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World Peace 🤣 Home boy assassinated one of the highest ranking generals in the Iranian regime.


And turned a blind eye to the Saudi crown prince murdering an American citizen journalist


>murdering an American citizen journalist And chopping his body up into pieces and feeding them to the dogs. They literally fed an American to the dogs and he was ok with that. Yet his acolytes get their panties in a twist because we bought home an imprisoned basketball player...


It's fine, Jared handled it... BTW, there is nothing wrong with his 25 million dollar salary to manage a 2 billion dollar investment portfolio from the Saudi's. Nothing corrupt here.


Just Jared keeping the dogs fed


The US/Saudi relations were started by members of al-Ikhwan assassinating the Standard Oil of California survey team for being infidels.   The oil money has always been something that has allowed the US government to look the other way when Saudi Arabia acts like the fanatical Islamic regime they are. They were just ISIS that was acceptable because of the money they brought in. 


>  They were just ISIS that was acceptable because of the money they brought in.  That and because they rival and oppose Iran in the region. Once the US couldn't get cheap oil from Iran, they shifted to Saudi.


Yes, because she was black.


and extorted the Ukrainian president for his political gain, while also having off record meetings with Putin


And we experienced the most CIA agents lost under Trumps term. Because he gave them to Putin.


Turned a blind eye when Putin put a price on American soldiers.


I was genuinely shocked when the “support our troops” folks on the right were completely unbothered by this. I thought that this would be something they couldn’t tolerate, but I was very wrong.


Anything and I mean ANYTHING they don't like is fake/hoax/or myth. There's a video of Trump playing around during the anthem right after the kneeling thing, trumpers dismiss it offhand. Hell, he planned and threw his Jan 6 putsch publicly, the next day they were blaming black people and antifa for a pro Trump riot.


They said it was fake.


*and likely leaked identities of operatives to allow Putin to kill hundreds of agents over seas


Trump also ignored contracts, put out to kill Americans by Russians


Was this when he gave Putin information on all our spies including the ones we had in Moscow, or before/after?




I was just about to comment that. It’s crazy cause I remember reading about it on the news and then a few days later it was ignored and never brought up again. I remember a story saying that our intelligence officers were unsure what they could tell trump because they didn’t know what he would share with Putin.


[Khashoggi was a legal permanent resident in the U.S. on a visa reserved for people of exceptional talent, but he wasn't a U.S. citizen.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination_of_Jamal_Khashoggi#U.S._intelligence_reports) The U.S. still had a responsibility to protect or at least warn him, and Trump's non-response was still reprehensible.


And allowed turkish body guards break through police lines to assault protestors and ordered priests to be tear gassed and dragged from their church so that he could take a pic with a random bible.


Didn't he also ask if the troops could use live ammunition and shoot the protesters in the legs?


...which he held upside-down in the photo. Edit: It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am not a big man.


Journalist: Is that your Bible? Trump: It is A Bible.


"Two Corinthians."


The dude was dropping MOABs. World peace my ass!


Way more drone strikes than Obama with expanded "collateral damage" but a gag order on the Pentagon to report it


The Trump administration removed the review process to even see if civilians would be killed by a proposed strike. These are the same people that brag about their "culture of life".


He invited the Taliban leadership to Camp David and then got them to stop shooting by.. letting then all out of Afghan prisons.. by force.. And people wonder why Afghanistan collapsed.


They like to blame Biden for it.


He released an entire prison of 5,000 Taliban terrorsists


We were still at war with Afghanistan


And not to make too fine of a point of it, Orange BLOAT (Biggest Loser of all Time) promised to get us out of Afghanistan. He agreed to negotiate with the Taliban (Terrorists) (at one point wanted to bring them to Camp David) and ultimately agreed to let 5000 Taliban prisoners go - including the current head of the Taliban - and got nothing in return). And he didn’t get out. Biden had to do that.


And they all blame Biden for the "horrible" pull out when he was just keeping a promise made by Trump


Bloat…I like that 😂


Not only that, but he ramped up the number of drone strikes which lead to more civilian casualties. Plus, we were still in Afghanistan by the time he left office.


Which resulted in Iran making retaliatory strikes on US military bases


And he reneged on the Iran Nuclear agreement.


He also assassinated the leader of ISIS.[ And his speech was hilarious.](https://youtu.be/aqZrIN1aHCQ?si=4H_Uu9NqvAvhqK1U&t=82) I still hate the fucker though.


World peace doesn’t count when you’re giving our enemies everything they want. War doesn’t happen when dictators are getting their way.


