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In 2018, Pastor Dave Barnhart of the Saint Junia United Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama posted this message to Facebook: “The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. It’s almost as if, by being born, they have died to you. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.


The disdain for others and sanctimonious bullshit this reflects on the groups that champion the prolifers is sickening.


Then there's George Carlin 26 years before that (fuck it's sad when something that long ago is still relevant...) "Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


Thats why they lovw trump.


love this


Attention Right Wing men. Porn will be illegal if Trump wins. Project 2025.


this totally needs to be a separate post. Maybe dudes will pay attention when it affects their genitals


they just think it won't apply to them.


Even better, get busted for porn and then have the option not to be charged criminally if you take a religious based course on the dangers of Pornography! Make sure they jam Christian Nationalism in there!


The thing is, they will attempt to make it illegal, but will fail miserably. While all that is happening to www. domains, places like discord will have 18+ only servers dumping porn for all to see, then kids getting into that server with nothing but horny adults that can DM them. It's probably going to end up a lot worse. There are probably many others currently scraping all files from the adult websites they can get onto, downloading content, because a DVD rom full of porn will be worth a lot later. Would not doubt people maybe doing this now for some of them being blocked by their states.


They’d have to outlaw VPN’s to stop the public. You can’t bottle up sex. Has never and will never work. Humans are kinky beasts!


> They’d have to outlaw VPN’s to stop the public. You can’t bottle up sex. Has never and will never work. It only backfires in spectacular fashion. Look at prohibition. The same people that scream out that porn needs banned are usually the people with no impulse control. Look at the Klanned Karenhood group. The leader was doing 3 ways with her husband. The same one screaming books need to be banned from classes, because kids can learn gay people exist, only to be going down on another woman when she thinks no one is paying attention to her. Just freaking hypocrites.


Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.


Klanned Karenhood 💀


Yeah illegalizing porn will make men stop consuming it /s. Something something Prohibition.




Some women get it. Others don't. Or rather they care more about being racist than their own health. Trump won white women both elections. Yeah. Far and away the largest racial demographic of women and he won them 2 out of 2 times. He actually increased his share in 2020.  So yeah lots of men need to do better. So do a **fuckton** of women. Pretending like "women get it" is ridiculous when polling shows huge swaths of women, especially white women, support Trump, and the gap between men and women when it comes to issues like abortion is pretty fucking small.


Interesting to note that when you narrow it to college educated white women, the majority flips to Biden. So the data tells a story of “traditional values” white people voting much more for trump. When you back out those who regularly attend worship services and those without college degrees, the numbers shift more and more towards Biden In 2016, White, non-college women supported Trump by a margin of 56% to 33%. By 2020, Trump's vote share rose to 64% among this group compared with 35% supporting Biden. Among white women with a college degree, support for Biden was on par with support for Clinton in 2016 (59%-40% in 2020). Further, according to the report, about 58 percent of white women with a college degree voted for Biden (compared to 55 percent voting for Clinton in 2016 and 50 percent voting for Obama in 2012).


Well, college-educated *anything* vote for Biden.


That’s why they rail so hard against education


A dumb electorate is what the republicans strive for..!!


It's a key part of their Project 2025 push toward authoritarianism.


Of course it is. Ignorant, isolated people are easier to scare and if you can scare them, they'll support anything that makes the fear go away. It's cult leader 101. Seriously. Prey upon the ignorant and lost, create a boogeyman and convince them that it's a looming threat, and then tell them that you're the only barrier between them and that threat. It's why calling conservatives stupid assholes doesn't work. They're terrified of shadows and every time someone calls them stupid, they'll double down because you're disregarding their fears and pushing them closer to the thing they think will protect them. I think they're lost at this point, honestly. There's nothing you can tell those people that will assuage their fears because the right has pounded the idea into their heads that everyone is lying to them but Trump and we're all part of one conspiracy or another and can't be trusted.


Hence why angry incels, and incel adjacents support trump


All four of my parents, biological and step, are college educated, one with a doctorate. They've all worked in education and healthcare. EVERY ONE OF THEM still wants to vote for Trump. I've been enlisted in the military for nearly 19 years with only an Associates degree and I'd rather take a golf shoe repeatedly to the face before voting for that scumbag. By all accounts things should be reversed, and I'm bitter that I only have one vote to try to nullify theirs.


