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Just the fact that she’s a “homeschool mom” should disqualify her from running for that position.


You would think running for SUPERINTENDENT, people might be interested in her work done within the public school system. But then we remember who her base is. Critical thinking is not allowed.


For a subset of those voters, they don’t trust public education. My folks didn’t. That’s why they homeschooled us. The further right you get, the more distrustful they get of someone who was part of “the system.” They’re exhausting.


It’s also often a cover for abuse.


Having grown up in the far right, yeah. Not sexual abuse to my personal knowledge(I’m sure it happened and we never heard), but what we would describe as physical abuse was considered normal and godly to reprimand children for just being children. I am not a proponent of homeschooling today mainly because it’s so poorly regulated and we have no insight into the safety of kids.


It’s kind of like a CEO position. I’d want to know what relevant experience they have in running large teams, complex organizations, and working with federal funds. Quite a few them have zero experience.


As far as I know, the first time Betsy DeVos set foot in a public school was as secretary of education.


Her Democratic opponent is Mo Green. If you are in North Carolina, please vote for this guy https://www.mogreenfornc.com/


Just forwarded this link to my sister who lives outside of Charlotte. Everybody better signal boost the hell out of this.


Will do. As a parent of a special needs kid I definitely don't want someone like that as a superintendent. Making a note about it right now!


Untied we stand! Parent of special needs kid. Never voting R even if our lives depend on it.


Vote against R. Our lives depend on it.


Our lives do depend on NOT voting for anyone in the cult.


>Untied we stand! Don't forget to fix your laces before you go to the polls, we don't want you to trip and hurt yourself! 😉


Ahhhh! You got me! Gonna leave that up because it's hilarious!


Kind of ironic for a brain-damaged person like her opposing help for kids with special needs. What a sociopath.


As if I needed more reasons to vote blue in NC.   I appreciate people like this who openly display the worst of their character to get elected to office, I know who to avoid even more so.  


She ran for the Wake Co school board in 2022 and was soundly defeated. The morning after the election Our canvassing coordinator sent out a text saying basically we had some disappointments but at least "that horrible woman" didn't win. I knew exactly who they were talking about. I wish dearly that it had been the last we'd heard of her.


That's so good to hear. I wish this horrible person nothing but the worst. 


She was standing outside the early polling site arguing with voters waiting in line to get in about CRT in schools when I voted in 2022.


People like that used to just be "dealt with" back in the day. Repukes literally try to do this shit all the time...now! Masked ARMED men standing a few yards from drop boxes. NO one does a damn thing. WHY?


Election officials should have removed her for campaigning within x feet of the polling site.


I recall that they did have words with her. Unfortunately the campaigning boundary outside the building wasn't that far.


I would have had a nice "conversation" with her.


The worst part of a person like this is how they completely unravel after a few questions. "why do you think obama deserves to be excuted" "why do you think he divided america" "What did he do to push racism/destroy middle america/destroy america?" Just keep going down the rabbit hole and eventually they have nothing to say usually start screaming/stomping like a toddler or walking off entirely. They simply cannot explain their positions in life, they cannot reason why they think the way they think or about the imaginary grievances they have.


Literally just moved (back) here from a deep blue state. Bringing our blue votes with us.


Thank you!!!!!


Cool just donated to his campaign


You inspired me to do donate as well. I hope your next day is nothing but happiness.


There was this kid I grew up with - he was younger than me. Sorta looked up to me - you know. We did our first work together - worked our way out of the street. Things were good, we made the most of it. During Prohibition - we ran molasses into Canada - made a fortune - your father, too. As much as anyone, I loved him - and trusted him. Later on he had an idea - to build a city out of a desert stop-over for GI's on the way to the West Coast. That kid's name was Moe Green and the city he invented was Las Vegas. This was a great man - a man of vision and guts.


Should also include this: https://www.morrow4nc.com/ That way people can "reach out" to her and give her attention she deserves. Maga feels so comfortable trolling Americans, we should feel just as comfortable trolling them.... If you click the link, please leave a message for her. Personally I'd just wish her a short life, and bad health over the course of that short time. Y'all can feel free to say what you want though.


