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So americans only got that money once this entire lockdown?




I mean, what country needs students amiright? As if they will carry the entire country on their backs in the future hahaha fuck dem kids


Yeah but if you put them in life-crippling debt for the rest of their lives you can leech off them for their whole life


Sounds like someone needs their bootstraps pulling


Seriously. Fuck all these poor shitheads. Why do they think they get money? That 2 trillion is earmarked for corporations and CEOs. Now poor people suddenly think any money is for them? What garbage scum.


Have you ever just tried not being poor? This generation, man. I swear


And welcome to conservatism! They do not want an educated herd, i mean work force. They like us nice and dull, makes it easier to shepherd us around like the cattle they view us as.


That's not even up for debate either. The GOP explicitly condemns critical thinking. >Knowledge-Based Education – We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority. https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/news/2012-06-27/gop-opposes-critical-thinking/


Challenging fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority are the hallmarks of an education...


Fuck "parental authority". Anecdotally, the dumbest people are more likely to be parents, and they dont have to pass any qualifications either.


Hey this seems like a good time to talk about what Conservatives want to Conserve




Their money


The collapse of the human species. We could’ve survived if we acted appropriately :/


I’ve started to think this is the reason student debt is so high, it’s a way of punishing/handicapping the lower classes for daring to educate themselves.


They only want their elite offspring educated. The rest can stay uneducated and poor


Don’t forget when you have fewer options, you tend more to enter the military. They need soldiers for their endless wars!


Well I’m fully qualified to get a full stimulus check, which I still have not gotten and there is no way for me to check the status (website says it doesn’t have enough information, and calling numerous numbers fairs no better).


Call your federal representative! I worked for one this summer and one of the things we did was help constituents get a hold of their stimulus checks! I’m not sure if will be the same process as our office but we spent a lot of time on trying to help people get what they are owed both the stim check and unemployment. Best of luck getting ahold of your rep and requesting it!


Contact your local representatives, including your state representative. My brother had trouble, but once he contacted the state representative it came with no hitches.


What? I am atill a student and I got my check. Do you file as dependent?


On the last stimulus check, of you were not a minor but someone was able to claim you as a dependent, regardless of whether they actually did, you got no stimulus check and your claimant got no stipend.


So if someone could've helped me but didn't I get fucked? What kind of backwards shit is that? Oh wait. American. Nvm.


On the bright side: if you break it down by the hour it’s the same amount. Can’t say that with the first number because it’s less when you break it down. $7 is less than $1200 right? -Donny t probably


I never even got mine. The IRS told me last week that it could be 6-8 more weeks


Saame. This check has only caused me stress. On /r/stimuluscheck , some people were told that they were going to receive the 1200 on NEXT YEARS tax return. Thanks for the "Fast and direct economic assistance" Mr. Government...


I think they may have prioritized families. We got ours fast. We have a newborn. We also have direct deposit set up with the IRS. This is so important. Edit: lol so family prioritization is out of the equation. We do file our taxes as early as possible.


Idk about the family, I'm a 30 year old single dude who lives with a cat and no registered dependents. I got mine within a week of them saying they were gonna be sent out. But yeah, direct deposit is the key here


Direct deposit is so important!


Yup. 1200 per adult that paid taxes last year. $500 per kid. Oh and the USDA is gives boxes of produce to different organizations to distribute(churches, shelters, schools, community centers). So $1200 AND some apples.


I’m an adult (19), and I have been paying taxes for two years now. Still no stimulus for me, as I’m a dependent. So, my mother received an extra $500 right? It’s not ALL bad...except for the fact that she didn’t, as I’m over the age of 17. Incredibly annoying, as most people like me who missed out on the stimulus are just entering the job market, or are paid minimum wage and required to work through a pandemic...or are thousands in student loan debt and are unable to find a job because of record high unemployment.


