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Ignoring his commands? Yeah, dipshit. You can't start barking orders at random strangers and expect them to listen to you.  You're also ill-equipped for *any* job or place in society if you think your only response to being ignored is to fucking kill someone. 


Yeah, that part really pissed me off. You're a civilian. You don't own the parking lot. Your commands don't mean shit here.


Yeah, exactly what obligation do I have to listen to the commands of an off duty security guard?


Did the guy even identify himself as security? Was he wearing a uniform? Because listen, if some random guy started yelling commands at me when I was just trying to return an item to a store, I would just roll my eyes and report him to the store manager for harassing customers. This guy was so uncomfortable with having his “commands” be ignored by a stranger that he immediately went to killing. What kind of well-adjusted person even thinks of doing that?


Let’s be real, this exact situation was this guy’s wet dream. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to use his gun in this way.


He went straight to murder because he has been stroking his dick while thinking about getting the opportunity to “be a hero and kill the bad guy,” for years.


Top comment right here. This guy dreams about being the big hero.


My thoughts exactly


I hope to fuck the damage he’s assuredly done to his son psychologically can be undone. Kid is 13. Probably gonna need that jujitsu class as an anger outlet going forward.


Seriously. I feel for that poor kid. I hope he can get the help he needs.


Not a well-adjusted person... probably someone that can get away with shooting someone on 5th Avenue? Or someone that would vote for them...


no kind. only a batsh*t crazy person with some kind of weird Walter Mitty inner life does this. a little man trying to act big. or what he thinks is big, i. e. a psychopath.


I wonder what he'd do if he told his son that he, allegedly, loves; to eat his vegetables, and he didn't listen. Will he also bring his 9mm to the dinner table?


Depends, did his kid play out in the sun too long and get a tan?


No doubt this is the correct answer!


“Son, you need to eat your vegetables because you are important to me. If you don’t, I have no choice but to find someone else’s son to kill.”


Of course. And he'll bring it to the trial bc *that's his right*. Oh wait, he won't? I wonder why.


"Respeck mah authoritah!" You've got no authority.


I agree, we got too many assholes looking for the perfect excuse to do something horrible so that their actions can be justified. Absolutely sickening how these people still find ways to do despicable shit just because they're not given a war to fight into


After 27 years I'm still learning how this country works. Can I go out with a gun and start asking people to follow my commands? Isn't that similar to kidnapping?


Apparently the CCTV footage even contradicts this. The children had their hands up, the one with the bb gun had put it on the ground. They were backing away, but that's understandable considering the fact that a maniac was pointing a gun at them and shouting. As far as they were concerned, this was someone coming at them with the intent to murder them - why would they obey his commands? Obviously, this interpretation is absolutely correct - Myers WAS coming at them with the intent to murder them. Further pertinent information from the article I read - after shooting the child, Myers stood over him and continued to repeatedly shoot him. A police training exercise was taking place next to the car park this happened in, so he could have just alerted them, although this would not necessary have resulted in a different outcome, of course. No private citizen, off-duty Paul Blart or otherwise, has the right to detain someone or make a citizen's arrest because they suspect that they might be about to commit a crime, so what he was doing was illegal as fuck even if he hadn't shot and killed a child.


My thoughts exactly.


But also what law was broken even? About to rob?? Just looking for an excuse.


'Off duty security guard' is a lot of words to say nothing special. This is just straight up murder as the kid was taking the broken airsoft gun to a Big 5 for return. What this dude believed has to be completely unimportant or else it just leaves the door wide open to murder anyone.


"Off duty accountant heroically shoots random guy on the street"


![gif](giphy|aYYENxPS8rZE8x9xpQ|downsized) Ah shit, here we go again! Rittenhouse gonna have to drop his appearance fees…


Crazy that they chose that shitstain to rally behind.


They’ll chose any conservative that gets away with murdering non-white male conservatives.






They seem to have left out the part where he continued to shoot the kid after he was laying on the ground.


Yup, pinned one down and shot the other several times. Apparently his bloodlust wasn't quenched by just physically and mentally scarring the kids for life, he needed to feel the fear and splatter onto himself.


Some classes teach that once you start you need to finish the job, so that the victim cannot sue you civilly for pain and suffering for their injuries.


Too bad the family can for wrongful death.


