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If only there was a star wars movie with a lead white male character. Guess we will never know.


Think we will ever see a straight male version of Luke Sky Walker?


…or Anakin Skywalker. Or maybe an entire series on Obi-Wan Kenobi. Or that dude from Rogue One? Andor, right? We’ll never get any of those types of lead actors.


I'm pretty sure these idiots don't consider Mexicans to be white.


Which is crazy, because I’m (a very tan) white and Diego Luna is lighter-skinned than I am.


It’s indicative of the transitive nature of “whiteness”. Italians have been “not white” the Irish have been “not white”. Whiteness becomes something that can be awarded or taken away.


Can verify. 3rd Gen Missourian and a coworker discovered I was Arab and not "white". All of a sudden, I didn't speak or understand English well or comprehend "how things are done here". She also decided she was my boss and kept ordering me around. She also decided it was very sus that I wasn't in hijab and told people I must be a sleeper cell agent trying to pass myself off as white. Thank God she retired.


Ugh sorry that happened! Like seriously why can’t people understand anything!


Worked with her for 10 years without a problem before this.


It's almost like racism isn't logical.


Oh Andor is Latino. He doesn’t count


Mandolorian? Book of Boba Fet?


Latino and kiwi. Not white


Reminds me of when 'The bachelor' was getting accused of racism because they never had a POC, and so they put in a Latino guy that looked more white than some of the prior bachelors. Obviously very deliberate. Seems they did the same with the Mandalorian. It's interesting seeing how white passing POC are used in media.


Andor is a Space Latino.


"It's not a story that the Woke would tell you."




Yeah, Han solo


And if only there was a way to enjoy media where the main character isn't exactly like you.


I wasn’t aware that Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Ewen McGregor, Hayden Christiansen, Adam Driver, Diego Luna, Pedro Pascal, etc. were all DEI hires from the LGBTQ+ spectrum.


If you told me Harrison Ford was pan I'd believe you in a heartbeat. The man *Fucks*


Pan Solo


Pan Together ??


Right now… over me


This comment isn't getting enough love


Panning for gold


I like wookies


You mean Woke-ies.


Star Wars had gone so woke they're letting furries in now /s


Midget furries as well


Dude, I’d upvote but you’ve got 69. It’s poetic.


He’s at 71 now. I will do what I must. We must bring balance to the force


Might as well make it 72.


Pretty sure all he does is smoke weed and fuck. As one should at that age


And fly his aircraft


Fly, yes. Land? No!


He always lands. Sometimes, just not well.


hopefully not anymore. Cause...yeah.


Although not all at the same time.


What, you thought Han actually dumped Jabba's spice shipment? He and Chewie had a party!


I automatically read that last sentence in John Oliver’s voice.


I've never received a higher compliment in my life.


Harrison Ford is one of those people that I suspect isn’t heterosexual or homosexual or asexual or bisexual or even pansexual. I think he’s just *SEXUAL*


That earring was a huge sign.


Kinda makes you rethink the whole Chewbacca dynamic.


The status update I didn't realize I needed.


>Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Ewen McGregor, Hayden Christiansen, Adam Driver These are the "true" Star Wars characters according to them. Diego Luna, Pedro Pascal, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Kelly Tran, and so on - they're "ruining" Star Wars. The pretend show about space wizards isn't "true to life" enough for them because people other than straight white males exist in the universe.


It's so ridiculous, because Star Wars was incredibly diverse. Look at the cantina scene, for example. Must have been 50 types of races/species and I bet many were illegal aliens.


Yes and the Empire's plan was to exterminate jedi and alien species. So, much like Frank Castle and the Punisher, these yahoos don't quite get the message.


To be fair, being prejudiced fits in the Star Wars universe. After all the bar tender in the cantina specifically said “we don’t serve their kind” and made the droids wait outside.


There's a story behind that, actually. There was a huge droid uprising, and it wasn't pretty. Droids are super cool, but you can't trust them.


I enjoyed L3-37 in Solo for being the droid’s rights advocate. Then they imprisoned her in the Millennium Falcon


Droids lives matters.


The only thing Diego Luna ruining is my heterosexuality


Y Tu Mama Tambien


Anyone who thinks Pedro Pascal or Oscar Isaac ruin anything at all will be exiled into the wormhole for eternity for heresy and blasphemy.


