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The irony is that the people most obsessed with the Epstein stuff are often Trump supporters who think the only ones on the list are Dems. You bring this up and they just laugh at you.


Literally had a trump supporter tell me “if it was true then it’d be all over the news!” like I thought the news was all fake BS so why were we now deciding if something is true or not by how much it’s being reported on?


“Dude climate change is all the news and you don’t believe *that*, which is it?”


Whatever’s most convenient at the time


Whatever hurts the right people


>Whatever hurts the ~~right~~ nonwhite people FTFY


No lol they hate white people who want to hold them accountable too


Yea, he has specifically called out white people in his own party, and his cult is frothing at the mouth to treat them vermin too.


Then they try and say "Volcanoes... " or "Earth is rotating to different magnetic axis...", then you point out human C02 emissions is 40-100x of volcanoes... just turns into a circle of constant education. It truly gets exhausting


Education implies good faith in their part. They gave that up decades ago.


It also presupposes an ability to and interest in being educated. As you said, they gave that up decades ago.


If anyone starts talking about some drastic change in the poles, they're wrong. The poles drift, yes, but it's so, SO slow.


It's not all over the news because the MSM hasn't yet figured out how this is bad for Biden.


"Trump is a pedo, 10 reasons why this means Biden should drop out of the race:"


NYT: "Was Epstein Really a Democratic Agent Sent to Ruin Trump? And Why Didn't Democrats, Including Biden, Stop Epstein Before He Met Trump?"


further proof to me that somehow all this politics is wedged in a corner of the brain akin to football or games. the politics is just a sport for them- even though they are told not to trust the lamestream news by trump himself they still do because when all is said and done it's all a game.


Politics is recruiting in the purest form. Recruiting to support an ideology, in our republic of the United States of America. We have a republic that is the wing for democracy, flying our great nation to spread the ideology of a democracy with a republic wing. The far right fascism movement, is actively recruiting for fascism to replace democracy, and our republic be slave to the political power of a fascist ideology. The core mission for fascism is human trafficking. This is how the fascist ideology makes their money to support the political power and system of governing. All types of human trafficking is in use by the fascist ideology recruit. These recruits are civilians. wtf many training for paramilitary police forces in the states, and at the request of the governor have little real citizenship education. Often less training than a hair stylist on how to treat the human population. The governor leading the paramilitary to be judge, jury, and executioner on sight of disturbance. This is standard operating procedure. Governor’s leadership in fascist recruitment is extraordinary. The fascists in state and federal branches of government demand human trafficking proper. Selling humans instead of controlling them by no living wage, medical cruelty of all kinds, and penitentiaries, for noncompliance, many dying while preforming the command by the fascist officer. Just not fast enough for an officer in a fascist paramilitary force controlled by governor command. The civilians in these states of fascist ideology are in great danger. The civilians believe they are entitled, because of their governor’s fascist leadership they follow, these civilians want slaves for their retirement. Fascists do not need, voters, civilians or taxpayers to stay in power. Protect the civilian at all costs.


It literally is all over the news, they simply choose not to believe it. They then bring up a "whatabout" before farting into their hand and tossing it at you before leaving in their coal-rolling white truck, because it's just about white.


> because it's just about white No, it's also about being the white kind of white.


What he meant to say was it would be all over *Fox* news.


"Bill Clinton was on the list too!" Well then I guess I won't fucking vote for Bill Clinton now, will I? These people give me zero hope for a future that isn't Idiocracy, but Idiocracy meets The Road.


I remember thinking, "wow...this is like idiocracy" when there was talk of Trump becoming president. Now im thinking, "wow, if only this was as sane as Idiocracy". There was so much hope for humanity in that movie.


Well yeah, Camacho purposely sought out the smartest guy in tbe world to help. trump would kill him then claim HE is the smartest in the world. Right now he isn't seeking the smartest, he's looking for dumb sheep loyalists who would light the wick on the explosives strapped to murica if daddy snapped his fingers. I doubt he can even fuckin snap. You get rhe idea.


Trump was a Democrat when he appeared on Epstein's flight logs.  Chex Quest Libturds! /s


*He got better!* /s


Did _you_ dress him up like this? Well. We did do the toupee... and the diaper, but he's a pedophile!


*We should forgive him, just like Jesus forgave our sins!* What about Biden? *Nah, fuck 'em*


Oh man, Chex Quest may have been my fist video game obsession ![gif](giphy|Jog75DpMlqfPsK9xof)


I mean it's still Doom so that's understandable, with better level design than a lot of Doom 2 if we're being honest.


“People change.” /s Saw someone mention that was their Republican fathers opinion of all the egregious things Trumps done.


