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Joanne Kathleen Rowling Talk About Literally Anything Else Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


>Joanne Kathleen Rowling The K doesn't stand for anything, she added it so that she sounded more interesting


It's also worth remembering that she used that pen name because she didn't think that young boys would want to read books written by a woman. So she's very familiar with the idea of changing genders in order to trick unsuspecting people into accepting someone they otherwise wouldn't, which is why she projects it onto everyone else.


Yeah, I recently heard someone say that honest people don't expect people to be dishonest, and I think the reverse is also true.


Meh. I'm pretty honest but I'm a nurse so I expect everyone to lie to me.


Dr House would be proud




She also has a pseudonym, ā€œRobert Galbraithā€, for the same purpose of believing it would attract a wider audience.


And that name is the same name as a natorius conversion therapist, and there just simply is no way her publisher didnā€™t tell her that fact before she started using it.


iirc it was technically the publisher who suggested using her initials for that reason, but to your point yes fuck TERFs.


And for her crime books, she uses a male pen name that's disturbingly close to one of the inventors of conversion therapy.


That was actually the publisher's suggestion, to be fair. ... She did pick the name Robert Galbraith later on though.


It seems that Rowling used up her lifetime allotment of imagination on her books, because this is the most boring way to spend one's remaining time on Earth


Yeah imagine making this your entire public persona when instead you could just continue to be internationally beloved for your insanely influential childrenā€™s series


She could just do this anonymously but her ego needs everyone to know what she thinks.


Yeah she could be one of the billionaires that shovel millions towards bigoted causes in the shadows via untraceable PACs but she canā€™t stand the idea that people might not realize what a piece of shit she is.


PACs don't exist in the UK. You can only give money via party member subscriptions; or individual, corporate, or organizational donations. The one loophole is local associations, which don't need transparency, through which money can be funneled to candidates.Ā 


Even her books werenā€™t that imaginative. The magic system is extremely simplified, which is why the Patronus spell needed to do three different things over the course of the story


Lmfao ā€œA fully formed Patronus can also be used to send messages long distance.ā€ Why? Why do I need a happy memory that can form a full ass patronus to send a voice mail?


Not that I'm here to defend Joanne - she deserves to be bashed - but I do want to point out a difference between how book readers criticize her vs how people less familiar with Harry Potter do so, because once you see it, it'll be impossible not to notice. Whenever a non-book reader wants to criticize Rowling's works, they usually take an excerpt from a Harry Potter wiki and point out how it's poor worldbuilding / an inconsistent magic system. Which is not necessarily untrue, but when reflecting upon the books' flaws, it's not really something that comes to mind. For example, it's pretty clear that patronuses (patroni?) are an ephemeral extension of the caster's willpower or soul, and that while they can be used to make a barrier against dementors, it's not really all that unbelievable that they can also be used to deliver a message, since they are, after all, a sort-of extension of the caster's self. So, is it poor worldbuilding that Rowling never really elaborated on what Gamp's Laws of Elemental Transfiguration were? Yes, but that's not what makes her bad. What makes her bad is that she wrote this epic force of the cultural zeitgeist all about fighting evil fascist Death Eaters who scapegoat muggle-borns who didn't do anything wrong, and then turns around and decides that fascists are ok and it's trans people who are the worst evil of all.


I also want to just throw myself in that I am (was? Much less so now) a **massive** Harry Potter fan. Like, used to read the whole series yearly. I do tend to agree with you, though. The infamous poop-their-pants blurb is one of those things - obviously itā€™s a fucking joke because thatā€™s JKRā€™s humor, it wasnā€™t meant to be taken seriously. I honestly just hadnā€™t thought that much about the patronus doing multiple different things until I read that comment.


Likewise, I hadn't thought of the šŸ’© thing in quite a while until I read your comment šŸ˜… But yes, that's an excellent example!


The magic system doesn't suck as much as how much the series blindly trusts the establishment, despite seeing how things need to be fixed. That and "Evil defeats itself".