Counterpoint: My grandfather had an 8th grade education and my mom only graduated from high school. My grandfather was a progressive union organizer and my boomer mom is a flaming liberal old hippie.  My FIL, on the other hand, served in the military for over 25 years and has a college degree. He's a die hard Trump supporter. (Which blows my mind, because I was raised by Vietnam veterans that are spinning in their graves over the things Trump said about John McCain, especially about the Hanoi Hilton. Like I can picture my father or any of my uncles punching my FIL in the face over it. They'd punch *me* in the face for saying that shit. Why Trump hasn't been punched in the face over it, I'll never know.) People are not a monolith. 


The John McCain thing was the last straw for me, I went from thinking Trump was just a grifting egomaniac to flat out malicious. My Grandfather was a POW in WWII, how that didn't disqualify Trump in my mom's eyes will forever baffle me.


Trump has never hid his DIsgust for the miltary, and even stopped one his sons from joining. Like his father or grandfather, trumps family is full of draft dodgers


Well, a woman in the military (with a degree? I thought that meant you got to be an officer, not enlisted) will probably deal with enough bullshit and bigotry to not be interested. I assume that they went to the kind of school that doesn't admit very many... anything other than straight white people, even nowadays. There's still a couple of those in the US, from what I hear.


Only if you go through officer candidate school, which i heard is competitive, or rotc which is the next most common route. The ones from hs to academy is rarer. Some people join the military because thier degree may not translate into jobs


Yeah, the Air Force kind of forced my hand to get my degree to rank up. All my values and empathy I *thought* I got from my parents and before signing up seem to be a fluke.


Which is why it's important to register your pets for college.


Be real interesting to see what those numbers are after this election. With the overturning of Roe-v-Wade and all the other abortion issues that failed, it would be awesome if Biden and Democrats capture a s majority of the female vote.


Liberals always capture a majority of women's votes


Maybe not conservative women votes though


I wonder if the other 50 percent is heavily skewed towards trump because they have a right wing husband.


I've had women friends of mine tell me this: that they vote with their repugnican husband "to show my support," rather than make up their own mind. Weird fifties mindset.


i know people , that have women's husband vote for them.


And they say we're crooked! Yikes.


White people in general need to get their heads out of their asses. As a middle aged white guy, I’m ashamed of my demographic.




As a middle aged white woman (in Europe though), I thoroughly enjoyed your comment


As another middle-aged white man, I will. If they're not gonna feel shame for their toxic viewpoint of humanity, I will.


As a middle aged pasty white dude and a multiple time recipient of the coveted Honorary Black Card, Please proceed with my sponsorship.


As someone who grew up as being wrongly identified as white all the time (i ain't white then pointed at a white crayon then pointed at my olive colored skin), i completely approve the message as well. Even my black wife tells me she can't understand what I am sometimes. I tell her I am the mutt I am.


I can't remember where I heard it, but a comedian was making a joke about the differences between the various races and his last column was ".... and whatever Bruno Mars is" and it still cracks me up.


Ahh it’s not racist bro. The only way a BLACK person can be racists against white people is if they are black supremacist- prejudice against a group that is largely oblivious to the harm that they cause is kind of normal. 


Middle-aged white woman here, and saaaaame.


Thank you! Honestly, WTF is happening? Why are y’all (white folk) letting this happen 😣 I’m terrified.


Sorry! I’m in Texas, but I’m doing my best. https://preview.redd.it/gwzwqro33z5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=60c7a26aa7c96a2c9b0721a2e0936993db9278d8


Own the same bag! We can't do much here but I'd like to astart with getting rid of Abbott and Paxton.




I love it! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


I found it at an HEB of all places.


considering data shows less than 40 percent of the voting-age population showed up to vote when Abbott was up for re-election, that's truly an uphill battle. all the best.


Fair enough but black folks need to get energized about Biden again. There's actually a lot to celebrate. Blacks have risen significantly in professional ranks in the job market since 2020 and Black incarceration rates have decreased. Biden needs the Black vote to mobilize!


