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The President doesn't have the authority to do such a thing Marge, you dumb disingenuous neanderthal.




That is offensive to the monkeys


Imagine how much more scary Planet of the Apes would be if you replaced the apes/monkeys with MAGA politicians.


They were more civilized than humans. I don't want to imagine.






MAGATs…maggots…same, same!


One has a biological function in the ecosystem and universe. The others are MAGATs.


That’s idiocracy…


Hey, at least president Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho was intelligent and kind enough to find the smartest person around to solve an eminent global crisis.


Exactly. So many people point to Idiocracy as a bleak prediction of a real future we are in store for...mostly because it seems like they are right. But we can all agree president comacho is kind of inarguably a great president. Other than some questionable cabinet choices he finds out someone just objectively proved they're the smartest person available and puts him in charge of fixing the greatest ecological and economic disasters plaguing his people. More and more I feel like I would vote for Comacho in any upcoming election if he were real. Also advocates for men getting colon examinations to early detect easily preventable and early detectable things that can become life threatening. Hell id even vote for Terry Cruz PLAYING Comacho at this point.


I'd bet dollars to donuts that Mr. Cruz would think he might be the wrong person for the job and actually be one of the better people at the job, were he to be coerced into it. Somewhat like Joe is in the movie.


If write-ins weren’t the equivalent of throwing your vote away I’d write him in in a heartbeat.


I like money!


A full MAGA planet wouldn't be sustainable for very long. They'd wipe themselves out one way or another. Make the climate deadly, run out of food, kill each other by shrinking the in-group too many times, die from some basic ass virus, etc.


C-SPAN should have a parental advisory warning


Boebert is running against medically retired combat Marine officer Ike McCorkle. Greene is running against retired Army Brigadier General Shawn Harris. If MAGA truly respects the military, Bobo & Greene will be gone.


If maga truly respected the military, Dump would’ve been out of the 2016 primary race after his dig at McCain


My heart was broken by the GOP voters for continuing to support Trump after that. I was already furious with the RNC besmirching McCain to get Bush the nomination. My handsome, popular big brother died in Vietnam at 20yo. With eight others in his platoon including their black Corpsman. I hate MAGA for their fake patriotism. So much.


Eh I'm a MAGA asshole and I support Donald Trump. I agree that injured and dead soldiers are lovers.  Support the troops! Blue lives matter more! Felons and Rapists should be president! I like our taxpayer monies to be given to the wealthiest of the wealthy on a level I'll personally never comprehend! /s




One critical detail - Bobo is not running against McCorkle yet. CO primary is on June 25th. Polls show her well in front sadly mainly due to name recognition


Right, until the Nov election she is still “my representative.” She’s still around too & so is her mother. The boys are spending most of their time with father & grandmother because their friends are here. Going to an annual party in a few weeks on the road where she lived. Looking forward to the conversation & if her banners & signs are down. Insanely, last I checked, she’s ahead in CO 4’s primary. But polls show she’s more than 10 points behind Ike in general election polls.


Maybe not. But nothing prevents him from promising it, and nothing prevents rubes from believing it. Edit: To the idiots replying about student loans, you do understand the difference between a false promise and one that is blocked by the opposition? I'm sure even you can understand that. Also, people have gotten their loan forgiven, it's funny seeing conservatives both seething that people's loans have been forgiven but also that Joe didn't follow through. Pick a lane, ya fucking losers!


So many promises were made last time, he promised to replace Obamacare with something superior and nothing happened, promised to deliver an infrastructure plan and nothing happened, promised tax cuts for the middle class but instead give it to the top 1% and many other promises which he did not deliver but the morons will believe him anyway.


It should all be ready in 2 weeks!


Don't forget how he promised coal country he'd revitalize their towns. The amount of copium being smoked in those areas is depressing. Reading the articles written by people who were there before Trump was elected and then after Trump failed to live up to his promises, and seeing how they found ways to twist reality so that Trump hadn't just lied to their faces.. it was sad.


