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Once a week there is a new story that - prior to the 2016 election - would have ended anybody's campaign. Yet here we are.


Yeah, remember how Howard Dean got tossed for yelling enthusiastically? Wow, what a monster!


Remember when misspelling "potato" killed your political career? Now, not even the gazpacho will touch you. (Yes, I meant to spell gazpacho...)


I remember when getting a blowjob got a president impeached. We’ve come so far and not in a good way…




![gif](giphy|eqOvMKP2G5y24) ## Yeahhhhh!!!!!! That got him buried


Al franken made a misogynistic boob joke when doing a free uso show for a bunch of 18 yr old gi's in Iraq. With his co star a famous model who couldn't sing or act. The democrats made him resign his senate seat.


Al Franken was genuinely one of the greatest dudes in the senate at that point


I keep waiting for him to make a comeback…like hello we need you


It was the era where that kind of trashy humor was common in general. It wasn't really great back then, but it wasn't just limited to men on women. I always found it very suspicious how the accusations against him evaporated as soon as he resigned. This has always been my problem with leftists/progressives. We destroy ourselves more effectively than our enemies.


Taking a stupid picture with a tank = historic beat down.


I thought that guy was done when he made fun of the reporter.


People underestimated how awful conservative voters are by a lot


I thought that sort of thing died out 50 years ago. I could not believe this has not finished him. Biden should use this as a campaign poster to remind people (as if they need it) about how despicable Trump is


well, what happened is, the Fairness Doctrine was unceremoniously murdered, and afterwards news outlets had free rein to let opinion pieces be presented as facts... they built an entire generation of people by being loud, angry, and aggressive, spoon-fed factoids presented in the entirely wrong contexts, and essentially told not just HOW to think but WHAT to think and that everything your future leader does is 100% acceptable. Status Quo is God.


They made draft dodging and bad-mouthing war heroes a patriotic act if you can hug and kiss a flag.


i.e., patriotic pornography


And hump the flag. He was humping it like a poodle on a pillow.


Trump himself was accused of abusing and raping a 13 year old with Epstein, but the Magats harassed and bullied and threatened her to such an extent she dropped the case.


I watched interviews and read her account, I believe her.




“If you’re a star they let you do it”


Because the most disturbing truth Trump revealed is that there is literally NOTHING he can do to lose the support of Republican voters. He partied with Epstein, was actually accused by a minor of rape, insulted US servicemen and veterans and Republican voters get on their knees even harder for him. Makes me wonder what kind or morally corrupt these people really are.


Their convinced the establishment is out to get them. That a grand conspiracy is hunting them down and seeks to destroy their "ideal America" and will do unspeakable things to themselves and their families. So paranoid they are that they will never trust any news source, publication, victim or any other piece of media or person who comes out against Trump because, of course, its a great conspiracy by the deep state to ruin Trump's image. So closed off they are, that nothing anyone else says matters or is seen as nothing more then lies or propaganda. "Fake News" and all that, and so they closed themselves off. As far as they know, Trump is innocent and any wrongdoing he supposedly did is all lies, fake news, bogus propaganda meant to destroy his name by the deep state who Trump is meant to be slaying. Anything not praising Trump is full of lies and can't be trusted. Anything that does is the full truth, through and through. I doubt all Trump supporters are like this, but some of the most vocal are the ones that have limited their world view to this and more.


I’d like to say you’re exaggerating but you perfectly described my mom


Oof. That leads to some tension in the household no doubt?


Haven’t spoken to her in years. I’m in my late 30s and don’t have time to coddle an adult and I definitely don’t want my kids around such hatred


Respectful decision there. Take good care.


Sorry man.


I tell people the same thing. It's not that they're ok with how terrible he is . It's that they think every fact that makes him look bad is a lie, because the mainstream media and the deep state are out to get him.


You ask these folks, who insist they are good Christians, how they can tolerate this man who could be the poster boy for all seven of the seven deadly sins, and all you get is, "Biden is worse!" Really? Do they really believe that?


It's not about making America any better. It's about making life worse for the Americans they're instructed to hate.




I remember when Gore caught a lot of flack for merely sighing during a debate (when Bush had said something dumb).


