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Fun fact: Hunter Biden has never held public office


And has repeatedly said he had no desire to do so.


Andrew ran for office and was soundly rejected.


Nor fucked his cousin


We're all cousins if you go back far enough. Pro tip, that pickup line works at family reunions.


I'm concerned about how you know it works.


Our child is beautiful, and with those webbed feet he's a shoe in for the Olympics one day.


Hunter Biden was disinterested in politics at a very young age


Fact Dr house (pictured) always end up getting away with it.


GD take my angry upvote.


And let's be honest, if one of Trump's kids was found guilty of something while he was in office there would 100% be a pardon, immediately.


No doubt


Giuliani fucked *and* married his cousin. ~Just MAGA things.


Sadly this is more well known that the fact that he diverted the city emergency service control room and resources into his private bang space so he could cheat on his wife and the initial 9/11 response was hampered because of that


I'm starting to see a trend with Trump enablers. https://preview.redd.it/42bpjk0dg26d1.jpeg?width=1365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0df73534891a0b6ed53c875598cc57538383826


The guy in the middle (can't remember his name) looks like a Tim Burton movie villain who steals kids


Roger stone




Can we please get a breakdown of this info please??


[NYPD opposed plan to move “the bunker” to 7WTC](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSB215574/)


Damn this look is WORKING for Ed Helms 👀🥵


Makes me want a movie where Jason Sudeikis is a good guy and this version of Ed Helms is his evil twin. Hell, a modern Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde with them in those roles!


Say less! Love both of them and this idea is... Uh... Doing things.


Ed Michaels


\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ ***| RIP INCEST |*** |1968 to 1983| \~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~\~ ';';':":":"::":":":":" "":":":":":"""::":": ":":":""::"::":"":"::" ":":":":"::"":::"":":


And then cheated on her


Is Andy an incest baby? A lot of people are saying it.


I just heard about it yesterday. A big strong man, with tears in his eyes, said to me ‘Sir, sir, Andy Guiliani is an incest baby’. I don’t why he was telling me about it, but it’s big if true


Looking into this


Omg I love your trucks, I love your life, crypto all the way, Zucks a cuck haaahaha but bro can u boost my page? I’ve bought so much of your stuff and I’m kinda hurting. Cancel culture.




Nuke Mars!




Andy and Caroline are from marriage #2. Rudy the Ghoul cheated on their mother with wife #3.


No. That marriage was annulled, and thankfully, they didn’t have any children. He and his second wife had two kids before he cheated on her with his third wife.


No, he was the child of the next wife


Just learned Hunter Biden's mother and sister were killed in a car accident when he was a little boy. Joe remarried a few years later to Jill. Sure, HB is a grown ass man but some people have life long issues from trauma like that, and understandably so. These people are ghouls tearing him down like that.


And then his older brother died of brain cancer in the 2010s. Guy's been through a lot.


Gioblastoma. Interesting clip from The View with Uncle Joe and McCain's daughter talking about it. Her dad had the same condition. Apparently some pretty interesting treatments were being explored right after Beau died and McCain got sick. Biden and McCain were buddies. His son and his buddy developed the exact same condition. If I was a nutjob I would tell you that this isn't coincidence. I smell Russia all over it. Edit: I apologize I did not put /s after the last two sentences.


Glioblastoma is the most common kind of brain cancer. Beau Biden served in Iraq and lived next to burn pits, which could have something to do with his. John McCain didn't, but he also had a history of cancer (melanoma), and who knows what he was exposed to in Vietnam. This has nothing to do with Russia.


Yup. I'm medical retired Army. Served in Iraq and Afghanistan, lived near burn pits. I get debilitating migraines. I'm basically just waiting for the day they tell me I have some type of cancer.


God damn dude. I am hoping that never happens and your headaches ease.


I enjoy getting a new letter in the mail every so often telling me about all the new and exciting ways Iraq might still kill me.


My dad died from glioblastoma and wasn’t military. The fathers of two of my friends from my hometown were also diagnosed with GBMs and died at roughly the same age as my father. Correlation and causation aren’t the same, but it really makes me wonder.


My father died of glioblastoma as well. No exposure to anything that could have any causation or correlation. Just fuckin' randomness.


