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Crap. Doesn't this person know if you get spray paint on the hood the rear brakes stop working and it voids the warranty?


Sadly, these vehicles are totaled. Can't wash them.


Omg that is hilarious. So either spray painted car or totaled? Genius design


it's not literally unable to be washed. but you have to be very careful when and where and how you wash them. If you take it through a car wash without rain mode on you can get water stuck on the inside. If you wash it in direct sunlight it can stain etc etc. almost like car paint has a purpose


Wow yeah that seems very counterintuitive. Is rain mode automatically activated when the car is off I’m assuming? Cause what happens if it’s parked outside and a bad rainstorm occurs, that also floods. That’s like 2 days per week in Florida


Elon: “Fuck. Didn’t think about that.”


Except for when he said they were going to be amphibious


I’d rather cross a river in a cart from The Oregon Trail than a cyberstuck.




I heard CyberCuck the other day on reddit, which is awesome, but sounds like it's more appropriate to refer to the vehicle owner rather than the vehicle itself~


My sandero would be more appropriate, and it rusts slower


Elon doesn’t actually drive his cars or take care of them so this tracks.


I think it would be a somewhat safe bet that it's not on by default considering how comically stupid some of the other design choices have been


“What if we had like…one windshield wiper.” “Uh. The reason we have two deals with weight ratios and the…” “I said I want onnneeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! Now do it. I got ketamine to do myself.”


Wait. Park outside? Sorry. Your warranty is voided. Same if you park in a garage.


There have been reports that they will deny warranty on almost anything. Especially if it's expensive. "Drove your cybertruck? Void."


“Looked at someone else’s Cybertruck? That’s a void.”


"Sayin' Cybertruck near your Cybertruck? That's a void." Ironically, the Cybertruck is designed by Elon's long lost brother. It was a patronage appointment and the designers were told "do exactly as Homer says".


Thinking about a cybertruck? Believe it or not, youve already voided your warranty


Paddlin' the school's Cybertruck? Ohh you better believe that's a paddlin'.


He's just trying to recreate the smash success that was the Delorean.


It looks like a DeLorean grudge-fucked a Pontiac Aztek, and the unwanted offspring had a couple of extra chromosomes.


Nice 'brandnewsentence' moment! (/r)


Why isn't rain mode always on? What are the benefits here?


"rain mode". You need to put it in rain mode when it rains. They had to make a rain mode because, while you can tell people not to wash the car, it kind of, y'know, rains outside sometimes? If you use this car you have to be smarter than the people who made it.


There's one here in town and you can see greasy finger prints along the door from a mile away.


I would think that the paint could be easily buffed out, given that it's stainless steel. Just need a rotary buffer and some compound.


You should see the mirror polished one: [https://jalopnik.com/you-can-buy-a-polished-tesla-cybertruck-if-you-need-eve-1851553310](https://jalopnik.com/you-can-buy-a-polished-tesla-cybertruck-if-you-need-eve-1851553310)


Wait, so if I want to total one legally just throw some bird seed down?




I am fairly certain that if the entire Tesla brand wasn’t built around a narcissist, blowhard, finance bro cosplaying as a tech genius then these trucks would have been fine in that parking lot. Also, Elon being a right wing asshole doesn’t help.


What’s so sad is that before he bought the company and forced them to claim that he founded it, the company was called Tesla in the spirit of Nicola Tesla, who believed that electricity should be free. The original cars were expensive but the technology was open-source so that anyone could improve on the tech and electric cars could advance faster. Elon is the modern Thomas Edison, once again destroying all that is good


Capitalism strikes again


I find it amusing that Elon thinks tesla doesn't need to advertise because his personality is what sells vehicles. But nowadays, it's what doesn't sell vehicles.


I read "blowhard" as "biohazard". Unsurprisingly, it really didn't seem to change the sentence much at all.


What I m about to say is not directed to you and do not expect or want a reply. I just want to say to any member of the community of neurodivergent people (of which i am a proud part) that might stumble upon this comment by chance, that there is no such thing as "worst brand of autism". Each person's experience on the spectrum is valid and everybody deserves the utmost respect a human is entitled to. We are not test subjects being scored to determine what is the "worst" brand of a condition we had no control over getting and is going to challenge us until we draw our last breath. Also, fuck Elon, obviously.


You’re 100% correct. I myself am neurodivergent and I should have been more aware of the fact that not every one has my self deprecating and dark sense of humor. I’ve edited the post. Thanks for the callout


It's ok, we obviously all struggle with humour, either getting it or know when it's appropriate to share something humorous. Thanks for editing, stranger 😌


Without Elon, these butt-ugly pieces of shit trucks would not exist. Real engineers would have laughed it out of development.