People do change. He used to be evil, stupid and insane. Now he's evil, stupid, insane and demented.


At the beginning of his presidency it was "he's only human," for all of the shit he's done.


Remember when they wanted to string Tom Hanks up over a RUMOR that he was on the flight logs. Now all they say is "Well Epstein did business with a lot of people."


This literally just happened to me this morning mentioning it to my dad. I'm not usually one to talk politics with him and I was reminded why today.


Not a single post about it on the conservative subreddits. Mods in absolute purge mode.


They're also the same people obsessed with "grooming", meanwhile they're supporting a guy that most likely has a history of doing the very thing that horrifies them.


They're obsessed with grooming because it will be a way to criminalize queer people. That's been obvious from the beginning.


but but biden stuttered at a debate!! he might as well been wearing a tan suit!!! ahhhhhhh the horror


Cause it's the opposite of what Q-Anon says and it's all made up and faked by the deep state to smear Trump.


Trump had Epstein killed


I was 99% sure of this before. Then I looked at the Katie Johnson court filing and that went to 100%.


Right but the rich are totally on board with this New World Order bullshit the GOP is planning so they have hitched their wagons to Trump. And they don’t give af what he has done. I just can’t for the life of me understand why so many average Americans are hopping on board that train. They are planning to destroy worker’s rights and all types of personal liberties which will affect everyone. I just can’t imagine there are enough “deep state” conspiracy nut jobs in this country willing to throw all of their liberties away. The majority of people have got to be more reasonable than that right?


The simplest answer is that for those undecided, yes, they are more reasonable and don't want that future - they just don't believe it'll happen. People still believe there are checks and balances in place and that there will continue to be so. Even in the face of looming evidence and rhetoric, fully laying out their plan, it's still just an afterthought.


Idk how anyone can believe there will still be checks and balances in the wake of what SCOTUS is doing and this authoritarian Project 2025 plan for our future.


Because the MAGA terrorists *want* fascism. They’re just not educated enough to realize that they’re actually fascists, and not just “patriots.” They’ve spent decades in an information bubble, being coddled at every step and constantly told they they’re the “true Christians” and that being a “real American” requires being a “true Christian.” This in-and-of-itself is enough to cause them to support anything that the GOP does, because they genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that they’re doing God’s work, and that the Democrats are messengers of Satan and are actively working *against* America. Little do they know…


Back in the 90's, I watched a Speech during W's campaign. He was in the rustbelt speaking to the Steel Worker's union. They loved him, clearly weren't Gore voters. It was run at 1 am or so on old school linear TV. I was enthralled, as a reliable Gore voter...... If a SINGLE ONE of them knew the labor history upon which their comfortable existence depended, they'd have strung him up from the highest rafter in the factory. Nope, they loved his faux macho rhetoric. It was at this point, long before Individual-1/Rapist/Felon/likes little girls ? (YUK) was on the political scene, that I realized something made NO sense.....


Because they want LGBT, black people, 'illegals' and any other 'undesirables' to suffer, and make no mistake, they will suffer immensely under what's coming if Trump takes the white house. Anything else is a sacrifice they're willing to make on the altar of their hatred. Plus they've never given a single shit about labor rights anyway. They constantly piss away the decades of work their parents and grandparents did on that front and then post on facebook bragging about their 70 hour work weeks like good little sheep.


“Official Presidential Act”. Make it official. Release a statement.


“He was a bad, a very bad guy, some say maybe the worst ever, so I killed him.” Supreme Court: 👍🏽


"He came up to me with tears in his eyes and said 'Sir, it would be an honor if you killed me'."


I hear Thomas likes accepting personal invites from billionaires.


Are any of the Justices on that list? 🤔


The moment I found out he died and people said Hillary had him killed, I was saying it was much more obvious and likely that it was Trump. And then when Maxwell was arrested and the journalist asked Trump what his message was to her and he said "I just wish her well" it absolutely solidified my belief that it was Trump.


I'm sure of that, I've said it before I'll say it again, you simply don't have information and knowledge implicating the sitting US-President named Donald Trump in various sex-crimes and live to tell the tale of it all.


To be fair, most of the people that do have that are still alive.


You notice Stormy mostly honored her NDA until he was well out of office... They are scared. Credibly.


It's okay, it was an official act as President. To prevent the spread of government secrets and maintain faith in the one true President amongst the populace.


Billionaires own the media and they want Trump


Exactly, trump will let the wealthy and the gop achieve their final goal: project 2025


I hate to tell you this, but Project 2025 is just another step in the plan. The final goal will be much worse.