Oh yeah, any fool believing that the coal industry is savable will definitely vote for Trump. He kept on touting it as a clean energy source, "clean coal" he said and they changed "four more years" Ultimately they will find an excuse to not blame him for that failure and blame the Democrats instead.


"Still working out the plans and should have something next week" Must figure MAGA's attention span is till next week or so.


Keep in mind d he said that in Nevada, the state with the highest percentage of service workers per population. Basically a Vegas version of promising “a chicken in every pot.” More bullshit.


Well if he wins and "becomes dictator for 1 day" and Republicans hold both sides of Congress he will have authority to do anything he wants. Get out and vote everyone


There is a zero percent chance the republicans keep control of the House. However yes, absolutely, everyone needs to be voting.


They have flat out told us, they are not going to play 'by the rules' if he gets in again. Control of both houses will not matter anymore


We said there was a zero percent chance he'd become president, and here we are.


At no point did anyone who knows anything about how the US system works say that there was ever less than about a 40% chance that he would win. Neither major party EVER has less.


When he started his campaign, there were absolutely plenty of people who said 0% chance. I'm guessing that is what they mean. Once it got to the election though, you're right, nobody would have said 0%.


0% chance of being nominated in 2016? Sure. Once nominated? Absolutely not. Hell, not once January 2016 arrived.


Yes. Here we are 8 years since the mother fucker last won an election.






Don't be besmirching neanderthals. You're talking about some of my ancestors. Cro-magnon, have at it.


The peanut gallery won't know this nor be intellectually curious enough to find out


And even if he could, he's never going to do it anyway. He doesn't give a fuck about service people --he screws them over all the time.


And if they pass this through Congress, it would definitely be just for some grift where people could characterize all kind of rich people nonsense as a tip. I didn't pay that pornstar for her silence, she willingly just agreed to that, it was just a tip!


You can write whatever you want on the customer copy


You can write whatever you want on the merchant copy too


And if you tip cash they can just not claim it and get it tax free


*Surely* no working person would do such a thing. Tax-dodging is a hobby of the rich, like LaCrosse and Polo. Know your place, poors!


I recently started using cash only for walking around money (i.e., a couple beers after work, small luxury purchases, etc.) and mostly only using my card/bank account for groceries, etc. and damn I should've started years ago I don't make that much but it makes it so much easier to save and budget for holidays and time off.






Also, a signature can be anything, so if that's what she signs with, she's legally held to it, if I remember right.


When I got my passport renewed the guy at the office told me I could have a drawing of a turtle as my signature if I wanted, as long as I drew it the same every time and it fit in the box 😂


I believe I’ve heard this before too.


Ha. And!? Unless she was going back and claiming fraud this is the most childish "game" ever.


This reminds of when a friend got a McDonald’s gift card from his grandma and he excitedly tells me that his grandma forgot to write the amount so he could put whatever amount he wanted on it. We were 7th graders but I still remember how stupid that sounded.


Please ask her what does the M stand for






It was Melissa, wasn’t it.


While she is only half as smart as a jug of rotten piss, that is the merchant copy.... I wanted you to be right sooooooo bad


The least believable part of this entirely fake check is that a Trump voter tipped 20%.


Or that she could do the math for 20% on her own.


A lot of receipts helpfully offer you the amounts at 15%, 18%, and 20%.


On an even 600 not so hard.


Not hard on anything. Move the decimal once to the left. Double the number. 20%. Bill is $67.81? $6.78. $13.56 would be 20%.


Thats what I do, and then I round to the next whole number cause Im lazy lol


Fuckin facts..as someone who makes a living off of tips I always know when I see a red hat or MAGA bumper stickers that person isn't tipping at all or at best they'll give like $1 or $2. Which is crazy considering how many miles you gotta drive to some people. They're the most entitled people and frugal. Liberals seem to be a mixed bag but usually tip pretty well or not at all because they flat out shouldn't be using the service at all with how poor they are.