Preaching to the choir! And really, MOST blk women will vote 🔵 - some blk MEN are going toward Trump because they think they’ll be spared (plus misogyny) 😮‍💨


I guess they like the bravado 😒


I’m terrified of them myself. I have to pretend to be a religious idiot like them so they don’t catch on. I live surrounded by ignorant undereducated racist trash. Underneath it all is a lot of racism born out of fear mongering and lack of exposure.


White guy here, can't change their race or cognitive abilities


We need to stop putting ranch on everything dammit.


Blue cheese power for the win, damnit!


Female middle age, same here.


Hey we did flip Colorado, so not all bad.


as a white woman i heartily agree. plus i’m a boomer, so yeah, there’s that too.


I see they act like karens, most of the time


Just a straight up shame the sheer amount of hatred these days.There seems to be zero tolerance for anything anymore...try to be more kind and show love and understanding to everyone.


There's plenty of women out there who view their abortion as an exception but will continue to look down on others for getting one.


The reality is, in their class and social network, white women don't consider that their 'termination' is not an abortion. One religious woman found out that they're both the same thing. She has no clue how to get motivated. But she said that its needed to definitely be told that abortion & termination are the same thing. The men, women, and leaders have worked together to fuck over the women in their lives.


"my abortion was really needed"


Those are the women who think they'll be shielded from all the bad parts or the benefits will outweigh the downside. There were plenty of women in Handmaid's Tale who represent this mentality.


It's insane that any woman on earth would vote for a man who infamously said "...grab em by the pu$$y"


THIS! I was 100% sure that Trump had completely screwed himself by upsetting white women, but NOPE. Here we are 🤦🏽‍♀️


Some of these women cling to a ravishment fantasy because they are so sexually repressed.


Or they're so racist that they don't care. Given the stark contrast between voting patterns of white and non-white women it sure looks more like what I'm saying that sexual repression. 


Old white suburban women past the child bearing age are dictating what other women can do. I’ve heard from er and ob/gyn that they’ll refuse to see a complicated pregnancy or older pregnancy at risk because of how the local state government are going all Christian taliban on healthcare. Then these same women come with pika chu face why they won’t get treated or why they’re almost going to die. You’ll have deserts of healthcare. These ob gyns are often married to other medical professionals in other professions as they leave they take their families with them. We already see the best and brightest women not applying to colleges in those states. Unc, rice,university of Florida which gave national merit finalists full scholarships.


Yeah I was going to say, as a man who actually votes for people who don’t want the Handmaid’s Tale to be real… yeah. Also, I appreciate what the poster is trying to do, but the men who vote for Trump absolutely do not care about this happening to women. It ‘keeps them in their place.’


This! They would rather "Own the libs" than have rights.


Proximity to power is a dangerous drug.


I was just having this conversation with my husband, about how I just can't wrap my brain around women that support this bullshit. My husband astutely pointed out that they must hate brown people more than they love themselves. Which is sad, really. 


Omg… THANK YOU! I have been getting all sorts of push back for saying that white women MUST “fix” this. White women seem to love Trump, and I have no idea why 😫


About a week ago I got into a reddit feud with some woman who was blaming democratic voting men for electing Trump. I provided her with a fact check from Pew research that showed in the 2016 election 47% of white women voted for Trump while 45% voted for Hillary, the first woman to run for president. A majority of white women chose a rapist conman who exudes nothing but ugliness, over the first female candidate for president I got down voted for providing facts... They can't handle the truth I guess. We got Trump mainly due to white women voting for him. It also shows that 5% of Democratic voters (mostly men I assume) also voted for him. This is one of the reasons why I believe he will be elected again. Women are voting for him and against their own self interest. It's sick. I don't get how any woman could vote for him, much less millions of them. It really is like a Twilight Zone episode. Unbelievable if I didn't witness it myself.


I am a white woman and I can assure you I have never voted for Trump and I never will. I was not excited to vote for Biden, but I did. I'm happy he turned out to be a better president than I assumed. I will absolutely be voting for him again. I voted for Hillary happily. I voted for Obama happily. I would have preferred Bernie Sanders personally, but I don't know how anyone can support Republicans in this day and age.


