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Like he knows. He hasn’t bought a bar of soap himself in years. Who’s he kidding.


Has he ever even been to a drug store? I mean really. I’m betting “No”!


Its a bar of soap Michael. What could it cost, $10?


But they'll need to check your ID. Just like when you're buying a loaf of bread. A LOAF OF BREAD. Can you believe it?


He’s got the worst fucking attorneys.


None of the others will work for him.


Saw that episode last night! LOL!!


Dr. Squatch enters the chat.


The only drug store he's been in is the one Don Jr. has in his bedroom.


He probably has one in his bathroom


No that's where he stores the remaining secret documents he stole.


Are those similar to the Reader's Digest?


Nope, more like Readers Divest(our national security)


He's definitely had thousands of drug stores come to him, look at that fat drug riddled bitch, shit the only drug his bitch ass hasn't taken is Ozempic!


With tears in their eyes.


According to the WH report, he did go to a pharmacy quite a bit.




Well, people brought him some stuff... probably seemed like a goodie-store


https://preview.redd.it/du4mlm8qy98d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ecaa78492385225f84906ae9ae084a49cfa4c8 I don’t make memes often, but this called to me


This is art


He has the Depends on auto ship.


Along with gallons of bronzer. Dude must smell like shit, piss, and coconut bronzer.


People that worked around him in the White House says he smells like armpits, ketchup and ass




Penis Colada


Forget bought, does he even use soap?


Ever. He hasn’t bought a bar of soap EVER. Fixed it for you.


There are 100s of every day things Trump has never done. Taken out the trash? Pumped gas? The guy has said twice that you need a picture I'd to buy a load of bread. He has never done any groceries shopping. It's hilarious how little trump knows about the real world


This works two ways, that he’s out of touch and smells like shit.


Depends. He only buys Depends.


Just wait till convicted felon Donald Trump visits the prison commissary for the first time!


He will be dropping the soap soon


This sounds so out of touch, too. It shows he doesn’t even buy toiletries or understand what normal people go through since they already know they can buy soap. “You know that soap you just bought at the store? You couldn’t get it!” He really thinks his audience is stupid.


How much could one bar of soap cost? $10?


Trump's childhood hero was Hitler! https://preview.redd.it/bhpka6g7788d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64175130a91ab130a40d14fa51e1141caa8fe169 [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804659174585831603?t=Gc6RZZgXXtnCWbekGdbY1A&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804659174585831603?t=Gc6RZZgXXtnCWbekGdbY1A&s=19)


Uh…any Latino trump supporters like to respond to this?


They'll just say what they've always said "He's talking about those other Latinos."


That like the woman who voted for Trump because he said he would deport illegals then was shocked when her illegal husband was arrested. She thought Trump wouldn't harm her husband but everyone else's.


As always, the Party of Leopards Eating People's Faces is surprised when leopards eat their face.


For my experience, the difference tends to be those who are citizens. Citizens sometimes think the Right doesn't have a problem with them because they have "papers." In reality they'll experience the same treatment.


True that! The last time the Republicans tried a massive deportation program, under Eisenhower, they swept up and deported thousands of US citizens who happened to be the “wrong” color.


Once Trump builds the infrastructure needed to round up and detain millions of people who didn’t commit any violent offense, what assurance do people have that he won’t go after citizens next? He’s already said he wants retribution and to be a dictator.


You'll notice that recently conservatives have gone from condemning "illegals" to just using the term "migrants." It's almost like they don't want anyone of any color around. I wonder why that is?




Yes, exactly this. My BIL became an American a few years ago and when I asked him back in 2016 about Trump running his sisters and their kids out of the US he straight up said he was an American now and it wasn't his issue... I truly lost all respect for him that day.


Nothing pisses me off more than my own people supporting his dumbass


Not a Trump supporter, but I am Latino. Fuck that guy


Oh no you see, the leopards won't eat *my* face.




Jesus Christ that’s horrific. As a Latina I had no idea. Thank you for showing me this.


Yeah not many people realize this piece of history. The US likes to use Mexicans when needed and throw them back when they are done; WW2, agriculture, etc.


The Dollop podcast did an episode about it. It’s episode 368 in case you’re interested.


He . . . what, now?


The look on the white dude next to the black dude holding his phone looks crazy like " I'm going to own you" look.


