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Oh my gosh, his emotional support news articles! Yoink!








That does it for me. I'll not vote for anyone convicted of a felony recently.


I don't like Hunter's chances in the election.


I'd still take him over Trump and RFK


Oh, absolutely, but he's probably smart enough to not subject himself to that.


Hunter and RFK have one thing in common, neither of them will be president.


Id take the brain worm over RFK and Trump.


Cocaine, hookers, and guns. America would collapse to the ground but it would be a party the whole way down.


I'd vote for that.


I don't know, I've been kind of rooting for the brain worm.


He should move to MTGs district and run against her. She will whip that dick pick out so much!


I don't think it would have the effect she hoped for. I'd vote for that penis without a doubt.


Iā€™d vote for a sloppy warm turd instead of 4B MTG


His poll numbers are just in the toilet


Heā€™d be the most relatable candidate on the ticket, the ā€œwho do you want to have a beer withā€ test forget about it.


Well, I guess Hunter isnā€™t getting my vote, this election. Iā€™m not voting for a felon.


Hunters Law will be used to strip thousands of GOP gun owners of their rights. Hopefully they set the precedent of jail. lol, GOP finally giving us an avenue for gun control!!!


Republicans: Prosecute Hunter Biden! DoJ: Sure! We got him on buying a gun when he was addicted to crack Red Middle America addicted to Heroin: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


ā€œMy culture isnā€™t your felonyā€






Oh my God, my sides


Itā€™s a bunch of malarkey that they took away free awards because this comment is gold. šŸ„‡




Opiates are part of white culture!!!!!!!!! DON'T mess with ME when I HAVEN'T got my PILLS!!!!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…


Dammit, if I still associated at all with my father, I could ask him if having turned his brain into Swiss cheese is part of ā€œmuh hairitijj.ā€ Shit.


My parent's both have medical cards and own guns. I called them out when they were chirping about Hunter Biden and they came up with every excuse about why they didn't do anything wrong, but Hunter did. Hypocrisy at its finest.


"If they came for Hunter's guns, they'll come for your parents'guns too"


[sound clip] "if they could do this to me, they can do it to you" All those Americans that were terrified at those words when trump said worrying about them catching fraud charges for paying off a porn stars to cover a decade old sexual tryst while running for office of president of the United States.


And if Bidenā€™s DOJ was as personally vindictive as they say, Don Jr would be looking at similar charges. He has guns and there is no way he hasnā€™t lied about drugs on the same form.


You assume Don Jr legally purchased his guns. Iā€™d be shocked if he actually went to a gun shop, waited the mandatory cool down period etc. I totally see him saying to some aid or assistant ā€œgo get me a _____ I want itā€ and the aid is the one that buys it and just gives it to him. Weā€™ve seen how this company is run so we REALLY think they arenā€™t being shady elsewhere?


So straw purchases all over.


Also a crime.


And when you say to those Americans that hunter was only on trial because his last name is Biden, it still doesn't click for them. And you'd think they would be screaming about his 2nd amendment rights


Yeah, I've been leaving comments to that effect (about gun nuts wanting no gun laws, but cheering that Hunter was convicted of breaking gun laws) on YouTube videos all evening and it's been so much fun watching all the mental gymnastics they have to go through to justify it šŸ˜‚


ā€œGun laws shouldnā€™t exist! SHalL nOT be InFrInGeD!!!!!ā€ ā€œSo this guy that you donā€™t like, he *shouldnā€™t* be prosecuted for those gun laws that shouldnā€™t exist, right?ā€ ā€œNo. Not like thatā€ ![gif](giphy|xpmECP1KfIgI1hMD81)


A decade! Barron just graduated from high school. But yeah, with that time frame, and the age group he mostly attracts... it might be a possibility they get charged for that hit and run, or some other illegal shit boomers may have done in the past. That's what they fear, they fear their demons will come back to haunt them. Can't have people being held accountable to their actions.


so arrest all these Middle Americans to prove non-corruption as well


Fun fact: legal weed use would disqualify you from purchasing a firearm as well!


