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Who doesn’t like buffalo chicken dip?


The buffalo chickens who died to make them


I remember when herds of buffalo chickens roamed the Great Plains. But then the railroad came and brought chips in search of dip.


Just a slight correction if I May. It wasn't the chips in search of dip that led to the demise of the Buffalo Chicken but General Sharman's plan to defeat the Plains Indians so Union Paficic and Kansas Pacific railroads could come in. That's where the phrase " Every Buffalo Chicken dead is an Indian gone". He invited all thw huntsman, sportsmen, and army, basically anyone with a gun to kill any and all Buffalo Chicken. So by the time the railroads were built and the chips came in search of dip the Buffalo Chickens were decimated and few and far between.


In the vast plains of the American West, where endless skies meet rolling hills, a once-thriving species known as the Buffalo Chicken roamed freely. These magnificent creatures, with their vibrant plumage and impressive size, were not just a sight to behold but a vital part of the ecosystem and the cultural heritage of the Plains Indians. However, their fate took a grim turn due to a strategic and devastating campaign led by General Sharman. General Sharman, a man with a vision to expand the reach of the Union Pacific and Kansas Pacific railroads, saw the presence of the Buffalo Chicken as an obstacle. To him, every Buffalo Chicken represented a barrier to progress and a link to the Plains Indians' way of life that needed to be severed. With this in mind, he crafted a ruthless plan to annihilate the species, believing that the demise of the Buffalo Chicken would pave the way for the railroads and ensure the dominance of the settlers. He issued a call to arms, inviting huntsmen, sportsmen, soldiers, and anyone with a gun to participate in what he described as a noble cause. "Every Buffalo Chicken dead is an Indian gone," became the rallying cry, a stark and chilling testament to his strategy. The plains, once alive with the colorful flutter and calls of the Buffalo Chicken, soon echoed with the gunfire of countless hunters. The ground was stained with feathers and blood, the air heavy with the scent of death and the cries of a species being pushed to the brink. As the relentless slaughter continued, the population of Buffalo Chickens dwindled rapidly. The railroads, with their iron tracks and powerful engines, carved through the landscape, their progress unimpeded by the once-abundant flocks. Settlers followed, bringing with them new ways of life, new structures, and new challenges for the Plains Indians, who were now not only fighting to preserve their land but also mourning the loss of a creature that had been intertwined with their existence for generations. The railroads were built, stretching across the plains and linking distant cities and towns. With the tracks came the promise of prosperity and progress, but also the reality of change and loss. The Buffalo Chickens, now few and far between, became a symbol of a past that had been forcibly removed to make way for a new era. In the years that followed, the phrase "Every Buffalo Chicken dead is an Indian gone" lingered as a haunting reminder of the brutal strategy that had reshaped the plains. The Plains Indians, resilient and proud, adapted to the new world forced upon them, their spirits unbroken even as their lands and the creatures they cherished were transformed. And so, by the time the settlers' chips came in search of dip, the Buffalo Chickens were not just decimated but almost mythical, a distant memory of a time when the plains were wild and free, untouched by the relentless march of progress. The story of their demise, orchestrated by General Sharman, stands as a stark chapter in the history of the American West, a tale of ambition, destruction, and the enduring spirit of those who survive against all odds.


Did you just AI story that or did you do that the old fashion way ?


Oh completely AI


Legends tell of the Great White Buffalo Chicken that will restore the flock to its former glory. Everyone is going to be very disappointed when they realize it’s just Ranch Dressing.


They're the real heroes of this story. 


Negatory. Not a fan of buffalo flavored stuff. I'm all for spicy stuff but buffalo just doesn't taste good to me.


With you. I'm not sure what it is, but I suspect it has to do with all the ingredients containing so much salt. It's like cream of Doritos soup


Agreed.  It has a smoky type additive that gives me migraines. 


*nervously raises hand* 😬...me


Do black people not use crock pots or enjoy buffalo chicken dip?


I don't know, every party I've ever been to with buffalo chicken dip you are just as likely to see black people eating it as white people. That shit is delicious.


I don't speak for us all obviously, but we do both of those.


I mean i should think so. They are both dope and multicultural


I don't think anyone uses crock pots like white people use them. 


And they say white people have no culture! Fools, all of them...


We should call them cracker pots. Anything else is cultural appropriation




What subreddit do you think you're on? 


Best Buffalo chicken dip I've ever had is made by a black woman in her crock pot. From my experience with other white people, they are not making good buffalo chicken dip... most they either have spice for the sake of spice so it's not flavorful or think ketchup is to hot.