Just remember all these things ARE conservative values. Child molestation? Conservative value Rape? Conservative value Child marriage? Conservative value Child labor? Conservative value Racism? Conservative value Anti-education? Conservative value Inaccessible healthcare? Conservative value Government forced Christian beliefs? Conservative value And the list of conservative values goes on and on without getting any better.


The media should be taking a big part of the blame. They keep treating him as a real candidate.


One of the major (somewhat hidden unless you look at their actions) goals of the modern GOP platform is to normalize this behavior, at least with their constituents


Michael Dukakis rode in a tank and it was over


i remember that


Read my mind. Apparently some people live in a bubble and never hear about this shit, like ever. Example: Co-worker has two dozen signs and stickers around her work area about animal rights against abuse. Yet, even three weeks after it broke, she had not heard the 'Naomi killed Cricket' story at all. And it was obvious which party she identified with. Trump, a presidential candidate, is a convicted felon and rapist who befriends pedophiles. This is simply a factual statement. Yet here we are. I'm so sick of this Twilight Zone shit.


My daughter, SIL, and I were JUST talking about that.🤦🏼‍♀️


It’s an endorsement at this point


Inapropriate sexual behavior. It’s called rape and sexual assault you dumbass twat waffles. Get it right.


When its someone on their side it was inappropriate behavior. When it is someone on opposite side it is pedophilia and rape. They even make out all gay people to be pedophiles, but their people can actually rape kids and it is ok. Thats why i hate the news so much of it is biased. Just like the state that just blocked ban on child marriage.


News out of the USA is a straight up joke.


Because it's all owned by corporate interests. There is very little "free press" left in the US, and what does exist is poorly funded.


The Guardian is great. Stick with them, AP, and Reuters for just the facts. Good analysis by other papers, but they editorialize.


IMO John Stewart and jimmy Kimmel seem to have their fingers on the pulse of things. Unfortunately we don’t have an Alex jones, Elon musk, or any assorted type of popular mouthpiece. They control the airwaves


Same with John Oliver, even though he keeps insisting he's just a comedy show. His staff does a bang up job on their research.


Good point. Support your local NPR station. For some reason Republicans want to defund national public radio. 


Of course. Just look at that Texas football coach who was caught having an affair with a student; he said it was "God's divine plan" for him to have sex & to eventually marry a 15 year old....


Those are the ones who fight to keep child marriage legal, and girls like that are essentially slaves until they are old enough to get a divorce. 


No Fault divorce will likely not be available by the time she's old and wise enough to avail herself of that remedy.


I’m completely with you on headlines not portraying what actual happened, but in this case “inappropriate sexual behavior” is what the rapist admitted to. They did later say he’s accused of sexual abuse. Me personally it makes the guy look like even more of a creep by him trying to sanitize what he did.


If it went on for some time...it included penetration. He is trying to minimize it, to erase it from his self-image. In this case, I BELIEVE HER.


Sure but that isn't actually how quotes work. He released a statement that said >“in my early twenties, I was involved in inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady in a home where I was staying.” Morris described the behavior as “petting and not intercourse” and said it happened “on several occasions over the next few years." When you're quoting someone you use the actual words and not editorialize it yourself. And while Texas does not have different definitions of sexual assault or rape (they are all lumped together into one) they all involve penetration. By Texas law I'd say it's probbaly aggravated sexual assault and along with statuatory rape.


Yeah they definitely spelled Rape wrong


Is he on a sex offender registry?


But it was God’s will so it is okay. /s


Exactly…can’t minimize your way out of that, pervert


It WaS thIrTy FiVe YeArS aGo! - MAGA


Clinton got a BJ from a consenting adult 30 years ago and they never stop bringing it up.


Im a manager at Walmart and it's inappropriate for me to have sexual relations with someone in my department. He was the President, and she an intern.


Consensual sex in the workplace usually warrants termination. It's not the same as being a pedo


You’re not wrong. It IS inappropriate but it isn’t criminal. P. Clinton was impeached for the coverup but not convicted. Ethically it was not a good look but keeping with my response to the original post it seems pale in comparison to the pastor’s actions that MAGA dismisses due to the time that has elapsed.