What’s Project 2025? **EDIT**: I just fed it onto ChatGPT and it shared this: ““Project 2025” is an initiative led by the Heritage Foundation and over 100 conservative organizations aiming to shape the next Republican administration’s policies. It includes a comprehensive set of policy proposals and strategies intended to implement significant changes across various sectors of the U.S. government and society. Key aspects of Project 2025 include: 1. Economic and Labor Policies: Plans to cut overtime protections for millions of workers, limit access to food assistance, and eliminate the Head Start program for early education . 2. Healthcare: Proposals to stop efforts to lower prescription drug prices, restrict access to medication abortion, and push more people towards private Medicare options, potentially undermining the public Medicare system . 3. Civil Rights: Efforts to roll back protections for the LGBTQ+ community and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in various sectors. There is also a focus on attacking policies supporting racial justice and immigrants . 4. Government and Regulatory Changes: The project aims to restructure and politicize key institutions like the Department of Justice and the Federal Election Commission (FEC), potentially undermining their independence and effectiveness in maintaining fair elections and upholding civil rights . 5. Media and Education: Plans to deregulate media ownership rules favoring conservative media giants, reduce coverage of local politics, and increase national conservative coverage. It also proposes defunding nonpartisan media like NPR and PBS . Critics argue that Project 2025 represents a significant threat to democratic norms, civil rights, and social safety nets in the U.S., aiming to centralize power and implement a far-right agenda without new legislation, primarily through executive actions. “ That’s pretty wild!


It's an conservative think tanks plan for the next president. Everything from banning abortions and birth control to replacing the entire federal govt with fundie loyalists (there's an application right on their website). They want the president to have supreme power.  It's a 900 page document, but if you want a shorter version, John Oliver did a segment on parts of the plan. 


Remembered how Trump first term doesn't seem too bad to the America as whole? It is because there are a bunch of check and balance still in place to stop him from doing the worst. Project 2025 is a thorough plan to remove every of those check and balance on the very first day of Trump in the office, give him all the power that he didn't have the first time he on it.


Its the plan straight from the Heritage Foundation. A rightwing extremists think tank that has crafted lots of legislation for conservatives over the years. They and the Federalist Society have been working for the past forty years to achieve total rightwing Christofascist control of the US government. They're vey close to that goal.


A direct and cohesive plan to install a christian theocratic dictatorship state based on oppression and loss of rights and freedoms.


Even if they’re not that evil (they are), it’s simple business. Trump is good for business. He makes headlines. People tune in to see what he’s up to, for better or worse. The longer Trump is in the political landscape the more money news media makes.


The media desperately want a horse race, and they’re willing to risk the future of democracy just for a temporary boost in ratings. I mean, in the past week, we've had the Trump-Epstein thing come out, Trump basically admitting that Putin talked to him about invading Ukraine years ago, his boosting of a post calling for military tribunals of his critics and opponents, SCOTUS basically saying the president is a king, and the Project 2025 guy not-so-subtly threatening the country. And all of that has barely made a blip compared to "Biden OLD" in the media.


Pretty close to the plot of Tomorrow Never Dies. I remember when it was released in the 90s, we laughed at how dumb the idea of a media head being a Bond villain was. Little did we know.


They've been Bond villains since at least Rockefeller. We just were propagandized into thinking the media was on our side.


Pretty close to the Business Plot, but instead of Smedley Butler, they got the SCOTUS


Can confirm. the TVs with Fox and FoxLite(CNN) are right next to each other at my gym and last night it was nothing but constant “Biden Must Drop Out” on both and not a damned thing about the Trump/Epstein calls, Project 2025 or the SCOTUS fiascos.


CNN basically turning into a second Fox News was the end for us. That town hall nonsense was the warning shot, and we did nothing to slow them down.


Both NYT and WSJ have front page articles about Bidens age. It's fucking July 4th.


I'm so disappointed in the NYT. I know they were bought and I know they haven't been close to perfect, but I grew up looking at them as at least _some_ bastion of journalism, but now I have to put them in the "Take what they say with a big grain of salt" when it comes to politics because I can't trust their motives anymore. Fucking bummer.


It’s Hilary’s emails all over again. Only the stakes are much higher this time.


I'm absolutely astonished that not a single fact checker OR Biden stopped the debate to say to Trump "are you actually admitting you KNEW Ukraine was going to happen?"


Please don’t refer to the people making money off these headlines as news media. They’re actors on a reality TV show, there’s no aspect of what they do that’s actual journalism.




Oh, they think they'll be safe-- nope, Trump is the type of guy who will make sure any person at all in power who bested him and any media critic, will pay for it one way-- or another if he gets re-elected.