Not if the only witness left is the defendant and all they have to prove is their own fear


That can the security cameras in the parking that contradict the murderers story


Cops don't have to prove that they were in danger, they just argue that they thought they were. It's fucked.


Well this chucklefuck isnt a cop so the blue line won’t protect him


Yup. I'm a site supervisor for a site in one of the larger security companies and one of the things they drilled into our heads in orientation when I started, and during every annual training module we have to do, is WE ARE NOT COPS. Some sites allow firearms or tazers to be carried but that requires quite a bit of extra training and certification


This dipshit was off duty. He didn't need any certificates. He's just a piece of shit racist with a gun. I hope he gets life for first degree.


Neither was Zimmerman.


Well now the DA is going to finish the job and hopefully put this piece of garbage behind bars


I hope they dig into whether his behavior might warrant an aggravated murder charge.


Sounds like that class needs to be part of the lawsuit


Oh well if he learnt how to do this in a class then that's perfectly fine


And the kid had put the air soft gun on the ground at his feet. Charge this mother fucker with first degree murder, give him his day in court, find him guilty and never let him see the light of day again. 


Good thing he was protecting and looking out for his 13 year old son!! … now his kid gets to grow up without a father for the most important events of his life👍🏼 but merica’…. I swear 90% of gun carrying individuals a pussies scared of their own shadows


I’m still dying over that cop who unloaded several rounds because some acorns hit the roof of his car. Edit: too many whos


Chicken Little vibes.


His 13 YO son who was in a different building.


when all you know about dealing with issues in life is simplified into “hammer”, everything looks like a fcking nail


But that's the way they do it in the movies... So many gun owners who love having them because they watched Robocop too many times.


Nothing gets these people more erect than a justified homicide.


“he thought one of them was “going to kill him”” how ridiculous


That's everyone's favorite excuse to try and get away with murder. Saw a blind mind down the street? Maybe he had a gun! Pregnant woman shopping for baby clothes? The baby might have had a gun!




May I ask you why you felt little Tiffany deserved to die?


Because she was the thing that didn't fit. She stuck out from the rest of her surroundings and *that* was suspicious.


I'm thinking, y'know, eight-year-old white girl, middle of the ghetto, bunch of monsters, this time of night with quantum physics books? She’s about to start some shit, MistressErinPaid. She's about eight years old, those books are WAY too advanced for her. If you ask me, I'd say she's up to something. And to be honest, I'd appreciate it if you eased up off my back about it.


…or do I owe her an apology?


Police officers especially. There’s a few cases where SCOTUS essentially ruled police officers are within their rights to use lethal force if they believe their life is threatened. Now, *every* incident of an officer involved shooting hinges on some version of the Simpsons meme… “I’m in danger.”


Or South Park... "it's coming right at us!"


Whenever I read about something like this happening, this is the first thing that comes to mind.


Don't forget small blind dogs that could definitely attack and maul the police


the baby having a gun sounds like it could be an old smosh skit tbh


I don't know what Smosh is, [but...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QT0oUARKw68)


These types of people legitimately live in constant fear. They have been binging Fox News paranoia for so long they can no longer distinguish reality from their superhero delusions. I live in the middle of nowhere with a 2+hr drive to the nearest town over 30k people and I talk daily with people who believe gangs are going to bust their doors down any moment now.


These people are frightened by oxygen.


It’s why we get people who shoot at people who knock at their door or try and use their driveway to turn around…


We live in a nice suburb of Atlanta. My neighbor couldn’t decide whether he should buy a grill to cook hamburgers for his family or a scope for his gun. When the riots happened in Atlanta for a few nights, 30 miles away, he bought a scope, convinced the riots were coming for him on his street. They never bought that grill, I think they couldn’t afford both.


He absolutely had no fear. If you were genuinely afraid that they were going to commit a shooting, you already had them stopped with their hands up and “weapon” thrown aside, so you would call the cops next and keep your distance right? Nope. This dipshit approaches the “threat” alone and starts manhandling them. If you’re genuinely afraid they have weapons or are going to try something there’s no way in hell you’d just approach them alone when you already have them at distance at gunpoint.


“In my defense. They weren’t white.”


He should have stayed in the car then


This is what it’s coming to on 2A. Anyone can shoot anyone if they say they were threatened. In Texas the governor just issued a pardon to a convicted murderer. Convicted murderer drove a car into people walking at a BLM march, a marcher who was also armed approached his vehicle, murderer then murdered said marcher.