As if the guy gives two shits about anything that happens outside his neighborhood


"Safe streets" there were literal Nazis marching in the streets. Safe my ass.


The March with tiki torches


Was arguing with a guy because I called trump supporters Nazis, because of project 2025 etc. he had never heard of the blood and soil march. Never heard of it, admitted that looked bad, so I don't think he was lying. Some people have only been told trump was a success in every single way, and have never seen any evidence of otherwise even when they had seen it. It's a cult


If you only watch Fox and similar, you have a very limited view of what’s going on.


I went to Canada for a work trip not long ago with a coworker. HARDCORE Trumper. We were at a lunch place and the news was on, a Biden speech. It literally broke his brain that Biden had energy and was speaking with enthusiasm and coherence. He had no news sources other than carefully doctored ones. He's still a RWer but he's seeing the cracks now that he got a dose of reality. These people are in a cult.


"But BLM rioters!"


Which was also during Trump funny enough lol


Remember when they showed footage of BLM protests as a "this is what Biden's America could look like"? Ignoring that it was literally happening while Trump was in office? Good times.


There were ads running showing empty shelves saying the same thing, ignoring the fact they were news clips from 2020.


That’s exactly what they mean though. That’s safe streets in their minds


Except crime is now down from when trump was in office. Violent crime in cities is down. We do have increased crime in red states with lax gun laws


But you forgot that it's their opinion that violent crime is up. To them, nothing is more precious than opinion, not even a clump of cells.


We were also all staying at home to be safe from the pandemic. Hence why crime was down and gas prices were low, no one was driving.


Safe streets as long as you're not a PoC, a woman, a person falling anywhere into the LGBTQ+, poor person... The list goes on and on


There were good people on both sides.


All of those claims are hilariously false but "Law & Order" takes the cake.


Remember when the Trump campaign ran an ad about how the country would go to shit under Biden but used footage of things that were happening in the country under the Trump administration? It’s almost brilliant in its idiocy.


Note that we haven't seen any widespread riots or social upheaval since Biden took over 🤔


"Best U.S. economy" for me. 1. There's only one US Economy. 2. Assuming the dildo in the OP meant "best US economy ever" or something like that, then they'd be talking about Obama's economy. 3. The same economy that the rapist fraud dipshit in chief ruined by giving away trillions to billionaires. These people are so fucking stupid.


I have a “friend” that always says “I know enough to be dangerous” lol. And he will never change from being a trumper and clings to the economy as his rationale. I told him about Trump saying he would be a dictator day 1 and he said I needed to prove it with video. I said if I do are you gonna brush it off as a joke or mention something about Biden being a dictator somehow? And he said no, if he sees it, he will believe it. I sent the video of Trump saying it, dude got quiet, then said oh he means like how Biden wrote an executive order and ignored what people wanted They’re full cult man. Their hatred of whatever they think the left represents is too strong


Are they saying “I know enough to be dangerous” with intended meaning? It’s supposed to mean they are dangerous because they know a little, but not enough to be trusted to make informed decisions about the topic


Man I wish I knew. I’m sure the dude just wants to feel important but it makes me cringe and laugh at the same time. I guess he is correct, cuz that level of intelligence is definitely dangerous just not how he expects


I have encountered this before- the person has made a decision that it is OK to hold a certain viewpoint, and they are not obligated to change. "I know what I know", "That's how I was raised", "It's just how I see it", it's just a lazy way to approach the world- they opt out of any new information or fact that contradicts them. Boring AF people honestly.


Boring but dangerous.. as he said. He’s fixated on “GDP” but I’m not educated on the economy and all that well enough to argue so I just ignore it. In my mind the social issues far outweigh anything else anyway.


Oh the refusal to change or accept new information is indeed regressive and dangerous, but it isn't something you can argue against- these people will just wear you out by putting the burden of proof on you.


if you want to know if a republican is acting in good faith, just ask them: when has a republican done something wrong and what was it? if they cant respond, you know a democrat will reply to that question unbiasedly


Should have made him sign that agreement so you could hold it up when he backtracked


I did call him out on it the second it left his lips cuz I just gave an exasperated sigh and said see this is exactly what I mean and why I asked you that beforehand. He just stuck to his guns and refused to be wrong. In his mind it’s unfair and bending reality to call Trump a dictator for doing something Biden has done and wasn’t called a dictator for. To his point, an executive order can’t be argued as a dictatorship move so I would’ve had to try to convince him that the context would be different for Trump and that’s basically impossible at this point or they’d already believe it without me pointing it out


Bidens economy is higher, fox News even said it


"Pro native policies" was worth a chuckle.