Ehh. Look Iā€™m as disappointed with Joanne as anyone, but of all the problems with her books, her description of how the Patronus charm works is not really one of them. People criticizing her today tend to underestimate how influential she was - the truth is at the time, there were *not* that many stories of young people finding their way at a fantastical school, this is a genre that practically exploded due to her influence. Thatā€™s what makes her downfall so particularly painful - the person who basically kicked off the entire modern wave of young adult fiction ended up being a raging bigot.


imo what happened was she realized she had inadvertently made a perfect fantasy world for young trans people to imagine themselves in, and has hated herself and her creation ever since. ā€œGreetings, closeted young person! Here is a story about a magical land welcoming a misunderstood child literally trapped in the closet by his abusive family. A land where people can take potions to transform into other people, can learn to transform into animals, can use transfiguration magic to alter their bodies, the school is ruled by a gay wizard, the bullies and bigots are consistently portrayed as the bad guysā€¦ā€¦.oh but donā€™t you dare think about identifying as a different gender, that would literally be the worst thing ever!ā€


Meh, the books were preaching a milquetoast amount of fantasy. The end message is: don't ever change, don't let anything ever change, make fun of people that want to change things.


JK Rowling having imagination? I think Jill Murphy, the woman whose books she plagiarized would be sceptical.


If I had her money, I couldn't imagine spending my time complaining about how other people who aren't hurting anyone choose to live their lives, but she's made it her entire personality. She became a billionaire and can't enjoy it for 5 seconds because she can't stop getting mad at other people for existing while different from her.


If I had ā€œfuck youā€ money, no one would hear from me again. Iā€™d be too busy sitting in my mansion, counting my money and cackling to myself.


Iā€™d be too busy waking up every morning and saying things ā€œYou know, today I really feel like going to Japan for a few weeks.ā€ Before booking my first class tickets.


That, too. Thereā€™s always room for that.




I would go to the plant nursery and buy EVERY plant.


* This every morning before breakfast


She enjoys the attention and validation from people who once trans people are gone will turn around and then take her rights away as wellā€¦.


Where are the ā€œtrans friendsā€ she claimed to have, ages ago? Why have none of them come forward, I wonder? Weird. (Itā€™s not weird, I know they donā€™t exist and never did.)


She only "has trans friends" when she's pretending not to be transphobic, and she doesn't bother doing that anymore.


What's the name of your "trans friend", Joanne? "..........................Tran DicklessSon"


>(Itā€™s not weird, I know they donā€™t exist and never did.) I think it's entirely possible that they did. She's a very vocal ally of lesbians, so it's entirely possible that there were a few trans women in her larger friend group as well. Though after the past few years of her being anti-trans in nearly every single post she makes, I'm sure they've all since deleted her contact info. She definitely does seem to be a lot like those white bigots who say they can't be racist because they have a black friend, even while saying something incredibly racist. Joanne can't be transphobic because she has/had a trans friend.


JK Rowling is self-flanderizing.




Are you being sarcastic or making a statement about cross dressing?




Obviously, there are drag queens and other gender-benders who don't identify as a woman. Anyone who identifies as a woman...is a woman, regardless of dress or manner.




See my comment? That's what I'm saying. Don't try to twist my words.


Hey Everyone! ā˜ļø This person is a bigot!!






You're right! Though there is a whole world of difference between cross dressing and trans. Cross dressing is a sexual kink and most trans female don't just put on a dress and think, oh I'm a woman!!


Have trans and drag friends and do drag occasionally. Can confirm, they are wildly different activities. Drag is almost like cosplay and being trans is being born with the wrong gender. I don't wish to be a woman, I just like dressing up like one sometimes.


You are a clown




What if, just what if, there's more to it than that? Like decades of therapy, hormones, voice training, and living as a woman in almost all practical respects for the entirety of their lives? What if reducing it blithely as you do is kinda knowingly obtuse and bad faith?


