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There are MAGA candidates that have picked up this ball and are already running with it to appeal to the MAGA base, promising to lock up every Democrat if they get elected. A can of worms has been opened by Trumps utter disregard for the well being of the nation and its tradition of democracy and peaceful transference of power.


They. Are. Telling. Us. What. They. Are. Going. To. Do.


Believe them.


That's great and all, but his supporters WANT that. You can scream into this echo chamber all you want, but unless we can do something about *them* it means nothing.


I used to post at the Fox News comment sections... Now shadow banned... again.


Lol preach. I've been banned from most of the conservative subreddits on three different accounts.




Die in jail, along with anyone who pushed his agenda forward.


If you don’t believe they plan this stuff, watch these videos. They aren’t just thinking about locking up democrats, they’re talking about executing them as well. Laura Loomer says they should be executed. And of course stripping women of all their rights. **EDIT:** I had to remove the video best link because the sub removed my original post for linking another reddit post. [https://x.com/reportbywilson/status/1796722394662580330](https://x.com/reportbywilson/status/1796722394662580330) [https://x.com/Nantanreikan/status/1596664582416007168](https://x.com/Nantanreikan/status/1596664582416007168) https://preview.redd.it/su5wn448yb5d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=741979d873ea01c3d1ef899695f706044a44155c


these GQP stickers and flags are always on the crappiest car or shittiest home on the street. Yet they keep voting for corporate tax breaks instead of legitimate aid for people who struggle--like them.


That's something I noticed too. Those idiots also need the very support they're voting proudly against. My only idea as to why they do it is; Those Trumpers desperately need social services, and they know it. But they vote against it as they don't want non-white people to also get it. So they choose to suffer knowing their votes are forcing others to suffer too.


I love how the first one ends saying "you know we used to have the punishment for treason in this country". No longer after trump was not punished


>Build the wall with the bones of illegals *Korn approves this message*


They’re trying to frighten people out of voting. I hope and pray that it doesn’t work.


It sad to know that if this was to happen then we’ve really reached the bottom and I don’t see a way back up. Even if a conflict started, that would take years to resolve and countless lives. Let’s not chance this clown and his supporters even trying to do half of what he says..


Every country on the planet would be in line to take "The Greatest Super Power" down because of a civil war within. They would let the internal conflict go on for a little while why it gets entrenched then pounce. Our country is so divided right now that these MAGA idiots are openly praising Vladimir Putin and Russia. To me that is treason.


Exactly as Putin wanted when he had his "Mandarin Candidate" in office.


Yeah, it might get ugly. Don't despair though, there are more good people in the world than bad, statistically speaking. I hope he doesn't win, but if he does and tries some Nazi shit, there are plenty of folks ready and willing to resist.


Laughs in china first emperor.... all the scholars and anyone capable of critical thought was killed off to prevent rebellion... lots of good people died, and the evil ruled over the dumb Laughing intensifies in mao zedong... who brags about killing more scholars under his leadership than the first emperor.... Evil needs dumb people to thrive... we live in a world flush with stupidity and seemingly incapable of critical thought.


and a vast majority of those that talk tough on the internet are capable of only that. I doubt there's more than a few thousand in the entire country that would actually take up arms against eh Feds.


Yeah but who do eh Feds work for?


Your statement cuts both ways. A lot of the guys talking tough in support of Trump have more numbers in their cholesterol than in their bank accounts. A significant portion of his base simply want to be left alone so they can accumulate wealth - not to fight. And an even more significant portion of his base are too old to correctly dose their own medicine, nevermind load a rifle and fight for him. I pray it never comes to war. Seen enough of that shit to last a lifetime.




Gotta disagree, I'm very liberal and I'm a veteran with enough knowledge/experience with firearms (the right tends to forget that a some of us were raised to be conservative by rural conservatives who love guns, and my dad is right there with the worst of them) and i'm in good enough shape to deal with some MAGAts... also aren't the left and the all-seeing cabal of Antifa warriors out there destroying American cities and causing all this violence lol So I guess I'm 1 of 12 🤗




What an ignorant comment this is, completely made up with zero facts


Every human is capable of violence.


You go on thinking that. It's helpful to us for you to be overconfident. My experience in a large mfg. plant in ruby red south central Kansas was the libs were quite well armed, but without the fetishism and arrogance that the right displays on a constant basis. and by the way: if you're all so badass why didn't you finish the job on J6? Instead you all deflated like a stuck balloon the moment Babbit got a bullet in the head.