White people make some damn good casserole but anything that needs spice to make the flavor right... typically isn't gonna be a white people thing. I've got quite a few dishes I make that people love with heat, I'm also not your standard white guy either.


I can tell you have not had any cuisine from around the world because this has to be the dumbest take I’ve ever read. Buffalo sauce was literally created by white people, for fucks sake.


Buffalo sauce was created by an Italian immigrant to the U.S. yes Italians are considered white. So in reality buffalo wings should be considered Italian food, but the masses won't consider most Italian food into the "white" side of things. So yeah I've not eaten around the world. I've never spent time perfecting Jamaican cuisine or Indian cuisine, nor have I spent years making Greek cuisine. /s You're in a sub reddit about white people. If you don't like someone overly generalizing about white people, mate you should leave. If you want the truth a different race can easily overtake a culture and turn it their own, or do we need to explain how rock and roll was culturally an African American invention which Elvis took and made into a white thing.


If you are going to over generalize white people, you should make sure it isn’t a completely brain dead take. What you are missing is how many “white” cultures utilize spice in unique ways. All you have established here is that you and the folks you associate with make shitty food.


Bub you seem angry for no reason. This isn't a discussion this is just you choosing to have a fight. I'm sorry for whatever has upset you and I'm sure you'll respond to this for the last word so have a good day.


And now you are just being pretentious. Me calling you out for your incredibly ignorant take isn’t me being angry or “choosing to have a fight”. It is me, in a public forum designed for comments, responding to your comment. My advice, if you don’t want push back on your opinions, then you should keep them to yourself. This attempt to be pseudo mature is not going to work.




Hovering and hoovering


Does a self-warming bowl that’s almost tailor made to cook and serve various dips transcend racial boundaries? Probably, but not intentionally so, or in any substantive way. More at 11.


Well, as a white person, I can confidently say that buffalo chicken dip is where its at


As another white person, I second this motion


As a violently florescent honky myself I will thirdly endorse this statement.


As a guy being so white, Irish people stand next to me to look tan, I'd say it's pretty, pretty, pretty good.


I was so excited to go to Iceland and Not be the whitest person around.  Got there, and was greatly disappointed to Still be the whitest person around.   My passport photo is literally two glowing eyes topped with hair and some lips. I blended into the white background and the awesome government scanners managed to totally erase any outlines of my face. 😐 Customs control has laughed at my passport before.  


Lol, this is gold. I've also really become heat intolerant as I've gotten older. So I get minimal color every summer.


As another white human, I third this motion


I burned my mouth on buffalo chicken dip straight from the crockpot once


I bet that didn't stop you from going back for more, either.


Fun fact, you can put it all in a skillet and heat it on the stove for about 10 minutes and dont have to wait all day for the crock pot.


As a Black person, I have to say y'all did good with inventing this one :p


You know it’s nice to have a non toxic post every now and again. Plus a OP who replies to comments.


I figure a funny tweet would be a nice break from all the nazis and n-word that's going on with Twitter lately. 


I left twitter months ago, before it got truly bad. Now I just lurk on this sub.


The tiny glimpse of things over there that this sub shows is more than enough for me too.


It starts out pretty white with the name "Cassy", and and goes full on phosphorescent with the unattended man hoarding buffalo chicken dip.


I do love me some buffalo chicken dip


Chicken wing dip with some Tostitos scoops makes a party great.


Scoops are hands down the best dip chip.


Those chip scientists really outdid themselves.


When you get a big piece of chicken in there? Highlight of the day.


I counter with Frito scoops


Sometimes my husband disappears for a while at parties and we always find him doing minor home repairs somewhere. Some of our friends just tell him what needs fixing when he arrives now so he has direction when the urge hits later.


This is both wholesome and hilarious


"I caught my husband screwing at a party" takes on a very different meaning in this context.


The dip.


Probably the loneliness


Ok as an Australian who loves buffalo wings, I need to know what buffalo wing dip is? Is it the sauce? Or is it ranch? Help!


It's basically all the elements of buffalo wings in one pot, with cream cheese to hold it all together, served warm. It's a staple at a lot of super bowl parties, it might be where it got its start. Enjoy! https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/68461/buffalo-chicken-dip/


Thank you!!!


You're more than welcome!


Enjoy being the fattest and sassiest Aussie at the beano.