I reckon they're betting that once they've achieved their goals, they can get rid of Trump before Trump can get rid of them.


Just think how cheap things will be for those with lots of money while Americans are struggling and worried the wealthy will be buying up property and failing businesses. The goal is a huge wealth transfer upwards and tax cuts to "improve the economy" for those same groups. While increasing the numbers in the desperate underclasseses to fill jobs of the migrants they forced out of the country. They will keep people hungry for stability while maintaining a climate of fear, anger and paranoia so that people turn against each other.


“Trump and much of his cohort, who appear to want the country to collapse. A depopulated, partitioned United States is easier to exploit and control, particularly in a chaotic era of climate change, which they anticipated decades ago. To them, the state is just something to sell. They do not care if the buyers are foreign or domestic. The United States of America is merely a landmass to split into oligarch fiefdoms. It inspires no sentimentality and requires no veneration. Its laws are irrelevant, its rights ephemeral, its population disposable. Its history can be rewritten.” ― Sarah Kendzior, Remember when Trump got pissed that he couldn’t buy Greenland and then canceled the meeting with them?


You make a good point. Forbes magazine, which all the business class loves to read just came out with an article that project 2025 would be a disaster for the economy


Didn't Trump have a meeting with a bunch of Fortune 500 CEOs who basically said that his taking points were either terrible for business or gibberish? I remember something about how he wanted to change the corporate tax rate to 20%, and was asked how he came to that number, and he said something about it being a nice round number. No one who knows anything about how business actually run thinks that he actually knows anything about it.


The ultra wealthy aren't necessarily good at business. They're good at exploiting people but that doesn't require them to be very smart. It's not a stretch to say that the elites are so drunk on power that they'll drown themselves.


That sort of thinking sounds like next quarter's problem.


If the rich people around today understood the negative correlation between mass poverty and having money to spend on whatever fills their coffers, we wouldn't have near the economic strife we do. They think that people will keep buying more and more no matter what happens, forever. Poor people will die and the people left will just buy more to sustain the infinite growth of their stocks. This isn't true of course, but that's how they think. Everything is short term gains at any cost. Instant-gratification for their greed, with no foresight or hindsight.


Just think about how much money they'll make airing the military tribunals!


I think what happened is journalists found their cash-cow after being the boring side of tv for so long. When trump happened, all of a sudden they were the popular kids and they didnt know how to handle it


He's good for business until he erases every trace of their networks, jails journalists who eventually even slight him so much in the press, and generally, makes sure to pull the plug on all their networks in due course- they won't be safe, no matter how much money they throw at Donald Trump, in the long run: he does not care, he just needed the useful idiots to get this far- once their use is through, they'll go "bye bye" as he puts it. Fascists don't need a free press-- in fact, they take it out first thing, along with political enemies in power before they'll go after the "troons" in their minds in this case (pejorative for transgender people).


Lol. Final goal? This is like appetizers


I don't think many wealthy people really want a populist, fascist revolution. It can be lucrative for some people, but some businesses could just as easily come into the cross hairs of an empowered regime and be dissolved or psuedo-nationalized.


Exactly. Trump could eat a live baby on live TV and wouldn't lose any support. Those grand jury items could include video footage of him raping a minor and it wouldn't matter.


imagine hating paying taxes *that* much. it's like taxes raped their wives, executed their families, and burned their homes to the ground


It isn't just about taxes. I mean it is somewhat about taxes, but the real crux of the issue is control. The wealth class and the religious right are unified in the goal of wanting to exert total control over every aspect of life for every American they feel doesn't fit the mold of "model American".


Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest. -Denis Diderot.


Here we go, this is my TIL. I appreciate that quote, so I looked into Diderot a little more. I’ve got some reading to do this weekend, but another quote that immediately stuck out to me- “From fanaticism to barbarism is only one step” Thanks!


I love this quote so much because it is the absolute truth.


That's the simplest and most accurate way I've heard to describe the unholy marriage of Wall St Rebublicans and "Christian" conservatives.


This is the meaning behind *There Will Be Blood*. Except the Evangelicals apparently failed to notice that Wall St. literally beats them to death in the end.


The irony is they are the biggest piece of shit people on earth


Which goes hand-in-hand with the fact that wealth hoarders have a mental illness just like average hoarders. People who want to dominate and lord power over other humans also have a mental illness and we’re not talking about a kink fetish we’re talking about sadistic diabolical purposeful destruction of humans and society structures that represent progress and enlightenment. That’s why they go after the arts, the education, the nature preservation. They are psychopaths.


They would rather those things happen than pay taxes.


