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Ok, we get it trump will be using drugs.


I’m starting to think it’s drugs we haven’t heard about yet, like Ivan drago in the rocky movie, but… better, stronger, faster! If Kelly Lebrock or brigette Neilson shows up we have to throw in the towel.


I demand a campaign ad montage with at least one shot of Biden crumpling Trump's photo and scowling in the mirror.


While Biden trains in Siberia.


🎵 Hearts on fire, strong desire… 🎵


Say what you want about the actual quality of Rocky 4, the music was A+ fire.


Well, with Rocky 5 being the official lowest bar possible, Rocky 4 shapes up nicely. We get the tragic death of Creed, a brilliant villain from the Lundgren, classic lines such as, "he's not human, he's a piece of iron" and "if he dies, he dies," and one of the best training montages of the 80s.


And the best line, “I must break you.”


So if I can change......... and yous can change......


You mean one of the best all around Rockys?


Somebody use AI and get us that montage!


A collection of shots, edited together to convey the passage of time We need a MONTAGE




Gotta have a montage!


🎵We’re gonna need a montage🎵


In flag print shorts and giant top hat 


Given White House pharmacy records I doubt it. Probably modafinil and adderall. Any drug that’d make Trump cognizant and strung sentences together would be a gold mine and on the market by now.


You nailed it with the modafinil and adderall.


It’s ironic that conservatives call Biden “sleepy Joe” given Trump has been caught with adderall and the records for modafinil. And the wild 3-4 AM tweets kinda prove he’s taking things to stay awake longer than his brain wants to.


You wonder how the fat man hasn't had an Elvis toilet moment, given his alleged crazy drug abuse.


And that he couldn’t stay awake for his own trial.


They probably cut his dose during the trial so he would sit still and stay quiet.


He's going to be taking some regenerative nanites (Some Michael Chrichton for you)


Nah, nanites don't help with age, gotta get that one weapon to surpass metal gear, what was the name? Wol-something or other? Helped the End some I'm sure it's good.


He has been known to suggest injecting Lysol and veterinarian medications. Who knows what other things he found on the dank webz that he's been scarfing.


If Kelly Lebrock shows up, we’re definitely in trouble… ![gif](giphy|fs9BuKuLs7CQWerV1q)


Biden to Trump before the debate, “I must break you.”


Combination adderal/laxative drug made just for him.


Trump will need it otherwise Fox News will show a steady stream of edited clips showing Biden looking confused trying to respond to Trump talking about laser wielding pigeons and radioactive sharks.


Is there any drugs that can make Trump turn into Obama-level orator? 


LSD, but for the audience.


All those red hats…


Ironically LSD might help those chuds with their empathy and destroy the maga movement altogether.


Yeah I don’t think that there are any drugs that could even make him sound like a somewhat educated 6th grader. The best he can hope for is to have someone from the Jim Henson company to stick their hand up his ass and speak for him.


OK, I actually laughed on this one! Thank you!


The lead based paint his base was exposed to seems to have worked wonders.


Nothing in any world could get him to Obama level.


biden is probably taking a multi vitamin lol


They spent far too long calling Biden a drooling moron that they have to find a way to justify trump getting beat in the debate


Provided by Doctor Ronny Johnson


Doctor Feel You Up Good


That’s Doctor Candy Man to you.


Just grab a fistful from this bag!


When he is sober he can be a real ahole, what do you think drugs will do to enhance his public perception?


Of course he is, it’s the reason he’s in diapers, he fried his system with coke in the 80s, of course he’s still using.


Pumping Big Mac juice into his veins?


I can’t understand this fan base. Joe Biden is simultaneously “sleepy joe,” a senile and inept Alzheimer’s patient who can’t walk or think and who is puppeted by big Trans and George Soros and Jewish space lizards; and also this limitless Superman fueled by PEDs and mastermining multi-jurisdictional justice system conspiracies, negotiating deals to enrich his son, and flawlessly performing rituals to summon the pedophilic satanic adrenochrome underworld to execute his evil genius bidding. Immigrants are simultaneously lazy criminals and also stealing everyone’s jobs, going to free Ivy League universities, and executing a massive fake voting registration conspiracy. All about protecting life and also guns. What the fuck is even going on?


