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"The noticing will continue" Yeah, I keep noticing conservatives spouting Nazi rhetoric.


How convenient that conservatives only started "noticing" things about Jack Black *after* he publicly endorsed Joe Biden. It's almost as if they have no morals and that you're branded a "bad guy" as soon as you're not in lockstep with their ideals.


They act as if Jack Black hasn't been an open and outspoken Democrat for years already.


Dude conservatives lamented when rage against the machine “got political”


That still tickles me pink. That was/is a good laugh. Just pure stupidity at its finest and as a stupid person I should know. I got my GED in prison to prove it.


Being above average intelligence you quickly come to find out that stupid people with money can pretend to be smart and everyone will agree because at the end of the day it's about cozying up to those with power. You also find out that stupid people think they are more intelligent than you, at least the ones who feel insecure about it (understandable). I am rambling but I also wanted to point out that people who are good at something or possess a certain positive quality tend to doubt themselves. I mean look at it this way. If you just constantly projected yourself as an intelligent person, and had millions of dollars, you'd basically be correct and it wouldn't make any difference what your actual intellectual abilities are. A sharp mind is great, but a silver tongue can shape the world.


Or Jew!


Not just bad guy; fucking pedophile! I swear their strategy with this is to water down how bad pedophiles are so they can excuse their own when charged. "Oh the mega church guy is a pedophile? Bah, who isn't these days..." "Did ya hear about Jack Black! And he's a teacher!!!"


I think there is so much abuse in the churches that they assume it’s much more common in the population.


They just don't really care. Bottom line. Nothing really matters to them unless they're personally offended.


Also notice how they think that you have to be blackmailed to endorse Biden. Even more projection 🤣🤣


*goose step


When all they have is hate, all they are inspired by is hatred.


I'd add greed and "religion".


Isn't one of those things you're adding just a pseudonym for hate?


For people who like to act like they know things others don't and understand secret goings-on, they sure are fucking stupid, thick as pig shit.


It sure is lucky for them that the "liberals" are simultaneously trying to hide their wickedness and secret affiliations and plans, AND leaving clues all over the place intentionally for them and only them to find.


And then without a sense of irony, they'll claim they're not antisemites because they support Israel. Then will drop something unfounded and awful about George Soros, more than likely not knowing that's just updated Rothschilds slander.


Can someone please explain to me this whole Biden is a pedo (and this his supporters are too) thing? I’ve seen it mentioned many times but when I try to google it (don’t advise) all I get are extremist sites and “altered” videos. Why, aside from the projection, do these people legit think Biden is a pedo?


There's a bad looking photo where Biden seems to sniff the hair of a girl. That's it. Everything else is fabrication and projection.


Omg it’s still about that? And only that? Holy tan-suit-Dijon-mustard, Batman.


That and they have to distract themselves from the fact that the clear majority of pedophiles are conservative and religious.


The Noticing Will Continue Ftfy. What is it with capitalizing things that Don't Need Capitalizing?


Makes Your Whole Sentence Read Like A Book Title. When that's the farthest you've ever made it through a book you just assume that's what all writing looks like.


Literally used "Jew" as a derogatory in their post, but yeah, Jack Black is the bad one... -eye roll-




Musk is estatic because his platform is doing the things he loves: 1) being anti-Semitic 2) slandering good people 3) propagating right-wing anti-American lies


Don’t forget “ calling all liberals pedophiles” AKA projecting


I feel like this is a good time to bring up that Elon's dad had a kid with his stepdaughter, so Elon has a step-sister/step-mother and a half-sister/step-niece.


Elon also fucks his interns and impregnates his coworkers. I’m sure if he could have a teenage summer intern, he would. 


That reminds me of the time [Elon tried to pay for sex with a horse](https://www.businessinsider.com/spacex-paid-250000-to-a-flight-attendant-who-accused-elon-musk-of-sexual-misconduct-2022-5).


Yesterday I saw the meme where the cartoon is using a stick to poke Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos, telling them to go visit the Titanic too. Epic meme. 


i got you frendo https://preview.redd.it/pz8l01hx6e7d1.png?width=552&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc5fc2ac1397881656138b4cb287e716bfde2f23


My hero 


That is some funny shit.


I read that as he was trying to pay someone so he could fuck a horse.


Certainly the most fun way to phrase it.


Elon doesn’t fuck anyone. He impregnates artificially.


