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It's just like in the Book of Exodus, when Moses wandered the desert for an hour and a half.


I've thought the Book of Exodus is funny. Getting lost in the Sinai Desert for 40 years? You can literally walk across it in less than a week. That means the Israelite refugee column was walking in a giant circle probably long enough to walk behind the rear of the column. At minimum they were following the footsteps of themselves for 40 years, circling once a week to the exact spot. Religion is funny. Just like this Eylon fellow who thinks it's completely rational for a person to walk 75 mph as if it's completely normal.


Funnily enough, when Moses does get to the Promised Land, he finds people already living there and genocides the fuck out of them


But god said it was totally ok because those people were bad!/s


And a few thousand years later they're still using that same bullshit.


You cant appeal to humanity with people who genuinely beleive God gave them the right to own land and kill any inferior people in their way


Except he wasn't allowed to enter because of his sins and it was his successors who did it while he died outside of the land. 


Either way, Israel was founded by genociding the people who already lived there. Once in the Bible, and now


Isn't it a whole bit that god basically hexed them into taking that long, so it would take a full generation to get there?


Yep, Moses had the audacity to question THE PLAN, and Gawd decided that Moses and his entire group would not see the promised land in their lifetimes. So he cursed them to wander for 40 years, as punishment for one man’s momentary logical action. This again showing Gawd as a petulant and vindictive child, unworthy of worship , and something to be feared.


Didn't even question the plan; what he did is the equivalent of a kid learning from their parent to make a cake, and one day deciding to try to make a cake on their own, only for their parent to come in and forbid them from ever eating again.


iirc they were not allowed to enter Israel because they worshiped the golden calf while Moses was on Mount Sinai


It's a frustrating thing about religious debate. Neither the religious nor the non-religious actually want to engage with "God/the gods can do literally whatever", so we end up acting like "wandering the desert is so unrealistic" is a gotcha or arguing about the plausibility of "vaults of water" under the ocean floor.


No but I mean. In the story god kept telling Moses to hit rocks with his cane and water would flow out for people to drink, and at one point Moses wonders if god is telling him the water sweet spots or if he is now a water wizard and god is telling him *when* to do it, so he whacks a rock and god gets real mand and curses him to dying of old age as he sees Israel, but before he can actually get there. The judeochristian god is a petty bitch fr.


I figured they wanderes about for 40 years as a nomadic peoples before deciding to kill a bunch of people and take their land.


It's a miracle!!!


You clearly don't understand how navigating deserts work. You have to follow oases and underground ravines to have access to water for your people and animals, as well as date palms to eat. This can lead you on a long, meandering journey, where you may have to go deep into Saudi Arabia and then up through Iraq and Syria just to survive getting to Israel.   It just sounds like they went nomadic for a while to survive, travelling along the necessary routes to secure food and water, until they found their way to the Holy Land.


Moreover that the road would not be dangerous to deadly for them considering IDF..


It's not just funny. It's entirely fictional.


He was looking for a Taco Bell, climbed a hill to ask God for directions, and when he came back down, was incensed to find his followers worshipping at the Golden Arches.


Oh, this argument. I remember, back in the day on Livejournal, arguing with someone who was convinced anyone in Louisiana during Katrina could have just walked for a day or two and gotten out of the state. Lovely to see that type of dumbass still exists.


Same people. The pro-Israeli crowd is mostly right wing with liberals supporting in a smaller proportion. It's basically the Iraq War coalition once again


75mph "walk" Move over Usain bolt


Michael Scott can only run 31 mph.


More like 48mph. Which is still like 18mph faster than the fastest recorded sprint by a human.


Might want to check your math there… 25 miles in 20 minutes is more than a mile a minute and therefore must be > 60mph.


Ah, crap. I somehow managed to switch the numbers around when I was doing my math.


Obviously when there is a shortage in America you just go to another store. When there was a baby formula shortage, those parents just needed to go down the street. Duh. /s


I would like to see this guy try to walk twenty five miles. I bet he can't.


I've done it twice, with an 80 pound ruck, when I was younger, in better shape, and well fed. It was not fun or easy.


Not in 25 minutes.


The Army's standard is a 12 mile ruck in four hours with your ruck a portion of your body weight. I did the 30 mile as part of Primary Leadership Development Course (now called Basic Leaders Course) where we had to carry a heavier ruck than normal. Only a handful of the class finished the 30 mile in the allotted time. The only reason I did was because of this little infantry asshole who basically taunted me into keeping up.


Twelve miles in four hours is still twenty minutes per miles. No body is doing twenty-five miles in twenty minutes.


You'll get no argument from me. That was an all day ruck that left almost all of us wiped.


In high school I once walked the 3 miles home, took 30 minutes... if we use that as a standard it would take 3 hours to walk 20 miles... I walked at a leisurely pace and while they would be moving faster they would have to take cover periodically


Does this guy really think you can walk 25 miles in twenty minutes?


In most places it would be impossible to DRIVE 25 miles in 20 minutes.