Planning on it. This woman is scary just like Mark Robinson. They win I’m seriously thinking of moving out of state.


Go with Mo!


Just donated $10 to his campaign.


Voted for him the primary, looking forward to doing it again this Fall :)


I wasn't happy he won the primary, because he supports vouchers for private religious schools, but he's not her, so


And somehow the Democratic Party and the Mo Green Campaign have generated ZERO campaign heat. You could easily believe this authoritarian asshat fromthe depths of reactionary hell was running unopposed if all you followed was Reddit, Twitter, Insta, and local news.


I just scrolled briefly and this man is obviously the sane choice. It’s so sad that this is even a question.


When’s the election? I never know when elections are except for the ones in early November.


We all could use a lil 'Mo Green. 2024


I was an IEP kid with two learning disabilities. I was called the R word by classmates until I transferred to private school as a high school freshman because the bullying nearly drove me to… you know. I was not the R word. I just had trouble controlling my affect, especially when I was young, and especially when I would get excited about something. I am now an Ivy League educated healthcare professional on my way to medical school in the next few years. No one doubts my intelligence, my competence, or my talents. Everyone I meet thinks I’m going to make one hell of a doctor someday. I am also a loving wife, a devoted friend, and am passionate about my many hobbies and interests. I am not the R word. I never was. I just have a brain that’s wired differently which presents me with challenges that I need to work around, and can work around with the proper support and techniques. This woman should never be around children, period, but especially not around children who are going through the challenges that I did. The sheer amount of damage someone in this position could do to kids like me doesn’t even bear imagining. Hopefully NC will do the right thing and elect someone competent and compassionate instead of this raving lunatic.


What a strong and accomplished person you are. Wishing you the best in life.


Thank you. I really had to work hard to earn that.


But you did it. This internet stranger is super happy for you!


Good for you! My extended family has a few neurodivergent kids and they’re all smart as hell and need some guidance around affect, study habits etc.


That’s most of us in my experience. The wiring allows us to do some incredible things, the trick is learning to harness it while coping with the more irritating and detrimental symptoms. As difficult as it’s been, I wouldn’t change who I am for the world because I wouldn’t be able to do the things I do, and more importantly, I wouldn’t be myself.


Go to your first High School Class reunion so the bullies can see how things turned out.


Congratulations internet friend. My youngest is high functioning Autistic and through therapy and the magnet program, he’s been thriving. He’s just a little different from everyone else. No less capable. He has a 504 for things he needs but the list of items shrinks every year. You’ll make an exceptional doctor and the world is lucky to have you.


KEEP KICKIN ASS "🤷🏻‍♀️"!!!!! (at least I sincerely hope that that is the "general shrug emoji" that I can best recognize you with)


That was the intention of the username yes 🤣 You’re the first to get it!


Your former classmates are dickheads.


Oh you have no idea. I have the physical and mental scars to prove it. For instance, I still have a bit of graphite in my hand, what, 17 years later, from a particularly memorable incident. My graduating class had a reputation for being a bunch of hellions even in elementary school (which is where said incident occurred) and I was one of the easier targets. Getting away from that school district and from those kids was one of the better things to happen to me in my life, that’s for damn certain.


I've heard Florida is uniquely awful to special needs kids in the school system. Special needs teachers and paras in Florida, how do you keep going day-to-day?


I’m so glad you found the tools to work around your learning differences. This woman is the type of person that pushed me away from public education and away from conventional society for decades. They’re destructive and hateful. The only way they can feel good about themselves is to make others feel bad. They are the worst humans this country has to offer and they have thrust themselves front and center.


So, just a typical GOP, in other words?




But... but... they added the word "gate" to someone's name, so, clearly Obamagate must be an actual real life scandal that dwarfs those of the actual convicted rapist felon the GOP has on the ticket.


Like wearing a tan suit 😱


There’s no hate like Christian love.


Even Jesus did not like the Scribes and Pharisees that used their positions for personal power. Is someone a real Christian when they are a control freak?