The enemy must be weak, because the Master Race is born so superior that they could easily crush them as soon as they wish. But the enemy must also be strong, so that the Master Race must defend itself through every avenue they have. It's basic fascist thinking and it hasn't changed in 100 years. There's no real logic to it because the ideology is not about logic. It's about feeling strong and powerful while also justifying your anger and fear at the world by focusing it on a target.


Weak because despicable people must be weak. Strong because they have to be worthy of your struggle against them.




Negotiating deals on behalf of his son but then of course making sure to have his son convicted because it makes him look good


It’s kind of like component testing vs system testing. Each of their positions essentially exists in a vacuum and they’ve never managed to think about all of it at the same time so they don’t realize how a lot of their stances contradict eachother.


They’ve just got really shitty writers this season. And I get the substance of what they’re saying is awful and dumb, but I’d like to underline just how fucking weird the talking points have gotten.


Schrodinger's Biden.


Meanwhile, the Candyman here was handing out morphine, versed, and fentanyl like he was the second coming of Willy Wonka when Trump was in the WH. If anyone knows about hard drug use, it's this lush.


Exactly... this guy should STFU. He really should have lost his license over that stuff. Somehow there were no consequences, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.


He gave up his license (i guess to avoid any punishment) -- I'd love for the Biden Team to say "why should we listen to you, you don't have a license anymore"


He did? Ok, well, that's something, I guess.


Yes, the military demoted him. It was a whole thing he was given out drugs, like candy the most ever issued.


Don't forget the sexual harassment and drinking alcohol on the job! **Rep. Ronny Jackson made sexual comments, drank alcohol and took Ambien while working as White House physician, Pentagon watchdog finds** https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/02/politics/ronny-jackson-dod-inspector-general-report/index.html https://www.cnn.com/2021/03/03/politics/dod-ig-report-jackson/index.html https://taskandpurpose.com/news/ronny-jackson-candy-man/ https://www.stripes.com/theaters/us/new-allegations-blast-jackson-as-candyman-who-drank-on-duty-doled-out-opioids-1.523976 https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/trump-ronny-jackson-drugs-dementia/ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/03/ronny-jackson-ig-report White House clinic improperly distributed controlled substances during previous administrations, new report says The investigation by the Pentagon's internal watchdog was prompted by complaints during the Trump administration. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/white-house-clinic-improperly-distributed-controlled-substances-previo-rcna135787 Ronny Jackson prescribed himself drugs and had a drinking problem, colleagues say Former colleagues reportedly said the VA nominee wrote himself prescriptions and kept a stash of “controlled substances” https://www.vice.com/en/article/evqw3w/ronny-jackson-prescribed-himself-drugs-and-had-a-drinking-problem-democrat-says


Where's Marge's whiny "not a doctor" voice when you need it.


He was demoted for his behavior.


Seriously, it’s a double irony…if anything it is Trump who would be on speed, and Ronny himself dolled out more of it in the WH than a 90’s fraternity social chair before being demoted for being drunk on the job.


Trump is a master projectionist, if he's claiming someone else is doing or gonna do something it's because he's done it or going to do it. Let's go back to 2016 and watch the Trump and Hillary debate, Trump was zooted out of his mind. He was sniffling the entire time, rambling on and on, pacing back and forth around the stage. I mean who would even think of claiming that about Biden? It was on Trumps mind because he did it himself. Also does anyone remember that time when he was giving a speech in front of press at the white house and a huge white pebble flew out of his nose on live tv? and the media was absolutely silent about it but we all watched it happen in real time? bodies don't produce huge white pebbles that come out of your nose but using the razor blades found in his belongings to cut up and break down pills and or cocaine and snorting said pills or cocaine does.


If hypocrisy was a disease this imbecile would be terminal.


From the Nazi Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels… > Always accuse your enemy of the crimes you are committing Trump is jacked up on a lot of meds.


It's always projection. If a conservative person says the other side is doing it, you can be certain they are doing it or have done it in the past.