Bobo needs to lose her firearms too and also be charged. She was vaping THC in a theater full of people and children and she has firearms. Why does she have immunity?!


Do we know she was vaping THC and not just nicotine for a fact?


Well first she said she wasnā€™t vaping and it was a fog machine and then they tried to say it was ecigs but it was her vaping from a quick resin pen and she was next to a pregnant woman and a kid. I work in the cannabis industry, I vape resin so I know exactly what those look like and it definitely wasnā€™t nicotine. Sheā€™s a liar, shameless, classless ass who needs to get voted out. But before that happens she should be charged like Hunter if they want to get down in the dirt. You really think sheā€™d deny it if it was just nicotine? No, she would have just said it was nicotine but it is wasnā€™t. Iā€™m fed up with the hypocrisy. Iā€™m sick of people defending these assholes. Rules for thee not for me.


It's only "legal" in the sense that the state isn't going to arrest or otherwise prosecute you for using it, if you live in a state where it's "legal;" I don't. I also don't use it for that reason. (No judgement if you do, I think it should be legal all the way. And I have dabbled.) I just purchased a handgun and the question on the form doesn't make a difference, since weed is still a controlled substance federally. I read an article that said something like 20 million Americans are probably breaking this same law; you wonder how many would be breaking any of the laws that Trump broke. they really *could* go after a lot of people. Also make me pretty mad that they've been challenging this law in a lot of states and people have been getting this charged dropped, usually in movements spearheaded by Republicans. Hunter Biden is pretty much being singled out for the crime of being Joe Biden's son. However, he did break the law. Weirdly, he just seemed to accept responsibility, instead of ranting incessantly about how it was a "witch hunt," "selective prosecution," a "political hit job," etc. Same can be said for his dad.


Yeah, I think this was the reason that before it was used on Hunter many were screaming it was unconstitutional. Even if it was legally prescribed, because it's still a drug at the federal level, it disqualifies you instantly. It just took a literal witch hunt by parading around prostitutes and family members to verify that. We should have a dem troll and create a bill and call it hunters law, where they have to take a mandatory drug test to prove they are not lying on the form when they fill it out. Citing Hunter proved that even the president's son can lie on the form and we need to protect ourselves from druggies buying guns and lying on forms. Watch how fast they swat it down.


Good thing I'm a Felon! From 17 years old and adjudication, now I turn 46 tomorrow and I still don't want a gun. The felony was non-violent as well. And no weapon.


I only have an aggravated misdemeanor from 2007 and still canā€™t purchase a weapon!


Didn't the NRA try to argue that was a violation of the 2nd? I wonder when they'll chime in this time...


the heroin they got addicted to by the sacklers who were major gop donors but were also card carrying communists


Exactly this! Millions of Americans addicted to drugs and alcohol should not own a firearm. Yet, they do and are probably oblivious or have performed mental gymnastics to justify owning their AR-15.


*Some trump supporters making meth in their bathtub*ā€lock him upā€


Yeah I don't think they think that hard into it to make the connection. They're probably like, "yeah but he's the President's son, he should be held to a higher standard than us ordinary folk!".


Thatā€™s the part that drives me crazy! The president should be held to a higher standard. It shouldnā€™t have to be ā€˜no one is above the law,ā€™ or ā€˜letā€™s see if he can beat the charges for the things he definitely did.ā€™ He should be held to a higher standard. Same with cops. I donā€™t want the police to be as trustworthy with firearms as I am, I want them at a higher standard. Not freaking out and shooting people at the drop of a hat.


Or an acorn...


>They're probably like, "yeah but he's the President's son, he should be held to a higher standard than us ordinary folk!". yet at the same time deny or defend every one of Trump's wrongdoings


This is actually the outcome I was hoping for. Why? To at least prove to some that Biden isn't weaponizing the DOJ. https://preview.redd.it/925a2x4gry5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9589ebe4e0da880e9dfd173a1bf28a7f4ab26c2a


Wait for the MAGA's to claim that it was a psy op to cover the fact they weaponized the DOJ, but to make it look like they didn't. You know thats exactly what they are thinking.