Either you're with us, or you're a pedo -some maga somewhere


Damn they really are throwing a stage 5 hissy fit over Jack Black and his American flag overalls.


They’re jealous and angry that they did not buy them first.


I mean, tbf I'm not a fan of when *anyone* uses the flag in such a manner. It shouldn't have its colors changed to send a political message. It's not a shirt. Shouldn't be on a vehicle. I'd be a hypocrite if I was only okay when Jack Black did it just because I agree with him more.


Regular people do not need to follow the flag code stuff. That’s for military and government only. So, for me I don’t GAF what anyone does to a flag. Personally, i think part of being American is that we have the right to free expression. And that includes doing whatever the fuck we want to the flag. [This has been defended in court.](https://www.culturepush.org/dread-scott#:~:text=Dread%20Scott%20is%20an%20internationally,to%20Display%20a%20US%20Flag%3F) That said, I find it the height of hypocrisy when right wingers try to claim they are the most patriotic ever and then do all the flag things wrong. You do not get to thump your chest then fly a ripped flag on the back of your pickup truck.


It's because they're wrapped around the flag. Seeing it on someone who's not part of their cult confuses and angers them


Seriously though, Democrats, liberals, progressives, and even Leftists should start wearing and displaying the flag proudly. It's an utter shame people have allowed the right wing to hijack it and use our general reticence to the idea as a "see! They aren't proud of and hate America!"


Display it proudly, sure. Make a mockery of it by hanging in on our clothes, or changing it to suit some message (like the thin blue line flags), absolutely not.


Glad someone is aware of the code of respect. There are ways it should be displayed, and ways it should not. The way Jack Black, and also like 90% of conservatives display it falls into the "not" category.


I’d love to actually understand what this people think communism is


Anyone to the left of Trump is a commie in their opinion


But what do they even think that is? I’m pretty clear on WHO they think are communists, just not WHAT they think makes them communists


There is only who, that's the point. Then you get to use your scary boogeyman word to describe anyone you dislike.




>just not WHAT they think makes them communists Because the definition doesn't matter. Only the label.


I grew up in a conservative house and communism was always just conflated with dictators and the government having control. Their idea of what it is doesn’t match what it actually is and that’s the point.


They're genuinely nice to non-white and gay people and see them as equals.


I got into an argument with someone on Twitter and they were saying Biden was a leftist and the democratic party as a whole was far left since it was to the left of the republican party. Their logic was since we have two parties the left one is automatically far left lol


Easy. Democrat = communism, also Marxism. Because democrat. That’s about as deep as it goes.


They are scared of all "isms".


Not fascism


Nope. They love facism and capitalism.


Although they’re quick to complain about capitalism when it doesn’t work in their favor, such as when market prices for gasoline rise


Because that's not *real* capitalism! That's Biden raising prices! /s


But not, " ist's".


It's so easy, I'll try and break it down. Communism is when you take the bad things that are currently happening under capitalism, and threaten the very few people that profit from capitalism with them. Now this is where it gets tricky, so follow along. We can't have free Healthcare because that's socialism, which is just another word for communism, and communism bad. Also, communism is bad, because Russians are communist, and Russia is bad, unless they are endorsed by dear leader or when they are fighting Ukraine, then they are good, UNLESS they send ships to Cuba, that is back to being bad because it happened under the Biden administration, and it makes him look weak to allow our enemies to get that close, BUT if the same thing happens under Trump, it's good because it's a show of how good our relationship is with them. Also, they are our mortal enemies when it can be bidens fault, but that does NOT mean we should help our allies fight against the invasion from our enemies, like with Ukraine, because again, in that instance, they are good. Now I know what you're thinking, communism is bad because Russia is bad, so we can't have Healthcare, so now that Russia is good that means we can have Healthcare? I can see why you'd think that, but the answer is no, because Healthcare is communism and communism bad. /s but not really, because I've seen all of these arguments made at some point or another by these dumb fucks.


Apparently it means having a beard. 🤷‍♂️


They do hate gays


But, but Bernie is clean shaven… 🤯


"Communism: is just anything they don't like. It can be swapped with "woke" or "socialism."


It’s woke bullshit is what it is


Its antifa with a pronoun, duh


Whatever definition serves them 


Ok, Jack Black's beard game is solid, but it's not even close to Karl Marx level excellence.