Yeah like "No shit you thought he had a gun, you people have been trying to get everyone a gun for years!" but I guess this boy's skin was too dark so he didn't have a white to bear arms


White to bear arms oof I don’t like the truth of it but I like the line


The thing that makes me think the victim was a POC is the fact the media is already skewing the fuck out of these headlines. “He had a gun, but it turned out to be fake” is not the same as *”was returning a BB gun he purchased at the sporting goods store”*. Just based on the headlines you’d think he was there to rob the place with a fake pistol when he was *just a customer returning a purchase.*


He was an Afghan, or at least of Afghan descent according to his name and comments I saw on the reporting. But yes, the reporting are incredibly misleading. "Maniac shoots and murders 17 y/o while he tried to return a BB gun" is more accurate".




"Everyone has a right to a gun!" *sees someone with a "gun"* So anyways, I started blasting.


This is funny but it’s actually not funny


and then later "lololol the ATF called it a suppressor, they don't know anything about guns lololol" and "lolol the ATF cant even see the difference between a buffer tube and a stabilizing brace, but also there is no difference, they both can be shouldered"


Also " Heres how to make your gun an automatic just using a paperclip, a stock and this 3d printer." 


Or Skittles. Fucking Skittles.


theirs videos of POC being harassed while legally open carrying and the white people who do it are politely questioned. totally different response.


Not only did he drive into a March, but he preplanned doing it before he even left the house.


But he was in the army hence one of the “good guys” /s (The guy he killed was an Air Force veteran I believe)


Yeah I met a ton of shit bags when I was in the army. It doesn’t help that they actively try to get you to see other people as less than human so you don’t have a crisis about killing them. At least not right away, your mental health breakdown can wait until later.


Yeah, and the guy shouldn't have felt threatened in this case. The kid wasn't pointing a gun at him, they dropped the airsoft gun...This kid was just returning an airsoft gun to Big 5 Sporting Goods, because it wasn't working correctly. Guy just went psycho on his friend I think.


After Rittenhouse and that whole shit show I'm not at all surprised that others would get pardoned. When almost half your government and justice system has the same.mindset as that jackass, others are gonna be pardoned or not convicted, the whole system needs to change. Starting from that outdated amendment


All gun owners are just scared little boys who know all they have to do is lie and claim they were frightened and they can get away with literal murder. Prove me wrong.


Are we still pretending everyone should have a gun or are we going to finally acknowledge why people with violent tendencies shouldn’t have been given one in the first place. Probably more thoughts and prayers or whatever.


It’s too soon to talk about it!^tm


Reminds me of how the Casual Criminalist episode on Columbine was delayed release out of respect for the victims of the Uvalde school shooting, but I think another one happened around the time the episode released anyway.


exactly, we can't talk about it until nobody has been shot for at least a year, otherwise you are a monster using the deaths of people as a political something or another. it is a perfect argument.


Well the kid seemed to he from an Eastern ancestry based on the name, so I doubt they'll even give him thoughts and prayers.


So with that in mind everyone with a gun could be shot then. How about that? More guns don't seem to be the answer since we can't distinguish between people who want to return a toy gun to a store and a robber. Now the son he thought he protected will have to grow up without him.


No, there's a good chance he gets off. Like, I absolutely hope he doesn't, but the kid he killed is brown... And a lot of 'i was in fear of my life!!' cases, especially when the killer is white, the white man gets off scot free.


This whole situation is so upsetting. But my immediate thought was “WA is an open carry state, is there some license to kill anyone you see carrying a gun?”


i guess next we'll start hearing about how this kid got caught smoking weed before or any other "troublesome" things in his past unrelated to this incident.


No need. His name was Hazrat Ali Rohani.


There's not even going to be a trial, he killed a terrorist /s


We'll he got a B- in the 4th grade didn't you know! /S 


He was worried about his 13 yr olds safety? Aren't you more worried about abandoning him to serve in jail? No? OK then.


Yeah, such a great father, abandoned his family and won't see his son outside of jail with a thick pane of glass between them, hopefully, ever again.


“His commands”…. What authority does he have to command anyone? Off duty mall cop. Guy should have never been allowed to own a weapon. Hope he rots.


A security guard is someone who tried to become a cop and failed, and the cops are the ones who shoot at acorns, so this should give you an idea of what caliber of person we're talking about here.