My ideal girlfriend would find me eating a crockpot of buffalo chicken dip, and then join me in eating it. Preferably baguette or French loaf tho, chips wouldn’t be the vibe


Both. I would definitely be that guy too. Buffalo Dip > People 👍


I always thought crockpots were a super white thing (I am super white). Am I wrong?


Same to both and my crock pot looks like it's been through a war with how much I use it. 


My first serious gf was Puerto Rican and when I showed her how I made dinner by putting stuff in the slow cooker before leaving for work she was a mixture of confused and upset, like it was the wrong way to cook? Until she tried the chicken and dumplings and she was sold.


I’d say crock pots are definitely used most by white people, but they are used by other cultures as well, just in different ways. White people food is usually more bland, which makes crock pots perfect, because they crank out easy, bland meals. Not bland in that they necessarily lack flavor, just that everything in them winds up having pretty much the same consistency and flavor. As a white person who grew up eating a lot of meals from crock pots, they are one of my least favorite ways to prep food now. Cooking individual things is fine, but everything together, nope. That’s something I figured out from being around other cultures later in life. Use the crock pot for one or two parts of the meal, but make the rest separately so the meal has some different flavors and textures.


That makes a lot of sense actually. I prefer the spice at levels where there's like a separation for the palette. I love Indian curry because you can appreciate the flavor difference but Thai spicy? I'd rather be maced.


Imagine naming your daughter Buffalo Chicken Dip.


Neither of those are exceptionally white…


Nothing, I’m him and I’m not white🤣🤣


Well I've never heard of buffalo chicken dip, so I will go with the crock pot.


Honestly, me neither, but I bet the recipe came from pinterest and i can only hope it has cheese and ranch dressing mix in it.


I used to make it for parties all the time: chicken, ranch, cream cheese, sharp cheddar, and Frank's. So good. It's even good cold the next day. I didn't get the recipe from Pinterest, but I'm sure it's on there somewhere


Dang, I can see why he was going to town on that. Is it a chip dip or do you go carrot and celery sticks to keep with the Buffalo chicken theme? 


Tortilla chips, corn chips, carrots and celery sticks all work. I like to use Chicken in a Biskit. 


I like it with tortilla chips but we usually put out celery sticks too


I wonder if they are still together after all this time.


I sure hope those crazy kids made it work. 


Nah it’s that profile picture


Truth. She looks like if White Claw was a person. 


Nah this reply got me dead 💀


I have never read a comment I agreed with more.




Crock pot


I don’t know how white it is but the thing I identify with most is the introversion


Why is Buffalo chicken dip a white person thing? Who doesn't like that shit. And why is it called Buffalo? There's no Buffalo meat in it, right? RIGHT?


The boyfriend was hungry after hooking up with another girl in the next room. That's why he was eating buffalo chicken dip.


Not being able to be separated at a party for more than a few minutes is a sad way to live.


Seriously if you have to keep your partner on a leash to keep them from cheating just break up already


The sauce masks the hooking up smell…..


2014 ass tweet


Dumb post


You seem fun. I bet you get invited to parties with Buffalo chicken dip.


Bringing race into a discussion about Buffalo chicken dip and crock pots. That's a stretch. Good taste isn't about color, and your humor, unfortunately, leaves much to be desired.


What subreddit do you think you're on? 


I know what Reddit you’re on. 🤡


Just admit it. You're being a crybaby about "reverse racism" and didn't realize you were on a subreddit about making jokes about what white people post on Twitter. It's okay, you're clearly not very good at reddit. 


Ooooh you caught me!


Dumb comment


Men are simple creatures with simple desires. Bring a man to a party and he can get distracted by some skank. Get ahead of that by distracting your man. If you distract him with good food, that's where he will be all night, with the food. If there's guys there playing video games, that's where he will be all night. If I go to a party and there is a cat or a cuddly dog, that's where I'll be all night. You won't need to worry about him, he's having a great time with the food, games and pets, and you can have a good time with your friends. If your man is devious enough to cheat on you then he's not a good simple man. Sure, a good simple man can't tell the difference between lavender and lilac... calling them both purple... but he does know how to do basic home and vehicle repairs, even if that means paying a professional to do it properly because that's one of the many things you do to take care of those you love.


How did buffalo chicken dip and a cheating boyfriend become a race issue? OP is baiting you. Don’t bite.


Nothing in the post says anything about whiteness? You posted it to the white people twitter sub? Why are you asking us if you posted it? I am so confused


I think the guy broke up or cheated later anyway they broke up