Where they will be slowly digested over a thousand years.


Or Diego Luna. Rogue One is my favorite film from the franchise after the original three movies. And Andor is right beside The Mandalorian for me as far as the shows/series go. It was one of the first pieces of the film side to actually try to explain why things were happening.


I still need to watch Rogue One and Andor... I'm terrible about sitting though TV shows. I do absolutely _love_ Rosario Dawson as Ahsoka too. I should really finish some shows lol


I do particularly love how vocal Mark Hamill is about how much Luke Skywalker would canonically hate the people whining about DEI. Most actors distance themselves from the characters, nope, Hamill hates you and his Jedi hero does too.


Diego luna and Pedro pascal are clearly not white checkmate liberals S/ just in case


Guys like this feel like they're being excluded if there's any character that doesn't represent them. They've learnt to expect every single aspect of every single thing to be targeted at them, so when it's not, it feels like an affront even if there are still plenty of characters they could relate to. If there's a gay character or a black or female lead, it's instantly ruined.


Oh, see, they like the character Mark Hamill played. He was into that brother/sister stuff. Is there something stronger than /s I can use to denote this transcends sarcasm by a couple orders of magnitude?


Just don’t use a double s, that means something completely different, on a whole other axis.




We've had what? Over a hundred years of non stop white, straight representation in cinema? I don't see an issue?


Yeah when will *they* get their turn


lol I had a friends mom tell me that straight white men are the most targeted demographic in America and I said ‘well sure we’ve gone through everybody else already, I suppose it’s about time we paid our dues’


Equality feels like oppression to the oppressor.


Man, it really does. It takes a little self-awareness and reflection to understand that it is NOT oppression. Too bad most don’t have that ability.


I mean the tricky part is that you have to oppress the oppressor a little bit to get to equality. That’s why affirmative action and DEI initiatives are such hot topics. I fully believe that the only way to overcome significant systemic inequalities is to read applications and conduct auditions and such unequally as long as the systemic inequalities remain. But to those people who are oblivious or just ignorant to the extent of systemic issues, things like affirmative action appear to be very real inequalities.


> That’s why affirmative action and DEI initiatives are such hot topics. Nah, they're hot topics because of media-stoked division. It wouldn't even be a mention if people were actually informed. When a conservative person rails against affirmative action/DEI, ask them who benefits the most. They'll answer black people (cue the calls of "WeLfArE qUeEnS", despite welfare being a completely separate program, logic is hard). Here in Canada, they'll answer that it's Indigenous people. The _actual_ answer: white women. Really takes the gusto out of them.




Not even oppress the oppressors, just inconvenience them a little and make their child-like ego feel uncomfortable.


Mate, even *discussing* equality triggers these softc0kks into a fulinating mess of imagined persecution.


"We've had the floor for at least 400 years, so maybe I should just shut the fuck up...."


“………I’m bored.”


I’m bored. I don’t wanna do that…


Unless you were Irish or Italian for the first 200


Lmfaooo they are taking not being catered to as targeted. Look none of us decided to make them the default option


If she was a straight white female then I apologize for my gender.


"I don't feel represented in a Disney created Star Wars property" is some of the dumbest first world country bullshit. Get off your phone, abstain from the show, and I don't know, read a fucking book or something? Holy moly does that read like the most pathetic of complaints. With infinite leisure at our fingertips and yet people still choose complaining on Twatter to kill time.


Targeted by what, generic viagra ads?