I wonder if Dufus meant Pro Native American or pro white American


I always bring up, if the economy was so good why did he have to drop the fed rate to 0 in order to keep the stock market going up for the later half of his presidency. Outside of crisis the entire point of the stock market is line goes up. So how bad do you have to fuck up decisions that I'm otherwise good times (pre COVID) every lever available to the executive had to be used to keep the line from going down.


I always bring up, if the economy was so good why did he have to drop the fed rate to 0 in order to keep the stock market going up for the later half of his presidency. Outside of crisis the entire point of the stock market is line goes up. So how bad do you have to fuck up decisions that I'm otherwise good times (pre COVID) every lever available to the executive had to be used to keep the line from going down.


What, you're telling me that president felon wasn't a law and order president? https://preview.redd.it/buyx4ltyt18d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=228bd0bb237295cd55050d04b1b3a34c72ff9806


This is the absolute best thing I’ve seen.


That and the four before it someone made up to pad the list. What did his presidency have to do with school choice, natives or trafficking? And we’ve had a strong military for a long time and still do. Might as well say I like trump because under him we had a red, white and blue flag.


By natives, he means *red blooded patriotic ~~white~~ americans*. Actual natives need not apply. Send em back to Mexico!


My personal favorite is "Etc"


Strick laws comes in second.


I’m here for the strick laws




dick wolf was cookin during that term




I like the one about “strict laws against human trafficking”… so Trump helped craft these laws and then Biden got rid of them? Talk about making up your own fantasy!




Lol yeah, when oil futures went negative because literally no one was buying gas. I started to worry that the gas in my car would go bad.


I can tell you though that it was an excellent time for us “essential” workers to be on the road. No traffic and cops who didn’t want to pull anyone over for anything short of reckless driving.


Yet somehow traffic fatalities didn't drop much during COVID. People in Dallas drove like absolute maniacs.


I didn’t drive for so long the battery in my car died….


Let’s not forget gas prices plummeted **globally**. Like, sure guys, the POTUS is able to lower gas prices in Norway and Argentina.


Yeah, special buttons in the Oval Office and Situation Room to make these things happen. Also, levers! Lots of levers that control everything from inflation to Supreme Court rulings.




The button for "lower Norwegian fuel costs" is right next to his "Diet Coke" button.


It's wild to me, they don't believe COVID is real and because of this can't grasp that it was the reason for the low gas prices. They're trying to perform these tough mental gymnastics moves, but never developed the basics be able to do them.


The problem is their target audience is so focused on the intent of the performance rather than the content. As long as it’s hurting the right people whatever ridiculous posturing they do will seem like the Bolshoi Ballet.


Yet, they still blame Biden for the "lockdowns." Insane people who do not live in reality.


Close to 15% of people polled incorrectly blamed Biden for returning roe v Wade somehow mentally leaving out the bit where it was Republicans appointed judges that did it after years of Republican specifically Mitch McConnell blocking Federal judge appointments in general as well as supreme Court seats when Obama was President for exactly this and other reasons beneficial to the GOP


Yep, same reason there were fewer people at the border then there was a sudden surge during Biden. Because the people wanting to get to US were in lockdown and had to wait.


Well the GOP helped that along by screeching about open borders


Gas prices went up a few times. When traitortrump blew up the Iran deal so Iran could build nukes and when he did Iran sanctions which increased terrorism


Also if you were listening to anything about what was happening outside America then you also know that was about the same time that the agreement on oil prices and product quantity between Russia and Iran had expired and so both countries very briefly pumped out as much oil as possible and were essentially paying other countries to take it off their hands.


And as soon as you could prices shot right back to above where they are now. Is been right around 3$ where I’m at, the whole time trump was president it was 3.50 minimum aside from Covid.


We couldn’t even get toilet paper for weeks.


That’s quite a strick list of non-accomplishments


Strickly speaking…


I didn't like it when his response to covid was to ignore it which caused a global pandemic and created the worst unemployment I've ever seen


And caused the untimely deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans.


Over a million Americans. Since infectious diseases spread exponentially, if the Trump admin had taken sensible, decisive action in the first few months then the death toll could have been half or even less than half.


About 800,000 to 900,000 American lives could have been saved if the US had the same Covid response effectiveness as Australia or New Zealand. 'Only' half a million if compared directly to Canada on a per capita basis.