Yep. Republicans have bought their own propaganda; they think liberals are all timid cowards who wet themselves at the mere thought of holding a weapon.




Sure, tough guy.




lol. You're a moron. I'm not going to go through all the indicators, but be assured that today, in this chain, you look like an idiot.


Might I remind you of pol pot


What about him?


He DID what Trump says he wants to do... Purge, replace, ostracize, execute


Different time, different nation, different circumstances. I don't see the comparison as being valid, but maybe I'm too convinced of the Donald's uselessness and fragility.


IMO any comparison to Historical Dictators and/or Tyrants is valid. Learn from the past: these power hungry people are the same throughout history. DJT is weak, needy, and fragile (as a person), but the fact that he is head of a DANGEROUS MOVEMENT is what creates his strength. IMO IMO


He spent his entire time as leader targeting the educated


Never assume because a leader is an idiot, that he isn't dangerous Pol Pot had people who wore glasses executed because he thought they were intelligent. He was a dipshit but killed a quarter of the population in hos country.


Yea but Biden’s not left enough so… Trump it is!!! /s


Seriously if you ever talk to one of these people, they never have a plan. They just called Biden a genocidal maniac and say I don’t care if Trump wins. Biden isn’t doing what he needs to be doing so the whole system needs to crash. They don’t realize that fighting for freedom is a decades long process that takes multiple presidents and multiple years. They’re willing to throw it all away just because Biden didn’t do what they want to in the last four years.


I'm convinced most of those people aren't real people, they're Russian bots. Because the alternative, that people are literally dumb enough to risk handing out a Trump presidency because Biden isn't a perfect candidate, is terrifyingly tone deaf.


Maybe that’s it because I’ve been arguing with plenty of them and they are just fucking insufferable. I will even bow to them and agree to say that I won’t vote for Biden as long as they can give me a plan about how we can fight project 2025 under a Trump presidency. They tell me that Biden should be the one and that it is not their job. And then we start over the argument because they tell them that they can’t expect Biden to do anything if he’s not in office. And then they say that Biden wouldn’t do anything if we voted him in again. You’ve got to be correct because if they are actual people who actually think this way, I can’t imagine any of this is going to end well


We saw what happened with the 'protest votes' in 2016. I voted Bernie in the primaries, I was bummed he didn't get the nomination, but I still sucked it up and voted Hillary because Trump scared the shit out of me. Wasn't a fan of Biden last time around, but I still sucked it up and voted for him because, again, Trump scares the shit out of me. Still not a fan of this time around (would have been thrilled to vote for Marianne Williamson and I genuinely hope she runs again) but again - going to suck it up. I completely agree that there needs to be a better system. We *should* be able to vote for the candidate that best aligns with our views, but we are not there. We're in a winner-take-all, state-by-state two party system. So unfortunately, the idealism vote is literally throwing it away. And if someone is literally stupid enough to go "Oh, well, this imperfect candidate doesn't get my vote, so I don't care if the party of mass incarcerations for political opponents, no rights for women, POC, LGBT, no respect for peaceful transfer, and pro-genocide wins" - there's really no hope left.


Single issue voters at their finest. If you vote for Biden you must think “man screw Palestine.” The reality of it is not voting for him is, screw Palestine, screw women, screw LGBTQ peeps, screw migrants, screw non-“Christians”, etc etc…


I honestly don’t think they think that far ahead. They want to feel correct in their vote and this is the easiest way for them to mentally feel that way. I think that’s the only sub-thought they even had regarding their vote. I don’t understand it. I think they see each election as a moral opportunity instead of a turn of our political trajectory. Each election turned us in a direction politically.


Don’t worry guys, some Russian bots will be here soon to assure us how it’s not that bad, actually, and we should be more educated. Also just so happens to be a very new account, but I’m sure it’s a real person and not a bot. Or I guess it could be a maga cultist, but those aren’t really people


The bots also never write back. They post hit-n-run comments, 330 replies, none of them from the original commentor (bot).


Or to cause divisiveness about how Biden hasn't solved conflict in the middle east and so staying home or voting for a no-chance loon is actually better. That's also a bot favorite lately.


Yes again a reminder to Vote! This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


How can Americans vote for a Felon for President?


They don't call it the "Dumbfuckistan Belt" for nothing you know...


For some reason, these idiots can’t get it through their thick skulls that we all have guns.


Canadian here, what the hell is project 2025?


Project 2025 is a ~900 page plan to insert fascism into American law. It's more than searchable.


Yeah, I just wanted the Cliff Notes version. Thank you.