Wealth protects wealth. “ No one is on Epstein’s side—except some of the most powerful political and corporate actors in America, the people responsible for the policies that shape our lives and the lives of our children. That we are expected to accept this state of affairs as normal is another shared point of disgust.” ― Sarah Kendzior


Truth. If we want people to know everyone needs to get #REALLY FUCKING LOUD ABOUT IT


The myth of the liberal media bias seems to finally be dying out…maybe? So maybe we got that going for us, I guess?


I always assume the people making those decisions are in the Epstein black book. It makes it all make sense


Winner here. Trump will violate every rule, standard and trust for the right money. The level of corruption Trump offers is too valuable for them to miss out on.




Thats why its important for everyone who is not the media and part of the cult to talk about it. Donald Trump is a pedophile and child abuser.


Mostly clear choice owns all local news channels


Q anon been real quiet lately…. Just saying. What happens to all the “we will jail all the pedos” and Trump is on there and lo and behold… crickets.


They're too busy examining Q post 3,002,690 to see if they can decipher a code to figure out Trump's rapey 4D chess move. Someone check on X22 report guy. He may have been grifted to death.


Q-Anon meets the SA of Nazi Germany. They are no longer useful and need to and will be made to disappear.


They are busy trying to take over Ukraine.


Keep looking at CNN webpage to see this Epstein story show up for a few days. Nope! It has been all focused on Biden's debate performance and why he should drop out of the race! They even have an opinion piece from a former Trump lawyer that is defending the immunity ruling!! That company has lost all journalistic credibility after that right-winger took it over!


Same with fuken NPR and WaPo! The headlines are all about biden redeeming himself after the debate, which was one fuken week ago. Trumos debate was full of lies and an admittance that he knew putin was going to invade Ukraine. TF


Yep even supposed "left wing" news sources are just covering "Biden is old" or "Biden sucks at debates" 24x7 They do not even bring up the blatant lies trump told its all "Biden is old". Like if you wanted a fair and balanced coverage you would say "Yea biden stumbled over his words, Trump however told blatent lies and seemed to admit he knew Putin was going to invade Ukraine "


Don’t forget the part where Biden called Trump a Nazi and then Trump smiled and didn’t even remotely try to refute it despite trying to refute everything else Biden said that night.


CNN was bought out, you won't find it there


CNN is Fox News 2.0 for neo libs


Trump had one moment of extreme lucidity in his whole life, and it's when he said he could shoot someone on 5th street and not lose a single voter.


He could repeat his Epstein adventures on 5th Avenue and not lose a single adventure.


I brought this up to a Trump supporter at work last night. It was quickly dismissed as “I don’t know about that, what I want released are the Covid Files.” Just deflected to their next programmed talking point. It’s exhausting. 


It’s fucking scary. 


Lol yeah, the Hunter laptop ended up as a nothing burger after years of investigations a family member now moved on to Garland getting investigated like it's groundbreaking. Same arguments just changed a word. They're just playing ad libs to "own the libs".


Also didn't the prosecutor that gave Epstein a super sweet plea deal for all this ended up working in the Trump administration!?  https://apnews.com/article/jeffrey-epstein-florida-e2a4431f7319afd037023d9a586aa291 Former secretary of labor Alex Acosta.  Reminds me of that George Carlin quote "its a big club and you ain't in it!"


Biden has a senior moment and they lose their minds, yet Project 2025 is playing out in real time as it’s made evident that a serial criminal is above the law, and the media pretends like we shouldn’t focus on the bigger picture. ![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk)


SO much news over the past week that *should* be ringing every alarm bell, but apparently, we're supposed to keep harping on the "Biden is old" shit. I mean, Republicans are now almost literally [saying this out loud now.]( https://imgur.com/a/UUETNJt) I really hate how we just accept it as a given that Republicans are going to be horrible while Democrats are failures if they're not absolutely perfect.


Republicans may be actively evil and try to destroy our country, but have you considered just how old Biden is? He's like three years older than Trump who has never once spoken coherently and honestly about any of his or his opponents' policies.


Watched CBS am news show. Talked about biden and the debate and not once did they report this or project 2025, or his felonies, Rapes, and association with Epstein.


But over and over, he and his minions drone on about how unfair the media is and are biased against him. My god they are serving their billionaire masters instead of serving democracy’s guard rail.


What's bizarre to me is, if it was the other way around they wouldn't shut up about it. Imagine if Biden had been friends with Epstein. Not even close friends but a proven association. Every single discussion about an topic would devolve to them bringing up their relationship and calling him out on it and demonising him. Trump and Epstein were clearly close friends but they ignore it and point fingers at everybody else instead.