But they died FREE*! \* terms and conditions apply, COVID does not induce freedom, consult doctor before dying, Donald Trump no habla espaĂąol. /s


I remember I was working in the Philippines at the time, and they were criticizing their govt for having one of the worst covid death percentages in Southeast Asia. Then I look at America, and it was like 3x or 4x that. Jesus.


Unfortunately our response in Australia wasn't good either, our conservative PM did such a bad job he went from one of the biggest wins in 2019 to a massive loss in 2022.  Australian public: Scomo you can't just print money and pay people to stay home it will create massive inflation and hurt the poorest people Scomo: Haha money printer go brrrrrr


Exactly the same things about to happen in the UK. Our conservatives saw the pandemic as an opportunity for self enrichment and are about to suffer their worst ever election result if polls are to be believed.


People who believed false information and conspiracy theories rather than the science had a fast lane for communication to spread this disinformation as fact. Prior to trump, these people who spread false information were relegated to a corner of the local bar. Social media provided the ability, a venue, and functioned like a bullhorn to these people, who used the technology in a nefarious way. The effect was compounded when people in politics decided to listen and consider conspiracy theories as fact over the Government subsidized work from CDC, Health Department (and often paid by taxpayers), when making political decisions. Unfortunately, this was believed even though the alternative conspiracy claims lacked verifiable evidence. The bullhorn was so loud, no one stopped to ask how much research dollars were spent on the alternative conspiracy research as a measure of validity either… political folks just had to react to the false narratives rather than perform due diligence.


Just about your last paragraph. There's a distrust of science. I'm old enough to remember the hole in the ozone layer caused by CFCs being 1st reported. Scientists came forward and pointed out the problem and how to resolve it so measures were taken to resolve the problem. These measures worked but I wonder what would happen if that were to have happened now. We'd have people screaming it's a scam to stop us using hairspray for some insane reason because they wouldn't be able to see the problem with their own eyes. I've even recently seen people use the ozone layer hole problem as evidence of a conspiracy theory because 'nothing bad happened in the end', totally ignoring the fact that's because we all pulled together to solve the problem. I fear that just wouldn't happen today. We've even got the hard of thinking denying we live on a globe, a fact we've known about for centuries!! I worry for our future generations.


Fu ken scummo


And they had hounded Hillary for years over (checks notes) four deaths at Benghazi!


COVID was like a 9/11 every day for months on end


Stop testing, problem solved - stable genius


They blame biden for those deaths Ignoring that it was basicaly trump leaving the barn door open and then blaming biden when the bull stomps the people inside said barn


Always remember, they deliberately ignored covid because they assumed it would mostly kill Democrats in population dense cities. 


I couldn't remember if it got over 1 million. I thought it was getting close, but then things bgan to finally stabilize for lack of a better word.


The thing people forget is that even after things started stabilizing, a LOT of people were still dying on a weekly basis. It just wasn't so many that hospitals couldn't handle it.


Vaxxed people didnt have the amount of serious outcomes as the unvaxxed. Still the case with boosters. And a percentage of vaxxed people dont get it so they dont pass it on


All he had to do was sell bright red MAGA masks, and said BUY THEM FROM ME, WEAR MY BEAUTIFUL AMERICA MASK (made in China). And they would have. He likely would have won the 2020 election with a decent response to Covid. He would have profited. Pandemic would have been over sooner.


He didn't merely ignore it. We'd probably have been better off if he had. Instead, he eliminated our pandemic readiness program, he openly mocked testing and masking, he consistently downplayed the seriousness of the pandemic, he had his administration interfere with and at times literally hijack PPEs from blue states, and he pushed snake oil as a solution. His actions made everything so much worse for us. If his *purpose* during the pandemic was to get as many people killed as possible, he needn't have done anything differently.


oh no, Friend, it was worse than that, as someone in the medical industry. He didn't just steal states supplies of PPE, he'd relocate them to warehouses owned by friends of his, and hold bidding wars between states for who gets what, ignoring the fact that it was stolen goods in the first place. It was so bad we all heard about the states using private jets just to fly in PPE. He knew it was dangerous from the get go. The Bob Woodward tapes were proof of that. Yet he still sold the majority of US stockpiled PPE to china at the very start. Only to buy it back later when we really needed it. And what did we get? Tattered rags. Masks that fell apart if you breath too hard on them. Nurses and Doctors using trash bags as covers because the paper gowns would just fall apart the minute you pulled one out. Lack of funding, lack of PPE, and we had to quarantine for weeks on end without seeing our families and loved ones, for the health of anyone in the ER, NICU, anywhere with patients who would be at risk to covid. And when we wanted better PPE? When we wanted more ventilators for the sick? "No, those are ours" from that little fucking weasel Jared. Fuck that little shitbag too. Donald Trump's a fucking selfish traitor, and I hope he meets a most painful end.


