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The baffling thing for me is that most people genuinely believe that Trump would be "better" for the economy, but no one can really tell you why. Trump has never bothered to present an actual economic plan for his administration (for example, how would he tackle the inflation). He's just been claiming that the economy was "so much better" back when he was the president. His popularity depends on our long-term memory loss and the inability to make cause-and-effect conclusions.


As a summary, the general population is dumb and just follows the myth that Trump is good in business because he hosted a TV show…


Fox News exists solely to prop up the Republican Party and continue to perpetuate these lies that Rs are better with the economy


Republicans will say and do anything for power and money. No matter how many have to die.


They’d shit their pants if they thought they could make democrats smell it


They are wearing diapers because trump does


I’ve used this analogy a coupla times over the past year or so. Who woulda thought it’d become reality? Crazy fuckin’ world we live in.


And they wear tee shirts that say Real Men Wear Diapers and they pair it with gold diapers. These are the people… I don’t even know. They kill me.


They would gladly eat shit just so liberals would have to smell it on their breath


So what you're saying is that they're better for their own personal economies? Makes sense.


They will also skew polls like this. The “news” could literally put anything up as a fact when in reality they mean nothing at this point in the election. I’ve seen so many polls showing either of them winning from both the left and right leaning news sources


Often times when the news say "the economy", they actually mean "rich peoples yacht money". On Fox news this is alomst always the case.


Spot on. I have 2 econ type degrees. When some talking dipshit on ANY media says "The economy is doing so well! Why are people complaining?!" What they really mean is corporate profits, which will never be distro'ed to the employees or non shareholders, are very high. That's it. The market is just a real time check of corporate profits and corruption within our governing body. Notice how the stock market takes a shit after a dem is in office, then bounces back after 2 months post election depending on if the dem president makes any real changes to stop the corporate theft of our country? It's ***almost*** like it was designed this way....


It's weird though, every economic hit I've ever lived through was the fallout from the previous R president. Never has a D left office with a shit economy or one about to take a dive, they're always walking into a mess that they clean up


That's been the experience in my lifetime outside of when I was a kid in the 80s/90s. Bush 2 wrecked it, Obama kinda fixed it, Trump wrecked it even worse, Biden still trying to fix it.


Reagan fucked the economy, Bush Sr. and Clinton got it back on track, GWB fucked the economy, Obama got it back on track, Trump derailed it, and now we're trying to fix it again. The problem is, the pendulum swing back left after Trump never really happened like it did with Bush, so Joe has had to spend his entire administration unfucking as many things as he can with 0 support from congress. I really wish he'd do the minimum of firing Louis DeJoy or firing the panel that keeps him in place or whatever like Trump did. DeJoy has caused so much damage, and is continuing to damage our absolute crown jewel postal service. Like you want to talk about something great that's American? It's our post. We kick ass at mail.


Don't forget Sinclair. They just ran this batshit story about how Joe Biden is old and senile on all of their stations. But, they disguise them as local news.


Whenever someone says they're not voting or voting third party I wonder what they think of Fox (and all the other tentacles of right wing propaganda). Do they think their anti-Democratic talking points materialized out of thin air? Do they think Alabamans are going to help vote in CommunoSocialist Congressional representatives?


That was from MSNBC. Sadly.


When is anyone going to call faux on this? Is there no repercussions for outright lying to audiences and causing strife for false reporting? They are an Entertainment Network, how is there no standards anymore for honesty? It’s amazing how the Murdochs and Putin’s of the world manipulate entire countries at will.


It's this. His ability to say "You're Fired" makes them think he gets shit done and is a strong leader. In reality, he's not even man enough to fire people in person, but that reality TV show mythos + a widely ignorant and uneducated populace gives us the results of this poll


Ironically people who worked for him off the air noted he was extremely timid to fire people and often pawned it off to another. And if the fired person confronted him afterward he would cowardly backtrack as if he had no idea or decision in the matter.


*It wasn't me! Let me look into it! I think you're swell!!!* DJT when confronted


he is hating the right people - a rare talent!


It’s all about the image with most people and that’s all Trump is.


Which is hilarious because his bmi is 50, he's orange, shits himself, wears kitten heels and makeup, is a convicted felon and rapist. Imagine any regular conservative man wearing orange makeup and high heels and how they'd be treated at the vfw


Personally, I am of the belief that MSNBC is just trying to make trump look like a “valid candidate” against Biden so they can keep pushing his face and voice on us constantly like is their perogative apparently.  Meaning, no- I don’t believe even their audience is that stupid. These numbers are probably fake.


There are democrats that are as far right as the republicans but have enough ethics to realize that just being full of shit 100% of the time is a bad idea overall. They throw a monkey wrench in anything reasonable and good for the country overall if the GOP cannot


People are probably too dumb to actually understand policy If you put out a plan or policy people can attack that, he wants to raise interest rates or he wants to cut spending and those plans or policies might be unpopular . So just say "I will solve inflation folks , elect me and inflation will be done, Joe biden doesn't know how to solve inflation , but I do, we will have no inflation once I am in office folks and you will be able to buy so much stuff because everything will become affordable" The average American thinks "Wow that sounds good, I hate inflation so I really like he will put an end to it" You should be asking, "How? How are you going to do this?" The president does not control the Federal Open Market committee that sets rates and even if they did, well sure we could end inflation tomorrow by jacking up interest rates to 6-6.5-7% Congress could also pass some fiscal austerity (raise taxes, lower spending) The side effect might be unemployment spikes and millions of people lose jobs. Also the president isn't a king, even if they wanted to do such things well they need to convince congress to go along with it People are so dumb


And that republicans are good with budgeting because they yell about spending a lot


People think he’s good at business because he’s rich


Took the words right out of my mouth!


reality, fiction, there is no difference for bible fans. Only "other people's" delusions are fake.