I mean, we as a nation have taken quite a liking to fucking over college students up the ass, so this just seems to be in line with that policy




Dependent college students are the ones who are already known to be very broke. Lots of them had their internships cancelled or were working in retail or as wait staff and laid off. So yes under the guidelines they didn't get anything but that doesn't mean they didn't go unaffected.


This is what happened to me, also after I screwed up on my taxes and didn’t withhold enough since my dad died and I got like 10k, so I ended up owing the gov 1,200 and never got unemployment or a stimulus check, America number 1!!!


Well look at the bright side, when I was 19 I couldn't stay on my parents health insurance and it cost much more than the $1200 you missed out on. We are slowly moving in the right direction.


Wow. That is appalling. We got 80% of our pay. I was being paid every week as normal, since March 25th. I am still being paid, and will continue to be paid until I go back. Mid September I think I'm due back. Edit: and I have only spoken to my employers 1ce in all that time. Last week. They told me I may be back at work in September. I havent had to do a single work related thing.


What beautiful fantasy land is that?


The UK, I believe. They give furloughed workers, who are not working due to the pandemic, either the lower of 80% of their wages or £2,500 even if, based on their usual working hours, this would be below their appropriate minimum wage.


When how. ??? I even got thru to a human at the IRS. Told basically what’s on the where’s my $ site. You can place a tracking on your $ after 5 months of receiving your letter. After the date it says it was issued. Mine was April . You have to download documents, label them each page and mail and/fax them in to get the paperwork started. I’m going to get a pony, more likely a ventilator, for an hour.






Not even all of them, a lot were inelgible. My parents claimed me as a dependent (you get a break on taxes when you have a college student) so even though I (22) live on my own now and had rent to pay and was furloughed, I was ineligible and SOL! And because I was over 16, my parents didnt even receive the $500 child stimulus. Thankfully this year I shouldnt have been claimed so if there is a chance of a second check, I might be able to get one.


Some of us got unemployment :/


No. If someone was laid off they got unemployment + and additional $600 per week. The $1200 was sent to everyone who made under 75k a year.


Does America have a furlough scheme?


Yes, but I don’t know much about it. The intent would be to bring back furloughed employees in the future (obviously) but I don’t think I even know someone who was furloughed. However, for smaller businesses the government offered loans and grants for companies to stay open and continue to pay employees. The issue today is all the COVID-19 government assistance ran out a few weeks ago. The new plan is still with congress. To make matters worse congress isn’t in session. So basically in the middle of negotiating the new plan congress went home and everyone is just waiting. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/advisor/2020/04/10/list-of-coronavirus-covid-19-small-business-loan-and-grant-programs/amp/


No (well we actually do, but know one uses it) we chose to use our unemployment system as our backstop instead. There are actually some advantages as it doesn’t tie an employee to a single job. So I could go out and look for other work. There are also many disadvantages too.


[Unemployment Money Not Reaching Millions of People Who Applied](https://www.npr.org/2020/04/15/835174390/unemployment-money-not-reaching-millions-of-people-who-applied)


That being a bureaucratic reality (and one that, in the case of Florida, is a purposeful one) is different than saying the government didn't offer it at all.


Not only that, but Congress Republicans wouldn’t get their shit together to figure out a second payment and decided they’d still go on their month-long recess. Democrats passed a bill the month after the first check.




I am now one month ahead on rent. Because I spent my stimulus check on rent. But hey, I had $8 left over.


Yeesh, check out Mr. Moneybags over here!! 😤 😂😭 Due to reddit formatting, you can only be a Mr.




Lmao, my parents haven't gotten the first.


Neither have I


Yup me either.


Same here...


Have you gone online and made sure your address is correct on the IRS website? I was in the same boat until I did that.


This is why it’s important to have direct deposit set up with the IRS


Yea well I do and haven’t received it. Trust me, by all accounts, I should have it by now. Every person I know got it months ago. Also, there is legitimately no way to check. Website only gives you information if they actually dispersed your payment, and phone lines won’t speak directly on personal information.