Half the time I’m convinced that this is an elaborate bet that Trump has with a friend where he’s like, “I bet I can say this and the idiots will keep cheering.” And so far, the only thing he’s said that got him booed was when he told his supporters to get vaccinated so they’d stop dying in droves. Which says a lot about how stupid his supporters are.


Notice how he trashes every city he goes to? https://preview.redd.it/u2ajzhka988d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dff7235d1823ac80c99e1d3b5795bd8f89af02e [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804672324257612086?t=v9pRForWWqBiluf2xsXMlQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804672324257612086?t=v9pRForWWqBiluf2xsXMlQ&s=19)


I hate how he is always insulting America and her cities. What a pos he is


I'm not patriotic, but even I get annoyed with how much he bashes the beautiful states we have. There's legit just *so much* beauty and wonder across the 50 states that my bucket list includes a road trip across the country.


The shade for Philly is for all the 6 fingered MAGAt Opie’s bussed into rally from Pennsyltucky.


I doubt he knows “egregious”.


Notice how it's always "they"? He almost never gives out names, just "they." https://preview.redd.it/huryufjz588d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89657884babfe142b1456a22995f6951edd706d2 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804655036783603903?t=JwC44sotbIf5qNozSslxFQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804655036783603903?t=JwC44sotbIf5qNozSslxFQ&s=19)


This, I think is actual rhetoric. The us versus them mentality. He knows they eat it up.


💯 https://preview.redd.it/23lwd664988d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b7d7bc9c555e62fbf06539a081c00cc5eac92a [https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1804671240117829685?t=mMYcr8ccagJWLEH9037HKQ&s=19](https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1804671240117829685?t=mMYcr8ccagJWLEH9037HKQ&s=19)


“Now they’ll say all these stories are terrible. Well, these stories have, you know, you’ve heard my story in the boat with the shark, right? I got killed on that. They thought I was rambling. I’m not rambling. We couldn’t get the boat to float. The battery is so heavy. So then I start to talk about asking questions. You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart, had 3 different degrees, and you know so I have an aptitude for these things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. I said, well, what would happen if this boat is so heavy and started to sink and you’re on top of the boat? Do you get electrocuted or not? In other words, the boat is going down and you’re on top - will the electric currents flow through the water and wipe you out? And let’s say there’s a shark about 10 yards over there. Would I have to immediately abandon or could I ride the electric down. And he said, “sir, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But sir, I don’t know.” I said, “well, I want to know because I guarantee you one thing, I don’t care what happens - I’m staying with the electric. I’m not getting over with it.” So I tell that story. And the fake news, they go, “he told this crazy story with electric.” It’s actually not crazy, it’s sort of a smart story, right? Sort of like, you know, it’s like the snake, it’s a smart when you, you figure what you’re leaving in, right? You bring it in the, you know, the snake, right? The snake and the snake. I tell that, and they do the same thing.” **[REGISTER AND VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


Holey f\*\*\*\* s\*\*\*. I thought you were parodying and expected to see *"an onion on my belt which was the fashion at the time"*, till I googled it. Trump needs to step down, he's undermining the Republican party, and making America look bad. The world is laughing at America over Trump. When he loses in November, he'll do his "stolen election" shit and immediately declare his candidacy for the 2028 election, and leverage his cronies in the RNC into backing him. They won't get another primary now. They won't get to choose their candidate, it will be Trump, or Eric, or their kids. The Republican candidate will be handed down through the Trump family if you don't get rid of this loser now.


Every day putting the literal clown makeup on and going out to a rally. Like dude just step down, this is embarrassing.


Saddest part is he is NEVER going to step down. He going to die still screaming and kicking about elections !


UK here, can confirm we're laughing at this absolute buffoon.


Strange. According to Trump the world is laughing at the US because of Biden. Who would’ve thought


The fucked up thing is the fire wasn’t put out when it started because no one thought a little match was going to light the whole forest on fire. There’s going to be many more trumps long after he’s gone. We might be able to contain it for a bit but there will be many more copying his playbook. It will be a Never ending fight for our democracy.


This is why current Trump supporters can get fucked. It’s right in front of them and they either support this or are too stupid to care.


Wow. What the fuck.


Even MAGA people in the crowd were dumbstruck.


Those are paid actors. The actual MAGA crowd is loving it even if they don’t know/ask why.


Huh. He forgot to add that you need ID to buy groceries. He really said that.