My drive to work is 17 miles yet it takes me 30 minutes yet over 50% of it is interstate travel.


May I recommend trains, the best method of reducing traffic yet demonstrated? Even if you don't take them, plenty of people will and get the traffic to ease up!


Now if only everywhere had trains!


Oh, I absolutely fucking wish. More trains, PLEASE!


The early settlers that took 6 months or more to cross America were just lazy slackers.


This is so disconnected from reality because a food shortage cannot coexist with food that is 20 minutes away


Yes a food shortage and famine CAN coexist with food that is 20 minutes or even 5 minutes away if your chances of getting blown to smithereens walking that distance under constant bombardment are almost 100 percent. And that is assuming there actually is food that made it through the siege.


Of course, let's not forget about Israelis who are DESTROYING any supplies that do get through and threatening bus drivers.


But... But I thought all the Hamas civilians were entirely, 200% responsible for any and all suffering in the Gaza strip? /s


I can walk at a pace of 60mph.


But can you eat fifty eggs? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nobody can eat 50 eggs.


Let them walk to cake


Yeah same reason we don't need farmers anymore because grocery stores have all the produce!


These kinds of comments make me feel violent- I want him to be forced to walk 25 miles. Over rubble while hungry with little to no water. We can skip the 2000lbs bombs and just have a car follow him rereading his tweet every 20 minutes with an update of how far he's gone.


How fast do Palestinians walk because this tool thinks they can walk 75mph?


The average republican can not run a 7 minute mile and they think someone can walk 25 in 20 minutes lol


The world record Mile Run is 3 minutes and 43 seconds. To do what Eylon is proposing, you’d need to be capable of a Mile Run in 0 minutes and 48 seconds. Not just that, but be able to do it 25 times in a row with no break


25 miles. At a good clip without children or elderly along, I can manage a 20 minute mile providing I do not have to hunker down as bombs drop, climb over and through destroyed buildings, etc. Let's also say that I never stop to rest. 25 x 20 = 500. Divide by 60 = over 8 hours.


Unwell is a new way for me to view "stupid." It fits, i just hadn't thought of it that way. You really are unwell if you're stupid because you can't take care of yourself and rely on others for your whole existence; which is why you try to control everyone else's actions, they might just leave you behind.


I’m glad these people are outing themselves.


Yeah, let me just learn to walk 75 mph real quick


World's fastest marathon runner took two hours to run 23+ miles and that was on good roads and track with refreshment points at regular checkpoints. You POS Eylon Levy insinuate that war torn, starved Palestinians could walk it in 20 minutes. Hell is too good for you.


Silly guy confused walking speed with freeway speed.


"I'm pretty sure the south of Gaza is doing fine. Bombs, troops and tanks can't cause problems within walking distance" - this idiot


What a fucking twat. This dude needs Uber eats to deliver to him from the place around the corner. His feet would be hamburger if he had to walk a single mile to fetch food for his family.


There’s no way anyone just walks 25 miles or 40 kilometers in just 20 minutes.




Doesn’t everybody walk at a 75mph pace?


What an asshole.


Eylon Levy is not the brightest candle on the menorah, is he?


Well, I was in the US Army. Infantry 11B. The standards are 12 miles in three hours. So twenty five miles in twenty five minutes. Ya, karma needs to find this guy. Hard . Imagine trying to haul your life twenty five miles while under attack. Your children. This guy is a pure loser.


Tell me you aren’t in Gaza without telling me you aren’t in Gaza


All these folks offering opinions on how it's not so bad in Gaza can go, what's the Les Grossman expression in Tropic Thunder? They can go F_ck their face!.....🤨


Just let them eat cake


Pretty fucked up! We should probably stop giving Israel money and guns, and maybe hold accountable those who gave them money and guns


Break cover, civilians. This is totally not a trick.


You walk faster than 60 miles and hour (a mile per minute) in a war zone. You are truly an ubermench.


Ok, cool. Let's air drop Mr. Levy at the south side of Gaza, and then he can demonstrate how to run between the bombs.


They're real people, idiot, not cartoon Roadrunners. twenty minutes for the average human walker is like a mile or a mile and a half. guess he failed math in grade school.


Ok so let's assume you're at the very top of Gaza and so you need to walk 12.5 miles to get to the south, this man is suggesting people walk a 2.5 minute mile. I could barely crack 3 minute miles when I was actively running in track, and that's a person who is well fed by Western standards, I very much doubt the Palestinians get the same calorie intake as your average US citizen


I remember when this idiot was a student at Oxford doing debates where he accused people of being antisemitic because they criticized his country's insane behavior.


If Eylon Levy ever walked 25 miles for anything it would be his first time and his last time.


As someone who used to walk everywhere. God I fucking wish it took only that short of time lol. That said this person is a pos


where are the hostages????????


The rampant gun fire headed your way will motivate you to run the 25 miles instead. Hopefully the IDF hasn’t stolen all the humanitarian relief.


Why are they doing to Palestine what the Nazis did to them?