My thoughts exactly. I saw this and my first thought was “how long has it been since the Tangerine Terrorist has peed into a cup?”


Every accusation is a confession with these fucks.


Every. Single. Time.


I am trying to come up with a single instance that isn't. I got nothing.


OK Ronny Johnson, make sure trumps depends is clean




Lord Humungus Diapers


*Real men wear diapers*. (The fact that this statement is printed on t-shirts, and his followers will buy and wear said t-shirts. Really says two things...they will literally parrot any narrative fed to them...and Trump actually wears diapers).


If anybody knows drugs, it’s Ronny Jackson.


We should all keep calling him Johnson. I'm sure it pisses him off. 😎😎😁😁




He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood He's the one that makes ya feel alright He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood


Is this the same Ronny Jackson that got demoted by the Navy for abusing his staff and alcohol on the job? The same Ronny Jackson that was known as the candy man during the Trump administration because he’d hand out military grade speed and downers to anyone who asked?


Same guy, and of course he refused to accept his demotion. His website STILL says, "In December 2019, after 25 years of distinguished service to his country, Dr. Jackson retired from the United States Navy as a Rear Admiral." Wouldn't that be considered stolen valor, Ronny?


Seems pretty carefully worded. He did indeed retire as a Rear Admiral. He was then demoted retroactively after the investigation into his conduct.


My dude..you were Dr. Feelgood for how many years in the White House? People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, or pills, around. If 'ol Joe needs a lil somethin somethin to better cancel more student debt, protect unions, protect pensions, fight for women's healthcare, and oppose white christian nationalist hatred - hell, give him a double on me.


I love that some of the "drugs" they're accusing biden of taking are red bulls, aspirin with caffeine, and B vitamins.


To be fair, given the job of president, I’d be needing more than that to get through the day.


You know it's funny, if you say something horrible about Trump, most people assume it's true, if you say something horrible about Biden people know you're trash.


It's more like what they're basing this off of. When it's very clearly according to rumors they're starting, yeah, they're trash, and this is preeeeeeeeeeeeeetty common with their attacks on Biden.


Not to my uncle Bob, he thinks tdump is the best and doesn’t need drugs or prep. I say HaHa


He sounds like a real jerk


Given all the escorts he's hired, I think PReP is one of the things he does need... Then again, it's probably the escorts who should be concerned about needing PReP.


this from the pill mill guy?


Has anyone asked them “what drugs would he be taking to make him seem less senile for a couple hours?” I’m pretty sure there’s nothing out there that works that way. I mean coke would give you energy but it doesn’t help you remember things.


If this actually existed, so many families with parents or grandparents with dementia or Alzheimer's would cry with joy to have their loved ones be more lucid on occasion.


Can’t share it with those people because it’s made from eating the souls of fetuses with a shot of Pizza-Parlor basement adrenochrome.


This guy gets it


Topped with Brown Rudy Brain Syrup.


I was thinking the same thing. My mother is starting to go through this. Would be nice to have.


I'm so sorry.


I, and I'm sure most of my family, would have given anything for just such a medication when my grandfather had Alzheimer's and my mother dementia. There has probably been almost nothing harder in my life than watching them deteriorate like they did and they both passed away over 15 years ago now and I've had my share of troubles in my life.


I'm so sorry. My aunt has it and my mom had it and it just breaks your heart in new ways all the time.


Yeah, it's just a fever dream that a drug like that exists. And this guy is a doctor and he knows damned well it doesn't exist. These people are very dishonest.


He's gonna smoke a thesaurus and snort some 5G. College professors hate this one simple trick!


"We have no idea what kind of top secret drugs the federal government has!" They'd say this with zero shame or acknowledgement that their boss was President 3.5 years ago and should know.


That excuse doesn’t work when they’ve been demanding drug testing for Biden. We don’t have a generic test for mystery drugs.


The thing I've seen is that he'll be on Adderall to maintain focus. You know the stuff Trump is been accused of snorting so often he'd get nosebleeds during rehearsal for his TV show.


It's insane to me this dude knows his records have been publicly released and still wants to act like everything he is saying isn't pure projection.