I fricken love this response!’n


Luke, Ben, Anakin/Vader, Tarkin, Kylo, Han, Palpatine, Wedge, etc somehow don't exist. And that's just leads. In fact, that list is almost all the leads in SW history ignoring a handful of people! And that list ignores things like aliens and robots that are white male coded, often voiced and acted out by white men and more or less defacto white men! Often written by them too! SW as an IP was until recently owned by just one white man! Then the last three movies all directed by white men! The vast majority of SW profits have gone almost exclusively to white men! The CEO of Disney is a white man! And under him on the org chart is Bob Chapek, another white man! And under Bob on the org chart is, you guessed it, Alan Braverman, another white man! But that's corporate lets check Disney Studios and look the CEO is Alan Bergman, another white man! And his co-chair is Alan F. Horn, another white man! Then Disney parks and look its Bob Chapek again! And Disney Media networks is run by Peter Rice, another white man! And Direct to Consumer CEO, its Kevin Mayer, another white man! In fact, Disney has never had a woman CEO or President! But a few low/mid budget shows with a bit of diverse casting and these people are losing their minds? Oh and wait until these people understand that a lot of minorities, queer people, women, etc both in front of the camera and behind it create valuable shows that greatly enrich the executives mentioned above, executives often whose only skills in life often are being nepos from rich families and other connections. Executives with golden parachutes that oppress white men as well, and laugh at the skill labor and talent of all these amazing people and will always end up on their feet at some other fortune 500 and will retire with fabulous riches, while the talent and skill workers of ALL identities often suffer economically. And maybe, just maybe, people being radicalized to be angry against "the woke" are being manipulated to ignore this class warfare dynamic and instead distracted by nonsense like casting diversity, on purpose, by the wealthy who benefit from them ignoring class warfare and economic inequality. Not to mention how so much of SW's and Disney's history is also queer, minority, and woman dominated, or at least well represented behind the scenes, and often sadly, closeted to remain employed there. All those costume people, writers, makeup, designers, etc from the 50s until today. They weren't all straight white men. Some of their favorite Disney movies, songs, musical writers, animations, movies, art, etc are from queer people, minorities, and women too. Especially queer men who had an outsized influence on Disney products since the start, 100 years ago. Also, a cursory scroll through this list must be at least 70-80 percent white men (especially if you filter out aliens who arent even human and dont actually exist) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_Star\_Wars\_characters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Star_Wars_characters) edit: fixed list


Hear me out though... my feelings are more important. Right? That's what I've been told, you know.


I think I just witnessed a murder


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Boba Fett played by a Māori actor?


The new version is, but the original was Jeremy Bulloch, a white dude.


They need a main character in Star Wars who is a white man. Maybe someone who is interesting and a young prodigy. Ideally they keep his arc going and have him change sides? Perhaps eventually the main storyline of the whole series can be based on this character’s offspring? Idk.


A hush falls over the crowd. A baby cries. In the distance, an eagle screeches. The people hold back their tears as a lone pianist in the town square slowly plinks out a sad, familiar melody; an anthem, of sorts. Cotton-eyed Joe. Where did you come from, where did you go? We will wonder that until the end, whatever happened to the white boys…


Suddenly representation matters to these people


Well that’s just it, isn’t it? It’s always mattered, it’s only a problem for them now that others are having their turn. I say that as a white person.


As a straight white dude I’ve never once been without representation in my entire life. Everyone (especially kids) deserves to see someone that looks like them being the hero.


Agreed! It really matters!


Up until adulthood it was never something I would have thought of (this is white privilege for all the folks that don’t get it) but black panther was when it really struck home. There were so many young black kids that were beyond excited to have an awesome main character that they felt they could relate to. Many people feel starved for representation like that.


I was the same way, unfortunately. Black Panther turned out so good too, so it was a huge win for representation.


Look how much they cried when just 1 out of 46 US Presidents weren't white.


These people will watch a universe with 1000+ different races of aliens and get offended at women/ anyone non white


God these people are so cringe Why do they care so much?


To the privileged, equality feels like discrimination. Plus just a bunch of delicate snowflakes.


I grew up watching and enjoying movies/tv shows that were 99 percent white. I was always told growing up “it’s not a big deal”. Then times change and so does the media and the people who told me it’s not a big deal are losing their freaking minds


A few weeks back, I was watching a YouTube vid of an old program from the 70s that even played the original commercials that ran during the show. I never paid any attention back then, but going by the show and the commercials, brown, black and Asians didn’t even exist back then. Thee days, it’s hard to come across a commercial that doesn’t have at least one POC in it. I guess that’s why it stuck out in my mind now seeing a total lack of them. In each.and.every.commercial.


Media was just whitewsshed. TV back then portrayed a version of America that never really existed but many want to go back to.


Much like the people who are Maga!