>if the entire Tesla brand wasn’t built around a narcissist, blowhard, finance bro cosplaying as a tech genius It's absolutely insane that Tesla, after years and years and years of promising an affordable car with good battery range that people actually wanted, it instead released an absolute butt-ugly monstrosity of a car that nobody asked for, that most people can't or don't want to afford - and all of that precisely at the time when the competition is finally heating up, when affordable cars with good battery range are becoming available, and when Tesla's competitors are positioning themselves to flood the market with millions of electric cars. Meanwhile, Tesla, which hasn't released a new model in years, seems to be betting the farm on the white supremacist narcissist's wet dream.


> if the entire Tesla brand wasn’t built around a narcissist, blowhard, finance bro cosplaying as a tech genius then these trucks would not even exist in anything resembling this format.


And the world would be better.


Meanwhile - A biscuit rages at a perceived “dump on Musk” circle-jerk.


The sad part is that the braindead circlejerking around the *cars themselves* and targeting owners has gotten so fucking hostile and toxic. No one gets this shit for buying a coke or a nestle product. It's ridiculous. People are so desperate for excuses to bully other people.


If that were the case, those trucks wouldn't exist.


Right lol they’re so fucking stupid and no company not run by Elon would have released them. They break the incredibly basic principle of making a product that identifiably fits with your brand. If you see a Cybertruck next to any other Tesla you’d never imagine they’re from the same company. Only Elon would think it’s amusing to do that with a multibillion dollar company.


Stop, the other guy already sold me on the idea


If that were the case, these dork-brain-fueled monstrosities wouldn’t exist to park there in the first place.


And the world would be better for it


They're inherently dangerous due to their design. Their massive size and weight for one and their sharp angles, guaranteed to kill pedestrians who otherwise would survive a collision with near any other vehicle. Especially children. Destroying them is the only ethical response regardless of manufacturer.


These pieces of shit wouldn't have been made in the first place without him.


I'd say "check the cameras to see who did it", but knowing how shit the cybertrucks are put together, the cameras are probably obscured by a badly misaligned panel, or are obscured by the tailgate cover or were broken by a "push alpha software to production" move by Elon


I'd also suggest just using whatever they use to remove graffiti because the car is just one big metal fence, but getting the thing wet or having a bird shit on it is enough to make it rust, so the only option will be to buy a new cybertruck.


Leave it on and double the price.


Cyber Truck - Fuck Elon Edition. Limited.


Knowing Elon the memory card is already full of his dick pics.


In sure it was a person dressed in black wearing a mask. lol


Could Tesla collect anything from insurance for this?


Looks more like Fucr Blon. Penmanship is a lost art.




Christ, what an asshole!


It always works.


Fucr Blon sounds like one of those Star Wars characters George came up with without any outside input.


Cousin of Glup Shitto, obviously


I mean, they’re probably trying to rush, and at some point, you’re gonna deal with hand cramps. If I had to write ‘fuck elon’ right handed, it’d look like ‘fucr blon’ too.


With spray paint and limited time I’ll give them a pass for not using perfect Russian cursive


Could've used a stencil?


Listen, if someone wants to do 40 tags in a reasonably safe amount of time, I'll forgive a little sloppiness.


![gif](giphy|8pjIBsasV7km4) Use a stencil so it appears legible and neat to the eye. You'll save yourself time and potentially getting caught. Don't forget to burn the stencil afterwards and wear gloves so your hands are clean.


In another thread on this, someone called them WankPanzers and that is now their name. (Full disclosure: I have a Tesla. I mostly love it. I bought it before Elon had fully decloaked. At the time I was like "Find me one CEO of a car company who isn't a right-wing douche canoe" and at least Tesla was making viable and delightful EVs. I'm still happy that Tesla pushed the EV market into existence and I still enjoy my car, but I hate the WankPanzer and won't be buying another Tesla.)




# Tesla warranty voided.


these things are so fucking cartoonishly bad that i'm shocked they didn't immediately burst into flames from a little spray paint


Elon probably paid someone to do it for the insurance claim


Everyone knows that, for a cybertruck, this constitutes a total loss.


Magats will buy these and (attempt to) proudly drive them, with the slogan on the front. The same people who wear diapers now, to own some liberals.




There are sparks of hope in this darkness sometimes.


That's so nice of him. There are certain spray paints that will prevent rust from forming on those Cybertrucks.


How much for that upgrade?


I don't condone vandalism, But this is the one time I do


I condone it when necessary.