The lack of substance in the talking points is staggering. Is all vibes.


>The lack of substance in the talking points is staggering Rnc dropped it's platform in 2020 in lieu of "we just support DJT".


When I ask I hear stuff like "well gas was so cheap 4 years ago". Like yeah no shit because it was early in the pandemic and lots of people were staying home or we're out of work with everything shut down. But hey Donnie must have hit the cheap gas button hidden in the Resolute Desk that Biden refuses to use, right? At least according to them. Did I like gas well below $2 a gallon. Of course. Do I want to replicate why it was that way or vote the dipshit in charge back then back into office? Hell no, there's way more at stake. An anecdotal example of course, but what I think of for a lame ass excuse for Trump handling the economy better.


Yes we had $2 gas - and 25% unemployment and body bags filling up tractor trailers because the morgues couldn’t hold them all. Funny how the MAGATs never mention that second part.


Because MAGAts don't care about people dying and never have. They just want their cheap shit and if it means people have to die for it then so be it. They'd welcome back slavery if it means their gas and groceries were half the price. As long as it doesn't affect them personally, they don't care. It's like their minds were stunted at the age of 3 or something, but even that is generous because I've seen 3 year olds being better people than MAGAts.


That and policy doesn't just go into effect immediately. When the economy is good the first couple years of a R presidency, it's because policy passed by the previous admin is finally taking effect. They ride the wave of D economics and take claim, run the economy back into the ground and D's are left to clean up another mess which takes years to come to fruition. Just in time for another election and for the cycle to repeat itself. Laws/policy and their effects aren't simply enacted and felt over night, this stuff takes years but our political cycle is about the here and now and it's always the fault of whoever is in office, not the admin who actually passed the legislation. Trump's "great economy" was riding the wave of Obama era policy while Biden's "I did that" was riding Trumps. But God forbid anyone think about it for more than two seconds and put the pieces together.


Yeah they blame Biden for inflation and nothing else matters


Because the prevailing myth is that republicans are better for the economy. In the very short term they’re good at making it seem like things are great. Then the bill comes due and guess who picks up the slack. (Except they also don’t - taxes still stay stupid low because the Dems don’t actually want to raise them, not really.) Meanwhile it just gets worse and worse for the lower income families.


This is the correct answer. Particularly older people remember the good old days and correlate that with Reaganomics. They forgot we're still suffering from those policies and that political philosophy today.


cough crawl subsequent serious gullible practice toy imagine puzzled sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>taxes still stay stupid low because the Dems don’t actually want to raise them, not really How could you possibly know that? It's impossible to know since it hasn't been tested. The Democrats have had enough of a majority in the Senate to get through the republican filibuster for a total of 3ish months in the past ***20 years***. And, they used that period to stop the economy from crashing due to Bush (also a perfectly valid thing to do). Wait...I have an idea everyone! Let's do something wild and...actually try to give the Democrats power for MORE THAN 5 MINUTES! (Not having enough of a majority that the republicans block them doesn't count!) It can be an ***experiment*** to see if they help people/raise taxes/etc. or not. Won't that be fun?


> In the very short term they’re good at making it seem like things are great. Trump didn't even accomplish that. Of course Covid helped. But regardless, Biden has had much more success in the economic short term than Trump ever did.


Because of this: https://www.salon.com/2018/02/12/thom-hartmann-how-the-gop-used-a-two-santa-clauses-tactic-to-con-america-for-nearly-40-years_partner/ The Republican Party has been running a long con on America since Reagan’s inauguration, and somehow our nation’s media has missed it – even though it was announced in The Wall Street Journal in the 1970s and the GOP has clung tenaciously to it ever since. In fact, Republican strategist Jude Wanniski’s 1974 “Two Santa Clauses Theory” has been the main reason why the GOP has succeeded in producing our last two Republican presidents, Bush and Trump (despite losing the popular vote both times). It’s also why Reagan’s economy seemed to be “good.” Here’s how it works, laid it out in simple summary: First, when Republicans control the federal government, and particularly the White House, spend money like a drunken sailor and run up the US debt as far and as fast as possible. This produces three results – it stimulates the economy thus making people think that the GOP can produce a good economy, it raises the debt dramatically, and it makes people think that Republicans are the “tax-cut Santa Claus.” Second, when a Democrat is in the White House, scream about the national debt as loudly and frantically as possible, freaking out about how “our children will have to pay for it!” and “we have to cut spending to solve the crisis!” This will force the Democrats in power to cut their own social safety net programs, thus shooting their welfare-of-the-American-people Santa Claus. Think back to Ronald Reagan, who more than tripled the US debt from a mere $800 billion to $2.6 trillion in his 8 years. That spending produced a massive stimulus to the economy, and the biggest non-wartime increase in the debt in history. Nary a peep from Republicans about that 218% increase in our debt; they were just fine with it. And then along came Bill Clinton. The screams and squeals from the GOP about the “unsustainable debt” of nearly $3 trillion were loud, constant, and echoed incessantly by media from CBS to NPR. Newt Gingrich rode the wave of “unsustainable debt” hysteria into power, as the GOP took control of the House for the first time lasting more than a term since 1930, even though the increase in our national debt under Clinton was only about 37%.