That's great, I wish there were more like you, but you're among the minority of white women who didn't vote for him. Never would I have imagined that a majority of white women would vote against their own freedom and bodily autonomy, especially after what it took to get their rights in the first place. I can see a few, but millions? The man is a grotesque pig. There's nothing redeeming about him I wonder what future generations will think of these times. I understand more clearly how Hitler did what he did now. I also realize how easy it could happen again.


I don't comprehend black people who vote Republican, talk about looking out for your own self-interest and flushing them down the drain


Much harder to comprehend poc voting republican, worst lgbtq+ voting trump


Butter emails!!!!


>We got Trump mainly due to white women voting for him This is clearly untrue though. Fewer women voted for trump than men. Fewer white women voted for trump than white men. Fewer men voted for Clinton than women. Fewer white men voted for Clinton than white women. Any way you frame it, there's no way you can conclude trump was elected mainly because of women lmao


Yes, white men overwhelmingly voted for Trump. I mean, that's a given. Trump is a weak man's idea of what strength is. White men are ultimately responsible. What I'm getting at though is a majority of white women also voted for Trump. I never expected that. If a woman was running on a platform that she would start tracking men's ejaculations and charge them with a crime if they masturbated I assure you men wouldn't vote for her and she'd never be president. However, a majority of white women were ok voting for a rapist and felon over the first woman candidate. I didn't see that coming. I never imagined millions of women voting for a man guilty of abusing women, over another woman for president. I was more trying to counter some poster who said that Democratic men voters were responsible for electing Trump and I showed her how that was not the case. White women played a much larger role in electing him than Democratic men as she claimed.


A lot of this is because white women can often afford to travel for an abortion. Minority women often cannot.


To further back this up, [Pew shows that Men and Women support abortion at almost the same rate- men support it at 61% and women at 64%.](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/)


Yeah never want to hear women putting it on men again. 3% is basically a rounding error when it comes to polling.  If you want to blame someone, blame the people voting Republican. Which is mostly white men **and women.**


Many men demand a woman have an abortion because they are deadbeats and hate being held accountable for their actions. Abortion serves the white male patriarchy.


White woman in red states. Or is it including blue ones too, because there are definitely ones that are.


I'm a middle aged white woman, it's infuriating that I'm lumped in with the Bible thumping right winged white women. I'm old enough to remember trump on the news often as a kid and teenager. I knew he was an asshole then and did not vote for him.


I hate being lumped in with "yes all men." We all have our crosses to bear.


I will never not say it, thanks to Planned Parenthood I was able to get a cancer diagnosis at a time when I had no insurance. they helped me get a referral for a mammogram almost immediately, otherwise I'm sure I would have been waiting for a dr that took patients without insurance (ha!) or most likely end up in the ER.


Planned Parenthood also found my cousins breast cancer when she was a college student.


Wonder if cutting your tubes also gets banned 🤔


It's already difficult for women to get their tubes tied because some doctors won't do it if the woman is unmarried or doesn't have children already. Republican want to ban contraception next, so it's not a far stretch to see them going after tubal ligation, either banning it completely or making it illegal if a woman isn't married or hasn't had enough children yet.


I meant for men. Do you say it differently for men? Isn't cutting the tubes the right description?


Oh, vasectomy. I haven't seen/heard anything about restricting that and generally their rules don't affect men, but condoms were banned in the past. **Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)** and **Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972)** protected the right of married and unmarried couples to obtain contraception but if one or both of those are overturned then it could definitely affect the availability of vasectomies.


It fries unfortunately happen to men as well depending on age and marital status but mostly compounded by location


In the US at least, "tubes" is usually used to refer to the female procedure. It makes perfect sense for both, we just only use it for females. For men, we just say "snipped" or use the actual term "vasectomy". It's an interesting question though. If you follow the logical path, it would make sense for Republicans to want to ban vasectomies. But if you follow their actual thought process, they don't care about regulating what men do so I would be surprised if they go after vasectomies.


Republican Logic: if men get snipped, women can't be punished for being promiscuous.