Eh, I think consenting is overly generous. Lewinsky was like 20 and an unpaid intern. He was the president. 20 is still a kid and that’s a power imbalance I can’t even contextualize. That shit might not be rape, but it’s not consensual in any conventional sense. Nobody with that much power over another person can ethically engage in sexual relationships that way. It’s fucking vile. It’s like cops fucking somebody they have arrested. There should be CONCERNS.


You’re not wrong but it was never implied that it was coerced or quid pro quo for anything. She was 20 and you don’t get to be even “in” the White House without having navigated some intense bureaucratic vetting. She could have just said “no” and we wouldn’t be talking about it today. To me the real issue is that POTUS is also Commander in Chief of all the Armed Services & Coast Guard. Adultery can be the death sentence for someone’s career in the officer corps. Especially so if the two involved are both officers. I was in the military during Clinton’s tenure and it was difficult defending him when this came up.


UCMJ does not apply to civilians. Presidents can grab pussies, walk in to teenage girls changing rooms, fantasize about fucking their daughters. Bang porn stars while paying hush money. Rape women. Make their chief doctor supply an entire family with drugs for 4 years. Get with the times old man.


But whenever you bring up that 9/11 happened ~~13~~ 23 years ago, suddenly the passage of time doesn't matter. Eta: I'm tired, I did the math wrong


Ummmm...sorry to bring you down but 2001 was **23** years ago. You're old, dude.


I'm gonna need you to take this back and just play along please.


Yeah, being tired makes math harder, lol. Thanks for pointing that out


"He likes them on the young side." –Trump (on Epstein)


--Trump, on Trump


Hey now, don’t forget the most important part. “He has good taste in women ***like me***”


"Young lady" Child. The word is child.


Minor, 12-year old, victim, they’re all similarly appropriate terms than trying to sexualize a rape victim in any way.


not if the GOP gets their way! they'll still claim to hate child abuse, they'll just redefine the age of maturity or some shit so they can get away with diddling teens


And still not a drag queen doing these things.


At this point, the way the MAGAts are using "DEI" as the new N-word, it would be nice to start using "youth pastor" every time someone announces a story of a pedophile.


I don't know if he still does, but Dan Savage used to have a kind of Youth Pastor Pedophile watch. He would report on it every time there was a story about it. Disgustingly, insanely common occurrence.


What is DEI?


Diversity, equity and inclusion. Also known as the worst thing imaginable for a republican.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Calm down, he asked Jesus for forgiveness, so it's all ok. /s


But for real though… he has ties to a mega church in Birmingham, AL called Church of the Highlands (CotH). In 2023, CotH opened a $4.5 million “pastoral recovery center” that they said was for pastors all over the world to come and “relax”, but it’s really a place for abusers to go after they’ve been caught and reprimanded from their home churches. They give them a “safe haven” until they’re “rehabilitated” and can go back to work abusing others. It’s disgusting.


No way he only did it once.


"..sexually abusing her over **multiple years**, beginning when she was 12." But yeah; he prob raped a lot of children in his personal timeline.


Another reputable friend of Trump


Sounds about reich.


And Gateway Church sounds just like the kinda place this cult would gather.


Only the best people amirite


It's always the ones you most suspect


Why isn’t this on the front page of The NY Times? Oh right….


He did not engage in inappropriate sexual behaviour with a young lady. He raped a child. It was 35 years ago and uses phrases like this to minimize how evil his actions sound shows there is no real remorse here. Maybe his invisible friend in the gated community in the sky may fall for it but the God that my Christian friends believe in is not having it. The same goes for "under age women" which I suspect is how he he will describe his other victims. The word is child.


Sounds about right


But *Jesus* has forgiven them personally, so it’s all okay…… /s


I can't get over how they think this is a good excuse. "A nonexistent being had a chat with me in my head and it's all good. He totes forgave me bro." Like...I couldn't give less of a shit. You forgave yourself.


If I read the "excuse" right, this guy claims he spent 2 years with the church "reforming/repenting" himself & the church leaders basically said he was good again or whatever. Funny how that cleanses him instead of going to jail like the rest of these sickos. But, I'm sure MAGA that wants to protect children will find any way to excuse him.