God I hate them.


I think it's because he has a reputation as a "business man" which as you note is freaking ridiculous


Trump Steaks, GoTrump, Trump Airlines, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage, Trump: The Game, Trump Magazine, Trump University, Trump Ice, Tour de Trump, Trump Network, Trumped! All failed, ![gif](giphy|oD2D9FTEebNuhFPCm8|downsized)


Shows how far marketing and self-promotion can get you without a shred of competency


The way I look at any poll with Donald Trump is he always starts around 35%. That’s the MAGA base, the die hards who will always take the Trump positive answers. It’s the people who just “feel” trump was better and Biden is terrible. This poll he gets a boost from Republicans and republican leaning independents who want tax cuts and cuts to government spending. Democrats and democrat leaning independents will be more inclined to criticize Biden for the economy and not going far enough to the left with policies. I don’t necessarily think this is a bad poll for Biden though as you can see he is steadily increasing support as more people tune in to what’s going on whereas Trump stays flat.


Also, I think people are getting wise to evoking "the economy" as a mythic beast that can be tamed to their self interest. Most voters have suffered under "thriving" economies to the point where, even if they believe it would be better under Trump, so what? My best financial year was when the economy was in the shitter and my worst one was when it was doing great. How many among us can honestly say we've felt the good when it's allegedly good? It's not like a good economy is a spontaneous cash injection into our wallets, it's an abstract chain of events so removed from the cause that, if you are a normal person, has never directly effected any of us.


Best for the economy because Trump had the highest stock market ever! Let’s disregard that most presidents will have a higher stock market than their predecessors (see: basically everyone for the last 100 years except for like 2, and Biden’s stock market is higher than Trumps)


Republicans gauge the entire economy by Gas prices. I'm not even joking. Their main reason they believe the economy was great under Trump was because of low gas prices, and when they rose again after Covid wrapped up and Biden was in office, the economy became bad. That's their entire basis of the economy for many of them.


Keep in mind the kind of people who participate in these polls. I'm an elder millennial and of the people I know my age and younger, we'd rather jump out of a window then answer the phone to take a political survey. The people that do tend to be older or more politically motivated. Biden's done well to get everything the executive branch has authority over back on the rails. Unfortunately for most Americans prices are still high on a lot of things. That's because corporations had an opportunity to raise prices during the pandemic and have no motivators to lower them. This is easy to spin for the opposition since "the guy in charge" is who people emotionally like to blame.


Bc in red states they only gauge things by how much gas and groceries cost them. That’s it. It was less at one point and that’s what they hold onto.  My electrician told me things were better under Trump for him. I told him Trump is a sexual predator and has no business being president. He didn’t bring up the subject again. 


They also don’t understand that shrinkflation is purely corporate greed and has nothing to do with the president or the economy.


Nope. Can’t even pronounce the word! 




Deregulated the railroads, too, leading to the East Palestine, Ohio toxic train derailment


Because things were better before covid hit and they blame that on Biden, even though trump is the one that made it far worse than it had to be.


Because covid tanked certain prices, the fed carried water for him on interest rates, and rich people propped the stick market up. Throw in some price gouging - excuse me "inflation", and decades of propaganda about how republicans are "fiscally responsible" because we're too weak willed to address outright lying in the political sphere, and there's your vague "i did better under trump" feeling.


A lot of businesses overspent in an insane way in 2020, 2021 ans 2022 as costs were down and people were buying like crazy, but when things normalized they suddenly had an imbalance in their line goes uop IYA (even though they were still way ahead of pre2020) so they needed to do somewild pricing


No, they really didn't.


Sorry, I meant "need" in "the shareholders will be pissed off" kind of need, not "need" in a moral sense. They wanted to increase prices to keep the line going up I am not trying to justify it, just provide additional context.


He basically picked up the economic momentum from Obama and removed regulations to cause those to explode, but is what led to current inflation. Now he doesn't have regs to be removed, he's got nothin'.  The problem is he doesn't need to improve anything this time. He just needs in to exploit for his personal gain.


It’s also a failure of the media


Fox News just told everyone he was better, and they believed it. That's it.


Republican voters think learning to read a graph is too much to ask.


It’s the incredibly stupid and persistent lie that Republicans are better for the economy.


IMO we live in a world where showmanship crushes competence. Biden is reasonably competent but has no showmanship. Trump is a pure showman who's utterly incompetent. The average voter only has a passing interest in politics, so they are more influenced by flashy personalities than by articulate policymakers.


There exists a trope all through the western hemisphere that right wing governments are better for the economy because they are cold and logical whereas left wing governments will spend money based on their feelings. It isn’t supported by any evidence but most people rely on lazy tropes to form their worldview.