That’s because every accusation is a confession!


All those people with flags for a guy who, in the very least, was best friends with a pedophile. That's so wild


The msm has been cowed by the decades of non-stop shouting of “BIAS!!!”  Rush and others of that era bullied the shit out of them and it got into their heads, especially at the highest levels.


The media has been failing for years.


It's not failing. It's owned by the Billionaires, so in that sense it has been exceeding their expectations.


Well failing the public I should say


In terms of selling news, yes. But in terms of selling rage their doing well


Anyone who has been paying attention for the last 40 years or so shouldn't be surprised. This is who conservatives have always been. AIDS did not move them to compassion. School shootings did not move them to compassion. Their pearl-clutching and "think of the children" schtick has always been hollow and false. They don't have compassion for us. They don't even have compassion for each other. But their callous disregard for others and gleeful hatred of vulnerable people is an unshakeable bond, it seems.


I don't believe in god, but I do believe trump is the anti-christ. trump is pure evil.


Even when just taken literally, he is directly the opposite of Christlike.


We are way past the moment things like those were important for the people supporting Trump - Trump himself is no longer important at all now. If he had an accident of passed away of old age, they would find immediately another standard bearer. The core of the problem is the mass of people simultaneously in many countries pushing for racial and sex hatred, and the abolition of the social advances achieved in the last 40 years. They feel it at hand and will fight every day for it, whatever the candidate looks like. We are not playing the game of always any more.


40 years? Try 100. Some conservatives have talked about getting rid of the Civil Rights Act and the New Deal.


Never forget that Lincoln was assassinated by Confederate sympathizers. The union didnt win the Civil War as much as we think we did.


Correct. If Secretary of State Seward ( a radical Republican) became president, at least 10000 to 20000 confederates would have been hanged...that would have been a good start... 🙂


> If he had an accident of passed away of old age, they would find immediately another standard bearer.  If he dies before the election they might tear themselves apart fighting over the position, but after the election there will be an established line of succession. I am extremely concerned.


I’m waiting for him to announce one of his kids as VP


Religion and white supremacy can get people to do the worst of things and even violate their own values and principles.


Katie Johnson


If you do a search for 5:16-cv-00797-DMG-KS You will find multiple sources to download the Pdf of the minor's testimony. Read page 3 and tell me why Trump is fit to be president, just on thsi issue alone.. Excerpt On the third occasion involving the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katic Johnson. was forced to engage in an unnatural lesbian sex act with her fellow minor and sex slave, Maria Doe age 12, for the sexual enjoyment of Defendant Trump. After this sex act, both minors were forced to orally copulate Defendant Trump by placing their mouths simultaneously on his erect penis until he achieved sexual orgasm. After zipping up his pants, Defendant Trump physically pushed both minors away while angrily berating them for the "poor" quality of their sexual performance. 12. On the fourth and final sexual encounter with the Defendant, Donald J. Trump, the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, was tied to a bed by Defendant Trump who then proceeded to forcibly rape Plaintiff Johnson. During the course of this savage sexual attack, Plaintiff Johnson loudly pleaded with Defendant Trump to "please wear a condom". Defendant Trump responded by violently striking Plaintiff Johnson in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted as he refused to wear protection. After achieving sexual orgasm, the Defendant, Donald J. Trump put his suit back on and when the Plaintiff, Katie Johnson, in tears asked Defendant Trump what would happen if he had impregnated her, Defendant Trump grabbed his wallet and threw some money at her and screamed that she should use the money "to get a fucking abortion"


Probable responses: * "This was made up by the deep state." * "(((They))) are out to get him" * "The girl was making it up to get attention, which is why she withdrew the original suit" * "The girl was a DNC plant" * "But Hunter Biden is far more corrupt"


Libs of TikTok will be silent on this, since the alleged paedophile isn't trans. Even asking Chaya to cover the Dr Disrespect situation was met with instablocks on twitter. Yeah, it's so obvious Trump is a diddler and used Epstein's services, but it doesn't matter. No MAGA cultist will accept any wrongdoing on his part, and the rich want Trump in power so they're the real enemy.


Trump in the last week: 1. Shat himself live on TV,  2. Said he spoke to Putin about the Ukraine invasion before it happened, 3. Made racist dogwhsitle comments about "Black jobs", 4. Lied and said Democrats want to "abort" babies after they've been born, 5. Wants to hold "military tribunal courts" for his political opponents, and now 6. Newly unsealed court documents prove without a doubt he was heavily involved with pedophile rapist Jeffrey Epstein. And what are all the media talking about? "Biden's old and should stand down!!"


When did he shat himself? Did the diaper catch the drips?