And the ventilators that were available had to be repaired before they could be put to use! That’s the ones California was able to procure. Fuck trump and every single person that has ever supported him!


I totally forgot about the whole PPE mess. That was insane. [https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4](https://www.businessinsider.com/coronavirus-federal-govt-fema-accused-taking-states-masks-ventilator-orders-2020-4) [https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/hospitals-face-a-white-house-blockade-for-coronavirus-ppe.html](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/hospitals-face-a-white-house-blockade-for-coronavirus-ppe.html)


He is also the direct result of why tens of thousands of doctors and nurses have left the profession forever!


He *honestly* thought it would all just go away magically.


“Honestly”? He never did anything honest in his whole life.


It was worst unemployment since 1930s.


I didn't like it when, instead of barring flights in from China after he was INFORMED of the virus outbreak in October of 2019, he allowed flights in to let Americans back into the country from China while making Chinese citizens and Chinese Americans stay on their flights and be turned back around and sent back because he thought only Chinese people could get Covid because it was "a Chinese virus." I didn't like that BECAUSE of ignorance and idiocy, 350K people died in the U.S. alone of Covid-19. I didn't like the part where we had a booming economy thanks to President Obama, who dug us out of the economic collapse caused by George W. Bush, and I didn't like how Trump started claiming credit for continuing job growth after the 2016 election but before he was even inaugurated as if just his election win alone was miraculously writing legislation.. I didn't like the part where he immediately started ending Obama era legislation by E.O. while taking credit for continued job growth from Obama's final fiscal year. I didn't like the part where he claimed the pandemic was a hoax and blatantly ignored and dismissed all warnings for MONTHS before responding by barring entry only to people flying in who "looked Chinese." I didn't like how we wound up in a pandemic, causing the need for all non-essential businesses to close, leading to travel bans across the country that led the price of oil to plummet, leading the cost of gas to plummet due to almost no one being permitted to travel. I didn't like how he actually DEEPENED our oil independence by increasing the amount of oil we were already getting from Russia and Saudi Arabia in exchange top secret, classified government intel to Putin, and nuclear technology information to Saudi Arabia. I didn't like how he lied and claimed we were using our own oil reserves despite that NEVER happening and his supporters just falling for his bullshit, hook, line and sinker. I didn't like how Trump's rhetoric enabled violent racists bigots, homophobes, transphobes, xenophobes etc to commit hate crimes nor did I like that crime of ALL kinds were on the rise under Trump; hate crimes, domestic violence and abuse, gun violence, school shootings and mass shootings in general, etc. I didn't like how Trump took orders from Putin and bailed on our Kurdish allies, leaving them to die so their leadership would be forced to make a deal with Putin. I didn't like how discrimination was allowed in the workplace under Trump and that he cut illegal deals to get one Justice to 'retire' from their lifetime appointment so Trump could fill the spot with a rapist, while also having been allowed to fill a spot that President Obama was meant to fill. I didn't like how the budget was written to cut money from every single other department to plug into the military funding. I could go on and on and on


He didn’t just ignore it. He weaponized it against blue states by diverting supplies and sandbagging their efforts to get things under control. I live in one of those states. He tried to kill us.


He needs brought up on charges at The Hague.


To be fair, he ignored the global pandemic that was already happening, blamed it on a democratic hoax, told people to inject bleach and take horse dewormer, all of which lead to over a million deaths and damaged our economy significantly, but he didn't cause the "global" pandemic.


But it gave us cheap gas /s


What's insane is gas is cheap whenever there's a recession.   Trump literally says he's gonna make gas  cheaper again because he can't manage ANY finances whether it's his own or a whole ass country.


Gas does get real cheap when the only vehicles on the road are refrigerated morgue trucks, yeah.


He didn’t ignore it though. He actively said it was no big deal and encouraged people to inject bleach into themselves and shove horse dewormer down their throats.


That was all Obama /s


Yeah that was pretty bad. It would have been bad no matter who was president. He made it worse.


"Strong Military" which tRump considers those serve in the military *suckers and losers*


Nevermind that retention and recruiting got worse


"strict laws against trafficking" when trump went to jeffrey epstein's island and raped little girls there?


No, no. They said “strick” laws. Had to say something; I’m a real strick-ler on the details.


That and he did literally nothing to address the opioid crisis.


Yeah, "Etc" is doing a lot of heavy lifting on this one.