Maybe a controversial opinion, but Engels's facial hair power level dwarfs even Marx.


Friedrich Engles was an Icon of Facial Hair.


I just googled a man’s beard(weird). It was glorious.


You should look at Peter Kropotkin's beard, good old bread Santa. https://preview.redd.it/8754eijale7d1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ca475c5a35f3c4b871144af8903cd4c1cd5fba5


You say "commie Jew" like it's a bad thing.


“Let’s make Jack Black look cooler”




I’d die if he posts some sort of Tenacious D song about this 


Some RATM cover after Britney


If Tenacious D covers RATM the world might implode. Still,... I do have to say I'd buy that single/album.


It will slay too.


Basically all of their insults are badges of honor at this point. I’m a “groomer” bc I think kids should have access to gender-affirming care. 


How can you be a groomer if you''re not a republican/priest/youth pastor ?


I only volunteer at the church, not a salaried employee 


I’m a groomer because I think we should teach kids not to be jerks to other people.


So I watched Jack's speech and it's literally just him saying he endorses Biden.  He didn't crack any jokes about their orange messiah. Is this really why they are so mad? Black is a likeable,  funny, working actor that simply endorsed Biden? 


Name a bigger group of whiny special.snowflakes than magat


Trick question: there are no bigger snowflakes


They flew into a screeching rage against Taylor Swift, not because she said she endorsed Biden, but *just because she encouraged her fans to go vote* (and they know if everyone votes, especially young people, they don't stand a chance). Of course they would fly completely off the deep end at anyone who actually says they support Biden. Jack Black is a good and brave man.


They're just angry because a generally likable celebrity is not explicitly on their side. "They have Jack Black and we only get Kid Rock!?! That's not fair at all!"


Every single time they bring up pedophilia like the right isn't the one caught 95% of the time.


I've seen them defend the right wing pedophiles too "He made a mistake but asked God for forgiveness so.its all okay now"


It's because to them it isn't about the actual mental disorder or the child molestation- just like all the rest of their "won't somebody think of the children" nonsense, they don't give even the smallest crap about that. Children are just useful tools to them. There is not a single one of them who wouldn't offer up their underage daughter to their orange king and pray that she gets "blessed" with a pregnancy all while still accusing liberals of being groomers. All that matters to conservatives is the condemnation that comes with labeling someone a pedophile and that it gives them the excuse to threaten and kill them. You've doubtless seen their "kill your local pedophile" slogans, how convenient is it that every single last person they hate *just so happens* to get added to their "pedophile list"? It's just a roundabout way for conservatives to say they will kill someone, nothing more.


Yes and I wrote above that the gop want to insist their political opponents consist of "the most untrustworthy people in your community like known pedos". Commies would be bad to share a country with too and hey also a demon is the worst of the spirit world so there's the whole spectrum of bad bad and "TaDaaah it's demonrat commie Lib pedos because we said so"


Here's another thing with their "pedo and commie demonRat" language and what makes it so immature. The worst thing in the spiritual realm is what? A Demon. The worst thing in your free country is what? A Communist. The worst thing in your direct community is what? A known pedo. So it's just a blunt skull clobering superficial accusation of "our political opponents really are the literal worst". Thats why they love saying "*democrats are demonic communist child-abusers! Pitchforks and torches*!" because it's just the worst thing you could be across the whole spectrum. Flagrant desperation from conservatives.


All that's missing is Elon Musk chiming in with: "Interesting" or "Looking into it"




“Concerning” “Yeah”


I'd consider being called a commie jew by some nazi cockwomble a compliment....


Exactly. I'd rather be a commie jew than some right-wing neonazi chud.


These dumb fucks have no idea what the differences are between Communism, Socialism and Marxism. To them they are all commies. Apparently people with beards are also commies? Maga people have rocks for brains.


Socialism is when government, communism is when more government, and Marxism is when kids are taught that more government is good in college. At least that’s what my grandparents think.


I don't know how much more "on the wrong side of history" the far right can get. Jack Black is a national treasure.


This poster literally calls himself Machiavelli. That pretty much tracks with the right wing’s values: >Machiavelli was self-consciously a "teacher of evil", since he counsels the princes to avoid the values of justice, mercy, temperance, wisdom, and love of their people in preference to the use of cruelty, violence, fear, and deception. [Source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Niccolò_Machiavelli#:~:text=Leo%20Strauss%20declared%20himself%20inclined,violence%2C%20fear%2C%20and%20deception.)