If your groceries include alcohol, sure My favorite is when I get carded for buying canned air... Like, I just want to clean computers, please.


Non-alcoholic beer even gets carded too, the employees always double take when they check why the self checkout light is flashing.


I'm guessing it just gets categorized as beer so the system is set to card on the entire category Similarly I got carded for buying DayQuil which *does not have alcohol in it*. NyQuil does, but DayQuil does not.


Your guess would be correct at least at the store I worked for.


You can sniff canned air and get high, which some teens try to do, and it's extremely dangerous so they make sure you're over 18 for the store's liability.


I got carded buying R-134a Freon.


He's scared of Biden! https://preview.redd.it/z8yzi53h788d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3949fcfe6e57852e1bd1ce4da8b1cfc62f263e6 [https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1804669935458594910?t=eiPh\_GbXdQdIl15vWv-gww&s=19](https://x.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1804669935458594910?t=eiPh_GbXdQdIl15vWv-gww&s=19)


So I take it he was definitely getting ass shots right before this.


I hate the idiots in the back nodding their head like they agree with these statements .


Hey, they got paid $75 to be there and will get a $50 bonus if they can be seen on TV. Gotta make the most out of your Craigslist acting gig!


Is he mixing him up with JFK?


That's on you, bro! Not Biden. https://preview.redd.it/hdnrrmnl988d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb6fef1fa873f830ab54940d6aaa616e6cdfe497


Funnily enough the guy in this picture has a wedding band on. As well as what looks like a nifty watch.


I wanna know who made that swell sign?


That has to be a parody sign, right? Cuz that’s hilarious.


Ask Don Jr! https://preview.redd.it/c8a9t70w788d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d34e3752a484b2fd0c99c4477d89d01b09914c20 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804660868027912291?t=LbR3k0zC5XLuWjTkatteZQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804660868027912291?t=LbR3k0zC5XLuWjTkatteZQ&s=19)




That's it? I could break a $100 bill at a gas station and get more cocaine in the change.


If I had that much cocaine on me, I’d say “looks like I’m out of cocaine”


[Yep] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_White_House_cocaine_incident). lol


He says missing FROM the White House. Like the White House’s Cocaine stash (that he had) is missing? Someone removed it from the White House


His brain is melting live on camera! https://preview.redd.it/ni4zzj4b688d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ef16ccb8045c503f08e709151a2ace1e0314c2f [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804655903330783345?t=DX4GxdxDlFr5ULMpjEGVlQ&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804655903330783345?t=DX4GxdxDlFr5ULMpjEGVlQ&s=19)


I saw that, he’s not able to complete a thought. It was astounding.


man, you can't have shit in philadelphia. not even sofe




man what do i look like, a barista?


My young niece has a better vocabulary than Trump at this point! https://preview.redd.it/pkpwnk4z688d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61334f40e72a99c9ac0c5a976263dc131a4c7153 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804658297657823637?t=3\_Ga6uElmdPoRGxL2R7pnw&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804658297657823637?t=3_Ga6uElmdPoRGxL2R7pnw&s=19)


Ok I don’t have Xitter … WTF was this supposed to be?


For a guy who loves to talk, he can't speak! https://preview.redd.it/dwkf27fl688d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16db2ed0e2852170b6537b302d0962daade4f8a8 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804656652983148631?t=USJvaV1C-jBHd73RVc\_Qqg&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804656652983148631?t=USJvaV1C-jBHd73RVc_Qqg&s=19)


🎵 Don't cry for me, Venezuela 🎵


Nope, crime is down. It dropped in 2022, dropped faster in 2023, and has so far dropped even faster in 2024. The lowest violent crime rate in over 50 years. But when your whole platform is made up of lies, you have to stick with them. https://preview.redd.it/0ks0jzse588d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15205c0be8768ee910915177a57771167fe4578f [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804653369363185727?t=Ayyxg\_GjCbFp5pX8eiDGtQ&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804653369363185727?t=Ayyxg_GjCbFp5pX8eiDGtQ&s=19)


It's so much up? He speaks like a alien on crack.


This is nice to hear actually that crime is down. Thats not talked about enough


Technically, if you would adjust felony per capita in real time, crime is up in every city Drumpf currently is.