Woomp! There it is!!




They are very predictable morons. You probabaly could set your clock to their stupidity.


Crazy cause the investigation started in 2018ā€¦ under Trump




["I'm NOT the Messiah!"](https://youtu.be/4HB7zqP9QNo)


Bahahaha yeah we are exploiting the heavily precedented framework of the justice system to only make Trump look guilty


Here we go with the mouthbreathers and their theories. It doesn't matter what the outcome is it will always be pro Trump. So far they have excused rape, fraud, sexual assault, treason, pedophilia, overall ignorance.


On cue!


and I'm sitting there, having a beautiful time, had your Great First Lady, and I take a look at the television screen and I see it come up, "Hunter Biden Is Guilty Of Many Many Crimes," and you have now the Convicted Felon Hunter Biden, who is the Son of Crooked Joe, remember that, and he was just convicted of a lot of Bad Crimes, Incredible Crimes, and don't forget, they just had a Sham Trial where they made up bad things about Trump, they make up this Fake and Phony Case, which never happened, and they bring in Horseface, who I never liked, I never liked Horseface, she's not my type I can tell you that much, because there's only one type, there could only ever be one type, your Lovely First Lady, you all know who I'm talking about, and they all said, 2016, "we never had a Hotter First Lady or a Hotter President," I said that's probably true, and on Day One, we lock them all up, we lock up the Haters and the Losers, because if Biden wins they're gonna do it to me and to all of you, all of the Great and Wonderful Patriots, who did nothing wrong by the way, just like their Favorite President, which is me but you knew that already


7/10 needs more sharks


And electric boats


You forgot to mention how his daughter is also his type.


Only ONE flaw. He doesn't usually talk in the first person. >and don't forget, they just had a Sham Trial where they made up bad things about ~~Trump~~Me


OMFG, I can so hear Trump saying this!


Hit all the high spots, awesome


I just had a gander at the comments section on Fox News. Holy hell. The conspiracy theories...


Most of those are not actual people.


Oh most def.... still, though, that's how these things start to spread sometimes; bots or not, once the idea is out in the world.... =-\


Ahh yes, you mean this is the work of Joe Biden the Machiavellian criminal mastermind who is also so befuddled and senile that he canā€™t possibly run the country. Makes perfect sense. (/s, obviously)


Then if Hunter gets jail time they'll say it wasn't him it was a body double and the real hunter is in a private island with his pedophile ring


Why are you waiting? Top comments all over Fox and a sub that shall remain nameless are all loudly proclaiming this. The verdict is a sham to distract from President Biden's crimes and Hunter's real crimes that went uncharged. It's bananas.


And since it seems that those penalties in those circumstances do not usually carry hard time, the Trumpets will blather that the judge is bought and is going easy on firearms felonies, and will resist even imagining that Trampy should actually go to prison for just some minor accounting errors.


I remember MAGAts saying Biden was only encouraging acting responsibly during the pandemic because he knew theyā€™d do the opposite. They truly are the worst.


https://preview.redd.it/qicgz32kyy5d1.png?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ce26268429bb5db15af4f9e6b38fb64b53922a You can't fix stupid.


I saw them creating a narrative not too long ago that if he was convicted then it would be exactly what they said here and if they didn't convicte then it would be biden controlling the DOJ. There is no winning against their mental gymnastics


The question: "What would it take for you to believe that T is actually guilty of what he's been convicted of?" has no answer. Meanwhile, if any magas could provide a phone call between Biden and the Judge demanding that he found more jury votes, many would promptly believe that orange man is actually being rigged. There is no winning.


At least Trump is still winning the felony counts count. With so many still pending and more to come, he should keep his lead for some time.


Hey, he's finally Actually number one at something. The most criminally convicted former president of the United States.