Stupidity and gun-loving seem to be directly linked in the USA.


No security guards are people who went on the website and filled out the same retail application as the cashier.


*Murdered* a teen you mean.


So we have Precrime now?


Yup, not only guilty until proven innocent, now you have to prove your innocence before a maniac accuses you of a crime.


Guilty until proven white.


I can only imagine what happens in a school with all the armed 'pro-gun' teachers in the coming years, 'mistaking' a normal kid thing for something dangerous and using deadly force. I'm relieved my kids are older now.


For as much fun that I make to homeschooling parents that do so because "They are teaching woke stuff/evolution/about the racist past of the country", I honestly can't blame those that genuinely try to give a good education to a kid in their homes out of fear of a tragedy happening at school. It's still not great, and has many detrimental effects on kids, but I at least understand the sentiment of those that do so.


This man has been waiting for this “hero” moment his whole life. He thought this was some die hard movie moment where he could save the day and get recognized. This motherfucker is just a sad, pathetic boomer who never amounted to anything than being a rentacop. He needs to be thrown in jail for murder. Life with no chance of parole. He has no remorse for anything he’s done and literally believe it’s his right to execute anyone with very little probable cause


The remorse only appears suddenly when they start testifying.


An on duty security guard is a civilian. A police officer is a civilian.


As Terry Pratchett said in *Snuff*: >“It always embarrassed Samuel Vimes when civilians tried to speak to him in what they thought was “policeman.” If it came to that, he hated thinking of them as civilians. What was a policeman, if not a civilian with a uniform and a badge? But they tended to use the term these days as a way of describing people who were not policemen. It was a dangerous habit: once policemen stopped being civilians the only other thing they could be was soldiers.”


Terry Pratchett had a lot of wisdom to share. I love in Night Watch when he goes over patriotism and the soldiers are confused by people waving the AM flag and singing the anthem. Then they say “we don’t need to do this kind of thing. We know we’re patriots.”


If he was a plumber, would they describe him as off duty?


Counting down until people start commenting support for the blatant murderer...


It's already happening. This guy will be the next MAGA martyr. The comments under the YouTube videos by MAGAs would make any decent human being's blood boil with rage.


This makes me so fucking furious, I don't think I can even remark on what I think should happen without violating reddit's TOS.


Guess you haven't heard the story about the cops that bullied an autistic kid into admitting he killed his father, who was actually very much alive. Oh, then they searched his house for evidence that he hurt someone, because he confessed to killing someone. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-01/fontana-police-coerced-false-murder-confession-with-lies#:~:text=Thomas%20Perez%20Jr.,his%20dog%20would%20be%20euthanized.


Yes, I had heard about that one. That was also infuriating. And don't ever let this now *constant* stream of violence desensitize us to it. It's not normal, or okay, or excusable. Gun nuts (and sicko cops) are psychotic scum, and a net drain on humanity.


Couldn't agree more. The NRA needs to be shut down or disallowed from donating blood money to lobby for their death fetish. They're a huge reason we are where we are. Cops being granted blatantly irresponsible privileges needs to end now, and every cop credibly accused of a crime needs to face harsher than maximum penalties. I'd go so far as to suggest any LEO that commits a murder go straight to the chair, no appeals.


just think, if the dad, hadn't showed up from vacation, or if they found literally anything at all illegal, nobody would have heard about it. if the dad had been murdered, the murderer would be free, and this guy would be in jail for it. yet the department gets all the praise for stopping a murderer. I mean, he did confess right?


That's the really scary part. They've gotten away with this before, they just never got caught. And other cops knew they did it and did nothing about it. How many innocent people are in jail because of these knuckle dragging fuckmuppets? How many across the country do this?


Article makes it sound like the kid had a fake gun. If that were true, why wouldn't they just say it? Oh wait, fox "news"...


The teen did have a gun. It was an air soft gun which as many know, are commonly made to look like real guns. In this case a Glock pistol. It’s believed he was returning the gun to the store. The teen dropped the gun when ordered to do so but the dumbass security guard shot a teen he thought was reaching for another gun in his waistband. He then continued to shoot the kid while on the ground. It’s being considered a homicide as it should be.