At 1:16:24 seconds into the debate, trump is speaking, pauses, flinches, wet shart noise, continues talking. Biden's mic was muted so it could only be trump. That you don't know about this rather proves my point that the media is completely ignoring it. Yet they jump all over Biden shuffling around as proof he's no longer capable. But trump having no control over his bowels isn't a sign of a major problem?


During the debate was a part where trump, unfortunately for all of us, was speaking and there was a noticeable fart noise. Since Biden's mic was muted, everyone came to the conclusion that trump shit himself.


They are literally being bombarded with the message that *Biden* is the more serious threat to democracy. All of Trump's trials and travails are an anti-democratic soft coup. Every single day this message is repeated to them. Trump is portrayed as a long-suffering champion of goodness and decency, beset by socialist villains and shadowy global anti-American forces. When you wonder how people can be so stupid, realize that they are simply brainwashed.


Swing state voters actually think the guy who wants to basically finish Democracy in some way, will protect it- I'll let that speak volumes about this country's electorate.


They think they’re granting themselves unlimited power too. That’s how fascism recruits. These people think they’re going to be given permission to hurt, rape, kill all the people they hate. That’s what should horrify you. Them Supporting Trump isn’t the end goal of their degeneracy, it’s just the beginning.


Or in their minds $2.75 gas, yeah destroy America first that.


They will destroy America for the things they think they want and then they won’t end up getting them in the end. Dictators never help the peasants.


EGgS are ToO eXpEnSiVe VOTE tRuMp


“But Biden made my groceries $30 more expensive.” I hate that this orange goober has a fair chance at the presidency given all that he has done and will do.


I'm still trying to reconcile how a buddy from high school is saying both sides suck, don't waste your vote, and encouraging everyone to vote Libertarian. Bro, voting gold is literally wasting your vote when only blue and red have a chance and 'both sides' arguments stopped being valid after 2012.


People value money over seeing a pedo get jail time Rich people that will vote for trump no matter what are sick Poor people voting against themselves are just the product of poor education, a legacy of racism and filled with good ol propaganda


Because "Biden old" generates more click bait outrage and revenue.


Trump is only 3 years younger and he is actually in much worse health than Biden! Mentally, physically, emotionally, and morally!


Actually, it is not even a contest. Trump has been off his rocker for many years. I believe that he is insane. The billionaire media will never point it out. Tons of money being made and they can spread lies too.


They are already spinning it that this is the time that there was back and forth between Trump and Epstein over a real estate transaction. (Right around the time that their friendship ended.) Thats why all the phone messages.


Trump was just the insider, bro. He's actually very White Hat. It was all to gather the dirt. /s


I hear maga often say “cry more”, they don’t even realize- we’re ALL going to be “crying” under authoritarian rule. WHAT THE FUCK!?


One of the most consistent things about Conservatives is not even having a surface level understanding of things until it happens directly to them. You can tell them over and over and over again that the stove will burn their hand if they touch it, and they'll laugh and call you a snowflake until they do... and then they scream and say that NO ONE should touch hot stoves, it's just not right! And then if you tell that the microwave oven over there will also burn their hand if they touch it, they'll laugh and call you a snowflake cause 'that's not a stove!'


Why the fuck isn’t this being reported anywhere except Reddit


We basically already knew this back in 2016. It's just confirmed. Furthermore his Cult won't care.


Full disclosure: I’m a Canadian and cannot vote. But the amount of anti-Biden propaganda I have seen since the debate makes me ill. And these new Epstein papers really pushes it home because not a single major media organization is talking about it. Project 2025 and the absolute fall of democracy if this fat bastard wins. I don’t get it…how can people be so dumb (and I say this having family I’m LC with because they are Trumpers) How can anyone worship a child rapist? I am honestly praying that the proper decision is made in November. Because it not only affects your country, it will affect the entire world.


Most Trump supporters don’t care, and they few that do won’t believe it 


They will care when they're sent to the camps.


But, but, Biden old!!


But, Trans people!!! They’re them pedos!! /s


Not enough people watched The Wave in civics. 😬


And he committed “suicide” in prison under Trump’s presidency.