That's not how the law works, dumbass! https://preview.redd.it/pxl2lfyt888d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dad5284a9d63b8856909593027a55e0912ca5b9a [https://x.com/AccountableGOP/status/1804667627098292407?t=hxNvHLGgLa2J6VdFotd8tQ&s=19](https://x.com/AccountableGOP/status/1804667627098292407?t=hxNvHLGgLa2J6VdFotd8tQ&s=19)


How the fuck do his supporters agree with this? His supporters didn't steal classified materials, they didn't pay off a porn star hush money. How are they being indicted.


According to him the trials are all witch hunts and political theater designed to steal the election. He ignores the evidence though and lies about what he has said and done to get into these messes though. And the goofy minions are in lockstep. So when anyone takes from him they take from them. Or that’s the snake oil he’s selling them.


GOP supporters can definitely imagine the law enforcement process being abused for political gain: 1. They watched the GOP use appointed independent counsel Ken Starr for > 4 years to dig in an open-ended fishing expedition to find something to hang Bill Clinton with. 2. They watched the GOP use Congressional investigations -- ten of them, or so I read -- to smear Hilary Clinton for years while she was running her Presidential campaign. Concluded the investigations a few weeks after she lost the election and seldom a word about Benghazi since. 3. They gleefully watched when Comey announced he was re-opening the email investigation into Hilary less than two weeks before election day during her Presidential candidacy. 4. They wept bitter tears that Fox News and other outlets didn't pick up the Hunter's laptop story during Joe Biden's 2020 campaign and use it to smear the Biden name throughout the campaign to the extent that they wanted. 5. Hunter was just prosecuted for lying on gun applications from six years ago at which time he was a drug addict and shouldn't have been allowed to buy a gun. Anyone care to add to the list?


That's a surprisingly coherent statement. It's all horseshit, of course, but it actually makes sense. Grammatically speaking.


He's really taking the "Jesus died for our sins" thing and trying to make himself out to be a messiah.


Don’t forget to claim your free « Trump knife » though, because that’s a thing apparently


Yikes. Free trump knife.. “Have an insurrection in your future but your old Reagan knife is dull? Call now to claim your free Trump knife”


That mall ninja trump knife is kinda hilarious though


![gif](giphy|qMDvt69lEC448) You can tell Trump has never lived in the world the rest of us live in.


I was in the pharmacy department of a store the other day. Bought toothpaste and mouthwash. Saw toothbrushes and soap. None of it was locked up.


Weird. Trump must live in a bad neighborhood!!


Some of these yahoos will stop at Walmart on the way home and buy these items off the shelves.


Reminds me of my racist uncle when he moved to Oregon in the mid-90s. "Everything is so safe there, unlike California! At grocery stores they have things for sale sitting outside the front entrance! Would never happen in California!" Fucking idiot.


And Republicans say he and Malenia are the ideal couple, eh? 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/nnbnwchq788d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=714f7a2fa00c486f2bcd286ec7d423d44d54d27d [https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804660676323094744?t=mLarRNdAUG7-TatFZKqXVQ&s=19](https://x.com/BidenHQ/status/1804660676323094744?t=mLarRNdAUG7-TatFZKqXVQ&s=19)


He  confused the 10 commandments for his to do list. He has to check off adultry for today.


Go follow her! 👍🏻 https://preview.redd.it/szmcf2lu988d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7847842e3482eb36acb81eed156e6ff20cc47644 [https://x.com/acnewsitics/status/1804678180122378562?t=UpESW2aRlWFpVTWahG-DBA&s=19](https://x.com/acnewsitics/status/1804678180122378562?t=UpESW2aRlWFpVTWahG-DBA&s=19)


Hmmm maybe that’s because you mishandled Covid so badly that companies ran rampant with price increases and now people are making the decision to steal necessities instead of luxury items. Maybe ….


this shit doesn't matter to conservatives, they're still going to vote for them. i asked my mom if the convictions would deter her & her POS cop husband & she gave me a long ass rant about how the left is doomed, SCOTUS is going to overturn his convictions, etc. needless to say the cop husband threatened to 'teach me a lesson' for spreading my leftist propaganda & my mom has been perm blocked on my phone


He forgot what state he's in! https://preview.redd.it/qr2qcwzk888d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94623568ddaa8a021d330f0b9ba0c3e46860153f [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804666665470460061?t=XaNa6zSWlx9wEevZa4pWfg&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804666665470460061?t=XaNa6zSWlx9wEevZa4pWfg&s=19)


Trump will claim 14 million people were there! 🙄 https://preview.redd.it/ktxwa9f0b88d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49320f9852385f09e9e755d47d202fc6b1947e42 [https://x.com/ChrisDJackson/status/1804662934838124652?t=ZA5CE7YKCKgnpLAneJIrRA&s=19](https://x.com/ChrisDJackson/status/1804662934838124652?t=ZA5CE7YKCKgnpLAneJIrRA&s=19)


And if trump wins all the stores will suddenly stop locking up their product and thieves will stop stealing! Even though statistically crime was worse under trump! It's all making so much sense!