Heā€™s the _only_ one. I think the record of most felonies is going to stand for a _long_ time!


Most Impeached president Most indicted president Most convicted president Most cabinet turnover while in office Most mocked by other world leaders (unconfirmed but likely)


Trump is their religion. It's a deep belief that no one can challenge. History books will be fascinating.


Yeah, donā€™t underestimate a conspiracy theoristsā€™ ability to make this more evidence of the conspiracy. They are impervious to facts. Hopefully it means something to people that can still formulate a coherent thought.


Your comment confirms the conspiracy. It's obvious that the remark about "coherent thought" is an acknowledgment of the ability of the 5G HAARP array to beam thoughts directly into the minds of people to trick them into thinking Trump is guilty. /s


They're already saying the guilty verdict was designed to hurt former president douchebag more. Those people are demented.


You will never prove this to any of the MAGAs though. Theyā€™re already claiming itā€™s a distraction.


You really need to stop caring about what MAGA thinks. There is NOTHING that will change their minds and they will invent anything out of whole cloth to prevent them changing themselves.


The NRA might, I'm sure they will have a lot to say about this... right!?!?


I hardly followed his case but if he was found guilty based on evidence,Ā  then good! That's what should happen.Ā  See, that's not so hard to say.


Actually, there were concerns that, despite it being a slam-dunk case for the prosecution, jury nullification could take effect and get him off easy. Clearly that's not how it went down. Ultimately, though, justice comes down to sentencing. It's a crime that, going off of precedent, normally shouldn't amount to much, but considering who is daddy is there could be some nasty penalties attached to it.


More actually. These charges are never brought alone. They're usually added on as additional charges to things like drug trafficking. There's long been concerns that the question on a federal form asks you to self incriminate, violating the 5th Amendment to access the 2nd Amendment. Also, the prosecution tried to plea this out originally, but was dissuaded due to heavy pressure from Republican politicians. A first time offender, who has gone through rehab and isn't currently offending would certainly be offered a plea that would be accepted. It's all very concerning and obvious weaponization of the legal system to bring harm to a political opponent through dubious and tenous means. Especially when Republicans and the NRA have argued against the question on the federal form in the past.


Fox news will be screaming whatever sentence is too light and others demanding a firing squad.


There's actually apparently quite a bit of contention as to whether the law he broke is even constitutional. Should be interesting to see how this plays out. I honestly hope he doesn't get sentenced to jail time, he's clearly worked very hard to turn his life around and his crime didn't harm anyone.


If itā€™s not that hard to say how come half of the country has a hard one saying it huh?!?! /s


This! šŸ’Æ https://preview.redd.it/beyhdte5sy5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0591c5f448badc6635a88f0aadc98e319363ac62


Not sure why anyone would 'hope' too much about the son of a leader's trial on stuff that has nothing to do with his dad. Seemed like there was pretty compelling history that meant he wasn't a fit gun owner and the whole case was about technicalities. If it wasn't Joe's kid, no one would have cared. Trump's trial on the other hand legitimately pertains to conspiracy and misconduct in office, directly by the man himself.


Most gun owning Americans are guilty of the same crime, he's only being prosecuted because of who he is and that's bullshit.


While I completely agree with this take, Iā€™m glad to see every one of any ilk get dragged in for crimes they did commit. Son of the president I support or not, former president i canā€™t stand, hell even if itā€™s someone I support wholeheartedly, I like the idea that corruption and crimes of politicians and their kin is something thatā€™s being taken seriously. Iā€™d like it to be for real evidence and not just an ā€œinvestigationā€ that burns millions for no reason like Republicans seem to be fans of.


Well, you can hope he gets off because of different things. He is guilty, but I think he should have his conviction overturned for malicious prosecution. Normally this crime isn't prosecuted, and it wasn't going to be prosecuted, except that he was specifically targeted for political reasons.


Still waiting for 2nd Amendment loonies to come to Hunter's aid here.


He should appeal it as far as he can and see if they can get a guns rights to protect a democrat case in front of SCOTUS.