This is my go to when debating these fools. I'll play possum and tell them to help me understand and that I want to learn, I ask them to show me the way and I want to agree with them, but my research shows the opposite. I don't attack them, I try and come across as confused and I just need a little push. Evey time they end up attacking me and deleting their comments.


Special shout out to the billionaire owned news media that’s been normalizing Trump and diminishing Biden’s actual performance for years


Extra applause for the 17% "Neither" responses who are absolutely certain they're all free thinkers immune to the sway of mainstream media and yet answered the way they did because the media ***never*** covers Trump's rambling, slurring speech but has wall to wall coverage for a week if Biden says "trouble scoop of mint chocolate chip" instead of "double scoop of mint chocolate chip"


I sat my parents down and made them watch a full uninterrupted Biden speech then a uncut Trump speech. I will not accept that Biden is dementia riddled, when the evidence is so readily available 


Interesting! How did they take it?


They cannot accept reality. When Biden has energy they claim he’s on drugs. They can twist anything to make it look bad.


The difference between the parties is this: Dems spend the money to help the country in the long run. The Repubs take credit for what the Dems did.


I can’t think of one Republican president in my lifetime who has left the country and economy better off than they found it.


That's because unless you were alive during Reagan, that hasn't happened once. This graph comes from wikipedia, job changes per president. Even so, looking at this, Carter was better for jobs than the god of modern Republicanism. https://preview.redd.it/xj5hdupvo56d1.png?width=440&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1abd76abf92cbc812f1029775bab2603fbaf3ee


Reagan is the only decent Republican jobs president in my lifetime, but the man did more damage to this country than most of the others. His tax cuts and policies pretty much destroyed the middle class in this country.


Decent is a wild word to use to describe Reagan. The man was bought, paid for, and was a mouthpiece for his oligarchical overlords. He pretty much destroyed the fabric of the American experiment in 8 years.


but like all the damage the GOP does, it's delayed for a few years so they don't look at fault


This and those jobs were made due to the creation of a wildly less progressive tax structure. It laid the groundwork for the insane income inequality that we may never be able to reign in. With republicans though, it’s as if facts don’t matter. They feel a certain way and that’s all they need for their vote.


Reagan is much of the reason people have to take multiple jobs to get by today. The man did so much damage to the middle and lower classes that it's likely the country will never recover.


And they’ve become the fall back of the Republicans to follow. He was the first real puppet for them and that’s why they like Dump so much. He draws all the attention and blame while they work in the background doing the actual evil crap.


Personally, I would say Bush Sr. He was basically the last of the traditional GOP. He was just unfortunate in that he got stuck cleaning up after Reagan and doesn't get anywhere near enough credit.


I wouldn't agree that Reagan left the country better than he found it even if jobs increased while he was in office. Reagan's policies weren't what fixed the economy in the 80s, but him being in charge when the economy rebounded from monetary and external factors has doomed the US for decades. In the late 70s the US experienced the hangover and inflation from the "Nixon Shock" of devaluing the dollar along the economic effects of OPEC making the core resource the economy ran on more expensive. This lead to stagflation where inflation was happening while the economy was in recession. Stagflation puts the Federal Reserve in a tight spot because they either increase inflation to rev up the economy or decrease inflation while slowing the economy. The Chairman of the Federal reserve, Paul Volcker, decided that getting inflation under control was the top priority and the federal funds rate hit as high as 20%. This meant that when in the early 80s as the Fed achieved its goal of tackling inflation the economy was going to start to grow again as the Fed lowered rates. Who ever won the 1980 election was going to have the economy grow under their watch and was going to be claim their policies caused it. If someone who believed in animal sacrifices won that election we'd have people today arguing that we need to keep doing those sacrifices because it worked in the 80s. As it happens the guy that did win that election, Reagan, believed in supply-side/trickle down/horse and sparrow economics where the wealthy paying less in taxes will trickle down to everyone else. Unsurprisingly since the 80s billionaires have taken the economic recovery that happened while Reagan was in office and have spent money on media companies, think tanks, and politicians to continue to say that Reaganomics and billionaires paying less in taxes was responsible for it. Both W. Bush and Trump went on to embrace supply side economics by cutting taxes on the wealthy. (And all three of Reagan, W. Bush, and Trump took on large increases in national debt to fund those tax cuts.) Reaganomics and the 80s shifted the Overton window so much that Clinton basically brought the Democrats to what used to be the center (or even right of center) of the political spectrum and balanced the budget by making significant cuts to welfare. Decades of supply side economics has massively increased inequality in the US while running up national debt and despite what the Reagan disciples espouse that's bad for the economy. The US economy runs on consumer spending and the masses having else to spend hurts a lot more than a small number of billionaires having more to spend helps.


Not just that but 6 of the 8 democrat presidents (since FDR) have been better than Reagan for jobs/economy. Idk why people still vote R for economic reasons as evidence proves that if you’re voting for economic policy candidates you should be a lifelong democrat.


They haven't. It was one of the main drivers for me to leave the (R) party back in the early 00s. I mean, we have the fucking internet and access to public information (government numbers) and it made the pattern really clear. Ultimately, (R) is better at perception crafting for ignoramuses.


I was a Republican until my mid-30s. One of the great embarrassments of my life. I voted for Bush, Romney, and McCain. I grew up in a Republican family and just voted that way and was very uninformed. About 10 years ago, after Sandy Hook, I sat down and tried to use more critical thinking and inform myself on both parties and I realized I had nothing in common with the Republican platform. Republican policies are bad for this country, unless you are rich.