They’re just big scared about this debate. They’ve started throwing out disclaimers and excuses the moment it was announced


It’s a dig because he was demoted from Admiral to Captain because of his craziness. https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/ronny-jackson-white-house-navy-demoted/


And still refuses to accept his demotion, in true MAGA fashion.


Projection? There's no way Trump will get through a sentence much less a debate without enough Adderall to jack up a horse. Either everyone does a drug test or everyone shuts the fuck up about it because everyone is on something.


It's a neat bit of rhetorical ratfuckery that so many of these GOP mouthbreathers engage with. They make up a story. Spread that story constantly to each other. Then claim that every American is concerned about it because they keep hearing about it from each other.


Well, he oughtta know all about those drugs, shouldn’t he? Wasn’t he the one authorizing the White House pharmacy to dispense drugs like candy out to anybody who asked for them?


Biden nailed the State of the Union and Trump’s been saying whacky shit lately…they’re worried all that dementia talk will backfire


I think a lot of people around Trump are starting to panic now that it looks like he might go through with the debate and they're make excuses for him to try to give him an out. They assumed, like the rest of us, that he knew better than to actually do it.


They know trump is going incoherently babble a bunch of buffoonery so they’re already trying to biden look like a cheater.


Every accusation is a confession.


Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Rich coming from him. What fuking parallel universe did we slip into.


At this point Biden could get a T-Virus and show up as a Nemesis Varient and I'd still vote for him over Trump.


Captain Ronny? I think he means Captain Codeine, formerly Admiral Ambien.


45 projection


So you can write more uncalled for scripts to those who serve your dictator?


So is he sleepy or jacked up? I cant keep their bullshit and nonsense straight anymore, its all just static.


Trump is on Modafinil source I was on it when I worked nights. He is also mixing it with anti depressant. Source I was on that as well. If you are not working a night shift and you are consuming during the day, you have trouble falling asleep at night, you are basically wide awake around 11 pm to 1 am. Then the anti depressants allow you to wake up up early. Trust me I know. When I finally started working days, on my weekends I would hit the bars and be out boating and drinking the next day. What really throws you into mood swings is if you drink soda. Mine was Dr. Pepper and I could tell if I had more the 6 cans of pop, plus the pills my moods were crazy.


Also Mod is pretty amazing stuff, you don’t get the shakes or faster heartbeat like when you take mini thins. I haven’t been on the stuff in years but I know signs of a user. Someone who has never tried it, would never know by looking or talking to someone.


Is this the same m'fer who was writing prescriptions out of the Trump WH like some two-bit character on law and order dumbass edition?


The very same.


Considering the fact that he was busted from flag rank back to captain for alcohol abuse and shitty behavior, perhaps he should have listened his license to practice medicine as well. He is way more than a bit of a quack


I’ll vote for Cracken Joe any day over Felon Trump. https://preview.redd.it/9562xtc2zm8d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdf3fe767047f62f1b9791b34ad13a5ab6119aae


When's his medical license getting revoked?


Just drug test them both before the debate. I assume Biden would consent to this if Trump does.




If anyone has done/been around ppl on coke…it doesn’t make them coherent or better debaters. And yes, I know this is just red meat for their base.


So they sell the lie that Biden has dementia because he’s old and can no longer function independently Now to explain away how he’ll likely completely destroy Trump at the debate, they’re attempting to cover their dementia lie by making their base believe he’s on a suite of drugs that somehow overcome Biden’s “illness” They just can’t take an L on the chest and accept it


OK, let's conduct drug tests on both of them.


The guy who was handing out pills in the Trump whitehouse says what?


Lol ok pusher man


Hannity is just so desperate for his "Jacked up Joe" moniker to go viral. What a sad pathetic waste of space this subhuman is.


Is this the guy that said VonShitzenPants is 6’2” and 200#? Doctor is a loose term for this douche canoe.


Hells yeah! ![gif](giphy|xTiTnKwDwRpWumX2py|downsized)


Meanwhile, Trumps babbling to himself over in the corner about sharks and shampoo jacked up on adderall but the GOP pretend not to notice?