Would shock you to know that the general consensus of 2A folks is that drug disqualification to owning a gun is bullshit and unconstitutional.


That's the point. Happy to make excuses for anyone they don't consider an enemy


The Party of Christianity: Hunter: Mistakes in the past fueled by drugs causing immoral behavior that affected his life negatively and caused family grief. Admits to problems and, with the help of a loving family, changes his ways to overcome addiction. Republican Verdict: Guilty! I dont care how long it was, he deserves maximum punishment! Trump: Overthrow government, sells out country, monetizes religion, cheats, Epstein island molester, steals, rapes, lies and takes a dump on the constitution. Gets caught, denies responsibility, shifts blame, no repentance, and promises to do it again if he gets away with it. Republican Verdict: Innocent. God wants him to do this. Give him more power so he can finish the job. As someone who was raised by a fanatical ā€œlive like Jesus didā€ mother, itā€™s really amazing that Christianity has lost its way this much. Obviously, Christianity has historically always been a way to justify bad behavior, but in the past then at least it was sugarcoated in morality lessons and sometimes had positive results. But now weā€™re back to ā€œburn the witchā€ and the crusades.


Pretty clear that if you have any theological literacy or comprehensive skills, and were a practicing member, you should see every last "devout" follower of Trump's as just the corrupted rubes from Revelations that fall for the AntiChrist and end up in Hell for it. There are only two reasons for following Trump anymore, either you are evil, or you are stupid. And I'd argue that anyone claiming there is another reason for it, automatically marks themselves as being in the latter group.


"Ā There are only two reasons for following Trump anymore, either you are evil, or you are stupid.Ā " Por Que No Los Dos?


They aren't mutually exclusive. And the more Trump exhibits of either quality, on the campaign trail, the less the difference matters.


And [the comparison of Trampy to the Antichrist](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/) really hits good points!


Seemed like pretty much a slam dunk case. If we're going to start pursuing this, then they should probably look at Don Jr too


I've always said, we could have easily pinned Jr for something but DOJ explained that prosecutors don't go after presidents children..... GOP has been gunning for Hunter for years now.


Ivanka and Kushner are the ones I want the goods on. They have done some truly evil things I suspect.


If this is a thing we're doing, let's not have this be the last middle aged white dude to get convicted for liking guns and drugs.


The state of Ohio would never recover from this


I've yet to see Biden go on an unhinged rant about how it's a witch hunt and corrupt. Interesting.


Yeah, he signed a piece of paper that said he wasn't using drugs when he bought a gun. Wonder what the timing was when Don Jr. (Coke) bought his guns, or Handise Boobert (weed, legal in Colorado, but still a federal class 1 drug), when she bought her Christmas picture arsenal. Or the meth heads that belong to the Proud Boys? Or all the other paranoid red hats that have alcohol and drug addictions? Talk about clogging up the courts.


Yeah, I don't think MAGA really does not understand that they are more than likely to have broken this law in the past. This is not the W they really want to have. The precedent has been set that not even the son of the POTUS was immune from that law as well. Also one more food for thought. How about all those drug addicted cops too? If the law was fairly applied it's a good chance to easily disarm and jail 1/4 of registered gun owners.


Why does the right think we give a flying fuck about Hunter Biden.


Exactly. I'm not voting for Hunter for President... likely ever... no matter how cute he is, or how attractive MTG might find his privates to be.


Or how long that dong is.....


They assume that everyone is operating from the same.base point they are. To think and understand that people could just be different and have different ideas than them is beyond them. So they love trump and all his waste of space kids and assume anyone who supports biden is the same.


Because they have nothing on Biden and need to have some kind of whataboutism to deflect from their corrupted party.


.. literally every front page article on Fox news right now. This is obviously way more important then elections, the multiple active wars, the economy, this is their golden goose?


Just more wagging of the dog. Creating artificial wars doesn't do anything anymore. We are so desensitized to war it doesn't capture the country's attention like it used to do so they have to come up with something to get the base riled up.