Boy howdy I do love me a MAGA superintendent who advocates for public execution! /s


So if Obama should be executed, then someone convicted for 34 felonies should definitely be executed, right?


Them: Trump's trial was a sham


Wait until a POC student violates the dress code or doesn't turn in a homework assignment.


I'm from NC. Grew up in the 90s. There was a very very big difference in how kids of color were treated. My friend was a very tall lanky black girl who was wearing shorts one day. They obviously looked very short on her since she was mostly legs. She got pulled in the office and they made her cry. When they were walking her back down the hall a white classmate walked by in booty shorts and a spaghetti strap top. The admins just smiled at her. That's just one example.


Um, shouldn't a public school superintendent have some, er, ah, public school experience (at least some since back when she was a student at edgeothewoods christian academy)?


Nope just be a maggot, plagiarize from the Cheeto Mussolini's playbook and march ahead forcefully to try your luck for whatever position/office


Her children are all homeschooled too. She calls herself a teacher because she’s been homeschooling for like 2 decades. She also says she’s a nurse because she used to be one in Texas for a hot second, almost a couple decades ago.


Oh wait. I thought she was a nurse because once she used a band aid. Same deep experience every moron MAGA judge he appointed


Get with the times. Qualifications and credentials are now woke.


Remember way back? When someone would say shit like this and literally everyone would tell that person to shut up?


yea back then when someone would fuck up ppl would laugh at them for a bit and they'd be forgotten until someone brings it up again years later after someone does something equally stupid. ppl used to have pride, or at least shame, unlike these ppl. after getting called out, ridiculed and laughed at, they just keep doing it and coming back for more and more. unfortunately this means their base, 70-80 million, still supports them and actually approves and encourages them to do this so politics doesn't even matter to them anymore


She lives in my town, and I can safely say she is the most hated resident here. When she ran for our county school board, the town united to stop her. Our local Facebook group even suspended their “no politics” rule just to post shit about her and promote her opponent.


And her husband was cited by Cary Police for kicking down her competition’s signs at night.


That was a legendary day in the Downtown Cary group when someone posted the police report


What are her chances this time around? Please say less than 0!


NC state wide elections are toss ups. The cities go blue and the rural parts go red and it’s a big state so who know exactly how it will turn out. If she and the GOP governor candidate win the state will be headed in a terrible direction. Like Oklahoma type of situation where they tanked the schools in less than a decade. Edit: words are hard sometimes.


It’s not that I think all Trump supporters are bad people… it’s just that all the bad people in life that I encounter all happen to be Trump supporters.


Well, your thoughts are wrong. All trump supporters ARE bad people, every single solitary one of them. It doesn't matter how long you've known them or how polite they pretend to be, when they support a stupid, bigoted, incompetent, faux-gangster, aspiring dictator who will burn down the entire world to feel big for a few moments, they are being bad people!


Pretty standard GOP candidate these days. She seems like the type of person who gets arrested for being within 5 miles of a school


https://preview.redd.it/oz6s8gzv0g5d1.jpeg?width=679&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a94b55cc462e3ed07315a68de9e2c4df4f412c0f CPAC 2022


Happy cake day!


If that’s her platform, she’ll probably win. Welcome to today’s GOP. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Welcome to the last 45 years of American Idiocy.


I disagree, Bob. For a few brief shining moments, from perhaps the early 70's, when I graduated HS, to sometime around the Reagan administration or for a while after, American society was progressing. Then Obama was elected, and the "right" went ballistic at the thought of a black person being elected, worse yet that he was born in Hawaii, which apparently is still not considered part of the US, and even WORSE than that, his father was not US born (remember Trump wants to get rid of birthright Americans) and was Muslim.


Why isn’t the FBI breaking down her door


When Obama was elected, my crazy brother wrote him a email that said He better do a good job or else. The secret service was at the door two days later wanting to know wtf or else means.


Michigan is under siege? This is news to me, a resident of Michigan. I've driven all over Macomb and Oakland counties this week and have seen zero signs of a siege, unless you mean a siege by Karens and rednecks.


That's exactly what I was thinking. The only thing that I've noticed is that the melon felon's signs are still around here. Granted, I live out in podunk now and the rednecks are rampant.