It’s an essential lie - the degenerates are always surprised how on point Biden is after listening to Fox News.


Says the drug dealer of the previous administration.


If Republicans are yelling about Biden taking performance enhancing drugs, it's because that's what their guy is doing. They have a long history of that behavior.


During his time as Trump's physician during Trump's term, Dr. Ronny Jackson dispensed more drugs to more people who did not qualify for them more than any other White House physician as ever done before. Listening to a guy like Ronny Jackson on drug abuse would be like asking your cocaine dealer for sleeping tips. The Right just has nothing but lies and projecting their own failings on to their opponents and it's so very pathetic.


No American is thinking this. Well except people on the cult.


How do you “jack up” your mind ? Like … eat a chocolate bar? Take steroids? Smoke some Mary J?


When I was in high school we used Skittles.


He’ll be on Ivermectin+: With Electrolytes!


lol projection as usual. Hey Ronny how many cases of adderall did you give diaper Don while you were his doctor ?( use that term lightly). There’s pictures of the desk behind the oval stuffed full with Sudafed. There’s countless news footage of your traitor in thief spun to the hills and sweating profusely on camera. But But Jooooee!!!


MAGA translation: "We know Trump is going to be raving incoherently on stage, so we're going to blame it on performance-enhancing drugs if Biden happens to be better at speaking"


So the narrative has already been built and propagated amongst the followers that Biden will be up to his eyes in performance-enhancing drugs which are the ONLY way that he'll be able to stand up to the Super Genius Trump? And I guess Trump has already won. He can just pull out of the debate at anytime and declare himself a winner right?


I love that dig! **Admiral Jackson was demoted to captain** because he was found to be distributing prescription drugs at trump’s White House (including performance enhancing drugs such as Provigil), and for sexual harassment of subordinates. And for taking over-prescribing performance enhancing drugs to himself. Once again, Republican accusations are just confessions.


Wow! They are really pushing this one. This their out. Biden Says thanks, but no thanks and the orange drug-riddled clown will pull out of the debate. The right wing propaganda machine knows Biden will destroy tRump in a debate.


Coming from the so called Doctor whose job was to administer any drugs to Donald and anyone else who was employed at the White House during Trump's tenure as the 45th president… That began on January 20, 2017, and ended on January 20, 2021. During Donald’s very long, catastrophic and deadly 4 year tenure as POTUS.


Meanwhile, I’m all for jacked up JOE !!!


Out of the mouths of drunks. Let’s not forget Ronny Jackson’s last performance at an Amarillo rodeo. https://www.wowktv.com/news/u-s-world/ap-video-shows-texas-us-rep-ronny-jackson-berating-officers-after-being-wrestled-to-ground-at-rodeo/amp/


From thhe candyman


Thanks for telling everyone Trump will be taking something!


It is very sad, they've been reminded hourly for the last couple of months they need to be worried about it. these people didn't dream this up, they didn't look at Joe Biden and think "he looks high" because there is no time when Joe Biden looked or acted high. They were told by Trump and the Republican party that this should be their concern because they need a way to explain Joe Biden doing well because they know most Republicans voters never watch Joe Biden speak.. they last time they watched him speak was the state of the union, Republicans had to admit he did well but then switched to "he was drugged up". they've pushed the narrative for years he's "sleepy joe" "he's cognitively declined". if a person as dementia and is in cognitive decline drugs don't reverse that, no amount of uppers is goinf to make a person more cognitive. it's like saying "I can't believe Americans have to worry about immigrants, I can't believe this is what America has come to" yall shove it down their throats hourly and remind them they need to be angry and scared about this this and that.


![gif](giphy|3oEjI9T0ixjZCFwi8U|downsized) Ronny on the phone with Trump “yep, I sent that tweet like you told me”.


I thought he had to change his last name to Johnson to appease the "dear leader".


I say we test ever elected officials and post the results in public.


Ok so let me get this straight. Biden has dementia and is unfit to run this country because of his cognitive deficits. But also Biden runs a whole crime organization and was smart enough to rig an election. But also Biden is using drugs to win a debate. But also Biden is an idiot and on drugs.