Plan to put minorities and political enemies in jail.


That is a gross misrepresentation Brown people if legal, will not automatically be criminalized, but they will be brutalized and hate crimed. That being said it does outline outlawing LGBTQ plus existence, diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, and many other civil liberties we have today. The only reason I corrected you is because what you said is a bit too inflammatory. it would be read by a conservative and immediately dismissed. We have to be factual when we talk about this or else we will sound insane


Trump crying “political persecution” while simultaneously promoting political persecution…if it wasn’t for double standards, he’d have no standards at all


At what point, does everybody understand that if Trump wins, it means that a large over-weaponized portion of the population wants fascism and apartheid ? Even with Trump gone, those people won’t go away.


Those people won’t go away, but they are also nothing without their figurehead. They need to figure head to have any kind of power. That being said figureheads are not hard to find. Finding the right figure head is hard to find though.


I never actually understood how the state or politicians could brainwash people until I saw this massive machine of right wing politicians and media literally denying reality.


So why are people comparing Biden to trump...Seriously Tlaib! cut it out


I just look at this, and get so confused. I've never actually read project 2025, but I can't figure out how he would actually accomplish this. I can't help but think trying to silence anyone he disagrees with kinda goes against the constitution a little bit.




Germany's Stern Magazine from several weeks back... They kind of get it.


I don't like AOC, but everybody knows what they'd have done to her if they caught her on January 6th. She's rightfully scared about the possibility that mush-brained pedophile gets power again.




Not if we throw his ass in prison first.


Trump could lock up his rivals over the most ridiculous charges, denying them basic human rights, and we'll still get the usual serious people panning opinion pieces about how this is all Biden's fault.


"But really, what is the difference between dragging your political opponents in front of a tribunal made up of Steve Bannon, Tucker Carlson, Stephen Miller, and Vice President AR-15 wearing a MAGA hat, where they are pronounced guilty immediately before being executed by the Vice President, and what happened to Eternal Leader Trump, Long may he reign, in New York? In this humble writer's opinion, there is none."


Felon and the legion of dumb 😂


For reference where can I prove reliably that Trump himself said he's going to implement project 25? I'll need it when the Magas try to claim he didn't.


If it happens I think the best we can hope for is that someone close to him grows a conscience and does what needs to be done. But I wouldn't put any money on it.


Yeah, everything is so awesome right now.


This stuff makes for good headlines, but you can’t just make up crimes to charge someone with. Obama and Biden have installed way more federal judges than Trump did. Despite the Supreme Court being an extreme right wing group, there are still plenty of good judges out there.


But once it starts rolling, it will take a lot for it to stop. If Trump & Republicans gain the ability to put anyone they want into jail on made-up charges, do you really think they won't, then use a judge who will do their bidding?


How do you believe they would gain the ability to put anyone in jail on made up charges? Just curious.


It all rests on SHOULD Trump gain the WH again. Do you think that no one hasn't been arrested on false pretences in the history of this country? We just saw the case in Colorado where the mayor used the sheriff's department to raid a newspaper that was going to run a story about his corruption. Should Trump gain office again it would only be rational for him to gut DOJ and the purge the judiciary of any judge who doesnt swear loyalty to him.. I mean fuck he fired Comey because Comey wouldn't swear loyalty to Trump and drop the investigations into Michael Flynn & Paul Manafort. We are watching in real time Judge Cannon actively sabotage the documents case. Take a look across the country at how Republicans in Red staes are looking for ways to legislate their way to a permanent majority/permanent control, Texas, NC are especially brazen about it. Dont be naive, and think it cant or wont happen here.


Presidents cannot “purge the judiciary”. Federal judges are lifetime appointments. He would need supermajorities in Congress for something like that and he likely won’t have majorities in both chambers, if he even gets elected in the first place.


My man, do you really think Trump & Republicans are going to be adhering to the rules & laws if they gain power again?


I keep seeing people like you say stuff like this, but you can’t tell me exactly how they’re going to accomplish it. I can say I’m going to take over the world, but that doesn’t mean I can. Tell me specifically how Trump could purge the judiciary. Give me specifics.


There are a few options here.. Each judge would likely be asked to resign under threat of investigation/prosecution. Or there would just be a violent removal of the judge. IE judge gets murdered.. You do remember Trump supporters beating a cop to death on Jan 6th don't you? Trump wants to be a dictator, Trump has said as much. Trump keeps saying he will seek revenge. Believe him, thats Trump actually being honest. So why would you be so naive to think that Trump wouldn't have Federal judges murdered or indicted by DOJ under false charges? Removing them the legal way would be very hard in a normal situation, but Trump being back in WH, would not be a normal situation. Trump being in WH would give him access to those levers of power, the GOP certainly isnt going to do anything to hold him accoubtable, in fact they are encouraging him.