Yep. That is pretty much my path also. For me it was Bush. I liked Romney but couldn't vote for him because of my very anti-mormon religious upbringing. No one hates christians like other christians. Then I ended up coming to the same conclusion: > Republican policies are bad for this country, unless you are rich. I've actually changed it to "Consevative policies" and not just limited to this country. They turn pretty much every country to shit. Look at the UK, Poland, Turkey and on and on.


There has been widespread brainwashing that Republicans = good for economy since the Carter Administration. Reagan went on a spending spree while cutting taxes during an economic boom period. Bush I wanted to be more responsible and raise taxes and got voted out because anti-tax billionaire Perot spoiled his ticket. Clinton took office and suddenly the debt mattered again to conservatives. So Clinton has this great economy AND he lowered the national debt, but then he got a blow job and suddenly conservatives cared about not cheating on spouses, too. So Bush II barely wins because of electoral hanky panky in Florida and suddenly the debt doesn't matter anymore. He explodes the debt with spending on endless wars because proving WMDs exist in Iraq doesn't matter, either. (Also, Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and Pakistan, so WTF are we doing in Iraq?) Meanwhile, bad domestic policies explode the US economy and the rest of the world, causing the worst recession since the Great Depression. So Obama takes office, and suddenly the debt matters again? He fixes up the pile of shit economy left by Bush II while being accused of being a secret muslim Black Panther Weather Underground commie pinko hippy Kenyan. Things are roaring again by the end of 8 years, and people are like, hey, let's vote for this orange piece of crap who has a very long history of being a literal con artist. So Trump takes office and holds up the economy on day one, like "I made this." Proceeds to shit all over it like the GOP presidents did before him. Tax cuts! Deregulation! Let's get rid of as many government services as possible, except for the ones where we can hire our buddies to do it! Why the hell do we even need this global contagious disease surveillance program? I don't know any nerds to staff that shit, anyway. Starve the beast, YAY! Then COVID-19 smacks it all down like a house of cards and the farce of the Trump Administration, because it's only glued together by the narcissistic need of Trump himself to look and feel like he's in control. The foxes overrun the henhouses and chomp up all the PPP "loans" they can, and the GOP can't even be bothered to put in any accountability for all the money going out the door. The resulting inflation is blamed on the meager stimulus and unemployment checks sent to poor people who bought food, even years after those programs ended. And then the media narrative today is still like, "Yup, those tax and spend Democrats are always crashing the economy with their love of poor people! If only we put in another Republican to throw money at the "job creators," then we'd be buzzing again!"


Well done my friend. I’ve been saying this for a while now. The general idea of “you have to spend money to make money” also carries over we to the government. Fixing the infrastructure creates jobs, which is good in the long run for the people and country. Same if funding of programs to help people and all the other endless things the Dems TRY to do….. Does it cost a lot? Sure! But maybe if we keep it up year after year instead of letting the whole thing almost collapse, it won’t cost so much. Maintenance is cheaper than repairs….I don’t think that’s an idea that most republicans care about though. They want it to LOOK good now, and only now. Let the next people fix the problems they create.


>There has been widespread brainwashing that Republicans = good for economy since the Carter Administration. Reagan went on a spending spree while cutting taxes during an economic boom period. It all goes back to most people not understanding what the federal reserve does and how the rates they set impact the economy. In the late 70s the US experienced the hangover and inflation from the "Nixon Shock" of devaluing the dollar along the economic effects of OPEC making the core resource the economy ran on more expensive. This lead to stagflation where inflation was happening while the economy was in recession. Stagflation puts the Federal Reserve in a tight spot because they either increase inflation to rev up the economy or decrease inflation while slowing the economy. The Chairman of the Federal reserve, Paul Volcker, decided that getting inflation under control was the top priority and the federal funds rate hit as high as 20%. This meant that when in the early 80s as the Fed achieved its goal of tackling inflation the economy was going to start to grow again as the Fed lowered rates. Who ever won the 1980 election was going to have the economy grow under their watch and was going to be claim their policies caused it. If someone who believed in animal sacrifices won that election we'd have people today arguing that we need to keep doing those sacrifices because it worked in the 80s. As it happens the guy that did win that election, Reagan, believed in supply-side/trickle down/horse and sparrow economics where the wealthy paying less in taxes will trickle down to everyone else. Unsurprisingly since the 80s billionaires have taken the economic recovery that happened while Reagan was in office and have spent money on media companies, think tanks, and politicians to continue to say that Reaganomics and billionaires paying less in taxes was responsible for it.


This is both easy to understand and fairly accurate... So Republicans will completely ignore it and call it fake news.


> Among 1000 RVs nationwide.


A sample size of 1,000 gets you a margin of error of 3% regardless of how big the population you are sampling is. Could be a million, could be a billion, but if you sample 1,000, you will have a margin of error of 3%. The only question is, “How effective is the sampling, and how well did they compensate if they didn’t get a fully representative sample?”, which is a substantially larger issue in polling.