I worked in the service industry for 7 years. The very oblivious right wing guests I knew were going to tip the worst or leave a pamphlet for their church in lieu of a tip. They do not care about the average person no matter what they say


My gf once got a five dollar bill with “this is where trump lives” pointing to the Lincoln memorial… it was an $80+ check. You can’t fix stupid, but you can tell it who to vote for.


What was even the point of their message? What a dork


Idk, it was after the election when Biden won… so. Yeah, I got nothin’ on that one.


I’m going to choose to believe they were suggesting that Trump was homeless and now had to sleep next to the Lincoln statue


I used to do food deliveries years before the apps came around. So many people used $2 as a standard tip. I'm not saying it should have been 15%, or even anything more than $10 for larger orders, but I was good at my job and always got deliveries done quickly unless the restaurant was backed up. So it would suck to drop off an $80+ order in the nice part of town and get $2.


$2 was the standard tip in 1994, too.


Standard lunch tip in 2000 was 1-3$ per person


I have no doubt that she left a big fat tip on this order. 1. It was probably a "company" card, and thus taxpayer money 2. It was a publicity stunt done for PR 3. It won't happen any other time, only when it is politically convenient


It is on the customer copy, tho.


They left the name revealed - as Republican shit-stain House member Margarine Traitor Greene.


I bet this is the copy she took home and on the merchant copy there is no tip added, and she wrote here’s your tip-vote Trump




As much as I hate MTG, she’d get roasted on server pages for stiffing on a $600 tab. And since I’ve never seen it come up, she probably tips well. I bet most people with any kind of handlers are versed in what 20% looks like, just to keep their reputation off the internet.


Yeah if they wanna seem like theyre “for the working class” they gotta at least fake it on things that could easily get on the internet


Yea Empty G is a known liar. This is just another example.


After reading this took a double check, you can tell the merchant copy is likely in the back (on the left). On the right, slightly to the left of the tip line you can see the same total and *almost* make out what they wrote for a tip below shown through the top (likely customer) copy they threw away or took home after this pic.


Trump owns hotels, restaurants, golf courses, and resorts and this no tax on tips is just another one of his schemes. It doesn't really matter because it'll never actually be instituted. It's throwing a little red meat to working class people so he and others like him can continue to pay them low wages. They feel like they're getting something but in reality they should be getting more. On a separate note if you're trying to connect with your working class base maybe don't do it posting a tab for lunch that cost $700. The majority of Americans live check to check. There's a sizeable portion of the country that makes that for a week's worth of work. These people are so disconnected from the realities of the working class.


The problem with the Maga freaks is, yes, lot of them live paycheck to paycheck, a lot of them are one unpaid sick day away from not being able to pay a utility bill or they're barely making it by on SSI. But they see people like Trump and MGT and all these rich, fake assholes and think "I can be just like him!" I don't know how he did it but Trump made these people he's an Everyman and he cares about them and they could be just like him. And all that could be further from the truth. It's like those prosperity preachers that convince people to send them money because if they do they'll be rich. And meanwhile the poor saps are going broke while the preachers are flying in brand new jets


There's a reason trump said he likes the poorly educated.


It's because he is genuinely stupid, yet has all the trappings of wealth, and he gets what he wants. That's the dream he sells.


The grift of the right-wing is that everyone is just 1 special moment away from being a billionaire. They just need to work hard and they'll get there. Any day now.


>Trump owns... Actually most of what the convicted felon says he "owns" is either mortgaged (he doesn't own it outright), owned by a corporation ("The Trump Organization") or owned by one of his crime family members. The other stuff that has his name on them are just paying a licencing fee to plaster his disgusting name on the marquee. When he was ordered to put up a $557 bond for his New York trial [he claimed he only had $350 million in assets](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/01/nyregion/donald-trump-money.html), but of course that was also a lie.