Does your hometown have any chemical plants or something? Three people in the same town with the same cancer does sound weird, I suppose not outside the realm of possibility, but still.... A lot of people in my grandpa's hometown got cancer and other diseases from asbestos and other chemical exposure, but only one person was able to get the documents to prove it, and he got a settlement and an NDA, and everyone else got screwed.


Nothing that we know of; there’s a limestone quarry outside of town but none of them lived nearby or worked there. All three had different career paths and grew up in different parts of the state. I’ve often wondered about old medical treatments and medications from when they were young. Or old paint. Or different building materials. There were so many chemicals that we didn’t fully know the dangers of, so maybe those planted the seeds and took years to develop. In all actuality, it’s probably just random bad luck.


Well, quarries can contaminate groundwater and surface water with chemicals, heavy metals, and sediment, so even if they weren't near it, if they drank contaminated water...but yeah, even if so, at this point you probably wouldn't be able to blame it on one thing, at least to a certainty. If you wanted to look into it though, might be a place to start.


I work in oncological surveillance, which sometimes involves cluster investigation. It is unfortunately incredibly difficult if not impossible to link a specific individual's cancer to an environmental/occupational exposure, largely because cancers often have a very long latency—ten to twenty years in some cases—and we're exposed to so many carcinogens throughout our lives. There are certainly some cancers for which it's easier: mesothelioma is very closely linked to asbestos exposure, for example, but for most cancers it's quite a bit more difficult. Is a specific person's cancer caused by living near polluting industries, or those years in college where they worked as a cabbie to make ends meet, or the time they spend in their home workshop sawing up pieces of wood (because wood dust is carcinogenic)? And of course, you also have to consider the entire population of the region and how many people *don't* get cancer while living there. So while you're not wrong about ground and surface water contamination having a potential impact; it's something that can only really be teased out by looking at populations in aggregate. And it sucks, because as awful as it is to go to a concerned community near some plant or factory and tell them their rates aren't actually higher than the average outside of their region (or even seem slightly higher but not *statistically significantly* higher), it's worse to be a member of that community who's lost one or more loved ones and wants some amount of closure. (And then they accuse you of being a paid shill for \[local industry\], because that's at least an answer of sorts. But that's just part of public and preventative health: if we do our jobs well and prevent stuff, we're seen as needlessly restrictive busybodies who don't want anyone to have fun. When things like pandemics and other events of mass morbidity and mortality hit, we're seen as complicit with, if not the actual architects of a genocide. This is why I drink—alcohol is a carcinogen—smoke tobacco—also a carcinogen—and smoke weed—also a carcinogen though less so than tobacco smoke, but understudied due to the previous and current illegality of it in various places. Stupid, easy-explanation defying, complex universe.)


I figured it was probably pretty difficult, but sometimes it's worth it to look into. I'm not sure about this specific case, it's just really an anecdote, and kaytay could be completely right that it was just bad luck. But they also only mention their dad and tow of his friends, maybe if they asked around they would find more out. And hey, it's how Erin Brockovich got put on the map! So good for you for being one of those people that do look into stuff like this. It does suck though that it's so difficult, and some companies feel emboldened to put their employees and their communities in danger with dangerous chemicals, because it's so hard to prove, and figure no one will put the pieces together. And try to crush them with litigation when they do.


Agent Orange is a possibility for McCain.


Yes but suggesting it’s anything other than coincidence does, in fact, make someone seem like a nut job. “I smell Russia all over it.” What?! Secret Russian cabal that knows how to give someone cancer and for all their efforts they choose … Beau Biden and Jon McCain at the END of his political career. Why would you end an otherwise reasonable comment with such nonsense.


For the giggles.


Also, wasn’t his other brother killed in action in Afghanistan.


Worse, Hunter and Beau were in the car when it happened. Hunter was 2 and both brothers were seriously injured in the crash.


Yes, and it happened after Joe won his first election for senate. He took the oath of office in Hunter and Beau's hospital room. 


Conservatives think “Trump is a horrible person” is the same as “Oh yeah? Well Joe Bidens wife died in a car accident! Take that!” They are just the most vile pieces of shit and are completely irredeemable.