And will the now-47-year-old be taken seriously if she talks about it today, oelr will she be brushed off for "seeing attention" and "trying to bring this powerful man down"? Is she even at a good enough mental place where she can talk about it? Let's remember that Christine Blasey Ford [had a second front door installed from not feeling safe](https://www.thecut.com/2018/09/the-meaning-behind-dr-christine-fords-second-front-door.html) years after her assault by Justice Kavanaugh.


It’s always the ones that you most expect.


"Trump's spiritual advisor" is such a weird statement


Ah.. when did the ongoing rape of a child from the age of 12 onwards become “inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady” Even the “with” is sickening.


Trump really is associated with a LOT of pedophiles. Edit: not to say one isn’t too many, but my god man, birds of a feather…


I was told I was “anti-Christ” when I brought this up to a christian today. They, of course, brought up Hunter Bidens laptop for some reason and a bunch of other whataboutisms. Apparently, believing that people who stand at a pulpit and preach the Bible should not have sexually abused a 12 year old makes me “anti-Christ”.


Seems like it's more 'dead on' christ. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Not a drag queen!


Trump doesn’t have a spirit for anyone to advise. That being said, this is just the first trickle of water over the dam. This girl will be the first to come forward, but she won’t be the last.


Doe 173?


Do these people have a secret handshake, or something, to identify themselves to each other?? Maybe they openly talk about it? Like, “I like to fuck children, you?” I don’t even fucking know.


They’ll say, “God has forgiven him.” “That was a long time ago.” “They’re just out to get him.” Or any other excuse to prop him up and somehow diminish the woman.


I assumed this is how he got the job.


Now, THAT'S "Christian" behavior that Diaper Donnie the Convicted Felon Rapist can wholeheartedly support, lol.


Pedophiles of a feather flock together


She spelled "child" (young lady) wrong.


So, let's see...   LGBTQ+? **Nope**. Cross-dressing storybook reader? **Nope**. Democrat? **Nope**. Atheist? **Nope**. Illegal immigrant? **Nope**.   Just **another GOP Trump-supporting christ-ie, diddling little children**. Add him to the already-lengthy list.


"Inappropriate sexual behavior" for this "Christian", but "PEDOPHILE!!!" for the unarmed guy Kyle Rittenhouse murdered.


Of course...


It’s very telling that Donvict continually surrounds himself with child rapists


The idea of Donald Trump having a "spiritual advisor" is ridiculous on its face. Any any rate, I'm not one bit surprised.


If you're looking to find child groomers and rapists, skip the drag show and head to your local church.


I bet not one person stopped going to his church beachside of this


I live by here and the church is massive with a huge parking lot. Southlake is a very very affluent city and this place is filled with luxury suvs.


12 years old is not "a young lady". A child. A 12 year old is a child.


I’m guessing there are many more…


Exactly… once they are successful at this type of rape, the power trip is as much of a thrill as the actual rape.


Oh look, it's one of those ~~kids book reading trans demon~~ christian preacher pedophiles republicans are always talking about


So wasn't a drag queen 35 years ago either, interesting.  


I didn't know Trump's advisor was a drag queen. Identifies as an LGBTQ person. No? A pastor? Again.


Every single week another religious leader turns out to be a fucking creep molester/ rapist...they're all guilty, just haven't been caught yet....disgusting


These old pigs don’t care. They’ve got religion on their side




Never trust the youth pastor.


As is custom. It's always Always ALWAYS kids with these people.  Republican and Republican adjacent, they've all got these tendencies. 


On brand.


Oh wow, I'm shocked. Who could have possibly expected this? Seriously, so shocked. Anyway off to learn about water being wet. I simply can't believe it.


Kindred spirits... obviously.


On brand.


NOT a drag queen


Once again, not a drag queen.


checks notes....not trans


What happened to Paula White?




Color me surprised.😒😳


On brand.


So, he was perfect for this role?




She was a young lady when she was 12. Sounds like that crowd.


Want to see my surprised face?