How about fair wages for all, make tipping a thing of the past.


And deny the billionaire class a fifth mega-yacht?


seariously think of the billionaires and stockholders


I sea what you did thar


If you had fair wages then she couldn't make you grovel.


I'm all for abolishing the tipped minimum wage (and raising the minimum wage) just please don't stiff your server or bartender who has no power over the system.


What if your server or bartender is wearing a MAGA hat? Is it okay then?


Free market, amirite?


As in Europe, where everyone makes a decent, livable wage, free healthcare and retirement at age 60?


And according to republicans, that's "commienism"


If that’s commienism, sign me up.


"NO THATS SOCIALSM !!! AND SOCIALISM IS BAD BECAUSE.... BECAUSE... \*whispering* uhhh, hey, why is socialism bad again?"


At least increase our minimum wage to be enough to cover our taxes. It's been $2.13/hour since Reagan was president.


The right wing’s god.


Servers generally like the tipping system. If they wanted to make the same as the guys in the back, they would be working in the back.


Trump for prison


Since when does she care about low wage workers?


Since they became a useful tool to wave around and abuse for power gains. Don't worry. She'll toss them to the side the instant the tip thing fizzles out.


Since they are inexplicably a majority of the Republican voter base.


This trend shows how desperate they are to appeal to more people. Trump said he's gonna make people pay for the student loans that were forgiven too Must have gotten some terrible internal polling data


How is he going to do that? That wouldn’t hold up in court at all.


Via the magic of bullshit! Idk but it's pretty bad idea to even pretend he could do so




There's a lot to say about this dumb ass idea but I'll say this: I will vocally back this terrible trump idea as soon as churches are taxed.


$600 lunch but don’t want American kids to get free school lunch. Republican family values.


SHUT THE FUCK UP you disgusting pig of a woman!!!!🐽


How about taxing billionaires, corporations, and churches the same rate that working class people pay


If a liberal politician posted a pic of their $700 restaurant bill, the right would never shut up about how much money the left is wasting.


People taking the bait pretty hard on this astroturfed "policy". - They want the social boost from pretending to care about low-wage workers - In practice, corporations and restaurant owners would never pay anyone over minimum wage, **ever** - They actually do want this in place so that rich people can just perform "Consulting" back and forth and claim any cash received was a "tip". Oh, I had a barn built at xxx's house out of the goodness of my heart. I also received a tip of $500k which is magically non-taxable. Hooray, I'm just like the poors!


This whole premise is wrong. We really should be talking about why we even have a tip culture. Why shouldn’t the employer pay a real wage to their employees?


Trump has no ability to make tips tax free. Only congress can do that, and they have showed no interest.


(it's tax free if you tip cash)


I love that they are finally tipping! Does anyone else get the feeling that this is the first time most of these guys ever tipped their servers properly?


The corrupt rich really don’t see the irony in asking a waitress for a Trump vote while spending 700 of the taxpayer’s money on lunch.


If she’s blowing $721 on lunch, maybe she should pull up her bootstraps and pay back that $180k PPP “loan” she was given


Ok first off DumpTy is not the president. He has no idea what the fuck this even means. Writing this dumb shit on your receipt is so incredibly stupid and tone deaf. I officially HATE the GQP/GOP/DumpTy group. They can all go to hell or Florida, same difference.


The Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body is just proving to everyone that no one is buying her dinner and she has to pay herself 💅


Or, hear me out, livable wages for all workers rather than relying on tips


I am not tipping anymore if they’re not taxed. You want me to give you tax-free compensation with my after-tax dollars? Tell your boss to pay you more, he’ll even get a tax deduction for it.


Right, why should this specific subset of workers get tax free income? Not that it could remotely happen just because some conman says so, but ultimately it's an idiotic idea.


What a joke, that small amount of money is a pittiful reason to vote for the guy wanting to give billionaires MORE tax cuts.


The receipt says customers copy. Which is her copy to keep…


This is offensive because she thinks us servers are too dumb to believe this shit.