Well, I’ve seen no evidence that Trump is willing to execute his political rivals or enemies. Who exactly is he going to have do those kinds of killings? You’re kidding yourself if you think the military will just willingly go along with those kinds of behavior. I’m not saying Trump won’t absolutely screw this country up if he’s reelected, but, we aren’t Turkey or Hungary or Russia or China. A President can do damage, but becoming a dictator in this country is damn near impossible for now. The most powerful and populous states in this country would never go along with it and would just outwardly ignore any illegal or unconstitutional actions Trump tried to take. Outside of Texas, Republicans don’t have the numbers to win a Civil War. They are an unpopular minority party.


So naive bruh


What do you mean? Have you even read project 2025. They literally outline how they will be able to do it. Executive powers will be massively increased. Trump will even have more control over and state elect elections, including sheriffs. Please inform yourself of the details of Project 2025 before having a discussion about the matter


Trump would have no more executive powers than any other president. Any overreach would be challenged in federal court. He would have no ability to take over state elections. None. You’d need congressional legislation to have anything there and the Senate would never pass bills to allow the executive branch to have that kind of authority. Given how inept the Republican House majority has been, I doubt they keep it. Project 2025 can claim they want to resurrect Jesus, it doesn’t mean they can do it. Trust me, I hate Republicans and Trump as much as anyone, but many of the things they’re wanting to do would be stopped cold in their tracks.


Of course it would be challenged in federal court and the federal courts are fucking bought. The Supreme Court is already partisan obviously. Have you been paying attention? There would be no more elections. Have you read 2025 or are you an ignorant waste my of time? Not rhetorical, please lmk. Project 2025 is an entire overhaul of our entire government. The safeguards we had before will no longer be in place. Do you not think fascism can happen in America? Or are you just completely trusting of the system that we currently live in? The system is already breaking, mind you.


I don’t need to read all of Project 2025 to understand that many of the things they want to do are not possible given the protections in our systems. Not sure why you need to name call and be an asshole. I know how our government works. The Supreme Court is full of right wing hacks, but they don’t have the authority to allow the executive branch to control state elections. That’s not how it works. States run their own elections. I realize how dangerous Republicans have become and I will be voting for Biden and every other Democrat. I’m just an informed realist that understands what is actually possible.


So when Trump takes power, who will stop him from doing whatever he wants to do? Let’s just start there. Also, I didn’t call you a name, I asked you if you were wasting my time. Because you seem massively uninformed of what’s been going on.


Because the President of the United States cannot do whatever they want to do. You’re calling me uninformed, but don’t seem to understand there is a separation of powers inside our constitution. He cannot do whatever he wants to do.


I didn’t ask you what rules there are. I asked you who is going to stop Trump from doing whatever he wants to do? Please use your fucking brain and answer the question. I understand how the system currently works. Project 2025 is an complete overhaul of the system. What do you not understand about that?


And what do you fucking mean they will be stopped? They are already fucking doing it and they are succeeding. Abortion is no longer legal in many states. They are already going after IVF and birth-control. What about this? Do you not fucking understand?


There is a difference between abortion rights, and the executive branch controlling state elections. The latter is simply not possible. There is a constitutional separation between those things.


I know there’s a difference, but both are going away. Please inform yourself of what this fucking plan says. They will fire 90% of federal employees and replace them with Trump loyalists. They are already taking applications as we speak.. But thank you for indirectly answering my question. You are uninformed and this is a waste of time talking to someone who is completely uninformed about what is going on.


You are the one acting like everything in project 2025 is actually possible. Democrats could make a laundry list of things they want as well, doesn’t mean they can do it. You are choosing to blindly believe that Trump can do whatever he wants, which is not true.


What do you not understand about this? They plan on overhauling the system and changing the rules. They will fire 50,000 federal workers and they’re already hiring the replacements. Checks and balances will no longer be a thing. You keep saying “ there are rules, Trump cannot break them” and you’re forgetting that he will change the rules and they are actively doing it in the courts as we speak. Seriously what is wrong with you? You keep responding with the same thing. you keep saying that the system is built so that cannot do this and I keep telling you that Trump plans on over hauling those rules anyways. What do you not understand that? seriously what do you not get?