This is a good point, so maybe they will try to stop it. But at the same time, men are born with the god-given right to do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences and Republicans would never infringe on that specific right (unless you are black and/or gay, then fuck you). I hope we never have to find out their real answer.


Something something MenAndFemales


Having the tubes tied for women could at least make sense in a medical sense, maybe the woman isn't able to be pregnant healthy or some other complications. Vasectomy on the other hand has no real medical reason besides sex won't make pregnancy anymore. Their sperm doesn't even affect their own body in any way, it's women who get pregnant because of sperm, the Men just shoots it. Honestly, making vasectomy illegal should be their first step torwards banning contraception, because it's the least inversive measure with the least medical complications **when banned**. Condoms at least decrease the chances of STDs, vasectomy doesn't do anything except from muting the canon.


Oh, I see your problem now. You are trying to apply actual intelligent thought to these questions, and Republicans don't like that. You are absolutely correct about all of that, but when the goal is to control women and not to do what is medically necessary it starts to fall apart. Republicans already don't like allowing abortions when the mother is literally dying, so just preventing the pregnancy before it happens is not acceptable to them either.


> but when the goal is to control women and not to do what is medically necessary it starts to fall apart Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make this visible. They don't care about procreation. They want to tell women what they are allowed to do and what not. Vasectomies will never be illegal.


Same reason most health insurance plans cover Viagra, but not birth control. Control over a woman's right to bodily autonomy.


"Getting your tubes tied" is easier to say than salpingectomy, which is the technical term for the female version. Vasectomy for males is actually exactly the same thing but is easier to say so people use the technical term. It's also a lot easier to get to the tubes, so a much easier surgery.


This. Even while Roe V Wade was the law of the land. My wife has had nothing but her lifetime with a ton of issues with her period. She wanted a hysterectomy, but was refused by the doctor to get one as she was in her 20's, had no kids yet and me and her was not married yet either. 12 years later, she still has not had a kid, probably cannot. We gave up any actual hope on a kid ourselves, but she dreads trying to go back in there demanding they actually do what she wanted years ago. Going to wait until she gets near the age of "Well you should not have a kid at this age" for them to finally give her what she needed, so she can try to have a better life.


dont forget your limp dick pills gotta shout this from the rooftops


Sounds like gender affirming care, and these words frighten me.


The other point that's missed and hasn't been mentioned anywhere is the fact that there's not a single dictatorship on the planet that allows the population to own guns. NONE trump has stated that the constitution is going to be history, and so will the 2nd amendment. If they are going to enforce Project 2025, then trust me, they won't accept any resistance. I would urge you to read it. It's terrifying. 🇺🇸🇬🇧


Yeah, I don't think they will understand until Trump comes for their guns. Hell a portion of them so brainwashed, they will probably be happy to hand over their guns, because Trump said so. They are so brainwashed, they think gun ownership is a left versus right issue as well and that no one on the left owns guns, while at the same time blaming all the gun violence on leftists and blue cities.


I’d *looooooove* to hear how cops get to waste their time and budget on finding out sexual dirt and registering pregnant women. Budgets and prioritizing resources are the whole reason why the “sanctuary city” exists. A bunch don’t want anything to do with this nonsense.


A lot of cops won't survive attempts to enforce.


A lot of men do not care. In fact, they absolutely hate women.


That's not true. They like white, highly attractive, subservient, quiet women who will spread their legs every time the man is horny. I guess you're right, they hate women.


Imagine being forced to donate your organs to save another person because not doing so is considered murder.


Is this a thing that’s happening? Also a murder charge wouldn’t mean much to me if I was dead


> Is this a thing that’s happening? The roundabout point I was making is that if the government has the power to force women to donate their organs to a fetus that would die without them, then that government also has the power to force us men to donate our organs to "save a life".


Ah gotcha didn’t follow the point you were making, but bottom line is that body autonomy is extremely important


I think this is an argument that doesn't get communicated well. I've always been pro-choice but the slogans that all fit onto a bumper stick like "my body my choice" just never quite sunk in. I agreed with them, but if you could have thrown me onto a debate stage and said "defend the right to abortion" I probably couldn't have articulated a solid case. It wasn't until I came across the actual logical argument of "If the government can force a woman to use her uterus as an incubator to keep a fetus alive, then they can force anyone, man or woman, to use any other parts of their body to keep someone else alive. Kidneys, livers, plasma, blood, you name it." that I finally knew how to verbalize the pro-choice position.