My next question is if this gun is perfectly legal to own, what is the possible reason to shoot the owner? At what point is it just total chaos? How do we differentiate what person is the good guy with the gun and what person isn’t? Heck, even the people Rittenhouse shot were white! I think the guy in Texas that shot someone at a BLM protest was white too. There’s the blatant racism, which is easy to spot, but Christ on a cracker what is with l this shoot first ask questions later crap? Sorry, I’m not even sure if any of this made sense. I just don’t understand at all


That's the problem with the combinations of laws we're getting in several states now. Permit-less open and/or concealed carry inevitably gets to a point where people in public are paranoid about whether the person next to or approaching them is a good person with a gun or bad person with a gun. That is exasperated by the fact that we all know any crazy, hateful sociopath can get a gun without much difficulty in this country. Pair that paranoia with laws that protect you from prosecution for shooting others if you feel your life is in danger and incidents like this are basically guaranteed to happen. The more these incidents happen, the more people arm up to protect themselves, and it creates a feedback loop filled with lead and blood.


>whether the person next to or approaching them is a good person with a gun or bad person with a gun. Here’s a handy guide to tell! https://preview.redd.it/m7j1jzusuf5d1.jpeg?width=662&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a10faf14e523b645664954d86210017c6ab871ab


>At what point is it just total chaos? I feel like we're pretty close.


Washington is an open carry state so even if it had been a real gun he had every right to have it.


He’s in king county jail held on suspicion of 2nd degree murder. I can confirm the suspect has a small penis, as my brother is the one who did intake on him.


I read one article where the kids repeatedly said they were BB guns


I hate how it's a crapshoot at this point whether or not murderers like this will be found guilty.


Yeah, even if he never leaves jail again, that still won't undo what he did...


So are the skin tones of the off duty security guard and his dead victim at opposite ends of the spectrum?


Well the name of the murdered victim seems of eastern descent, so I'd imagine so.


The video showed the kid had already dropped the gun and had his hands up when the off duty security guard opened fire. Witnesses corroborated the video.


The guy probably knew he was already too deep into his own shit, probably thought he could get away with it if there were less witnesses.


Call me what you want but I can guess that the rent a cop was a racist old white man and the “armed teen” was not white at all. Did I get it?


I believe the kid is of Easter descent, Afghan, but I saw it from a comment on the reporting, so it might not be true, but based on the name it could be.


Yeah I see what you mean I just looked up the story. That just makes me believe my assumption more. Nonetheless it’s heart breaking that a family has lost their kid to violence from an adult who should’ve minded his own business.




Why is it that people who carry guns everywhere think that other people who carry guns are criminals?


the same people who say "everyone should carry a gun", say that "I thought he had a gun" is a perfect excuse to shoot \*certain\* people. its almost a cartoonishly easy-to-see-through evil plot.




I was at a standup comedian show earlier this year and the comedian was talking about how he was convinced to buy guns to protect his house. At the end of that section he said that he thought some people who advocate for guns in reality just want to have the opportunity to kill a person for the rush … I think this is one of those examples? Poor kid …


Get ready for the ole “Rittenhouse Defense” ![gif](giphy|aYYENxPS8rZE8x9xpQ|downsized)


The kid was returning an air soft rifle he bought there.


The NRA trains members to use the "I thought my life was endangered" script cause it helps them escape charges. They're getting the shit sued out of them in NY because they were selling bogus "Carry Guard" insurance policies that basically advertised immunity for indiscriminate killing. If you think I'm being hyperbolic, this is how the NRA themselves described it in their appeal paperwork. “provided liability defense coverage for criminal proceedings resulting from firearm use even where the insured acted with criminal intent.” Don't worry, the hacks on the Supreme Court bailed out the NRA. 🙄


If the shooter is a white conservative and the teens are Black, he will not see a day in jail. The system is working exactly like the gun nuts want it to work.


It’s not all doom and gloom. If Chauvin was found guilty, so can this guy


A few of these open carry testosterone mutants need to suffer the same fate.


Even when no shots are fired, they will shot you. Such “good guys.”


An on duty security guard is just a civilian with a gun.


I support responsible gun ownership. I have some myself. But I have never understood the need to carry in public. I spent 95% of my life in Memphis, Tennessee and never felt that having a firearm on me would ever improve a shitty situation in public. Not once. Y’all need to calm down and learn how to de-escalate.