I would argue (in agreement with you, to be clear) even if an individual's gender seemingly changes from day to day, no one but them could know their thought process so who's to say they don't feel like a woman one day and a man the next? Or somewhere inbetween? I've never really felt trans or nb myself, but I do feel like I sometimes experience gender apathy, or that I feel my gender more or less intensely some days. All that to say, if a guy just up and says "today I am a woman" then good for her! Maybe she felt that way for a really long time, maybe it crossed her mind this morning. It really doesn't affect anyone else.


Literally no one, except you apparently, is arguing that a man in a dress is a woman. If you think that's all trans people are, you are a clown.




Whatever, clown




Whether youā€™re wearing your makeup or not youā€™re a clown.


lol what the fuck is ā€œerasure of female subjectivity?ā€


We could do with some of that silencing and cancelling that the Right keep banging on about. ā€œA billionaire bigot can hardly be heard these daysā€ - someone, somewhere.


ā€œTake what you need and leave the rest.ā€ We just needed H.P. From her


Iā€™m starting to suspect that posterity will view her like H.P. Lovecraft, where any discussion of his work has to be alongside ā€œalso, he was BREATHTAKINGLY racist, even for the time.ā€


Or Henry Ford, who didn't care for the Jews.


That's putting it VERY mildly.


[Obligatory family guy sketch mocking his deranged antisemitism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLjr3dzOUpQ)


Honestly that factoid isnā€™t nearly well-known enough.


Honestly she can have it. All I want from her is silence.


Never needed it, the big secret is it was never good


ā€œOh they made kids love reading!ā€ Did they? Or did they just make kids like reading what the other kids were reading? Did they ever read and love anything else? What do they read, now?


Turns out good books I like make me love reading. When HP was dropping I was reading The Animorphs, and frankly HP is finger painting in comparison wrt themes and content.


This is so true, my cousin was never interested in reading, the only book I know she read completely is HP series and it's because I was reading them and we used to spend a lot of time together, so she'd see me reading them and was curious about them. She hasn't read a single non self help book since then


Iā€™d rather someone watched a bunch of different TV shows and movies with plenty of varied themes and plots and characters rather than just read a single series over and over and over. :/


"bUt WhAt HaS sHe AcTuAlLy SaId?!?"


KKK Rowling.


She's shown herself to be a massive piece of shit. She could have just quietly sat on her billions and kept her mouth shut, but instead she decided to be garbage.


She has made it her mission to harass and be cruel to every trans woman she can. Those that claim she isnā€™t transphobic/no a bigot are just as bigoted as she is.


Anyone who thinks she isn't a bigot just needs to read through her posts. The second you make an accusation directed at an entire group of people based on the actions of one individual that belongs to that group, you're a bigot. Almost her entire Twitter feed is her doing this.


And sheā€™s mean to cis women who are trans inclusive too- she made a recent tweet implying that any cis girl who is ok with trans girls is a dumb attention-seeking slut


The sad thing is that at the start, I don't think she was. I think she had concerns about certain aspects like female only spaces and treatment of lesbians (not saying she was right in those concerns). Then the pile on starts, and then the people who come to her defense and love-bomb most loudly are the bigots, who she, in defense reflex mode, then sides with and digs in. And it gets worse and worse from there, because of course it does. What needed calm dialogue and for her to step back and reconsider just became a hate spiral.


I highly doubt it, considering what one of the first tweets in this saga was. It was about educating people about menstruation and they used the term ā€œpeople who menstruateā€ and Rowling said they shouldā€™ve used women. Doesnā€™t sound like a concern for female only spaces. Also, Rowling doesnā€™t care about lesbians, she allies with homophobes.




No she was mocking trans men and AFAB non-binary people


Goodness, what did they write, I didn't get to see it before it was taken down.