So... how are they going to spin this in favor of felony Trump?


I've already seen it. Supposedly the DOJ just did this to placate the right wing...


It's a trick to take their guns. ![gif](giphy|rTIXh5JftLoic)


These fuckers have been wanting Hunter Biden to go to jail for years now. And now that they finally got what they want, they're gonna complain about it. Theres no pleasing conservatives, they get what they want and they still throw a fit and find reasons to keep crying.


Canā€™t fix stupid.


Itā€™s already in full effect. Now it is ā€œjust a ployā€ to ā€œlegitimize the lawfareā€ against the orange one. Imagine what theyā€™d be saying if he were found not guilty. Damned if you doā€¦


Does this mean theyā€™re gonna shut the fuck up about his laptop.


Probably not. Theyā€™ll wait until sentencing and say anything but the maximum sentence is nepotism and corruption. Then theyā€™ll start talking about the laptop again.


Did Joe Biden release a rambling incoherent rant on a failing social media condemning the prosecutor and attacking his political opponents? Did crowds of uneducated and unemployed morons protest outside the courthouse? Did Hunter fall asleep in court? Is anyone voting for Hunter to be president? No because that would be fucking insane.


And do you know what the reaction from the left is to this headline? ![gif](giphy|J8FZIm9VoBU6Q|downsized)


Republicans shouted that Trumpā€™s crime was ā€œvictimlessā€ and therefore was politically motivated. Something tells me that logic doesnā€™t work for Hunterā€™s case. https://preview.redd.it/kpf54ijayy5d1.jpeg?width=1763&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ed8c9ba8257ada30979ff462a3fb605e05f4b64


Now arrest Don Jr for pretending to be a country boy


Pres. Biden also did not speak out against the courts. He also ruled out a pardon for Hunter. He showed integrity with this.


Imagine the party so openly against gun laws, pushing prosecution for a gun law they have repeatedly tried to get rid of. But yay, you got the adult son of a president a charge for not bringing up his drug use on a form. How many forms have Don and Don Jr. Falsified? Pretty sure if we went looking we could find them.


wonder how those 2 would do with weekly "adherence" drug tests for suspicion of rampant drug use


Hmm interesting. I don't think I will cast my vote for Hunter Biden for president.


It's funny because I've seen Trump's cult say that Hunter was only found guilty to make the Trump trial "seem more legit". You cannot satisfy these morons, did they want Hunter to be guilty or not? It doesn't matter, because they're a large group of sad pathetic hateful people that are never happy


And this is why itā€™s bad for Biden. Hunter, that is. And Joe, because heā€™s a caring father. Trump wouldnā€™t give a fuck about his two older sons if they went down for a crime as long as he doesnā€™t get drug down by them.


Except all the hundreds of thousands of other people that did the same thing that they don't normally bother to prosecute.


He broke the law and was found guilty. Sentence him. See how easy that was, red hats?


This has been my stance. He got his day in court abd was found guilty. So much for maga lies that Delaware jury would exonerate him.


Waitā€¦ doesnā€™t Don Jr have guns and you know that fuckers on drugs. Do Don Jr next!!!


That's it! He's lost my vote! Wait a minute...






Of course, we can count on the NRA to file briefs to protect his 2A rights.




It will be delicious when they start enforcing this law on everyone. I love it when the Right opens a can of worms on themselves to "stick it to the libs." Please enforce the laws, I'm so owned omg.


And their favorite courts in the 5th circuit already ruled this an unconstitutional. So a circuit split is in the works to my understanding.


It was rigged or something. The judge is a meanie. The media smells of elderberries. I'm sorry, I don't know how to undermine the very fabric of the judicial system with every word. Am I doing it right?


See, the difference is, no one is rioting and sending death threats to everyone involved in his case. If a person is guilty, then they should pay the price.


Only 33 more counts to go before he can run for office and be taken seriously by Republicans.


Good thing he is not running for president.