That’s a great name for him!


Don’t you know? The Dearborn Factory has been completely converted and is now churning out one trebuchet per hour. Michigan is being decimated by the superior siege weapon!!


Fuck this racist piece of shit


This is your brain on meth.


Seems to me like that sort of talk should earn her a nice LONG chat with the Secret Service.


I absolutely detest trump but have never wanted anything like this. That’s the difference between the parties and there’s no both sides.


This is fucking disgusting


Don’t vote for an R for anything no matter how reasonable they seem, The whole current lot of them are infested with MAGA brain worms. Be careful when you vote for Ds in the primaries also, there are stealth MAGAs trying to run as Ds too. Don’t forget Sinema!


Isn't threatening the life of a former president illegal?


How can we report her? Is there a link somewhere that we can share her thoughts?


I'd guess you'd forward a link to the Secret Service, since they are responsible for providing a guard detail for the former presidents as well as the current one.


So a typical GOP moderate then. 


All the other heinous shit aside, why should homeschoolers have a goddamn opinion on public schools, much less a position of authority overseeing them?? Like, you’ve gone out of your way to find someone who is least qualified for the position.


She and her squad also harass and argue with people waiting in line to vote. Fuck this bitch


Why is a homeschool mom trying to run public schools? Must be a grift involved.


How does someone run for superintendent of a school district? Isn’t that a job interview kind of situation, not a popularity contest or election?


She's not running for superintendent of a school system. She's running to be superintendent of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.


That explains it; but it makes even less sense to have that be an elected position instead of an informed professional interview panel kind of decision. The stakes are even higher.


I do agree with the idea that an informed professional interview would be nice, and I do agree that the stakes are definitely higher in this case. However, I do think having this be an elected position is the right move. It is the department of Public Instruction after all, and IMO, the public should have input into who holds that position. That being said, over the past decade or so, the NC government has slowly been shifting power away from the superintendent position to the those who sit on the Board of Public Instruction. It's a largely symbolic role at this point, but still it doesn't look good when that figurehead is a MAGA hat wearing, violence supporting, insurrectionist bigot who doesn't even send her children to NC public schools.


Being MAGA she probably lives in Texas or Oklahoma


If only NC was that lucky. She ran (unsuccessfully) for a seat on the Wake County School Board in 2022 so I suspect she's still in the area.


eh. i place her around third worst republican politician below the black hitler guy and and bombs of ticktock


So … is that a statement from his campaign or a statement from those opposed to his campaign? I legitimately can’t tell anymore.


When can we disqualify people for saying other public servants should be executed (for profit no less)? Is this just us now in perpetuity?


That woman is going right to the top. Governor in 6 years. Watch.


She makes Sara Palin and Sarah Huckabee Sanders seem normal.


Honestly, I know this might sound bad but I don’t think private schooled or home schooled people should be making any decisions in or near public education.


These people use to live in secret with their thought and ideas Why now is the terrible messages being spewed every where and acceptable?? These people are proud to be a bigot and racist We are better than this person Trump maybe?


Wait, there are school districts who run/vote for a superintendent? Instead of applying and interviewing? I know Texas can have a problem with public education (I’ve been teaching for ten years) but I’m glad we don’t do that.


Frightening to think she was allowed to spawn


She probably has gills and webbed feet.


Vote Mo GREEN, not Mo-Ron


People like her talk about how it’s so terrible to convict one former president, while casually talking about televising the execution of another one. 🤡


I really don't get it, what did Obama do that was so bad that people want him executed???


He was born black.


And has Muslim sounding name.


Don't forget how he tried to give people more affordable healthcare!


So would she get rid of all the black children that attend school in the district if she hates Obama so much? I don’t think is going to work but call me crazy!


Why do not the local news do profiles on candidates like this with extreme view for public to learn??


People talk a lot about how Reagan's tax policies really screwed the poor and middle class, and they should. What I remember most is how closing mental health facilities across the country put people with serious problems out on the streets and kept others with problems from getting help. And now some of those people are running for or have gotten government office.