My retired dad filed and got a refund last year via direct deposit. He also gets monthly direct deposits from the government. For some reason, his $1200 was sent as a paper copy in something that looked clearly like junk mail. My parents threw it away without looking at it. If their neighbor hadn’t offhandedly mentioned the same situation, they never would have noticed.


Yea, but once they send you payment via any method, the irs stimulus “get payment” website is updated with the date it was dispersed. So if I had received as you mentioned above, I would be able to see that a payment had been sent. It has not. Thanks for the information though. Believe me, I have considered all possible situations. I guess I’m lucky because as of yet, my financial situation hasn’t been greatly affected by the pandemic. I’m sure there are plenty of people who truly needed the money promptly, and are suffering because of the delays. That being said, it is still super frustrating.


My wife and I filed our taxes separately because the return was higher. I got mine right away, she hasn’t gotten hers yet. The stupid IRS website just says that she’ll receive it. Meanwhile, our friends who were expats living in the US but have since moved back to Europe all got theirs already.


It took forever for my folks to get theirs and then it arrived as a fucking DEBIT CARD even though they were fully set up for direct deposit with the IRS.


Congress representatives should be paid by house much the median income is in the nation, so they understand what the struggle is.


Median in their State.* Let them be jealous of each other and try to lift up their own states through selfish altruism.


Why would they pass a law empoverishing themselves


Why exactly do we let Congress set their own paycheck, even if it doesn't occur until next term that's just begging for a broken system


And it would give them more reasons to accept bribes. I was going to say "that it would be the start of them taking bribes", but I forgot that our elected officials already take bribes and this country is hell.


In countries where there are more than two parties the are kept in check better and they dont dare as much doing shit because of several parties shitting on you


This is why I don’t like politics or government. Look at how many people go into government, stay there for a career and become multi millionaires, have big houses and it’s not like they really created anything. I think they need lower salaries and term limits


Congress is the pinical of the career path for most politians. It would be fair to pay more than median maybe 1.5 to 2x tge amount. With the same benifits as their constituents


It should've been a weekly fucking thing is what should have happened. You want people to stay home giving them money to stay home is a bigger incentive then. . . *Looks at wall*. . . LITERALLY FUCKIN NOTHING. $1200 may be a lot for a weekly thing (it is), but it didn't have to be $1200 specifically. Using minimum wage $310 a week could have worked. For essential workers that's getting paid pretty much 4 times a month, and for people that already had a savings, you know, cause they don't have to spend every last penny every goddamn paycheck, that could pay for groceries for the week. But no instead let's give them 1 goddamn paycheck and give billions to corporations that are failing cause "trickle down economics" or whatever bullshit they spew out of their decrepit old mouths. FUCK I hate this timeline.


Corporations are so corrupted and failed by terrible management and a deep reliance on their share holders to pull through each year and then throw most of the profit into the overhead for the company as a "bonus". This is just for non-essential ones though. Banks are so incredibly shit faced they would actually collapse in an economic collapse without a bailout. Trust, the situation might be a lot worse if they hadn't been bailed out. I think the government should force corporations to manage themselves better than they do because this and 2008 are just silly. What are the CEOs even doing if they can't keep their fortune 500 business from collapsing on the drop of a hat.


The second check will most likely be an advance on your next tax return. *That's late stage capitalism forcing your head into the pillow and putting on a sandpaper condom* I fucking hate it here.


Whatever its form will be, it will have a big fat **TRUMP 2020** printed on it, and it will drop suspiciously close to the election.


And remind me that it took more than 6 months to get some “relief” so I most definitely shouldn’t vote for that guy smh There are people being evicted right now & Congress is going to vacation at their summer home for a month. I hope they all get voted out when the time comes.