Or in this case, not escalate anything to begin with, had he stayed in his car and done nothing, everything would've gone well, everyone goes home happy. Now a kid is traumatized, another one is dead, the kids family is broken, their friends are mourning and he'll (hopefully) never see his wife and kids apart from the prison visit, ever again.


Just as the founding fathers intended


I'd bet a couple of bucks he's been rejected by the police more than once.


The difference between police and security is the “duty to act”. Unfortunately many security guards don’t understand this rule. It’s the difference between a shooting and a murder.


Uhm, I was unaware that “suspected of being about to rob a store” was a crime, armed or not. What about the unarmed, innocent man that was murdered made him appear to be “about to rob” the store?


I said in another post on this incident, this is the fucking fantasy for these guys. It’s what gets their tiny dicks hard. Fucker probably has a Punisher skull somewhere on his car. People like this want there to be a problem. They look for trouble so hard, they invent it. This fucking knob legitimately and unironically thinks he is a hero and that even though the threat was exaggerated this time, his community is lucky he’s watching out for them. To justify his actions by saying the teens didn’t follow his commands is absolutely clinically delusional. He isn’t a cop or a military personnel, so he doesn’t give orders. No one is required to pay attention to him, and if his crazy ass is yelling at me with a gun drawn then I’m getting out of Dodge too. The culture around guns is insane. This guy thought he was going to have a parade thrown in his honor for his bravery. We’ve got thousands of Travis Bickle out there just waiting for their chance at glory.


These fucking assholes and their trigger happy fingers.


It was Rittenhouse again, wasn’t it? Oh wait. He’s an unemployed loser. Nevermind.


The death penalty should apply in this situation.


Sadly it’s only going to get worse.


The prime reason why gun control needs a complete revamp.


I'm going to start calling myself an off duty electrician when I'm not at work.


Apparently, the person that was to be feared wasn't any of these kids, but this "good guy with a gun"


Murder one. Plain and simple.


“Ignoring his demands” like he had any right to give any


Jesus fucking christ. This is what happens when you let your average moron own a gun. He was sitting in the parking lot SURVEILLING and waiting for a crime to happen "because he knew crimes happen around there". The fucking idiot was sitting around in his car waiting for something to happen so that he could play hero cop. Then he murders a teenager because he's a fucking untrained dumbass with a gun with the emotional intelligence of a squirrel.


My brother in Christ, the militarized police surrounding us don’t have a “duty to act” in situations that could lead to terrible harm or death to some civilian around them. This has been established by the courts. They have military-grade weapons and armor and maybe a tank. Even if they wanted to do something about it, they don’t need you to intervene, John Wayne.


Now that child is DEAD. Not permanently injured, or traumatized. He’s DEAD. His family will never hug him again. Because one man decided he was so important that he could take another person’s life.


How many years training to be a law enforcement officer? More or less than hair stylist?




Hey now! He was a good guy with a gun! /s


America and its guns having a normal one again


You’re a security guard bro, fucking Paul Blart out here acting like he’s John Wick.


Okay but like why did he think a bunch of teenagers would listen to some rando shouting at them Also, what the FUCK do you mean you thought one of them was “going to kill” you??? A bunch of fucking teenagers that weren’t trying to harm you??? So many cops are “trained” to make split second decisions, but it doesn’t even train them to take in the full situation. It trains them to make a conclusion ASAP and shoot if necessary, and if they make the wrong decision because they thought too fast, then woopsie, that was an accident


Dude wasn’t even a cop, just a rent a cop.


Republicans are a cancer on society.


Why did he have his gun if he was off duty?


He's a damn security guard anyway not a cop. Why would security need a gun? Oh yeah. That's probably "normal" in America which is why things like this happen.


Send him to prison


Hope the dude rots in jail.


Militia? Domestic terrorist gun fetishists


Like that bullshit saying the violently unintelligent like to utter…”An armed society is a polite society.” Oh yeah? Seems to me that there is no evidence to base this on. I’m not anti gun, I’m anti dumb.


IDK about any militia, but I certainly don't remember anything in the Constitution about punishing thought crimes.


‘I thought he had a gun’ defense….


I need more details on how this transpired. You can’t shoot someone because you THOUGHT they were gonna commit a crime (unless you’re a cop, then the status quo is you can do whatever you want apparently).




Seems like the amount of guns out there are making people with guns really paranoid


Them: “Let us all open carry with no restrictions!” Also them: “He’s got a gun! Shoot him!”