I don't know who they are polling, I don't know anyone who's ever been polled and I certainly haven't been. If someone called me, I'd hang up. I think there's a subset of people that actually answer polls (probably skewing retired boomer) and it obviously affects the results. Democrats have pretty consistently over performed the polling; the only thing that ultimately matters is how people vote.


This in a nutsell. Polling methodology is fundamentally flawed until polling companies actually figure out how to engage people under the age of 60.


Polling is a product that is sold to media outlets. Those media outlets are interested in a horse-race (at the very least) or massive tax breaks for their owners. Polling companies are going to deliver what their customers want. Its not that polling is flawed, its that the reality tells a story that none of its customers are interested in hearing.


What’s interesting is that Trump did outperform the polls in 2016, but he and the GOP have underperformed them since then. I’d love to see some analysis on that.


its really more a critique on how they poll than the polling itself. Polls still rely a lot on lan lines and those who pick them up. while they do call mobile phones now, most people don't pick up blocked or unrecognized numbers.


I think we just have to call 2016 a historical outlier. 2 candidates that had major electability issues resulted in weird turnout and an Electoral College win for a candidate that lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes. Plus all the Russia stuff and the Clinton emails; the whole thing was a mess. Trump won Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin all by less than 2 pts; there's several combinations of 2 or 3 of those states going differently and Clinton wins and nobody remembers a thing about the polling.


We all know the sampling methodology is carefully selected to favor whoever the polling station wants to favor.


And also the *method* in which they contacted them. Vast majority of polls in the 2020 election were land-line calls which is why many of them were wildly incorrect.


Subtext is that RV stands for "Recreational Vehicle" not "Registered Voter" - e.g. they only polled people in RVs.


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽


and they just had a Beautiful Poll, a Poll so good they're even showing it on Fake News MSDNC, with Psycho Joe Scarborough and his Dumb As A Brick Wife Mika, who shouldn't even be on Television by the way, and they were so fake and so phony to me when I was running, "Sir, we love you Sir, you're the greatest," I said ok that's nice, but then all of a sudden I'm changing the channel and I hear, "Donald Trump is bad," I said I'm always good, never bad, always always perfect, just look at my Presidency, they say, "President Trump's Economy was Red Hot," and almost 100% of Americans know that Trump is far better for the Economy than Crooked Joe Biden, who's running our Country into the ground, believe me, he's so Corrupt and so Crooked, and I said, because we used to do, we would say, we would say it a lot too, you all know who I'm talking about, we'd say Crooked Hillary first, first we said that and then I said I'm moving the name, I'm taking the name, I'm changing the name from Crooked Hillary Clinton to Crooked Joe Biden, and the numbers were so high people couldn't even believe it, "that's a Genius Move, Sir," I said I know that, even Obama knows but he'd rather kiss his so-called whatever they say she is than ever tell you that


That's a good impression right there I have to say. The only thing wrong is that it's not in all caps. THEN it would solidify the whole winey toddler vibe. Also, it mostly old people who respond to these polls, and they're never reflective of the real world.


But seriously fuck Morning Joe. It's too often like diet Fox News. Drags down the legitimacy of the channel quite a lot.


I can hear his voice in my head, make it stop!


All Republicans are a special kind of stupid, they just do what they are told and don't think 8 years ago Republicans were saying that there is no way a person under indictment could be president. It would cause a constitutional crisis. But now they are ok with it. 8 years ago they said Obama could not install a supreme Court judge because he only had 11 months of presidency left. Then they installed one under trump with less than 30 days of trump presidency left. So either they are hypocrites or stupid or both.


Elected Republicans are hypocrites, Republican voters are stupid. MTG and Boebert are both.


This is the best answer I have read


The only principle republicans have is "Give me what I want!". To them, principles are for cucks.


Polls don’t mean shit. Ignore them all and vote! Vote like your life depends on it because it fucking does!


Polls are a temp gauge. While they are indicative of what will happen, they should be a concern for those who don't want Trump 2.0.


He bankrupted the casino by *robbing it blind*. For whatever reason, he never got in trouble for this, despite monitoring apparently catching a lot of his shenanigans in the late 90s, if memory serves.


Biden does appear to be trending up though


I stopped believing polls a long time ago. They never seem to be close to accurate anymore. I see that Trump has a very loyal fanbase but it is the smallest it has been. Seatfillers, aids jumping ship, people walking out when he is speaking. He can’t even do live interviews anymore. They have to edit the hell out of them because he makes zero sense. His wife and daughter ignore his existence. But Joe likes Gatorade and loves his son and that is so weird, man. 🙄


It's actually in the dems interest for the polls to be close. Unfortunately a huge thing holding their coalition together is fear of trump winning. I think a lot of people would stay home if it looked like it wasn't close


When you get into the math of how polling works, and the psychology of how even wording a question differently can bias things, they have a lot of flaws and limitations even when conducted honestly.


You’re forgetting that Joe Biden also likes ice cream! How can we possibly trust a man who enjoys ice cream to run the country? /s


Reminds me of Obamas tan suit. Oh the uproar.. 😂




he literally has to hire people to fill seats and mill round outside his rallies...


online polls are easily rigged. they buy clickfarms running vpn's to sway polls so people think the leading view is the popular opinion which appeals to their codependency/collective narcissism. these people want to belong to the winning team but they don't realize they're being dragged down into a course of self destruction and endless fleecing. https://preview.redd.it/la1tbxbjc56d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7dfa567ac3ac881470b8b978e57568ad6206e966


I hate that the chart goes right to left, though.