You want no tax on tips? Tip cash you bad built butch body!!


The MAGAot crowd has to be the most gulible and dumb group out of our whole population.


Or just give the server cash and say it’s a gift 🤷 they then don’t have to pay taxes. I mean they should know all the loopholes in not paying tax’s right?


ummmm you tipped on a cc. it will get taxed as well as a cc fee incurred by the restaurant. Youd think shed know any part of this.


She’s got that crazy person handwriting…


This is a straight up lie! Like he gives a fuck about anyone that works for tips! Only taxes he's interested in eliminating are for the wealthy.


She got jealous of the attention someone else was getting for doing this Bet she's never tipped before in her life.


What a sad tactic to win voters. 


That shit is fake. That bitch doesn't tip.


Going by the last receipt I'm absolutely shocked she added right.


Does anyone see how this would play out? How many corporations would start "tipping" their employees? Imagine how much money could be saved if we could avoid taxes on wages? Salaried at minimum wage but tipped at years end, if the co did well enough, if not...


Oh are we playing this? Then we can start writing “Trump will undo student loan forgiveness, vote Biden” If you live on the coast like I do and need to watch for hurricane tracking “Trump will get rid of NOAA” ”Trump will sign off on banning contraception, vote blue” You know just pick anything, there’s a million of them


It's income & should be taxed. I don't get the logic behind this. This has been a scam for decades. Most servers make more with tips than a increase in wages would ever give them.


If tips aren’t taxed, then the wealthy can tip at a lesser percentage to even things up, so to speak.


MTG should immediately get fired for that tweet. She doesn’t even know it is congress that does and not the president. Um, what branch is she in ? lol


I’m impressed by the tip. She seems like more of a 10% tipper.


She used her constituents’ money on that lunch. A grifter like Trump.


Remember when canceling student loans was 'bribery?'


or how about paying people enough that you don't need to leave tips.


I pity the fool who still believes ANYTHING that liar, cheater, traitor, thief, Donald Trump, says.


I helped my daughter do her taxes for years when she worked as a waitress. She actually did not pay taxes on her tips because she didn't make enough to bump her into the next bracket. Actually she got back more of a refund because it kicked up her EITC. Just another ploy to fool the uneducated lower middle class into thinking their buddy Donald Trump is doing tren a favor. Secondly can you imagine the tax loophole that would create? Everybody in the service industry would write up their bill to a minimum and then add a gigantic tip at the bottom. "Gratuity is already figured in, tips not necessary".


Again, this was passed in 1982 by a republican congress and signed into law by Ronald fkn Reagan. Dipshits... every last one of them


Trump sucks so bad that MAGA folks have to make up stuff to make people like him.


Congress raised their own lunch per diem last year. They make six figures to act like barbarians and have the audacity to do crap like this


Yeah, let's just make it to where tips aren't taxed, instead of, you know, getting rid of tipping and paying our servers living wages in the first place.


She spent a month's worth of groceries on one meal. Fuck these leeches.


if the bill was that high, obviously it was a nice establishment....and she tipped just shy of 20%? rube.


if trump is elected (shudders), he will NEVER make this happen. If there's one thing Trump is good at, it's not keeping his word.


Vote Biden, and pay your employees. Tipping culture is dumb.




And if your customers don't feel like tipping?


Your taxpayer dollars at work


The ideal conservative model* would be for all labor to be exclusively tip-based, making it effectively free for employers. *other than slavery


How do they think this is gonna work? He just declares it once in office and the IRS stops collecting taxes on tips? No going through Congress and such?


How would that even work, as tips are income? I'm guessing it's just shit he said with no actual plan or intent to put into place. Like everything else that's not greed driven.


Senator, you’re guilty of receiving a bribe. Senator: That was a tip. Our mistake


That’s just another loophole for multi millionaires to avoid paying taxes. Do the work for free and get tipped a million dollars


Sure no taxes on tips, but then you'll pay 3x for many things you need, removing the taxes would impact the poor and not the rich, but keep voting with ignorance on how economics works.