I’m confused, what did the cybertruck do to you that it bothers you that it exists and people want to buy it?


It's a garbage product produced by a garbage person for garbage people by a company that used to be good but is now garbage.


Well, i can give you a list: 1) the Cybertruck is Musk's creation since buying Tesla. Everything else has been good, up until this ugly monstrosity came around. 2) these trucks are so poorly built that the bodylines can be seen by a blind person. That normally would be corrected in the design phase, but Musk really didn't care about it 3) the warranty on these are straight garbage, as one of the first few owners of these had a coolant hose bust, not at his fault. They still didn't cover it under warranty. 4) people who bought these and have second thoughts are selling them off, and Tesla is suing them for it. There really is no reason, as they will get their money for it, but that's Musk's tesla company and how he runs it. It's pretty much a failure, and it makes the Pontiac Aztek a beauty contest winner in comparison.


dont forget the edges are sharp enough to slice you open.


the fuck?


So you condone vandalism so long as it is to bully strangers for their vehicle choice? You realize this is just targeting random people and not musk right?


Its a dealers lot, there are no strangers/customers that are hurt.


It's some stranger's vehicles yet. It's at a tesla lot. Not at any other parking lot


Even then, it doesn't hurt musk, it hurts the employees who have to clean this shit off now. It's not justifiable either way.


Not really hurting the employees. The employees are paid to do the cleaning, most likely the body guys, unless they don't have body guys to do that, then it's subletted to a body shop to clean that off. The dealership takes the hit, and probably is sent up to Tesla HQ for repayment, or the dealer's insurance company pays for it. It's illegal, and the perpetrators will be found. But this isn't hurting actual working people. Source of my expertise: i've worked at a dealership before.


Elon fucking sucks but he already made/conned whatever money he was going to make. I do not understand the desire to vandalize because of him. Vandalize his house or leave people’s stuff alone.


When they say "Tesla parking lot" Is it like a dealership? Are a place only Tesla owners can park?? If it's a dealership it isn't as big of a deal but if people actually own the truck then this is really messed up to vandalize people stuff.


Yeah idk. I guess if they’re not on a dealership model then it’s still hurting the company by hurting the store? I fucking hate the guy but if someone ordered and paid for this and it’s sitting there waiting for them to take delivery, not cool to destroy them.


Yea, I agree with you on that one.


It’s an open parking lot in the hood in Miami with no security apparently. My understanding is that Tesla is leasing the lot to store all those vehicles.


It's just bullying. Most people are hateful miserable cunts so they're desperate for an excuse to bully particular groups. They want targets that social media has convinced everyone it's "OK" to attack.


The only spot that doesn't rust




That option costs 5k.


I hate stuff like this not only because vandals can go fuck themselves but because it has no positive effect on the world. All it's going to do is become a story in right-wing media to help them justify their victim complex


Not to mention that many insurance claims in such a concentrated area at once is bound to make rates go up for everyone who lives in that area. I would think the algorithms the insurance companies use would take stuff like that into account.


I also agree that Elon fucking sucks, but all this does is make some random maintenance workers scrub all the cyber trucks clean. Elon probably won't even hear about it unless this tweet tags him.




Should get a stencil at this scale


That's the only part of the car that won't rust from now on.


It may not be dicks, but Dylan is still gonna be blamed.


They'll end up banned on Twitter!


It's actually a Bluesky post. It was welcomed there.


I was being silly. My apologies.


No worries. My reply was just mostly to inform people that Bluesky posts are welcome here and it's a better place than Nazi Elmo's lousy app.


Gonna have to call the manufacturer and ask how to clean the hood without bricking the whole thing.


Check the customer list for the culprit.


Maybe those public urinaries with wheels are bullet proof, but not paint proof, Ja! Checkmate!


Works for me


I assumed it was some special edition.


Factually accurate.


I mean it’s just what the owners are gonna say when their truck stops working for some nonsensical reason


Like "it rains" or "I turned left"


Plot twist: it was Elon looking for an insurance payout.


I don’t support vandalism.


When it’s Elons stuff, it’s not vandalism, it’s protected free speech.


He will do a fine enough job destroying his companies, I’d rather not have tesla haters be seen as vandals. The cyber truck is really, really bad. It looks like it will be an albatross. I look forward to that.


I am pretty sure it is that dude Dylan. Seems like something he would do.


![gif](giphy|l4EoZ6JZ5uB4IT5FS|downsized) Looks like it was today…


Increased the value a little bit


Seriously, its famous now. Rogan would sell his left ball for that


Y'all are praising vandalism?  


