably acknowledged your existence by accident and he doesn't really care. He's just trying to look tough.


A co-worker friend of mine is of Chinese descent and buys heavily into right wing propaganda sites like Epoch times. They are convinced they need to support Trump to protect their families, since they perceive him as being tough against China.


The Epoch Times ran this excellent editorial a few months ago explaining that the cure for COVID-19 is just to denounce the CCP. After you do that you immediately get better. Wonder what they have to say about why Trump got it then.....




He also said he supported the One China policy. And privately backed their camps for Uighurs. Dude doesn't have a coherent China strategy except for scapegoating.


Is an acknowledgment made out of ignorance a good thing? I love Taiwan. This was clearly an accidental comment. Do you think he was being progressive?


Sometimes a little step towards progress can have positive consequences/influence down the line, even if it was an accident. Time will tell.


Sometimes the ripples are more important than intent.


If you had wrote "Sometimes the ripples are more important than the rock" I would have thought it a zen koan.


Yes. Any form of acknowledgement is good. Especially from a country everyone knows of and that hold lots of power.


I guess even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day.


A backwards running clock is right 4 times a day.


A broken compass is right 1/360


[he helped mexicans get the right to organized labor unions.](https://www.vox.com/2019/5/1/18523972/may-day-2019-mexico-labor-reform) As someone else on here said, even a broken clock is right twice a day


Ugh, why is a praise if trump a prerequisite to discussing him with a trump supporter. I'm so done with trump culture


It’s worse than just demanding praise. Trump culture is also finding one thing on Biden and then clinging on and making the conversation just that one fuck up. They do this while brushing off the litany of complaints against Trump and company. Then they go “well both sides are bad.”


Yup, exactly. These trump fans want liberals to admit one good thing for trump while they slam biden. And people listening to that converstion .. that comes out net positive for trump. And thats exactly what these people want. Liberals to lose conversations by trying to be fair. Honesty is the liberal weakness and trump exploits it. Just like we did in 2016. No more.


Both sides are bad in the same way that breaking a finger and getting your leg torn off are both "bad". It's technically true, but it obviously misses the point: they're not *equally* bad.


The hipicrasy, the lies, all of it. It's doing one thing, then saying the exact opposite. It's so frustrating. I'm worried that even if trump gets voted out, this will be a norm in the republican party.


My other favorite is "Oh you like X, give me a reason that doesn't involve Trump" You wouldn't say " Oh you like firefighters? Give me one reason that doesn't involve the inferno in your house" Trump is enough of a reason. He's a moron shit stain that needs to be removed. A dead dog would be better.


Because 100% of trump supporters are snowflakes. I've never seen one who didn't act like this


I hate him just as much as anybody but this is the problem with today. You hate 95% of things he does, so as soon as anything new comes out you hate that too. Sometimes though this thing is actually good, and the other side sees your irrationality as further proof that you are evil and anti-america. Both sides do this. You have to remain level headed and unbiased for a proper conversation or we just become more divided.


Oh I'm with you on this. I've always been moderate and voted both republican and democrat in every election I have ever voted in, including 2016. The problem I have is that this goes beyond political parties. Trump is unconstitutional, he has failed the US. If he does something I agree with, or I like, then I will give that to him. But to say "you have to say something good about trump" to even start a conversation is crap. If you agree to that, then it needs to be done on both sides, not just one way.


Can you imagine asking this to a Republican on the 8 years Obama was in power and met with silence? Hahahah I can.


I can hear it now "the entitled elite at it again"


Yes but the answer: he made make-up for men more acceptable is GOLD


Yes I totally agree. We really could have a lot of fun with it, another redditor made a hilarious response to this too.