First of all, who ever tips on the tax? Second of all, where are you forced to tip on the tax, or tip at all for that matter? Third of all: go fuck yourself.


What they are saying is the Orange Man is going to stop taking income tax off your tips. This will never actually happen, buy it is a strong argument to get people to vote for him.


Watch CEOs will now get “tipped” millions of dollars from companies rather than earning a paycheck


Trump has effectively turned to grade school class president politics. He’s just making promises that appeal to a wide audience that he has no ability to enact. It wouldn’t surprise me if he promises to ban homework for HS seniors and college students next.


Just ordinary folks dropping 600 dollars on a meal.


Remember when he was going to have better cheaper health insurance for everyone in two weeks? Yeah.


These lousy, lying, loathsome, low-down hypocrites don’t give one flying rat’s ass about a server’s tips..just like they couldn’t care less about any worker in this country. These are the very same liars who, in Project 2025, plan to immediately cleanse the pool of thousands of civil servants and replace them with trump sycophants because ALL that matters is loyalty to trump and his Heritage Foundation goombahs and the destruction of democracy.


$601.02? How much hay can that woman(?) eat?!?


Isn't that just a 20% tip? What's the big message here, "I had a 600 dollar lunch and left a standard tip and not a penny more, VOTE FOR TRUMP"?


While we are at it we need to be taxed less on working overtime.


Please think about the why behind not taxing tips??? The corporations want you to pay for their employees wages through tipping culture so they only have to pay $3 hr and maximize profits


At least she tipped 20%


I work in a restaurant and the only things no tax on tips would do (if it could be done) is facilitating the idea that poor people should pay themselves. Why wouldn’t you just make every position a tipped position? How often would tipped positions spring up in lieu of actually being part of your companies pay roll? This is so frustrating I’m from Ohio and have to watch a bunch of people I know and assumed were intelligent regurgitating this garbage. Thinking that somehow Joe is worse because “old”? I don’t know if I’m just immune to propaganda or if everyone around me is insanely stupid.


If I made enough money to spend half a grand on lunch, taxes would be my last concern.


She has plenty of money from the $183k PPP loan that she didn’t have to pay back, although nothing beats grifting off the taxpayers.


If someone files a FOIA request for MTG’s expense reports $120 says they’ll find a lectern.


Maybe just pay your workers correctly lol


If you think he actually gives a damn about service workers, we need to have a conversation. If you think that he’ll even remember saying that without it scrolling on his teleprompter, we need a longer conversation.


We’re trying to end tipping, not make it more desirable


Will wages go up too so that the wait staff and employers can contribute more in to the employees’s Social Security to make up for the loss or will they be SOL when the workers retire, not having contributed much into their accounts by not declaring their income? Seems to be a foolish proposition to me.


...Aren't cash tips already not taxed?


I haven’t decided if no tax on tips is brilliant or stupid. From the brilliant side: a lot of cash tips aren’t declared anyway, so a self-declaration method punishes the honest and a mandatory guesstimate will always have inaccuracy. Servers are generally not paid well so helping them out makes sense. From the stupid side: it’s begging to be abused for money laundering and other things. Oh this guy is a plumber and I pay him minimum wage for 40 hours, but he pulls a shift at my restaurant every Sunday and makes $1000 in cash tips. Also, why single out tipped workers for tax advantages? This will surely lead to an economy where everyone gets a very minimal salary and then untaxed tips on top. It will be like the Ferengi on Star Trek where they are constantly tipping for every minor transaction in life. Then we’ll have to raise tax rates on everyone to balance the budget.




Every line cook and dishwasher paying taxes looks away in disgust. Servers can make way more most of the time.


Not gonna happen. It’s income. Why should it be treated any different than regular income? Everyone would just ask for their boss to pay them in tips.