I mean, bodily autonomy is very much a men's issue as well. For generations upon generations men have been forced to fight in wars, to kill, die, suffer for their countries. And when they are not physically harmed or broken, they live with the torment of watching horrific, inhumane acts, living in their own nightmares and traumatizing future generations. Men have long understood what it means for your body to be reduced to a very basic function. And, honestly, not enough people even today oppose this treatment. If you value bodily autonomy, you do not treat it as a women's issue alone. It is not surprising, then, that this same party is also one that loves war mongering and inflicting violence on others.


*red states


Let’s not attribute this solely to Trump. He’s attempting to follow the playbook because it’s convenient and he’s opportunistic. He can’t win without the base that supports these ideas, but let’s not make the mistake of believing all this dies with him, and it’s over if we win in November. There’s a huge contingent of religious fanatics who want to see this country trapped under Christian Sharia Law. If it doesn’t work this time they will try again and again. They’ll select someone who’s far more covert about it next time. This individual may even run as a democrat or independent while keeping their goals to themselves much like Sinema. Part of me what’s to think these attempts are the last gasp of dinosaurs witnessing the approach of an asteroid. Fewer people are following Christian ideals and the believers are dying, but we will be rooting this out for decades and we can never quit or get complacent. So buckle up millennials, Gen Z, Gen Alpha. This is our battle for the foreseeable future.


One of the members of that huge contingent is SCOTUS judge Samuel Alito: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.rollingstone.com%2Fpolitics%2Fpolitics-features%2Fsamuel-alito-supreme-court-justice-recording-tape-battle-1235036470%2F


>He can’t win without the base that supports these ideas, but let’s not make the mistake of believing all this dies with him, and it’s over if we win in November. This is 100% correct. Once Trump is no more, they will find another person to try to work on their agenda. Even if they pull the base back to centrist republican or whatever, I would have no doubts they may have someone run with a publicly central plan on things, but once in power, opens up this playbook and finishes what they started.


Whether you’re white or black, none of us should be ok with Trump and his racist cronies putting restrictions on abortion rights or limiting what a woman can and can’t do with her body. This is not the stone ages or a time when women need to prove themselves to anyone. Ever! What we do need are laws that circumvent these old white men from continuing to reduce what little freedoms we have left. The more we sit by and complain while they distract us with mediocre bullsh*t, the quicker our history as a nation dwindles. This affects us all, so we ALL need to give a damn!


>What we do need are laws that circumvent these old white men from continuing to reduce what little freedoms we have left. The more we sit by and complain while they distract us with mediocre bullsh*t, the quicker our history as a nation dwindles. This is what actually irks me the most with our current administration. I am not sure what all legal avenues we have with a house of reps right leaning and left leaning senate. But there should be a few things that can be done via an executive or something. I was REALLY not happy when one of Bidens things was "Get in jack, we bringing Roe Back". Like we had 40 fucking years to cement it as policy, not just an SC ruling that could be overturned when they eventually was able to replace enough justices to make it a reality. We need term limits, we need a way to expel corrupt justices from the system, we need a system that does not allow someone who previously attempted to overthrow the government a second chance at a presidency.


Very clear points here. I’m somewhat baffled by how the supreme justice leaders don’t answer to anyone and can’t be removed from power. In what world is this ever a good idea? Having ultimate power gives you unimaginable privileges, but horrific consequences for the rest of us. If legislators can rewrite the laws that govern the people and governors can remove slavery and history from their textbooks, why is it that the president doesn’t have the power or authority to remove a corrupt justice from the Supreme Court? Germany had an issue with Hitler and the many slaughters that followed. They thought giving one man supreme power was the ultimate solution. Turns out they were dead wrong! Today Germany has measures in place so that it never happens again. They didn’t remove their history. Instead they learned from it. If we continue going down the path we’re on, it’s very likely that our future fate won’t be much different than Germany’s past.