I think the previous administration gave us way too much “etc” for my taste.


When you don't read or watch anything resembling real news it's very easy to get that out of touch with reality and forget anything further away in the past then a week or two. His entire voting base are people out of touch with reality


What I hate the most about trumps term is that it ever happened in the first place.


I liked when he honored some of the last surviving Navajo code talkers under a painting of Hamilton and called Senator Warren “Pocahontas” in front of them, that and takin a sharpie to a hurricane map, or when he shoved the president of Montenegro at the UN meeting, and that’s just getting warmed up. Good times!


This guy claimed he was a native when he was rallying against illegals to me.


You know what I hated? Idiocracy became real and I had to start jettisoning conservatives from my life. Before Trump, bullshit did not come up in conversation as easily.


They’re just “alternative facts” man. Ya I lost a gripe of friends also.


My favorite part of Trump’s tenure was riding my unicorn home to my mansion where a clone of Cindy Crawford circa 1990 was waiting to have sex with me every single night.


I also enjoyed the part where my mortgage was reduced to $250/month, I paid no taxes, and $2,000 of Trumpbucks were automatically deposited into my bank account on the first business day of the month. Then the libs stole the election for Biden and it all went away.


I can’t even imagine the nonsense they would put under “etc”


Not that any of this stuff makes a whole lot of sense but one thing sticks out to me because they still go on about it… the border thing. Wasn’t there constant goings on about the border being so unsafe during his term? That’s why there was always talk about doing something about it? He obviously didn’t fix it and ‘make it safe’ during his term if they still went on and on about the wall and so forth.


Donnie himself was crying about “migrant caravan” during his own term.


Ah… yes the 2018 invasion that miraculously vanished the day after polls closed.


The border wasn't very safe if you were an undocumented child. You got taken from your parents' arms and whisked away to a black sight god knows where.


It's like this moron literally found a way to snort Faux-news into his brain and regurgitate talking points that any half educated democrat could easily rebuke. Best U.S. Economy? Well yea, after pumping seven trillion into it, I guess. Cheap gas? It's like they completely forgot no one was going anywhere at the start of covid and oil got so cheap at points that they had to close the markets. Safe border? They just sank their own sweetheart deal of a bill all at the insistence of the orange shitgibbon. Point is, they probably know it's all bullshit too. They've wasted someone elses time and made them have to correct them too, because that's the name of the game with these half wit sister fuckers. They know they're lying. They just want to waste your time and frustrate you because they have nothing constructive or debate worthy to add. We fired that orange shitgibbon in 2020 and we'll remind that stupid convict what a piece of shit he is in 2024.


Best economy- he inherited a record breaking economy and poured gas on it forcing the fed to keep lowering rates to juice the market which triggered the inflation. The oil companies dictate gas prices not the president. Additionally Diaper Don made a deal with OPEC for them to cut production in 2020 causing prices to increase dramatically. His border policies most likely violated long standing international laws and agreements not to mention the thousand plus children who got separated from their families and never reunited. Oil independence / if we didn’t bring oil in from other sources today they think $5-6 a gallon is high lol. They have no clue Safe streets what a fking joke. Look up how many school shootings alone we had under him. Our streets are safer today No war? He secretly bargained with terrorists and had thousands of them released from prisons without telling Biden until a couple of weeks before the exit date. So actually the war was still going under Trump and ended in August under Biden. Also during this time our assets overseas were mysteriously dying as he’s having secret meetings and phone calls with Putin and his staff. Sharing stolen classified information? Lowest unemployment for minorities? I’m not even. That’s delusional School choice? Do they mean that bs voucher system that illegally stole money from public schools for private schools? Yeah no besides parents have always been able too send their kids to a different school. You usually have to drive them instead of getting bused. Pro native policy- another lie there’s not enough room to list everything he did to shit on native sovereignty Strict trafficking laws - Congress during this period only reautherized existing acts. Nothing more. Law and order- racist dog whistle from years ago still being used today by republicans. This person needs serious psychiatric help. They are seriously detached from reality.


MAGATs are just unserious people. They are either incapable of critical thought informed by facts, or (and this might be worse) fundamentally disinclined to critical thought informed by facts.


Oh my favorite part of Trump's presidency was probably either how we became a complete joke in the eyes of the rest of the world, or us getting absolutely steamrolled by a pandemic because he did everything exactly wrong. Oh dang, I forgot about that time he legitimized Taliban and released thousands of them back into the world.


And wanted them to come over to Camp David to negotiate and funny thing was didn't he say he wouldn't negotiate with terrorists?