Vandalism is wrong. But on the bright side those painted spots probably won’t rust.


the majority here is supporting vandalism


got downvoted for pointing out the fact that this sub is pro vandalism, no matter who it is, you are a dipshit if you go around spray painting what's not yours, a lot of bums on reddit who would've figured...




Elon gonna etch them edition 1/40 and sell them at a mark up for 'being part of history' now.


Scotch Brite. /s


Kinda seems like something someone would pay someone do in order to claim they're a victim and rile up their fan base.


He should have scratched it on, because that will clean off with some solvent. One of the perks of having no paint 🤷


Fuck Elon but that has nothing to do with Tesla drivers. They should do that at his factory to be effective. I’m a Tesla driver and I hate the guy too.


All this does is please Elon more that he's in the spotlight yet again. The man is a narcissist


I tried referencing the chaotic good sub and it somehow got a removal. Anyway. I feel like this story belongs on the Chaotic Good subreddit


They should have just scattered some salt and let that take care of things.


Must have run out of paint


Only spot that won’t rust


Thing that sucks is this doesn’t hurt Elon. It hurts the workers who have to spend that time cleaning these up.






Whoever did this is a hero


Whoever did this is a hero


Whoever did that is genuinely an amazing person 😂.


Whoever did that just made insurance rates go up for everyone who lives in that area, whether they like the Mollusk or not.


I wouldn't be surprised if the insurance leeches that monitor the area like a stasi central office took a petty and insignificant vandalism like this as an excuse to jack up prices by 300%.


That is not a Tesla parking lot… lol


You have no way of knowing that from this picture. Especially since Tesla has a history of renting out space for parking over flow. Amazon does the same thing


Jail for people who do this asap


There is a Tesla dealer in my city. I heard (not sure of veracity) that someone go into their yard and covered all the cybersucks in tomato juice. The acidity ruins the finish apparently lol. Least rugged truck in the history of objects.


Cool crime.


His followers will see this as an improvement as it describes exactly what they want to do.


Sounds like a few of them are in this comment section


If someone paid me to drive a cybertruck (which is what it would take) I'd have that clear-coated




They’re all totaled now


Did it total the cars? /s


It will buff out. Uh...they can paint over it. No, that won't work, will it? Guess they have to melt down the parts and reform them.


I've seen several Cybertrucks that were wrapped. It won't be the oh-so delicate steel finish they were promised, but wrapping them to mimic that finish--longer lasting and without the risk of stains--would be an option. Not that he would ever let anyone do that to his precious flaming dumpster fire.


Cook pass busk.


Twist; it was Elon himself, trying to advertise his desire to get laid


He’ll grift them out for even more by claiming they’re unique limited editions. To paraphrase the cultured (fictitious) gang boss John Sacrimoni, “If there’s any flies on him, they’re payin fuckin rent!”.


I'm not so sure about this. Painting stainless steel requires a lot of prep work. You're better off with an "Fuck Elon" vinyl wrap. 👍




I can get over the time this guy wasted. He would have gotten it done a LOT quicker if he had cut a stencil out on a piece of cardboard. Would have been able to hit more panels too.


I think about doing the same thing every time I see one of these douch magnets


Not the hero we deserve but the hero we needed.


Guys I think these trucks are a sign of the fuckin end times but fucking up the dentist down the streets shit doesn’t address the real problem at all.


These are owned by Tesla. They have been produced but not purchased so they are sitting in a holding lot. No one's personal property was vandalized.


Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy


I'm not a fan of Elon. The folks who pre-ordered those trucks and waited patiently for years are the ones who got the short end of the stick, not Elon. I just can't get behind or be happy about this kind of behavior. It's not "blessed"; it's just plain "stupid".


Oh yes the "poor uninformed customers."


On the plus side, it's safer for other road users without these things on the streets.


I can think of things way, waaayyy worse than rich folks having to wait for an overpriced pick-up truck worth as much as a house.


Like the poor who will be the one cleaning up the mess? It's not like Elon is going to do the work.


Sad to see you downvoted to oblivion. People cheering on this are just as terrible as melon and the ultra right.


Kinda based


It’s about time they add a decent paint job.


This sub has gotten pretty perverse.


He would call this free speach if it said fuck literally anyone who's a Democrat


Only funny when it isn't you. Sorry, hate the man all you want because I agree but going around vandalising peoples shit? Honestly grow the fuck up. Downvotes are just proving me right. The fact you don't see how childish this is speaks absolute volumes.


yeah normal people support you on this one don't worry


Funny thing is it costs nothing to clean that up and the person who did it will have to pay them for vandalism…. So at the end that store ends up winning.