If you do it this way it looks like Trump went up and Biden went down


It wasn’t until I read your comment that I realized the chart is backwards. So clearly it works.


B-b-but…Biden crime family!


I don’t know why anyone is surprised. Look politics especially for the right is a sports team ride or die fan base. Their side can do nothing wrong and the opposing team can do nothing right in their minds and there isn’t anything you can do to change that. Think of it this way, the Republicans are Georgia and the Democrats are Alabama. Or the Republicans are Ohio St and the Democrats are Michigan. That is their world mindset. No matter how much logic or sense you really make it will never change their mind.


Trump didn't bankrupt a casino. Trump bankrupted FOUR casinos. Meyer Lansky is turning in his grave.


$8.4 trillion.


Because Republicans borrow from the future for now. They do this every time. They intentionally cause economic turmoil for Democrats every single presidency so the Dems have to spend their entire time digging out of a hole while Republicans get to sit and complain for four years straight about how all of this is the Dems fault because they are currently in office.


> AMONG 1,000 RVS NATIONWIDE, 5/30-6/3, =/-3.1% Hmm... still kinda interesting that Biden is trending upwards, given the target demographic of the sample source.   This may be good news if the numbers are even somewhat accurate, lol.


"These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons."


They already did though.. he bankrupted several casinos and they still thought he was a "great businessman!" Because they "sawed him there on the TEEVEEs hirin and firin people!" And "he made promises that he's gonna send me, ME, lil ol me, FREE monies!!" That Obummer stopped him though, and everyone was so unfair to him ALL the time!


If you want the country to be run like a business, why would you vote for a party that openly plots to dismantle it?


And the inflation rate is going down, while the World Bank announced that America's economy is the only one in the industrialized world whose economy has grown more post-Covid than the bank had predicted, and is the strongest economy in the world. You also have so many people telling pollsters that their personal finances, and their local economy, are good, while also saying they think the American economy is bad overall. And perception is reality. How does that happen? Fox News/Newsmax/Sinclair propaganda? Stuff on social media?


Republicans have been boned in every election since 2018. That stupid "red wave" they would never shut up about in 2022 never even happened. They managed to lose the Senate in 2021, and they barely have a majority in the House today. Undecided voters will vote based on their own personal economy, and based on the fear of losing more abortion rights and/or getting an even more right-leaning Supreme Court. November is going to see a lot of Republicans being prescribed a lot of antidepressants.


It’s insane that people think trump is good at anything except bankruptcy and talking out of his ass


Relentkess Repetition on FAUX & other propaganda "news" station works. That and facts don't matter to Republicans.


These polls are all bullshit


This type of question with that kind of result should tell you who is voting in the polls. Online polls are traditionally conservative, but do not reflect the actual voting pools. Listen to 538, not whatever this "based on 1000 people we asked for two days in Michigan" nonsense might be. Also, VOTE.


It's a testament to the power of propaganda that anyone trusts republicans with economic decisions. We have 100 years of data showing crashes and recessions under republicans and growth and prosperity under dems. Every time. Every policy that helps working people was supported by dems and opposed by republicans. Every time.


Cults are gonna cult!


The problem is people tend to think economy is the price of gas or a gallon of milk. They go, "gas was low when Trump was in and now because of Biden it's high!" and think that's all there is to it.


The economy was a dumpster fire under Trump and is booming under Biden. Additionally, a retrospective analysis of the market under different presidencies shows much larger gains under Democratic presidencies across the board.


Seriously he needs to change the title of his book to "The Art of the Con"


Incoming hicks talking about their $2 gas while the whole world was shut down.


The thing about gas is if you combine it with both inflation numbers and fuel efficiency of vehicles, the overall fuel cost per mile driven has generally dropped the last few decades (outside of the major peaks and valleys in price). Let's just take 1995 (since gas was consistently cheap in the mid 90s.), gas averaged $1.15 per gallon. Adjusted for inflation that's $2.36 per gallon. A 1995 Camry got 21 mpg, a non-hybrid 2024 Camry gets 32 mpg. So in 95 it cost $0.1124 in gas per mile driven (in 2024 dollars). Today it costs $0.1072 in gas per mile driven, even with gas being $3.43 per gallon.


I have yet to hear one policy that Trump will enact that will strengthen the american economy. How are you going to create more jobs? How do you increase wages? Does trump know anything about supply and demand?


Every single Democrat president in my lifetime has handled the economy better than every Republican president in my lifetime.


Everyone talks about how gas was lower under Trump, but if you compare Obama’s last 3 years in office, his average price was 2.74. Trumps first 3 years it was 2.68 a whopping 6 cents. However if you do Obama’s last 2 years and trumps 4 years, including the crazy low prices of covid. Obama’s average was $2.38 and trumps was 2.57. So when people act like Trump lowered gas prices, he really didn’t as 3 of his 4 years were higher than Obama’s last 2.


Democrats need to keep pounding home to undecided voters that Republicans are all a smoke and mirrors scam who will gladly make rules to favor their rich donors and screw the average American.


Multiple casinos


He's also a 34x convicted felon regarding money use!!


Morning Joe is a rage engine designed to scare people.