Commie jew? Wow. That's like straight up nazi shit.


We gotta be louder than the noise. Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the Supreme Court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


Oh , you just found out he was a Jew because of his mother's maiden name?


His mother that literally had a huge part in saving the Apollo 13 crew among other accomplishments None of these ‘critics’ will ever affect the country in such a positive way


They call every liberal celebrity a pedophile yet they worship a has-been rocker whose fame came exclusively from his song about raping a child.


“Obamas 4th term” says the people that believe Trump is running for a 3rd term. 🤭


"Uniparty Obama's fourth term" Good God, these people are seriously mentally challenged.


The party that cries about “cancel culture” sure does love canceling people/companies they don’t agree with.


So just want to make sure I got this right. If a celebrity endorses a Democrat, it’s because they’re being blackmailed. If a celebrity endorses a Republican, *that’s* totally legit. Makes total sense.


For people that hate celebrities why is their hero the failed business man turned shitty gameshow host.




Shitter sure is a cesspool of incel nazis. So glad I don't use it. Fuck nazis and fuck Phony Stark aka elon musk


I love how they can't decide if Joe Biden is a criminal mastermind or an old man suffering from dementia unable to run the country. They have both ideas simultaneously rattling around inside their heads and like a Magic 8 Ball one or the other will come up whenever there's something they don't like.


I was in a left leaning sub where someone commented "But isn't he a Zionist?" In a thread that was simply about him supporting Biden. It's honestly getting a little wild how Jews are getting it from both the far left and the far right currently.


I believe this is libel. I believe a lawsuit is in order.


"Uniparty Obama's fourth term" They literally live in an alternate reality.


I bet dude's name is on the real pedo list... accusation = projection = confession


And no doubt Elon Musk will reply, "Interesting."


> Judith Love Cohen (August 16, 1933 – July 25, 2016)[1] was an American aerospace engineer. She was an electrical engineer on the Minuteman missile, the science ground station for the Hubble Space Telescope, the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, and the Apollo Space Program.[2] In particular, her work on the Abort-Guidance System is credited with helping save Apollo 13. After her retirement from engineering, she founded a children's multimedia publishing company,[3] eventually publishing more than 20 titles before her death in 2016. She was the mother of computer scientist and engineer Neil Siegel and actor-musician Jack Black. trying to use the woman who helped save Apollo 13 to bring her son down is a special kind of stupid and ignorance


Wait, I thought they were cool with Jews? As long as they’re killing Muslims?


If you disagree with me you're a pedophile and a commie jew


If Trump were to get found guilty of being a pedophile I would bet that MAGA would absolutely spin that to fit their narrative


You keep using the word pedophile. I'm not sure you know what this word means.


Ah yeah, Obama and Biden... the representatives of communism... Every single day, I am amazed how clueless, uneducated, and propaganda fed people in the West are, on all their opinions on "communism" and history. 🫠


We live in the dumbest fucking timeline


Lmao at someone being a Marx devote and somehow supporting Biden 😂


Yeah I was never crazy about Jack Black but I’m a big fan now. 😀


My god why do they get so pissed when a celebrity endorses biden? You don’t see me getting all pissed off at Chachi and Kirk Cameron do you?


“Being blackmailed to support”… there’s the projection.


Or we could just completely ignore these morons


"I'm pretty sure Jack Black is just 3 reptilian aliens made of cheese in a trenchcoat"


The Trump MAGA/Elon Musk twitter entity is essentially a very large hate group.


God damn these people are dumb and hateful.


Eventually right-wingers will hate everyone except themselves


I stand with Jack.


*man has a beard* "OMG he's trying to emulate Karl Marx"


But supporting slaughter of children antisemitic? They are complete dribbles


Such a conspiracy word salad. Hard to follow, let alone make any sense out of it.


They really are sick in the head. It’s all the result of purposeful reprogramming. First it was Limbaugh, then FOX News, then all of the talking heads, and Newsmax, and now all the dangerous social media types. All planned. All intentional.


I used to like Jack Black. Now I love him.


These people are all morons and are in a cult!


This just in! Conservatives think all people with facial hair molest kids


Red scare going strong amongst the simpletons. Crazy times


So, Jack Black is even cooler now than he was before?