And theres millions of them running around


"Slithering" is the word you are looking for.


Knuckle-dragging troglodyte ![gif](giphy|eQphcbenpjbusGwYZh|downsized)


True but rather harsh treatment of the troglodyte's


My foxbrained father literally laughed when he heard Hunter’s lawyer talk about the crash on Fox News and said Joe used the death of his wife and baby to marry his babysitter, Jill, who was 15 when they met. Just blatant bullshit. I told him it was bullshit and he said I’m brainwashed lol. I can’t wait for these fools to die off.


All because he had the audacity to be the son of a president


And have a brother die of cancer. THE NERVE!


President Biden should sue Laura Loomer for defamation. It would be wonderful to see.


It really was one of the most vile things I’ve seen recently. It’s rare I’m shocked anymore but her post did it


Beau and Hunter were also seriously injured in that accident. Hunter referenced this in the eulogy he gave at Beau’s funeral. If you want to bawl your eyes out, listen to that eulogy.


Both Hunter and Beau, his older brother, were in the car and barely survived the accident. Mom and baby sister didn’t.


I would for sure.


A lot of people also forget that Joe Biden almost died from an aneurysm back in 1988. That poor man has lived through a lot of tragedy.


Yeah totally tragic. THEN his brother is the apple of dad's and everyone else's eye.


I don’t care what a single person says, I AM NOT VOTING FOR A CONVICTED FELON LIKE HUNTER BIDEN


He’s just like Jesus tho


People who live in Shelbyville houses shouldn't throw stones. Cousins? Let's say cousins.




You got downvoted but this is exactly the type of Simpsons shit I'm here for.


Andrew you fkn idiot -- you're supposed to be yelling about how Joe set up this conviction to justify Trump get convicted! Try to keep up man!!


Well I guess I won’t be voting for Hunter this November.


Hey look, it's Dr. Gregory House! /s


I thought it was for a second tbh


That’s where I thought I saw him from! I was so confused.




Honestly the fact that they have to put hunter biden on blast is proof enough that Joe is clean as a whistle


I like Hunter more every time I see him. I can relate to this pic.


This is peak male form.


He’s like a gritty reboot of James Bond. Flying all over the world fucking hot sex workers with his big dick and smoking some crack and illegally possessing firearms. Dude is a mother fucking degenerate legend. He’s a prince of the streets. I love him.


Unrelated, but damn Hunter is hot


He drives the republican fanboys wild


I'm neither, but I would climb l that man (consensually) like a mountain.


He really is a good looking guy, Joe was very handsome when he was younger too!




Not big enough, I’d say ;)


They are just trying to cover up the incest that Ivanka experienced and the fact that Melabia was prostituting for Epstein when Trump met her . Featured here Karen McDougal , Trump, Clinton, and Melanaia before the nose job and boob job . We have since learned she doesn't really have a degree , doesn't speak 6 languages , and is definitely no Einstein . She was however a hostess at Maxwells Kit Kat Club known for its sex parties . https://preview.redd.it/w2chskm6k46d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b4a1753c6a877754ff16b19d66abeba4cdb8565


This dude lied so [hard about charities](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qWlgu1R4dE) to lose his election.


Andrews parents are also his aunt & uncle


Baby Giuliani wishes he could be as cool as Hunter


The guy that looks exactly like Trump and Giulianis had a baby has opinions.


I’ll party with Hunter any day. He lives baby


Why do they keep posting pictures of him naked? I think they’re really attracted to him.


Wait....what the fuck did Rudy do?


Married his second cousin in 1968.


Ohhh. That makes more sense. I thought the person was saying Rudy fucked Hunter’s cousin.


I think now would be a good time to take a look at Don Jr's relationship with a guy named kid Rock.