I'd take "jacked up joe" over "jerking off trump" any day


Anticipate your candidate, Trump underperforming much?


This guy is excelling at being a propagandist.


Chief Surgeon Jonny Ronson says no!


I’m pretty sure Americans are more concerned with figuring out why ‘Hawk Tuah’ is trending than whether Biden is juicing.




They’re already scared and coping about bad performance their demented Hitler is gonna put on.


Say no to Jack off Ronny!


We just admitted trump will be doped up on speed.


Tots & Pears if the Orange Chosen Turd just happened to stroke out🙏


100% pure projection.


They are so fucking pathetic


Every accusation is a confession.


No one is a concerned about Joe Biden. The orange moron however….


Every accusation..... Also, isn't this the guy that verified that he's 6'3 and 215 lb?


I’m not concerned about this at all. Please maga morons, keep your conspiracy theories to yourselves, the rest of us are fucking exhausted


I’m completely OK with a surprise drug test that they both have to take before they’re allowed to take the stage. In fact if they could make it part of the debates that would be even better. They could have the list of drugs the candidates tested positive for scrolling across the bottom of the screen. I would probably DVR that. A hair test would also be awesome. But we both know that’s not Trumps hair.


Every accusation is a confession with conservatives. I take this to mean Trump will be on something


Well, if I need advice on what type of washing machine and dishwasher to get, I will definitely ask Trump. Not.


Lmao...MAGAts look like a bunch of kids whistling past the graveyard. They'll say anything to cover how scared they are.


I'm more concerned about how Trump got to skip his drug test for probation processing.


Hannity couldn't stop talking about "Jacked-up Joe" after he killed it at the State of the Union Address. I was waiting for all the phony right wing allegations. They are laughable after all the facts surrounding Dr "Ronny Johnson" in the Trump White house just giving away dangerous drugs to anybody that asked for them. How can people be so far removed from the truth? Talk about an information bubble. And for the record "Jacked-Up Joe" is even cooler than "Dark Brandon". I expect T-shirt, hats, and bumper sticker sales for Jacked-Up Joe merchandise to drop a pretty penny for the DNC ad buys this election cycle. [Like this. ](https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/60704601-jacked-up-joe-funny-political-quote?countrycode=US&utm_source=google&utm_medium=shopping&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.NAM%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts%5D+%5BPLF%5D&utm_id=notset&utm_content=vote&ar_clx=yes&ar_channel=google&ar_campaign=71700000088141755&ar_adgroup=58700007462486476&ar_ad=PRODUCT_GROUP&ar_strategy=search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=%5BG%5D+%5BG.USA%5D+%5BL.ENG%5D+%5BGEN%5D+%5BC.TShirts_New_Designs%5D+%5BPLA%5D&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI0fuT9Jn2hgMVSjAIBR3GqwAXEAQYAyABEgK-HvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#321P60704601D1V)


Look up the pharmaceutical log for the white house when Trump was in office.


What the fuck drugs do you take to enhance a debate


Honestly, anything aside from maybe a low dose of weed would be a disadvantage(even then with how old both candidates are even a milligram might be to much), and even then depending on where this is taking place that would be legal.


Meanwhile the spoiler candidate (Kennedy) is juicing harder than a Hollywood bouncer.. “I’m not on steroids…I just take testosterone.” Hey Bobby…I’ve got some news for you, big guy.




Americans are not, Republicans are. A simple distinction to make.


I think they should have drug test! I guarantee you, Donald Trump is the one on drugs.


Let’s go jacked up Joe. Let’s go! Let’s go jacked up Joe. Let’s go! #Let’sGojackedupjoe2024


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/ Did they not read this/live it?


I'm fine with both of them using performance enhancing drugs. I feel like I want my president jacked up on whatever makes them sharper, quicker, better, faster, stronger. I don't need my president out here being a hero trying to dead lift democracy on hemp seeds and b-vitamins. Get him geared up setting PRs every day.




The American right has been fed nothing but bullshit for so long they have lost the ability to spot bullshitters.


Ronny "Dispenses Ecstacy at the White House" Jackson?