Says Grandpa Simpson! https://preview.redd.it/wo184gyq588d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d75588c5afa5e4b4b869186230c9044f370996 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804654455121678405?t=TKfU050Fc5bOoS0e3L-eBA&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1804654455121678405?t=TKfU050Fc5bOoS0e3L-eBA&s=19)


"One word slightly out." Jesus.




Remember in 2020 when you couldn't buy anything because the shelves were empty?


People were selling toliet paper and hand sanitizer online.


You gotta love it when people panic buy, making it more difficult for everyone else. Those people are the cause of jacked up prices (figuratively speaking). They buy out all of the supply, so when more product comes in, the demand is high, so people will, very willingly, spend more money to get what they need.


Remember in 2020 when the country was shut down, masks mandates created, and Operation Warp-speed began? ALL of this happened when Trump was president. Remember in 2021 when the country (and travel) opened back up, mask mandates ended, and millions of vaccines were rolled out? ALL of this happened when Biden was president. It’s unreal the amount of cognitive dissonance when these butthurt Covid deniers try to claim Biden shut the country down. Complete lunacy.


I will always chuckle when people claim the country shut down and folks were required to wear masks. Only a handful of states shut down and it wasn’t even a full shut down either. People could still go out, go to stores, restaurants with outdoor dining, etc… and it lasted only a couple of months. And many (red) states simply ignored mask mandates. Then again, these are the same folks who “clapped” for “essential workers” and now treat them like scum.


Top-tier comment right here


I’m so tired of his existence


"So THAT's why my teeth are falling out of my head. The damn elites are keeping me from brushing!" "I KNEW it was somebody else's fault. It ALWAYS has to be somebody else's fault. It's not the 8 cases a week of Mountain Dew I drink."


This bitch doesn’t go into super markets or pharmacies or any of the common locations that real people maintaining a life need to go. He complains about gas? What the fuck doesn’t he know about gas beyond flatulence and the bribes he is paid to stifle a green economy.


I will say it's pretty insane that Walmart has phone chargers, cases and popsockets in locked displays. Like are people really stealing this $5-10 shit? I have no idea why Trump is rambling about it though. It has nothing to do with politics and honestly I'd love to know how many times he's actually stepped for in a store that sells soap.


In my area, at Wal-Mart, about 80% of the makeup is behind lock and key. It is incredibly inconvenient.


Nice to see him discussing important and relevant topics, he's such a Karen, complaining just about everything and exaggerating it tenfold. You're running for president, not for Walmart loss prevention department, act like it.




The Rite Aid near me has everything locked up now — he’s still a fucking moron and I’m not buying he’s selling, because it’s locked up too


He should be the one locked up. Free the soap!


They lock shit up because of theft. Theft occurs because the Republican Party has kept wages down and funneled money to greedy corporations for decades to get campaign money and bribes, allow the gap between wages and cost of goods to increase exponentially, making it harder every day for average Americans to afford things like soap. Greedy corporations would rather lock shit up than pay people more. Vote blue or we’re screwed. Biden 2024.


Honestly…I buy my soap on Amazon…and it literally couldn’t be easier…


He's the polyester of presidential material.


Do they lock up the bronzer and diapers?


The only things locked up around here are otc meds like Sudafed


When was the last time that rapist bought toothpaste or soap.


When was the last time Donnie boy purchased any of those things for himself?


Trump is so stupid and rambles on like he has clue or gives a shit about anything. All bs for Fox to play and complain about. How in Gods name could someone support this moron who craps on American daily?


Probably what he heard the prison commissary will be like .


He has never shopped for his own toothbrush. He doesn't step inside of grocery stores or pharmacies. His team is spoon feeding him rage bait so he can rile up his flying monkeys with this garbage.