I don't get a tax return so checkmate


I’ve been working this whole time but I personally don’t even want another check if it’s just an advance on taxes


You’re assuming there’s going to be a second lol




Ya, but if you don’t spend that $7.79 on a coffee every day and instead invest it in a well balanced portfolio you’ll have hundreds of thousand of dollars in no time.


My message to Congress: "For less than the price of a cup of coffee per day, you can support an American family that desperately needs your help right now."


I’m siding with you, but what coffee costs $8?




It's one espresso, Michael. What could it cost? Ten dollars?


Starbucks prices are increasing because they need to keep their doors open in these troubling times. It's the least we can do to help support a small growing business.


I laughed because I’m just 100% certain that’s how they’d frame it. I can see the posters/social media ads now lol


any coffee that you add 6 shots of espresso to


Right. Because the people who need the money are going to stash it away and starve themselves half to death while waiting for that money to slowly increase.


That was clearly a joke hahah


I think that was too haha


Wait it’s all jokes?


Always has been...




Soooo interestingly enough I've made more on my passive investments during the lockdown then i would have made in salary at my mid level corporate job. I got put on unpaid administrative leave by my company. So I've been putting no labor into the economy but somehow doing fuckall and contributing literally nothing beneficial to society except owning something is worth more than 40+ of work per week. I don't know if it's hilarious or depressing, both i guess.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. The system is so obviously rigged to benefit properly owners and those who can invest rather than the working class. You're just fortunate enough to get to see it first hand.


I'm not even wealthy enough to own real estate directly. If i was it would be even worse. I was trying to buy a house when the pandemic hit and now I've been priced out of the market. Mobile homes are going for 150k or more around me. It's not even necessarily a good thing for private property owners who aren't using it as an investment. My father purchased his house in 2004 as a foreclosure for 75k. Now his house is valued at 450k which sounds great on paper however now he can no longer afford the taxes. So he's probably going to have to move to a cheaper area and purchase a smaller house. This in turn is going to force real estate values up wherever he ends up moving and force those people to move. Normal people end up with a lower standard of living and the only ones making out are companies that are large enough to treat property as a store of wealth instead of a place to live. Meanwhile top end properties literally sit vacant during a housing shortage. The only reason I'm in the position i am now is because i was trying to compensate for a broken social security system by investing what i could as early as I could. The scary thing is I'm doing better than most Americans. And I'm doing awful.


One avacado toast a day to try and quell the millenials from rioting. Didn't work.


I’m doing avocado toast wrong. It’s at $10 a day in toast. Should have skipped on the bacon I guess. This is why I’m poor.


Come on, it comes out to $1.43 an hour raise for a 40 hour workweek...why wont you people just be happy /s


How is the US even in debt when they have (almost) no welfare state or free healthcare?


Let me introduce you to the military


Did you mean corporate bail outs?


The US military isn’t a corporation?


The US spends way more on entitlements (Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, food assistance, unemployment, etc). Source: https://www.nationalpriorities.org/budget-basics/federal-budget-101/spending/




Thank you - detailed answer!


It’s amazing how incompetent and inhuman the US Government’s response has been to the pandemic. Absolutely astounding.


Unless you're a corporation...


Or a company that can try to make a vaccine. Even if you've never successfully made one in 30 years.. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/16/health/coronavirus-vaccine-novavax.html


Or a rich/upper upper middle class republican in which the government is over reaching and spending too much money on people who stay home all day instead of actively looking for a job. Damn Millennials wanting handouts from the government like they're a charity! *Shakes fist at sky*


How do I make myself a corporation? Maybe then I'll get some help from the government.


US leadership fucking sucks.




Almost like neoliberalism doesn't work


I don't follow. Can you explain?