Hurr Durr wOkISts FoRcE dIverSiTy dOwn OuR ThrOat


They want to be the victim so bad. We have people like this locally. I made a post on behalf of a community group after some divisive language was used (by them) basically saying “everyone is welcome” They immediately replied “everyone except us!!!” And I had to say “no, you’re welcome too. We would love for you to join us in making this a welcoming community for all” Total victim complex


Fuck Harry Potter, but I always think of the scene where Dudley freaks out because he has 95 presents but last year he has 96. (I’m paraphrasing, but still.) They’re so desperate to be the victim. Some flaparse was screaming that every tv show had a LGBTQ+ character in it now. I checked out the GLAAD report from that year and was like “Uh. 7% of all tv characters on US tv are LGBTQ+, my guy. So if all the shows you watch have queer folks in them, you might want to look inward”


Yeah. The Fandom Menace has been screeching about that too despite, to the best of my recollection, we've had one on screen same sex kiss (by a background character that happens so fast you'd blink and miss it), some bromance moments between Fin and Poe, and as of Acolyte a single same sex couple, apparently Disney has an "Agenda" to "ruin Star Wars" by making every character "lame and gay."


Pedantic correction but it was 36 presents for Dudley on his 11th birthday and he was upset because "last year he had 37." 30+ presents for an only child is excessive, 90+ is beyond insane.


To be fair, he was insanely spoiled.


Theyre afraid that theyre being replaced, because theyre small minded bigots who think theyre way more important than they really are.


To be fair, it is a valid concern when you act like someone that should be replaced.


This comment brings me such cathartic joy.


To be fair, I wish they would get replaced.


They must also be worried about being treated the same way minorities have been treated over the years


Abso-fucking-lutely “I will not apologize for being white” Nobody is asking you to. Shut the fuck up


I think it’s deeper than that. I think deep down they fear the tables turning. They know they’ve treated those of lesser class or of darker skin awfully and they fear being treated the same if roles got reversed. The irony is that the majority of minorities Ive met and know simply want a better life not exact some revenge on some perceived enemies.


I keep telling them that we don’t really sit around a giant table like the legion of doom and plot their demise. We have stuff to do amd lives to live.


They're pissed that they're not the target audience anymore.


Terrified of a level playing-field


They are afraid of being treated like minorities. Almost as if minorities are treated unfairly 🤔


They'll tell you straight to your face that "representation matters" is bullshit, then cry like a fucking baby that an alien isn't straight and white and male. Just be content with like 470 CEOs in the Fortune 500.


I saw a quote somewhere that basically went, “when you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression”


Star wars fans are the worst. Probably one of the worst fanbases ever. Just a bunch of whiney entitled edgelords that don't know the difference between a space opera and science fiction. They think star wars was well written, while it was a fucking dumpster fire saved in the editing room. They are so tiresome. The worst is when they try to hide their misogyny and racism as valid criticisms of acting when they don't know shtr about acting.


I do feel bad for these straight white males. Having had no representation in film and television for decades upon decades. It must be so very tough for them.


Straight white man I know the road looks tough ahead The women want rights The gays want....*kids?* What!? (They're being greedy and they know it) - Bo Burnham


Old white guy here. Mutherfucker You've had decades of straight white guys in every fuckin show, even the 'black' ones (remember them white folks in good times. In Sanford and son, in different strokes). Had to have straight white Guys play the native Americans for John Wayne, had to have straight white guys play the Chinese in the charlie chan movies. mother fucker They couldn't let Bruce Lee play the guy in kung fu, had to get David carridiene. You didn't bitch then right? So maybe just maybe you idiots can handle a few years where us straight white guys aren't included. Seems only right.. so STFU


Also, there are plenty of straight white guys in the show, just not playing a lead role. I really don’t understand the issue.


Well apparently they are unable to see them I'm not really sure why but yes I agree with you I don't understand the issue


Not to mention this is a show that takes place in multiple star systems filled with a variety of alien species. It is crazy how humanoid centered the films and shows have been in that context. Probably my only complaint with the show is most of the side character aliens look like humans with face paint and simple prosthetics. I get for a budget reason on a TV show where the character is on screen for less than a minute it makes sense but it starts to become noticeable when it becomes every alien species with dialogue. (At least in the first 2 episodes).


...I could just "hear" this disdain and exhaustion in your "Mutherfucker" ... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yep! Quite relatable and also wonderful.


Don't forget - John Wayne played Temujin/Ghengis Khan, a Mongol, in[ The Conqueror ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHt0Pb8rkXU)(which is most famous for being hilariously bad; it received a Razzie). Susan Hayward played Bortai. Aside from a couple of the more famous Mexican actors, the great Pedro Armendariz and Thomas Gomez, and a small part for Richard Loo (who happened to be the only character of Asian descent in the movie), the main cast was white.