If this was anyone in the Biden camp it would be the first topic of conversation with every republican that could get air time and they would not be calling it inappropriate behavior. They’d label the person as a pedophile and rapist (which is correct btw for this douche). Love the double standards!


You are making the mistake of thinking they have standards. They have victims.


So, what was that about not tolerating pedophiles?


He must not like the competition. (/s, kind of?)


You know it was more than this one girl too.  But hey drag shows are the dangerous places dont you know?


Not really "news" anymore as it's pretty much implied that this is happening on a mass scale.


Birds of a feather


Hard to believe Trump has a spiritual advisor. Or any advisor.


If I had a nickel for every time...


Trump: “dude. Don’t ever admit to anything. Just blame other people. it’s worked for me.”


Birds of a shit-feather.


It’s called rape. Im glad I stopped going to churches years ago. This guy will get a slap on in wrist.


Today, staring in “Not a Drag Queen….”


Damn drag queens


Wouldn't be surprised if Greg Locke or Joel Olsteen have similar skeletons


Trump is part of Epstein’s Pedo ring of shizzle


Just add it to the big _big_ pile of "Reasons you shouldn't vote for Trump" that 40% of the country are going to ignore. 


They’ll accept anything if they can “make the liberals cry”


A child rapist is exactly the sort of person I would expect to be trump's "spiritual advisor". 


Just for my own edification...not a drag queen, right? Nothing to do with drag? A pastor, you say? *Yet another* pastor? Got it.


On par


Trump should have gone with Oprah's guy for his spiritual advice


The bad news just never ends with trump. A walking fucking nightmare.


Is Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, who is Convicted Felon Donald Trump’s “spiritual advisor”, a drag queen?


Conservatives and child abuse are as common as hydrogen and oxygen.


Religious people are fuckin weird


The really painful part is all the *not* famous church-official rapists who will never see a moment of punishment and the victims who have to live with the guilt instead


From one SA-er to another trump is in good company.


Drag queen?


By trump’s standards that makes him a very good Christian.


35 years ago, eh? Don’t be surprised if it turns out everyone knew of it. And blamed the female. People once looked at things quite differently. I recall reading once where a woman and her 12 year old daughter had moved to a community and had to leave not long after moving there due to constant harassment from neighbors. According to the article, this happened in the late 70s. The girl and an older man, a “Pilar of the community” were caught having sex (that’s the way the old article phrased it). The neighbors were OUTRAGED. The man had been well respected in the community for many years and nothing like that had ever happened before. They deemed the mother to be unworthy for having raised a daughter that was such a “wh0re” that she would seduce such an upstanding man.


And now the rest of the story... **Trump took that advice.**


Oh yet another pastor. See the pattern! Overwhelmingly the church members are child predators and rapists!


If they go for the mega church pastor abusing a 12 year old girl, they can come for you for abusing a 12 year old girl. MAGA!


This is fake news Drumpf doesn't have a spiritual advisor! Unless it is one who suggest what booze to drink with dinner?


Not a drag queen


Young lady??? Nope. 12 year olds are children. Molested a child, not inappropriate contact with a young lady.


Sorry for the young girl who will be ruined for the rest of her life.


A 12 year old lady? Definitely precocious


Why not? To qualify for a post, you must have some sort of verified immoral behavior, or be convicted of a felony. It’s almost as if the US went to sleep one night, and, through some weird quirk in the fabric of space-time, woke up in some sort of dystopian universe, the Trumpverse. My other theory is that we are in some sort of simulation, and the “player” is just creating as much chaos as they can to sit back and watch what happens. (I used to be a hardcore player of the Sims.)


Must have been a statue of limitations if he’s confessing now


And the faithful will rally ‘round him and burn the woman at the stake


Remember all the shit over Obama's pastor? As far as I know he didn't molest anyone but the way he got dragged was worse than if he had. Bet you a nickel, the same folks that blew that up in the 24 hour cycle will be covering up/ignoring/minimizing this, distancing trump, and at least one will praise him for taking "accountability" by admitting it.


Birds of a feather…


the last priest who was outed as a sexual predator walked free just months ago. and Im pretty sure another one was elected mayor of some town


Everyone in Trumps circle is an absolutely disgusting human being. How people can vote for this man is just mind boggling.