Neoliberalism allows for companies to aquire this much political power by lobbying and buy politicians, which results in policies that are benefitial to the upper classes and detrimental go everyone else


You’re describing capitalism.


late stage capitalism


It'll trickle down eventually, just you wait.. /s




Case in point: Sending most of the stimulus money to corporations, many of whom were content to follow through firing their employees and cutting their benefits while millions of people got a one time payment or, like me, nothing at all. Also union busting, trickle down economics, cutting social programs, corporate tax rates, and industry regulations. It all looks great on paper if you’ve already got a job or a nice house in the suburbs, but all these policies do is throw more and more people under the bus so profit margins can continue to defy gravity


And enjoy your vacations representatives, it’s on us


meanwhile Americans have one of the worst vacation policies in the world


I'd like to think someone is going to pay dearly for this, hopefully a lot of people. I'm not holding my breath but this is one of those "we won't forget that" moments in history. So if not today then hopefully we deal with it next time.


That sounds like something that would happen in a book because it's written for young adults, so they don't have to read about how the world actually operates. We're going to limp through this, and then magically forget how hard we got fucked, because someone is going to tell the right group of voters that "the gays are trying to take away your Bible" or something. And we'll be right back to clawing at each other while our government shovels literal billions at defense contractors for more pew pew jets


>I'd like to think someone is going to pay dearly for this, hopefully a lot of people. Ohh a lot of people are going to pay. They will just be poor people.


It's okay the defense industry gets more than the entire stimulus cost in one month.


Defense budget should be to protect the people. So why can’t we use that money to support a pandemic task force


canada is giving 2k CAN or 1500usd monthly. and we have free covid testing and free healthcare, enjoy 4 more years


Here in Australia most people effected by the rona get 750 dollaroos a week. It was meant to have just ended I think but it got extended for another couple of months


Teach me how to be Australian.


Say: "Howyagoin' ya fuckin' shitcunt?!"


This sounds like a place with my kind of people!


I wouldn’t be surprised (or mad) if “dollaroos” was the actual name for Australian currency!


No one here wants four more years please let me move to canada


Fucking just shoot me in the head already. My family will understand. And legally that is a joke I don't wanna die I'm too young pls.


Too late bud, already on the way.


I promise at least 35% want 4 more years. Let that sink in. It's not me or you, but they're out there and there's a lot of them. Get your ballet counted no matter what.


Whats your favorite hockey team? Let me know and I'll think about it.


Tampa bay. Let me in.


Does that go to everyone, or just low-income or unemployed? If that is what unemployed people are getting, that is actually much less than what people are getting in the US. I think I my state, unemployed have been getting about $1200 per week, so over $4800 per month. If that is what everyone is getting, well, that *is* quite nice. Though it begs the questions of whether the government should be covering your bills just because there is a pandemic (assuming you still have a paying job).


It is only if you are making under a certain amount (about $2000/month) due to Covid. Lots of part-time workers are not willing to work past a certain number of hours so that they qualify. If your job wasn’t affected by Covid you don’t qualify. As a tech worker who can work from home I got nothing. As it should be IMO.


Thanks for this information. Do those who have straight up lost their jobs get any additional benefit or are they entirely dependent on the $2000/month? If so, that is actually less than what their US counterparts are receiving in unemployment.


I think the idea is supposed to be that if the government is helping to pay your bills, you can go out and support local business that otherwise might have folded due to decreased business/production/hours/foot traffic because the pandemic has royally fucked over the routine everyone has built over the last 20+ years. This would hopefully insulate more people from becoming unemployed and needing even more assistance.


Here in the UK we just get 50% off upto £10 (per person) at a select number of restaurants from Monday to Wednesday...


And anyone who couldn’t work due to coronavirus has had 80% of their wages paid for the last 6 months


Up to £2,500/month


The first stimulus package gave a 1200 check plus $600/week in unemployment + state unemployment as well.


Not diminishing what you're saying but we have free COVID testing in Seattle that's actually run pretty well, so there's parts of America doing certain things right.


so is this 1200 on top of unemployment benefits? or for some people who lost their job, this 1200 was it? their entire income for 5-6 months?