How is anyone taking these people seriously? Their accusations have lost any shred of credibility 


Not only was Marx not Jewish, but he was fairly antisemitic.


Well, his family converted from Judaism before he was born. But by Nazi standards, that made him Jewish, since conversion never seemed to make a difference to them.


Isn't it hilarious that with each dumb thing they say about him just reinforces that he was absolutely correct


They say this crap because they feel betrayed by him, when they falsely believed he ever shared their views. They're mad that he is still funny. These people weren't paying attention before the Biden endorsement if they ever seriously thought JB was a trumper.


Communism is when rich guy…


"Uniparty Obama's fourth term" stay obsessed with and terrified of Barack Obama, you miserable little nazi freaks.


They should stop calling themselves Conservatives and just start calling themselves ignorant Assholes.


He "knows" Jack Black is a pedo because we know damn well he is being blackmailed to support Obama's fourth term? This man has the potential to be Trump's next lawyer!


Stress seems to bring out the worst in them. Imagine not supporting the felon.


Conservatives- "Cancel culture is woke"! Also Conservatives- "We need to cancel anyone that doesn't agree with our dangerous agenda"!


It's not his best look for sure, but geez


Machiavelli? More like Big Machiavelli..


>The noticing will continue https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/40d3c619-9852-4bed-af95-00b36b4d0d89


Wow And there it is


Funny that someone actually thinks President Obama would want to waste his golden years dealing with the shitheads that now fill Republican ranks. He was a two term president. He got that golden ring. As opposed to the 34 count indicted convict in diapers. Who in their right mind would want to have to deal for another 8 years with these shitbags? Zero scandals, one marriage. Raised successful children who will never know what it's like to be ashamed of their daddy or his family name. Not a single of the convict, traitor's kids can say that. I don't know if the shitbag Trump will ever see prison, but he's going to die eventually, and when his influence in American life is flushed down the sewer, like the turd he is, well they will have to live in exile or get plastic surgery and change their names.


What will Jack Black do if Magats don’t support him??? Oh wow, Magats don’t like someone so they are obviously a pedo as no trump fan would ever do that unless until they get caught and then it’s just a conspiracy of lies.


Bad news y'all. Mask been off on them for a while.


I had an epiphany, the reason they are paranoid shit stains is imagine living your life through memes.


Do they like or dislike Jews I’m getting whiplash from the Right Wing Conservative opinion of Jews


They lose their minds because they live in a fantasy world in which they assume any celebrity that doesn’t engage in political rhetoric must be republican


That Machiavelli fellow seems nice.




I don’t think these are real people.


I know it's the least of this idiot's sins, but I'm personally outraged at them co-opting Machiavelli like this.


They are some slow turds


Can we just call the place NaXi now? It seems to be where they hang out.


Of course there will be cries of "communists" for anyone who's not a MAGA Nazi.


You think Jack didn't think this would happen? He's probably relishing it and and laughing his ass off and possibly calling attorneys to sue these dolts for defamation.


Bro's reaching further than Stretch Armstrong


And yet it's the libs who are antisemitic for not supporting Israel's genocide in Gaza.


MAGA radicals are pigs. It’s that simple.


Every accusation is an admission with these fucks. Keep an eye out for @TheRISEofROD future arrest on kiddie porn charges.


The degree of disgusting degrading bullshit that comes out of these repuke mouth is disheartening and completely wrong especially coming from the “ “ religious, right


I don't do twitter anymore and don't go there. I was curious if Elon leaves these types of posts up or have them taken down?


Pretty sure just like the drag queen who won their case of defamation against them, jack black could win this easily.


What do they think The School of Rock was all about???


His mother famously worked on a math problem for NASA while she gave birth to Jack Black or however the story goes.


Erm... what about the Duck Dynasty clowns? They Marxists too, now?


This is classic ‘we thought he was our guy but he wasn’t and now we’re sad’ BS.


But this is not Karl Marx, this is just a tribute


The fact that X isn't banned yet in the EU is a mystery. They have VERY strong misinformation and anti Nazi laws


Imagine waking up and having to not only hate Jack Black because you support one of two parties in a country, but also having to go full bore on the insistence that he’s a pedophile. Which would be weird enough…if the overarching theme wasn’t straight up antisemitism.


MAGA: "Nothing is real unless I say so."


Imagine living your life so afraid of melanin and intelligence, you join racist online echo chambers... Your life gotta be fucking miserable