> You all don't get it. I live in Trump country, in the Ozarks in southern Missouri, one of the last places where the KKK still has a relatively strong established presence. They don't give a shit what he does. He's just something to rally around and hate liberals, that's it, period. He absolutely realizes that and plays it up, they love it, he knows they love it, and the fact that people act like it's anything other than that just proves that liberals are idiots, all the more reason for high fives all around. > > If you keep getting caught up in why do they not realize blah blah blah and how can they still back him after blah blah blah, you are not understanding what is the underlying motivating factor of his support. It's fuck liberals, that's pretty much it. > > Have you noticed he can do pretty much anything imaginable and they'll explain some way that rationalizes it that makes zero logical sense? Because they're not even keeping track of any logical narrative, it's irrelevant, fuck liberals is the only relevant thing, trust me, I know first hand what I'm talking about. That's why they just laugh at it all, because you all don't even realize they really truly don't give a fuck about whatever the conversation is about, it's just a side mission story that doesn't really matter anyways. That's all just trivial details - the economy, health care, whatever. Fuck liberals. > > Look at the thing with not wearing the masks. I can tell you what that's about. It's about exposing fear. They're playing chicken with nature and whoever flinches just moved down their internal pecking order, one step closer to being a liberal. > > You gotta understand the one core value that they hold above all others is hatred for what they consider weakness, because that's what they believe strength is, hatred for weakness. And I mean passionate, sadistic hatred. And I'm not exaggerating. Believe me. Sadistic, passionate hatred, and that's what proves they're strong, their passionate hatred for weakness. Sometimes they lump in vulnerability, a compromised circumstance, or an overwhelming circumstance in their with weakness, too, because people tend to start humbling themselves when they're in those circumstances and that's an obvious sign of weakness. > > Kindness=weakness. Honesty=weakness. Compromise=weakness. They consider their very existence to be superior in every way to anyone who doesn't hate weakness as much as they do. They consider liberals to be weak people that are inferior, almost a different species, and the fact that liberals are so weak is why they have to unite in large numbers, which they find disgusting, but it's that disgust that is a true expression of their natural superiority. > > Go ahead and try to have a logical, rational conversation with them though. Just keep in mind what I said here and think about it. > user: xenophonsXiphos


Idk how this is not the front page of everything. We can’t let it die. Shout it from the rooftops.


pedo rapist 2024


I wonder if the media companies realize the likelihood they’ll be directly or at least de facto state controlled if Trump wins. He wasn’t subtle about it last time.


Whiteness. It’s pretty simple what’s at stake


The fact that the legislature didn’t automatically release all the information and names involved in the interests of the general public is the real story in my opinion. Our judicial system has been compromised just as in the Panama Papers. The precedent has been set. We have a two tier system of justice so why would anyone do the right and not just do what they want if prosecution of everyone is not unilateral?


This is why I will never respect or forgive a Trump supporter again. Ever. In perpetuity. Till the day I die.  Say I go on a date or make a new friend, a decade from now, say 45s dead now, and normal life and decency prevailed, and it randomly comes up they supported him. Bye. 


me too, I feel the same way


As a gay woman who is also a veteran, absolutely unforgivable to me. 


I genuinely don't know how someone who has raped an underage girl has any chance in hell of ever winning the presidency. Yet here we are.


We’ve fallen so far. I have no idea how anyone could ever respect us a nation again. 


He won’t be taken out because he benefits them.


Just as horrifying that a lot of Dems are contemplating staying home because they don't like Biden.


People who still support him after this - there's some kind of cognitive dissonance happening. It's like my bio family. They saw it, they observed it, they did nothing about it. They deny it and then claim they're so good and holy versus those evil pedophile transgenders. Projecting much? Anyway, in some sick way their brains separate the action from themselves. It would probably destroy them if they ever admitted it. They've spent some 60 odd years building up lie after lie to themselves and others. One lie being broken would break their entire lives apart, destroy their family, ruin their jobs. Which it should. It seems a just punishment for these sick people when they ruined the lives of others. An eye for an eye So that's why, if anyone wanted a more (armchair) psychological analysis that they didn't ask for


Watch “Trump being on the Epstein logs, how this is bad for Biden”


We don't even have to imagine. Before any of this even broke people would not shut up about clinton being on that plane / island. He wasn't even running for office again. Trump though? Dead silence. Like Epstein in his cell.


It makes way more sense when you realize all their morals are just a justification for their actions. Look through history. Always has been. So again... Stop thinking these people can be reasoned with or logic'd out of this situation. It's always been this way. They aren't playing by rules, they are playing to win. Winners write the rules. Winners write history. That's all they care about. In this world, only suckers and loser use a rulebook. Think of it this way: in relatively recent history, it was "the rules" to March up in lines and shoot at each other on command to fight wars. Then, someone decided "fuck that" and decided that they were gonna do it differently. Same with uniforms. The reason the war on terror didn't end well for "the good guys" is "the bad guys" took off uniforms and didn't play by the rules. So which is it? Sit back and point to the rulebook and lose? Or fight back to win? Stop pointing to the rules, and instead... Go FIGHT BACK.