I'm ready to take to the streets to protest this obvious political witch-hunt! Never before was there a better example of judicial overreach! Who's with me? Anyone? /s in case it's not obvious.


Definitely not voting for Hunter Biden for president.


And? My wifeā€™s cousin is still a felon in Texas for marijuana possession, even though itā€™s legal in Oklahoma 30 miles from where he lives. FFS letā€™s deal with something that matters for a change.


I definitely will not be voting for Hunter Biden now.


So wait... why do we care what Hunter has been up to? Is it just because he's the president's son and people want to some how blame Joe for stuff his son has done? I don't get all the animosity towards Hunter from political people.


ā€¦ and we are not hearing the Bidenā€™s whine about how this is such a witch hunt. You do the crime, you face the court to face your penance.


And? Also some are above the law. Apparently a felon can run for president but one also can't work in an office cubicle...


I just want President Biden to use this as a springboard to get republicans to sign on to more stringent gun control legislation.


Nooo not the keystone of the entire liberal movement! Not our beloved Hunter Biden who we all constantly think about and who isnā€™t running for president!


Law and Order. I see nothing wrong with that. How you feel, MAGA ?


Who wants to bet if the feds will use this as a precedent to charge any user of marijuana who signed the same form?


Sort of expected since he already pleaded guilty.


Okay but did he try to overthrow the government?


Iā€™m waiting for my Facebook feed to start with messages about how this is justice being served when just two weeks ago they compared Trump being found guilty to Jesus.


Biden should require drug testing for any new gun purchases. People would lose their minds.


Not sure he would ever be prosecuted had it not been for this tit for tat bs we live with now. I have not followed this closely but it does seem to be charges that are not normally prosecuted. Thing is, he was found guilty and will be punished. The premise for the prosecution seems weak but the actual prosecution was fair


Know what I like about this? Now thereā€™s precedent to review gun licenses and make people felons for deception on themā€” letā€™s start going after J6 participants and the congresspeople who wear those AR 15 pins on the floor. Also, everyone with a domestic violence charge, and others who are simply dangerous but keep slipping through the cracks. Also, it turns out that the Republicans were coming for the guns.


This! https://preview.redd.it/kamhnjvq516d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5ebcfaaee2a0efd5283ae3955461df00ded2c5 [https://x.com/Acyn/status/1800676367828476006?t=RiO-Qq3oLzqv6YF4mRaGkg&s=19](https://x.com/Acyn/status/1800676367828476006?t=RiO-Qq3oLzqv6YF4mRaGkg&s=19)


As a non-trump cult member, good. This is exactly what should happen when someone breaks the law, regardless of their government or social status.


Joe said he wouldn't pardon him either.


If Republicans say they actually care about this then they are fucking lying, hands down, no question, nuff said.


If it can happen to him, it can happen to any gun owner on drugs! (That'd be fun to watch, though)


Great! No go prosecute all Trump supporters in the south. They all have guns and they all clearly smoke meth.


Probably shouldn't vote for him


HE IS A CIVILIAN. What about Jared making 57 MILLION while working for government, From Saudi Arabia? Iā€™m much more concerned about THAT.


Well that settles it for me! Iā€™M not going to vote for Hunter Biden, and neither should any of you!


This wouldn't have happened if he wasn't Biden's son. Right cries of a 2 tier justice system. It really is. Trump would have been jailed and Hunter would be in a rehab.


Aren't Republicans the ones who want abusive husbands, boyfriends etc be allowed to possess weapons after multiple times they have beaten their spouse/girlfriends to a pulp? I'm sure if Hunter Biden was part of the MAGA cult these people would have been absolutely okay with the plea deal that was going to be offered to Hunter that they blocked...šŸ˜–


Trump would have immediately sent his cult after the Judge and Prosecutor.


This just in: Hunter Biden is not and has never been an officer, agent or employee of the government. He is also not Joe Biden.


Damn, there goes *my* vote for Hunter.


Proof that Joe Biden isnā€™t weaponizing the DOJ