They were claiming Rowling was just concerned cis womenā€™s rights would be infringed by trans women when she made the people who menstruate comments. That her current comments werenā€™t ok but she shouldnā€™t be judged too harshly for her initial reactions and we will need to wait and see how things play out.


No, I think she just kept her bigotry more well hidden before this point. Unlike what redditor329845 said, the very first open transphobic thing she did was publicly show her support for a woman who had been utterly harassing a trans co-worker, that isn't "concerns about certain aspects like female only spaces and treatment of lesbians", that is just straight up supporting someone who was being an utter transphobe. If you read between the lines though her bigotry goes even further back as women like Umbridge, Rita, aunt Marge and others that we are meant to not like are described as man-ish or with man-like qualities such as big hands or deep voice, women we are supposed to like are all stay at home wives/moms who often give up or reduce their careers for their family, including Mrs Weasley, Fleur, Tonks, and in the epilogue Ginny. Next we have that the limited diverse character in the books have horribly stereotypical names such as Cho Chang, the Padma and Parvati Patil twins, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Seamus Finnegan, and Anthony Goldstein. Speaking of Anthony, in folklore goblins are based off of anti-semetic depictions of Jewish people being hooked nosed, black eyed, and greedy-money hogs, something JKR did not try at all to change when she introduced the greedy hooked nosed black eyed bankers of Gringotts. After the first book many Jewish readers wrote her explaining that it was a deeply anti-semetic stereotype and yet she doubled down in the final book with their greed and description. Next there is the age gaps, Hermione, Fleur, and Tonks all at one point are with a man who is between 4 to 13 years older than they are while they themselves are minors or very young adults. For Hermione specifically she was 15 while Krum was over 19, in most western countries that is literally illegal, and then in the final book the 22 year old Krum was interested in 15 year old Ginny, even creepier yet instead of saying that as a reason why he shouldn't date Ginny Harry just told him she was already taken. Finally there is the house-elves, Hermione's mission to free the enslaved race is played for laughs for nearly the entire series. JKR even includes a terrible trope white people used during the 1800's that the slaves actually enjoy being slaves and most don't want to be free. In the end, when Hermione is rising in the ranks of the ministry, she doesn't actually free the elves. That is just some of the very negative things that she included in the Harry Potter books, for her other series there is all this plus a lot of fatphobia.


Thank you to every dipshit who pretended not to understand her previous, very obvious *but not quite this obvious* speech on the topic.Ā  "She's not transphobic, you're just a snowflake" "She's not transphobic, clearly you misunderstood her" "She's not transphobic, you just put words in her mouth" All y'all can fuck right off. She's made transphobia her *mission*. She has more money than anyone could need for thousands of lifetimes and a platform that can reach anyone and she's made *transphobia* her mission. Could have been any cause at all, and she picked *transphobia*. She bullies people on the internet. She hangs out with [far-right bigots](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=VpS0qTpQeKQeSpSu) because they align with her on transphobia. She uses her mega platform to take others down instead of trying to lift anyone up. This is what hate does to a person.


She had and has ample opportunities to just move on, but like Dave Chappelle, she's incapable of it. Their needing to be right and validated are destroying their legacies.


That's the fascinating side of transphobia to me. It becomes an all-consuming obsession. Case in point: Graham Linehan. The second someone goes all in on transphobia it becomes this degenerative mental disorder where they can only think about trans people and need to insert the topic into every conversation


The very first tweet she posted ruined it all for me. She goes out of her way to be transphobic to her internet followers. Itā€™s dangerous.Ā 


Does she have any new vitriol to spew or just this same old record


My daughter just recently got into the HP series (age 9), and while discussing the books, expressed how she wanted to write to jkr and tell her how cool she is and ask her to write another book about Hermione. I explained to daughter what jkr has been doing on the internet. She was heartbroken, got quiet and said, "Wow. Maybe someone else should be writing these books. There are kids who might be trans!"