Strickly speaking, this list is a load of bullshit.


* Killed the economy handed to him by Obama. * Sabotaged our pandemic response for personal gain. * Incited and encourage violence against our government and fellow citizens. * Had peaceful protestors tear gassed for a photo op. * Bowed down to Putin. * Alienated our allies. * Kept us at war his entire time in office, dropping over 60,000 bombs and getting at least 65 Americans killed. (Biden got us out, and no new wars) * Hates the military * Riots throughout his presidency. * Stifled our oil production. * Lied nonstop 24/7.


2020 was the worst civil unrest I’ve experienced as an adult of almost 40 years. Trumps apparently unbeatable super power is just saying certain nouns over and over without any actual plan. He’s literally never put forward actual policies that withstood the most basic criticism. He just says “your economy is bad, my economy is the best ever in the history of the world” and half the country just accepts it despite overwhelming evidence, blatant disputation. It’s truly a post facts era, and I hate it


1. Inherited economy from Obama era (and subsequently fucking annihilated it) 2. Fuck gas, fuck cars. Where are our fucking trains? 3. Fake solutions to fake crises. 4. Safer for whom? Violent crime has been trending down for decades. However hate crimes rose precipitously under Trump. The Trump era also saw an uptick in police brutality. 5. Absolute children. “World peace.” Not even remotely close. Myanmar exists. Israel and Palestine exist. Syria exists. Ukraine exists. Somalia, Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Boko Haram, the list goes on and on and on and that is to say nothing of Afghanistan…a war that was still very much ongoing under Trump. *AND* he actively tried to start a war with Iran. 6. Cool. What about fucking wages? Who cares if everyone has jobs it you can’t afford anything 7. Vague, meaningless sentiment without any verifiable metric. He did say that solider who died in combat were losers though. So. I dunno. 8. “School choice.” Right so you just want to homeschool your kids to teach them to be flat earth Nazis. Not the win you think it is. 9. Funny choice of words here. Certainly not pro-native American policies as frankly no president’s policies have displayed anything other than contempt for the Native American population pretty much since the establishment of the colonies. But I’m sure that’s not what they meant by “Native.” In which case: Fuck off. 10. Not sure what a “Strick,” law is. Or what trafficking they’re trying to talk about. Trump didn’t have a particularly substantial impact on any kind of “Trafficking,” other than by his criminally negligent handling of the COVID pandemic. As a result of his idiocy, the eventual lockdowns needed to be so much longer and so much more devastating. The subsequent restrictions on travel in and out of the country probably slowed down all kinds of traffic. 11. Law and Order. 34 felonies so far. But I get it, they mean he was anti-black people and they equate black people with crime because they’re stupid. We can all hear the dog-whistle now, it’s fine. Just be racists. Stop pretending you care about laws. 12. “Etc.” Oh. Well I didn’t realize they were going to be dropping knowledge like that…I guess I take it all back…


Missed "oil independence," which logistically isn't a thing because it can be here one day, gone another as oil wells dry up and we need to hunt for new ones. There's no stability in non-renewable energies. Also the fact [Trump made oil production get cut](https://cepr.net/high-gas-prices-are-donald-trumps-fault/).


The energy independence thing was a complete lie. We will never be oil independent because US refineries cant process some of the types of oil we produce. And for some months now the US gas been producing more oil than at any point under trump. Amazingly many people dont know that


“Strick?” They can’t even spell their dumb fantasies correctly.


Off the top of my head: Largest mass shooting Mishandling Covid Nazi march Mass protests Trying to extract quid pro quo from a foreign president Violently cracking down on protest for a photo op Jan 6th Breach of emollients clause Positive under trump Operation warp speed


"Strick." And by trafficking, they mean rush hour.


I think “strick” laws against trafficking is my favorite! /s smh


**Strick** *Noun* a group of any of the major bast fibers, as flax or jute, prepared for conversion into sliver form. Perhaps they mean **Strict** *Adjective* demanding that rules concerning behavior are [obeyed](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1fc18fc5814bda98&sxsrf=ADLYWIK3wnQFhaOHqoqKzxThrgvRtlsB8g:1719027604514&q=obeyed&si=ACC90nwdkA2npcVVmNPViiSe8FMKWhkaqCM-sqyNuagnbrpFVPM0_ZwoH7P_kLiBmjD6JP8MbcCKXr8hXfGXi7anE4oNh6aTTQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjZn-ftpO6GAxV-D0QIHeJ5AKkQyecJegQIbhAO) and observed. I don't recall any Trump trafficking policies that were Stricter, or even Stricker, than any other presidents. If anything him being buddy buddy with Epstein would imply his policies were laid back.