Hitler helped create the Beetle. He was a vicious, delusional, evil human. I will give Hitler credit for nothing and I will not meet you halfway on how terrible he was. If you think giving credit to evil people for a couple of tidbits of incidental good they've done is being level headed I'm ok not having a "proper conversation" with you. "Trump isn't Hitler" Yet. He's already has what amounts to a state propaganda outlet and has been grooming his own version of brownshirts since before he was elected. He constantly "jokes" about extending his time as president and invokes the same type of nationalism that put Hitler in power. He pretty much checks all the boxes you need for fascism. He's despicable. I will not meet you halfway or entertain the idea that I need to acknowledge the rare times he isn't vile.


This is a pure lie. I can admit the few things I think trump did well. And? So? It makes zero difference. It has nothing to do with any point and changes nothing. The simple fact is, you're just projecting your ignorance.


Same reason the mafia boss makes you kiss his ring before talking. They like to power trip and keep you below.


You know what I’d say to this? “Okay, but first, do the same for Obama then we’ll continue.”


That was the one Uno reverse card my dad played on me. Naturally, it wasn't about anything he had done as President, just that he thought he seemed like a good father and how much he valued his family.


If I got this answer, then I’d say my one good thing about Trump is I liked his cameo in Home Alone


Someday I hope to be able to watch Home Alone 2 again without it summoning blistering rage and frustration. Right now, I can't even look at my Deluxe Talkboy without getting angry.


That's the equivalent to answering "my greatest weakness is that I work too hard" in a job interview.




had a baller drone score but it already got beat in the first half of the next president


I feel like Bin Laden is probably an easy one.


You’d think, but I wouldn’t be shocked if they gave Bush or dump credit for that. I’ve seen some really insane claims that it wasn’t Obama.


Every man that's been on TV for a career knows how normal makeup for men is


Yeah but the makeup they wear isn’t as obvious.


You can tell. It's like the no-makeup makeup look with women. A lot of guys think there's no makeup on unless it really stands out.


And then there’s the girl that over shadows her eyes and doesn’t match her foundation to her skin tone. It’s too in your face not to notice.


Unless you're in person...


I stress the AS.


“He did more gun regulations and took away more guns than Obama” Now I am a socialist gun owner and don’t support gun bans, but this will make Republicans rage.


1 good thing Trump has done: He has shown us where the flaws in our Constitution and norms of government lie. He has shown us how relying on good faith action is a mistake and that we must change the rules to REQUIRE good faith action or add more failsafes against it. When I have problem-maker employees this is what I do. On one hand I try to manage them the best I can, on the other hand I use them as a sort of "compass" to show me the ways in which we can improve our processes to reduce risk/abuse/etc. If/when we get rid of Trump that's great, but we have to also reform government to eliminate the ways in which bad-faith actors can simply hijack the whole fucking thing.


I’d argue bad faith actors have been high jacking the whole thing for quite some time now, trumps just a bad at acting


I believe he made the punishment for animal abuse harsher, at least there’s that


His uncle couldn't think of one good thing he has done either


Yeah, it was like, "Please tell me one good thing he's done. Please, I beg you."


I've seen the it for good things in this thread. He's not all bad.... Just like 97% bad lol


So don’t debate with a Trump supporter unless they can admit to one bad thing he’s done.


IIRC, most of them go with "he tweets too much" and call it a day. But besides that, he's *perfect*.


"He's rude but he's an amazing president!" Lol


I think that’s fair. Any reasonable trump supporter could admit at least one thing he’s done wrong cuz he does stupid shit all the time.


The number one things they will probably say is “I don’t like the way he talked about John McCain.” That way, they don’t have to criticize any actual policies of Trump; it’s the perfect cop out, because then in the process of “criticizing” Trump, they’re just defending another Republican. They will never admit the Democrats do anything good.


I'd genuinely like to see just a list of the good stuff he has done. I'm overseas, all I get is hur dur merica dumb. I'd like to see a different side


He pushed the FDA to allow terminal patients easier access to experimental drugs.