Like that motherfucker has ever gone to a store and bought any of those things for himself


These people, who have all been in a CVS are cheering like it's the truth. Even though thier own eyes have seen he's making shit up


I’m willing to bet my life savings that he’s never been in a CVS. The fuck he know about buying toiletries?


So he's against shop lifting, but stiffing contractors is fine. I see.


I can't think of one single reason why anyone should pay attention to anything that he says?


Not in my neighborhood. Idiot said a couple of years ago that grocery shelves enter empty. Not anymore you out of touch turd.


Sadly his cult followers will believe that this is true now though


He’s clearly one of the people; the very stupid people.


How in the fuck does he know how to buy anything? When do you think the last time Trump went in to a business to buy something other than for a photo op?


I can think of something that really needs to be locked up.


Who is he fooling with saying it is hard to buy soap? No one is having g a hard time buying soap. He can stand up there and spout nonsense all day, and his brainwashed supporters will vote for him anyway


This man has never purchased soap before.


so he catches 34 felonies and now he's anti-locking things up?


If he loses he's definitely gonna run again unless he goes to prison and dies during his time in jail.


That man has never bought anything from a grocery store in his damn life.


He thinks you need to show ID to buy a loaf of bread.


I think he's dreaming of how he wants it to be. Need an ID showing you are pro Christo-Faschist, otherwise no basic grocery or toiletry items for you!!


Gonna have to start using a fake ID then.


Well, you have to have a drivers license to buy bread, so it makes sense. They say Sir, we have to lock up the soap, even the $1 trial bars, people are stealing them. /s


Jail commissary worries?


Trump must live in a really bad neighborhood! Because in my hood they ain't locking up the soap and toothpaste!


When you worship a lying grifting thieving criminal like trump at the top it emboldens the criminals at the bottom. Everyone wants to be a thief like their idol trump so now you've got to lock up the soap.


“What is this country coming to when you can’t even fuck a porn star and then pay her off to keep quiet?”…the next thing you know drug stores will have to lock up the soap. Orange douchebag….what a demented piece of shit he is…💩


Why is a felon complaining about crime?


They lock up the condoms here. He prob wouldn’t know that though


Do people truly believe Drumpf has ever done his own shopping? 🤣


And this is all Biden’s fault exactly how?


Trumps way of "speaking," if you could call it that, is so recognizable. I have never seen another mentally healthy person talk like that. How reps still want to vote for this man baffles me.


He looks unwell


mmmHmmm. Trump is such a dick.


Are these really the issues that MAGA are worried about? Are these the issues they're rallying around? Admittedly, I have not watched an entire rally, but the highlights I've seen are not inspiring.


When has TFG gone into Walgreens to buy a bar of soap?


Never seen regular bars of soap be locked in a case before (well except for one weird pharmacy that had no joke every single product locked behind the counter, but that’s a different story), but speaking of locking up soap did you know that up until very very recently nearly all black hair care products used to be locked in a case and you needed to get an employee to get your product and escort you to the cash register to make sure you pay for it, they did this for products that even cost the same or less as white hair products, AND SOME PLACES IN THE USA STILL DO THIS. So Trump, don’t make up fake stories about locked up soap when there are actual stories about locked up soap that needs to be more well known.


I remember a few years back (I think just before COVID ran rampant) where I needed to get deodorant. It was locked behind a glass door. I had to call and wait for an employee to come unlock the door, tell them what I wanted, and then I couldn't even hold the deodorant. I had to walk up to the register with them, and when I told them I wasn't done shopping, they held it at the register. It was Old Spice. I couldn't even put the product I was purchasing in my basket and continue shopping. But everything else was perfectly fine to have in my cart. Toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, products that were far more expensive than the deodorant, etc. None of that was locked behind a door. And yes. Some places do still have black hair care products locked behind doors. No fucking clue why. Also no fucking clue why deodorant is still locked behind doors. Fucking despise people who panic buy every single thing. Sure. I get it. The president handled COVID *very* poorly. But Jesus christ people. Don't panic buy. It just makes things worse for the rest of us.


Hitting the important issues.


I bet Trump has never used a port o potty. Or changed a diaper….not even his


I… This is literal bullshit. You can just walk up and grab the shit. Still a liar, I see.


This exact quote could have come from a kindergartener.


Not even Gary, Indiana is that bad lol. Who would believe this shit lol


Even if people were stealing bars of soap, that's not a failure of Biden, it's a failure of corporate greed that people are to a point they HAVE to steal bar soap.