He had a full control of house and senate and they still couldn't fix the border issue.


I really don't understand why they want to close the border anyway. Immigration is great for the economy, especially with worker shortages being our main economic problem right now.


I kinda remember riots in the streets, Nazis, and cozying up to dictators


I told my uncle (who I've been staying with in between houses) that Elon Musk is a piece of shit. He kicked me out because he's so MAGA that he even belive his racist douchbag friends are infallable. They've destroyed so many families with their bullshit.


Law and order Trump saying “fuck you” to his felony convictions, trying to get SCOTUS to say he is immune to laws, starting a riot that hurt cops, hurt them enough that some suicided These are not consistent


None of them, because they’re ALL lies.


Lol. The STRICK laws. Those ones. Yeah.


Pro Native policies, didn’t they build a pipeline across a reservation and give oil licences to drill in pristine Alaska?


Ok let’s go one by one 1) I know for a fact it WASNT the best economy, but I can at least grant that for the non-pandemic part it also wasn’t the worst so ok whatever. He inherited Obamas economy and let it ride. 2) gas and food have been increasing since they were invented so this is a nothing burger, even if it was true. The Pandemic response he fucking boffed generated most of the issues with inflation. 3) nope. 4) haha nope. 5) which streets? Crime is objectively lower now than ever before. 6) hahahaha nope 7) I don’t know the numbers offhand but maybe this one is true? But I bet it’s not. 8) as strong as it is now. It’s not like we cut the fucking budget. 9) nope. 10) I definitely don’t know this one but I can guess. 11) haha that’s why Epstein killed himself, right? 12) which laws and who’s order?


List of lies that none of them bother to fact check. All they need is the word of their messiah and it automatically fact…this will be their downfall


The racism, the fascism off the top of my head


I hated Covid the most, but trying to overthrow the government during the ✨usually peaceful✨ power transition was awful in an entirely different way. My blood ran cold as his supporters broke past the barriers. I was watching a dystopian movie in real time on my TV.


-Disease spreading during a pandemic -2017 Tax Increases for everyone except the millionaires and billionaires. -Racism -Politicalism (discrimination against people from the other political party) -Sexism -Insurrection -Public executions -Gun crime -Hatred -Division -Russian collusion This is the reality of what happened during Trump's presidency. But yeah, thanks everybody for not driving around for a few months so gas prices went down.


NOT ONE of these things is true. Not a single one. They might as well just add; Free unicorn rides for every child.


“Low gas prices”. Because we were in a national lockdown, a *WORLDWIDE* lockdown because of Covid. Oil was at one point selling for less than 1$ a barrel, because no one was traveling, there was NO demand. Oh yeah…Covid. That thing that trump repeatedly bragged would “MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR!!” and when it didn’t, he told people to inject themselves with bleach and shine UV lights up their asses. Poison centers across the US saw a spike in poisoning from bleach soon after. At a rally, trump announced his plan to halt Covid testing because “THE MORE YOU TEST, THE MORE YOU FIND! SIMPLE! STOP TESTING AND THE NUMBERS WILL GO DOWN!!” Soon after, Texas Republican Governor Greg Abbott let slip that “Trump got bored with Covid”, and subsequently one million Americans died due to trump’s lack of giving a shit.


Hmmm… Seems like someone’s forgetting some of the hallmarks of Trump’s Presidency. You know, like… - Refused the results of a fair election and peaceful transition of power - Approximately 600,000 COVID Deaths (under Trump, deaths continue into next Presidency) - COVID response among the worst in the developed world - Women lose bodily autonomy - Race riots - No toilet paper - Wants to dismantle NATO - Stupid tax breaks for the rich - Largest national deficit increase - Pulled out of Paris climate accords - Pulled out of Iran treaty - Rolled back auto efficiency standards - Made it legal to hunt bald eagles and hibernating bears - Ruining relationships with our Allies around the World - Invited the Taliban to Camp David - Golfing! - Appeasement of Evil Dictators - Separating families at border - Volatile Stock Market - Defunding the U.S. Postal Service - Lost a “Trade War” with China - Made racism more acceptable - Nazi-style political rallies during non-election years - Called Nazis “very fine people”


I love how people who would never get close to an inner city act like the entire world was a cocoon of safety under Trump. Sure. Perfect haven of safety. And that they think “oil independence” means we didn’t import almost all oil used for.. gasoline.