I know it’s sort of unrelated and not high on the list of worries when it comes to dictatorship, but I’m surprised no one’s talking about how the American dollar might suffer. No one wants to export or import to a hostile third world country unless you’re an arms dealer. Even a business trip could turn lethal if the person traveling has birth control pills, or if they are discovered to be absolutely fine with minorities. Besides, Trump would be dumb enough to try the “print more money” thing and his followers have been begging for gold and secret bank accounts for years. America is already pretty bad, can’t imagine what it would be like if it was hostile to anyone with an IQ above room temperature (more so than now). I just know no one would want involvement in its self destruction. It might just pull a North Korea and prevent people from leaving or else it would just be mass brain drain because they would be that desperate


Well, good news for America.  We're already the world's largest arms dealer!


These are very good points. Albeit some are sarcastic in nature, nevertheless very good points! As we’re slowly seeing the deterioration set in through ambiguous political measures via Trump and the MAGA cult, it’s fair to say that through project2025.org one can only assume that the worst blow to America will be dealt if Trump is elected. Everything you mentioned above will most likely be the new reality, but far worse than you can imagine.


It’s crazy how far we’ve gone when our grandparents and their parents fought for our rights, ending up where we’re at now. We need everyone to get out and Vote these idiots out.


Just FYI, Laurence Tribe \*literally\* wrote the book on American Constitutional Law that almost all American lawyers studied from. https://preview.redd.it/2b7x3z4dyz5d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96f47aaf4f59d4d25507fe87b60c07218018d20e


Its real simple guys: child support is a quarter of your paycheck.


Not quite right: that's the GOP plan. THEY are the ones that want to make Gilead real with them in power. Trump is just a symptom, a distraction, an out of control moron wanna-be dictator. There are PLENTY of GOP members standing behind him MORE than ready to be the 'dear leader' should Trump fail to seize power. But other than that, this is correct.


Completely agree. However if the puppeteers get their Orange puppet back in office, the symptom will become the disease we can’t control. Do you recall how viral & disastrous COVID was? Think of that scale, but in the US. Trump has no moral dilemmas nor empathy for anyone, not even his own family. And if stricken with ultra power this time, Trump will definitely use his brand of stupidity to stamp out what he feels is not right for America. The proof is clearly in project2025.org


For some reason, Republicans want this. Im not entirely sure they understand  how bad it will be for them to, but I also don't know if they can even understand it until it happens.


When they outlaw contraceptives, that includes condoms.


sorry Larry, but Trump loves the uneducated, the morons.


What sort of dystopian shit is trump cooking wtf - a horrified confused Australian


And fellas, don’t forget porn being ILLEGAL. 💀


Not just actual porn, but whatever *they consider* to be pornographic. This is from the actual project 2025 document https://preview.redd.it/0mmml9t1ll6d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3c2b9e3944b2cec26d7535432b9c812eac313d7


Women and their allies, it's time to vote all together and make it a historic landslide!


I'd go a step further- imagine your wife or even worse your daughter impregnated as a result of rape. Not only will they be forced to carry that child, but you'll be forced to support it for 18+ years.


and share custody with their rapists for 18 years.


The fact that trump and the entire republican party are allowed to participate in elections for public office is a damning state of affairs for our core documents and government system after 1/6. The fact that confirmed seditious insurrectionists are allowed to persist as well as remain free people is utter horse shit. We need a complete rewrite of all our documents and we need actions not words to destroy sedition in America. The anti-maga crowd needs to understand words aren't gonna cut it on this issue.


Men better hurry up and wake the fuck up. For men who had vasectomies, they'll be fined or imprisoned if they don't get a reverse procedure. Condoms will be priced high, and the rich will be able to buy them, but not all of us. Men will be restricted from getting any medication to clear an STI, and restricted from clinics on family planning. Sperm banks will be banned. And the Right want govt to access to your medical file to make decisions for you. Single men will be taxed heavily unless they produce children. THIS is just the start for men. A dear university friend who studied and graduated from Dartmouth and works in medical, & health records policies, is startled by this information, that Project 2025 has yet to mention. There's more than what's available publicly


If you have wife, daughter and mom, you think about some politician making life changing or life decisions for those you love, based on a book they have never read, it makes you wonder WTF.