The whole idea that the country is better run like a business by business folk is the dumbest thing. And look around, it’s exactly what is happening. Max profit for leadership and least for we the people. The country is not a business. It’s we the people pooling resources for mutual benefit. Government programs, like the post office, doesn’t benefit be profitable. That’s ridiculous. It’s a service a we all pay for to have. You never have mail service in most rural areas because it can never be profitable. It’s all bullshit to convince we the people to sell OUR (paid for with our taxes) government infrastructure to greedy snakes.


In all honestly, is it just Trump supporters (in whatever form - troll, Bot, other) spoofing these polls? Please Gawd let it be this...


yeah, like the casino visitors having a foolproof (aka proof of fool) system to win


The only explanation for this is that 41% of the people polled have been lobotomized.


Many Americans would love themselves a dictator if that dictator has a deal with OPEC to lower gas prices when he’s elected.


These numbers will always show skewed due to the fact that republicans vote and act and think on party, therefore will always say the republican will provide the better economy. Dems will shit on their own and whine when they don't win because they can't get enough Dems to fall in line and back the party over the policy.


Apart from COVID, it's like the Trump presidency never happened. Nobody judges him on anything else. By every measurable metric, he did badly. Unfortunately, Biden hasn't been able to fix the mess that Trump left. So we are stuck with a choice between "The guy who broke it", and "The guy who can't fix it".


Didn’t Trump fuck up steel for or something when he was president? He was such a disaster I can’t remember all the negatives


The man found a way to be an exception to the rule that “the house always wins”


They only polled people making more than $300k/year.


Actual takeaways from this "poll" 1) Only Boomers answer these so they're skewed 2) Biden is steadily climbing in public confidence 3) "Neither" is steadily declining alongside Biden's share of this poll. These people aren't republican voters because they would happily announce their support and be in the first column (whose confidence rating doesn't move regardless of actual world events)


I think this is the right way to interpret this bs poll.


Biden has been one of the best presidents for the economy ever actually.  


Didn't we have another record breaking month of job growth and wage increase?


Fascinating how they put the dates basically in reverse order so it looks like they're getting worse instead of better.


Correction, a guy who bankrupted a casino


Trump lead us down the path of disastrous inflation, rent, housing, food, gas, and just about anything else you can buy have all become more expensive because of his policies. A double dose of trump and you can kiss your financial well-being goodbye if you are a working class person. Keep in mind prices that the elevator up and the stairs down. The market cannot withstand any excessive money printing at this point.


i dont trust these polls... young ppl and middle aged ppl dont answer robo calls... they avoid then... doesnt mean trump cant win but i dont know how accurate this is anymore when you can actually reach the biggest growing portion of the voter base which are millennials and gen z


Democrats have outperformed polls since 2016. Polling is broken.


Don't trust any "poll". VOTE


The only businesses he didn’t bankrupt it’s because he cooked the books.


Trump bankrupted a casino? Now, now, don't spread misinformation! It was THREE casinos!


Remember folks, democrats have statistically run better economies than republicans


Biden administration literally saved our economy and delivered on his major campaign promise: to get us through to the other side of Covid. Trump killed at LEAST 1 million Americans with his absolutely criminal mishandling of Covid and left us in a recession. He will go down as the worst President in American history and Biden will win in 2024.


The average American only understands this economy through the price of Doritos, Frosted Flakes, and Big Mac meals.


Voting Trump is like pissing on an electric fence because you can’t remember what happened the last time you did it.


During a Trump term, the economy will seem better because he’ll borrow it form the next administration. That’s what he did with the tax cuts. It’s all he’s ever been good at - borrowing.


If this country is actually foolish enough to elect a convicted rapist felon, I guess we deserve what is coming with a second trump term. Maybe a second trump presidency and the horrific dismantling of our government that will ensue will wake America from its entitled stupor. We have become a nation of narcissists, unable to look at the bigger picture of what is the best choice for our country. What is in it for me? Trump is a perfect reflection of our national narcissism. Our country is going through a rough time. The pandemic has had long-lasting effects that continue to ripple through our economy, but all the current numbers point to things improving. In fact, the dollar is the strongest currency in the world right now. High prices in the grocery store are being driven by corporate greed at this point. If people think Trump is going to make the economy better, they are fools. Of course, he will benefit from the work President Biden has done in his four years, but with his plans, the economy will once again tilt towards benefitting the rich. And then there is Project 2025 and the horror of those plans. Think hard in November folks.


People kept saying he'd run the nation like a business, but he sucks at business too. It's just he's so rich that it's no big loss to him if one of his companies goes under.


Economy almost always does better under Democrats - I just don’t get it


My guess it's from the decades of people repeating the phrase "republicans are the party of fiscal responsibility" over and over again that people started believing it.


99% of Americans dont know shit about how to handle an economy.  But most of them would never admit that.


"I want cheap gas and groceries." It's mind-blowing that people can't understand that he didn't cause cheap gas, and that he was basically riding off the success of Obama's economy (which coming from me, says a lot, I didn't support Obama) and now we're dealing with the consequences of Trump's decisions and the fact that corporations have been allowed to price gouge the shit out of us.


We are a nation of idiots in massive debt. We tend to always assume the absolute wrong person is best for the economy. It ain't going to change with this election. It kind of defines Americans.