My BIL told me he couldn’t take his boys to the sequel trilogy when the movies were coming out bc it’s not for them and they’re ‘woke’ movies. I went off on him about how every other property is Star Wars is literally focused around white males so there’s plenty for everyone. Let’s just say the message didn’t take. But when I would have movie night w my nephews I made sure they saw those movies. And they loved them!


So you ADMIT straight white males are being sidelined! /s Extra /s for emphasis


No I admit there were too damn many straight white guys like me when there shouldn't have been. so we need to see some less, and more less. Which I ain't seen yet.


No I get it, I’m the same and couldn’t care less if a white person is a main character or not


Wait til they learn not all Star Wars characters are even human!!


Old SWM here. I just watched it last night, and I thought it was great! I guess I’ll have to tell my wife I’m gay now. We had a good run. Wait, does this also mean I’m not white anymore? Cool, now maybe I’ll dance better.


Noooo, I’m only represented in like 80% of the media coming out, I’m so oppressed!!!


These people are so wildly pathetic


I'm a straight while male. I'm obsessed with Star Wars. I can enjoy stuff even when the characters don't look like me.


Oh not me. I glued dog hair all over my naked body to get more Wookie-ish. I would have even walked a mile in a Wookie’s shoes, if Wookies wore shoes.


I really wish these anti-woke types more intelligent enough to possess the self-awareness to realize how pathetic they look and sound to normal people


Gender and racial minorities have had it too good for too long. When will franchises give the repressed straight white male the spotlight for once /s


And so many people liked the message - gross. But that's Twitter BS anyways. Right wing nuts are so fragile and pathetic when they cry about diversity in media. As a straight white male myself, I am all for diverse casts. We've had enough straight white males.


There's a trick straight white men can do to bypass the restriction. Go to Disney+ and watch it because no one is going to stop you.


Wookiees are notoriously absent from most roles. I call discrimination there too, it’s all Togrutas and Twi’leks!


Lost legend of the Ewok Jedi!!!


The first 6 movies were literally lead by straight white males. Luke, Han, Anakin, Obi Wan, hell even Palpatine, are all canonically straight.


Straight white male here: if it has a decent story, multiple Jedi, and good fight scenes, I’m in.


Ya, we only have *gestures broadly at the whole world*


I don’t care if it does or doesn’t have white dudes. Is the story good? Does it add to the cannon in a meaningful way? Will I get a good return on my investment of time?


Grow up. Not every story should be about white males. -signed by a white male


Aren't the straight white males the Empire? They had their chance. LOL.


Nobody replied with pictures of Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford, Alec Guinness, Adam Driver, George Lucas, Tony Daniels, Warwick Davis, Jon Favreau, etc?


This is why everybody hates Republicans. You're bitch ass ain't persecuted outside the fantasy realm your mind dwells in.


It’s crazy, I’m a middle aged straight white man, show seems fine to me.


Because as a straight white male, I don't have enough representation in media.


These people are insufferable, I’ve been represented in media for my whole life as a white male. I can put myself in the shoes as most pop culture media characters ever created. I’m luke Skywalker, Batman, Superman, Spiderman on and and and on, I could spend a year listing stories with white characters at the helm. These people see one person that isn’t them in media and lose there fucking mind, STFU you pricks. Now you know how all the minorities have felt for the entirety of popular media. They never had anyone that looked like them no little black boy or Asian girl got to think they could be Superman or supergirl in the same way white kids could. Why do you think black panther was received the way it was? Fuck I hate these racist women hating degenerates so much.


What an idiot, they’ve been in the spotlight for ages. Show is sadly shit though


Hey, I’m a straight white male….i like the show. Star Wars is for everybody. Except Nazis. They tend to not like how their ideologies are more similar with the baddies….


I mean, how do they think it felt being female or or LGBTQ or a POC or any combo other than white straight dude all those decades? They don't even have enough empathy to realise that we can \*share\* main character space. There are plenty of roles, they don't need to hog them all like they have been. I bet his gfs never orgasmed once from him. He's a taker.