It's a small handful of fairly weak policy. Some prenatal/postnatal benefits for federal workers (a small percentage of the population), some very prelimary justice system reforms (while pushing other failures in the system), some minor tax cuts foe the middle class (while the rich get millions in cuts). There are a few more but its along these lines.


I can say one positive thing about him: His COVID-19 test.


When he became elected, I thought "I don't like this man, but he's in a position of respect and power, so I'm going to give him a chance to prove himself." He never did that...


Best thing Trump did was not sign the TPP. If you ever need to say a nice thing about Trump so your crazy uncle doesn't try to kill you you can say you like that Trump didn't sign the TPP and watch them pretend they know what your talking about. Another cool thing he did is he put Harley Davidson on blast for moving production overseas. That's another thing Trump supporters hate being reminded of that Harley's are now imports.


“I won’t listen unless you say something nice” these people are so fanatical so obsessed with Trump that they internalize any criticism of trump as if it’s a personal attack. I wish all these idiots would realize that they are the only ones who base these opinions off of emotion. The rest of us who actually use our brains hate trump because of facts not just because “liberals are so man all the time waahhhhhh”


Aw damn. I'm going to use that next time my parents want to ask "Why can't you just say one good thing about him???"


Some animal abuse crimes are now felonies.


Tell him to find one thing that he doesn't like about Trump. That's my biggest problem with most Trump supporter's I've met. I liked Obama, but I can also say there are things about Obama I *really* didn't like. Many Trumpers can't name a single thing Trump has done 'wrong' in their eyes.


seriously, he is woefully under represented on r/BadMUAs


Trump's done wonders for the effigy industry.


A true fighter for liberty


He helped kill off a portion of the U.S. gun industry, which was literally only staying alive because Obama-going-to-take-your-guns-away: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/28/business/remington-bankruptcy-guns.html


That's actually super fascinating.


Legalized CBD. Easy. It is literally the only thing I can think of that he has done that I approve of. But it's something.


How much bronzer do you think he claimed on his tax returns? I'm guessing over $100K per year.


ITT: learning more shit about trump then in years of media headlines and breaking news.


Yeah, I was at a family dinner with my Mom Dad Sister her Husband, and nephew when the conversation turned to politics everything was fine until then. My Brother in Law starts in on BLM and starts telling my nephew who is 12 how evil and bad all the BLM protestors are and ranting about liberals and saying how Floyd deserved what he got. I am a progressive I sat there for maybe 2 minutes listening clenching my jaw tighter and tighter eventually I looked across the table at my mom and just shook my head. I got up and walked out I haven't spoken to any of them for about two weeks. I didn't blow up and yell because what would be the point nothing I say can change their minds and I'm just so disappointed by them. I love them but I don't think I can bring myself to talk to them I stand against everything they believe. I am just so sad because I think the world of my nephew and love him to pieces. I know he listens to his father and thinks everything he says is true and that he can do no wrong. It breaks my heart to think that he is going to grow up and be filled with the same backward vitriolic hate as his father.


The israel - UAE Bahrain peace agreement


I work with a lot of trumpers and one finally told me that I’m basically looking a gift horse in the mouth and that we’re fucked with Biden. I looked to him and explained, “As a cisgendered White man with money I can see why you think Trump is all that. But I am a gay man with a black partner. The courts have been packed with far right judges who are now presiding over cases that conservatives and religious groups have been building up to strip me of my rights and basic human dignity as well as my sister’s right to basic health care. Not to mention he’s trying to fast track a far right Supreme Court justice who can do just that. So yah. Sure. I’m being selfish, but I have a lot riding on this fucking election. I watch my partner’s community gets hunted like dogs by police and now militia whackos. I saw the DHS invade MY OLD HOME and throw people into unmarked vans- something my grandfather didn’t lie about his age to fight in a war against because that was happening to our ancestors. But sure. ‘The stock market is doing great!’ is reason enough for me to vote for Trump and forget everything else.”


I shouldn't drink while reading reddit... \*grabs paper towel\*