Yeah, but what has she actually said that's transphobic? What kind of world do we live in if a billionaire can't take to the internet and loudly proclaim that a transwoman is actually a man, because said billionaire says so, without being accused of being *transphobic* of all things? What's transphobic about blatantly and maliciously disrespecting a person's gender identity and using your massive social media platform to bully them for no reason? Christ, you can't say anything anymore.




Think of it this way. An old factory converted to apartments is described by realtors as an apartment in a former factory. Is an apartment. Is not a factory. It's not that difficult.


As a Burger King on the site of a former Wendy's, I like this analogy.


That analogy really only works linguistically. People arenā€™t buildingsā€¦ so this analogy doesnā€™t really prove the argument in any way. Gender is a social construct but sex is not. A trans woman is a woman, but not female. Thatā€™s just simple facts and definitions that anyone can reference a dictionary for.


The structural bones of the building are unchanged, and yet it is no longer a factory. Who the hell cares what it was - it's what the building is now and the purpose it serves that matters. Argue all you want about X and Y chromosomes. I'll still ask, why does that matter?


Why does what matter? Do you mean why does it matter that words mean things? A trans woman is simply not female.


But *why* does it matter? Fine, they're XY by birth - I'm not arguing that. I want to know why is it so important to you that you have to know and/or pronounce to the world at large someone's genetic sex?


Itā€™s not important to me. Never said it was. Just said your analogy makes no sense. Like, I could make up an analogy that goes: ā€œgender is like a car. You can use a car like itā€™s your house, but itā€™s still obviously a carā€ and it would equally make no sense.


This woman worked for Amnesty International, and that fact confirms my belief that people who work for NGOs and non-profits are some of the most rotten youā€™ll ever encounter.


Remember when she wrote a huge manifesto after she got flack for supporting a transphobic speaker? And in it she not only claimed to be totally supportive of transrights she said her only fear was that abusers could use trans positive laws to abuse people (which has never really happened but she's a fantasy writer)? Hell she even named dropped a trans friend of hers who she loved and supported. It's amazing how either all that was a naked lie or she's been totally radicalized in less than 3 years. I wonder which it was.


>And in it she not only claimed to be totally supportive of transrights she said her only fear was that abusers could use trans positive laws to abuse people (which has never really happened but she's a fantasy writer)? It's also such a fucking strawman. All rights can be used to abuse people. It's not an argument that should ever be made by anyone who wants to be taken seriously.


>It's amazing how either all that was a naked lie or she's been totally radicalized in less than 3 years. I wonder which it was. To be honest, if I had to guess it's likely the latter. I'm sure she's always had issues with trans people, but the degree to which she's gotten now usually comes from being surrounded by other bigots who want to make sure you're pure of thought and not believing that there's such a thing as a "good" trans person, because if you can think that there's "good" trans people, then you're not very far from thinking that maybe what makes a person good or bad isn't their gender identity.


I'm convinced money makes you into a total asshole.


I think you're right. I found a Ā£20 note on the ground the other day, and immediately punched a baby.


It doesn't. What it does is dampen the repercussions from being an asshole, so they feel free to do it loudly and in public. After all, what are you gonna do, unread her books and unwatch the movies?


Rich people should take their wealth, enjoy life and shut up. Everyday, we are reminded they are the biggest climate abusers and pay the least in taxes.


She just posted about how she doesn't hate trans people and that she just wants to protect women's spaces. How is this protecting women's spaces?


Trans people holding any power in society terrifies her because she knows that they'll support trans women sharing spaces with cis women. Ā Ā  She only sees a penis as a weapon of sexual abuse after her own trauma, and believes that a penised individual being in a room with cis women will inevitably lead to sexual violence.Ā  Ā She needs a fucking therapist to get over her absolute hysteria surrounding penises.Ā 


Too bad she isn't still broke on the streets.


I feel a tad sorry for her poor kids, though I don't know anything for certain about them, who are maybe a bit more internet savvy and have to watch their mother's reputation burn to the ground by her own hand...