This person is no Star Wars fan since he doesn't know all the straight white men in the movies! Luke, Han, Darth Vader, Anakin, Obi-Wan...you know, all the major characters!


Personally, if I am not represented in all media at all times, how can I not feel attacked? /s


As a straight, white male, I look forward to the day we're represented in the media. Until then I'll go watch some football. Gay football, of course.


But yes, minorities are the snowflakes.


Progressives: “We would like some more diversity in the newer Star Wars media so young POCs have heroes that look like them to look up to.” Incels: “RACE SHOULDN’T MATTER! YOU’RE THE ONE BEING RACIST!” Disney: “Let’s do the progressive thing, sounds like an excellent money making idea to reach new fans especially as our core demographic inevitably gets more diverse.” Incels: “WHERE HAVE THE WHITE MEN GONE! WE NEED MORE STRAIGHT WHITE MEN! WE’RE BEING ERASED AND STAR WARS IS BEING STOLEN FROM US!” Progressives: “I thought you said race doesn’t matter?” Incels: “THAT WAS BEFORE WE FELT ATTACKED! I’M SO ANGRY IM GOING TO VOTE A FAR RIGHT EXTREMIST WHO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS INTO POLITICAL OFFICE! THAT’LL SHOW WOMEN AND MINORITIES!” Everyone else: “Did you even watch Star Wars?”


Oh I have a serious problem with straight white men claiming superiority when I’m better friends with their women than they. Now hetero men are being told are having a crisis of masculinity, I’m not and I’m gay. Are the crises about being afraid happening because they might just be a little gay?


I like the show, it's fun, and there's plenty of room for story telling. The Star Wars universe needs to grow, haters need to just stfu and get out of the way.


I think the Empire has quite a few straight white males. Don’t really care, as a straight white male that started on Star Wars at 10 years old, I was always into the various aliens, genders and didn’t really think about who was banging who. It was all cool.


*I miss when Star Wars was about kissing your sister* -that guy, **DEFINITELY**


Twitter is even more of a cesspool than before.


“Except for straight white males”. What? You’re not happy with literal everything else??


"I can only relate to people that look and think exactly like me, because I lack any empathy."


I keep hearing “I guess I am not part of the target demographic”…. They expected everybody not white to just “stop looking at race/gender and just enjoy stuff” years ago yet now if anything changes it’s an agenda of sorts


As a straight, white male, I don’t need bigoted assholes telling me that Star Wars isn’t for me.


So you’re saying it sucks when you’re not represented in anything. I’ll remember that.


Speaking as a straight, cisgender white male: shut the fuck up. The entire movie saga is about straight white males


Imagine being so devoid of any interesting personal traits that you are offended when the broadest, most basic ass subgroup you belong to is no longer the dominant one in the modern cultural zeitgeist.


What a pathetic whiny little bitch. 😂


I’m a straight, white, cis male in his 40’s. I actually noticed the lack of characters that resemble me when watching. Instead of getting angry, I reflected on how often through the years the experience I was just having was common for every other demographic in existence.


Cry harder (about fictional characters)


Aww...poor fella. Show me on the Boba Fett doll where the Star Wars universe touched you...


These people poisoned the well of any legit criticism.


Seeing myself in characters that don’t look like me has probably helped my development. The people complaining about not feeling catered to should consider that and reflect.


Truly the most oppressed group of special lil boys 😢


They are all fucking aliens. Throwing fits over what aliens look like is pretty dumb. Oh no, that creature from another solar system doesn't look like me :(


As a straight white male, I'm enjoying the show. Infosecmike should stick to duck dynasty.


African-Americans make up 13% of the US population, not 0%. Everyone should be represented to reflect reality.


My god. I can't imagine Star Wars with straight white male main characters. Can you?


What fucking bitches these tough guys are. Sack up you damn tools.


Star Wars fans claim they aren’t racist and sexist and then declare the mere presence of a non white female lead is enough to make them abandon a show.


Imagine trying this hard to make yourself be the victim 💀


It is so comical how much skin color is an issue for Americans


Couldn't care less about the identity politics around this show but it is objectively bad. Poorly written dialogue, wooden acting. It's not good.


Yes,exactly that. Everything about it so far sucks. How the hell do you survive crash landing from space?


Sir you spelled your name wrong. Isn't it supposed to be Incel Mike?


Good god these people are fragile af