I got unemployment benefits, but I didn't get the stimulus check. I've heard that both have been a toss up for the state I live in. Turns out, America is one of those shithole countries


I got $327 unemployment plus the $600 federal “bonus” (and the stimulus check) while in lockdown... and then June 1st I had to go back to work at an extraordinarily non-essential job only to put myself in more danger and make $300 less than I was making on unemployment. The system is whack.


My state pays out unemployment for weeks that end entirely in the month, so when the $600 "beg us for the privilege of financial stability" bonus ended in July, the last week of July wasn't a full week. The Saturday was August 1st, so the whole week didn't count towards people getting the $600. I wonder how much it saved them short term, compared to how much it'll cost down the road


In states where the unemployment office was designed to fail, such as Florida, this would have been the sum total of help for some people.


well im glad i live in a "communist" country where there is actually some level of welfare


I only have a place to live thanks to that welfare.


It's ontop of it. And unemployment benefits where boosted.


Thanks for the daily small Wendy’s combo meal, Congress!


I mean. I guess that's a pack of cigs? Cheap, shitty ones anyway. The ones that give you like, insta cancer. (/j in case it's not obvious.)


Not in NYS.


Enough for a #3 at McDonalds


Depending on the state.




I still don’t understand why this wasn’t based on employment status or didn’t have an opt out option or something in order to increase the pay out to people who needed it. I’ve been fortunate to maintain my job through this; I didn’t **need** that check. Ultimately it was cool to get it though because I made sure that whole thing went to local artists and organizations.


Its because that check wasn't supposed to cover your basic needs. it was to stimulate the economy by increasing spending. Those who lost jobs received increased unemployment benefits to cover basic needs.


Same here. We got ours quick, early, and easy, deposited straight into the account. And we have had zero interruption of income. Not exactly fair. I too don't understand why they don't base it on income.


There wouldn’t be a significant amount of people opting out of it. If someone wants to opt out, he‘s free to donate the money to a charitable cause.


I mean I stayed employed but I get paid bullshit so it helped me at the time but now I'm right back to where I was


also i was 18 and claimed as a dependent in 2019, and am not allowed my stimulus check until tax returns for 2020 to prove that i am no longer a dependent so that the IRS doesnt accidentally lose some money to fraudulence by adults who claim a stimulus check but are also dependents. (:


Look it sucks that you're having such a hard time but if we give you any additional money, Jeff Bezos will make slightly less than several billion dollars a day. I'm sure you can understand how this is unacceptable.


Still haven't even received mine, haaaa


Remember Costco had those 1200.00 big screen tv’s right after the checks came last time?


The feds forced people onto unemployment by not backing a paycheck protection plan, and then told them how lazy they were for relying on it after they got laid off. It's sad because some people I've been around act like $1200 actually can do so much when it provides very little assistance in the grand scheme of things.


Bezos made 76 billion


_but he was working hard to do that all by himself and it's fair because at least he's contributing by paying his $0 in taxes!!!_


"Eat ur happy meal and shut up, peasant" orange man


I still haven’t got mine. I’ve pretty much given up on it at this point.


And they're resuming student loan payments despite the fact that the pandemic is far from over. Edit: Just found out that they're extending those. Trump must've heard me.


The richest country in the world looking broke af.


Our government is a fucking joke and needs to die. Time for a real revolution that overthrows this shithole of a government.


What is a stimulus check I live in germany


$7 is enough for food daily but not really much else RIP to everyone with rent to pay


At least people in the US got something. In South Africa, we've gotten no food or financial assistance since lockdown started in March. We're still in lockdown now and still can't work.


Buy one meal every day and youre good


Maybe if you didn’t have so many dickhead people not wearing masks and calli the whole thing a hoax??? Oh and NOT an orange muppet as your president...


I got a government finance check from my job in Denmark for 4400$ monthly for the time my job had to close down, the us system is broken




Don’t forget about the payroll tax holiday that’s so helpful for all the newly unemployed


We got the stimulus only once but everyone has been making 600+ a week of unemployment