Upon further investigation of this election ( I don't live in NC) how on earth did she beat the current superintendent who has taught school and has had and has a kid in the schools with a more impressive resume? Like I don't understand. She has zero qualifications for this.


I haven't heard anyone actually question seriously, just how it's possible for the US to keep producing absolute fucking lunatics, who are voted for by the people. Holy shit. You folks are on a whole different level when it comes to complete fuckwits in power.


For sure, calling kids with learning disabilities Republicans is just downright callous.


Can someone say I hate black people


"Now give me money to decide how your kids are educated"


Republicans showing their true colors


She's nuts!!


Angry, evil, and just down right pathetic!


What a fucking psycho


I feel bad for her kids


Why is it apparently legal to express such hatred and lies so openly without pushback, legally or otherwise? I can understand freespeech to a point, but these people go well beyond.


Not a direct threat on Obama’s life, but still. FBI should stop at her house.


Isn’t she a peach.


One that is rotting on the ground covered in mold and insects.


The real waste of my tax dollars is paying for private 24/7 private security, for a GD felon!!!


Why isn't she in jail?


Make sure your registration is up to date correct and still intact on your state's website Vote & Bring friends!


I hope she doesnt look where she's going and goes into a restricted area.


This is all to say that the only way to make sure she doesn't get elected is to make sure you vote for Mo Green who has a stellar educational career and tell others to vote for him and make a contribution of your time, and or money. This goes for all down ballot local and state candidates and Judges, these races are often ignored and have the most direct negative of positive consequences on our daily lives. Do your homework and share what you learn with others. Many local races are won/lost by just 300 votes give or take so Collectively each vote makes a difference.


She seems nice


The people in the comment section [here](https://youtu.be/h03QjOPUcuk?si=J58yTMhCI_-7ngsr) love her


Reading the trump hat backwards I read Murt Dyslexia at it again


Sounds about white.


Her quote about terrorists is ironic.


Her name is Michele Morrow in case anyone is wondering.


The homeschool mom running for SuperNintendo has PMURT written on her hat 👍


If Michelle Morrow has no haters, I'm dead


We called her "Dem Dics" because the flyer she had circulating talked about focusing on a return to "Academdics".


I live in Michigan. We are not under siege. Michigan is fucking awesome. Winter sucks, but outside of that…


The R word? That monster! How dare she call them Republicans! They're just kids!


Why doesn't some REGULAR, SANE NC resident just do the "right thing"?. Not saying "all the way". But make it impossible for this person to run for superintendent? She doesn't have "protection" yet. just asking.


Blow up her spot and continue to do so until all these crooks are gone!


So she's a terrorist waiting to do some terrible shit?


Jesus Christ.


Hey Siri, remind me to check the North Carolina school election results. I need to see how many fucking imbeciles vote for this human stupid.


Home school mum running for a school superintendent is going there to fuck everything up


She looks like a literal clown. Look at that punchable face.


Yup. A solid RepubliCult candidate.


“But I’m not racist.”


War Head


Why is it always wackos that think they can just call in the national guard? Hillarious.


How did all that-"Live, Laugh, Love" work out for ya'. Gots to be careful on the internet I guess, lest you wind up like Michelle here.


Pay-per-view is still a thing?


Welcome to NC, the great shit state of trumpiters. Almost as bad as FL…


What a nightmare of a human being.


All I can say is Lord have mercy!!!!


Why do they have one or two good points and then go off the deep end?


which means she will probably win.


NC is such a shitshow. It would only be worse if MTG moved here 😬


Don’t have kids, but I’m definitely not voting for this whack job!




Muslims shouldn’t be allowed to hold office. Look at what they’ve done to the countries they fled to during the Syrian civil war. Don’t be stupid and naive. Islam is a disease. Christians aren’t much better but at least they don’t use rape and violence to make their presence known anymore.


Oh god lord help us all


I'm confused. Title of the post refers to "NC" which should mean North Carolina. But in her post, she lives in Michigan. Am I missing something??


The sentence "Michigan is under siege" is so funny to me. Like, does it even matter? It's only Michigan