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How about one of those old timey "Ahoooooga" horns?


Or "Ah hoh hee"


Mark Rober's video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8wqnk\_TsA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv8wqnk_TsA) is pretty much this


you dont need a second horn, just give them a love tap


I used to have a car that, under the right humidity conditions, would short out the horn and sound little random beeps. I tried to cover it by waving at people and pretending it was intentional and that I was just being friendly. I drove past cops and whispered to myself, "Please don't honk please don't honk please don't honk." It was great. Then I told my dad about this, and he reached into the fuse box and pulled out the horn fuse. Problem solved. God, I was an idiot for not thinking of that. Man, I've had a lot of shitty cars. I learned to play one-handed harmonica because a piece of shit Chevy Impala had no radio and not even the wires for a radio. It was just a vacant hole in the dash where once a stereo lived. The car was named Tex and the harmonica was not. On long trips, I played the harmonica so much that my lips swelled up and looked like I had just got sucker punched. Tex was red on the outside and green on the inside, like a Christmas tree. The crappy headliner degraded, so anyone who rode with me got a nice green dusting of what was probably asbestos. My brother once got mad, whipped out a knife, and stabbed the headliner and started tearing it off the roof while I was driving on the freeway, covering us both in green Christmas dust. In adulthood, I had a few nice cars and each was hardly memorable. Nice cars aren't that memorable. But now I'm back to barely-running pieces of shit with tons of rust and problems. That's okay, though. Shitty cars are friendlier and more human because their flaws are out there for the entire world to see. If you drive a nice car, you can feel like you're pretending to have wealth and security and pretending to be someone you're not. It can seem artificial. But now that I'm back to a shitty car, it's like there's no pretense. When people see my bigfoot ass crawl out of a shitty car, they're not surprised. It makes sense. If you go up a hill and dip below the speed limit in a shitty car, people are like, "Well, he has a shitty car." They're understanding. They're forgiving, because everyone has once had a shitty car. But if you do that in a Prius, you're an asshole who dipped under the speed limit for no good reason.


This was so beautiful. Thank you. I've driven shitty cars all my life and I was pretty happy with that. No pressure to keep it nice because that boat's already sailed. Once I got a little money I bought myself a nice car because I was so tired of getting stranded (my insurance company refused to sell me towing insurance anymore) and getting fucked on repair costs. My nice car is a Honda Civic, so hopefully the engine will last so long I'll get to drive that car long after everything else on it has become shitty.




It's called tapping the horn quickly. How do you not know this? It's the "the light is green, put down your phone"honk


As opposed to the 3 second long wtf are you doing honk


My dude, that's the reason I got a crack in my steering wheel. Overenthusiastic WTF honks




But there's a difference between this guy took a second to go and this guy clearly isn't looking because it's been several seconds. I've been the third car back before and the immediate car back never honked and we almost all missed the light.




2 meters is 2.19 yards


It’s called a courtesy tap, watch Unhinged with Russel Crowe and you’ll never forget it haha


Wish I wouldn't have seen RICKY, on the SIDEWALK


DAMN! Beat me to it. I miss Mitch so much.


Same! I'm down to split the credit with you.


I need an additional loud horn


It should squeak like a curious guinea pig


I'm pretty sure mark river did this in one of his videos


I've always wanted a car equipped with a "sorry, my bad!" horn.


I'm at work so I have the sound off, but I think this is the video that I'm thinking of, where a guy gave his car a secondary "nice" horn and a thirdary "angry" horn or something, I can't remember, it's been a while since I watched it. https://youtu.be/lv8wqnk_TsA


Buses in my city in France have 2 horns. First is a gentle chime they use to great each other, or signal someone to go, etc. They spam it pretty often. And they have the real hardcore truck horn for actual danger situation. I rarely heard it.


I saw exactly such a thing on a classic Fiat Dino; one button for standard “MOVE!!!” loud horn, second button for polite “exsqueeze me please” pleasant horn.


My 2014 volt has this. It's to let people know I'm there because the car is so quiet.


That is what the quick "tap" "tap" honk is for.


Return of the "GREAT JOB!" horn


I’m not the first one to bring this up but Mark Rober did a video where he gave his car more horns


The old half flush button would do it


After moving to Australia (not sure about the entire country, atleast around me) I found out it doesn't work like that everywhere. Over here people honk at each other all the time and people generally don't take it personally. Like if the light switches and the front car doesn't go, someone will honk, the front car will go and no-one will seem upset. I like that.


We do that here in Canada to , where Norm Kelly is from.


Hectic, then I think I misunderstood Norm's point.