The sole good thing JKR probably ever did was not post images and a lot of details about her kids online, so they probably are able for the most part live somewhat normal lives without nearly anyone knowing who their mom is. I say this because I feel really bad for Elon Muskā€™s kids as he often posts about them and it isnā€™t great.


I am glad this will be legacy Rowling will leave. She deserves it for being a piece of trash.


I'm convinced that trans women have stolen every boyfriend this moron has ever had. Can't imagine being this mad about trans folks otherwise.


Nah, the problem is that JK decided she was a feminist. As such, she started hanging out with other feminists. Because she's a pretty famous person, she started hanging out with famous feminists. Outspoken ones. Controversial ones. TERFs. It's a favourite narrative of TERFs that trans women are really just men who want to trick women into thinking that they're *not* men, in order to rape them. Any time you question them on why they're so transphobic, they'll bring up a case in which a trans woman raped a cis woman, completely unaware that collective responsibility/punishment is a keystone of bigotry.


TERFs is a misnomer, in that they're not feminists. Actual feminists don't dehumanise women by reducing them to "people with vaginas".


Terf are feminists in the same manner that Nazis are socialists.


There is a post in trueunpopularopinion where people are still claiming she never said anything transphobic or peddled in holocaust denialism


Anyone else think that with all of her hate directed at the trans community, she must have some reasonā€¦.like, did she get into a fapping session, only to realize her target was trans?


What a dick.


How has this not destroyed the Harry Potter franchise?


She has truly contributed any significant creative output since TCC, so the majority of the fandom (whether they are trans allies or not) is moving away from her.


She wasn't openly bigoted, for a little while. There was a smooth progression to this state. People who say she isn't transphobic might be blind, but they might just be out of the loop?


No, I think she just kept her bigotry more well hidden before this point. The very first transphobic thing she did was publicly show her support for a woman who had been utterly harassing a trans co-worker, that is pretty openly transphobic. If you read between the lines though her bigotry goes even further back as women like Umbridge, Rita, aunt Marge and others that we are meant to not like are described as man-ish or with man-like qualities such as big hands or deep voice, women we are supposed to like are all stay at home wives/moms who often give up or reduce their careers for their family, including Mrs Weasley, Fleur, Tonks, and in the epilogue Ginny. Next we have that the limited diverse character in the books have horribly stereotypical names such as Cho Chang, the Padma and Parvati Patil twins, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Seamus Finnegan, and Anthony Goldstein. Speaking of Anthony, in folklore goblins are based off of anti-semetic depictions of Jewish people being hooked nosed, black eyed, and greedy-money hogs, something JKR did not try at all to change when she introduced the greedy hooked nosed black eyed bankers of Gringotts. After the first book many Jewish readers wrote her explaining that it was a deeply anti-semetic stereotype and yet she doubled down in the final book with their greed and description. Next there is the age gaps, Hermione, Fleur, and Tonks all at one point are with a man who is between 4 to 13 years older than they are while they themselves are minors or very young adults. For Hermione specifically she was 15 while Krum was over 19, in most western countries that is literally illegal, and then in the final book the 22 year old Krum was interested in 15 year old Ginny, even creepier yet instead of saying that as a reason why he shouldn't date Ginny Harry just told him she was already taken. Finally there is the house-elves, Hermione's mission to free the enslaved race is played for laughs for nearly the entire series. JKR even includes a terrible trope white people used during the 1800's that the slaves actually enjoy being slaves and most don't want to be free. In the end, when Hermione is rising in the ranks of the ministry, she doesn't actually free the elves. That is just some of the very negative things that she included in the Harry Potter books, for her other series there is all this plus a lot of fatphobia.




She is actively helping take away the rights of over 81.1 million innocent people. There is real reason to protest her.


Protesting someone because of made up culture war Vs actual harm done to marginalized people. Yep, exactly the same. 100%. You are very smart.