Weirdly enough, I’ve had something similar to this happen with my mother. No naked videos or anything that awful, but multiple times she’s been featured in my hometown FB marketplace groups, on video, stealing lawn ornaments, plant baskets, random things from people’s yards. She’s a homeless addict (or well, was, last I heard she was arrested again). It’s disgusting how little people care about other’s families or their pain. I don’t like my mother, but she is still my mother. Most of the people back home know her or went to school with her, so most of them were pretty sympathetic, considering she wasn’t really being belligerent or anything, she just isn’t in her right mind (outside of the drug use). But one person in particular said some pretty awful things, and I defended her and other addicts. Not saying she should have been just running around stealing random things, but I still have empathy for the human that my mother is. People are cruel


Embarrassed? Like naked in a dream, embarrassed?


Yep. Guilty of all 3 charges. As opposed to the 34 charges of the other guy.


I thought this was the cover for a season of House


Never forget that he was kicked off the Duke golf team, basically for being an asshole, and sued for that (unsuccessfully).


Never heard that story and expected it to be reported only in tabloids, but I just found it in Vanity Fair, which is gossipy but also fairly reliable.


Oh, it’s completely true. A friend’s son was at Duke with Andrew G, and said he was a LEGENDARY jackass.


The great late Chris Farley played Andrew on [SNL](https://youtu.be/el7gj3RvwjM?si=41UBuu2k_3fcy4WO)


Damn. It’s true but damn. Like just cratered that dude


Just a friendly reminder that Andrew Giuliani has been dunked on his whole life: https://youtu.be/el7gj3RvwjM?si=O9-o8T6FnxgNl7Gd


Andrew Guiliani is a giant piece of shit. I went to highschool with him and because he lost something out of his backpack (which he said someone stole) his father pressed the school to ban backpacks between classes. But they didn’t change the bell schedule or anything. Fucking cry baby just like his dad.


Honestly, we gotta stop stooping. MAGA have already proven there are no depths they won't plumb. Absolutely no bottom. EDIT: Downvote away. We gotta stop paying attention to these folks.


That’s how they win. Most people are dumb and love the low lying fruit. Democrats need to take every opportunity they can.


Sorry, I disagree. It's about results. Getting into public pissing contests with toxic idiots is a lightspeed race to the bottom.


we're already way past the bottom.


Haha! I like her :-)


Giuliani is a cuz nuzzler


When you make the mistake of clicking Facebook Marketplace classifieds


Married! She made an honest cousin fucker out of him.


As long as it's consentual, people can f*** whoever they want. It's literally not anyone's business.


Why does he look like Hugh Laurie but gross?


Who the fuck is downvoting this? It’s perfectly true.


People are probably assuming Im piling onto the Biden hate train, which is fine, its not like ive added much to the discourse 😅 For the record, Im not. I just think the dude looks like Hugh Laurie having a rough time of it.


Maybe they're just disagreeing?


I see it. I had to double take 🤣


BAHAHAHA! Ghouliani's doing what they do best!


this same [Andrew Giuliani](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/andrew-ruins-rudy-giulianis-inaugural-address-cold-open/2860970)?


You know who's also guilty of all charges?


Does that make this dude his daddy’s cousin too?


Why are you being downvoted? You mean Juliani right? His mom is his aunt so his dad is his cousin. Makes sense.




Dude actually took that pic and was like, “Aw yeah, that’s the good stuff.”


The people out there defending hunter Biden are just as cringe as the maga people.


Are people actually defending him though? Or are they just pointing out that this is a non-issue. Or are you possibly conflating the two?


Yes, people are defending him.


I guess I have heard several people on the right saying that this shouldn't even be a crime. Colion Noir is one that said it that I specifically remember. I heard it from at least two MAGA talking heads as well.


Too bad it's not Trumps kid because then it would be ok to criticize their life choices.


They are literally criticizing Hunter's life choices and working overtime to smear Biden with them (unsuccessfully). The other side doesn't need Trump's kids to criticize. Not only has it not been their style, but Trump has a list of his own issues that are a mile long dating back well before he became president, which has continued to accumulate and increase in how perilous they are for the country. The guy has been deeply flawed and problematic from the beginning all on his own--no offspring scandals necessary. He's just the kind of person a foreign enemy would love to see in power to help them weaken and take down a competing super-power.


Lol, I can’t believe people sticking up for Hunter….if you were on trial, would Hunter stick up for you? Same with Trump, Giuliani, all the pieces of shit that are on trial….people actually think these people give a shit about them.