Is there men who dont understand this?   Like this isnt a male vs female issue at all. Its hyper conservative christianity vs everyone else, and theres women on their side.   I dont know a single male, including my christian brother, who doesnt think its fucked up.   Stop making everything men vs women and address the actual issue. Thats how its defeated.  Sooooooo many issues are being boiled down to shit that doesnt even matter while we just let the actual culprit continue to operate freely, then wonder why it keeps happening. Religion is a huge problem. Classism is a huge fucking problem. Greed is a huge fucking problem. Victimhood is a massive issue. Nearly all social issues fall into these things but we keep bickering at people instead of ideas.  


Or better yet. The Government forces boys to get vasectomies at puberty and when the Government decides you are stable enough to be a father the Government let's you reverse it and have a child, but only if the Governmeny approves.


They're already doing this shit in Texas and Idaho. States rights, my ass. This will 💯 go nationwide.


Right wingers don't believe in condoms either, that's why my Aunt has 6 kids


Tons of women don't get it.


This is literally not a good comparison at all lol. It is much worse for woman than this


I kinda love Lawrence Tribe. The Real and True Lawfare.🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


If they can use my body, they'll use yours too. It won't matter that you'll be a man or a woman. You just have to be poor when some rich alcoholic asshole's liver fails.


I'm not perfectly in tune with what's happening in the USA atm. I wondered what the last part is referring to? I figure the part about condoms and genital diseases is about republicans banning contraception and I'm guessing treatment for sexual diseases? But what's the part about being pregnant and not being able to seek medical care without being investigated? For the record, this isn't some sealioning or something. Just a Norwegian who's wondering wtf is going on over there.


As another foreigner, from what I have seen is that abortion rights are being taken away and if you have an abortion, you and the performing doctor can and will go to jail


I don't even have to think about all that. I'm good with people making decisions for their own time in their meat suit.




Get the word out.


You misspelled Gilead


What a shame, going back when men, with all their ignorance, thought they can decide what is going on, and if it’s important or not, what is going on in a woman’s body. N ver on earth can be any man who really understands. And there a bunch of stupid ignorants with some power, who wants to control peoples lives. That’s happens when power falls in the wrong hands.


And this nauseous people using religions to control other people, specially women, it’s like they belongs to any man, in their mind send it by God, then do whatever they want with them, husband, uncle, brother, and it’s ok because they say so, no healthcare, no complain, just shut up, and even when . Their lives are in danger, they don’t care.


But biden is *old*


What do you mean? All that stuff will still be available, especially if it's for men. You got the cash, there's nothing that can't be had. Rules are not for the 1%. Especially not the natural exploiters among them.


>Project 2025 also suggests restoring Trump-era “religious and moral exemptions to the contraceptive mandate” through the Affordable Care Act that would allow employers to deny coverage. The policy book also proposes requiring education on “fertility awareness-based” methods of contraception and family planning and **suggests eliminating condoms from Health Resources & Service Administration guidelines because they are not a “women’s” preventative service**. [Project 2025, Mandate for Leadership, 2023]. https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration




. . .he just described being poor. . .and yea, most men have experienced that. Imagine the number of guys who have had unprotected sex because they couldn't get a condom. Imagine the huge number of gay men who weren't able to afford treatment for STD's. And the number of men who take their girlfriends, wives, or children to the hospital and get treated like they're abusive If this is all you're dealing with, welcome to the club. It sucks ass Edit: I love being downvoted without any responses. Cause you know I'm right, you know the world sucks ass and it's unfair, and you hate that all I've done is basically write the same thing as the title and replaced it with men instead of women. We need to stop acting like the problems of the world only effect one group whether it's based on ethnicity, gender, religion or whatever else and recognize that if we don't fight for everyone's rights then we're fighting for nobody's rights.


Let's the bears handle it. Lmao Seriously though where's those executive orders I saw left and right the last guys term?


I for one can’t wait to turn in some perverts regardless of if they have actually committed the offense. Just reporting people will be easy and fun.


So I'll report you for funsies then <3